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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2010 Jan 15.
Published in final edited form as: Comput Stat Data Anal. 2009 Jan 15;53(3):603–608. doi: 10.1016/j.csda.2008.06.010

Sample Sizes Required to Detect Interactions between Two Binary Fixed-Effects in a Mixed-Effects Linear Regression Model

Andrew C Leon 1,2, Moonseong Heo 1
PMCID: PMC2678722  NIHMSID: NIHMS82943  PMID: 20084090


Mixed-effects linear regression models have become more widely used for analysis of repeatedly measured outcomes in clinical trials over the past decade. There are formulae and tables for estimating sample sizes required to detect the main effects of treatment and the treatment by time interactions for those models. A formula is proposed to estimate the sample size required to detect an interaction between two binary variables in a factorial design with repeated measures of a continuous outcome. The formula is based, in part, on the fact that the variance of an interaction is fourfold that of the main effect. A simulation study examines the statistical power associated with the resulting sample sizes in a mixed-effects linear regression model with a random intercept. The simulation varies the magnitude (Δ) of the standardized main effects and interactions, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ρ ), and the number (k) of repeated measures within-subject. The results of the simulation study verify that the sample size required to detect a 2 × 2 interaction in a mixed-effects linear regression model is fourfold that to detect a main effect of the same magnitude.

Keywords: interaction, mixed-effects linear regression, statistical power, sample size

1. Introduction

The mixed-effects linear regression model (Harville, 1977; Laird and Ware, 1982) is widely used in observational studies and randomized controlled clinical trials (RCT) in which there are repeated measures over time. In designing a study, the Ethical Guidelines of the American Statistical Association (ASA, 1999) advise statisticians to provide informed recommendations for sample size such that a research protocol will neither propose an inadequate nor an excessive number of subjects to detect a scientifically noteworthy result with acceptable statistical power. Several authors have examined the sample sizes required to detect the main effects and interaction of treatment and time in longitudinal studies with repeated measures (e.g., Hsieh, 1988; Rochon, 1991; Overall and Doyle, 1994; Hedeker, Gibbons, and Waterneaux, 1999; Raudenbush and Liu, 2001; Diggle Heagerty, Liang, and Zeger, 2002). Yet a study that is designed to detect the main effect of treatment will not have sufficient power to detect the interaction between two binary fixed effects. In a 2 × 2 factorial fixed-effects ANOVA with equal cell sizes and an assumption of independence among observations, for instance, the sample size required to detect an interaction is four times that for a main effect of the same magnitude (Fleiss, 1986). However, we are not aware of formulae to estimate the sample size needed to detect an interaction between two binary fixed effects in a mixed-effects linear regression model for analysis of repeatedly measured correlated data.

The objective of this manuscript is to examine the sample size required to detect a 2 × 2 interaction of two binary fixed effects in mixed-effects linear regression analyses. The model, described in detail in Section 2, also incorporates a time-varying covariate, but that covariate does not interact with group membership. We sought to determine if, as with the fixed-effects factorial ANOVA, the sample size needed to detect an interaction in a repeated measures design is fourfold that of a main effect. A formula for the sample size required to detect an interaction is presented below. A simulation study then examines the statistical power of the resulting sample sizes to detect interactions of various magnitudes in a 2 × 2 factorial design with repeated measures of a continuous outcome.

2. Mixed-Effects Linear Regression Model and Sample Size Determination

A mixed-effects linear regression model of repeated measures of a continuous dependent variable, yij, is specified as:

yij=β0+β1x1i+β2x2i+β3x1ix2i+β4tj+υi+εij (1)

