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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America logoLink to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
. 2009 Sep 28;106(41):17331–17336. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0905343106

How oxygen attacks [FeFe] hydrogenases from photosynthetic organisms

Sven T Stripp a, Gabrielle Goldet b, Caterina Brandmayr b, Oliver Sanganas c, Kylie A Vincent b, Michael Haumann c, Fraser A Armstrong b, Thomas Happe a,1
PMCID: PMC2765078  PMID: 19805068


Green algae such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii synthesize an [FeFe] hydrogenase that is highly active in hydrogen evolution. However, the extreme sensitivity of [FeFe] hydrogenases to oxygen presents a major challenge for exploiting these organisms to achieve sustainable photosynthetic hydrogen production. In this study, the mechanism of oxygen inactivation of the [FeFe] hydrogenase CrHydA1 from C. reinhardtii has been investigated. X-ray absorption spectroscopy shows that reaction with oxygen results in destruction of the [4Fe-4S] domain of the active site H-cluster while leaving the di-iron domain (2FeH) essentially intact. By protein film electrochemistry we were able to determine the order of events leading up to this destruction. Carbon monoxide, a competitive inhibitor of CrHydA1 which binds to an Fe atom of the 2FeH domain and is otherwise not known to attack FeS clusters in proteins, reacts nearly two orders of magnitude faster than oxygen and protects the enzyme against oxygen damage. These results therefore show that destruction of the [4Fe-4S] cluster is initiated by binding and reduction of oxygen at the di-iron domain—a key step that is blocked by carbon monoxide. The relatively slow attack by oxygen compared to carbon monoxide suggests that a very high level of discrimination can be achieved by subtle factors such as electronic effects (specific orbital overlap requirements) and steric constraints at the active site.

Keywords: EXAFS, H-cluster, protein film electrochemistry, biological hydrogen production, green algae

Hydrogenases are ubiquitous in bacteria and archaea but are also found in some eukaryotes, particularly green algae (1). There are three distinct classes, known as [NiFe]-, [FeFe]-, and [Fe] hydrogenases, based on the metal components of the active site that binds or releases H2 (2).

Many hydrogenases have extremely high activities (3), a fact that has been emphasized most recently in studies by protein film electrochemistry (46). Hydrogenases are able to catalyze both H2 oxidation and H2 evolution with minimal electrochemical overpotential (driving force) (4, 7), comparable to the 2H+/H2 equilibrium established on platinum (5). The [FeFe] hydrogenases are of particular interest as they tend to be more biased toward H2 evolution than [NiFe] hydrogenases (8). The active site of [FeFe] hydrogenases, a complex structure known as the “H-cluster,” consists of a binuclear Fe center (2FeH) linked to a [4Fe-4S] cluster (9). Numerous publications report the chemical synthesis of analogues for the 2FeH domain and even the entire H-cluster (10)—such is the interest displayed not only in understanding the enzymes, but also in finding cheap alternatives to Pt catalysts. However, [FeFe] hydrogenases are extremely prone to irreversible inactivation by O2, and this sensitivity is a key challenge for both the biotechnological and the synthetic chemistry approaches (8).

