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. 2000 Dec 16;321(7275):1493. doi: 10.1136/bmj.321.7275.1493

Reduction of postoperative mortality and morbidity with epidural or spinal anaesthesia: results from overview of randomised trials

Anthony Rodgers a, Natalie Walker a, S Schug b, A McKee c, H Kehlet d, A van Zundert e, D Sage f, M Futter f, G Saville g, T Clark a, S MacMahon h
PMCID: PMC27550  PMID: 11118174



To obtain reliable estimates of the effects of neuraxial blockade with epidural or spinal anaesthesia on postoperative morbidity and mortality.


Systematic review of all trials with randomisation to intraoperative neuraxial blockade or not.


141 trials including 9559 patients for which data were available before 1 January 1997. Trials were eligible irrespective of their primary aims, concomitant use of general anaesthesia, publication status, or language. Trials were identified by extensive search methods, and substantial amounts of data were obtained or confirmed by correspondence with trialists.

Main outcome measures

All cause mortality, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, transfusion requirements, pneumonia, other infections, respiratory depression, and renal failure.


Overall mortality was reduced by about a third in patients allocated to neuraxial blockade (103 deaths/4871 patients versus 144/4688 patients, odds ratio=0.70, 95% confidence interval 0.54 to 0.90, P=0.006). Neuraxial blockade reduced the odds of deep vein thrombosis by 44%, pulmonary embolism by 55%, transfusion requirements by 50%, pneumonia by 39%, and respiratory depression by 59% (all P<0.001). There were also reductions in myocardial infarction and renal failure. Although there was limited power to assess subgroup effects, the proportional reductions in mortality did not clearly differ by surgical group, type of blockade (epidural or spinal), or in those trials in which neuraxial blockade was combined with general anaesthesia compared with trials in which neuraxial blockade was used alone.


Neuraxial blockade reduces postoperative mortality and other serious complications. The size of some of these benefits remains uncertain, and further research is required to determine whether these effects are due solely to benefits of neuraxial blockade or partly to avoidance of general anaesthesia. Nevertheless, these findings support more widespread use of neuraxial blockade.


Anaesthesia is commonly classified into two main techniques: general anaesthesia, in which gaseous or intravenous drugs achieve central neurological depression, and regional anaesthesia, in which drugs are administered directly to the spinal cord or nerves to locally block afferent and efferent nerve input.1 Regional anaesthesia for major thoracic, abdominal, or leg surgery relies on neuraxial blockade by injection of local anaesthetic drugs into either the subarachnoid space (spinal anaesthesia) or into the epidural space surrounding the spinal fluid sac (epidural anaesthesia).

The risks of fatal or life threatening events are increased several fold after major surgery, but there is debate about whether the type of anaesthesia has any substantive effect on these risks. Neuraxial blockade has several physiological effects that provide a rationale for expecting to improve outcome with this technique.2 However, the few clinical trials of epidural or spinal anaesthesia that have focused specifically on fatal or life threatening events have generally been too small to detect effects of plausible size reliably. To provide more reliable estimates of the effects of neuraxial blockade on postoperative morbidity and mortality, we conducted a systematic review of all relevant randomised trials.


Identification of trials and data collection

We sought to identify all trials in which patients were randomised to receive intraoperative neuraxial blockade (with epidural or spinal anaesthesia) or not. We did not exclude trials in adult populations in which the group receiving neuraxial blockade group also received general anaesthesia, the general anaesthesia group received postoperative neuraxial blockade, or there was more than one type of neuraxial blockade or general anaesthesia group (in which case similar groups were combined). Eligibility was not based on whether results were published, the language of publication, or the primary aims of the trial   —   for example, we included a randomised trial designed to assess the effects of neuraxial blockade on cognitive function.3 Trials were ineligible if they were not randomised or were quasi-randomised (such as assignment according to date of birth) or if data were not available before 1 January 1997.

We conducted a computerised search using the electronic databases Current Contents (1995-6), Embase (Excerpta Medica, 1980-96), Medline (1966-96), and the Cochrane Library (1998). We used the key words “regional anaesthesia,” “regional anesthesia,” “spinal,” or “epidural” and the Cochrane Collaboration search terms for randomised trials.4 Once papers were identified, authors' names and study titles were used as search terms. We scrutinised the reference lists of all identified papers and also hand searched selected conference proceedings.

We developed standard data collection sheets to record details of trial design, interventions, patient characteristics, and events. We did not use quality scores because analyses stratified by specific design characteristics are more informative.5 The definitions of events were those used in the original trials, since patients in one trial were directly compared only with those in the same trial. Two reviewers independently recorded the published findings from each study. This process was not blinded. A third reviewer compared the two sets of data collection sheets and any differences were resolved by discussion. We attempted to contact the authors of all trials to verify the data and obtain additional unpublished data. If there was more than one trial report, authors were also asked whether the patient groups overlapped. Lastly, we asked authors if they knew of any other relevant studies (published or unpublished).

