Loss of TGFBI, a secreted protein induced by TGF-β, has been implicated in cell proliferation, tumor progression and angiogenesis by in vitro studies. However, in vivo anti-tumor functions of TGFBI as well as the underlying molecular mechanism are not well understood. To these aims, we have generated a mouse model with disruption of TGFBI genomic locus. Mice lacking TGFBI show a retarded growth, and are prone to spontaneous tumors and DMBA (dimethylbenz (a)anthracene)-induced skin tumors. In relative to wild type mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), TGFBI−/− MEFs display increased frequencies of chromosomal aberration and micronuclei formation, and exhibit an enhanced proliferation and early S-phase entry. Cyclin D1 is upregulated in TGFBI−/− MEFs, which correlates with aberrant activation of transcription factor CREB (cAMP-response binding protein) identified by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and luciferase reporter assays. TGFBI reconstitution in TGFBI−/− cells by either retroviral infection with wild type TGFBI gene or supplement with recombinant mouse TGFBI protein in the culture medium leads to the suppression of CREB activation and cyclin D1 expression, and further inhibition of cell proliferation. Cyclin D1 upregulation was also identified in most of tumors arising from TGFBI−/− mice. Our studies provide the first evidence that TGFBI functions as a tumor suppressor in vivo.
Tumor growth and metastasis is a multistep process involving cell adhesion, proteolytic enzyme degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and motility factors that influence cell migration (1, 2). Integrins are cell surface adhesive receptors composed of α- and β-chain heterocomplexes. Both subunits transverse the membrane and mediate the physical and functional interactions between cell and its surrounding ECM, thus serving as bidirectional transducers of extra- and intracellular signals which ultimately lead to regulation of adhesion, proliferation, differentiation, antiapoptosis and tumor progression (3, 4).
TGFBI was first identified in a human lung adenocarcinoma cell line (A549) treated with TGF-β (5). This gene encodes a highly conserved 683 amino-acid protein that contains a secretary signal sequence and four internal homologous domains, the last of which contains an RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) motif which can serve as a ligand recognition site for integrins (5). TGFBI product has been shown to be a component of ECM in lung and mediate cell adhesion and migration through interacting with integrin via integrin receptors: α3β1, αvβ3, and αvβ5 (6–10). It is ubiquitously expressed in human normal tissues; however, downregulation or lost expression of this gene has been found in a list of human tumor cell lines including lung, breast, colon, prostate, and leukemia as well as in human primary lung and breast tumor specimens (11–14). CpG island hypermethylation in the promoter region, one of the mechanisms by which tumor suppressor genes are inactivated in human cancers, correlates with the silencing of TGFBI promoter and its subsequent down-expression (15). In vitro studies have implicated its role in maintaining microtubule stability, and inhibiting tumorigenicity and tumor angiogenesis (12, 13, 16–19), suggesting a tumor suppressor function in vivo. To test this hypothesis, we have generated a TGFBI-null mouse model. The results demonstrated, for the first time, that TGFBI loss promotes cell proliferation through aberrant activation of CREB-cyclin D1 pathway and predisposes mice to spontaneous tumor development.
Materials and Methods
Generation of TGFBI null mice
The TGFBI locus was PCR-cloned using a genomic 129 DNA as template. Linearized targeting vector DNA (70 µg) was electroporated into 129Sv/Ev ES cells. Heterozygous targeting ES cells were identified by Southern Blot and two different targeted clones were microinjected into C57BL/6J blastocytes. Chimerical male mice were produced and mated with C57BL/6J females. Germ-line transmission of the targeted TGFBI allele was verified by Southern blot analysis of tail DNA from F1 offspring. All mice studied for spontaneous tumor development were the F2 generation of 129Sv/Ev×C57BL/6J crosses. Mice were genotyped by Southern analysis and PCR (primers and conditions available on request). Detailed necropsy and histology are described in the section of Supplementary Information. Protocols were approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of the Columbia University. Animal procedures were conducted in compliance with IACUC.
Cell cycle analysis
For S-phase re-entry experiment, confluence-arrested cells were plated at 2 × 106 cells per 100 mm dish in medium containing 0.1% serum for 24 h before adding medium containing 10% serum. Following serum stimulation, cells were pulsed with BrdU for one hour at end of the time point and analyzed by FITC-BrdU Flow kit (BD Pharmingen).
