Pre- and post-infection resistance mechanisms expressed by Vitis rootstocks RS-9 and Teleki 5C against second-stage juveniles (J2) of resistance-breaking populations of Meloidogyne arenaria were observed and correlated with juvenile development and nematode reproduction. Cabernet Sauvignon grape was used as a susceptible control for comparison. Similar numbers of J2 penetrated Teleki 5C and Cabernet Sauvignon roots. Root-tip necrosis, a hypersensitive reaction, occurred in both rootstocks but was effective in reducing J2 penetration only in RS-9 roots. Juvenile development occurred in roots of all three rootstocks by 13 days after inoculation, with the highest number of swollen juveniles present in Cabernet Sauvignon roots. Cortical necroses restricted the ability of J2 to reach vascular bundles, thereby restricting access to successful feeding sites and leading to dead or underdeveloped juveniles in RS-9 roots. At 35 days after inoculation, only 5% and 25% of the initial inoculum in RS-9 and Teleki 5C roots, respectively, reached the adult stage compared to 32% in Cabernet roots. Giant cells were of sufficient size to support nematode development to maturity in Cabernet. Cell necrosis and underdeveloped giant cells were apparent in the resistant rootstocks, which delayed development of adults and limited egg production. Inadequate development of giant cells may provide long-term population reductions in woody-rooted perennial crops.
Keywords: development, grape rootstock, hypersensitive reaction, Meloidogyne arenaria harmony population, nematode, reproduction, resistance
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