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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2010 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Magn Reson. 2008 Nov 12;196(2):149–156. doi: 10.1016/j.jmr.2008.11.002

Optimal Echo Spacing for Multi-Echo Imaging measurements of Bi-exponential T2 relaxation

Adrienne N Dula 1,2, Daniel F Gochberg 2,3, Mark D Does 1,2,3
PMCID: PMC2694452  NIHMSID: NIHMS108427  PMID: 19028432


Calculations, analytical solutions, and simulations were used to investigate the trade-off of echo spacing and receiver bandwidth for the characterization of bi-exponential transverse relaxation using a multi-echo imaging pulse sequence. The Cramer-Rao lower bound of the standard deviation of the four parameters of a two-pool model were computed for a wide range of component T2 values and echo spacing. The results demonstrate that optimal echo spacing (TEopt) is not generally the minimal available given other pulse sequence constraints. The TEopt increases with increasing value of the short T2 time constant and decreases as the ratio of the long and short time constant decreases. A simple model of TEopt as a function of the two T2 time constants and four empirically derived scalars is presented.

Keywords: MRI, noise, relaxometry, myelin


Characterizing transverse relaxation with multiple exponentials, or a T2 spectrum, is of interest in the study of various tissues and samples, including white matter and nerve (1,2), skeletal muscle (3,4), cerebral injury (5), tumor (6), plants (7), food (8), bone marrow (9,10) and more. Such characterization offers the potential to indirectly observe microscopic sample characteristics, such as myelin in white matter; however, it requires a relatively high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) (1113), so optimization of acquisition and processing methods is important.

Some studies have investigated optimal sampling of multi-exponential transverse relaxation, including numerical evaluations of number and range of echo times sampled (1214) and the benefits of log-spaced sampling (15). Beyond NMR-specific studies, there are a wealth of publications that address the fitting and parameter estimation from models involving the sum of exponential functions. An extensive review of this material was presented by Istratov and Vyvenko (16) and includes discussion on T2-spectral resolution limits based on sampling times and model parameters. More recently, at least one publication presented simple analytical approximations of the uncertainty of fitted parameters in models of bi-exponential relaxation (17), which could be used to optimize sampling. A couple of studies have incorporated practical imaging factors/limitations –the effect of imperfect refocusing (18) and SAR limitations on sampling times (19) – into the process of optimizing sampling, but no study, to our knowledge, has incorporated the effect of receiver bandwidth on sampling times.

In a multi-echo imaging measurement, the time required for sampling each echo is typically on the order of milliseconds and can often place a lower limit on the echo spacing (TE). In order to reduce this time and, in-turn, TE, one must increase the receiver bandwidth (BW) at the cost of SNR. Herein is presented calculations and simulations that demonstrate the effect of trading-off BW for TE for two-pool systems with a range of possible relaxation rates and pool sizes.


As shown in Fig. 1, the minimum TE of a multi-echo imaging pulse sequence suitable for measuring transverse relaxation depends on the time required to acquire each echo (Tacq) and the time required for fixed events (Tconst), like the RF refocusing pulse, spoiler gradients, ramp-time delays and delays for eddy current decay:

TE=Tconst+Tacq=Tconst+Ns/BW, [1]

where, Ns is the number of complex samples collected during each echo and BW is the bandwidth of this acquisition (assuming quadrature detection). Generally, every effort is made to minimize both Tacq and the Tconst in order to minimize TE. Assuming one has defined a minimum Ns based on image resolution requirements, the only way to further reduce Tacq is to increase BW. The inherent trade-off in this reduction of Tacq is that the image SNR is inversely proportional to the square root of BW, so reducing TE through increased BW also decreases the SNR. A reduced TE will improve the precision of estimated transverse relaxation parameters, while the concomitantly increased BW and subsequently decreased SNR will deteriorate this precision. Note that the exception to this description is when the total number of echoes (NE) is limited and the sample is comprised of a combination of spins with short and long T2. In this case, reducing TE may reduce precision of fitted parameters as a consequence of under-sampling of long T2 components. This problem may be avoided with minimal complication by appending a small number of widely spaced echoes at the end of the standard echo train (19). For the purpose of the work herein, this under-sampling of long T2 signal is avoided by assuming there is no practical limit on NE, so the analysis is focused on the trade-off of TE for image SNR.

