The role of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibition in modulating human thermoregulatory control of sweating and cutaneous dilation was examined in 10 subjects (5 men and 5 women). Three intradermal microdialysis probes were placed in nonglabrous skin of the dorsum of the forearm. The control site was perfused with 0.9% saline, while the two remaining sites were perfused with a nonselective NOS inhibitor: 10 mM NG-nitro-l-arginine (l-NAME) or 10 mM NG-monomethyl-l-arginine (l-NMMA). Local sweat rate (SR) and skin blood flow (laser-Doppler velocimetry) were monitored directly over the path of the intradermal microdialysis probe while arterial blood pressure was measured in the opposite arm noninvasively. Thermoregulatory responses were induced by cycle ergometer exercise (60% peak oxygen consumption) in a warm environment (30°C). Esophageal temperature increased 1.5 ± 0.2°C during the 30 min of exercise. The cutaneous dilator response between 5 and 30 min of exercise in the heat was attenuated by both 10 mM l-NAME and 10 mM l-NMMA (P < 0.05). However, 10 mM l-NAME was more effective in blunting the rise in cutaneous vascular conductance during exercise than l-NMMA (P < 0.05). NOS inhibition also reduced the rise in local SR between 10 and 30 min of exercise (P < 0.05). In this case, 10 mM l-NMMA was more effective in limiting the increase in local SR than 10 mM l-NAME (P < 0.05). We conclude that local production of nitric oxide in the skin or around the sweat gland augments local SR and cutaneous dilation during exercise in the heat.
Keywords: sudomotor, skin blood flow, temperature regulation, nitric oxide synthase
during an exercise-induced thermoregulatory challenge, the human body faces two problems: the transfer of heat from body core to the periphery (skin) and the subsequent transfer of that heat to the environment. The primary mechanisms for heat transfer from the body core to the skin and then to the environment are increased cutaneous blood flow and sweating, respectively. Whereas the role of nitric oxide (NO) in regulating thermoregulatory blood flow has been well studied in models of local heating (19), whole body warming (17, 21), drug infusion (20, 23), and exercise (7, 12, 16, 30), its role in regulating local sweat rate (SR) has received considerably less attention.
Recent studies have demonstrated attenuated sweating following nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibition (23, 27), indicating that nitric oxide (NO) might augment sweat secretion. At the whole body level, the functional role of NO in thermoregulatory sweating was observed by Mills et al. (27), who measured local SR at the neck and rump of exercising horses with and without intravenous administration of NG-nitro-l-arginine (l-NAME). They found that l-NAME attenuated thermoregulatory sweating in the horse. The attenuated sweating was reversed after infusion with a large dose of l-arginine, verifying that blocking the NO pathway had indeed inhibited thermoregulatory sweating. However, the site of action of the intravenous injection of l-NAME in the horse on NOS is unknown. Equine sweat gland function is mediated primarily by β-adrenergic receptor activation (3). Human sweat glands are primarily regulated by sympathetic cholinergic nerves but can also respond to humoral stimulation via β-adrenergic receptors (32). Several tissues activated by β-adrenergic stimulation demonstrate NO production downstream of its initial adrenoceptor/cAMP pathway (4, 8).
In humans, several studies demonstrated minimal impact of NOS inhibition on the sweat responses during whole body heating in humans (9, 17, 35). However, Lee and Mack (23) showed that NOS inhibition increased the ED50 for methacholine-induced sweating in human skin. At present, the majority of data would not support the hypothesis that NOS inhibition attenuates human thermoregulatory sweating. However, Shimizu et al. (38) identified the presence of endothelial NOS (eNOS) in the clear cells of human eccrine sweat glands. They proposed that the enzyme served some functional role in the activation of the sweat gland. One possibility is that a rise in intracellular calcium during acetylcholine (ACh)-mediated sweating (33) also activates NOS and the production of NO. In addition, Zancanaro et al. (41) have also identified the presence of neuronal NOS (nNOS) in the myoepithelial cells of sweat glands. Despite the presence of NOS isoforms within the human sweat gland (37, 41) and the ability of NOS inhibition to modify pharmacologically mediated sweating (23), the ability of NOS inhibition to attenuate thermoregulatory sweating in humans is unsubstantiated. As such, the purpose of this experiment was to identify the impact of nonselective NOS inhibition on thermoregulatory sweating in humans. Earlier studies using whole body heating produced relatively small increases (0.5 to 1°C) in body core temperature (9, 17, 35). As such, we used exercise in a warm environment to provide a strong thermoregulatory drive (rise in body core temperature >1.0°C). We tested the hypothesis that intradermal delivery of NOS inhibitors l-NAME and NG-monomethyl-l-arginine (l-NMMA) would attenuate thermoregulatory sweating during exercise.
