Concept specific lexicons (e.g. diseases, drugs, anatomy) are a critical source of background knowledge for many medical language-processing systems. However, the rapid pace of biomedical research and the lack of constraints on usage ensure that such dictionaries are incomplete. Focusing on disease terminology, we have developed an automated, unsupervised, iterative pattern learning approach for constructing a comprehensive medical dictionary of disease terms from randomized clinical trial (RCT) abstracts, and we compared different ranking methods for automatically extracting contextual patterns and concept terms. When used to identify disease concepts from 100 randomly chosen, manually annotated clinical abstracts, our disease dictionary shows significant performance improvement (F1 increased by 35–88%) over available, manually created disease terminologies.
1. Introduction
Dictionary based natural language processing systems have been successful in recognizing biomedical concepts from free text. For example, the MetaMap program is used to map biomedical text to concepts from UMLS Metathesaurus2. It identifies various forms of UMLS concepts in text and returns them in a ranked list in a five-step process, identifying simple NPs, generating variants of each phrase, finding matched phrases, assigning scores to matched phrases by comparing them with the input and composing mappings. However, its performance largely depends on the quality of the underlying UMLS Metathesaurus and the associated Specialist Lexicon. A recent study has shown that, of the disease concepts identified by human subjects, more than 40% were not in UMLS8.
Disease concepts are of core importance in medical text processing, but their terminology is highly dynamic. Individual authors may choose to represent the same disease many different ways. New diseases and conditions are also constantly emerging, such as SARS and avian influenza. Even advances in diagnostics and treatments can give rise to new disease modifiers such as those in ‘HER2 overexpressing breast cancer’ or ‘Dexamethasone-responsive hypertension’. Clearly we need to develop techniques to deal with this dynamic terminology landscape.
Large quantities of biological text are available in Medline’s collection of Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) reports; over 500,000 RCT abstracts are available. RCT reports are a critical resource for information about diseases, their treatments, and treatment efficacy. These reports have the advantage of being highly redundant (a disease is often reported in multiple RCT abstracts), medically related, coherent in writing style and implicitly or explicitly structured, precise, trustworthy and freely available.
We have developed and evaluated an automated, unsupervised, iterative pattern learning approach for constructing a comprehensive medical dictionary of diseases from RCT abstracts. The algorithm starts with a seed pattern P0, which represents typical written text about diseases. The program loops over a procedure, which starts by acquiring instances of diseases by matching the seed pattern in the parse tree of the sentences in RCT abstract, and discovers new patterns from the extracted diseases. The process is stopped when it reaches a fixed number of iterations. Diseases and patterns are assigned confidence scores before they are stored in a database. Our approach is inspired by the framework adopted in several bootstrapping systems in learning instances of concepts1,3,4,5. These approaches are based on a set of surface patterns introduced by Hearst6, which are matched to the text collection and used to find instance-concept relations. A similar system is that of Snow and colleagues9, which integrates syntactic dependency structure into pattern representation and has been applied to the task of learning instance-of relations or isa-relations.
All such systems suffer from the inevitable problem of spurious patterns and instances introduced in the iterative process. We have compared three different pattern ranking and three different extracted instance ranking approaches to address this issue.
2. Data and Methods
2.1. Data
421,471 RCT abstracts published in MEDLINE from 1965 to 2007 were parsed into 3,982,236 sentences. Each sentence was lexically parsed to generate a parse tree using the Stanford Parser7. The Stanford Parser is an unlexicalized natural language parser, trained on a non-medical document collection (Wall Street Journal). We used the publicly available information retrieval library, Lucene1, to create an index on sentences and their corresponding parse trees.
