Figure 4. Effects of TRH on the viability of hIPCs expressing TRHR.
A) Uninfected hIPCs (Control) or hIPCs infected with 3,000 particles of AdCMVmTRHR or Ad5GFP per cell were incubated in SFM without or with 1 µM TRH for 2 days. Data represent the mean ± SD of triplicate measurements in a representative experiment. B) Time course of the effect of TRH in uninfected hIPCs (Control) and in AdCMVmTRHR-infected hIPCs incubated without or with 1 µM TRH. Data represent the mean ± SD of triplicate measurements in a representative experiment. C) TRH-mediated cell death was dependent on the level of TRHR expression. Data represent the mean±SE of triplicate measurements in 4 experiments.