We conducted three series of experiments. The Institutional Review Board at Brigham Young University approved these experiments, and each subject gave written informed consent before participation. The first series of experiments evaluated the ability of the nonselective NOS inhibitors, 10 mM l-NAME and 10 mM l-NMMA, to attenuate NO mediated cutaneous dilation during local heating. The second series of experiments examined the ability of these NOS inhibitors to attenuate thermoregulatory sweating during exercise in a warm environment. The third series of experiments examined the impact of NOS inhibition on sweat gland recruitment during exercise in a warm environment.
Thirty individuals volunteered for the experiments designed to verify that 10 mM l-NAME and 10 mM l-NMMA produce a similar inhibition of the NOS system in human skin. The volunteers were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: saline control (n = 10, 5 men, 5 women), l-NAME (n = 10, 5 men, 5 women), and l-NMMA (n = 10, 5 men, 5 women). All subjects were tested between 1300 and 1800 at a room temperature of 21 ± 1°C. On arrival at the laboratory, the subject was seated in the upright position, and a skin site on the dorsal aspect of the forearm was chosen for placement of a single intradermal microdialysis probe (see below for details of probe placement). Immediately following insertion of the probe, we placed a 2- × 2-cm Peltier-based temperature controller with a central opening for a laser-Doppler flow probe directly over the path of the intradermal microdialysis probe. The Peltier module was set at an initial temperature of 29°C. We began monitoring local skin blood flow within 3–5 min after the initial needle insertion trauma using laser-Doppler flowmetry (FloLAB, Moor Instruments, Devon, UK) with a DP7a laser-Doppler probe consisting of eight collecting fibers on a 2-mm ring with a central delivery fiber. We allowed each subject a 150-min recovery period to allow the local skin blood flow to return to baseline levels. During the initial 30 min of recovery, all probes were perfused with 0.9% saline at a rate of 5 μl/min with a micro-infusion pump (PHD 2000, Harvard Apparatus, Holliston, MA). The skin blood flow response to the initial insertion trauma associated with placement of the intradermal microdialysis probe was monitored for 30 min. After the first 30 min, the perfusate for the microdialysis probe was switched to either 10 mM l-NAME or 10 mM l-NMMA, or it was maintained with 0.9% saline. The probe was perfused with the chosen solution for 120 min before the local heating protocol was performed. Baseline skin blood flow data were collected during the final 10 min of the 150-min recovery period. The Peltier thermal controller was then raised to a temperature of 39.5°C (∼0.1°C/s) and held at this level for 40 min. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured every 5 min during the measurement period using a noninvasive brachial artery automated cuff system (model 310 STBP, Colin). After the local heating period, the microdialysis probe was perfused with 28 mM sodium nitroprusside (SNP) for 30 min to produce maximal skin blood flow.
Exercise-induced thermal stress.
Ten individuals (5 men and 5 women) participated in our exercise studies that examined the impact of NOS inhibition on thermoregulatory control of sweating and skin blood flow during exercise. The participants in this study were on average (means ± SE) 21 ± 1 yr old, were 176.4 ± 2.4 cm tall, and had a body mass of 78.4 ± 6.6 kg.
To establish the required workload for the exercise trial, peak oxygen consumption (V̇o2 peak) was measured with a computer-controlled (Parvo Medics, Sandy, UT) upright cycle ergometer (Excalibur, Lode, The Netherlands). The graded exercise protocol began at a power output of 150 W for male subjects and 100 W for female subjects and increased 20 W every min until the subject was not able to continue despite verbal encouragement. The average V̇o2 peak was 46.9 ± 2.9 ml·min−1·g body mass−1 and peak power output averaged 260 ± 18 W. The power output at 60% of V̇o2 peak averaged 156 ± 11 W.
To ensure proper hydration during the exercise trial each subject ingested a volume of water equivalent to 5 ml/kg body mass during the evening meal the night before testing. On arrival on the morning of the experiment, the subject again hydrated with water (5 ml/kg) and ingested 1,000 mg of aspirin to inhibit prostaglandin (PG) production. Our intent with inhibiting PG production was to limit any potentially confounding action of PGs on sweat gland activity and/or cutaneous blood flow. The ability of PGs to modify sweat gland function is poorly studied, but it has been reported that cultured sweat gland cells have the potential to produce PGs (29) and that PGE1 and PGE2 both stimulate sweat secretion in vitro (31). PGs also contribute to changes in skin blood flow during whole body heating in a manner that appears to be additive to the impact of NO but has little impact on the hyperemic response to local heating (25). Each subject wore shorts, athletic shoes, and socks. Male subjects were shirtless, and female subjects wore an athletic bra.