Viewed in detail, the 2FeH domain consists of iron atoms Fep and Fed that are, respectively, proximal and distal relative to the [4Fe-4S] domain that is connected to Fep by a bridging cysteine sulfur (9). An unusual dithiolate ligand, originally modeled as a 1,3 propane dithiolate, forms a bridge between Fep and Fed. In the oxidized state Hox, as determined from the structure of the CpI enzyme from Clostridium pasteurianum, Fep is also coordinated by one CO and one CN ligand and shares a bridging CO with Fed (11, 12). The distal Fe is also coordinated by one CO and one CN ligand, and an additional binding site is vacant (9) or occupied by an exchangeable O ligand, most likely a water molecule (11). In the structure of the [FeFe] hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, which is believed to be crystallized in the Hred form, the bridging CO is replaced by a terminal CO on Fed (13). A recent EPR analysis favors an oxidation state assignment of [4Fe-4S]2+-Fep(I)Fed(II) for Hox, with some spin density delocalized onto the [4Fe-4S] domain (14). The EPR-silent Hred state is assigned as [4Fe-4S]2+-Fep(I)Fed(I) or a hydrido species [4Fe-4S]2+-Fep(II)Fed(II)-H, and it appears that the [4Fe-4S] cluster may not access the 1+ level in anything other than a transient manner (15). Crystallography and infrared spectroscopy has shown that exogenous CO, a competitive inhibitor, attacks 2FeH at the vacant/exchangeable binding site of Fed (1618). Carbon monoxide is a π-acceptor ligand and binds to electron-rich transition metals (19). From a molecular orbital perspective, H2 resembles CO because, by analogy with the Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson model for binding of alkenes to metals (20), back donation of electron density into the antibonding σ-orbital of molecular H2 is important for its binding and activation (20). These facts are highly relevant because they form the basis for CO being competitive with H2 (21) during H2 oxidation, and therefore, Fed is likely to be the site for H2 binding (17). Like CO, O2 is also a π-acceptor ligand and likely to bind to the same site(s); we can anticipate that any such binding could result in the generation of highly reactive oxygen intermediates (22, 23).

Here, we present a study of the mechanism by which O2 irreversibly attacks the H-cluster, by using electrochemical kinetics with the reversible inhibitor CO as a complementary probe. By using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the Fe K-edge, we examine, at atomic level resolution, the nature of the product obtained. Our subject is the [FeFe] hydrogenase CrHydA1 from the photosynthetic green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The [FeFe] hydrogenases of green algae are of particular interest for photosynthetic H2 production (8) and because this class of hydrogenase enzymes contain only the H-cluster (2426) it is possible to interpret the XAS data without interference from additional electron-transferring FeS clusters that are present in bacterial hydrogenases (9, 11). The results lead to a mechanistic model of how [FeFe] hydrogenases are inactivated by O2.


Protein Film Electrochemistry.

Cyclic voltammograms recorded for C. reinhardtii [FeFe] hydrogenase CrHydA1 at 1 bar H2 show the relative activities for H+ reduction and H2 oxidation (Fig. 1). The graph displays two distinct scans obtained at pH 6.0 and pH 8.0 at 20 °C. The potential is swept from −0.55 V to + 0.24 V vs. SHE and then scanned back to −0.55 V. The enzyme is clearly a bidirectional hydrogenase; at pH 6.0 (solid line), the catalytic activities for H+ reduction compared to H2 oxidation are approximately comparable, whereas at pH 8.0 (dashed line), the activity for H+ reduction is much lower, most obviously because the H+ concentration is two orders of magnitude lower. In either case the voltammograms cut through the zero-current line (potential axis) at the potential expected for the 2H+/H2 redox couple under these conditions. The slight inflection detectable in this region (dashed oval in Fig. 1) suggests that a small overpotential is required for efficient electron transport to and from the active site. At high potentials (> 0 V vs. SHE, see circles) the enzyme inactivates, giving rise to the anaerobically oxidized state [Hoxinact (7)]. This is apparent from the decrease in H2 oxidation current, which recovers at least partially on the return scan. The reversibility of this inactivation depends on pH, and it is much more reversible at pH 6.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Catalytic profile of CrHydA1 at pH 6.0 (solid lines) and pH 8.0 (dashed lines) as viewed by cyclic voltammograms of the enzyme adsorbed on a PGE electrode. The thermodynamic 2H+/H2 potentials at pH 6.0 and pH 8.0 are marked by the vertical lines. The dashed oval highlights the inflection point at the zero-current potential at pH 6.0. Black and open circles mark the potential at which anaerobic inactivation begins to occur as the potential is swept to more positive values and the current at each cyclic voltammogram has been normalized at this potential. Black and open arrows indicate the directions of the scans at pH 6 and pH 8, respectively. Experimental conditions: 20 °C, 1 bar H2, electrode rotation rate 3,000 rpm, scan rate 20 mV/s.

