Successful mitosis requires that anaphase chromosomes sustain a commitment to move to their assigned spindle poles. This requires stable spindle attachment of anaphase kinetochores. Prior to anaphase, stable spindle attachment depends on tension created by opposing forces on sister kinetochores [1]. Because tension is lost when kinetochores disjoin, stable attachment in anaphase must have a different basis. After expression of nondegradable cyclin B (CYC-BS) in Drosophila embryos, sister chromosomes disjoined normally but their anaphase behavior was abnormal [2]. Chromosomes exhibited cycles of reorientation from one pole to the other. Additionally, the unpaired kinetochores accumulated attachments to both poles (merotelic attachments), congressed (again) to a pseudometaphase plate, and reacquired associations with checkpoint proteins more characteristic of prometaphase kinetochores. Unpaired prometaphase kinetochores, which occurred in a mutant entering mitosis with unreplicated (unpaired) chromosomes, behaved just like the anaphase kinetochores at the CYC-BS arrest. Finally, the normal anaphase release of AuroraB/INCENP from kinetochores was blocked by CYC-BS expression and, reciprocally, was advanced in a CycB mutant. Given its established role in destabilizing kinetochore-microtubule interactions [3], Aurora B dissociation is likely to be key to the change in kinetochore behavior. These findings show that, in addition to loss of sister chromosome cohesion, successful anaphase requires a kinetochore behavioral transition triggered by CYC-B destruction.
Results and Discussion
CYC-B Maintains AuroraB/INCENP Localization at the Kinetochore
Stable cyclins have been shown to block mitotic exit in numerous systems [4-8], and detailed analyses of the cytological consequence of stabilization of each of the cognate mitotic cyclins of Drosophila have begun to reveal regulatory features that were not evident in other experimental systems [2, 9].
A group of chromosomal “passenger proteins” that are localized between paired kinetochores at metaphase usually relocalizes to the central spindle upon onset of anaphase [10]. Previous work showed that this relocalization is blocked upon expression of stable sea urchin cyclin B in mammalian cells [11, 12]. In agreement with this, expression of Drosophila CYC-BS in Drosophila embryos blocked relocalization of two interacting passenger proteins, INCENP (Figures 1A and 1B; Figure S1A in the Supplemental Data) and Aurora B (Figure S1E). Normal metaphase foci of INCENP split in two at anaphase, half segregating with each sister kinetochore without relocalization to the spindle (Figure 1B). Failure to release kinetochore-localized AuroraB/INCENP and a slowing of anaphase A chromosome movements [2] are the earliest perturbations of mitotic progression observed upon CYC-BS expression. The onset of these defects immediately follows or overlaps the time of destruction of normal CYC-B.
Embryos expressing a different stabilized mitotic cyclin, CYC-B3S, arrested with chromosomes at the spindle poles after normal anaphase movements [2] and normal redistribution of AuroraB/INCENP from the kinetochore to the spindle midzone (Figures 1D and S1B). Thus, CYC-BS and not CYC-B3S maintains kinetochore localization of AuroraB/INCENP.
As a result of partial redundancy among Drosophila cyclins, CycB null mutants undergo mitosis [13]. As in wild-type, AuroraB/INCENP is associated with kinetochores in metaphase cells lacking CYC-B; however, its anaphase relocalization occurs prematurely (compare Figures 1A and 1C). Thus, the endogenous CYC-B in the wild-type inhibits AuroraB/INCENP relocalization, and relocalization appears to await its destruction. Together, precocious relocalization in the CycB mutant, coincidence in the onset of relocalization and the time of CYC-B destruction, and the block to relocalization by persistent CYC-B lead us to conclude that CYC-B destruction times AuroraB/INCENP relocalization.