Fig 1.

Fig 1

Relevant timings of a multi-echo imaging pulse sequence. Two consecutive echoes are shown, separted by TE, one RF refocusing pulse, and two spoiler gradients.

In order to determine the optimal TE for a given system, the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) of the estimated relaxation parameter variance can be computed. A complete derivation of the Cramer-Rao lower bound can be found elsewhere (20), but a simple explanation in the context of this paper is as follows. Consider a two-pool system, in which the observed transverse magnetization is described by a simple real bi-exponential function with added white Gaussian noise,

MT(n)=Moaexp(n·TE/T2a)+Mobexp(n·TE/T2b)+ε(n), [2]

where n = [1,2,…, NE], and ε(n) are independent and identically distributed random values drawn from a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and standard deviation (SD) σ (i.e., the image noise). Unbiased estimates of the four model parameters, Moa,Mob,T2a, and T2b, result from a least-squares fitting of the model to a series of observations, MT(n). Then the CRLB of the SD of the kth of these fitted parameters, s(θk), is defined by

s(θk)=(F1)kk, [3]

where θk represents the k th fitted parameter and F is the Fisher information matrix given by

Fjk=1σ2n(MT(n)θjMT(n)θk). [4]

That is, the unbiased estimate parameter θk has an associated variance that is no less than s2(θk), thereby defining the best precision possible in estimating each of the four model parameters, Moa,Mob,T2a, and T2b. The elements inside the summation in Eq [4] are easily defined algebraically for the bi-exponential system in Eq [2], and, using Eq [1], TE and σ are related by,

σ=σ0BW/BW0=σ0Ns(TETconst)BW0, [5]

where σ0 defines the SD of the image noise at a receiver bandwidth of BW0. From here, both numerical and analytical solutions of Eq [3][5] are possible, as are Monte Carlo simulations of fitting Eq [2]. All of these methods provide s(θk) as a function of the four sample parameters ( Moa,Mob,T2a, and T2b), and the acquisition parameters (NE, TE, Tconst, Ns, BW0, and σ0), although the CRLB solutions are closed form and much faster than using the Monte Carlo approach.

This work focuses on primarily on the numerical solutions, because of their ease and efficiency, but some Monte Carlo solutions and analytical solutions are presented for validation and generality. Simulations were also run to investigate the effect of TE when the underlying model is more complex than a sum of two discrete exponential functions. For example, in practice, most investigators characterizing transverse relaxation in white matter assume that the two commonly observed T2 components have a finite width in T2-space. Consequently, fitting of these data is usually done using a linear-inverse approach, where the observed signal is fitted to a wide range of decaying exponential functions and the solution (the T2-spectrum) is regularized by minimizing its energy or curvature (11).


Numerical Solutions

As a starting point for numerical calculations, values of Tconst = 5 ms, NE = 200, σ0 = 1/750, Ns = 128, BW0= 64 kHz, Moa=0.2 and Mob=0.8 were used. This Tconst value was based on a 1 ms RF refocusing pulse, two 1-ms spoiler gradients and two 1-ms delays after the spoiler gradients to allow eddy-currents to decay. (For more information on imaging pulse sequence requirements for measuring multi-exponential T2, see (21) and (22), and related literature.) The effect of variations in Tconst on the CRLB calculations is discussed further below. The relatively large NE value ensured that varying TE did not result in under-sampling of the longer-lived T2 signal decay, which was tested by re-running a subset of CRLB calculations without using Eq [5] to incorporate the effects of minimum TE on image noise (i.e., σ is constant) – see Fig 2, in Results section. (Note that while NE = 200 may not be practical for most in-vivo imaging for reasons of power deposition and spoiler gradient demands, sampling to long echo times by appending a small number of widely spaced echoes at the end of a standard multi-echo sequence is practical and has the same effect of preventing under-sampling of long T2 signal (19)). The values of the remaining acquisition parameters – σ0, BW0, Ns, Moa, and Mob – are arbitrary as they do not influence the optimization of TE v. BW – also demonstrated in Fig 2, in the Results section.

Fig 2.

