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. 2009 May 20;96(10):3936–3948. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2009.01.059

A Stochastic Four-State Model of Contingent Gating of Gap Junction Channels Containing Two “Fast” Gates Sensitive to Transjunctional Voltage

Nerijus Paulauskas †,§, Mindaugas Pranevicius , Henrikas Pranevicius §, Feliksas F Bukauskas †,
PMCID: PMC2712155  PMID: 19450466


Connexins, a family of membrane proteins, form gap junction (GJ) channels that provide a direct pathway for electrical and metabolic signaling between cells. We developed a stochastic four-state model describing gating properties of homotypic and heterotypic GJ channels each composed of two hemichannels (connexons). GJ channel contain two “fast” gates (one per hemichannel) oriented opposite in respect to applied transjunctional voltage (Vj). The model uses a formal scheme of peace-linear aggregate and accounts for voltage distribution inside the pore of the channel depending on the state, unitary conductances and gating properties of each hemichannel. We assume that each hemichannel can be in the open state with conductance γh,o and in the residual state with conductance γh,res, and that both γh,o and γh,res rectifies. Gates can exhibit the same or different gating polarities. Gating of each hemichannel is determined by the fraction of Vj that falls across the hemichannel, and takes into account contingent gating when gating of one hemichannel depends on the state of apposed hemichannel. At the single-channel level, the model revealed the relationship between unitary conductances of hemichannels and GJ channels and how this relationship is affected by γh,o and γh,res rectification. Simulation of junctions containing up to several thousands of homotypic or heterotypic GJs has been used to reproduce experimentally measured macroscopic junctional current and Vj-dependent gating of GJs formed from different connexin isoforms. Vj-gating was simulated by imitating several frequently used experimental protocols: 1), consecutive Vj steps rising in amplitude, 2), slowly rising Vj ramps, and 3), series of Vj steps of high frequency. The model was used to predict Vj-gating of heterotypic GJs from characteristics of corresponding homotypic channels. The model allowed us to identify the parameters of Vj-gates under which small changes in the difference of holding potentials between cells forming heterotypic junctions effectively modulates cell-to-cell signaling from bidirectional to unidirectional. The proposed model can also be used to simulate gating properties of unapposed hemichannels.


Connexins (Cxs), a large family of membrane proteins, form gap junction (GJ) channels that provide a direct pathway for electrical and metabolic signaling between cells. Each GJ channel is composed of two hemichannels, hexamers of Cxs also called connexons. Cell-cell communication can be organized through homotypic (same Cx isoform in both hemichannels), heterotypic (two Cx isoforms form GJ channels, but each hemichannel is assembled from one isoform) and heteromeric (different Cx isoforms form at least one hemichannel) GJ channels that vary in conductance, perm-selectivity, and gating properties. Gap junctional communication play important roles in many processes, such as impulse propagation in the heart, communication between neurons and glia, metabolic exchange between cells in the lens that lack blood system, organ formation during development, and regulation of cells proliferation (reviewed in (1–4)).

A property that appears to be common to GJ channels formed of any Cx isoform is sensitivity of junctional conductance, gj, to transjunctional voltage, Vj (5,6). A common feature of Vj-gating is that steady-state gj (gss) does not decline to zero with increasing Vj, but reaches a plateau or residual conductance that varies from ∼5% to 30% of the maximum gj depending on the Cx isoforms (7). Single-channel studies have shown that residual gj is due at least in part to incomplete closure of the GJ channel by Vj, i.e., Vj causes channels to close to a subconductance (residual) state with fast gating transitions (∼1 ms and less), which has significantly longer dwelling time than other substates (7,8). The symmetric reduction in gj with positive or negative Vj has been explained by having a Vj gate in each apposed hemichannel so that for each polarity of Vj, closure can be ascribed to one or the other hemichannel (9). It was shown that Vj as well as chemical uncouplers can also induce gating transitions to the fully closed state and that these transitions are slow, ∼10 ms (10,11). Gating to different levels via distinct fast and slow gating transitions led to the suggestion that there are two distinct Vj sensitive gates, termed fast and slow or “loop” gating mechanisms (reviewed in (12)). The fast gate closes channels to the residual state and it is mainly operated by Vj, whereas the slow gate closes channels completely and it is operated primarily by chemical uncouplers but also by Vj.

Earlier, gating properties of GJ channels were described by using Boltzmann function (9,13) assuming that GJ channels have two states, open and fully closed, as most of ionic channels. To find gating parameters, gj-Vj dependence was split into two segments for positive and negative Vjs. Such approach allowed to describe gating properties of homotypic and heterotypic GJ channels assuming that each hemichannel gates independently, which may be accurate only when both hemichannels have the same gating polarity, have similar single-channel conductance, and are relatively insensitive to Vj. Previously there were few attempts to describe Vj gating of GJs at the single-channel level (14) and macroscopically (15) by using a four-state model in which each hemichannel contained a fast gate operating between open and residual states. Both models made a progress introducing a more detailed description of GJ channels based on most recent experimental data and improved the fitting process allowing to find gating parameters of GJ channels. However, the analytical approach used in (15) to describe Vj-gating allowed only steady-state predictions. Neither of the previous models allowed the possibility to study kinetics of junctional current during applied transjunctional voltages. Ramanan et al. (16) proposed a three-state model of Cx37 GJ channels that exhibits the main state and two substates. This model was adapted more specifically to GJ channels that demonstrate multiple substates.

Here we present a stochastic four-state model that uses imitative approach and accounts for voltage distribution inside the pore of the GJ channel, i.e., takes into account contingent gating. Each hemichannel contains a fast gating mechanism with variable gating polarity. Each gate can be in open or closed states that correspond to the open state or the residual state, respectively, of the hemichannel. In addition, unitary conductances of open and residual states depend on Vj, i.e., conductance of hemichannels rectifies. The model was used to imitate experimental data of Vj-gating in homotypic and heterotypic junctions measured in HeLa cells exogenously expressing different Cx isoforms. Our model allowed simulation of the dynamics of junctional current that was achieved due to use of stochastic description of voltage gating processes. This enhanced flexibility of the model in respect to its structure and variation of parameters used to describe the conductance and gating of hemichannels composing GJ channel.