2.2. Disease Extraction and Pattern Discovery
The pseudo code below describes the bootstrapping algorithm used in learning instances of disease and their associated text patterns. The algorithm starts with a seed pattern p0, which represents a typical way of writing about diseases. For example, the seed pattern we used was “patients with NP” (NP: noun phrase). The program repeats a match procedure, which starts by acquiring instances of diseases by matching the seed pattern in the parse tree, and discover new pattern from the extracted diseases. In the disease extraction step, patterns are used as search queries to the local search engine. The parse trees with given patterns are retrieved and noun phrases (instances of diseases) following the pattern are matched from the parse trees. In the pattern discovery stage, diseases extracted from the previous iteration are used as search queries to the local search engine. Corresponding sentences with the diseases are retrieved and the bigrams (two words) in front of disease names are extracted as patterns.
initialize pattern_list, name_list
name_list_1 = extract_names(seed_pattern)
using a seed pattern like “patients with”, this selects the noun phrases to the right, returning terms like “active rheumatoid arthritis” and “mild hypertension”
for each name in name_list{
patterns = extract_patterns(name)
returns patterns which are the two left tokens of the matched noun phrase, bigrams like “treatment of”, “diagnosis of”, and “suffering from”
append(pattern_list, patterns)
apply_ranks(pattern_lists, pattern_score_function)
scores and stores the returned patterns
for each pattern in pattern_list {
names = extract_names(pattern)
extracts the noun phrases (of any length) which occur to the right of each patterns
append(name_list, names)
apply_ranks(name_list, name_score_function)
scores and stores the final list of names
2.3. Pattern Ranking
Since the initial seed pattern is known to be good, the new pattern was scored on how similar its output (disease associated with the pattern) is to the output of the initial seed pattern. Intuitively, a reliable pattern is one that is both highly precise and general (high recall). Using the output diseases from the seed pattern (p0) as a comparison, we developed specificity biased, sensitivity biased, and balanced algorithms to rank patterns. We define diseases(p) to be the set of diseases matched by pattern p, and the intersection [diseases(p) ∩ diseases(p0)] as the set of diseases matched by both pattern p and p0.
1. Specificity biased rank:
The specificity biased ranking method will favor patterns which hold for a few instances (diseases), but it may be too specific and may not be associated with any other disease. For example, complex patterns such as “aetiologically unclarified” precisely extract only one disease of interest (ARD).
2. Sensitivity biased rank:
The sensitivity biased ranking method will favor a general pattern, but it may be too general, which can introduce too much noise. For example, patterns containing only stop words essentially match every sentence in the data collection and thus will have a very high sensitivity biased rank.
3. Balanced rank:
A combination of the specificity biased and the sensitivity biased evaluation methods is the balanced ranking method, which takes into account not only the pattern specificity, but also the pattern generality (sensitivity). This method will favor general patterns while penalizing patterns which just hold for a few instances.
2.4. Disease Ranking
A reliable disease instance is one that is associated with a reliable pattern many times. We experimented with 3 ranking algorithms:
1. Abundance-based (document frequency) rank:
A disease instance (d) that is obtained from multiple, distinct documents is more likely to be a real disease concept when compared with the one that appeared only once in the corpora. Also, since the documents in which the diseases appear are, in general, independently authored, the confidence of disease extraction increases with the number of supporting documents. We define ScoreA(d) as number of documents where a disease name, (d) appears in the RCT abstracts.
2. Pattern-based rank:
A disease instance obtained from multiple patterns is more likely to be a real disease concept when compared with the one that was obtained by a single pattern. Ranked by the number of patterns that generated the disease (d), score of those patterns, and the number of times that disease is associated with each of those patterns (Count (p,d)).
3. Best-pattern-based rank:
A disease instance obtained from highly ranked pattern is more likely to be a real disease concept when compared with the one that was obtained from a poorly ranked pattern. First the patterns are ranked by the best pattern (pb) that generated the disease (d) and then further ties are broken by the number of times the disease is associated with that pattern (Count(p,d)) to provide ScoreC(d).
2.5. Evaluation
For evaluation and comparison purposes, we extracted the disease names from eight widely used sources: UMLS Metathesaurus, ClinicalTrials.gov2, Cochrane Library3, including Cochrane Review, Cochrane Economic Review and Cochrane Technology Assessment, OMIM4, and PharmGKB5. Table 1 shows the eight data sources and the total number of distinct disease names (case sensitivity ignored) in each data source. We take these lists of disease names then to be manually compiled term lists, as each comes from a manually curated source.
Table 1.