Tumor cohorts and carcinogen treatment
For the DMBA-treated cohort, 3–5-day old mice were topically treated with 50 µl of 0.5% DMBA in acetone (Sigma) and monitored for up to 6 months. Mice were visually examined weekly and were killed if any individual tumor reached a diameter of 5 mm, or at the termination of the experiments. Skin tumors will be counted, excised and examined by staining with hematoxylin and eosin.
ChIP analysis
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays were carried out as previously described (20), and detected with quantitative PCR (Roter-Gene RG-3000A) (21). Primers for mouse cyclin D1 gene were 5′-CCGGCTTTGATCTCTGCTTA-3′ (forward) and 5′-CGCGGAGTCTGTAGCTCTCT-3′ (reverse). Primers used for negative control were 5′-AGGTGGAGAAACACCACCAC-3′ (forward) and 5′- CGGTTTGCCCAAGAAAAATA-3′ (reverse).
Luciferase activity assay and constructs
MEFs were transiently co-transfected with luciferase reporter and dominant negative plasmid. Forty eight hour later, relative luciferase activity was determined by Dural Luciferase Activity Kit (Promega). Relative luciferase activity was normalized to concentration of cell lyates. The relative-fold induction or suppression represents the relative intensity of the experimental sample divided by the relative intensity of the medium control.
RT-PCR method and primers
The expression of cyclin D1 gene was analyzed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR (Applied Biosystems 7300) using the procedures described previously (14). The primer sets are as following: 5’TCGTGGCCTCTAAGATGAAG3’ and 5’TTTTGGAGAGGAAGTGTTCG for mouse cyclin D1; 5’AAGGTCATCCCAGAGCTGAA3’ and 5’CTGCTTCACCACCTTCTTGA 3’ for mouse GAPDH.
To verify the deletion of exons 4–6 in TGFBI−/− MEFs, a pair of oligonucleotide primers specific for the upstream and downstream regions of exons 4–6 was designed. The primer sequences: Upstream: 5’CTCATGCGACTGCTGACCCTCGCTCTG(55–81); Downstream: 5’CAGCACACATGGCTGACTTCAGG ATGTG (973–1000)]. cDNAs, synthesized from the total RNAs of WT and TGFBI−/− MEFs, were used as the templates for PCR amplification. Using this approach, a 945 bp of PCR product was detected in WT, whereas a 475 bp of PCR product was identified in TGFBI−/− MEFs due to the deletion of exons 4–6.
Antibodies and recombinant mouse TGFBI protein
Antibodies used in western blots include mouse monoclonal cyclin D1 (Santa Cruz), rabbit phospho-CREB (ser 133) mAB (Cell Signalings), mouse β-actin mAB (Sigma), anti-CD3 (T cell marker) and anti-CD45R/B220 (B-cell marker) (BD Pharmingen). Rat anti-mouse TGFBI mAB and Mouse recombinant TGFBI protein was purchased from R&D systems.
Tumor development in mice lacking TGFBI gene
To explore the physiological function of TGFBI and its role in tumorigenesis, TGFBI-deficient mice were generated by homologous recombination. The correct targeting resulted in the replacement of exons 4–6 of TGFBI gene in mice with a neomycin-resistance gene (Fig. 1A) and was identified by Southern analysis (Fig. 1B). TGFBI−/− MEFs still expressed TGFBI mRNA but the level was about six-fold lower than in wild type MEFs (data not shown). Moreover, deletion of exons 4–6 in TGFBI−/− MEFs was demonstrated by RT-PCR (Fig. 1C), and absence of TGFBI protein was revealed by Western blot (Fig. 1D).
TGFBI−/− mice arose from crosses of TGFBI+/− mice at expected Mendelian frequency and showed a slower postnatal development with a 13.5 ± 3% lower body weight than that of sex-matched TGFBI+/+ littermates from 2- to 6-month age (n=10) (Supplementary Fig. S1). Histological surveys of liver, lung, kidney, stomach, intestine and testis (n=10 per genotype, age 26 weeks) did not reveal morphological abnormalities. However, 2/10 TGFBI−/− mice showed splenomegaly that was identified as B cell hyperplasia (Supplementary Fig. S2).
