N-linked glycans of Schizophyllum commune consist of Man5-9GlcNAc2 structures. Lack of further glycan maturation is explained by the absence of genes encoding such functions in this and other homobasidiomycetes. N-linked glycans in vegetative mycelium and fruiting bodies of S. commune are mainly Man7GlcNAc2 and Man5GlcNAc2, respectively, suggesting more efficient mannose trimming in the mushroom.
N glycosylation of proteins, the addition of sugar groups to specific asparagine (N) residues, is a common modification of proteins traveling through the secretory pathway (6). The overall organization of the machinery for N glycosylation and especially the strongly conserved early steps of N glycosylation are found all over the eukaryotic domain (8).
N glycosylation results from the sequential action of specific enzymes localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus (6). As a first step, a preformed precursor oligosaccharide Glc3Man9GlcNac2 is transferred cotranslationally from a dolichol carrier to an asparagine within an N-X-S/T sequence motif, where X is any amino acid except proline (3, 6, 7). The precursor oligosaccharide is subsequently modified by the removal of sugar units by glycosidases and addition of sugar units by glycosyltransferases that line the secretory route (Fig. 1).
FIG. 1.
Process of N glycosylation in eukaryotes. Proteins are channeled into the ER via the Sec61 translocon. The oligosaccharyl transferase complex transfers a prebuilt oligosaccharide to the protein upon entry of an N glycosylation signal. The glycan structure is subsequently modified in the ER and in the Golgi apparatus. Glucoses are indicated by triangles, mannoses by circles, GlcNAcs by squares, xyloses by pentagons, fucoses and galactoses by hexagons, and sialic acids by stars.
The functions of N glycosylation of proteins are diverse (11). They range from aiding in proper protein folding and in ER-dependent degradation to determining the biochemical and biophysical properties of a protein. For instance, the N glycosylation structure can influence protein kinetics, tissue distribution, and receptor binding and effector functions (10). As a result, N glycosylation has been studied from fundamental, medical, and applied perspectives. It has been shown that the glycan structures differ between organisms. This is the result of different repertoires of glycosyltransferases along the secretory pathway. For instance, humans produce complex types of glycans extended with N-acetylglucosamines, galactoses, and sialic acids. Plants produce similar complex types of glycans but without sialic acid and with a bisecting β-1,2-xylose and an α-1,3-linked fucose. On the other hand, Saccharomyces cerevisae produces mostly hypermannosylated glycans with up to 100 residues (Fig. 1), whereas aspergilli produce oligomannosidic structures extended with additional mannose and galactofuranose residues (9, 13). Here, we describe the N glycosylation machinery in homobasidiomycetes. This group of fungi includes the true mushrooms, in contrast to heterobasidiomycetes, which include the jelly fungi and the rusts and smuts. Four genomes representative of the homobasidiomycetes were analyzed, and an expression and biochemical analysis was performed for one of these fungi, Schizophyllum commune.
Sequences of genes involved in N glycosylation in S. cerevisiae and humans were bidirectionally compared by BLAST against the predicted protein databases of the homobasidiomycetes Coprinus cinereus (Broad Institute, MIT), Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Laccaria bicolor, and S. commune (Joint Genome Institute [JGI]) (see Table S1 in the supplemental material). Proposed gene annotations are given in Table 1. Unique homologues were found in the four homobasidiomycetes for all genes involved in the synthesis of the oligosaccharide precursor. Interestingly, the homobasidiomycetes also contain unique homologues for the subunits of the human oligosaccharyl transferase complex, which is responsible for the transfer of the precursor to the protein entering the ER. A homologue for yeast ost5, encoding a subunit not found in mammals, was also absent in the basidiomycete genomes. Moreover, like other fungi (4), homobasidiomycetes appear to have only one ost3/ost6 homologue that is more related to ost3 than to ost6. A single homologue for human glucosidase I and II as well as for UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase was found in all four basidiomycetes. In contrast, mannosidase I BLAST searches yielded between three and seven homologues in the different species. This has also been observed for other eukaryotes. One of these mannosidases is generally localized in the ER and converts Man9GlcNAc2 to Man8GlcNAc2. The other mannosidases are localized in the Golgi apparatus and catalyze the conversions from Man9GlcNAc2 to Man5GlcNAc2 (9). This may also be the case for the homobasidiomycetes. Notably, no homologues of genes encoding enzymes involved in late glycosylation reactions that occur in the Golgi apparatuses of mammals, plants, S. cerevisae, and other ascomycetes could be found in the homobasidiomycete genomes (e.g., enzymes such as galactofuranose mutase, mannosyltransferases, fucosyl-, xylosyl-, and galactosyltransferases, and N-acetylglucosamine transferase [see Table S1 in the supplemental material]).