Material and Methods

Cells and culture conditions

Experiments were performed using HeLa cells (Human cervix carcinoma cells, ATCC CCL2) stably transfected with different Cx isoforms (Cx31, Cx40, Cx43, Cx45, and Cx47). More details about used DNAs for transfection and selection of clones stably expressing different Cx isoforms are in (17–19). Cells were grown in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium supplemented with 8% fetal calf serum (Gibco, Carlsbad, CA), 100 μg/ml streptomycin and 100 units/ml penicillin.

Electrophysiological measurements

Experiments were performed in modified Krebs-Ringer solution containing (in mM): NaCl, 140; KCl, 4; CaCl2, 2; MgCl2, 1; glucose, 5; pyruvate, 2; HEPES, 5 (pH 7.4). Electrodes were filled with pipette solution containing (in mM): KCl, 130; NaAsp, 10; MgATP, 3; MgCl2, 1; CaCl2, 0.2; EGTA, 2; HEPES, 5 (pH = 7.2). For electrophysiological recordings, cells were grown onto glass coverslips and transferred to an experimental chamber mounted on the stage of an inverted microscope IX70 (Olympus, Center Valley, PA). Cells were perfused with modified Krebs-Ringer solution at room temperature. Junctional conductance (gj) was measured in selected cell pairs using the dual whole-cell patch clamp system (20). Briefly, each cell within a pair was voltage clamped independently with a separate patch clamp amplifier (EPC-7plus; HEKA). Transjunctional voltage (Vj) was induced by stepping the voltage in cell-1 (ΔV1) and keeping the other constant, Vj = ΔV1. Junctional current (Ij) was measured as the change in current in the unstepped cell-2, Ij = ΔI2. Thus, gj was obtained from the ratio, −Ij/Vj, where negative sign indicates that junctional current measured in cell-2 is oppositely oriented to the one measured in cell-1. Signals were acquired and analyzed using custom-made software (21) and A/D converter from National Instruments (Austin, TX).


Initially, we will highlight the experimental data demonstrating basic properties of GJs that we used in the model. This includes micro- and macroscopic Vj-gating events, single GJ channel gating transitions between open and residual states, and their rectification. Subsequently, we will describe the model and simulate Vj-gating in homo- and heterotypic junctions composed of different numbers of GJ channels. Finally, we will simulate signal transfer asymmetry in response to electrical activity of high frequency applied to either side of heterotypic junctions.

Conductance and voltage gating properties of GJ channels formed from different Cx isoforms

Typically, homotypic GJ channels exhibit gj decay in response to Vj and symmetric gss-Vj dependence. Fig. 1 A shows Ij through Cx47 homotypic channels evoked by negative Vj steps of 31, 48, and 65 mV. Short and repeated voltage steps of ±18 mV (see the inset) were used to measure gj in between of long Vj steps. During Vj steps of −48 and 65 mV, Ij decayed from an initial value (Iin) to a steady-state level (Iss). Fig. 1 B shows averaged and normalized Gin and Gss (normalized to gj at Vj = 0 mV) dependencies on Vj. Gin-Vj plot (solid circles; dashed line is a regression line of the second order) shows virtually no changes of Gin over Vj range from −110 to 110 mV. Gss-Vj plot demonstrates symmetric bell-shape dependence on Vj that is typical for homotypic GJ channels. The solid line is a fit of Gss data to Boltzmann's equation (13). The fit was performed separately for gss data at positive and negative Vjs. Fig. 1 C shows variation of Gss-Vj dependence among different Cx isoforms forming homotypic GJ channels.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Illustration of voltage gating in HeLa cells expressing different Cx isoforms. (A) An example of Ij decay in homotypic Cx47 channels evoked by negative Vj steps of 31, 48, and 65 mV. Repeated voltage steps of ±18 mV (see the inset) were used to measure gj in between of long Vj steps. (B) Dependencies of Gin and Gss (normalized to gj at Vj = 0 mV) on Vj in Cx47 homotypic GJs. (C) Gss-Vj plots of different Cx isoforms forming homotypic GJ channels.

Fig. 2 shows Ij record of HeLaCx47 cell pair exhibiting one functional channel. Solid gray lines show that during first two ramps, the channel is open and Ij is virtually linear over applied Vjs. At the beginning of the third ramp, channel closes from the open state to the substate or the residual state and remains closed during period indicated in the box. The inset shows that Ij-Vj relationship is not linear and rectifies almost exponentially. The rectification of the residual state was shown earlier for Cx43 (22) and Cx32 (23) GJ channels. The rectification of the open state is problematic to monitor in homotypic GJ channels because conductances of apposed hemichannels are oriented as mirror images of each other. Otherwise, gh,o rectification was well documented in unapposed hemichannels of Cx30, Cx46, and Cx50 (24,25).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Illustration of the rectification of the residual conductance in HeLaCx47 cell pair exhibiting one functional channel. Solid gray lines on Ij trace show that during first two ramps the channel is open, and Ij is virtually linear over entire Vj range. During the third ramp, the channel was closed to the residual state over time indicated in the box. The inset shows that Ij-Vj relationship of the residual state is not linear, i.e., rectifies.

Heterotypic GJ channels that form between cells expressing different connexins (each cell expresses one Cx isoform) typically exhibits asymmetric Vj-gating. Fig. 3 A shows currents through Cx43/Cx45 heterotypic GJ channels at Vj ramps from +60 to −60 mV applied to HeLaCx43 cell. At positive Vjs the channel exhibits gating transitions between open and closed states, whereas at negative Vjs the channel stays open. Summarized Ij-Vj plot shows that Ij of the open state is virtually linear over Vj, that the channel exhibits strong Vj-gating asymmetry and that gating transitions were observed preferentially at Vjs negative on Cx45 side. This is in agreement with our previous report demonstrating that the gating polarity of Cx45 is negative (26). However, not all heterotypic junctions show linear Ij-Vj relationship for the open state. Fig. 3 B shows Ij record of the single Cx32/Cx46 heterotypic channel in response to repeated series of Vj steps and ramps. Summarized Ij-Vj plot shows that the open state demonstrates very strong rectification (the solid gray line is a fit of the data points representing the open state to the exponential function); Ij at Vj = +90 mV is ∼3-fold smaller than at Vj = −90 mV.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Ij recordings at the single-channel level demonstrating an absence and presence of Ij-Vj rectification of the open state in Cx43/Cx45 (A) and Cx32/Cx46 (B) heterotypic junctions, respectively.