Three intradermal microdialysis probes were inserted into the skin of the dorsal aspect of the forearm. Nonglabrous forearm skin was aseptically prepared for the insertion of three 27 gauge needles. Without anesthesia, the needles were inserted laterally through the dermis at a depth of 1–2 mm and traversing a distance of 2.5 cm. A microdialysis probe was then threaded through the lumen of each needle, and the needle was retracted, leaving the diffusion membrane of the probe beneath the skin. The probes consisted of a luer stub adapter, polyethylene tubing (PE50, PE10), polyimide tubing, and hollow fiber. The hollow fiber had a molecular mass cutoff of 18,000 Da and a length of 2.5 cm. The probe was reinforced with stainless steel wire and gas-sterilized before use. The subjects rested for 2 h to allow the dermis to recover from the insertion trauma. During the first hour, each of the three probes was perfused with sterile saline using a micro-infusion pump (Harvard Apparatus, Boston, MA) at the rate of 5 μl/min. During the second hour, the each probe was perfused with one of the randomly assigned treatments: 0.9% saline, 10 mM l-NMMA, or 10 mM l-NAME. The three sites were spaced ∼4 cm apart in parallel intervals to limit any lateral diffusion of the pharmacological agents from influencing the response at adjacent sites.
After the first hour of recovery from insertion of the microdialysis probes, the subject voided her or his bladder and entered the environmental chamber for equilibration to the environmental conditions of the test chamber (30°C). The subjects acclimatized to the warm ambient temperature for 60 min before the collection of baseline data. Inside the environmental chamber, subjects were seated on a modified Monark cycle ergometer (Monark, Varberg, Sweden) that was retrofitted with a semirecumbent bicycle seat.
During the equilibration period sweat capsules were positioned directly over the microdialysis probes using 3M double-stick circles and thick self-adhesive mole skin. The sweat capsules consisted of a plastic cylinder (enclosing 0.567 cm2 of skin), a relative humidity (RH) sensor (model HIH-4000, Honeywell, Morristown, NJ), a thermocouple (CCT series, Omega, Stamford, CT), and an airflow sensor (FMA series, Omega). Before the beginning of this series of experiments, the RH sensors were calibrated against saturated salt solutions (LiCl 11.3% RH, MgCl 32.8% RH, and NaCl 73.3% RH) and dry gas (0% RH). Before each experiment, the RH sensor zero level was check by passing dry gas through the capsule while mounted on a sheet of impermeable plastic. After the last experimental trial, the RH calibration was confirmed using the same saturated salt solutions. Dry nitrogen gas was blown across the surface of the skin under the capsule and directed, via large-gauge vinyl tubing, from the capsule to the flow sensors. The flow across each capsule was controlled independently at ∼100 ml/min. Flow sensors were calibrated against a ruby ball flowmeter (Cole Palmer, Vernon Hills, IL), and the inlet pressure was regulated to 7 psi. Assuming that the gas entering the capsule is completely dry then the calculation of SR (in mg·min−1 cm−2) was according to the following equation:
![]() |
(1) |
where SR is sweat rate (in mg·min−1·cm−2), P is saturated water vapor tension of gas leaving the capsule (in Torr), AFcap is air flow through the capsule (in ml/min), Rw is gas constant for water vapor (= 3.464 mmHg·l·g−1·°K−1), Acap is area of sweat capsule enclosing skin (0.567 cm2), and Tcap is temperature of gas leaving the capsule (in °K; 273 + °C)
We report SR as the absolute value measured during each trial without subtraction of any baseline (preexercise) sweating.
Laser-Doppler flow probes (FlowLab, Moor Instruments) were positioned proximally to the sweat capsules and directly above the embedded hollow fiber. A thin layer of ultrasound gel was applied to the head of the sensor to provide a constant sensor-skin optical interface. Esophageal temperature (Tes) was measured using a thermistor (Takara Thermistors, Tokyo, Japan) placed inside a polyethylene (PE90) sleeve with a rounded epoxy tip. The probe was advanced through the nose and swallowed a distance equal to one-quarter the subjects standing height. A dental suction device was placed into the oral cavity to remove saliva and minimize artifacts in the Tes measurement attributable to swallowing saliva. The calibration of the esophageal thermistor was verified following each trial using a precision mercury thermometer and a fixed-temperature water bath. All instruments were interfaced with a laptop computer (Powerbook G4, Apple, Cupertino, CA) using a 16 channel analog-to-digital converter and Chart Software (AD Instruments, Colorado Springs, CO) sampling at a rate of 40 samples/s.