for subject i (i = 1, …, N), at time j (j = 1, …, k), where β0 is the intercept term, x1, represents the treatment contrast (x1 = −1/2 if placebo; x1 = 1/2 if investigational treatment), x2 represents the moderator contrast (x2 = −1/2 if effect moderator is absent; x2 =1/2 if effect moderator is present), x1x2 represents the treatment by moderator interaction. As defined by Kraemer et al., (2002), “… moderators identify on whom and under what circumstances treatments have different effects”. Randomization to treatment assignment is stratified by the moderator. Note that N is the total sample size. Therefore N/2 subjects are randomized to each treatment and the sample size per cell is N/4 for the balanced design with two binary factors, which we consider here. The coefficients, β1 to β3, represent the magnitude of the corresponding main effects and interaction, tj represents the time point of the j-th assessment and its coefficient β4 represents the slope over time. This model assumes parallel slopes across treatment groups and that the slopes do not vary as a function of the moderator. These assumptions could be relaxed if either a treatment by time interaction or a treatment by moderator by time interaction were included in the model. However, here we have chosen to focus on the treatment by moderator interaction. Therefore, model (1) is an extension of the factorial fixed-effects ANOVA model, and can be described as a 2 × 2 factorial random intercept ANCOVA model with tj as a time-varying covariate.

The subject-specific random intercept υi is assumed to be distributed N(0,συ2), and the conditional distribution of error term εij for a given υi is assumed to be independent and identical with N(0,σε2) across time points j within the i-th subject. The marginal distributions of υi and εij are assumed to be mutually independent, that is Cov(ε, υ)= 0. It follows from those conditional and mutual independence assumptions that Var(Yij)σ2=συ2+σε2 and corr(Yij,Yij)ρ=συ2/σ2=συ2/(συ2+σε2), the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), for jj′. The standardized effects of β1 to β3 can be quantified as Δm = βm/σ, m = 1,2,3.

The variance of the estimated interaction is four times that of estimated main effect in the factorial fixed-effects ANOVA (section 4.2 in Fleiss, 1986). That relation also holds for the 2 × 2 factorial random intercept ANCOVA model (1) that we are considering here, since neither Var(Yij) = σ2 nor the correlation, ρ, depends on subject i or time point j. Specifically, the following holds:


and therefore

Var(Δ^1)=Var(Δ^2)=Var(Δ^3)/4, (2)

where β̂1, β̂2, and β̂3, are corresponding maximum likelihood estimates of β1, β2, and β3. It follows that the sample size needed to detect an interaction effect will be four times that for detecting a main effect of the identical magnitude because the sample size is a linear function of the variance of an effect estimate.

The total number of subjects, say N1), required to detect a main effect with power 1-β (where β is the level of type II error) was presented elsewhere (Donner et al., 1981; Donner and Klar, 2000; Diggle et al., 2002):

N(Δ1)=4(zα/2+zβ)2(1+(k1)ρ)σ2kβ12=4(zα/2+zβ)2(1+(k1)ρ)kΔ12 (3)

It follows that N1) = N2) for Δ1 = Δ2. However, for effects of the same magnitude, Δ1 = Δ3, the total number of subjects, say N3), required to detect an interaction effect with power 1-β can then be expressed as fourfold that of the main effect. Finally, combining the sample size determination (3) for the main effect with the fourfold increase in the variance of the mle of the interaction effect of interest (2), we propose the following for sample size determination for detecting the interaction:

N(Δ3)=16(zα/2+zβ)2(1+(k1)ρ)σ2kβ32=16(zα/2+zβ)2(1+(k1)ρ)kΔ32=4N(Δ1). (4)

3. Simulation Study

The primary focus of this simulation study was to examine whether the statistical power to detect an interaction of two fixed effects in a 2 × 2 factorial design with repeated measures of a continuous outcome in model (1) is consistent with the sample sizes derived from (4). The statistical power to detect a main effect with the sample sizes derived from (3) was also examined. A Wald test with a two-tailed alpha-level of .05 was used to test each of two hypotheses:


The simulations were specified such that the magnitude of either one main effect (Δ1) or the interaction (Δ3) ranged from 0.20 to 0.50 and the remaining two effects were null. Thus the results of the interaction (Δ3) and only one main effect (Δ1) will be discussed hereafter.