The kinetics of O2 inactivation of H2 oxidation were investigated by chronoamperometric experiments in which the current was monitored following changes in gas composition. The catalytic current is a direct measure of enzymatic turnover rate. Fig. 2 shows the dependence of inactivation rate on O2 level (Fig. 2A) and H2 level (Fig. 2B). In all experiments the cell potential was set to −0.05 V vs. SHE to optimize the H2 oxidation rate while avoiding anaerobic inactivation (see circles in Fig. 1). Experiments were performed at pH 6.0, 20 °C. Reactions with O2 were initiated by changing the gas composition flowing in the headspace of the cell and simultaneously injecting a solution of buffer preequilibrated with the desired gas composition. This combination of operations ensured rapid initiation and a constant O2 level throughout the reaction. An important feature of these experiments was that the H2 concentration in solution always remained constant. Control experiments were performed to assess the current contribution because of direct reduction of O2 at the graphite electrode, although this was small at −0.05 V (see SI Text and Fig. S1). In all cases O2 caused almost complete inactivation (>95%).

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Inactivation of CrHydA1 by O2 by simultaneous gas exchange and injection of O2-saturated buffers. Experiments were carried out under (A) different concentrations of O2 and (B) different concentrations of H2. (A) Gas mixtures in the headspace contain 80% H2 and the remaining 20% are as indicated. For the experiments in which inactivation was induced by 10% and 5% O2, injections of 2 mL and 0.67 mL buffer saturated with 20% O2 and 80% H2 (respectively) were performed into the cell containing 2 mL at the beginning of the experiment. For the experiments in which inactivation was induced by 0.5% O2, an injection of 0.5 mL buffer saturated with 2.5% O2 and 80% H2 was performed into the cell containing 2 mL at the beginning of the experiment. (B) Inactivation was achieved with 5% O2 in the headspace and the solid and dashed lines represent experiments performed with 8% and 80% H2, respectively. For the experiments in which inactivation was induced by 5% O2 in 8% H2, an injection of 0.67 mL buffer saturated with 20% O2 and 8% H2 was performed into the cell initially containing 2 mL. Other conditions: pH 6.0, 20 °C, electrode rotation rate 3,000 rpm, −0.05 V vs. SHE.

Fig. 2A shows how the rate of inactivation depends on the concentration of O2 (0.5%, 5%, and 10%) with 80% H2 as the carrier gas and N2 making up the remaining fraction. Each experiment commenced with 80% H2 and 20% N2 flushing through the cell, then O2 was introduced, as explained above, and once the enzyme was fully inactivated, the original headgas composition was restored by changing the incoming gas mixture back to 80% H2 and 20% N2. The time-courses conformed to first-order exponential behavior for one to two half lives and rates were also first order in O2 up to at least 15% O2 headgas composition (≈0.2 mM in solution) as displayed in Fig. 3B (see below). Fig. 2B shows that the rate of inactivation of H2 oxidation by O2 depends on the H2 concentration (80% H2 compared to 8% H2).

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Inactivation of CrHydA1 by O2 as compared to inhibition by CO, and protection by CO against O2 inactivation. (A) Inactivation and inhibition by 10% O2 (i, red trace) and 10% CO (ii, blue trace) by gas exchange. The black trace shows an experiment in which the enzyme was subjected to 10% O2 after being fully inhibited by 10% CO (iii). The dotted line gives a visual guide to the progression of background film loss. Experimental conditions: pH 6.0, 20 °C, electrode rotation rate 3,000 rpm, −0.05 V vs. SHE, gas mixtures in the headspace as indicated, with 80% H2 and balance of N2 making up the remainder of the headspace atmosphere. The timeline shown in the lower panel provides a guide for the sequence of gas changes. (B) Dependence of rate of inactivation on concentration of O2 (diamonds, red) and CO (squares, blue). Note the rates of inactivation by CO were calculated by performing experiments such as those shown in Fig. 2, that is, by simultaneous injection of CO-saturated buffer and gas exchange.

