Figure 5.—
Molecular marker polymorphisms related to Bs2 homologs. (A) RFLP polymorphism of STS marker A2 on pepper DNA digested with TaqI. Note polymorphic bands of 1 kb, which maps to pepper chromosome P9, and of 2 kb between mapping population parents R Naky and PI159234. (B) SCAR marker S19 amplified using parents. Note polymorphism between mapping population parents R Naky and PI159234. (C) RFLP polymorphism of potato Gpa2 fragment on pepper DNA digested with BstNI. The bands marked “a” and “b” are found only in mapping population parent PI159234, while the band marked “c” is found only in mapping population parent R Naky. (D) Bs2 fragment as an RFLP probe on tomato DNA. Note multiple bands of varying intensity. (E) RAPD marker Q4_0.300 in pepper. Note polymorphisms between mapping population parents R Naky and PI159234.