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. 2009 Dec 11;75(1):1–52. doi: 10.1007/s11230-009-9211-9

Digenean parasites of Chinese marine fishes: a list of species, hosts and geographical distribution

Sheng-fa Liu 1,, Wen-feng Peng 1, Peng Gao 1, Ming-jun Fu 1, Han-zhou Wu 1, Ming-ke Lu 1, Ji-qing Gao 1, Jun Xiao 1
PMCID: PMC2791834  PMID: 20012517


In the literature, 630 species of Digenea (Trematoda) have been reported from Chinese marine fishes. These belong to 209 genera and 35 families. The names of these species, along with their hosts, geographical distribution and records, are listed in this paper.


China is a country with more than 4 million km2 of marine waters, including the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea. These cover a diverse variety of climatic environments, ranging from temperate, through subtropical to equatorial tropical. This ecological environment is complex and diverse, and seasonal climatic variations can be quite dramatic. The large coastal regions provide rich fishery resources for China, with more 3,000 species of marine fishes reported (Zhu, 1998). Due to the variety of ecological environments and fish stocks, these waters harbour large numbers of parasitic worms.

Our knowledge of the trematode parasites of Chinese marine fishes and their distribution is still limited. Tseng (1933) was the first investigator; he described eight species of digeneans of marine fishes from off Tsingtao, Shandong Province, China. Subsequently, no further investigations were made on the digenean fauna of marine fishes of China until the work of Ku & Shen (1964a). Since 1964, Gu & Shen (19761985), Liu (19932003b), Shen (19821995), Shen & Qiu (1995); Tang (1981), Wang (19801991), among others, published many studies of the digeneans of Chinese marine fishes, such that 630 species of have now been reported.

The purpose of this paper is to list the known digeneans from off the coasts of China and summarise data on their hosts, distribution in Chinese waters and records.


Table 1 was compiled from original papers. The parasite species are presented in alphabetical order under family, subfamily (where appropriate) and genus. Their hosts, geographical location of the records and references to the records and (where appropriate) original descriptions of the species are also listed. The classification of parasites and all of the valid scientific names of the fish hosts have been updated according to the three volumes of the ‘CABI Keys to the Trematoda’ (Gibson et al., 2002; Jones et al., 2005; Bray et al., 2008) and ‘FishBase’ (Froese & Pauly, 2009), respectively.

Table 1.

Digenean parasites of marine fishes reported from Chinese waters

Digenean Host(s) Locality Reference(s)
Acanthocolpidae Lühe, 1906
Acanthocolpus Lühe, 1906
A. acanthocepolae Shen, 1990 Acanthocepola indica (Day) SCS Shen (1990f)
A. liodorus Lühe, 1901 Chirocentrus dorab (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1990f)
A. orientalis Srivastava, 1939

Seriola dumerili (Risso)

Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell)

SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
A. sanyaensis Shen, 1990 Carangoides malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Shen (1990f)
Monostephanostomum Kruse, 1979
M. gazzae (Shen, 1990) Bray & Cribb, 2002 (Syn. Stephanostomum gazzae Shen, 1990) Gazza minuta (Bloch) SCS Shen (1990f)
Neophasis Stafford, 1904
N. parapristipamae Wang, 1986 Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch) TWS Wang (1986)
Parapristipoma trilineatum (Thunberg) TWS Wang (1986)
Pleorchis Railliet, 1896
P. hainanensis Shen, 1983 Pennahia anea (Bloch) SCS Shen (1983b, 1990f)
P. nibeae Shen, 1983 Nibea albiflora (Richardson) YBS Shen (1983b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
P. sciaenae Yamaguti, 1938 Johnius dussumieri (Cuvier) SCS Shen (1983b, 1990f)
Nibea albiflora (Richardson) SCS Yamaguti (1938)
Nibea albiflora (Richardson) TWS Wang & Wang (1993)
P. uku Yamaguti, 1970 Aprion virescens Valenciennes SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
Caesio cuning (Bloch) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
Pristipomoides filamentosus (Valenciennes) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
Pseudacaenodera Yamaguti, 1965
P. alectis Shen, 1990 Alectis indicus (Rüppell) SCS Shen (1990f)
P. nibeae Shen,1990é Nibea albiflora (Richardson) TWS Shen (1990d)
YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Stephanostomoides Mamaev & Oshmarin, 1966
S. dorabi Mamaev & Oshmarin, 1966 Chirocentrus dorab (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1990f)
Stephanostomum Looss, 1899
S. argyrosomi Shen, 1995 Pennahia argentata (Houttuyn) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
S. baccatum (Nicoll, 1907) Manter, 1934 Arius sinensis (Lacépède) TWS Wang (1982b)
Konosirus punctatus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1982b)
S. bicoronatum (Stossich, 1883) Fuhrmann, 1928 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995); Tseng (1933)
Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Johnius sp. ECS Yamaguti (1938)
Konosirus punctatus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1987a)
S. carangi Liu, 1998 Caranx ignobilis (Forsskål) TWS Liu (1998)
S. dentatum (Linton, 1901) Linton, 1940 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) TWS Wang (1982b)
S. ditrematis (Yamaguti, 1939) Manter, 1947 Seriola dumerili (Risso) SCS Shen (1990f); Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Scomberoides lysan (Forsskål) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Mustelus griseus Pietschmann TWS Wang (1987)
S. fistulariae (Yamaguti, 1940) Manter & Van Cleave 1931 Nibea albiflora (Richardson) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
S. hispidum (Yamaguti, 1934) Manter, 1940 Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell, 1829) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
S. lebourae Caballero, 1952 Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
S. lateolabracis Liu, 1998 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) TWS Liu (1998)
S. rachycentronis Shen, 1990 Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus) SCS Shen (1990f)
S. sphyraenae Wang, 1982 Sphyraena pinguis Günther TWS Wang (1982b)
Tormopsolus Poche, 1926
T. carangi Parukhin, 1976 Carangoides malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1976)
T. echenei Parukhin, 1966a Echeneis naucrates Linnaeus SCS Parukhin (1967, 1976)
T. filiformis Sogandares-Bernal & Hutton, 1959 Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus) SCS Parukhin (1976)
Caranx malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1976)
T. fuzhouensis Wang, 1982 Miichthys miiuy (Basilewsky) TWS Wang (1982a)
T. orientalis Yamaguti, 1934 Caranx malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1966)
Accacoeliidae Odhner,1911
Accacladium Odhner, 1928
A. arii Wang, 1982 Arius sinensis (Lacépède) TWS Wang (1982a)
Rhynchopharynx Odhner, 1928
R. formionis Shen, 1986 Parastromateus niger (Bloch) SCS Shen (1986b, 1990f)
Thamnaconus septentrionalis (Günther) SCS Shen (1986b, 1990f)
Tetrochetus Looss, 1912
T. coryphaenae Yamaguti, 1934 Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus ECS Shen (1986b)
SCS Shen (1990f)
T. hainanensis Shen, 1986 Aluterus monoceros (Linnaeus) SCS Shen (1986b, 1990f)
T. navodonis Shen & Tong, 1984 Thamnaconus septentrionalis (Günther) SCS Shen & Tong (1984); Shen (1990f)