Statistical analysis

Analysis was carried out on an intention to treat basis wherever possible. If no events were reported in the publication or by the authors, we assumed that none occurred. This assumption will generally provide unbiased estimates of proportional effects (the entity typically combined in meta-analysis) but will underestimate absolute effects.6 We calculated odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals, and two sided P values for each outcome of interest using Peto's modification of the Mantel-Haenszel method.7 Homogeneity was assessed by a χ2 test. Whenever possible, we stratified analyses of cause specific outcomes by surgical group and type of anaesthetic to determine whether these factors modified the size or direction of proportional effects. However, there were often too few trials with events for such analyses to be informative, and so subgroup analyses are mostly reported for the crude outcome of total mortality.


Study characteristics

We identified 158 potentially eligible trials. Ten studies were excluded because they were quasi-randomised,817 and six were excluded because not all participants were randomised and separate information on the randomised patients was not available.1823 One trial was excluded because the groups differed with respect to heparin treatment as well as anaesthetic technique.24 The remaining 141 trials that met all the inclusion criteria included a total of 9559 patients.3,25192 More than one publication was available for 18 studies4649,59,60,6265,72,73,84,85 8792,9496,99,100,106,107,124128,134,135,145,146,156158,161163,173,174,187,188 but each study was counted only once. No unpublished eligible studies were identified.

The study authors for 107 (76%) eligible trials, including 8290 (87%) patients, verified the data collection sheets. In almost all cases, we obtained additional unpublished information from contacting the authors, mostly about trial design, but also about events (for example 18 deaths were not reported in original publications). Table 1 shows the patient characteristics and anaesthetic methods and tables 2 and 3 provide summary details of outcome events. We defined a neuraxial blockade group and a non-neuraxial blockade group for each trial, which necessitated collapsing similar groups in 15 trials with more than one randomised comparison. The neuraxial blockade group had no general anaesthesia in 79 (56%) trials and the same general anaesthesia as the non-neuraxial blockade group in 37 (26%) trials. In 22 (15%) trials the neuraxial blockade group received a general anaesthesia different from that in the non-neuraxial blockade group; the systemic opioid varied in seven trials,28,34,43,84,120,186,192 the use of inhalational anaesthetic varied in two trials,71,140 the type of inhalational anaesthetic varied in two trials,148,165 the induction drug varied in one trial,191 and more than one aspect varied in 10 trials.42,76,80,81,97,151,161,168,169,189 For three (2%) trials details of the general anaesthesia method were unknown.

Table 1.