Fig. 3 shows experiments in which CO, known to be a competitive inhibitor of H2 oxidation (21), is used to probe the course of O2 attack. Fig. 3A shows three experiments performed at pH 6.0, 20 °C, and −0.05 V vs. SHE. The timeline shown in the lower panel of Fig. 3A provides a guide for the sequence of gas changes. Hydrogen was maintained at 80% fractional composition in the gas stream throughout all experiments. In the first experiment (i), the enzyme is inactivated by introducing 10% O2 (red trace), and in the second (ii), it is inhibited by introducing 10% CO (blue trace). In the third experiment (iii), 10% O2 is introduced to enzyme that is already inhibited by 10% CO (black trace).

The decrease in current because of inhibition by CO (ii) is much more rapid than it is for O2 (i), and the comparative rates of inhibition at different inhibitor concentrations are shown in Fig. 3B. For comparison the second-order rate constants for inhibition by CO and inactivation by O2 (obtained from the slopes of the lines in Fig. 3B) are 50 mM−1s−1 (46 bar−1s−1) and 0.43 mM−1s−1 (0.47 bar−1s−1), respectively. Also, it is clear from Fig. 3A that, when the CO is removed from the gas stream, the current increases to a level consistent with that expected based on natural protein film loss from the electrode measured in control experiments over the same period, showing that CO inhibition of H2 oxidation is reversible. However, removal of O2 from the cell only results in a tiny increase in current, that is, O2 inactivation is almost (but not entirely) irreversible. Experiment (iii) in Fig. 3A demonstrates that CO protects the enzyme against inactivation by O2 as 80% of the initial activity is recovered on removal of CO from the gas stream. This result agrees with the observation reported recently for another [FeFe] hydrogenase CaHydA from Clostridium acetobutylicum (27).

X-Ray Absorption Measurements.

Fig. 4 depicts XAS spectra of the as-isolated reduced form of CrHydA1 (Hred) and the as-isolated protein after incubation with O2 (Hoxair). The shape of the Fe K-edge spectrum of Hred (Fig. 4A) reveals a predominant coordination of the Fe atoms by the S atoms of the conserved cysteine residues in CrHydA1 (25); indications for O-ligation to Fe are absent (28, 29). The increased primary K-edge maximum at approximately 7,125 eV and a decreased preedge amplitude (# at ∼7,111 eV, inset) in Hoxair clearly suggest the binding of O-atom ligands to Fe ions that subsequently became more symmetrically coordinated (25). This result may be explained by binding of additional O-species to the H-cluster and partial release of Fe from the protein in the form of hexaquo-Fe(II) ions.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

XAS comparison of CrHydA1 in its as-isolated reduced form (Hred) and after O2 incubation (Hoxair). The reduced distance is the true metal-backscatterer distance minus approximately 0.4 Å because of a phase shift. (A) Fe K-edge spectra. Inset: isolated preedge features due to 1s→3d electronic transitions. The shown preedge features were derived by subtraction of a polynomial spline from the main edge rise by using the program Xanda. (B) FTs of EXAFS spectra (see Fig. S2) of Hred (solid line) and Hoxair (open circles). The FTs were calculated for k values of 1.6–16.5 Å−1 (7.4–19.5 Å−1 in the inset). Numbers on the FT peaks denote specific Fe-ligand interactions as discussed in the text. The Fe-Fe distance of 2FeH of 2.52 Å (FT peak III) is discernable under both conditions; the Fe-Fe distances of approximately 2.7 Å (FT peak IV) from the [4Fe-4S] cluster are largely diminished in Hred.