Surface thermocouples were affixed to the skin at seven skin sites. The temperature at each site was measured relative to 0°C (ice slurry bath) using a thermocouple bridge and an analog-to-digital converter (model 931, Acro Systems) interfaced with an iMac (Apple, Cupertino, CA) and averaged every 15 s (Labview 7.1, National Instruments, Austin, TX). Mean skin temperature (T̄sk) was calculated from the product of regional area (13) and local relative thermal sensitivity (28) using the weighted average of seven local skin temperatures: forehead (20.5%), chest (11.5%), deltoid (8%), forearm (5.3%), thigh (19%), abdomen (5%), and calf (9.7%), divided by 83%.
While the subject was seated on the recumbent bike, both arms were raised to heart level. The right arm was fitted with an automated brachial sphygmomanometer (model STPD, Colin). The left arm was the location of intradermal microdialysis probes, sweat capsules, and laser-Doppler instrumentation. During the exercise bout, resistance was applied equal to the 60% of the workload measured at V̇o2 peakfor 30 min. During baseline and exercise, blood pressure and heart rate (HR) were measured once per minute.
Following the exercise, 28 mM SNP was perfused at 10 μl/min for 30 min through each microdialysis probe to elicit maximal skin blood flow. Blood pressure was also measured to allow calculation of maximum cutaneous vascular conductance (CVCmax).
Sweat gland recruitment experiments.
In the preceding series of experiments we noted a reduction thermoregulatory sweating induced by exercise in a warm environment during NOS inhibition. Local sweat rate is determined by the product of the number of active sweat glands under the sweat capsule and the sweat output per gland. The number of sweat glands activated (per square cm) during exercise in a warm environment was evaluated in this series of experiments (n = 6). Under identical conditions described for the direct measurement of local SR during exercise in a warm environment, the number of active sweat glands was monitored using an iodine-starch technique at two skin sites: saline control and 10 mM l-NMMA-treated site. The skin over the intradermal microdialysis probe was first painted with a 2% iodine (in ethyl alcohol) solution and allowed to dry. A double-stick circle (identical to that used to hold the sweat capsule in place on the skin in the earlier experiments) was located directly over the path of the microdialysis probe. The skin within the circle was then covered with a 65% starch solution in caster oil. Sweat gland activation was detected when a droplet of sweat reached the skin surface, and the reaction of the water with the starch and iodine produced a black “dot” on the skin. The oil-based starch solution delayed dispersion of the sweat droplet and allowed detection of the onset of sweat gland activation and the number of active sweat glands during the first 10–15 min of exercise. Digital color images (1,240 × 1,240-pixel resolution) were collected at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, and 20 min of exercise. The number of active sweat glands was determined by counting the number of black spots within the 0.567 cm2 area of treated skin.
All data were averaged every 15 s. During the local heating experiments blood pressure was stable throughout the measurement period, so we present the skin blood flow data as a percent of maximal skin blood flow achieved during 28 mM SNP perfusion. During the exercise experiments, changes in skin blood flow were evaluated from changes in cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC), calculated by dividing laser Doppler flux (V) by mean arterial blood pressure (MAP; in mmHg) and normalized to the CVCmax achieved during SNP perfusion. MAP was calculated as the sum of one-third systolic blood pressure (SBP) plus two-thirds diastolic blood pressure (DBP). SR was expressed in absolute terms (mg·min-1·cm−2).
The effect of exercise on body temperature was determined by one-way ANOVA for repeated measures looking at the following time points: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 min. The effect of NOS inhibition on local SR and CVC as a function of time were evaluated using a two-way (treatment and time) repeated-measures ANOVA. In this analysis, we used data from the following time points: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 min of exercise. Post hoc comparisons between treatment groups at any given time period were made using the Tukey's minimum significant difference test. Significance was denoted by a values of P ≤ 0.05.
Local heating.
The skin blood flow response to local skin heating is shown in Fig. 1. Resting skin blood flow at a local skin temperature of 29.5°C was similar at all skin sites and averaged 9 ± 1, 6 ± 1, and 6 ± 1% maximum for saline, l-NAME, and l-NMMA, respectively. The plateau in skin blood flow during the final 2 min of the local skin-heating (39.5°C) period averaged 59 ± 6% maximum in the saline group. The plateau skin blood flow was markedly reduced following NOS inhibition and averaged 16 ± 3 (P < 0.05) and 19 ± 2% maximum (P < 0.05) for l-NAME and l-NMMA, respectively. The reduction in skin blood flow during the plateau phase was similar for 10 mM l-NAME and 10 mM l-NMMA. These data provided evidence that these doses of l-NAME and l-NMMA delivered via intradermal microdialysis produced similar and effective blockade of the NOS system in human skin.