Fig. 4 shows Vj-gating of Cx31/Cx45 heterotypic junction examined by using voltage ramps with slow rise of Vj over time. The Ij trace shows strong asymmetry, similar to that reported earlier (27), in response to two Vj ramps of different polarity. Earlier, we reported that in some heterotypic GJs an asymmetry of gj-Vj plots is higher than predicted from intrinsic Vj-gating sensitivities of Cxs composing heterotypic GJ channels (26,27). We hypothesized that a difference in unitary conductances of hemichannels affects asymmetry of gj-Vj plot. We will exploit the model by using voltage ramp protocol to study Vj-gating to validate this statement (see Fig. 10).

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Vj-gating in HeLa cell pair forming Cx31-EGFP/Cx45 heterotypic junctions. Ij trace shows strong asymmetry of Ij response to Vj ramps slowly rising from 0 to −115 mV and from 0 to 115 mV. Gj-Vj plot (normalized to maximal gj at Vj = ∼−40 mV) shows that at Vj = 0 only ∼50% of Cx31-EGFP/Cx45 channels are open. Data shown in the inset demonstrate an increase of gj at Vjs >60 mV.

Figure 10.

Figure 10

Simulation of Vj-gating in heterotypic junctions. (A) Shown demonstrates that Vj-gating asymmetry of heterotypic GJs (black lines) depends on the ratio of unitary conductances of composing hemichannels. Gray lines show Gss-Vj plots of presumptive Cx43 and Cx45 homotypic junctions. Solid black lines, 1–3, show gss-Vj plots at different unitary conductances of composing hemichannels. (B) Vj-gating at different gating polarities of composing hemichannels. Plots 1 and 4 were obtained when both gates had the same gating polarity, negative and positive, respectively. Plots 5 and 6 were obtained when both gates had different gating polarities, Cx45 negative and Cx43 positive (5) and Cx45 positive and Cx43 negative (6).

The gss-Vj plot calculated from Vj and Ij traces allows us to suggest that at Vj = 0 only a fraction (<1/2) of Cx31/Cx45 channels are open and gss increases when the Cx45 side is relatively more positive and decreases almost to zero when the Cx45 side is more negative. Similar gj-Vj gating asymmetry was documented in other heterotypic junctions, such as Cx43/Cx45 (26) and Cx40/Cx45 (20). Interestingly, the data shown in the inset demonstrate that when Vj increased from 60 to 110 mV, gss increased. This phenomenon was reproduced in the model by assuming a presence of conductance rectification of the residual state of Cx45 (see Fig. 9 E).

Figure 9.

Figure 9

Gj-Vj plots of heterotypic junction. Two sets of parameters shown in A were used for this simulation. (B) Ij and gj traces were calculated in response to consecutive Vj steps increasing stepwise (ΔVj = 20 mV) from −100 to 100 mV. (C) The family of gss-Vj plots show that Vj-gating asymmetry increased with the reduction of Vh,o of Cx45 from 30 to 10 (thick gray line), −10, 30, and −50 mV. (D and E) An effect of γh,o and γh,res rectification on Vj-gating. gss-Vj (gray lines) and gin-Vj (black lines) plots shown in D were obtained at ϖo of 5000 (circles), 500 (diamonds), and 250 mV (triangles). gss-Vj (gray lines) and gin-Vj (black lines) plots shown in E were obtained at ϖres of 4000 (circles), 400 (diamonds), and 200 mV (triangles). The inset in E highlights gss increase with increase of Vj.

In summary, heterotypic GJs in contrast to homotypic GJs demonstrate asymmetric Vj-gating. Vj-gating of GJ channel depends on intrinsic gating properties of composing hemichannels as well as on the fraction of Vj that drops on each of them. This fraction is 1/2 for open homotypic GJ channels, and it can be very different for heterotypic GJ channels formed from Cxs that demonstrate different unitary conductances. In addition, data shown in Figs. 2 B and 3 B demonstrate that Ij-Vj relationship of the single channel of open and residual states can rectify. Thus, in the model, we should take into account Cx-type dependent Vj-gating sensitivity, unitary conductances of open and residual states, as well as their I/V rectification.

Description of the model

Schematics of transitions between states

In the model, we assume that the GJ channel is formed from A and B hemichannels, and each hemichannel contributes one voltage-sensitive gate that closes channels to the residual state, i.e., imitates the fast gating mechanism (12). Therefore, in concert with previous models (13–15), we assume that two voltage gates in series control the gating of GJ channel (Fig. 5 A). The schematic presentation of the four-state model is shown in Fig. 5 B, where Ki (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) are equilibrium constants for each of transitions between states. The channel can occupy one of the four possible states: 1), AoBo, both gates are open, 2), AcBo, A gate is closed and gate B is open, 3), AoBc, A gate is open and B gate is closed, and 4), AcBc, both gates are closed.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Schematics of the four-state model. (A) The scheme of the GJ channel containing the fast gate in each hemichannel. (B) Illustration of a four-state model: 1), AoBo—both gates are open, 2), AcBo—gate A closed and gate B open, 3), AoBc—gate A open and gate B closed, and 4), AcBc—both gates closed. Ki (I = 1–4) are equilibrium constants.

The equilibrium constants between the states were described as exponential functions that depend on transjunctional voltage across the hemichannels A and B (VA and VB; we assume that transjunctional voltage across the gate and hemichannel is the same):

K1=eA1(ΠVAV01)K2=eA2(ΠVBV02)K3=eA3(ΠVAV03)K4=eA4(ΠVBV04), (1)

where Ai is the voltage sensitivity coefficient; Voi is the voltage for half-maximal conductance; and Π is a gating polarity, which can be positive or negative. Negative and positive signs for VA and VB, respectively, indicate that the two gates are oriented as mirror images of each other. Transjunctional voltage across the GJ channel is a sum of VA and VB, i.e., Vj = VA + VB. Closing one hemichannel changes the voltage across the apposing hemichannel, and this will affect the probability of changing the state. Thus, the model exploits principles of contingent gating. Aggregate method was used for a formal description of the model and consequently for writing the algorithm (see Supplement 2 in the Supporting Material). The piece-linear aggregate is described in accordance with Markov principles, i.e., the probability of transitions does not depend on the history of previous transitions. The algorithm was written using C Sharp (C#) programming language.

