Fig. 2.
Pronounced induction of COX-2 by NO-ASA in dying/dead cells. HUVEC (A), HT-29 (B) and BxPC-3 (C) cells were treated with p-NO-ASA as indicated for 24 h. Cells attached to the culture dish were harvested separately from those floating in the medium; the latter were either dead or dying, as determined by trypan blue staining. Total cell protein lysates were prepared from each group of cells and COX-2 expression was determined by immunoblot. (D) ROS levels were determined in attached (At) and floating (Fl) BxPC-3 cells following treatment with 10 or 15 μM NO-ASA for 4 h and staining with 5 μM DCFDA for 30 min. The fluorescent intensity of DCFDA was determined by flow cytometry. Values for fluorescent intensity (geometric mean) were as follows: control (vehicle treated) cells (all attached) = 10.24; NO-ASA 5 μM: all cells attached = 10.28; NO-ASA 10 μM: attached cells = 15.41, floating cells = 61.53; NO-ASA 15 μM: attached cells = 17.21, floating cells = 62.09.