T. zhoushanensis Shen, 1986 Takifugu xanthopterus (Temminck & Schlegel) ECS Shen (1986b)
Allocreadiidae Looss, 1902
Paracrepidostomum Lü & Wu, 1996
P. scatophagusi Lü & Wu, 1996 Scatophagus argus (Linnaeus) SCS Lü & Wu (1996)
Apocreadiidae Skrjabin, 1942
Apocreadiinae Skrjabin, 1942
Homalometron Stafford, 1904
H. priacanthi (Wang & Wang, 1993) n. comb. Lagocephalus lunaris (Bloch & Schneider) TWS Wang & Wang (1993)
(Syn. Apocreadium priacanthi Wang & Wang, 1993b) Priacanthus macracanthus Cuvier TWS Wang & Wang (1993)
Neoapocreadium Siddiqi & Cable, 1960
N. karwarensis (Hafeezullan, 1970) Cribb & Bray, 1999 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) TWS Wang (1982b)
Schistorchiinae Yamaguti, 1942
Schistorchis Lühe, 1906
S. skrjabini Parukhin, 1963 Triacanthus biaculeatus (Bloch) SCS Parukhin (1963)
Abalistes stellaris (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1963)
Sphincterostoma Yamaguti, 1937
S. branchiostegi Yamaguti, 1937 Branchiostegus japonicus (Houttuyn) ECS Shen (1986a)
Atractotrematidae Yamaguti, 1939
Atractotrema Goto & Ozaki, 1929
A. fusum Goto & Ozaki, 1929 Siganus canaliculatus (Park) SCS Shen (1990f)
Azygiidae Lühe, 1909
Azygia Looss, 1899
A. acuminate Goldberger, 1911 Anguilla japonica Temminck & Schlegel YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
A. micropteri (MacCallum, 1921) Yamaguti, 1958 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) TWS Wang (1982b)
Otodistomum Stafford, 1904
O. plunketi Fyfe, 1953 Rhynchobatus djiddensis (Forsskål) TWS Wang & Wang (1993)
Proterometra Horsfall, 1933
P. brachyura Wu, Lü & Zhu, 1997c Sillago maculata Quoy & Gaimard SCS Wu et al. (1997)
P. lamellorchis Wu, Lü & Zhu, 1997c Sillago japonica Temminck & Schlegel SCS Wu et al. (1997)
P. sillagae Wu, Lü & Zhu, 1997c Sillago sihama (Forsskål) SCS Wu et al. (1997)
Bivesiculidae Yamaguti, 1934
Bivesicula Yamaguti, 1934
B.auxisae Gu & Shen, 1983 Auxis thazard thazard (Lacépède) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
B. claviformis Yamaguti, 1934 Epinephelus fasciatus (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
(Syn. B. xishaense Gu & Shen, 1983—see Cribb et al. (1994))
B. fistulariae Shen, 1982 Fistularia petimba Lacépède ECS Shen (1982c)
B. lutiani Gu & Shen, 1983 Lutjanus kasmira (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
Apogon cookii Macleay TWS Shih et al. (2004)
B. megalopis Shen, 1982 Megalops cyprinoides (Broussonet) SCS Shen (1982c, 1990f)
B. ostichthydis Shen, 1982 Ostichthys japonicus (Cuvier) ECS Shen (1982c)
Paucivitellosus Coil, Reid & Kuntz, 1965
P. fragilis Coil, Reid & Kuntz, 1965 Chelon haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Coil et al. (1965); Peng et al. (2004)
Treptodemoides Shen, 1995
T. fukenensis (Liu, 1995) Cribb, 2002 Rhynchorhamphus georgii (Valenciennes) TWS Liu (1995a)
(Syns Bivesiculoides fukenensis Liu, 1995; T. xinyingensis Shen, 1995) Hemirhamphus far (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1995)
Bucephalidae Poche, 1907
Bucephalinae Poche, 1907
(Syn. Provarinae Wang, 1995)
Alcicornis MacCallum, 1917
A. baylisi Nagaty, 1937 Caranx malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
A. carangis MacCallum, 1917 Caranx sp. SCS Lebedev 1968a
A. hainanensis Gu & Shen, 1976 Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell) SCS Gu & Shen (1976); Shen (1990f)
Bucephalus Baer, 1826
B. barina Srivastava, 1938 Johnius belengerii (Cuvier) TWS Liu (1994)
B. fragilis Velasquez, 1959 Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Scomberoides lysan (Forsskål) SCS Parukhin (1966)
B. gazzae Shen, 1990 Gazza minuta (Bloch) SCS Shen (1990f)
B. hainanensis Shen, 1990 Carangoides malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Shen (1990f)
B. harpodontis Wang, 1980 Harpodon nehereus (Hamilton) TWS Wang (1980)
B. introversus Manter, 1940 Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
B. paraheterotentaculatus Velasquez, 1959 Seriola dumerili (Risso) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
B. polymorphus Baer, 1827 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) ECS Gu & Shen (1976)
TWS Liu (1994)
B. retractilis Yamaguti, 1953 Atropus atropus (Bloch & Schneider) TWS Wang (1985)
Harengula nymphaca (Richardson) TWS Wang (1980)