CYC-B Degradation Switches Chromosomes from Prometaphase to Anaphase Behavior
The dramatic transition in kinetochore-protein interactions upon destruction of CYC-B might serve only to release the sequestered passenger proteins to play their important function at the spindle midzone in cytokinesis [14, 15]. However, elegant studies of Ipl1, the Aurora B kinase homolog of yeast, suggest that Ipl1 can destabilize kinetochore interactions with the spindle [3, 16, 17]. These studies, as well as supporting work in vertebrate cells [18, 19], suggest that loss of Aurora B function upon CYC-B destruction might alter kinetochore behavior. Indeed, our results suggest that CYC-B destruction does have an important influence on anaphase chromosome behavior.
As we previously described, when Drosophila cells enter anaphase in the presence of CYC-BS, poleward movement of unpaired chromosomes is abortive and chromosome behavior is unusual [2]. We suggested that this chromosome behavior might represent an extension of prometaphase/metaphase behavior, differing only in so far as the loss of kinetochore pairing at metaphase/anaphase alters the behavior. The behavior of unpaired prometaphase kinetochores was previously examined in a mutant in maize exhibiting premature loss of chromosome pairing and after microsurgical production of single kinetochore chromosomes in mammalian cells [20, 21]. In these experiments, single-kinetochore chromosomes behaved much as the chromosomes of Drosophila cells that progress to anaphase (to produce unpaired kinetochores) in the presence of CYC-BS [2]. To further test this parallel, we examined the Drosophila mutant, double parked, in which unpaired chromosomes exist in prometaphase. Double Parked is an essential replication protein that is also required for a checkpoint function that ordinarily prevents cells from entering mitosis with unreplicated DNA, and like analogous mutants in S. cerevisiae (e.g., cdc6), Drosophila cells lacking Double Parked enter mitosis with unreplicated DNA [22]. When a maternal supply of Double Parked is depleted, replication fails in double parked embryos and cells accumulate in mitosis (Figure 2A). The mitotic arrest occurs because unpaired chromosomes are incapable of normal bipolar alignment and consequently induce the spindle checkpoint [22, 23].
In fixed images of the double parked arrest, most chromosomes were scattered along the spindle, with some clustered in a central pseudometaphase plate (Figures 2B and 2D), just as in CYC-BS-arrested cells [2]. Real-time analysis showed that this is a dynamic situation, with chromosomes making oscillatory movements between the poles (Figure 2C, supplementary data Movie 1). For example, during the double parked arrest, a chromosome highlighted in green in Figure 2C lingered near the lower pole during four frames (52 s), then moved abruptly toward the opposite pole over the next few frames (most movement was within 35 s, between 69 and 104 s). This chromosome movement between the poles resembles that observed during the CYC-BS block and is consistent with reorientation of the kinetochore from one pole to the other, as has been described for prometaphase chromosomes [24].
Despite the absence of prior replication, INCENP and Aurora B localized to the unpaired kinetochores in the double parked arrest (Figures 2D, 2D’, and S2 and our unpublished data), as in the CYC-BS arrest. Furthermore, despite the presence of only a single kinetochore, many of the chromosomes congress to a pseudometaphase plate in double parked and CYC-BS arrests (Figures 2 and 3). We conclude that, when CYC-B persists, unpaired chromosomes behave similarly before and after the metaphase/anaphase transition.
Although it was somewhat puzzling that some chromosomes congressed to a pseudometaphase plate in double parked embryos, a similar observation was made when single kinetochore chromosomes were present in prometaphase in mammals [20]. These congressed single kinetochore chromosomes had attachments to both poles (merotelic attachment). We observed robust kinetochore fibers in double parked spindles, and in cases that were not confounded by the clustering of chromosomes in the middle, it was apparent that kinetochore fibers from both poles impinged on single kinetochores (Figures 2E and S2). We interpret these observations as an indication of frequent merotelic attachment in the double parked arrest and have made similar findings in the CYC-BS-arrested cells (see below).