Characteristics of included studies

First author and year of publication No of patients randomised
No without mortality data
Mean age (years)
No of men
No with ASA status I or II
Type of NB* General anaesthesia used in NB group NB continued after surgery Mean length of follow up (days)
 Asoh 1983 10 10 59 57 7 7 Thoracic No Yes
Bottiglieri 1992 10 10 Thoracic Yes Yes
Cuschieri 1985 25 50 0 0 51 52 5 11 Thoracic Yes Yes 4
De Kock 1993 20 20 34 37 13 13 Lumbar Yes Yes
Gelman 1980 21 17 36 39 Thoracic Yes Yes
Godfrey 1981 34 34 0 0 34 34 Lumbar No No 30
Goertz 1993 24 12 0 0 52 44 Thoracic Yes Yes
Hendolin 1987 60 40 0 0 56 55 10 8 Thoracic Yes Yes 7
Hjortso 1985 50 50 6 0 66 69 23 21 42 47 Thoracic Yes Yes 10
Jayr 1988 75 75 1 3 60 59 44 37 Thoracic Yes Yes 5
Jayr 1993 82 81 4 6 58 56 43 55 Thoracic Yes Yes 17
Jensen 1980 6 6 0 0 51 54 6 6 6 6 Lumbar No No
Kausalya 1994 25 25 39 36 10 10 Lumbar No No
Mellbring 1983 25 25 0 0 62 61 13 19 Thoracic Yes Yes
Moiniche 1992 15 16 0 0 54 45 3 4 15 16 Thoracic Yes Yes 2
Naesh 1994 7 7 7 7 7 7 Lumbar No No
Naesh 1994 8 8 52 47 0 0 8 8 Lumbar Yes No 4
Ogata 1985 10 10 0 0 55 50 Thoracic Yes
Rutberg 1984 16 8 0 0 43 43 0 0 16 8 Thoracic Yes Yes 3
Ryan 1992 57 43 12 8 65 66 Thoracic Yes Yes 14
Scheinin 1982 30 10 0 0 13 5 Thoracic Yes Yes 2
Seeling 1990 124 123 26 7 61 58 93 88 58 63 Thoracic Yes Yes
Seeling 1991 223 116 38 9 60 58 134 79 91 60 Thoracic or lumbar Yes Yes
Traynor 1982 9 9 52 49 2 1 9 9 Thoracic Yes No
Tverskoy 1990 12 24 54 56 12 24 12 24 Spinal No No
Watters 1993 12 8 64 65 4 8 Lumbar Yes Yes 2
Worsley 1988 47 51 0 0 53 53 Spinal Yes No 19
Yeager 1987 28 27 0 2 71 72 Thoracic Yes Yes
Subtotal 1065 915 87 35 58 56 466 427 274 258 11
Obstetrics and gynaecology
 Abboud 1985 32 20 0 0 28 29 0 0 Spinal or lumbar No No
Blunnie 1983 15 30 42 41 0 0 15 30 Spinal Yes No
Brandt 1978 6 6 36 40 0 0 6 6 Lumbar No Yes
Buckley 1982 6 7 0 0 38 39 0 0 6 7 Lumbar Yes Yes
Christensen 1982 12 24 0 0 Lumbar No
Dick 1992 23 24 27 28 0 0 23 24 Lumbar No No
Halevy 1978 14 18 0 0 14 18 Lumbar No No
Holdcroft 1979 15 37 0 0 32 30 0 0 32 30 Lumbar Yes No
Jensen 1977 9 9 42 45 0 0 9 9 Lumbar Yes No
Jordanov 1985 27 20 0 0 29 31 0 0 22 20 Thoracic or lumbar No Yes
Kocknover 1982 45 45 0 0 Lumbar Yes No
Lehtinen 1987 11 13 0 0 29 38 0 0 11 13 Lumbar No No
Licker 1994 10 9 1 0 51 47 0 0 10 9 Lumbar Yes Yes 5
Murakami 1987 20 17 0 0 41 43 0 0 Lumbar No
Rem 1980 6 6 38 39 0 0 6 6 Lumbar No No
Simpson 1982 6 30 0 0 44 44 0 0 6 30 Lumbar Yes No 8
Wallace 1995 54 26 0 0 0 0 Spinal or lumbar No No
Wattwil 1987 20 20 0 0 Lumbar Yes Yes
Wessen 1994 10 10 0 0 43 45 0 0 10 10 Lumbar Yes Yes 2
Subtotal 341 371 1 0 35 36 0 0 170 212 6
 Berggren 1987 28 29 78 77 4 7 Lumbar No No
Bigler 1985 20 20 0 0 80 78 2 5 17 16 Spinal No No 90
Bonnet 1982 5 14 60 58 1 5 Lumbar No No
Brendahl 1991 15 15 0 2 80 79 0 0 15 15 Spinal No No
Brown 1994 10 10 0 0 75 79 5 5 6 7 Spinal No No 2
Chin 1982 21 21 0 0 73 74 10 9 21 21 Lumbar Yes No 6
Christensen 1986 6 8 0 0 65 65 Lumbar No Yes
Couderc 1977 50 50 86 86 7 7 Lumbar No No 90
Dahl 1990 50 46 0 4 29 29 38 40 50 46 Spinal No No 7
Darling 1994 10 10 0 0 81 74 1 1 0 0 Spinal No No 360
Davis 1981 64 68 0 0 81 78 11 9 23 24 Spinal No No 28
Davis 1987 265 284 Spinal No No 28
Davis 1989 69 71 0 0 68 67 31 31 Spinal No No 14
Donadoni 1988 51 29 0 0 62 67 0 0 Lumbar Yes Yes 2
Fredin 1986 30 30 2 2 67 66 11 8 Lumbar No Yes
Hedenstierna 1986 8 8 0 0 64 66 6 4 Spinal No No
Hole 1980 29 31 0 0 70 72 10 11 27 29 Lumbar No No 300
Hole 1983 13 14 Lumbar No Yes
Hole 1984 10 10 0 0 62 64 4 1 10 9 Lumbar No Yes 24
Hole 1984 10 10 0 0 67 70 3 3 8 8 Lumbar No Yes
Jakobsen 1986 15 15 0 0 72 72 Lumbar No Yes