3.1. Simulations Specifications

The simulation was designed by varying following specifications:

  1. Main effect, β1, specified as standardized effects (Δ1): .20, .25, .30, .35, .40, .45, .50

  2. Interaction, β3, specified as standardized effects (Δ3): .20, .25, .30, .35, .40, .45, .50

  3. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) ρ : .20, .40, .60

  4. Repeated measures, within subject, over time (k): 4, 6, 8

  5. Total number of subjects, N1), based on equation (3), to detect the respective main effects (Δ1) with 80%, 90%, and 95% power

  6. The total number of subjects, N3), to detect the respective interactions (Δ3) with 80% 90%, and 95% power, based on equation (4).

3.2. Data Generation

The simulated outcome variable for the four treatment by moderator cells was generated as a time-varying continuous variable (Yij) based on normal distributions. Specifically, we first generated from N(0,σε2) and then for given υi we independently generated εij from N(0,συ2). Those simulated random values were then added to the respective fixed main effect and interaction. As specified above, the magnitude of either the main effect (Δ1) or the interaction of the two binary fixed effects (Δ3) ranged from 0.20 to 0.50. For each of 63 combinations of simulation specifications for the interaction (7Δ3 × 3ρ × 3k) for each level of power, 6000 data sets were generated. Similarly, 6000 data sets were generated for each of 63 combinations of simulation specifications for the main effect (7Δ1 × 3ρ × 3k) for each level of power. We chose to generate 6000 data sets per combination of specifications based on the precision of the resulting power estimates. Specifically, based on 6000 simulations, the 95% confidence interval for 80% power ranges from 0.789 to 0.810, for 90% power it ranges from 0.892 to 0.908, and for 95% power it ranges from .945 to .956.

3.3. Evaluation of Statistical Power

For each data set, model (1) was fit to the simulated outcome data using the S-plus routine “lme” with maximum likelihood (ML) method and p-values for the effects were retained for estimation of empirical power. Specifically, the empirical statistical power was defined as the proportion of the 6000 analyses per simulation specification in which the null hypothesis was rejected at a two-tailed alpha-level of .05. S-plus 7.0 was used for all computations.

4. Simulation Results

Empirical power estimates for each specification of the main effect models (Table 1 for 80% power; Table 2 for 90% power; Table 3 for 95% power) are consistent with the sample size N(Δ1) calculation based on equation (3). Furthermore, the required sample sizes N(Δ3) for an interaction are indeed fourfold that of a main effect of the same magnitude. For example, for 80% power, with ρ = 0.20 and k=4 observations per subject, N(Δ3)=808 subjects in total (or 202/cell) are needed for power of 80% to detect an interaction effect (Δ3) of .25; N(Δ3)=560 subjects are needed for Δ3=0.30, 320 subjects for Δ3=0.40 and N(Δ3)=208 subjects for Δ3=0.50. Similar patterns hold for ρ = 0.40, 0.60 and k = 6, 8, as shown in Table 1, yet the required sample sizes increase with greater ρ . The required N(Δ3)’s are fourfold N(Δ1) for the main effects for all values of k, Δ and ρ, For example, the corresponding sample size for a main effect with ρ = 0.20 and k=4 are N1)=202 (Δ1=0.25), N1)=140 (Δ1=0.30), N1)=80 (Δ1=0.40) and N1)=52 (Δ1=0.50). The same relation holds true for power of .90 (Table 2) and .95 (Table 3). Thus, a multiplicative factor of four can be used to estimate the required sample size for an interaction effect, given the N1) for a main effect of the same magnitude based on the equation (3).

Table 1.

Sample Size Required for Theoretical Statistical Power of 80% to Detect the Main Effect and the Interaction of Two Binary Fixed Effects in a Mixed-Effects Linear Regression Model with a Random Intercept

