Fig. 6.
Sns and Kirre mediate uptake of molecules by endocytosis. GCNs from second-instar larvae were incubated with Cascade Blue dextran 10 kD and either Alexa Fluor 555 BSA for 30 seconds (A-D), or fluorescein dextran 500 kD for 5 minutes (E-I). GCNs were genetically sns-GCN-Gal4/+ (A,E,F), sns-GCN-Gal4/+; UAS-sns-IR(1) or (2)/+ (B,G), sns-GCN-Gal4/UAS-kirre-IR(1) or (2) (C,H) or sns4.3/sns4.3 (D,I). Uptake of both dextran 10 kD (green) and BSA (red) are reduced upon knockdown of Sns or Kirre, or in a hypomorph of sns upon incubation for 30 seconds. After incubation for 5 minutes, however, only uptake of dextran 500 kD is reduced by Sns or Kirre knockdown. (J) Quantitation of fluorescence intensity per μm2, where n equals the number of cells analyzed. Bars show mean±s.e.m. Scale bar: 10 μm.