Assuming that both gates do not interact with each other except via voltage redistribution inside the pore and only voltage across each of A and B hemichannels defines their gating, then A1 = A3, A2 = A4, V01 = V03, and V02 = V04. As reported earlier (15), regardless of the pathway of transitions between states AoBo and AcBc, thermodynamic law requires that K1 × K4 = K2 × K3. Following the scheme shown in Fig. 5 B, opening and closing probabilities of gate A depend on K1: P(Ao→c) = K1 × P(Ac→o). We will define such a small time interval, Δt, at which only one transition for each gate is possible. Interval Δt will be used as a simulation step. For example, when K1 = 1, both open and closed states of the gate are equally possible, P(Ao) = P(Ac). When system is at equilibrium, average number of open and closed gates does not change. Thus, the average number of opening and closing events of the gate must be equal or P(Ao)×P(Aoc)=P(Ac)×P(Aco). If we label as a probability that the gate will change the state during time interval Δt, then Pκ=P(Ao)×P(Aoc)+P(Ac)×P(Aco). When both states are equally probable (K1 = 1), then P(Ao) = P(Ac) = 1/2 and = (P(Ao→c) + P(Ac→o))/2. The difference, 1 − , is a probability that the gate will stay in the same state. In general, the model defines at any given time whether individual channels remain in the same state or change the state. In junction composed of thousands of GJ channels any new calculation at the same Vj protocol results to random distribution of open and closed states over time for individual channels while the mean gj remains the same.

Conductance of hemichannels

The proposed model assumes that each hemichannel can be in the open or the closed states with conductances, γh,o and γh,res, respectively. Studies of the single GJ channel formed of various Cx isoforms show that the ratio of γres/γo is in the range of 0.2–0.25. The ratio, γh,res/γh,o, for hemichannels should be different and for homotypic GJs γres/γo = 2(γh,res/γh,o)/(1+γh,res/γh,o). However, this relationship could be more complex if both γh,o and γh,res depend on Vj, i.e., when they demonstrate rectifying properties as it is shown in Figs. 2 B and 3 B. Similar to (14), we used single exponential function to describe γh,o and γh,res dependence on Vj: γh,o = Γoê(−Vj/ϖo) and γh,res = Γresê(−Vj/ϖres), where Γo and Γres are unitary conductances of hemichannels at Vj = 0 mV, and ϖo and ϖres determine rectification constant.

We generated three versions of the model that differ in stimulation protocols: 1), consecutive Vj steps rising in the amplitude, 2), slowly raising Vj ramps, and 3), series of short negative and positive Vj steps of variable frequency. In Supplement 1 in the Supporting Material, we show examples of the screen captures for each of used protocols (see Fig. S1, Fig. S2, and Fig. S3).

Simulation of homotypic GJ channels

Single-channel gating

Fig. 6 A shows Ij recordings in response to three consecutive Vj steps of −20, −60, and −100 mV. We assumed that the cell pair forms single homotypic GJ channel with parameters identical for both hemichannels: Vh,o = 40 mV γh,o = 200 pS, γh,res = 25 pS, Ah = 0.05 mV−1 (Vh,o corresponds to Voi, and Ah corresponds to AA or AB in Eq. 1; in homotypic GJ channel AA = AB and Vo,A = Vo,B). In addition, it was assumed that both open and residual states do not rectify, i.e., ϖo = ∞ and ϖres = ∞. Ij traces show that open channel probability decays with Vj increase, and three conductance states can be distinguished, which are best seen in Ij trace at Vj = 100 mV. When the channel is fully open, Ij = 10 pA. When one hemichannel is closed to the residual state (Ij = 2.2 pA), we call this state as a primary residual state. The arrow shows the substate that we call the secondary residual state when two gates are closed (Ij = 1.3 pA). An overlay of gj traces for all three voltage steps show that γo=100 pS, whereas γres is equal 22 pS for the primary residual state and 13 pS for the secondary residual state. When the ratio γh,res/γh,o = 0.125 (25 pS/200 pS) then for the primary residual state γres/γo = 0.222 (22.2 pS/100 pS). Experimental data show that for different connexins γres/γo is in between 0.2 and 0.25 (12). According to the model, to cover this range of γres/γo, the ratio, γh,res/γh,o, should be in the range of 0.111–0.143, i.e., ∼2-fold smaller.

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Simulation of the junction containing single homotypic GJ channel. The following parameters were identical for both hemichannels: Vh,o = 40 mV, γh,o = 200 pS, γh,res = 25 pS, and Ah = 0.05 mV−1. (A) Ij and gj traces of nonrectifying channel simulated at three Vj steps of −20, −60, and −100 mV. gj trace is an overlay of conductances calculated for all three voltage steps. (B) Ij and gj traces of the channel exhibiting γh,o and γh,res rectification with ϖo= 400 mV and ϖres = 200 mV. Ij trace shows single channels gating at Vj = −60 mV. The bottom gj trace shows overlay of conductances at Vj steps of −20, 60, and −100 mV.

Fig. 6 B shows an example of Ij trace of the single channel at Vj = 60 mV. All parameters are the same as in Fig. 6 A but the open and residual states exhibit I/V rectification with ϖo = 400 mV and ϖres = 200 mV. gj trace obtained superposing gjs at three Vjs, as in Fig. 6 A, demonstrates that both γo is γres are not constant. Next to gj trace, we show the frequency histogram, which demonstrates that at these particular Vjs three states can be distinguished for γo and nine states for γres. Repeated simulations, which results in stochastic data sets, show that we are getting 96, 98, and 99 pS for γo and more substate conductances in the range of 9–25 pS. Therefore, I/V rectification can result to a large variety of γo and γres measured experimentally at different Vjs.

In summary, for homotypic nonrectifying GJ channel, we can expect having one conductance for γo and two conductances for γres. The ratio, γh,o/γh,res, for hemichannels is approximately twice smaller than ratio, γo/γres, for GJ channel. If hemichannels exhibit I/V rectification of open and residual states, then in GJ channel both γo and γres depend on applied Vjs, but γres varies in broader range than γo.

