EVOLUTION Correction for “Origin, antiviral function and evidence for positive selection of the gammaretrovirus restriction gene Fv1 in the genus Mus,” by Yuhe Yan, Alicia Buckler-White, Kurt Wollenberg, and Christine A. Kozak, which appeared in issue 9, March 3, 2009, of Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (106:3259–3263; first published February 12, 2009; 10.1073/pnas.0900181106).
The authors note that due to a printer's error, the database accession numbers in the footnote on page 3259 appeared incorrectly. The footnote “Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the GenBank database (accession nos. X97719, FJ603554, and X97720),” should instead have appeared as: “Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the GenBank database (accession nos. FJ603554–FJ603574).” Additionally, on page 3259, left column, the first line of the third full paragraph, “Fv1 was cloned and identified as a coopted ERV sequence that is related to the gag gene of MuERV-L (3, 4), a Class III (spumavirus-related) ERV transposit family that is transpositionally active in mice but has no known infectious virus counterparts,” should instead have appeared as “Fv1 was cloned and identified as a coopted ERV sequence that is related to the gag gene of MuERV-L (3, 4), a Class III (spumavirus-related) ERV family that is transpositionally active in mice but has no known infectious virus counterparts.” These errors do not affect the conclusions of the article.