Predicted homologues of genes involved in N glycosylation in the homobasidiomycetes C. cinereus, P. chrysosporium, L. bicolor, and S. commune and their expression levels in S. communea
Gene | Protein identity
Expression (tpm)
C. cinereus | P. chrysosporium | L. bicolor | S. commune | Monokaryon | Fruiting body | |
alg1 | XP_001828935 | 137031 | XP_001873898.1 | 48280 | 11 | 11 |
alg2 | XP_001838360 | 132866 | XP_001878479.1 | 58094 | 5 | 3 |
alg3 | XP_001833721 | 39520 | XP_001878203.1 | 51393 | 17 | 19 |
alg5 | XP_001831223 | 137453 | XP_001875049.1 | 53661 | 42 | 59 |
alg6 | XP_001835805 | 27455 | XP_001876280.1 | 66786 | 10 | 8 |
alg8 | XP_001837067 | 129366 | XP_001873612.1 | 63365 | 70 | 54 |
alg9 | XP_001829193 | 7495 | XP_001874021.1 | 64714 | 23 | 17 |
alg10 | XP_001828622 | 6332 | XP_001873612.1 | 47266 | 0 | 0 |
alg11 | XP_001835629 | 27757 | XP_001875753.1 | 52555 | 7 | 7 |
alg12 | XP_001838600 | 0 | XP_001883469.1 | 104684 | 0b | 0b |
alg13 | XP_001833706 | 122448 | XP_001878261.1 | 52101 | 35 | 11 |
alg14 | XP_001830127 | 42674 | 58325 | 13 | 10 | |
alg7 | XP_001835697 | 128698 | XP_001875906.1 | 53029 | 46 | 14 |
dpm1 | XP_001828559 | 124350 | XP_001881381.1 | 62156 | 117 | 133 |
rft1 | XP_001834225 | 128907 | XP_001880016.1 | 56542 | 8 | 7 |
ost1 | XP_001837161 | 139605 | XP_001876670.1 | 63008 | 21 | 31 |
ost2 | XP_001837322 | 139862 | XP_001876783.1 | 230988 | 30 | 44 |
ost3 | XP_001833254 | 332 | 74773 | 79 | 189 | |
ost4 | Not annotated, chromosome 6, positions 1036693-1036791 | Not annotated, scaffold 5, positions 1077844-1077942 | XP_001879045.1 | 56760 | 188 | 97 |
stt3 | XP_001831182 | 137809 | XP_001874437.1 | 15576 | 0c | 0c |
swp1 | XP_001832411 | 4549 | XP_001881114.1 | 61083 | 58 | 20 |
wbp1 | XP_001839842 | 122496 | XP_001878162.1 | 81535 | 9 | 7 |
gls1 | XP_001833601 | 132605 | XP_001877857.1 | 65761 | 25 | 58 |
gls2 | XP_001830083 | 35310 | XP_001888761.1 | 57517 | 0b | 0b |
UGGT | XP_001832620 | 24966 | XP_001887424.1 | 70541 | 13 | 14 |
ManI | XP_001829446 | 130488 | XP_001874173.1 | 50368 | 40 | 53 |
ManI | XP_001834778 | XP_001888694.1 | ||||
ManI | XP_001831476 | XP_001889953.1 | 75752 | 0b | 0b | |
ManI | XP_001834637 | 113 | XP_001874608.1 | 76041 | 17 | 17 |
ManI | XP_001831454 | 2107 | XP_001881296.1 | |||
ManI | XP_001840635 | 4550 | XP_001876643.1 | 258542 | 303 | 195 |
ManI | XP_001832442 | XP_001874167.1 |
The predicted proteins of P. chrysosporium and S. commune have not been submitted to GenBank but can be found in the JGI database (http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Phchr1/Phchr1.home.html and http://shake.jgi-psf.org/Schco1/Schco1.home.html). Expression analysis was performed by MPSS using 4-day-old monokaryotic mycelium and fruiting bodies that had been grown in the light.
The homologues of alg12, gls2, and one of the mannosidase I genes gave no MPSS signal, but their mRNAs were found in the EST database (JGI).
stt3 was expressed in other stages. For instance, 4 tpm were detected in the monokaryon that had been grown in the dark for 4 days.
Expression of the putative genes involved in N glycosylation was assessed in S. commune by massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS). RNA was isolated from mycelium of S. commune strain 4-40 (CBS 340.81) and from fruiting bodies resulting from a cross between the coisogenic strains 4-40 and 4-39 (CBS 341.81). S. commune was grown in the light at 25°C on 25-ml minimal-medium plates (1) from 2 ml of macerated myceliun on a porous polycarbonate membrane (diameter, 76 mm; pore size, 0.1 μm) (Osmonics; GE Water Technologies, Trevose, PA) for 4 days for mycelium and, as a point inoculum, directly on the plates for 8 days for fruiting bodies. MPSS analysis was performed by Illumina (Hayward, CA) and ServiceXS (The Netherlands) using the DpnII restriction enzyme. Tags were generated and sequenced using the sequence-by-synthesis method on the Clonal Single Molecule Array (CSMA) platform from Illumina. Values were normalized to transcripts per million sequenced (tpm). MPSS data showed transcription for almost all identified genes (Table 1). Transcripts of the genes predicted to encode alg12, glucosidase II, and a mannosidase I were not detected by MPSS but were found in the EST database (JGI) and are therefore considered expressed as well. Only in the case of the alg10 homologue was no EST and no MPSS tag found. It therefore cannot be concluded that the third glucose residue is added to the oligosaccharide precursor in S. commune.