Fig. 1.
Influence of 10 mM NG-nitro-l-arginine (l-NAME) and 10 mM NG-monomethyl-l-arginine (l-NMMA) on the skin blood flow (expressed as a % of maximum) response to 40 min of local heating. Values are means ± SE for 10 subjects in each group. Trauma represents the skin blood flow response within the first 3–5 min following guide needle insertion and placement of the intradermal microdialysis probe. NOS, nitric oxide synthase. Skin blood flow for the saline control group was significantly higher than l-NAME or l-NMMA from 4 min through 40 min, P < 0.05.
Exercise data.
Table 1 lists the average cardiovascular parameters HR, SBP, DBP, and MAP) associated with rest and exercise. During exercise HR, SBP, and MAP were elevated above resting baseline (P < 0.05). DBP did not differ significantly during exercise compared with rest. From 5 through 30 min of exercise HR or MAP were unchanged, indicating a steady-state condition.
Table 1.
Cardiovascular responses to exercise in the heat
Exercise Time |
Rest | 5 min | 10 min | 15 min | 20 min | 25 min* | 30 min† | |
HR, beats/min | 70±3 | 155±6 | 164±6 | 167±6 | 169±6 | 171±6 | 165±6 |
SBP, mmHg | 112±3 | 163±9 | 167±10 | 168±9 | 162±10 | 167±7 | 167±6 |
DBP, mmHg | 61±4 | 67±6 | 64±3 | 61±3 | 62±2 | 61±2 | 55±1 |
MAP, mmHg | 78±3 | 99±6 | 98±5 | 97±4 | 95±4 | 96±2 | 92±3 |
Values are means ± SE of 10 subjects except
n = 9,
n = 8. Missing data are attributed to two subjects unable to complete the entire exercise bout. HR, heart rate; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure.
Figure 2 illustrates one min average data for Tes, T̄sk, and local forearm skin temperature (Tforearm). Tes increased during exercise with a significant rise above rest appearing by 4 min of exercise (P < 0.05) and the final increase in Tes averaging 1.5 ± 0.2°C (P < 0.05). T̄sk, showed a small but transient decrease at 5 min of exercise (P < 0.05) but remained close to resting levels throughout the remaining exercise time. T̄sk, averaged 32.2 ± 0.1°C over the entire exercise period. Tforearm was unchanged during exercise, averaging 33.6 ± 0.4°C for the entire exercise bout.
Fig. 2.
Body temperature responses to 30 min of cycle ergometer exercise (60% peak oxygen consumption) at an ambient temperature of 30°C in control (saline) and NOS-inhibited (l-NAME and l-NMMA) skin sites. Values are means ± SE for 10 subjects during 0 to 20 min of exercise, 9 subjects from 21 to 27 min of exercise, and 8 subjects from 28 to 30 min of exercise. Tes, esophageal temperature; Tskin, mean skin temperature; Tforearm, local forearm temperature. †P < 0.05 different from time 0.
The cutaneous dilator response during exercise in a warm environment is depicted Fig. 3. Resting CVC at a Tforearm of 33.0 ± 0.2°C was higher at the saline site ( 28 ± 8% maximum) compared with the l-NAME (13 ± 3% maximum)- or l-NMMA (14 ± 4% maximum)-treated sites (P < 0,05). In addition, CVC at the saline-treated site was always higher than l-NAME or l-NMMA during exercise (P < 0.05). At the end of exercise, CVC averaged 59 ± 4% maximum at the saline site but only 31 ± 3 at the l-NAME site (P < 0.05 different from saline) and 43 ± 4 at the l-NMMA site (P < 0.05 different from saline). In addition, between 10 and 30 min of exercise, CVC at the l-NMMA-treated site was higher than the l-NAME-treated site (P < 0.05; Fig. 3). If we correct for differences in baseline CVC, we note that the increase in CVC during exercise is attenuated with l-NAME (P < 0.05) but not l-NMMA.
Fig. 3.
Cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) response to thirty min of cycle ergometer exercise (60% peak oxygen consumption) at an ambient temperature of 30°C in control (saline) and NOS-inhibited (l-NAME and l-NMMA) skin sites. Values are means ± SE for 10 subjects during 0 to 20 min of exercise, 9 subjects from 21 to 27 min of exercise, and 8 subjects from 28 to 30 min of exercise.