Fig 2

Plots of SNR of four fitted parameters (indicated by line color) of a bi-exponential model of transverse relaxation as a function of TE. The zenith of each plot is indicated with a diamond symbol. In frame a), calculations were made using T2a=15ms,T2b=75ms, Tconst = 5 ms, NE = 200, σ0 = 1/750, Ns = 128, BW0 = 64 kHz, Moa=0.2 and Mob=0.8. Other frames show results from the same calculations made using the following different parameters: b) Moa=0.4 and Mob=0.6, c) σ0 = 1/250, and d) Ns = 256. Also shown in frame a) as dashed lines are the results from the same calculations make without the use of Eq [5] – i.e, no dependence of σ on TE.

With these parameters fixed, a series of calculations were performed with varied T2a,T2b and TE. The short-lived T2 component was varied linearly as T2a=[10,11,,35]ms, which spanned the expected range of T2s for myelin water and intra-cellular muscle water. The long-lived relaxation time was varied in linear proportion to the short-lived time as T2b=Tx·T2a, where Tx =[3,3.25,3.5,···,10], which was more than sufficient to span the range of expected long-lived T2 components in white matter, nerve and muscle. For each pair of T2a and T2b, the Fisher Information matrix and resultant CRLB for estimated parameters’ SD were computed using Eq [3] – [5] for TE=[5.5,5.6,5.7,···,40] ms. The SNR of each fitted parameter was then defined as

SNR(θk)=θk/s(θk). [6]


In order to validate these CRLB calculations and to explore a wider range of possible systems, a series of Monte Carlo simulations were performed. To validate the CRLB calculations, noisy bi-exponential relaxation data were generated then fitted with Eq [2] using a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The initial guesses for the regression were randomly varied for each trial, with means equal to the underlying model parameters and a 10 % coefficient of variation. These simulations used the following parameters: NE = 200, σ0 = 1/750, Ns = 128, BW0 = 64 kHz, Moa=0.2 and Mob=0.8,T2a=[10,15,20,25]ms, Tx =[3,4,6,8,10], and TE=[5.5,6.0,6.5,···,30] ms. Zero mean Gaussian noise (ε(n), n = 1,…, NE), with SD as defined by Eq [5] were independently generated for Nt = 1000 trials, using each combination of T2a, Tx and TE. The SNR for each parameter was then defined as the ratio of the parameter value to the SD of its fitted value calculated across the Nt trials, similar to Eq [6].

Simulations were also run to investigate the effect of TE on model systems comprised of a distribution of relaxation times rather than two distinct components. In particular, the model described above was modified such that each spin pool was defined by a Gaussian shape in a log-spaced T2 domain (similar to used in a previous study for fitting relaxation data (23)). That is, component a was defined by

Sa(j)=paexp((logT2(j)logT2alogd)2), [7]

(where log is the natural logarithm) and likewise for Sb(j), where d determines the width of the distribution, and pa and pb are set such that the sum of Sa(j)and Sb(j)over all j = 1 to J equaled Moa and Mob, respectively. For all simulations, T2(j)was defined by J = 100 values, log-spaced between 5 ms and 1 s. With these distributions, the observed signal was then defined as

MT(n)=j=1J[(Sa(j)+Sb(j))exp(n·TE/T2(j))]+ε(n). [8]

The simulations used T2a=15ms, Tx =[3,4,6,10], d=[1.0, 1.26, 1.59, 2.0], and 13 TE values pseudo-log spaced between 5.5 ms and 30 ms. (Note that for the cases where d = 1.0, the T2 component width was infinitely narrow and Eq [2] was used to create MT(n)). Figure 6 shows the T2 spectra (sum of Sa(k)and Sb(k)) for each T2a, Tx and d. All other parameters were the same as for the bi-exponential relaxation simulations, defined above. For every combination of Tx and d, noise, ε(n), was independently generated for 1000 trials.

Fig 6.

Fig 6

T2 spectra, defined using Eq [7], used for Monte Carlo simulations of fitting data comprised of distributions of T2 times. Shown in the four frames are spectra defined by T2a=15ms (all cases), four values of T2b and four values of component width (d).