Taken together, these data suggest that homobasidiomycetes generate N-glycans similarly to other eukaryotes but complete mannose trimming only to a Man5GlcNAc2 structure with no further maturation reactions. To confirm this hypothesis, proteins were isolated from mycelium of S. commune strain 4-40 and from fruiting bodies resulting from a cross of the 4-40 and 4-39 strains (for culture conditions, see above). The frozen mycelium and fruiting bodies were homogenized by grinding them in a mortar. Proteins were extracted in 50 mM HEPES (5 mM EDTA, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate, 20 mM Na2S2O5), pH 7.5. After trichloroacetic acid precipitation, N-glycans were cleaved from the proteins by peptide N-glycosidase F in the recommended buffer (Westburg). N-glycans were purified on a C18 solid-phase extraction column (BondElut, Varian Inc.) and a Carbograph solid-phase extraction column (Alltech Applied Sciences) and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry using positive-ion detection of [M+Na]+ adducts on an Ultraflex mass spectrometer (Bruker) fitted with delayed extraction and a nitrogen laser (337 nm). Spectra were generated from the sum of at least 300 laser pulses. All analyses were done in triplicate. The area under the curve was calculated and related to the total area under the curve for all peaks with a signal-to-noise ratio larger than 8 (Fig. 2). This analysis showed that N-glycans with molecular masses corresponding to Man9GlcNAc2, Man8GlcNAc2, Man7GlcNAc2, Man6GlcNAc2, and Man5GlcNAc2, as well as minor amounts (≤1% of the total glycan) of Man4PGlcNAc2, are produced. This is in accordance with the hypothesis that homobasidiomycetes produce only oligomannosidic N-glycan structures. Interestingly, the monokaryotic mycelium secreted mainly proteins with glycans with a mass corresponding to Man7GlcNAc2 (51.9% ± 1.2%), whereas in fruiting bodies, glycans had mainly a molecular weight corresponding to the Man5GlcNAc2 type (47.8% ± 3.6%). To confirm this composition, the latter structure was analyzed by 500 MHz 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR). This revealed indeed that this structure is identical to that of the Man5GlcNAc2 intermediate in human N glycosylation {Man-B(α1-6)[Man-A(α1-3)]Man-4′(α1-6)[Man-4(α1-3)]Man-3(β1- 4)GlcNAc-2(β1-4)GlcNAc-1: Man-4 H-1, δ 5.093; Man-4′ H-1, δ 4.870; Man-A H-1, δ 5.093; Man-B H-1, δ 4.907; GlcNAc-2 NAc, δ 2.063; GlcNAc-1 NAc, δ 2.037} (12). From these data we conclude that mannose trimming is more efficient in the fruiting bodies.
FIG. 2.
Glycan profiles of monokaryotic mycelium and fruiting bodies. Average values and their standard deviations are shown for biological triplicates.
In summary, our results show that S. commune, and likely other homobasidiomycetes as well, produce only oligomannosidic structures. Indeed, preliminary results have shown this N glycosylation pattern in a diversity of homobasidiomycetes, including Lentinus edodus, Pleurotus ostreatus, and Agaricus blazei (our results; data not shown). Also, these glycan masses were observed in the common mushroom Agaricus bisporus in an inventory of glycan structures in vegetable foodstuffs (14). The simple N-linked glycan structure in the homobasidiomycetes is explained by the absence of homologues of genes encoding enzymes that catalyze downstream reactions involved in complex or hybrid types of N-glycan biosynthesis or in hypermannosylation or galactofuranosylation such as occurs in other eukaryotes. These results are of interest from an applied point of view. In recent years, efforts have been made to bioengineer the N glycosylation in cell factories used for industrial production of therapeutic N-glycoproteins for application to humans (see references 2 and 5). Correct glycosylation is crucial for proper biological activity and to prevent immune responses. Our data show that the humanization of the N glycosylation in homobasidiomycetes would require only the introduction of three plant or animal glycosyltransferases and glycosidases without the need to inactivate the glycosylation activity of the host.
Supplementary Material
We thank Justina Dobruchowska and Hans Kamerling (Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands) for 1H-NMR analysis and Maurice Henquet, Thamara Hesselink, and Hans Helsper (PRI, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) for glycan analyses.
This research was supported by the Dutch Technology Foundation STW, the applied science division of NWO, and the Technology Program of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Schizophyllum commune sequence data were produced by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (http://www.jgi.doe.gov/) in collaboration with the user community.
Published ahead of print on 1 May 2009.
Supplemental material for this article may be found at http://aem.asm.org/.
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