B. trifurcatus Wang, 1980 Sphyraena pinguis Günther TWS Wang (1980)
B. varicus Manter, 1940 Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell) SCS Gu & Shen (1976); Shen (1990f)
Atropus atropos (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Atule mate (Cuvier) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Caranx sp. SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Selar crumenophthalmus (Bloch) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
B. xiamenensis Liu, 1994 Scorpaenopsis gibbosa (Bloch & Schneider) TWS Liu (1994)
Heterobucephalopsis Gu & Shen, 1983
H. gymnothoracis Gu & Shen, 1983 Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacépède) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
Pseudobucephalopsis Long & Lee, 1964
P. belonnis Gu & Shen, 1983 Platybelone argalus platyura (Bennett) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
Prosorhynchoides Dollfus, 1929
P. ablennnus (Gu & Shen, 1976) n. comb. Strongylura anastomella (Valenciennes) SCS Gu & Shen (1976); Shen (1990f)
(Syn. Bucephalopsis ablennus Gu & Shen, 1976) Ablennes hians (Valenciennes) TWS Shih et al. (2004)
P. arcuatus (Linton, 1900) Love & Moser, 1983 Scomberomorus guttatus (Bloch & Schneider) TWS Wang (1985)
P. bennetti (Hopkins & Sparks, 1958) Curran & Overstreet, 2009 Strongylura leiura (Bleeker) SCS Gu & Shen (1976); Shen (1990f)
(Syns Bucephaloides bennetti Hopkins & Sparks, 1958; Bucephalopsis bennetti (Hopkins & Sparks, 1958) Yamaguti, 1971)
P. collichthydis (Qiu & Li, 1995) n. comb. Collichthys lucidus (Richardson) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
(Syn. Bucephalopsis collichthydis Qiu & Li, 1995)
P. obpyriformis (Gu & Shen, 1976) n. comb. Tylosurus acus melanotus (Bleeker) SCS Gu & Shen (1976); Shen (1990f)
(Syn. Bucephalopsis obpyriformis Gu & Shen, 1976) Acanthopagrus schlegelii schlegelii (Bleeker) SCS Shen (1990f)
P. rhynchobati (Wang, 1985) n. comb. Rhynchobatus djiddensis (Forsskål) TWS Wang (1985)
(Syn. Bucephalopsis rhynchobati Wang, 1985)
P. scombropsis (Yamaguti, 1938) n. comb. Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus TWS Wang (1980)
(Syn. Bucephalopsis scombropsis Yamaguti, 1938)
Rhipidocotyle Diesing, 1858
R. adbaculum Manter, 1940 Scomberomorus commersoni (Lacépède) SCS Shen (1990f)
R. anguillae Wang, 1985 Anguilla marmorata Quoy & Gaimard TWS Wang (1985)
R. baculum (Linton, 1905) Eckmann, 1932 Scomberomorus commersoni (Lacépède) SCS Shen (1990f)
R. carangi Shen, 1990 Caranx sexfasciatus Quoy & Gaimard SCS Shen (1990f)
R. clavivesiculum Ku & Shen, 1975 Plectropomus leopardus (Lacépède) SCS Ku & Shen (1975); Shen (1990f)
R. coiliae Wang, 1980 Coilia mystus (Linnaeus) TWS Wang (1980)
R. croceae Ku & Shen, 1975 Larimichthys crocea (Richardson) ECS Ku & Shen (1975)
R. pentagonum (Ozaki, 1924) Eckmann, 1932 Scomberomorus guttatus (Bloch & Schneider) TWS Wang (1980)
(Syn. Nannoenterum pentagonum Ozaki, 1924)
R. xishaensis Gu & Shen, 1983 Caranx ignobilis (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
P rosorhynchinae Nicoll, 1914
Dollfustrema Eckmann, 1934
(Syn. Neodllfustrema Long & Lee, 1964)
D. sinica Gu & Shen, 1976 Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus) ECS Gu & Shen (1976)
SCS Gu & Shen (1976); Shen (1990f)
Larimichthys crocea (Richardson) SCS Gu & Shen (1976)
D. xishaense (Gu & Shen, 1983) n. comb. Gymnothorax isingteena (Richardson) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
(Syn. Neodllfustrema xishaensis Gu & Shen, 1983)
Folliculovarium Gu & Shen, 1983
F. gymnothorais Gu & Shen, 1983 Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacépède) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
F. xishaensis Gu & Shen, 1983 Epinephelus fasciatus (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
Neoprosorhynchus Dayal, 1948
N. xishaensis Gu & Shen, 1983 Selar crumenophthalmus (Bloch) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
Prosorhynchus Odhner, 1905
P. alectis Shen, 1990 Alectis ciliaris (Bloch) SCS Shen (1990f)
P. claratum Wang, 1980 Sphyraena pinguis Günther TWS Wang (1980)
Dasyatis kuhlii (Müller & Henle) TWS Wang (1980)
P. crucibulum (Rud. 1819) Odhner, 1905 Conger myriaster (Brevoort) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995);Tseng (1933)
P. eleutheronemae Wang, 1985 Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw) TWS Wang (1985)