At rest before exercise, local SR was similar at all treatment sites and averaged 0.14 ± 0.5, 0.10 ± 0.4, and 0.11 ± 0.4 mg·min−1· cm−2 at the saline, l-NMMA, and l-NAME sites, respectively (Fig. 4). Between 10 and 30 min of exercise, local SR at the Saline treated site was higher than either the l-NAME- or l-NMMA-treated sites (P < 0.05). Peak local SR averaged 2.4 ± 0.3, 2.0 ± 0.3, and 1.8 ± 0.2 mg·min−1·cm−2 at the saline, l-NAME, and l-NMMA sites, respectively. Between 5 and 30 min of exercise, local SR at the l-NAME treated skin site was always higher than SR at the l-NMMA skin site (P < 0.05).
Fig. 4.
Local sweat rate response to 30 min of cycle ergometer exercise (60% oxygen consumption) at an ambient temperature of 30°C in control (saline) and NOS-inhibited (l-NAME and l-NMMA) skin sites. Values are means ± SE for 10 subjects during 0 to 20 min of exercise, 9 subjects from 21 to 27 min of exercise, and 8 subjects from 28 to 30 min of exercise.
Sweat gland recruitment.
Figure 5 illustrates the time course of sweat gland recruitment during exercise in a warm environment with and without NOS inhibition. The number of active sweat glands per square centimeter increased during the first 10 min of exercise. Images taken beyond 10 min of exercise indicated that sweat droplets began to merge. By 10 min of exercise, the total number of active sweat glands per square centimeter were similar for saline (109 ± 14 sweat glands/cm2) and l-NMMA (111 ± 14 sweat glands/cm2) sites.
Fig. 5.
Pattern of sweat gland recruitment during thermoregulatory sweating induced by exercise in a warm (30°C) environment at saline-treated and l-NMMA-treated skin sites. The image represents a representative pattern of sweat gland activation for a single subject during the first 10 min of exercise.
The novel finding of the present study was the attenuation of thermoregulatory sweating in human skin during administration of nonselective NOS inhibitors to the skin. This attenuation in the sweat response was clearly seen during the last 20 min of exercise. Our skin blood flow data confirmed the ability of NOS inhibition to attenuate cutaneous dilation during thermal stress. Another finding of interest is the differential effect of the NOS inhibitors, l-NAME and l-NMMA, on thermoregulatory responses to exercise in a warm environment. Specifically, l-NAME produced a greater inhibition of thermoregulatory-mediated cutaneous dilation than l-NMMA, while l-NMMA produced a greater inhibition of thermoregulatory-mediated sweating than l-NAME.
The inhibition of sweating by NOS inhibition is consistent with our laboratory's previous observation of the effects of NOS inhibition on cholinergic-mediated sweating (23) as well as in the equine exercise model (27). Kellogg et al. (17) did not observe any effect of NOS inhibition with 10 mM l-NAME on local seat rate. These authors used whole body heating to drive thermoregulatory sweating. Their protocol produced a 0.8°C increase in Tes and a 0.4 mg·min−1·cm−2 increase in local SR. These observations are not in direct conflict with our observations. We found that NOS inhibition had no significant impact on resting SR, nor did we see a significant attenuation of local sweating until local SR exceeded 1.31 ± 0.23 mg·min−1·cm−2 (at 10 min of exercise). Because our exercise protocol produced a 1.5°C increase in Tes and an average increase in local SR of 1.66 ± 0.23 mg·min−1·cm−2, we were able to observe NOS inhibition of local SR. These observations suggest that the impact of NOS inhibition on local sweating may depend on the existence of some adequate level of sudomotor activity, presumably mediated by muscarinic receptors. Overall, our data support the hypothesis that the presence of NO augments cholinergic-induced sweating.
An increase in local SR by NO could occur by either by enhancing sweat gland recruitment or by increasing the output of individual sweat glands. Our follow-up study (Fig. 5) indicated that NOS inhibition did not significantly alter the number of sweat glands activated per square centimeter by 10 min of exercise (Fig. 5), although sweat output was lower in the NOS-inhibited sites. It appears the primary impact of NOS inhibition on local sweat rate at 10 min of exercise is to reduce individual sweat gland output. Because of a lack of data for sweat gland activation between 10 and 30 min of exercise we can only speculate that the reduction in local SR during this time was due to a similar reduction in individual sweat gland output. NO may augment local SR by influencing ACh release from sympathetic sudomotor nerves or the basic transport mechanisms involved in sweat production and thereby augment sweat gland output. Our laboratory's previous work showed a reduction in methacholine mediated sweating following NOS inhibition (23), indicating that the impact of NOS inhibition was clearly downstream of the release of the neurotransmitter. It has been documented that NO augments ACh secretion in response to nerve terminal depolarization of the vagus nerve (14). Thus NOS inhibition may impact sweat gland responses to sudomotor activity by modifying both pre- and postsynaptic events. The proposed ionic mechanism for sweat secretion involves the activation of a Na+-K+-2Cl−-cotransporter, which results in a favorable electrochemical gradient for chloride ions that move into the lumen through opened chloride channels and water follows osmotically. Based on this proposed mechanism of sweat secretion, any factor that influences chloride channel opening or activates chloride currents in the secretory epithelial cells of the eccrine sweat gland should enhance sweat production. At present, there is no direct evidence in human sweat glands that NO influences the development of a favorable electrochemical gradient for sweat production. Although NO can modify chloride transport in other epithelial cell types (1, 2, 15), it remains to be seen whether NO modifies chloride transport/conductance in clear cells from human eccrine sweat glands.