k = 4 k = 6 k = 8
Main Effect Interaction Main Effect Interaction Main Effect Interaction
(ρ )
Effect (Δm)
N(Δ1) Empirical
N(Δ3) Empirical
N(Δ1) Empirical
N(Δ3) Empirical
N(Δ1) Empirical
N(Δ3) Empirical
0.20 .20 314 0.808 1256 0.796 262 0.808 1048 0.803 236 0.803 944 0.798
.25 202 0.796 808 0.804 168 0.806 672 0.801 152 0.809 608 0.799
.30 140 0.806 560 0.801 118 0.802 472 0.814 106 0.813 424 0.815
.35 104 0.813 416 0.815 86 0.811 344 0.795 78 0.810 312 0.803
.40 80 0.796 320 0.800 66 0.791 264 0.800 60 0.801 240 0.811
.45 64 0.811 256 0.810 52 0.799 208 0.811 48 0.815 192 0.814
.50 52 0.817 208 0.809 42 0.798 168 0.804 38 0.798 152 0.799
0.40 .20 432 0.798 1728 0.795 394 0.788 1576 0.795 374 0.807 1496 0.799
.25 278 0.805 1112 0.812 252 0.805 1008 0.803 240 0.803 960 0.808
.30 192 0.797 768 0.801 176 0.805 704 0.803 166 0.806 664 0.798
.35 142 0.796 568 0.803 130 0.804 520 0.811 122 0.801 488 0.811
.40 108 0.808 432 0.798 100 0.808 400 0.816 94 0.808 376 0.799
.45 86 0.808 344 0.808 78 0.807 312 0.799 74 0.805 296 0.797
.50 70 0.804 280 0.808 64 0.810 256 0.806 60 0.794 240 0.805
0.60 .20 550 0.796 2200 0.797 524 0.817 2096 0.796 512 0.810 2048 0.798
.25 352 0.798 1408 0.793 336 0.797 1344 0.802 328 0.800 1312 0.802
.30 246 0.799 984 0.808 234 0.804 936 0.808 228 0.801 912 0.803
.35 180 0.799 720 0.803 172 0.800 688 0.800 168 0.803 672 0.806
.40 138 0.798 552 0.807 132 0.801 528 0.801 128 0.794 512 0.800
.45 110 0.811 440 0.806 104 0.800 416 0.812 102 0.801 408 0.803
.50 88 0.809 352 0.797 84 0.801 336 0.801 82 0.809 328 0.808



k represents the number of observations per subject.


The sample sizes required to detect a main effect N(Δ1) or an interaction N(Δ3) represent the total sample size, based on equations (3) and (4), respectively and assume power of 80% and a two-tailed alpha-level of .05.


Empirical power is based on analyses of 6000 simulated data sets for each combination of parameter specifications.

Table 2.

Sample Size Required for Theoretical Statistical Power of 90% to Detect the Main Effect and the Interaction of Two Binary Fixed Effects in a Mixed-Effects Linear Regression Model with a Random Intercept

k=4 k=6 k=8
Main Effect Interaction Main Effect Interaction Main Effect Interaction
(ρ )
Effect (Δm)
N(Δ1) Empirical
N(Δ3) Empirical
N(Δ1) Empirical
N(Δ3) Empirical
N(Δ1) Empirical
N(Δ3) Empirical
0.20 .20 422 0.897 1688 0.890 352 0.900 1408 0.903 316 0.898 1264 0.903
.25 270 0.903 1080 0.902 226 0.897 904 0.896 202 0.895 808 0.898
.30 188 0.903 752 0.902 156 0.901 624 0.905 142 0.905 568 0.909
.35 138 0.897 552 0.902 116 0.901 464 0.905 104 0.904 416 0.902
.40 106 0.897 424 0.905 88 0.900 352 0.903 80 0.901 320 0.900
.45 84 0.902 336 0.900 70 0.897 280 0.902 64 0.911 256 0.913
.50 68 0.907 272 0.902 58 0.912 232 0.915 52 0.910 208 0.919
0.40 .20 578 0.897 2312 0.909 526 0.899 2104 0.902 500 0.902 2000 0.902
.25 370 0.894 1480 0.907 338 0.900 1352 0.899 320 0.905 1280 0.902
.30 258 0.896 1032 0.907 234 0.901 936 0.902 222 0.902 888 0.902
.35 190 0.907 760 0.897 172 0.900 688 0.899 164 0.894 656 0.900
.40 146 0.905 584 0.899 132 0.903 528 0.903 126 0.905 504 0.898
.45 116 0.904 464 0.907 104 0.902 416 0.904 100 0.906 400 0.900
.50 94 0.904 376 0.901 86 0.909 344 0.906 80 0.898 320 0.900
0.60 .20 736 0.901 2944 0.893 702 0.907 2808 0.907 684 0.899 2736 0.897
.25 472 0.903 1888 0.898 450 0.897 1800 0.914 438 0.901 1752 0.903
.30 328 0.895 1312 0.903 312 0.900 1248 0.900 304 0.895 1216 0.889
.35 242 0.905 968 0.902 230 0.901 920 0.904 224 0.901 896 0.902
.40 184 0.899 736 0.907 176 0.904 704 0.898 172 0.900 688 0.904
.45 146 0.902 584 0.899 140 0.908 560 0.906 136 0.905 544 0.907
.50 118 0.901 472 0.894 114 0.906 456 0.905 110 0.908 440 0.903