Fourier transforms (FTs) of EXAFS spectra for Hred and Hoxair are shown in Fig. 4B. The FT of the Hred spectrum (solid line and inset) shows four main peaks I - IV. The reduced distances given in the figure are approximately 0.4 Å smaller than the true metal-ligand distances because of a phase shift. These peaks reflect different Fe interactions of the H-cluster, namely Fe-C(= O/N) (I), Fe-S (II), and Fe-Fe (IV) (25). An additional peak III became visible in Hred when the FT was calculated from the corresponding EXAFS oscillations starting at higher k-values and extending over a longer k-range (inset, see Fig. S2). This feature represents the Fe-Fe interaction in the 2FeH moiety (25). Peak III in the spectrum of Hoxair is also attributable to this Fe-Fe interaction. Diminished Fe-Fe interactions from the cubane cluster in the Hoxair spectrum allow for discrimination of peak III even in FT spectra calculated from a k-range starting at lower values. Contributions to the EXAFS spectra from multiple-scattering (MS) effects of the near-linear Fe-C = O/N arrangements are small (25) because of their relatively low coordination number and interference with the Fe-Fe interactions of the [4Fe-4S] cluster.

Precise Fe-ligand distances were determined by simulations of the EXAFS spectra. The coordination numbers per Fe ion (Ni) and the Fe-ligand and Fe-Fe distances (Ri) for Hred (Table 1) are compatible with the expected structure of the reduced H-cluster Hred in CrHydA1. Whereas Hox is reported to be in the Fep(I)-Fed(II) state and has a ‘bridging’ CO between Fep and Fed, Hred is assigned as Fep(I)-Fed(I) and lacks the bridging CO that has become a terminal ligand to Fed (14, 17, 24, 25). In particular, the Fe-Fe distances of 2.52 Å for the 2FeH moiety (III, inset in Fig. 4B) and 2.71 Å for the [4Fe-4S] moiety (IV) can clearly be distinguished by EXAFS.

Table 1.

EXAFS fit results

Sample Shell Peak Ni [per Fe atom] Ri [Å] 2i [Å2] RF [%]
Hred C(=O/N) I 0.46 1.76 0.002* 8.7
S II 3.57 2.28 0.010*
Fe 2FeH III 0.81 2.52 0.002*
Fe [4Fe-4S] IV 2.06 2.71 0.010*
Hoxair C(=O/N) / O I 1.11 1.89 0.002* 11.0
S II 2.09 2.26 0.010*
Fe 2FeH III 0.67 2.56 0.002*
Fe [4Fe-4S] IV 0.97 2.77 0.010*

RF (39) was calculated over reduced distances of 1.3–2.8 Å. Both simulations comprise a further multiple-scattering Fe(-C)=O/N shell (with the same N-value as for the Fe-C(=O/N) shell; average respective distances of 2.98 Å; 2s2 was set to 0.01 Å2). Ni, coordination number; Ri, Fe-ligand distance; 2s2i, Debye-Waller factor.

*Fixed values in the fit procedure.

The FT of the EXAFS spectrum of the O2-treated enzyme (Hoxair in Fig. 4B, open circles) reveals a missing contribution from Fe-Fe interactions of the [4Fe-4S] cluster (IV in Hred). In addition, a shift of the main FT peak (II) to shorter distances is observed. This is because of contributions from Fe-O bonds, which are shorter than Fe-S bonds. Peak I (representing Fe-C(= O/N) interactions in Hred) appears decreased in size in Hoxair. This is attributable to interference between Fe-O and Fe-C(= O/N) contributions that cannot easily be discriminated. For Hoxair the 2FeH-specific FT feature III is even more distinct than in Hred (inset). Peaks exclusively appearing in the Hoxair spectrum are marked with asterisks. Peak IV*, which is indicative of MS contributions from the C = (O/N) ligands is resolved more clearly because peak IV is essentially diminished in Hoxair. That the Fe atoms of the [4Fe-4S] cluster may remain bound to the protein but coordinate additional O-ligands is suggested by the observed FT peak V*, which may correspond to long Fe-O-Fe binding motifs (28) prominent in Hoxair only.