Each simulated noisy signal generated by Eq [8] was fitted to a range of 100 T2 values, log-spaced between 5 ms and 1 s using a non-negative least square method (24) and regularized with a minimum curvature constraint (11). The regularizing parameter was automatically adjusted using the generalized cross-validation approach (25). Each spectrum was then analyzed by decomposing it into n + 1 T2 components, where n was the number of spectral nadirs identified by positive to negative changes in the first derivative of the spectrum. After discarding T2 components representing < 2% of the integrated spectral amplitude, if exactly two T2 components were identified, then four model parameters, Moa,Mob,T2a, and T2b, were computed. Component amplitudes, Moa and Mob, were defined as the integrated area of each T2 component and the component T2 values, T2a and T2b, were defined as the amplitude-weighted mean T2 value computed over each component T2 domain.

Analytical Solutions

The appendix outlines a general analytical solution for the standard deviation of each fitted parameter. The only approximation involved was to assume NE = ∞. This is equivalent to requiring that the decay of transverse magnetization be sampled down to the noise floor to avoid under-sampling of the long lived T2 component, as described above for the numerical calculations.


Figure 2a demonstrates typical CRLB-calculated graphs of SNR(θk) v. TE for each of the four fitted parameters for a system defined by T2a=15ms,T2b=75ms,Moa=0.2 and Mob=0.8. The solid lines are SNR(θk) values calculated using Eq [3][6], while the dashed lines are derived from the same calculation made while excluding the influence of BW on image noise (i.e, without Eq [5]). The dashed lines decrease monotonically with TE, which agrees with previous work (14) (which used CRLB, but did not incorporate a BW-TE relationship) and demonstrates that under-sampling of long T2 components was not a significant factor in the results presented herein. In contrast, for each fitted parameter, the solid lines show that SNR(θk) increases with TE to some maximal value, denoted in the figure by a diamond symbol, then decreases monotonically with further increasing TE. This demonstrates that the influence of echo spacing on BW and, in turn, image noise, is an important factor in characterizing multi-exponential relaxation.

Also shown in Fig 2 are similar graphs made from three variations in the sample or acquisition parameters: b) Moa=0.4 and Mob=0.6, c) σ0 = 1/250, and d) Ns = 256. In all cases, the optimal TE (TEopt) for all four estimated parameters are identical to those in frame a), demonstrating that the TEopt calculations are independent of compartment sizes, baseline SNR, and number of samples. This independence from Moa,Mob, σ0, and Ns can also be seen in the analytical solutions presented in the appendix, when combined with Eq [5] and [6]. For example, Eq A.3 shows CRLB-defined minimum variance of all four model parameters. In each case, the parameters Moa,Mob, σ0, and Ns are either not present or can be factored out. Therefore, each of these four parameters may change the scale of s(θ), but not the shape of its dependence on TE.

In addition to the numerical and analytical solutions, Monte Carlo simulations were also performed. Figure 3 shows plots of SNR(Moa)v. TE, derived from numerical CRLB calculations (lines) and the Monte Carlo simulations (dots) for the bi-exponential model given by Eq. [2]. The results from the analytical solutions are not shown but would be indistinguishable from the numerical calculations. With the exception of a few measurements with low SNR(Moa), the Monte Carlo- and CRLB-derived calculations are in good agreement, thereby validating the CRLB calculations and analytical solutions. In the cases where the Monte Carlo derived measures of SNR(Moa) do not reach those determined from the CRLB (e.g., around TE = 18 ms in Fig 3a), the difference likely results from very low SNR and, as a consequence, ineffective convergence to the true least-square solution in these cases.

Fig 3.

Fig 3

Plots of SNR(Moa) as a function of TE for a wide range of different T2a and T2b values. It is apparent that TEopt increases with increases T2a and with decreasing T2b.

Figure 3 also demonstrates the strong dependence of TEopt on both T2a and T2b. This is demonstrated by the solid line curves in Fig 3, which show SNR(Moa) for a wide array of different T2a and T2b values. Comparing data across the four frames shows that TEopt increases with increasing T2a, while comparing data within each frame shows that TEopt increases with decreasing T2b. The increase in TEopt with increasing T2a is not surprising and simply indicates that a more slowly decaying function need not be sampled as quickly as a more quickly decaying function to produce the same variance of estimated parameters. The increasing TEopt with decreasing T2b is, perhaps, less intuitive, and can be interpreted that SNR becomes increasingly more valuable as compared to temporal sampling density (i.e., echo spacing) when trying to distinguish signal components with increasingly similar T2s.