To assess the tumor-suppressor activity of TGFBI in vivo, a large cohort of TGFBI−/− (n=54), TGFBI+/− (n=75) and TGFBI+/+ (n=48) animals generated from crosses of TGFBI+/− mice were observed for the development of spontaneous malignancies for up to 20 months. Mice were sacrificed for complete necropsies either at earlier time due to clinical features of systemic illness (weight loss, inactivity, ruffling of fur, and hunched posture) or when reaching end of the observation period. From ages of 9 to16 months, over 20% of TGFBI−/− mice died of systemic illness, whereas all TGFBI+/+ mice were still alive. To determine the cause of death, the moribund TGFBI−/− mice between ages of 9 and 16 months were sacrificed and subjected to detailed histopathological analysis. Four out of 12 mice developed malignancies including one invasive lung adenocarcinoma and three lymphomas, one of which was a highly-disseminated lymphoma infiltrating liver and lung tissues (Fig. 2A). Others died of unidentified causes with no detectable tumors. Survival of heterozygotes was similar as TGFBI+/+ mice, and only one died at the end of 16 months without detectable tumor burden. By the end of 20 months, 8.3% (4/48, lung adenocarcinoma and lymphoma) of TGFBI+/+ mice, 13.3% (10/75, uterus histiocytic sarcoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, lymphoma and lung adenocarcinoma) of heterozygotes, and 37.04% (20/54) of TGFBI−/− mice had developed tumors (Fig. 2B, Supplementary Table 1, P<0.01 for TGFBI−/− versus heterozygotes and TGFBI+/+ mice, χ2 test). The tumor incidence in heterozygotes is higher than in wild type mice, but didn’t reach statistical significance (P>.05, χ2 test). Southern blot-based genotyping analysis showed that the second wild type allele of TGFBI gene was retained in all the ten tumors derived from heterozygous mice. However, 3/10 tumors displayed a dense methylation pattern in the TGFBI promoter identified by bisulfite sequencing (Supplementary Fig. S3). Tumor-free survival in TGFBI−/− mice was significantly lower than in heterozygote and TGFBI+/+ mice (P<0.01, log-rank test, Fig. 2C).
An increased skin tumor induction in mice with TGFBI deficiency
In skin carcinogenesis assays, we treated TGFBI+/+, TGFBI+/− and TGFBI−/− mice with a single dose of DMBA, a chemical carcinogen, on the dorsal skin 3–5 d after birth. The treated mice were checked weekly and monitored for up to six months. Ten of 23 TGFBI−/− mice developed skin tumors by 2.5- to 6-month age, two of which formed skin tumors at multiple sites. In contrast, only 2 out of 21 TGFBI+/− mice and 1 out of 25 TGFBI+/+ mice developed tumors during 6-month of observation period. Skin tumor incidence in TGFBI−/− mice was significantly higher (P<0.01, χ2 test) than in TGFBI+/+ and heterozygous mice (Fig. 2D). Therefore, mice with TGFBI deficiency are prone to the development of both spontaneous malignancies and DMBA-induced skin tumors.
Early passage (P2) of TGFBI−/− MEFs exhibits an increased frequency of chromosomal aberrations
To clarify whether disruption of TGFBI resulted in an increased frequency of chromosomal aberrations, TGFBI−/− and wild type MEFs at passage 2 were treated with 0.05 µg/ml colcemid for 3–6 h. Chromosomal metaphases were prepared from the treated cells, hybridized with cy3-conjugated (C3TA2)3 peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probe (Applied Biosystems) and counterstained with DAPI solution followed the previously reported procedures (22). Digital images were recorded using Zeiss Axioplan 2 microscope with a multicolor image analysis system (Fig. 3A). Various types of chromosomal aberrations in TGFBI−/− MEFs were shown in Fig. 3B (Arrows). Overall, 43.75% (7/17) of metaphases prepared from TGFBI−/− MEFs contained chromatid breaks, centric fragments or chromosomal breaks, whereas only 13.3% (2/15) metaphases from wild type MEFs contained only centric fragments (Fig. 3D).