Simulations of the Hoxair EXAFS spectrum (Table 1) revealed that in Hoxair the Fe-Fe distance in 2FeH is 0.04 Å longer than the Fe-Fe distance in Hred (2.56 and 2.52 Å, respectively), with a coordination number lowered by only ≈20%. This is compatible with a Fe-Fe distance elongation upon oxidation from Hred to Hox-CO which we reported recently (25). Accordingly, a fraction of approximately 80% of protein may be calculated to retain a normal 2FeH unit in which the overall structure is preserved upon O2 treatment. Distance elongation may be caused by binding of O-species to 2FeH. In contrast, there was a 2-fold decrease of the approximately 2.7 Å Fe-Fe interactions (from Ni 2.06 to 0.97 in Hoxair) per Fe ion, because of the loss of respective motifs in the [4Fe-4S] cluster. Therefore, in more than half of the protein molecules the native structure of the [4Fe-4S] cluster is degraded.

In summary, the XAS results show that exposure of CrHydA1 to O2 causes modification or destruction of the [4Fe-4S] domain of the H-cluster, with the coordination shell of the 2FeH domain remaining relatively unchanged.


The electrocatalytic response of CrHydA1 shows that the enzyme exhibits very similar characteristics to other hydrogenases (30). In electrochemical experiments, the enzyme's activity is directly measured through the catalytic current. The inflection point at the zero-current potential observed for CrHydA1 contrasts with the sharp intersection with the zero-current axis exhibited by other (bacterial) hydrogenases (6, 7, 27). This may be because of the absence of an electron-transfer relay in CrHydA1 (26) and reflects a small overpotential requirement to drive electrons in either direction. Catalytically, the enzyme is bidirectional and its proficiency in H2 oxidation allows us to measure directly the competition between H2, CO, and O2. Note that continuous recording of the time course of H2 evolution, which requires a low potential or strong reductant, are complicated in the presence of O2.

Several observations point to a mechanism in which damage by O2 requires its prior attack at the 2FeH domain. First, exogenous CO, known to bind at the distal Fe site (17) and be a competitive inhibitor of H2 oxidation (21), protects the enzyme against inactivation by O2. Second, the rate of inactivation by O2 is lower at high H2 levels, in line with the competitive relationship between CO and H2. Third, there are many examples of O2 and its partial reduction products known as ‘reactive oxygen species’ (ROS) attacking FeS clusters, including fumarate-nitrate regulatory protein (FNR) (22). Fourth, there is no precedent for CO directly attacking [4Fe-4S] clusters in proteins.

The observation from EXAFS, that the fate of the H-cluster in its reaction with O2 is a modification of the [4Fe-4S] domain rather than of the 2FeH domain, in conjunction with the protective effect of CO, together mean that the reaction of O2 with the 2FeH domain (as argued above) generates a species that subsequently attacks the [4Fe-4S] domain. In Fig. 5, we consider two mechanisms by which this could occur. The first option involves O2 reacting at the 2FeH domain to form a ROS, particularly superoxide, that migrates the short distance to attack the [4Fe-4S] cluster. The second option involves superoxide being formed by reaction with the 2FeH domain but remaining bound (presumably at the distal Fe site) as a strong oxidant, inflicting long-range oxidation of the [4Fe-4S]-cluster by through-bond electron transfer. Direct attack of O2 on the [4Fe-4S] cluster might be prevented by steric effects, or be less favorable, thermodynamically, because superoxide (0.9 V) is a much stronger one-electron oxidant than O2 (< −0.1 V). In either of these two mechanisms, it is likely that O2 attacks the H-cluster in the oxidation level Hox that is assigned as [4Fe-4S]2+-Fep(I)Fed(II). This proposal is based on analogy with observations made with CO, which is known to bind preferentially to Hox relative to Hred (giving a characteristic EPR-detectable form known as Hox-CO) (14, 17) [Under anaerobic conditions, it is widely reported that Hox can be oxidized reversibly to the state Hoxinact, correspondingly formulated as [4Fe-4S]2+-Fep(II)Fed(II) (7, 31)]. It is well-established that [4Fe-4S] clusters are prone to oxidative damage via sequences involving some or all of the following: (i) initial formation of superoxidized species such as [4Fe-4S]3+ (ii) subsequent ejection of Fe giving a [3Fe-4S] cluster (3235), (iii) further loss of Fe and S, and (iv) complete breakdown of the cluster. As an example, oxidative breakdown of a [4Fe-4S] cluster by such a sequence is found for FNR, an O2 sensing protein (22, 36). Oxidative degradation of [4Fe-4S] clusters in ferredoxins without O2, that is, by an anaerobic pathway, has been studied by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical potential pulse experiments (34, 35). These studies showed a correlation between the air-stabilities of [4Fe-4S] clusters in different proteins and the electrode potential required to induce their anaerobic oxidative damage via a [3Fe-4S] intermediate. Our observation that anaerobic inactivation of CrHydA1 is only partially reversible may be relevant to the O2 mechanism because it suggests the ease by which the [4Fe-4S] domain could be damaged by a long-range electron-transfer process, as would be the case if the ROS did not leave the 2FeH domain.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.