These CRLB calculations are relatively easy to compute for any given system of bi-exponential relaxation, but for a quick reference, the data from the calculations presented herein were used to generate a simple empirical model of the relationship between TEopt and T2a and T2b. Figure 4 shows a family of curves plotting TEopt v. T2a for all ratios T2a/T2b, from which it was observed that TEopt increases approximately linearly with T2a:

TEopt=m1T2a+b1, [9]

and the slope (m1) and intercept (b1) of these linear functions vary with T2a/T2b. Figure 5 shows a crudely linear relationships between log(m1) and T2a/T2b and between b1 and T2a/T2b, and from these, Eq. [9] can be expanded to

Fig 4.

Fig 4

A family of curves showing TEopt vs T2a for a wide range of T2a/T2b ratios. Each solid line is a best fitted linear function for a given T2a/T2b ratio.

Fig 5.

Fig 5

Fig 5

(left) Plot of the natural logarithm of the slopes of the curves in Fig 4 vs T2a/T2b. The solid line shows the best fit linear function to these data as described by the equation in the frame. (right) Plot of the intercepts of the curves in Fig 4 vs T2a/T2b. The solid line shows the best fit linear function to these data as described by the equation in the frame.

TEopta1T2aexp(m2T2aT2b)+m3(T2aT2b)+b3, [10]

where a1= exp(b2). Thus, three linear regressions were calculated to produce estimates of m1, m2, m3, b1, b2, and b3, resulting in the four independent constants in Eq [10]: a1, m2, m3, and b3. The same approach was used for all four estimated parameters in Eq [1] ( Moa,Mob,T2a, and T2b), and the results are shown in Table 1. Equation [10] thus provides a quick and simple formula to estimate TEopt for a given two-pool system and for a given parameter of interest.

Table 1.

Constants computed for optimizing TEopt with Eq. [8]

Parameter of interest Constant in Eq. [8]
a1 m2 m3 (s) b3 (s)
0.072 8.03 −0.020 0.0078
0.55 −1.98 −0.0086 0.0094
0.22 −0.11 −0.0009 0.0063
0.088 −2.35 −0.013 0.011

In addition to the numerical studies, a complete analytical solution for s(θk) in the bi-exponential model is presented in the appendix. As mentioned above, the results match the numerical solutions and have the advantage of being applicable to arbitrary conditions, beyond those explored in this paper. These analytical results also provide insight into signal dependencies that are not readily apparent from the numerical results. For example, while the numerical results presented demonstrate that s(Moa) increases as T2a approaches T2b, the analytical solution of s(Moa) shows this effect quantitatively with the (eTE/T2aeTE/T2b)3 term in the denominator. Similarly, one can see that the effect of similar T2s is more pronounced for estimating component amplitudes than time constants.

In comparison to the analytical solutions presented herein, much simpler, although approximate, solutions have been derived using Bayesian probability theory (17). These equations produce qualitatively similar curves to the dashed lines in Fig 2, but when combined with Eq [5] do not predict the existence of an optimal TE as found with the CRLB approach and validated with Monte Carlo, herein. Thus, while the CRLB solutions are complex analytically, they ultimately provide a more complete picture of the effect of model and acquisition parameters on estimated parameter variance.

A potential shortcoming of the CRLB solutions lies in the fact that a strict bi-exponential model, as defined by Eq [2], is probably not a good representation of multi-exponential relaxation in many tissues and samples. A more relevant model is presented in Eq [8], which generalizes the bi-exponential model to one defined by two smooth distributions of relaxation times, as shown in Fig 6. Figure 7 shows the results of the Monte-Carlo simulations of fitting data generated using these smooth T2 spectra. (Note that these results were derived only from trials that resulted in two fitted T2 components, which was > 88% of trials for all but three cases shown: d = 1.59, T2a=45ms, and d = 2.00, T2a=45, and 60 ms.) The results demonstrate that, as expected, the CRLB calculations presented above do not predict the absolute value of the estimated parameter variances but they do predict the general shape and model-parameter dependence of SNR(Moa)v. TE. Note similarity between Fig 7a with Fig 3b, which shows the results of fitting the same underlying bi-exponential data with a strict bi-exponential model (Fig. 3b) and with a distribution of T2 times (Fig 7a). Naturally, the strict bi-exponential fitting results in slightly higher SNR(Moa) values, particularly at lower values of T2a/T2b, but the SNR(Moa)v. TE curve shape and TEopt values are similar. Also, as the model T2 components are broadened (increasing values of d, Fig 7b–d), SNR(Moa) values drop and the SNR(Moa)v. TE curve broadens but the TEopt values do not change appreciably.

