Figure 1.
Reactivity of Ho.A226 to a panel of MBPp85-99 peptide antigens. (A) Reactivity to a series of MBPp85-99 peptides substituted at position 93. (B) Reactivity to a series of MBPp85-99 peptides substituted at position 91. (C) Reactivity to a series of MBPp85-99 peptides with a lysine (K) at position 93 and an amino acid substitution at position 91. (D) Reactivity to a series of MBPp85-99 peptides with a tyrosine (Y) at position 91 and an amino acid substitution at position 93. A representative of three experiments using clone Ho.A226 is shown. SEs were <10%. The background proliferation of 12,177 cpm was subtracted from each value shown. Virtually identical results were obtained with clone Ho.A240, which contained an identical TCR sequence (data not shown). Peptides are identified by the core amino acids at positions 90–93.