Model scheme for reaction of CO and O2 with the H-cluster. Carbon monoxide binds reversibly to the oxidized state Hox, giving an inhibited species Hox-CO. Oxygen reacts by binding to the H-cluster at the same site as CO, that is, Fed. The O2 is converted to a reactive oxygen species (ROS), most likely superoxide (formed by one electron reduction). The ROS can either migrate the very short distance to oxidize the [4Fe-4S]2+ cluster (A) or it can remain bound and exert its destructive effect by causing a through-bond electron transfer from the [4Fe-4S] cluster (B).

The observation that CO reacts so much faster than O2 leads us to question the effectiveness of a ‘gas filter’ within the enzyme and to suggest instead that more effective gas discrimination occurs in the highly specific region of the active site. In the close proximity of the H-cluster, electronic and steric influences of the protein environment are likely to determine the efficiency of ligand binding. In the case of CrHydA1, we were able to show that binding of CO is kinetically favored about O2 and H2 ligation. There is already a precedent for such discrimination, in the reverse direction, in the case of the [NiFe] uptake hydrogenases from Ralstonia eutropha and R. metallidurans. For those enzymes, which are highly O2-tolerant, CO (a strong π-acceptor ligand) is a very weak inhibitor (37): even more significantly, in H2 evolution, H2 is a far superior inhibitor to either CO or O2. These effects must arise from differences in the geometries of coordination imposed by the local environment, and we propose that similar principles could be applied to selectivity at the 2FeH domain.

Materials and Methods

Recombinant C. reinhardtii [FeFe] hydrogenase CrHydA1 was synthesized and isolated anaerobically from C. acetobutylicum as previously described (38). To prepare samples for XAS, isolated protein was concentrated to 1 mM (48 g/L) by using Vivaspin 6 and Vivaspin 500 columns (Sartorius Stedim Biotech) and stored in 0.1 mM Tris/HCl pH 8.0, 2 mM sodium dithionite (NaDT), and 10% glycerol. To obtain an O2-treated sample, the protein sample was dialyzed with NaDT-free 0.1 M Tris/HCl pH 8.0 before concentration. Protein samples (30 μL, 1 mM) were placed in 200 μL PCR tubes (Eppendorf) and loaded into 8 mL glass tubes. The tubes were then sealed with a septum and taken out of the anaerobic glovebox (Coy Laboratories, N2 atmosphere with approximately 5% H2 and O2 < 2 ppm). The headgas of the sealed tubes was flushed with moistened O2 (Air Products, 15 min) and argon (Air Liquide, 5 min) giving the irreversibly damaged form “Hoxair”. During O2 treatment, the protein was kept on ice. A sample of CrHydA1 as-isolated and reduced by 2 mM NaDT (26) is referred to as “Hred”. Samples of Hoxair and Hred were transferred to Kapton-covered acrylic-glass XAS sample holders and then rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen until use at the synchrotron.