The finding that merotelic attachments accumulate in the double parked arrest suggests that kinetochore pairing normally helps to prevent merotelic attachments under prometaphase conditions. We suggest that such an effect could be explained by an extension of the idea that trial and error processes contribute to bipolar attachment of paired kinetochores in prometaphase [1]. Because kinetochore-spindle interactions are unstable in prometaphase, all modes of attachment can be sampled, at least transiently, but the most stable mode ultimately predominates. Consequently, the most stable (correct bipolar attachment) precludes less stable and incorrect attachments (Figure 4A). Spindle tension stabilizes attachment, and it has been suggested [3] that, upon bipolar arrangement, tension deforms the paired kinetochore, effectively “pulling” the attachment sites away from a centrally localized destabilizing activity (Figure 4). Although tension also deforms a merotelically attached kinetochore [20, 21, 25], we suggest that the distortion is not as orderly as in bipolar attachment and that the separation from the destabilizing activity is less effective. Consequently, when kinetochores are paired, bipolar attachments will accumulate as the most stable outcome and hence exclude merotelic attachments. When kinetochores are unpaired, the dynamics of formation and decay of merotelic attachments appears to favor their accumulation.
Checkpoint Reactivation in CYC-BS-Arrested Cells
Prior to the time at which CYC-B is usually degraded, we see no defects in mitotic progression in cells expressing CYC-BS. Sister chromatids separate from one another, and other substrates of the APC/C are degraded [2, 8]. The dissociation of BubR1 from kinetochores marks the release of checkpoint control. CYC-BS-expressing cells having an anaphase configuration (prior to final arrest) had a greatly decreased level of kinetochore staining (Figures 1F and S1C and our unpublished data). However, at the final arrest point, BubR1 again localized to the kinetochores (Figures 1G and S1C and our unpublished data). BubR1 staining did not completely disappear during anaphase, and levels at final arrest did not match the highest levels at prometaphase (our unpublished data). Nevertheless, since a return of BubR1 to the kinetochore after sister chromatid separation was never observed in wild-type cells, there appears to be some reactivation of the checkpoint at the CYC-BS arrest.
Looking for additional reporters of checkpoint activity, we probed for ROD (Figures 1H-1J and S1D) and ZW10 (our unpublished data), components of a mitotic checkpoint that relocalize in a manner suggesting a role in sensing tension [26, 27]. In prometaphase cells, a ROD/ZW10 complex localizes tightly to kinetochores. As chromosomes develop bipolar attachment, the kinetochore staining for ROD/ZW10 is reduced, and staining appears on kinetochore fibers. Upon disjunction of sister chromosomes, the staining returns to the kinetochores. All of these events appeared to occur normally in CYC-BS- and CYC-B3S-expressing cells as they progressed toward an arrest (our unpublished data). However, during the course of arrest with CYC-BS, but not with CYC-B3S, spindle microtubules once again stained for ROD/ZW10 (Figure 1I versus 1J). The spindle localization of ROD/ZW10 in the CYC-BS arrest is another example of checkpoint components that have reverted to their characteristic preanaphase localization and further suggests that some aspects of the checkpoint have been reactivated, perhaps in response to defective chromosome-spindle interactions.
CYC-BS-Arrested Cells Display Merotelic Spindle Attachments
Spindle staining of ROD/ZW10 during metaphase has been shown to require bipolar attachment and perhaps tension across the kinetochores [26, 27]. The spindle staining in cells at the CYC-BS arrest could imply some level of bipolar attachment. Initially, this seemed unlikely because the anaphase chromosomes are unpaired and contain only one kinetochore when at the arrest point. However, staining for kinetochores and microtubules showed robust kinetochore fibers extending from both poles to the pseudometaphase plate, suggesting merotelic attachment (Figures 3A and S3).
