Vaccine-specific antibody isotype titers following vaccination with Fluzone®/JVRS-100 versus Fluzone®, alone. Groups of CD1 mice (n=10) were vaccinated subcutaneously with 5.0 μg of Fluzone® alone or combined with 20.0 μg of JVRS-100 at day 0 and 14. At day 28, serum was collected and the Fluzone®-specific antibody isotype profile was determined. The total Fluzone®-specific IgG(A) response was enhanced using JVRS-100 by approximately 10-fold (**P<0.005), Fluzone®-specific IgG1(B) was enhanced by approximately 5-fold (*P<0.05), and Fluzone®-specific IgG2a(C)was enhanced by approximately 50-fold (*P<0.05) compared to that obtained with Fluzone® vaccination alone. P values were calculated using an unpaired, two-tailed Student’s t-test.