Protein Film Electrochemistry.

Experiments were carried out in an anaerobic glovebox (MBraun) comprising a N2 atmosphere (O2 < 2 ppm). Buffers consisting of 0.05 M phosphate with 0.1 M NaCl as additional supporting electrolyte were prepared by using standard reagents NaCl, NaH2PO4, and Na2HPO4 (analytical reagent grade, Sigma). A pyrolytic graphite edge (PGE) rotating disk electrode (RDE, area 0.03 cm2) was used in conjunction with an electrode rotator (EcoChemie). The all-glass electrochemical cell featured a Pt counter electrode placed in the main compartment and a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as reference in a Luggin side arm. In this article, all potential values E have been adjusted to the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) scale by using the relationship ESHE = ESCE + 242 mV. The cell was blacked out with black electrical tape to avoid light-activated processes convoluting the results (7, 16) and thermostated by a water-jacket linked to a water-circulator. To prepare an enzyme film, the PGE electrode was first polished for 10 s with an aqueous slurry of α-alumina (1 μm, Buehler) and sonicated for 5 s in purified water, before 1.5 μL enzyme solution (containing 0.02–0.2 μg CrHydA1, i.e., up to ≈2 μM, pH 8) was applied and removed after a few minutes.

Electrochemical experiments were performed by using an electrochemical analyzer (Autolab PGSTAT20) controlled by a computer operating GPES software (EcoChemie). Mass flow controllers (Smart-Trak Series 100, Sierra Instruments) were used to prepare precise gas mixtures (accurate to within 1%) and to impose constant gas flow rates into the electrochemical cell during experiments. Depending on the nature of the experiment and the rate of the reaction, changes of gas conditions were performed by (i) changing the gas mixture reaching the cell headspace, or (ii) by a simultaneous change in gas mixture in the headspace and injection of an aliquot of solution equilibrated with that gas. Efficient mixing and gas-solution equilibration were achieved through rapid electrode rotation (3,000 rpm).

X-Ray Absorption Measurements.

Kα-fluorescence-detected XAS spectra at the Fe K-edge were collected at T = 20 K using an energy-resolving 13-element Ge detector and a helium cryostat as previously described (28, 29) at beamline D2 of the EMBL outstation (at HASYLAB, DESY). Harmonic rejection was achieved by detuning of the Si (111) double-crystal monochromator to 50% of its peak intensity. Spectra were collected maximally for a scan range of 6,950–8,450 eV. Deadtime-corrected XAS spectra were averaged after energy calibration of each scan by using the peak at 7,112 eV in the 1st derivative of the absorption spectrum of an Fe-foil as an energy standard (estimated accuracy ± 0.1 eV) (28, 29). Data were then normalized, and extended EXAFS oscillations were extracted (39). The energy scale of EXAFS spectra was converted to the wavevector scale (k-scale) by using an E0 value of 7,112 eV. Unfiltered k3-weighted spectra were used for least-squares curve-fitting employing a multiple-scattering approach with the program EXCURV (40). Fourier transforms were calculated from k3-weighted EXAFS data by using the program SimX (39) and employing cos2 windows ranging >10% at both ends of the k-range. From experimental K-edge spectra the preedge peak region was extracted by using the program Xanda (


We thank the beamline scientist Dr. W. Meyer Klaucke (EMBL at DESY) for excellent technical support. We acknowledge Professor Achim Trebst for his teachings and for ongoing insightful discussions that made this work possible. We dedicate this article to him on the occasion of his 80th birthday. This work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grants SFB480 (to T.H.) and SFB498-C8 (to M.H.), the “Unicat” Cluster of Excellence Berlin, the EU/Energy Network SolarH2 (FP7 contract 212508), and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Grant BB/D52222X/1 (to F.A.A.). K.A.V. is a Royal Society Research Fellow.


The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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