Merotelic attachments were obvious when only one or a few chromosomes remained near the middle of the spindle (Figures 3B, 3C, and S3), as occurred frequently early after the transition to anaphase in the presence of CYC-BS (Figure 3B) and when the arrest was less complete (Figure 3C). At the level of CYC-BS expression in our experiments, some cells are not fully arrested [2]. Live observations revealed occasional cells with slow mitotic progress but without the full complement of arrest behaviors. These prolonged mitoses show a high frequency of chromosome segregation anomalies. For example, Figure 3D shows frames from a movie in which chromosomes separated after a prolonged anaphase A, as seen in cells destined for CYC-BS arrest [2]; however, unlike the complete arrest in which all the chromosomes lose their poleward orientation, most of the chromosomes remained at the poles and decondensed while a single chromosome moved from one pole to the other. Kinetochores successfully retained at the pole after CYC-BS expression lacked INCENP and BubR1, whereas chromosomes localized to the middle of the spindle displayed merotelic attachments and stained strongly for INCENP and BubR1 (Figures 3C, 3C’, and S3). The presence of two categories of kinetochore, one having and one lacking INCENP, suggests that there is a switch-like event at individual kinetochores and that the cells with an incomplete arrest are near the threshold of the switch.
Our findings show that CYC-BS promotes merotelic attachments, which accumulate after the initially successful chromosome disjunction at the transition to anaphase. Furthermore, our results are consistent with proposals that merotelic attachments underlie congression of chromosomes with a single kinetochore [20] and disrupt chromosome segregation [25]. We suggest that the accumulation of merotelic attachments at the CYC-BS arrest is the consequence of persistence of the dynamic phase of kinetochore spindle attachment beyond the time of sister kinetochore disjunction. Rather than preserving the established monopolar orientation of the anaphase kinetochores, persistence of dynamic exchange favors change toward the arrangements that are most stable for unpaired kinetochores, and one such arrangement is merotelic attachment (Figure 4).
Our results show that a change in kinetochore composition and behavior accompanies the metaphase/anaphase transition and that a change in kinetochore behavior is essential for the unerring commitment of chromosomes to their assigned poles. Because the success of mitosis depends on this change, we think of the transition as an integral part of the metaphase/anaphase transition. We show that destruction of CYC-B triggers and times the kinetochore transition at the onset of anaphase and that a second mitotic cyclin, CYC-B3, does not govern this kinetochore transition. The kinetochore transition is coordinated with the disjunction of sister chromosomes as a result of their common regulation by APC/C, which promotes the destruction of CYC-B as well as the sister cohesion regulators, securin and cyclin A [2, 28]. The change in kinetochore behavior can be understood as a change from dynamically exchanging tension-stabilized attachment to fixed stable attachment. The striking coupling of this change with the release of Aurora B/INCENP from the kinetochore, and the identified role of Aurora B kinase in destabilizing kinetochore spindle attachments [3], suggests a plausible mechanism in which the dissociation of Aurora B stabilizes spindle attachments. However, a stable derivative of the sea urchin cyclin B did not produce similar modifications of chromosome behavior in mammalian cells despite blocking the release of GFP-Aurora B from the kinetochores [12]. Clearly, further work is required to elucidate the regulatory paths connecting kinetochore behavior with CYC-B destruction.
We found that unpaired chromosomes developed merotelic attachments whenever AuroraB/INCENP is associated with unpaired kinetochores, whether this occurs in anaphase as a result of CYC-BS expression or in prophase as a result of a failure in DNA replication (in the double parked arrest). We suggest that kinetochore pairing influences the outcome of dynamic reassortment of kinetochore attachments (Figure 4). Evidently, it is important to stabilize kinetochore-spindle attachments upon disjunction of sisters; otherwise attachments reequilibrate to the most stable states available to unpaired kinetochores, including merotelic attachments.
Supplementary Material
We thank numerous colleagues (as stated) for reagents, and Dave Morgan, Renny Feldman, and Arnaud Echard for helpful comments. D.H.P. was supported by the Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Kramer Scholarship from the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation and by National Institutes for Health T32HD07470, and the work was supported by National Institutes of Health grant GM37193 to P.H.O.
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