In addition, frequency of micronuclei was also examined in the early passage of MEFs (P2). Twenty four hours post plating, cells were fixed with Acetone/ Methanol (1:1) for 10 mins and stained with 0.03 mg/ml acridine orange in dark for 10 mins. A total of 3000 cells were counted for each experiment and three independent assays were performed. Numbers of micronuclei were recorded in each cell type using Nikon Fluorescence microscope. Figure 3C showed multiple micronuclei found in TGFBI−/− MEFs (Arrows). Micronuclei frequency in TGFBI−/− MEFs was 4.7 fold higher than that in wild type MEFs, with 0.128 and 0.027 micronuclei per cell, respectively (Fig. 3D).
An accelerated G1-S progression and cyclin D1 upregulation in TGFBI−/− MEFs (passage 18)
To investigate molecular mechanism(s) of tumorigenesis, we characterized mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from TGFBI−/− and TGFBI+/+ littermates. Long term in vitro growth of MEFs was assayed by a 3T3 protocol. TGFBI−/− MEFs showed a higher growth at early passage (P2), but grew significantly faster than TGFBI+/+ MEFs after overcoming the senescence (Fig. 4A). This prompted a comparison of the kinetics of S-phase entry in serum-stimulated quiescent cells. Using BrdU incorporation assay, quiescent TGFBI−/− MEFs were consistently found to enter into S phase in advance of TGFBI+/+ MEFs upon serum stimulation (Fig. 4B).
We then examined the expression patterns of proteins related to G1-S progression. Cyclin D1 was identified to be significantly upregulated in TGFBI−/− MEFs (Supplementary Fig. S4). Moreover, cyclin D1 induction was substantially higher in quiescent TGFBI−/− MEFs at 4 h post serum stimulation relative to TGFBI+/+ cells (Fig. 4C). However, TGFBI reconstitution in TGFBI−/− MEFs by infection with retroviral vector containing wild type TGFBI gene resulted in a marked suppression of cyclin D1 expression (Fig. 4D) and subsequent inhibition of cell growth measured by BrdU incorporation (Supplementary Fig. S4).
Aberrant activation of CREB and an increased binding activity of p-CREB to cyclin D1 promoter in the absence of TGFBI in TGFBI−/− MEFs (Passage 18)
A transcriptional mechanism appears to be involved in cyclin D1 upregulation since TGFBI−/− MEFs showed a 5.6-fold higher level of cyclin D1 mRNA than wild type cells (Fig. 5A). Cyclin D1 promoter region contains several established or potential binding sites for the transcriptional factors (23). Thus, induction of transcription factors were examined by Western blots in quiescent wild type and TGFBI−/− MEFs in response to serum stimulation. Only CREB was identified to be aberrantly activated in TGFBI−/− cells (Fig. 5B), which is further substantiated by a luciferase reporter assay showing that relative pCRE promoter activity in TGFBI−/− cells was over 15-fold higher than wild type cells; however, it can be suppressed significantly by a dominant negative CREB (DN-CREB) vector (Fig. 5C, D).
To determine whether aberrant activation of CREB in TGFBI−/− cells results in an enhanced binding activity of p-CREB to cyclin D1 promoter, a quantitative PCR-based ChIP assay was used to quantify the bindings of CREB and p-CREB to cyclin D1 promoter in both wild type and TGFBI−/− cells. As shown in Fig. 6A, ratio of p-CREB/CREB binding to cyclin D1 promoter is over five-fold higher in TGFBI−/− cells than in wild type cells, suggesting that binding activity of p-CREB to cyclin D1 is significantly increased in TGFBI−/− cells.
TGFBI deficiency correlates with CREB activation and leads to cyclin D1 upregulation
To determine whether CREB activation is responsible for cyclin D1 upregulation in TGFBI−/− cells (passage 18), a luciferase assay was used to examine the specific suppression of cyclin D1 promoter activity by dominant negative CREB. The cyclin D1 promoter activity in TGFBI−/− cells was over ten-fold higher than in wild type cells (data not shown); however, it could be inhibited to the similar level of wild type cells by DN-CREB (Fig. 6B). This data clearly suggested that CREB activation is involved in cyclin D1 upregulation in TGFBI-null cells.