The cutaneous vasodilator response to exercise was attenuated following NOS inhibition. This observation is consistent with well-established findings (17, 18, 21, 40). It is interesting to note, however, that we observed more efficacious inhibition of cutaneous dilation during exercise with l-NAME than l-NMMA. However, the attenuated dilation with l-NMMA is limited to the resting phase as the rise in CVC during exercise is similar for l-NMMA and Saline. These data indicate some differential effect of l-NAME and l-NMMA on cutaneous dilation during exercise. Lee and Mack (23) showed that l-NAME produced a better inhibition of methacholine-mediated dilation than l-NMMA. A similar effect on thermoregulatory-mediated dilation might imply that part of the dilation during exercise is due to local accumulation of ACh (36). l-NAME, with its potential antimuscarinic activity (6), may be capable of blocking both NO-mediated and ACh-mediated dilation in contrast to l-NMMA, which only blocks NO-mediated dilation. However, this conclusion depends entirely on the possibility that l-NAME possessed antimuscarinic activity, a possibility that is controversial at best. In fact, in this study, l-NMMA produced better inhibition of thermoregulatory sweating than l-NAME (Fig. 2). If l-NAME had possessed any real antimuscarinic activity, we should have seen a greater inhibition of ACh-mediated sweating with l-NAME. This observation does not support the hypothesis that l-NAME possesses any significant antimuscarinic activity. Another possible explanation is that the concentration of l-NMMA used in this study was adequate to reduce resting NOS activity but insufficient to blunt NOS activity during exercise. Our local heating protocol (Fig. 1) and exercise bout (Fig. 3) increased skin blood flow to a similar degree (50–60% of maximum) yet via different mechanisms. Under our exercise conditions, most if not all the increase in CVC during exercise was due to active cutaneous vasodilation, while local heating involves the local production of NO. The local heating protocol showed a similar attenuation of skin blood flow by 10 mM l-NAME and 10 mM l-NMMA, while l-NAME was more effective than l-NMMA in blunting the rise in CVC during exercise. Recent work by Kellogg et al. (22) indicated that selective neuronal NOS inhibition with 7-nitroindazole blunted active cutaneous vasodilation. One possible explanation for the differential effects of 10 mM l-NAME and 10 mM l-NMMA on the dilator response to exercise may be their ability to limit nNOS activity.
Data from Boer et al. (5) indicate that the IC50 for l-NAME acting on eNOS is around 2,512 nM and 1,995 nM for nNOS. In contrast, l-NMMA has an IC50 of 316 nM for eNOS and 1,000 nM for nNOS. As cautioned by the authors, these potencies described at the isolated enzyme level do not exactly reflect potency at the cellular, whole organ, or whole animal level. In a recent review Dudzinski et al. (10) stated, “In general, these inhibitors do not exhibit profound selectivity for a specific NOS isozyme, although l-NNA and l-NAME are moderately selective for eNOS and nNOS.” Despite the high dose of l-NAME and l-NMMA, we do not know the concentration at the tissue level and therefore cannot completely rule out difference in potency or selectivity, even at these relatively high doses.
