In recent years, food-related issues have become increasingly more publicised in developed countries. This holds true for Japan where food-related issues have been drawing attention as a socially significant topic, particularly since the appearance of BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy). In 2003 a new governmental office, the Food Safety Commission was established in the Cabinet Office of the Japanese Government based on a new law, “the Food Safety Basic Law”. This change of administration was raised by the outbreak of BSE, which is considered to be a drastic reformation of food safety policy in Japan.
In addition, BSE impact was significant not only on administration but also on the agriculture and food industries. It revealed to the public lots of holes in the food related system which have been concealed for years.
In this paper, I would like to show the inadequacy of management before the outbreak of BSE and the subsequent governmental actions and reactions for food safety. Furthermore, problems that still remain after the reformation, such as ban on US beef and policy of blanket testing, will be discussed.
Key words: bovine spongiform encephalopathy, health administration, food sanitation, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
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