Correlation between TGFBI deficiency and CREB activation was further established by reconstitution of TGFBI expression TGFBI−/− cells. Compared to wild type cells, TGFBI−/− cells showed a significantly higher level of p-CREB and cyclin D1, whereas it could be suppressed to the level of wild type cells after supplement with recombinant mouse TGFBI protein in the culture medium at 0.5 µg/ml for 24 hour (Fig. 6C).
Cyclin D1 upregulation in tumors arising from TGFBI−/− mice
To define the potential significance of cyclin D1 upregulation in in vivo tumor development, cyclin D1 protein level was examined by Western blotting in tumor tissues arising from TGFBI−/− mice. A markedly increased level of cyclin D1 protein was demonstrated in most (10/13) of tumor samples examined in relative to their matched wild type controls (Fig. 6D).
TGFBI gene has been regionally mapped to chromosome 5q31, a locus often deleted in leukemias, myelodysplastic syndromes and many human cancers such as renal cell, esophageal and lung carcinomas (24–26). In addition, lost expression or downregulation of this gene has been found in a list of human tumor cell lines as well as in primary human lung and breast cancer specimens (11–14). Specifically, TGFBI downregulation has been causally linked to an enhanced tumorigenicity and tumor angiogenesis by in vitro studies (12, 13, 18, 19). However, it is not clear whether TGFBI possesses anti-tumor function in vivo. To this aim, TGFBI-null mice have been generated. The results showed that mice with TGFBI disruption are prone to spontaneous tumors as well as DMBA-induced skin tumors. The most common tumors arising spontaneously in TGFBI−/− mice were lymphomas (65.0%, 13/20). Other tumor types were lung papillary adenocarcinoma, skin invasive adenocarcinoma, liver histiocytic sarcoma and testis hemangioendothelioma, which are less common in aged 129Sv/Ev, C56BL/6J mice. Compared with the tumors occurred in TGFBI+/+ and heterozygous mice, spontaneous tumors arisen from TGFBI−/− mice demonstrated metastatic potential: (i) seven out of 13 lymphomas were classified as low grade types with infiltration to other non-lymphoid organs including liver, lung, kidney and pancreas; (ii) four out of 6 other types of tumors were either invasive or metastatic malignancies; (iii) one TGFBI−/− mouse developed both invasive lung adenocarcinoma and lymphoproliferative disorder. Hence, TGFBI disruption resulted in a dramatic predisposition to lymphomas and other cancers.
Cell cycle progression through the G1 phase requires dual signaling from soluble growth factors and adhesion to the ECM (27). Both RTK (receptor tyrosine kinase)- and intergrin-dependent proliferations are regulated through three major G1-phase targets including induction of cyclin D1, and downregulation of the cdk (cyclin–dependent kinases) inhibitors, p21cip1 and p27kip1, which lead to efficient phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma protein (Rb) and progression to S phase (27–29). Under mitogenic conditions, adhesion promotes G1 phase progression primarily via upregulation of cyclin D1 (30). Since TGFBI is an adhesion protein associated with integrin receptor through its RGD motif (8–10), it is expected that an accelerated G1-S transition in TGFBI−/− cells is due to the dysregulation of three major G1-phase targets. This is supported by our findings showing that cyclin D1 is overexpressed in TGFBI−/− cells. In contrast, TGFBI reconstitution results in a substantially decreased level of cyclin D1 expression and cellular proliferation. Furthermore, cyclin D1 protein level was demonstrated to be elevated in most of tumors isolated from TGFBI−/− mice, suggesting a critical role of cyclin D1 upregulation in in vivo tumor progression in the absence of TGFBI protein. It is well documented that cyclin D1 plays a major role in controlling G1-S progression, and is consistently upregulated in most human cancers (28, 31). Deregulated cell proliferation and increased frequency of spontaneous tumors has been found in transgenic mice with overexpression of cyclin D1, whereas deletion of cyclin D1 protects the mice from tumor induction (32–34). Collectively, these observations together with our findings suggest a critical role of cyclin D1 upregulation in the enhanced cell proliferation and tumor formation in TGFBI−/− mice. However, cyclin D2, cyclin D3, cyclin A and p21CIP1 expression was not strongly affected by loss of TGFBI, although p21CIP1 level appeared lower in TGFBI−/− MEFs.