k represents the number of observations per subject.


The sample sizes required to detect a main effect N(Δ1) or an interaction N(Δ3) represent the total sample size, based on equations (3) and (4), respectively and assume power of 90% and a two-tailed alpha-level of .05.


Empirical power is based on analyses of 6000 simulated data sets for each combination of parameter specifications.

Table 3.

Sample Size Required for Theoretical Statistical Power of 95% to Detect the Main Effect and the Interaction of Two Binary Fixed Effects in a Mixed-Effects Linear Regression Model with a Random Intercept

k=4 k=6 k=8
Main Effect Interaction Main Effect Interaction Main Effect Interaction
(ρ )
Effect (Δm)
N(Δ1) Empirical
N(Δ3) Empirical
N(Δ1) Empirical
N(Δ3) Empirical
N(Δ1) Empirical
N(Δ3) Empirical
0.20 .20 520 0.953 2080 0.944 434 0.952 1736 0.948 390 0.947 1560 0.950
.25 334 0.948 1336 0.953 278 0.953 1112 0.949 250 0.947 1000 0.953
.30 232 0.951 928 0.954 194 0.955 776 0.949 174 0.951 696 0.953
.35 170 0.954 680 0.951 142 0.954 568 0.949 128 0.949 512 0.949
.40 130 0.954 520 0.950 110 0.956 440 0.948 98 0.950 392 0.953
.45 104 0.952 416 0.956 86 0.954 344 0.951 78 0.955 312 0.954
.50 84 0.951 336 0.947 70 0.945 280 0.955 64 0.957 256 0.957
0.40 .20 716 0.952 2864 0.950 650 0.956 2600 0.952 618 0.946 2472 0.950
.25 458 0.952 1832 0.947 416 0.948 1664 0.952 396 0.948 1584 0.953
.30 318 0.947 1272 0.951 290 0.954 1160 0.949 276 0.946 1104 0.949
.35 234 0.952 936 0.952 214 0.954 856 0.950 202 0.952 808 0.952
.40 180 0.948 720 0.948 164 0.951 656 0.952 156 0.955 624 0.954
.45 142 0.949 568 0.952 130 0.950 520 0.950 122 0.950 488 0.952
.50 116 0.952 464 0.952 104 0.955 416 0.956 100 0.956 400 0.952
0.60 .20 910 0.942 3640 0.953 868 0.950 3472 0.953 846 0.953 3384 0.952
.25 584 0.950 2336 0.952 556 0.949 2224 0.946 542 0.952 2168 0.952
.30 406 0.956 1624 0.951 386 0.950 1544 0.946 376 0.948 1504 0.950
.35 298 0.953 1192 0.942 284 0.957 1136 0.960 276 0.946 1104 0.951
.40 228 0.950 912 0.952 218 0.951 872 0.952 212 0.953 848 0.948
.45 180 0.951 720 0.946 172 0.948 688 0.949 168 0.949 672 0.955
.50 146 0.948 584 0.952 140 0.952 560 0.953 136 0.952 544 0.955



k represents the number of observations per subject.


The sample sizes required to detect a main effect N(Δ1) or an interaction N(Δ3) represent the total sample size, based on equations (3) and (4), respectively and assume power of 95% and a two-tailed alpha-level of .05.


Empirical power is based on analyses of 6000 simulated data sets for each combination of parameter specifications.