Number of disease terms in eight widely used disease sources
Data Source | Number of Diseases |
UMLS Metathesaurus | 482463 |
ClinicaTrial.gov | 10372 |
Cochrane Review | 5155 |
Cochrane Other Review | 4542 |
Cochrane Economic Review | 4149 |
Cochrane Technology Assessment | 3080 |
OMIM | 4056 |
PharmGKB | 338 |
Combined | 491949 |
Evaluation of Stanford parser in identifying disease noun phrase boundary
Most disease names are noun phrases. We used the disease names from the eight sources as the gold standard to measure the accuracy of Stanford Parser in identifying disease boundary. With NPcount(disease) defined as number of times that Stanford Parser identifying the disease term as a noun phrase and count(disease) as number of times the disease term appears at all in the RCT abstracts.
Evaluation of the extracted disease dictionary
We assessed the quality (precision and recall) of our dictionary by using it to identify disease concepts in 100 randomly selected RCT abstracts where disease names were manually identified by RX (first author). In addition, we also compared the performance of our dictionary with the eight manually curated disease sources.
3. Results
3.1. Evaluation of Stanford parser in identifying disease noun phrase boundary
Table 2 shows the accuracies of Stanford Parser in identifying noun phrase boundary for diseases from the eight data sources. The overall accuracy of Stanford Parser in identifying disease noun phrase boundaries was 0.95. Even though the Stanford Parser is trained on non-medical data, it is highly accurate in identifying disease noun phrase boundaries in the RCT abstracts.
Table 2.
Accuracy of Stanford Parser in identifying disease noun phrase boundary
Data Source | Precision (%) |
UMLS Metathesaurus | 94.7 |
ClinicalTrial.gov | 95.7 |
Cochrane Review | 96.1 |
Cochrane Other Review | 96.3 |
Cochrane Economic Review | 96.1 |
Cochrane Technology Assessment | 96.5 |
OMIM | 94.7 |
PharmGKB | 97.8 |
Combined | 95.5 |
3.2. Evaluation of the extracted disease dictionary
Our derived dictionary consists of 1,922,283 potential disease names, each with an accompanying confidence score. We evaluated the quality of the dictionary by using it to identify disease concepts in 100 randomly selected abstracts where disease names were manually annotated by one of the authors, RX. There was an average of four disease names per test abstract. Table 3 shows the precision, recall and F1 values using the best-pattern-based ranks of diseases (ScoreC) as the cutoff values. The precision, recall and F1 values at each cutoff were averaged across the 100 abstracts.
Table 3.
Precision, recall and F1 at 7 cutoff values when tested on the 100 abstracts
Cutoff value | Precision | Recall | F1 |
48057 (Top 2.5%) | 0.70 | 0.61 | 0.61 |
96114 (Top 5%) | 0.80 | 0.78 | 0.81 |
144,171 (Top 7.5%) | 0.72 | 0.79 | 0.72 |
199,228 (Top 10%) | 0.59 | 0.81 | 0.64 |
240,285 (Top 12.5%) | 0.58 | 0.81 | 0.64 |
293,250 (Top 15%) | 0.58 | 0.82 | 0.64 |
336,399 (Top 17.5%) | 0.58 | 0.82 | 0.63 |
Table 4 shows the precision, recall, and F1 values when disease names from the eight disease sources were used to identify disease names in the test dataset. As expected, for these manually created sources, the precision is high with values ranging from 0.68 to 1.0, while the recall is low with values ranging from 0.0 to 0.56. The recall of 0.0 for OMIM is due to the fact that all the diseases from OMIM are (sometimes very rare) genetic diseases and no disease names mentioned in the 100 test RCT abstracts had overlap with the OMIM vocabulary.
Table 4.
Performance of eight disease sources in identifying disease names in the test abstracts
Data Source | Precision | Recall | F1 |
UMLS Metathesaurus | 0.82 | 0.39 | 0.49 |
ClinicalTrial.gov | 0.71 | 0.35 | 0.43 |
Cochrane Cochrane Review | 0.68 | 0.54 | 0.57 |
Cochrane Other Review | 0.70 | 0.56 | 0.60 |
Cochrane Economic Review | 0.70 | 0.53 | 0.58 |
Cochrane Technology Assessment | 0.67 | 0.51 | 0.55 |
OMIM | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
PharmGKB | 1.0 | 0.32 | 0.48 |
Combined | 0.44 | 0.68 | 0.50 |
The performance of our dictionary (F1 = 0.81, cutoff = top 5%) is a significant improvement over the eight widely used disease dictionaries (F1=0.0 to 0.6) and their combination (F1 = 0.5).