Vj-gating of homotypic junctions

Fig. 7 shows theoretically predicted Gj (normalized to gj at Vj = 0) dependences on Vj. In these calculations, we used identical set of parameters for both hemichannels (γh,o = 200 pS, γh,res = 25 pS, Vh,o = 40 mV Ah = 0.1 mV−1, ϖo = ∞ and ϖres = ∞) and for each plot only one parameter of six varied. For a clearer description, the hemichannels forming GJ channels were attributed to the left- and right-side hemichannels. In all plots, the same color represents different measured parameters: 1), black lines for Gin; 2), gray lines for Gss; 3), blue and red lines for the right-side and the left-side hemichannels, respectively; and 4), pink and green lines for γh,o and γh,res rectification of the left-side and the right-side hemichannels, respectively. In all calculations the number of GJ channels (N) was equal to 1000.

Figure 7.

Figure 7

Simulated gj-Vj dependencies of homotypic junctions containing 1000 GJ channels; data were normalized to gj values at Vj = 0 mV. Identical set of parameters were used for both hemichannels (γh,o = 200 pS, γh,res = 25 pS, Vh,o = 40 mV, Ah=0.1 mV−1, ϖo = ∞, and ϖres = ∞) and in each plot only one parameter of six varied. Measured parameters are shown in different colors: 1), black for Gin; 2), gray for Gss; 3), blue and red for gj of the right-side and the left-side hemichannels, respectively; and 4), pink and green for γh,o and γh,res rectification of the left-side and the right-side hemichannels, respectively. (A) Gss-Vj plots at Vh,o of 80, 40, 10, and −10 mV. (B) Gss-Vj plots at Ah of 0.2, 0.05, 0.02, and 0.01 mV−1. (C) Gss-Vj plots at γh,res of 40, 20, 10, and 5 pS. (D) Gin-Vj and Gss-Vj plots at different extent of γh,o rectification, ϖh,o = 5000, 1000, 500, or 250 mV. (E, F) Gin-Vj and Gss-Vj plots at different extent of γh,res rectification, ϖh,res=2000, 500, 300, or 100 mV.

Fig. 7 A demonstrates that when Vh,o of left- and right-side hemichannels changed from 80 to 40 mV, there was mainly reduction in the width of Gss-Vj plot but little in gmax. Further reduction of Vh,o to 10 and −10 mV led to the strong reduction of gmax. At Who = −10 mV GJs almost lost Vj dependence with gj being close to gmin. Supplement 1, Fig. S4, in the Supporting Material demonstrates how Gj-Vj plots shown in Fig. 7 A were acquired.

Fig. 7 B demonstrates that the reduction of Ah from 0.2 to 0.05, 0.02, and 0.01 mV−1 strongly affected the steepness of Gss decline (ΔGssVj) around Vj = 40 and −40 mV and reduced gmax. At Ah = 0.01 mV−1, Gss shows very weak dependence on Vj.

Fig. 7 C demonstrates that reduction of γh,res from 40 to 20, 10 and 5 pS substantially affected gmin but not gmax. We did not show simulations with changes of γh,o, which always was equal 200 pS, because the character of gj-Vj plots mainly depends on the ratio, γh,o/γh,res, rather than on the absolute values of γh,o and γh,res.

Fig. 7 D demonstrates that γh,o rectification at ϖh,os between 500 and 5000 mV did not visibly affect Gin-Vj dependence until ϖh,o < 300 mV. Therefore, even though γh,o rectifies substantially, it is difficult to detect its effect on Gin-Vj plot until this rectification is very significant that may not be physiological. Gin-Vj dependence remains the same independent on the direction of γh,o rectification, i.e., whether γh,o = ê(−Vj/ϖo) or γh,o = ê(Vj/ϖo). Fig. 7 D shows that ϖh,o has a relatively small effect of Gss-Vj plot.

Fig. 7, E–F, demonstrate that γh,res rectification had no evident effect on Gin but affected most significantly Gss at Vjs exceeding ±80 mV, i.e., gmin. Rectification of γh,res was changed by attributing to ϖres values from 2000 to 100 mV (see pink and green lines). In both plots, γh,res rectifies but in plot E γh,res = ê(−Vjres) and in plot F γh,res = ê(Vj/ ϖres), i.e., γh,res decreased or increased, respectively, with increase of Vj. Plots E and F show that gmin tends to continuously decay and increase, respectively, at higher Vjs.

Fig. 8 shows Ij trace that was obtained from simulation of Vj-gating in response to long Vj ramps from 0 to 150 mV and from 0 to −150 mV. We examined how the steepness of Vj ramps affects gss. We did this experiment by holding the same amplitude of voltage ramps but shortening their duration stepwise from 200 to 100, 40, 20, and 10 s. At durations of Vj ramps longer than 200 s, gss-Vj plots practically overlapped (not shown) and were identical to that measured by applying consecutive Vj steps of ∼30 s or longer. When Vj steps are used, it is possible to visualize whether steps are long enough (Tmin) to reach the steady state that is not so obvious with the use of Vj ramps. At Vj ramps shorter than 100 s, gss-Vj plots become broader suggesting that steady state of gj was not yet reached. Our data show that to reach the steady state, the duration of Vj ramps should be several times longer than Tmin used for Vj steps. In experimental studies, it is preferable to use slowly raising voltage ramps instead of consecutive Vj steps because it requires less time to measure gss-Vj plot and it is continuous over entire Vj range. Thus, the model can be used to predict an optimal length of Vj ramps for Vj-gating studies in cells expressing different Cx isoforms.

Figure 8.

Figure 8

Simulation of Vj-gating in homotypic GJs in response to slowly rising Vj ramps from 0 to +150 and from 0 to −150 mV. The slope of ramps was changed by shortening their duration from 200 to 100, 40, 20, and 10 s.

In summary, data shown in Figs. 7 and 8 demonstrate the influence that each of the independent parameters has on the gating properties of homotypic GJ channels. Shown data demonstrate a consistency independently whether consecutive Vj steps or slow Vj ramps were used to study Vj-gating properties of GJ channels.