Jones 1990 76 75 2 3 20 19 Spinal No No 90
Jorgensen 1991 24 24 0 0 69 64 8 8 Lumbar No Yes 360
Keith 1977 10 17 61 64 5 3 Lumbar No No
Mann 1983 30 30 0 0 71 70 18 16 10 12 Spinal No No 180
Maurette 1988 18 15 0 0 81 85 18 15 Spinal No No
McKenzie 1984 75 75 6 2 75 74 8 17 38 34 Spinal No No 365
McLaren 1982 56 60 Spinal No No 30
Modig 1980 15 15 0 0 67 65 8 7 15 15 Lumbar No Yes 30
Modig 1986 50 50 2 4 65 66 27 22 48 46 Lumbar No Yes 30
Modig 1987 14 24 0 0 67 67 5 13 14 24 Lumbar No Yes 30
Nielsen 1989 10 20 34 38 5 10 5 10 Lumbar No No
Nielsen 1990 25 39 Spinal No
Pedersen 1986 15 15 0 0 72 72 9 10 Lumbar No Yes
Poll 1988 24 26 0 0 Lumbar Yes Yes
Racle 1986 35 35 0 0 82 82 0 0 Spinal No No 30
Riis 1983 20 10 70 70 Lumbar Yes Yes 90
Seitz 1985 10 10 0 0 10 10 Lumbar No No
Sharrock 1992 11 10 Lumbar No Yes
Stathopoulou 1992 26 31 0 0 56 56 11 20 26 31 Spinal No No
Tulla 1992 10 10 0 0 61 59 5 5 8 10 Spinal No No 4
Valentin 1986§ 281 297 79 79 58 59 192 182 Spinal No No
White 1980 20 40 0 4 78 79 1 7 8 18 Spinal Yes No 28
Williams-Russo 1995 134 128 0 0 69 69 40 38 Lumbar No Yes 180
Subtotal 1768 1849 12 21 71 71 382 410 559 572 84
 Asbjorn 1989§ 20 20 0 0 69 69 20 20 20 20 Lumbar No Yes 21
Chung 1987 20 24 73 72 9 12 Spinal No No
Chung 1989 22 22 72 72 22 22 13 14 Spinal No No
Dobson 1994 11 11 77 72 11 11 11 11 Spinal No No
Edwards 1995 52 48 52 48 Spinal No No
Foate 1985 8 9 69 69 8 9 Spinal No No
Frank 1994 15 15 0 0 61 62 15 15 15 15 Lumbar No Yes 0
Hendolin 1981 17 21 71 67 17 21 Lumbar No Yes
Henny 1986 10 10 62 62 10 10 Lumbar No Yes
Jenkins 1983 7 8 68 68 7 8 Lumbar No No
McGowan 1980 50 100 0 0 50 100 Spinal No No 7
Melsen 1987 45 59 0 0 68 64 36 53 45 59 Lumbar No No
Nielsen 1987 25 20 7 2 Lumbar No No
Poikolainen 1983 17 21 Lumbar No No
Rickford 1988 53 25 45 46 31 13 31 13 Spinal or lumbar No No
Shir 1994 69 34 Lumbar Yes Yes
Stjernstrom 1985 15 10 71 66 15 10 15 10 Lumbar No No
Whelan 1982 7 8 64 66 7 8 Spinal No No
Subtotal 463 465 7 2 64 65 310 360 150 142 10
 Baron 1991 87 86 6 0 61 62 70 81 Thoracic Yes Yes
Bode 1996 285 138 0 0 68 68 40 81 0 0 Spinal or lumbar Yes Yes
Bonnet 1989 10 11 63 64 9 11 Thoracic Yes No
Borovskikh 1990 50 50 0 0 56 55 50 50 Thoracic No Yes 30
Christopherson 1993 49 51 0 0 64 66 30 27 6 6 Lumbar No Yes 180
Cook 1986 50 51 0 0 66 67 35 36 19 20 Spinal No No 365
Damask 1990 9 10 71 64 6 8 Lumbar No No
Davies 1993 25 25 0 0 65 67 23 21 Thoracic Yes Yes 7
Garnett 1996 55 56 7 5 68 69 37 43 0 0 Lumbar Yes Yes
Gold 1994 12 12 0 0 73 71 9 9 0 0 Lumbar Yes Yes 8
Gottlieb 1988 20 15 Lumbar Yes Yes
Haljamae 1988 27 28 65 60 19 20 Lumbar Yes No
Homann 1984 19 38 46 41 8 13 Lumbar No No
Houweling 1993 40 20 0 0 65 65 32 15 Spinal or lumbar Yes Yes 10
Kossman 1982 9 10 Thoracic Yes Yes
Reinhart 1989 35 70 63 61 25 52 13 28 Thoracic Yes Yes 5
Rosseel 1985 9 9 67 65 8 8 0 0 Thoracic Yes No
Seeling 1985 25 26 1 0 62 62 22 24 11 14 Thoracic Yes Yes
Smeets 1993 6 5 1 0 62 65 6 5 Thoracic Yes Yes
Stenseth 1994 20 10 0 0 55 54 20 10 0 0 Thoracic Yes Yes 6
Truman 1991 40 40 0 0 70 66 17 15 0 0 Thoracic Yes Yes 20
Wust 1980 23 45 58 60 20 41 12 18 Thoracic Yes No
Subtotal 905 806 15 5 65 63 486 570 61 86 94
Other surgery
 Brichon 1994 46 33 53 45 Thoracic Yes Yes
Bromage 1971 22 22 43 48 Thoracic Yes Yes
Ghoneim 1988 52 53 62 60 35 35 Spinal or lumbar No No 90
Hasenbos 1985 83 80 0 0 42 36 65 60 21 14 Thoracic Yes Yes 4
Jia 1985 67 31
Merhav 1993 16 15 40 46 14 11 Spinal No No
Ogata 1988 8 13 Thoracic Yes
Ravin 1971 10 10 71 70 Spinal No No
Slinger 1995 15 15 65 62 12 11 Lumbar Yes Yes 3
Zwarts 1989 10 10 38 50 5 8 Thoracic Yes Yes
Subtotal 329 282 0 0 50 48 131 125 21 14 34
Total 4871 4688 122 63 63 62 1775 1892 1235 1284 62