Fig 7.

Fig 7

Plots of SNR(Moa) as a function of TE for cases where a distribution of T2 times were fitted with a distribution of decaying exponential functions. Results are shown for a range of different T2b and component width (d) values.

A more general interpretation of the statistics of fitting smooth T2 spectra is a complicated problem involving many factors. In addition to breadth of the T2 components, as considered herein, the number and range of exponential functions to fit, the method of regularization, the adjustment of the regularizing parameter, and the method extracting model parameters from the spectrum may all significantly impact the results. Nonetheless, Eq [10] appears to provide a good starting point for estimating TEopt in systems that are thought to be well described by two relaxation components.

The utility of this work, through either the numerical or analytical solutions, is possibly most significant for myelin water mapping in white matter (26,22,27). For these studies, a two pool model is often used to describe water from within the layers of myelin as pool a and water from the intra- and extra-axonal spaces lumped together as pool b, and the relevant parameter for optimization is SNR(Moa) because the myelin content is believed to be proportional to by Moa. In-vivo at 1.5T, the commonly cited values for T2a and T2b are 20 and 80 ms, respectively (27), which leads to TEopt ≈ 13.6 ms; however, this value drops closer to the typically used TE = 10 ms for smaller values of T2a as seen in experimental studies (22). Also, although the TEopt increases with increasing T2a and decreasing T2b, the SNR(Moa)v. TE function also becomes more broad, so there is less at stake in optimizing the TE.

It is also important to note that the CRLB-derived values of TEopt are not necessarily practical for any given imaging application. At low BW, imaging artifacts due to background field variation and chemical shift may limit the ability to effectively utilize the TEopt. Also, depending on the application and hardware limitations, different Tconst values may need to be considered. Longer Tconst values will necessarily dictate longer TEopt and CRLB calculations should be repeated for a condition where Tconst is much different that 5 ms, as used herein. Lastly, the model assumed real data with additive Gaussian noise; however, at low SNR, the noise in magnitude MRI is Rician. For most cases of multi-exponential characterization, high SNR is required so the effect of noise fold-over in magnitude images is minimal. In general, though, one can correct for the effects of Rician noise on the echo magnitudes prior to data analysis (28), which will make the data analysis consistent with the CRLB calculations herein.


Grant Sponsors: NIH EB001744, EB001452, and NSF Career Award 0448915 (M.D.D).


Starting with Eq [2], and ignoring the noise term, the partial derivatives are

MTM0a=c1nMTM0b=c2nMTT2a=nc3c1nMTT2b=nc4c2n [A.1]



Substituting this into Eq [4], taking the number of echoes to infinity, and using the series formulae

n=1rn=r1r,n=1nrn=r(1r)2,andn=1n2rn=r2+r(1r)3,wegetF=1σ2[c121c12c1c21c1c2c221c22Nc12c3(1c12)2c1c2c3(1c1c2)2(c14+c12)c32(1c12)3c1c2c4(1c1c2)2c22c4(1c22)2(1+c1c2)c1c2c3c4(1c1c2)3(c24+c22)c42(1c22)3]. [A.2]

Eq [3] then gives

s2(M0a)=σ2c14(c1c2)6(c121)(c1c21)2(c22+2c1c2(c223)+c12(93c22+c24)4c13(c2+c23)+c14(11+21c223c24)+c15(2c26c23)+c16(47c22+4c24))s2(M0b)=σ2c14(c1c2)6(c1c21)2(c221)(c12+2c1(3+c12)c2+(93c12+c14)c224c1(1+c12)c23(1121c12+3c14)c24+(2c16c13)c25+(47c12+4c14)c26)s2(T2a)=σ2(c121)3(c1c21)4c14(c1c2)4c32s2(T2b)=σ2(c1c21)4(c221)3(c1c2)4c24c42 [A.3]


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