3.3. Disease Ranking
Table 5 shows the top 10 suggested disease names using “patients with” as the initial seed pattern. The rank of a disease instance is determined by the different (section 2.5) ranking methods: abundance, pattern, or best-pattern based ranking.
Table 5.
Top 10 diseases with “patients with” as the seed pattern
Rank | Abundance based ranking | Pattern based ranking | Best pattern based ranking |
1 | patients | treatment | hypertension |
2 | treatment | patients | rheumatoid arthritis |
3 | the study | placebo | depression |
4 | this study | surgery | migraine |
5 | surgery | therapy | asthma |
6 | placebo | eat | duodenal ulcer |
7 | both groups | children | psoriasis |
8 | therapy | one | schizophrenia |
9 | baseline | time | breast cancer |
10 | children | baseline | obesity |
None of the top 10 extracted phrases on the basis of abundance (ScoreA) or pattern (ScoreB) are actual disease names. These commonly used ranking methods will assign a high rank to common non-medical words. The best-pattern (ScoreC) based ranking method, as is evident from the table, correctly identifies diseases, mainly because it reduces the likelihood of selecting irrelevant patterns.
3.4. Pattern Ranking
Table 6 shows the top 10 patterns with “patients with” as the initial seed pattern.
Table 6.
Top 10 patterns with “patients with” as seed pattern
Rank | Specificity Biased Rank | Sensitivity Biased Rank | Balanced Rank |
1 | patients with | patients with | patients with |
2 | cancer reduces | treatment of | treatment of |
3 | encoding under | treatment for | diagnosis of |
4 | carob as | diagnosis of | treatment for |
5 | optimally regulating | management of | management of |
6 | advancement throughout | incidence of | suffering from |
7 | with rehabilitation | women with | adults with |
8 | pulsatile blood | presence of | women with |
9 | neurons retain | patients had | incidence of |
10 | unoprostone or | rate of | patients without |
The specificity-biased metric assigns high rank scores to very specific patterns such as “encoding under”. The top 10 patterns based on the sensitivity-biased (Score2) ranking and balanced (Score3) ranking are more disease specific.
When different seed patterns were used, most of the top 10 patterns were the same. For example, for the seed pattern “treatment of”, 5 out of top 10 balanced-based ranked patterns were the same as those from seed pattern “patients with”.
4. Discussion
We have demonstrated an automated, unsupervised, iterative pattern learning approach for bootstrapping construction of a disease lexicon with comprehensive coverage for text related to clinical trials. We also compared different pattern and extracted term ranking methods. We have shown that our automatically generated lexicon performs much better than lexicons constructed from manually compiled sources. Our approach is also potentially applicable to other concept categories such as drugs, treatments and gene terminologies which could then be combined to extract relationships between concepts. However, there is still significant space in which to seek improvement in increasing the coverage of our lexicon and the quality of our patterns.
Although useful in demonstrating the proof of concept and allowing us to examine different ranking methods, focusing on bigrams that preface noun-phrases limited the space of patterns that we could potentially examine. More complex patterns might involve longer n-grams, alternate word orderings (e.g. postfix patterns), using contrasting terminologies as filters, dependencies in the parse tree, or morphological features of the terms themselves.
For example, “Necrotising sarcoid granulomatosis (NSG) is a rare disease diagnosed on the basis of pathological features” (PMID: 16264037). There is indeed a distinctive pattern following the disease name: “is a rare disease”. Such patterns like “NP is a disease” or “NP is a rare disease” are valid patterns to identify diseases.
Another example is “Treatment of the subjects with atorvastatin decreased the abundance of IL-12p35 mRNA in mononuclear cells (PMID 12492458)”. Simultaneously co-training multiple concept terminologies such as one of drugs, using existing terminologies, adding morphological features (e.g. “-oma” suffix of diseases) to filter key terms such as “atorvastatin” might all improve pattern quality.
Although our dictionary is not complete, as our corpus of literature increases, redundancy will increase the likelihood of a disease term being matched by a pattern. The rapid growth of biomedical knowledge and literature, which makes our automatically generated disease vocabulary necessary, can also act to increase its coverage over time.
All the data and code is available on request from the author.
RX is supported by training grant 5T15LM007033-22 from the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
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