NB=neuraxial blockade. 

In excluded patients only. 

11 patients were entered twice into this study. 


=The total number randomised was not available.Those presented are the numbers included in the study after exclusions and losses to follow up. 

Table 2.

Summary of vascular events and bleeding

Group Vascular events
Deep vein thrombosis
Pulmonary embolism
Myocardial infarction
Cardiac arrhythmia
Other fatal cardiac event
Perioperative transfusion requiring >2 units red cells
Postoperative bleed requiring transfusion
General 26 24 3 5 0 4 3 4 0 0 0 0 61 80 0 0
Orthopaedics 117 184 27 59 7 19 36 41 6 3 17 16 81 125 21 57
Urology 2 11 0 1 3 6 1 0 0 0 0 2 12 32 0 0
Vascular 0 0 0 1 35 30 19 31 3 1 2 5 38 41 9 11
Other 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1
Total 145 220 30 66 45 59 59 76 9 4 19 23 193 280 31 69

NB=neuraxial blockade. 

Table 3.

Summary of infection, other events, and mortality

Group Infection
Other events
Wound infection
Death from other infective cause
Respiratory depression
Renal failure
Total mortality
No of intraoperative deaths
No of deaths between 30 days and 6 months
General 17 13 64 99 2 1 16 14 1 3 18 18 0 0 0 1
Orthopaedics 9 14 63 84 0 1 0 1 10 14 58 89 0 1 57 66
Urology 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 6 0 0 0 0
Vascular 2 4 22 55 0 8 10 22 7 15 23 31 1 4 3 3
Other 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 29 33 149 238 2 10 26 38 18 32 103 144 1 5 60 70

NB= neuraxial blockade. 

Among the 56 trials for which follow up data were available, the mean duration of follow up was about 62 days. Only 13 trials provided follow up data beyond 30 days postoperatively. No events were recorded in 80 trials involving 2941 participants, which were mostly designed to assess the physiological, biochemical, and endocrine effects of neuraxial blockade. The mean follow up in the first 30 days these trials was 11 days, compared with 21 days in trials in which events were observed.

Overall mortality

A total of 247 deaths within 30 days of randomisation were recorded in 35 trials. Overall mortality was about one third less in the neuraxial blockade group (odds ratio 0.70, 95% confidence interval 0.54 to 0.90, P=0.006; fig 1) with no clear difference between different surgical groups (fig 2). A specific diagnosis was available for 162 of the deaths. Of these, 73 (45%) were due to pulmonary embolism, cardiac events, or stroke, 50 (31%) were due to infective causes, and 39 (24%) were due to other causes. The observed improvement in survival was due to trends towards reductions in deaths from pulmonary embolism, cardiac events, or stroke (0.73, 0.45 to 1.16), deaths from infection (0.68, 0.39 to 1.21), deaths from other causes (0.84, 0.44 to 1.61), and deaths from unknown causes (0.64, 0.41 to 1.01). There was about one fewer death per 100 patients in the 30 days after randomisation in the neuraxial blockade group (103/4871 (2.1%) versus 144/4688 (3.1%)). Only six intraoperative deaths were recorded, one of which was in the neuraxial blockade group (0.28, 0.06 to 1.45). Ten studies, with a total of 1371 patients, recorded 130 deaths between 30 days and six months. All but two of these studies were on orthopaedic patients. Overall, there was no clear effect of neuraxial blockade on deaths during this period (0.89, 0.61 to 1.28).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Effect of neuraxial blockade (NB) on postoperative mortality within 30 days of randomisation. Diamonds denote 95% confidence intervals for odds ratios of combined trial results. The vertical dashed line represents the overall pooled result. Size of shaded boxes is proportional to number of events. The overall event rates after adjusting for uneven randomisation193 were 113/5811 (1.9%) versus 158/5667 (2.8%). χ2 test for heterogeneity between individual trials P=0.5