Vj-gating of heterotypic junctions

Fig. 9 shows the gj-Vj plot of a heterotypic junction. In this simulation, we used two sets of parameters (see Fig. 9 A) that are close to those of Cx43 (cell-1) and Cx45 (cell-2). Of all heterotypic junctions, the Vj-gating properties of Cx43/Cx45 junctions are among the most examined (28,26). Fig. 9 B shows the protocol used to simulate gj-Vj dependence. Ij was calculated in response to consecutive Vj steps increasing stepwise (ΔVj = 20 mV) from −100 to 100 mV. gj trace shows that during time period from 0 to 30 s (Vj = 0 mV) gj decayed from ∼50 nS reaching the steady state at 39 nS. This decay is caused by the fact that at the starting point we always assumed that GJ channels are fully open and time window of ∼10–30 s was used to allow the system to reach the steady state before Vj protocol was applied. gss-Vj plot (Fig. 9 C; gray line) calculated with the parameters shown in panel A demonstrates a strong Vj-gating asymmetry. The family of gss-Vj plots show that an asymmetry of Vj-gating increased with the reduction of Vh,o of Cx45 from 30 to 10, −10, 30, and −50 mV. We observed similar changes in Cx43/Cx45 GJs during acidification of the cytoplasm (F. F. Bukauskas, unpublished data).

To assess an effect of conductance rectification on Vj-gating, we varied ϖo and ϖres, whereas other parameters remained the same as shown in Fig. 9 A. Fig. 9 D demonstrates that reduction of ϖo from 5000 (circles) to 500 (diamonds) and 250 mV (triangles) has small effect on gss-Vj dependence (gray lines) but increased steepness of gin-Vj plots (black lines). Interestingly, similar changes of ϖo did not affect substantially gin of homotypic junctions (see Fig. 7 D). Therefore, an effect of γh,o rectification on gin is obscured in homotypic junctions and is more expressed in heterotypic junctions. Fig. 9 E demonstrate that reduction of ϖres from 4000 (circles) to 400 (diamonds) and 200 mV (triangles) did not affect gin-Vj dependence (black lines) but modified gss-Vj plots (gray lines) at higher Vjs. The inset in Fig. 9 E highlights gss increase with increase of Vj. We observed similar phenomena in Cx45/Cx31 (27), Cx45/Cx40 (20), and Cx45/Cx43 (26) junctions (see also the inset in Fig. 4). Therefore, the model allows us to suggest that this gss increase may be caused, at least in part, by γh,res rectification.

Previously, Vj-gating asymmetry was commonly used to determine the gating polarity of Cxs composing heterotypic junctions (29,30). This practice was based on an assumption that Vj-gating of heterotypic junctions at different Vj polarities reflects intrinsic gating properties of composing hemichannels. We tested this by superposing simulated gss-Vj plot of heterotypic junction with those corresponding to homotypic junctions. Gray lines in Fig. 10 A show gss-Vj plots of Cx43 and Cx45 homotypic junctions with parameters shown in Fig. 9 A. Solid black line 1 shows gss-Vj plot of heterotypic junction with parameters used for simulation of corresponding homotypic junctions. To examine how the difference in unitary conductances of composing hemichannels affect gss-Vj plot, we changed γh,o and γh,res of Cx45 hemichannel making it twofold smaller than shown in Fig. 9 A, i.e., γh,o = 30 pS and γh,res = 2 pS (see gss-Vj plot 2;) or equal to Cx43 hemichannel, i.e., γh,o = 220 pS and γh,res = 25 pS (see gss-Vj plot 3). Indeed, when conductances of both hemichannels were equal, then the gss-Vj dependence of heterotypic junctions best matches the original prediction. However, when γh,o of Cx45 hemichannel becomes increasingly lower than that of the Cx43 hemichannel, then we can see the following tendency: the Vj-gating sensitivity of Cx45 hemichannel increases (the right shoulder of gj-Vj plot is shifted to the left), whereas Vj-gating sensitivity of Cx43 hemichannel decreases (the left shoulder of gj-Vj plot also is shifted to the left). This phenomenon was demonstrated earlier (12,20) and was explained by the fact that the difference in unitary conductances of composing hemichannels results to higher fraction of Vj to drop across the hemichannel with smaller conductance, making this hemichannel virtually more sensitive to Vj. Our model fully supports the proposed mechanism. Therefore, unitary conductances of Cxs should be taken into account when efforts are made to find gating polarity of Cxs from gating profiles of homo- and heterotypic junctions.

All Gj-Vj plots shown in Fig. 10 A were simulated assuming that gating polarity of Cx43 and Cx45 hemichannels is negative as it has been shown experimentally (26). Fig. 10 B demonstrates how changes in gating polarity affect Vj-gating; all other parameters remained the same as shown in Fig. 9 A. Plots 1 and 4 in Fig. 10 B were obtained when both gates had negative and positive gating polarity, respectively. Plots 5 and 6 were obtained when both gates had different gating polarities, Cx45 negative and Cx43 positive (5), and Cx45 positive and Cx43 negative (6). Thus, the model can help to determine whether Cxs composing heterotypic junctions exhibit the same or different gating polarities.

Modulation of electrical signal cell-to-cell transfer asymmetry in heterotypic junctions

Fig. 11 A shows experimental recordings of voltage in HeLaCx45 (V1) and HeLaCx40-CFP (V2) forming heterotypic Cx40/Cx45 junctions. Repeated 80 mV voltage steps of positive and negative polarity were applied to cell-1 (V1) patched in whole-cell voltage clamp configuration and electrotonic response was measured in cell-2 patched in the current-clamp configuration. It is evident that signal transfer can be modulated from virtually unidirectional to bidirectional by increasing the holding potential in the cell expressing Cx45; arrows show moments when the holding potential was increased stepwise. We have reported similar signaling asymmetry for Cx45/Cx31 (27) and Cx45/Cx43 (26) junctions and proposed that it is due to the Vj-gating asymmetry (12).

Figure 11.

Figure 11

Experimental and simulated data demonstrating signal transfer asymmetry in heterotypic junctions. (A) Cell-to-cell transfer of electrical signal is modulated from unidirectional to bidirectional with changes in the holding potential of one of the cells. V1 and V2 are experimental traces of voltage recordings in Cx40-CFP/Cx45 junctions. Repeated voltage steps (∼80 mV) of positive and negative polarity were applied to cell-1 (V1), which is in whole-cell voltage clamp configuration. V2 trace shows voltage recordings in cell-2, which is in current-clamp configuration. (B) Simulation of signaling asymmetry in heterotypic junctions. Both cells are in the voltage clamp mode. On top are shown parameters of cell-1 and cell-2 used in this simulation. Three series of positive and negative repeated pulses of 100 mV in amplitude were applied to cell-1. During the first series, when the holding potential of cell-1 is +15 mV, Ij trace shows signal transfer asymmetry equal ∼8.4, which was determined as the ratio of Ijs at the end of series with negative and positive Vj pulses. During the second and the third periods of simulation, when the holding potential of cell-1 was reduced to 0 mV and −15 mV, then signal transfer asymmetry decreased to 2.4 and 1.5, respectively. The holding potential of cell-2 was equal 0 mV.

