To elucidate the prevalence rate of metabolic disorders among subjects with asymptomatic colonic diverticulum.
We carried out a cross-sectional analysis of the association between colonic diverticulum and selected metabolic disorders among the male personnel of the Self-Defense Forces who underwent total colonoscopy as part of their retirement check-up (age range, 51–59 years).
The prevalence rate of colonic diverticulum was 10.2% among the population studied. The scores of lifestyle factors including those of cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption were similar between the subjects with colonic diverticulum and those without it. Type 2 diabetes (21.6% vs 14.0%, P=0.047) and hypertension (30.9% vs 19.8%, P=0.011) were more prevalent among the subjects with colonic diverticulum than those without it. The prevalence rates of obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperuricemia, and impaired glucose tolerance were similar between the two groups.
The prevalence rates of type 2 diabetes and hypertension are elevated among the middle-aged male subjects with asymptomatic colonic diverticulum. The results may partly explain the reported association between colonic diverticulum and cardiovascular disease.
Key words: colonic diverticulum, cardiovascular risk factor, diabetes
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