CREB has been shown to act as an oncogene and implicated in the development of human endocrine tumors and acute myeloid leukemia (35–37). In this study, CREB was identified to be aberrantly activated after TGFBI disruption. In addition, causal links between TGFBI-deficiency and CREB activation, and cyclin D1 upregulation have been established in our model system, suggesting that signaling pathway from TGFBI to CREB/cyclin D1 is dysregulated after TGFBI disruption, and is involved in tumor progression in TGFBI−/− mice. The exact mechanisms of CREB/cyclin D1 activation downstream of TGFBI remain unknown but may include activation of one or more kinases through an integrin-dependent pathway, including FAK, AKT, PKA (Protein kinase A), PKC (protein kinase C), CaMKs (Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase), GSK-3 (glycogen synthase kinse III), and CK II (casin kinase II) that have been shown to regulate CREB phosphorylation (35, 38). We have found that p-AKT was substantially elevated in serum-starved early passage (P2) of TGFBI−/− MEFs at 15min and 30 min post serum stimulation when compared to wild type cells (Supplementary Fig. S5). Previous studies have demonstrated that CREB can be activated by protein kinase B/Akt (38, 39), therefore, AKT pathway might mediate TGFBI-regulated CREB/cyclin D1 activation in TGFBI−/− cells.
It is commonly accepted that malignant transformation is a lengthy multi-step process and arises through an accumulation of mutations at various genetic loci (40). Genomic instability has been demonstrated to not only initiate tumorigenesis, but is at least a factor in tumor progression (40, 41). In the present study, early passage of TGFBI−/− MEFs showed a significantly-increased chromosomal aberration and micronuclei than wild type MEFs, suggesting that TGFBI deficiency induces genetic instability. This is supported by other study showing that TGFBI protein is involved in microtubule stability and silencing of its expression contributes to centrosome amplification and enhanced mitotic abnormalities (17). It is well documented that chromosomal instability, which is equated to mitotic defects and consequential chromosome segregation errors, provides a formidable basis for the acquisition of further malignant phenotype during tumor progression (42). It should be noted that 3 out of 13 tumor samples isolated from TGFBI−/− mice didn’t show cyclin D1 upregulation. Thus, other signaling pathway(s) instead of CREB/cyclin D1 activation might be aberrantly regulated due to genomic instability.
Although loss of TGFBI expression has been found in different types of primary human cancers (11–14), several studies demonstrate that TGFBI is commonly overexpressed in colorectal, renal and pancreas cancers (43–45). Also overexpression of TGFBI promotes metastasis of SW480 colon cancer cells by enhancing extravasation (45). However, we have found a significant downregulation of TGFBI in HT29 colon cancer cells (12). These data clearly point out that dysregulation of TGFBI expression is tumor cell or type-specific. It is highly possible that TGFBI is a double edged sword whose loss or gain of expression leads to tumorigenesis. Previous studies have shown that TGFBI mutations correlate with human corneal dystrophy (46). However, over-expression of mutant TGFBI induces retinal degeneration, but no corneal phenotype was observed in transgenic mice (47). Similarly, we didn’t identify any eye phenotypes in TGFBI−/− mice.
The present studies provide the evidence, for the first time, that loss of TGFBI functions as a tumor suppressor in vivo. Because of frequent loss of TGFBI protein in human cancer cells (11–14), TGFBI and its associated signaling represent the promising targets for anticancer drug discovery.
Supplementary Material
Grant support: NASA NAG2-1637 (Y. Zhao), CA127120 (Y. Zhao) and NIH ES-11804 (T.K. Hei).
We thank Drs. Ze’ev A. Ronai, Howard B. Lieberman, and Dangsheng Li for critical reading, and Dr. M.R. Montminy (San Diego, CA) for kindly providing WT CREB and dominant negative CREB expression plasmids, and Dr. Isabella Screpanti (University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy) for Mouse cyclin D1 luciferase reporter plasmid.
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