5. Application

There is a recent NIH initiative (NIH: RFA-MH-09-010) to identify personalized treatments by designing clinical trials that test not only the effect of treatment, but moderators of the treatment effect. The goal of such a trial would be to test whether an hypothesized subject characteristic (i.e., the moderator) is associated with enhanced or inhibited treatment response. In either case, a treatment by moderator could test an important clinical question, in that it would help the clinician provide a targeted intervention to patients in need.

Consider, for example, an RCT of an antidepressant that is hypothesized to be more effective in the subgroup of subjects who carry the short allele of the serotonin transporter gene polymorphism (5-HTTLPR). Subjects meeting criteria for major depressive disorder will be randomized to either fluoxetine or placebo and evaluated weekly with the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-Self-Rated (QIDS-SR; Rush et al., 2003) over a 6 week trial (k=6). The sample will be equally divided by recruiting half of the subjects having the short allele and the other half without the short allele. Randomization will then stratified by allelic variation. The study will be designed to detect an interaction effect as small as Δ3=0.35. For example, that would represent a difference in response between the two allele groups, within a treatment cell, of about one-third of a standard deviation on the QIDS-SR, which will represent about 6 points, or a clinically meaningful effect. The total sample size required for power of 80% will vary with the intraclass correlation coefficient: N(Δ3) =344 (ρ =0.20), N(Δ3)=520 (ρ =0.40), and N(Δ3)=688 (ρ =0.60). In contrast, the total sample size for power of 90% is N(Δ3) =464 (ρ =0.20), N(Δ3)=688 (ρ =0.40), and N(Δ3)=920 (ρ =0.60) and, for power of .95%, N(Δ3) =568 (ρ =0.20), N(Δ3)=856 (ρ =0.40), and N(Δ3)=1136 (ρ =0.60).

6. Discussion

This simulation study examined required sample sizes for the main effects and interaction of two binary fixed effects in a mixed-effects linear regression model with a random intercept. The results indicate that, for a given set of design specifications, four times as many subjects are required to detect an interaction as for a main effect, as specified in our formula (4). The formula was verified by simulation for 80%, 90%, and 95% statistical power. This relationship did not depend on the standardized effect size Δm, the number of observations per subject k, or the intraclass correlation coefficient ρ.

The simulation results indicate that required sample sizes for the main effect were in accord with estimates based on equation (3). It is worth noting that linear interpolation of N(Δ3) appears to be accurate across ICCs, for a given k and Δ3. However, interpolation is not warranted across Δ3’s or k’s.

The simulation study examined statistical power of the interaction of two binary fixed effects in a mixed-effects linear regression model with a random intercept. Equation (4) does not necessarily apply to a model with a random slope. Furthermore we did not examine the required sample size in the presence of a treatment by time interaction or a treatment by moderator by time interaction. Similarly, the results presented here do not apply to sample sizes needed to detect interactions among categorical covariates with more than two levels. An investigation into that issue would involve a likelihood ratio test, not the normal approximation that was used here.

An RCT that is specifically designed to test a treatment by moderator interaction could yield valuable information to guide clinical decision making regarding appropriate interventions for subgroups of those with the diagnosis of interest. However, given the sheer number of subjects that is needed to detect that interaction, a researcher might consider an alternative design. For instance, if the objective of a study is to demonstrate efficacy in a particular subgroup, one that has been identified in preliminary research, the RCT inclusion criteria might be designated to enroll only that subgroup. Thus the focus would no longer be on a moderating effect, but instead on treatment of a group of particular interest.

The results of this simulation study provide sample size estimates for statistical power of 80%, 90%, and 95% to detect various standardized main effects and interactions between two binary fixed effects in a mixed-effects linear regression model with a random intercept. The range of the magnitude of those effects, the number of repeated observations, and the ρ ‘s should be useful for broad application. However, because the sample size required to detect an interaction is four times that of a main effect, equations (3) and (4) can be used to estimate sample size for research designs with specifications that were not examined here.


This research was supported, in part, by grants from the National Institute Health (MH060447 and MH068638).


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