Figure 3.
T-ALLs arising from cultured ICN1+ cells have similar disease phenotypes whether derived from bone marrow or thymocytes. (A) Moribund mice were killed, dissected, and photographed. Images were captured with a Nikon Coolpix 5200 camera (Nikon) in ambient room light and through a Tiffen 15 deep yellow filter (Tiffen) under fluorescent illumination provided by an Illumatool light source (Light Tools Research). The images were merged using Photoshop 7.0 software (Adobe Systems). Recipient animals developed T-ALL with hepatosplenomegaly and extensive invasion of lymph nodes with GFP-marked leukemic cells. Representative recipients of marrow-derived cells (left panel) and of thymocyte-derived cells (right panel) are depicted. (B) Like irradiated animals that received bone marrow transplants of ICN1-transduced, but uncultured, donor cells, the T-ALLs arising in nonirradiated mice largely coexpressed CD4 and CD8, though some T-ALLs had a CD8 single-positive subpopulation, as well. No consistent variations in representative immunophenotypes of leukemic cells taken from different tissues or derived from Arf +/+ or Arf −/− donors were seen. The remaining panels (C-D) compare clinical parameters of T-ALLs arising in irradiated animals undergoing conventional bone marrow transplantations (BMTs) with those of recipient mice that received cultured day-12 ICN1+ bone marrow–derived or thymus-derived cells. Clinical hematologic measurements including a comparison of total white blood cell counts, hemoglobin concentration, platelet count, and spleen weights are shown in panel C, whereas the percentages of GFP-marked cells in various tissues are shown in panel D. The broad horizontal bars indicate median values, the gray bars delineate the upper and lower quartiles, and the whiskers indicate the overall range of readings.