Fig. 11 B demonstrates simulation of signal transfer in heterotypic junction formed of Cxs with properties resembling Cx40 or Cx43 (cell-1) and Cx45 (cell-2). Both cells are in the voltage clamp mode. Ij trace shown in Fig. 11 B can be transformed into V2 trace, similar to the one shown in Fig. 11 A, by multiplying Ij to the constant value of the input resistance of cell-2. The holding potential of cell-2 is always equal 0 mV. Three series of positive and negative pulses of 100 mV in amplitude were applied to cell-1. During the first series, when the holding potential of cell-1 is +15 mV, then Ij trace shows substantial signal transfer asymmetry determined as the ratio of Ijs at the end of cycles with negative and positive Vj pulses, which was equal ∼8.4. During the second and the third series of stimulation, when the holding potential of cell-1 was 0 mV and −15 mV, then signal transfer asymmetry decreased to 2.4 and 1.5, respectively. The bottom trace shows gj change over time. At the beginnings of each series we assume that all channels are open, allowing the system to equilibrate before Vj steps are applied. This explains why each of three series starts with gj = 65 nS. Thus, the model allows us to observe dynamics of gj at Vj = 0 mV that is not possible to achieve in the experiment.


Our model is based on the Vj-gating concept initially proposed by Harris et al. (13) assuming that each hemichannel of GJ channel contain two oppositely oriented gates, which operate based on contingent gating principles. Voltage gating properties of GJ channels were described using Boltzmann function proposing that GJ channels have two states, open and fully closed, as most of ionic channels. We used stochastic approach to calculate gating properties and assumed that the channel exhibits the residual conductance when Vj-gate is closed. Therefore, closing of the gate should not lead to the drop of entire Vj across a gated hemichannel. In 1993 it was shown, for the first time, that GJ channels in the insect cells during Vj-gating exhibit fast gating transitions between the open state and the substate called as a residual state (8,31). Soon after, Vj-gating to the substates was demonstrated also in mammalian cell lines expressing Cx43 (7), Cx40 (32), and even between cells expressing different Cxs and forming Cx26/Cx32 heterotypic GJs (33). Later, more members of Cx family were cloned and it was shown that γo can vary from ∼10 to 300 pS (4). These new data made evident that during Vj gating of heterotypic junctions the single-channel conductance is an important factor, which can define Vj distribution inside the channel pore, i.e., hemichannel with smaller conductance will see across it higher proportion of Vj and experience more extensive gating, whereas voltage gating of hemichannels with larger conductance will be less affected by Vj.

In this model, like in one of Chen-Izu et al. (15), we take into consideration that only the fast gates that close channels to the substate are in operation. Simulation at the single-channel level revealed that nonrectifying homotypic GJ channel has one conductance for γo (both hemichannels open) and two conductances for γres, whereas rectifying channels are potential to exhibit unlimited number of unitary conductances of γo and γres. Furthermore, γres varied in much broader range than γo as it is shown in Fig. 6 B. Thus, these data may explain some discrepancies of single-channel conductance for open and residual states reported by different groups for the same type of Cx isoform. The simulation also revealed that the ratio, γh,res/γh,o, for the hemichannel is approximately twice smaller than a corresponding ratio, γres/γo, for GJ channel, which is ∼1/4–1/5. This suggests that at the residual state the channel pore is closed at higher degree than could be predicted from the ratio, γres/γo. For example, if γh,res/γh,o = 1/10, then we can presume that only ∼1/10 of cross-section of the hemichannel pore is open; assuming that the gate closes the hemichannel pore uniformly along its length. If the gate occupies only the small fraction of the pore then, to maintain the same ratio, narrowing of the pore during gating could be even bigger. This may create significant size-limited restrictions for macromolecules to permeate the channel gated to the residual state and explain no permeability of the residual state to dyes that permeate the open state (34,22). Otherwise, it could be assumed that permeability for dye molecules should be reduced proportionally with the ratio, γres/γo.

Data shown in Fig. 7 demonstrate the influence of each of independent parameters of the model on the Vj-gating properties of GJ channels. When Vh,o changed from 80 to −30 mV that is equivalent to the shift of gh-Vj curve along the Vj axis, this reduced gmax and the width of the bell shaped gss-Vj plot. The reduction of Ah from 0.2 to 0.01 mV−1 strongly affected the maximal steepness of gss decline (ΔgssVj) and reduced gmax. The reduction of γh,res from 40 to 5 pS affected mainly gmin. Simulation showed that γh,o rectification minimally affected gin in homotypic GJs. With Vj increase, γh,o,L of left-side hemichannel increases and γh,o,R of right-side hemichannels decreases (see Fig. 7 D) resulting to small or no change of gin over Vj. Therefore, it is problematic detecting γh,o rectification from gin-Vj plots of homotypic junctions. Otherwise, in heterotypic junctions, hemichannel with lower conductance dominates in defining gin and GJ channel can exhibit well expressed γo rectification if γh,o rectifies (see Fig. 9 D). These conclusions are in full concert with earlier modeling studies (14). There are several reports demonstrating γo or gin rectification of heterotypic GJ channels (35,33,36,37), and one example is shown in Fig. 3 B. γh,res rectification had no evident effect on gin but affected most significantly gss at higher Vjs (see Fig. 7, E–F).

