Inhibition of PKCδ or activation of PKCα is
essential for neural induction by Syn4. (A-H) Sox2
expression in Xenopus embryos injected, as indicated, into A4
blastomeres at the 32-cell stage. (A-D) Ventral view, dorsal to the top.
Insets on left show a dorsal view. (A) Dominant-negative Xenopus
PKCδ (DN-PKCδ). Note the ectopic Sox2 induction (48%,
n=71). (B) Co-injection of Syn4 and Xenopus full-length
PKCδ mRNAs represses the ectopic expression of Sox2 (18%,
n=91). Inset on the right shows the ventral ectopic Sox2
expression induced by Syn4 mRNA (95%, n=85). (C) Human (h) PKCα
mRNA can induce ectopic Sox2 expression (68%, n=92). (D)
Co-injection of hPKCα and PKCδ mRNAs shows inhibition of neural
induction (20%, n=124). (E) Co-injection of hPKCα with control
MO (CMO). Arrowhead indicates the ectopic expression of Sox2 (70%,
n=68). (F) Co-injection of hPKCα mRNA with Syn4 MO.
Sox2 induction is not observed in the injected cells (arrowhead)
(23%, n=51). (G) Co-injection of Syn4 and a dominant-negative form of
PKCα (DN-PKCα-EGFP) inhibits Sox2 expression (15%,
n=51). (H) Injection of PKCα-EGFP mRNA. Ectopic induction of
Sox2 is similar to that upon PKCα injection, showing that EGFP
does not affect the activity of the fusion protein. (I-N) Confocal
images of animal caps injected as indicated. PKCα-EGFP mRNA was injected
into both blastomeres at the 2-cell stage. At the 16-cell stage, Syn4 or
control MO and membrane Cherry mRNA were injected into one blastomere. (I-K)
PKCα-EGFP spontaneously localises at the membrane, colocalising with
membrane Cherry. (L-N) The distribution of Syn4 MO can be identified by the
fluorescence of mCherry. Note that cells with a high level of Syn4 MO
(asterisks) exhibit a low level of PKCα-EGFP in the membrane.