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Effect of neuraxial blockade (NB) on postoperative mortality, by surgical group, type of neuraxial blockade, and use of general anaesthesia. Obstetrics and gynaecology trials are included with other surgery. One trial with unknown details of anaesthesia was grouped with lumbar epidural and neuraxial blockade plus general anaesthesia versus general anaesthesia comparisons. Diamonds denote 95% confidence intervals for odds ratios of combined trial results. The vertical dashed line represents the overall pooled result. Size of shaded boxes is proportional to number of events. χ2 test for heterogeneity between different surgical groups, P=0.9

Mortality results by type of anaesthesia

Seven trials (with 826 participants) directly randomised patients to spinal or epidural anaesthesia.25,32,77,104,153,181 Only 13 deaths occurred in these trials, four in the spinal group. However, an indirect comparison between trials of spinal and epidural anaesthesia showed no clear difference between their effects on total mortality (0.68, 0.49 to 0.95 for spinal anaesthesia and 0.68, 0.43 to 1.07 for epidural anaesthesia, P for homogeneity=1.0; fig 2). Mortality was reduced overall whether neuraxial blockade was continued postoperatively (0.68, 0.43 to 1.08) or not (0.70, 0.51 to 0.97). The effect on total mortality was not clearly lower in trials in which neuraxial blockade was combined with general anaesthesia (0.87, 0.53 to 1.41) than in trials in which neuraxial blockade was used alone (0.64, 0.47 to 0.87; P for homogeneity=0.3; fig 2). However, the confidence intervals were wide for the trials that used general anaesthesia. Forty four (18%) deaths occurred in the 22 trials in which the neuraxial blockade group had a different general anaesthesia to that used in the group not allocated neuraxial blockade. The overall effect in this group of trials (0.92, 0.49 to 1.71) was not clearly different (P for homogeneity=0.3) from that in other trials (0.66, 0.49 to 0.88).

Venous thromboembolism, cardiac events, and stroke

A total of 365 deep vein thromboses were reported from 18 trials. Neuraxial blockade reduced the risk of deep vein thrombosis by almost half (0.56, 0.43 to 0.72; fig 3). Since more than 80% of deep vein thromboses were recorded in orthopaedic trials, there was limited power to detect differences between surgical groups. In nine trials all patients were screened for deep vein thromboses by fibrinogen scanning,59,87,129 venography,74,114,132,187 or a combination of methods.62,94 Proportional reductions in deep vein thromboses were similar in the trials with screening (0.56, 0.42 to 0.75) compared with other trials (0.54, 0.30 to 0.96). Therefore, absolute differences were much greater in the trials with screening (121/463 (26%) for neuraxial blockade versus 178/467 (38%) for no neuroaxial blockade) than in other trials (24/4408 (0.5%) versus 42/4221 (1.0%)). Outcome assessments were known to be blinded in only two trials, and deep vein thromboses were also reduced in these studies (0.46, 0.21 to 0.99).66,98 A total of 96 pulmonary emboli were reported from 23 trials, 21 (22%) of which were fatal. Overall, there were about half as many pulmonary emboli in patients allocated to neuraxial blockade (0.45, 0.29 to 0.69; fig 3).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Effects of neuraxial blockade (NB) on postoperative complications. Diamonds denote 95% confidence intervals for odds ratios of combined trial results. The vertical dashed line represents the overall pooled result. Size of shaded boxes is proportional to number of events

A total of 104 myocardial infarctions were reported in 30 trials. Overall, there were about one third fewer myocardial infarctions in patients allocated to neuraxial blockade, but the confidence intervals were compatible with both no effect and a halving in risk (0.67, 0.45 to 1.00; fig 3). Only 42 strokes were reported from eight trials, and the confidence intervals were very wide for this outcome (0.85, 0.46 to 1.57; fig 3).


In total, 473 patients from 16 trials required transfusion of two or more units of blood and 100 patients from 12 trials had a postoperative bleed requiring a transfusion. The requirement for a transfusion of two or more units of blood was reduced by about half in patients allocated neuraxial blockade (0.50, 0.39 to 0.66; fig 3). A similar proportional reduction was found for postoperative bleeds requiring a transfusion (0.45, 0.29 to 0.70; fig 3). There was no clear difference in the proportional effects on either outcome across surgical groups.