Recent work on the role of nNOS in regulating skin blood flow has provided interesting yet conflicting data. Seddon et al. (34) produced a dose-dependent reduction in forearm blood flow during arterial infusion of the selective nNOS inhibitor S-methyl-l-thiocitrulline. Stewart et al. (39) delivered the selective nNOS inhibitor Nw-nitro-l-arginine-2,4-l-diaminobutyric amide to the skin using intradermal microdialysis but it had no effect on the baseline skin blood flow (ambient temperature ≈ 25°C), yet it did blunt the cutaneous dilator response to local skin heating. Kellogg et al. (22) delivered the selective nNOS inhibitor 7-nitroindazole to the skin using intradermal microdialysis, and it had no effect on the baseline skin blood flow (skin temperature = 34°C). In contrast to Stewart et al. (39), 7-nitroindazole did not affect the cutaneous dilator response to local heating. However, 7-nitroindazole blunted the active cutaneous vasodilator response to an increase in body core temperature. These data provide evidence for the possible role of nNOS in regulating blood flow in muscle and skin. However, these data also point to a noticeable uncertainty in the selective (or nonselective) nature of the nNOS inhibitors, especially with regards to the skin. In the present study, l-NMMA reduced resting skin blood flow but did not blunt the active cutaneous vasodilator response to exercise. In contrast, l-NAME reduced both resting skin blood flow and the dilator response during exercise. As such, the recent work of Kellogg et al. (22) would seem relevant if l-NAME was more effective at blocking nNOS than l-NMMA. Despite these recent observations, we have no adequate explanation for why l-NAME was more effective in limiting cutaneous dilation, while l-NMMA was more effective in blunting local sweating.
The impact of NOS inhibition on cutaneous dilation appears to be related to the degree of thermal stress. In this study, NOS inhibition attenuated peak dilation by over 50%, while Kellogg et al. (17) observed only 15% reduction in CVCpeak during a fairly mild thermal stress. l-NAME demonstrated better blocking of the CVC response than l-NMMA, suggesting that the former may be preferred in studies evaluating the impact of NO on thermoregulatory control of cutaneous dilation. We have demonstrated that 10 mM l-NAME and 10 mM l-NMMA provide equal potency in blocking NO-mediated cutaneous dilation during local heating (Fig. 1). As such, the differential effect of l-NMMA and l-NAME on local skin blood flow remains somewhat puzzling. In terms of the SR response, l-NMMA was more effective in reducing peak SR. It is possible that the impact of NOS inhibition on local SR is due to some flow-mediated mechanism. We know from previous work (23) that during limb occlusion that local sweat rate falls. However, in the present study, we found no association between the reduction in peak CVC and the decrease in local SR. In fact, l-NMMA produced a small reduction in CVC yet produced the greatest reduction in local SR. Based on these observations, we do not suspect that the reduction in local SR is simply a function of reduced skin blood flow. However, we cannot exclude reductions in blood as a contributing factor to the reduction in local SR with NOS inhibition.
The principle aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of NOS inhibition on thermoregulatory sweating during exercise. As such, we began by verifying the efficacy of our NOS inhibitors (10 mM l-NAME and 10 mM l-NMMA). Although we are confident that 10 mM l-NAME and 10 mM l-NMMA are equally effective in blunting NO-mediated dilation during local heat-induced hyperemia (Fig. 2), we cannot be certain that they produce equivalent blocking of NO production during exercise-induced thermoregulatory responses. Furthermore, we cannot be certain that this dose of NOS inhibitor is sufficient to completely block NOS activity in sweat glands. In addition, despite the relatively high doses used in this study for NOS inhibition, we cannot be sure whether there is not a difference in specificity. Although we cannot explain the reason for a difference in the NOS inhibitors, we have clearly shown that 10 mM l-NMMA and 10 mM l-NAME both blunt the local sweat response to exercise in a warm environment. There is a possibility of nonspecific drug interactions in this study. Specifically, Medow et al. (26) have shown an interaction between NOS and cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors, such that COX blockade appears to unmask a NO-dependent dilation during cutaneous reactive hyperemia. It is possible that our COX inhibition with systemic aspirin treatment also unmasked a NO-dependent sweating response. However, the interaction between NOS and COX inhibitors is not uniformly seen (24), although it is clearly seen during reactive hyperemia in the skin. In contrast, this interaction between NOS and COX inhibitors is not seen during cutaneous dilation induced by local heating or whole body heating (25). There are no observations of such an interaction between NOS and COX inhibitors impacting sweat gland function.
In conclusion, we have observed that NOS inhibition attenuates the thermoregulatory sweat response to exercise in a warm environment. We conclude that NO has some role in modifying thermoregulatory sweating, specifically by changing sweat gland output. The overall importance of such an interaction has not been determined. However, the magnitude of reduction in local SR by NOS inhibition is as large as that induced by dehydration (11). As such, nitric oxide appears to play an important role in thermoregulatory control of sweating during exercise in a warm environment.
This work was supported by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Grant HL-39818 and the Mary Lou Fulton Fund in the College of Health and Human Performance at Brigham Young University.
We gratefully acknowledge our volunteer subjects for their cooperation. We thank Kevin Gardner and Jason Samuelian for their technical support.
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. The article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
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