Though most of data shown in Fig. 7 could be intuitively predicted, some of them were unanticipated to us. For example, Vj-gating weakens or virtually disappears at Vh,os below 30 mV (see Fig. 7 A) or at Ahs below ∼0.02 (see Fig. 7 B). This may explain some of our unexpected observations when during partial recovery from uncoupling by CO2, arachidonic acid or other uncouplers, we observed gj recovery but with strongly reduced Vj-gating. Another informative conclusion comes from Fig. 7 A. At Vh,os close to 0 mV, gmax is ∼1/2 of that if all channels would be open. Thus, at Vj = 0 mV, only a fraction of channels are open. This phenomenon is also well illustrated in Fig. 10 A demonstrating Vj-gating of heterotypic junctions. gj increased ∼25% by changing Vj from 0 to ∼−30 mV also suggesting that only a fraction of channels were open at Vj = 0 mV. Experiments with Cx45 homotypic GJs revealed that at Vj = 0 mV only ∼50% of channels are closed due to the open channel probability being much below 1 (26). More recent data show that other Cxs, such as Cx45, Cx46, or Cx57, show similar properties (F. F. Bukauskas, unpublished data). For this reason, differently from earlier models of Vj-gating, we used a lag time allowing channels to equilibrate to the steady state (see gj traces in Figs. 9 B and 11 B). We suppose that would be incorrect to apply Vj protocol without reaching a steady state at Vj = 0 mV, and even more for Cxs exhibiting high Vj-gating sensitivity, such as Cx37, Cx45, or Cx57.

For the simulation of a heterotypic junctions, we used two sets of parameters that are close to those of Cx43 (cell-1) and Cx45 (cell-2). Most of heterotypic junctions demonstrate a strong Vj-gating asymmetry illustrated in Figs. 4 and 9. In all examined heterotypic junctions that contain on one side Cx45, such as Cx31/Cx45, Cx40/Cx45, Cx43/Cx45 ((27); reviewed in (12)), or Cx36/Cx45 and Cx47/Cx45 (F. F. Bukauskas, unpublished data), we observed cell-to-cell electrical signal transfer asymmetry that can be modulated from virtually unidirectional to bidirectional by changing the difference in holding potentials (ΔVh) between coupled cells as illustrated in Fig. 11 A. Simulation data shown in Fig. 11 B confirm that Vj-gating asymmetry is one of the key factors defining such signaling asymmetry and that it can be effectively modulated by ΔVh.

Previously, Vj-gating asymmetry of heterotypic junctions was commonly used to determine the gating polarity of Cxs assuming that Vj-gating of heterotypic junctions is a derivative of intrinsic gating properties of composing hemichannels. Our data show that this may be true only if the conductance of composing hemichannels is equal. When γh,o of one hemichannel becomes increasingly lower than γh,o of other hemichannel, then Vj-gating sensitivity of the first hemichannel increases whereas Vj-gating of the second hemichannel decreases (see Fig. 10 A). This phenomenon was demonstrated earlier (12,20) and was explained by the fact that the difference in unitary conductances of composing hemichannels results to higher fraction of Vj to drop across the hemichannel with smaller conductance, making this hemichannel virtually more sensitive to Vj. Thus, the contingent gating model in broad interpretation assumes that hemichannel with smaller conductance will see across it higher proportion of Vj and experience more extensive gating, whereas voltage gating of hemichannels with larger conductance will be less affected by Vj. Fitting of the experimental data to the model allows to estimate parameters defining Vj-gating sensitivity of composing hemichannels (Vh,o and Ah) as well as their gating polarities from experimentally defined gj-Vj dependence. It was proposed that the gating polarity of the fast gating mechanism is governed by charged residues in the N-terminal domain (30,38), and that this polarity could be reversed independent from the slow gating mechanism (23). Modifications of Cx43, including deletion of the carbocyl-terminus (CT) domain (39) or attachment of aequorin or an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) to CT, selectively abolishes fast gating to the residual state (40,17). Therefore, the location of the fast gate remains to be determined, and in this process, knowledge of the gating polarity of each Cx isoform is essential.

Presented data demonstrate that the model helps to find more details about the gating process and extrapolate gating properties of hemichannels composing GJ from experimentally defined gin-Vj and gss-Vj plots. In addition, the model allows seeing dynamics of gj during time periods when Vj = 0. This is highly supportive information in defining gj dynamics before Vjs protocol is applied or after gj recovery to the steady state after Vj-gating. Experiments do not allow doing so without applying Vj. Significant improvement of this model relies on its ability to describe the kinetic behavior of channels, to simulate Vj-gating properties at the single-channel level or having unlimited number of channel in the junctions. The model also provides a practical formalism for fitting the voltage-gating profile over the entire voltage range, eliminating the previous need for data splicing for different Vj polarities. The proposed model also applies relatively easily to study Vj-gating of hemichannels simply by increasing γh,o and Vh,o of one of composing hemichannels to infinity. Furthermore, assuming that each hemichannel in this model corresponds to the half of unapposed hemichannel, and that one gates imitates the fast gate that closes to the residual state whereas the second gate imitates the slow gate that closes to the fully closed state (γh,res = 0), then the model can be used to simulate gating of unapposed hemichannels containing both fast and slow gating mechanisms. Thus, this model presents a useful tool for quantitative characterization of Vj-gating in GJ channels and unapposed hemichannels.

Limitations of the model and future directions

Although our model takes into consideration many of GJ channel properties, such as γh,o, γh,res, Vh,o, Ah, conductance rectification and gating polarity, still there is room for its improvement. This model applies to channels exhibiting one substate called as the residual conductance but not to channels exhibiting multiple substates. One of the ways to do so would be to introduce the gate that is composed of six subunits (each hemichannel is a hexamer of connexins) similar to that proposed earlier (41). It remains unclear whether there is a cooperative interaction between gating subunits and whether it depends on Vj.

The proposed model was adapted to cells that form one type of GJ channels. The model can be expanded to junctions that have in parallel several types of homotypic and/or heterotypic GJ channels. In parallel, introducing a slow gating mechanism in addition to the fast gate would be one of major steps for improvement. We are in the process of introducing such a model. When each hemichannel contain two gates instead of one, the calculation time is in the range of tens of minutes instead of seconds (this time also depends on number of channels and Vj protocol; see Fig. S1, Fig. S2, and Fig. S3 in Supplement 1). In addition, there are several problems that need to be solved. The location of the fast and slow gates, their interaction, and what fraction of Vj drops on each of them remains unclear. These questions can be at least partially solved by fitting a variety of experimental data with different versions of the model.


This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants R01 NS036706 and RO1HL084464 (to F.F.B.).


Nerijus Paulauskas and Mindaugas Pranevicius contributed equally to this work.

Supporting Material

Document S1. Three supplements, five figures, two references
mmc1.pdf (563.8KB, pdf)


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