Figure 10.
A) A schematic representation of the packing of cellulose chains in cellulose II. “up” and “down” chains are represented by upwards and downwards pointing green arrows. The unit cell of cellulose II is represented in blue. An hydrophobic stack of chains is indicated by black arrows. B) Alternate hydrogen bonded sheets of chains, represented by red arrows, have been slipped along the long axis of the cellulose II unit cell, in the direction indicated by the arrow, so as to generate the large unit cell originally used to index cellulose IIIII. C) A possible microdomain structure for cellulose IIIII that would account for the reduced, statistical unit cell, generated be incomplete slippage throughout the fiber along the direction indicated by black double arrow in B). D) Further slippage in the direction indicated by the black double arrow in C) generates an aggregate of microdomains of the large unit cell shown in B) and cellulose IIII.