Postoperative infection

In total, 62 wound infections were reported from 14 trials. There were fewer wound infections in those allocated to neuraxial blockade, although the confidence intervals were wide (0.79, 0.47 to 1.33; fig 3). Three hundred and eighty seven cases of pneumonia were recorded in 28 trials, of which 38 (10%) were fatal. The risk of developing pneumonia was less in patients randomised to neuraxial blockade (0.61, 0.48 to 0.76; fig 3). There was no clear difference in the proportional effects with the use of concomitant general anaesthesia (neuraxial blockade versus general anaesthesia: 0.63, 0.46 to 0.87; neuraxial blockade plus general anaesthesia versus general anaesthesia: 0.59, 0.42 to 0.81). However, there was some evidence (P for homogeneity=0.05) that the proportional reduction in pneumonia was greater after thoracic epidural anaesthesia (0.48, 0.35 to 0.67) than after lumbar epidural or spinal anaesthesia (0.76, 0.55 to 1.04). Twelve deaths due to an infective cause other than pneumonia were recorded in six trials, of which two occurred in patients allocated to neuraxial blockade (0.33, 0.10 to 1.07; fig 3).

Other postoperative events

A total of 64 cases of respiratory depression were reported from eight trials. The odds of respiratory depression were reduced by 59% in patients allocated to neuraxial blockade (0.41, 0.23 to 0.73; fig 3). The effect was present in trials with and without concomitant general anaesthesia (neuraxial blockade alone versus general anaesthesia 0.37, 0.11 to 1.21; neuraxial blockade plus general anaesthesia versus general anaesthesia 0.43, 0.22 to 0.81). Fifty cases of renal failure were recorded in 10 trials. Although the risk of renal failure was reduced in patients randomised to neuraxial blockade, the confidence intervals were wide and compatible with both no effect and a two thirds reduction (0.57, 0.32 to 1.00; fig 3).

Sensitivity analyses

We conducted several analyses to assess whether the effects on total mortality were dependent on trials with methodological problems or affected by the type of anaesthesia. However, all these tests lacked power to detect moderate sized differences.

An overall reduction in mortality was still evident after we excluded studies for which the total number of patients originally randomised was not available (0.68, 0.51 to 0.91)26,180; original authors could not be contacted (0.69, 0.53 to 0.90)36,38,40,82,83,86,103,115,118,131,137144,147,150,153,155,166,171,172,179,181,185,190; more than 5% of all patients were lost to follow up or excluded after randomisation (0.69, 0.51 to 0.91) 3,14,32,38,57,62,71,74,75,94,108,113,114,120,129,130,140,159,164,165,171,173,181,187; or more than 5% of the neuraxial blockade group were excluded after randomisation (0.68, 0.51 to 0.91).28,32,57,75,94,113,120,129,130,140,159,164,165,171,173 The reduction in mortality was also evident after exclusion of two trials that were stopped before scheduled completion (0.70, 0.53 to 0.91) and exclusion of unpublished data (0.67, 0.51 to 0.88).28,46,94,109,130,165 Finally, there was no clear evidence of publication bias from tests for trend across groups defined by trial size.


Our overview shows improved survival in patients randomised to neuraxial blockade. Additionally, we found reductions in risk of venous thromboembolism, myocardial infarction, bleeding complications, pneumonia, respiratory depression, and renal failure. There was no clear evidence that these effects, in proportional terms, differed by the type of surgical group or the type of neuraxial blockade, although there was limited power to assess subgroup effects reliably. Furthermore, there was no evidence of “catch up” mortality in the neuraxial blockade group between 30 days and 6 months.

The benefits seen for neuraxial blockade may be conferred by multifactorial mechanisms, including altered coagulation, increased blood flow, improved ability to breathe free of pain, and reduction in surgical stress responses.2 In particular, major surgery induces a “stress response” that is substantially altered by neuraxial blockade but not by general anaesthesia.2 This observation, together with the subgroup comparisons shown here, suggests that these benefits are principally due to the use of neuraxial blockade rather than avoidance of general anaesthesia. Thus the key issue seems to be whether neuraxial blockade is used or not, and the way in which this is achieved is less relevant.

Validity of findings

It is unlikely that bias could explain much of the reduction in mortality. We included all randomised trials, irrespective of their initial aims or reported findings. Most trials were not designed to assess major events, but it is unlikely that we missed many deaths or major non-fatal events because we contacted the authors of trials involving 87% of patients and few patients had no outcome data. However, incidence will have been underestimated for non-fatal events that often go undiagnosed, such as deep vein thrombosis. This finding will not bias relative risk estimates6 unless information is selectively available from trials with extreme results. For deep vein thrombosis, at least, the proportional effect of neuraxial blockade in trials designed to assess this outcome was similar to that in other trials. With regard to other potential biases, lack of blinding may have caused some selective misdiagnosis of non-fatal events, but analyses did not indicate publication bias and the overall reduction in mortality was not dependent on inclusion of trials with unconfirmed data or trials for which intention to treat analyses were not possible. Lastly, even though these data represent most of the randomised evidence potentially available, the confidence intervals were wide for many outcomes and relatively little information was available about cause of death.

If the proportional effects of neuraxial blockade are consistent in different patient populations, neuraxial blockade would be expected to result in about one fewer postoperative death and several fewer major complications for every 100 patients at similar risk to those in the studies. However, even though such benefits would be widely regarded as clinically important, the largest individual trial to date180 did not have the power to reliably detect effects of this size. Lack of statistical power may therefore be the principal reason why previous individual trials, editorials,194 and meta-analyses of trials in hip fracture patients195,196 have concluded that neuraxial blockade had no important effect on mortality.


Our overview indicates that neuraxial blockade reduces major postoperative complications in a wide range of patients. However, uncertainty about the net benefits of neuraxial blockade is likely to remain among some clinicians and for some patient groups. For example, opinion is divided about whether neuraxial blockade is indicated or contraindicated in patients at risk of cardiac complications,197 and it is unclear whether the differences that we observed reflect the benefits of neuraxial blockade alone or are partly due to the avoidance of the adverse effects of general anaesthesia. Such uncertainties provide the rationale for large randomised trials, such as the ongoing multicentre Australian study of epidural anaesthesia and analgesia in major surgery.198 However, since serious complications associated with neuraxial blockade, such as spinal haematoma, are very rare199201 and more common side effects, such as headache or urinary retention, are not life threatening, our data support recent trends towards increased use of neuraxial blockade. Furthermore, although we focused on intraoperative anaesthetic techniques, postoperative neuraxial blockade has been shown to have additional benefits, at least for pulmonary complications.202 Overall, therefore our data should result in more widespread use of spinal or epidural anaesthesia.

What is already known on this topic

Neuraxial blockade with epidural or spinal anaesthesia reduces the incidence of deep vein thrombosis and one month mortality in hip fracture patients

Insufficient evidence exists for other postoperative outcomes in this surgical group

What this study adds

Mortality was reduced by one third in patients allocated neuraxial blockade

Reductions in mortality did not differ by surgical group, type of blockade, or in trials in which neuraxial blockade was combined with general anaesthesia

Neuraxial blockade also reduced the risk of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, transfusion requirements, pneumonia, respiratory depression, myocardial infarction, and renal failure


We thank all trialists who confirmed data and provided extra information for this overview: T K Abboud, A R Aitkenhead, T Asoh, J F Baron, A Bayer, D Berggren, P Berthelsen, D Bigler, P K Bithal, W P Blunnie, R Bode, F Bonnet, N A Borovskikh, M R Brandt, S Bredbacka, M J Breslow, F P Buckley, K S Channer, S P Chin, R Christopherson, F Chung, E Couderc, R J Cuschieri, J B Dahl, F M Davies, M J Davies, M Davis, M De Kock, J Devulder, W Dick, N D Edwards, S M Frank, R L Garnett, S Gelman, S P Gerrish, M M Ghoneim, M S Gold, A Gottlieb, E Hakansson, M Hasenbos, H Hendolin, S W Henneberg, A Holdcroft, A Hole, R Hosoda, P L Houweling, A O Hughes, C Jayr, J Jenkins, N Jia, R D M Jones, L N Jorgensen, J Kanto, H Kehlet, A Lehtinen, M Licker, R A M Mann, P Maurette, S McGowan, P J McKenzie, A D McLaren, G Mellbring, N Melsen, I Milsom, J Modig, S Moiniche, I Murat, J M Murray, J A Odoom, M S J Pathy, J Pedersen, J S Poll, A V Pollock, J P Racle, S Raja, K Reinhart, H Renck, B Rosberg, B A Rosenfeld, H Rutberg, P Ryan, B Scheinin, W Seeling, N Sharrock, I Smilov, T Stathopoulou, R Stenseth, V I Strashnov, J Takala, J Takeda, M V Tseshinsky, H Tsuji, K J Tuman, N Valentin, J M Watters, L G Welborn, A Wessen, I W C White, C Wiessman, P Williams-Russo, M P Yeager, and O N Zabrodin. We thank Iain Chalmers, Rory Collins, Mike Davis, Konrad Jamrozik, John McCall, Tom Pedersen, John Rigg, and Charles Warlow for their helpful comments and Gary Whitlock, Xin-Hua Zhang, Philippa Day, and Valentine Kravtsov for help with translating papers.


Funding: Health Research Council of New Zealand and Astra Pain, New Zealand. NW undertook this research during the tenure of a training fellowship from the Health Research Council of New Zealand. AR is a senior research fellow of the National Heart Foundation of New Zealand.

Competing interests: HK has received fees for consulting and speaking at meetings from AstraZeneca.


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