P. epinepheli Yamaguti, 1939 Epinephelus cyanopodus (Richardson) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
P. facilis (Ozaki, 1924) Eckmann, 1932 Seriola dumerili (Risso) SCS Gu & Shen (1976); Shen (1990f)
TWS Shih et al. (2004)
Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) TWS Liu (1993)
Inimicus japonicus (Cuvier) TWS Liu (1993)
P. fujianensis Wang, 1985 Anguilla marmorata Quoy & Gaimard TWS Wang (1985)
P. ozakii Manter, 1934 Scomberomorus niphonius (Cuvier) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
P. sphyraenae Gu & Shen, 1976 Sphyraena jello Cuvier SCS Gu & Shen (1976); Shen (1990f)
Sphyraena pinguis Günther SCS Gu & Shen (1976); Shen (1990f)
P. synanceiae Wang, 1985 Synanceia horrida (Linnaeus) TWS Wang (1985)
P. tsengi Tsing, 1933 Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995); Tseng (1933)
Telorhynchus Crowcroft, 1947
T. astrocongeri Shen, 1987 Conger myriaster (Brevoort) ECS Shen (1987b)
T. cociella Gu & Shen, 1976 Cociella crocodila (Tilesius) SCS Gu & Shen (1976); Shen (1990f)
T. hippocampi Shen, 1982 Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach SCS Shen (1982a)
Pseudoprosorhynchus Yamaguti, 1938
P. fusiformis Wang, 1985 Inimicus japonicus (Cuvier) TWS Wang (1985)
P. hainanensis Shen, 1990 Plectropomus leopardus (Lacépède) SCS Shen (1990f)
Cryptogonimidae Ward, 1917
Adlardia Miller, Bray, Goiran, Justine & Cribb, 2009
A. elongata (Gu & Shen, 1979) Miller, Bray, Goiran, Justine & Cribb, 2009 Nemipterus virgatus (Houttuyn) SCS Gu & Shen (1979)
(Syn. Paracryptogonimus elongatus Gu & Shen, 1979)
Biovarium Yamaguti, 1934
B. cheni Pan, 1984 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) SCS Pan (1984a)
B. cryptocotyle Yamaguti, 1934 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) SCS Pan (1984a)
YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
TWS Wang (1982a)
B. heterovale Pan, 1984 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) SCS Pan (1984a)
B. lobiorchium Pan, 1984 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) SCS Pan (1984a)
B. pomadasydis Shen & Tong, 1985 Pomadasys hasta (Bloch) TWS Shen & Tong (1985)
B. tsingtaoense Gu & Shen, 1978 (emend.) Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) YBS Gu & Shen (1978a); Shen & Qiu (1995)
Diplopharyngotrema Yamaguti, 1958
(Syns Pseudoisocoelium Pan, 1984; Sacculoesophagiphora Gu & Shen, 1978; Terminoisocoelium Gu & Shen, 1978)
D. bigonopori (Pan, 1984) Miller & Cribb, 2008 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) SCS Pan (1984c)
(Syn. Pseudoisocoelium bigonopori Pan, 1984)
D. bipapillosa (Gu & Shen, 1978) Wang, 1982 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) TWS Gu & Shen (1978a); Wang (1982a)
(Syn. Saculoesophagiphora bipapillosa Gu & Shen, 1978)
D. lateolabracis Yamaguti, 1958 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
TWS Wang (1982b)
D. laterolecithale (Gu & Shen, 1978) Miller & Cribb, 2008 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) ECS Gu & Shen (1978a)
YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
(Syn. Terminoisocoelium laterolecithale Gu & Shen, 1978)
D. schistolecithale (Gu & Shen, 1978) Miller & Cribb, 2008 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) YBS Gu & Shen (1978a); Shen & Qiu (1995)
(Syn. Biovarium schistolecithale Gu & Shen, 1978)
D. xiamenense (Liu, 1996) Miller & Cribb, 2008 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) TWS Liu (1996a)
(Syn. Biovarium xiamenense Liu, 1996)
Isocoelioides Zhukov, 1971
I. orientalis Zhukov, 1971 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) YBS Zhukov (1971)
Metadena Linton, 1910
(Syns Pseudosiphoderoides Yamaguti, 1958; Siphoderoides Manter, 1940)
M. sheni Miller & Cribb, 2008 Lutjanus erythropterus Bloch SCS Shen (1990f)
(Syn. Siphoderoides lutiani Shen, 1990)
M. lutiani (Yamaguti, 1942) Miller & Cribb, 2008 Lutjanus kasmira (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1990f)
(Syn. Pseudosiphoderoides lutiani (Yamaguti, 1942) Yamaguti, 1971)
M. opakapaka (Yamaguti, 1970) Miller & Cribb, 2008 Pristipomoides filamentosus (Valenciennes) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
(Syn. Pseudosiphoderoides opakapaka Yamaguti, 1970)
M. rotivarijera (Shen, 1986) Miller & Cribb, 2008 Aprion virescens Valenciennes ECS Shen (1986a)
(Syn. Pseudosiphoderoides rotivarijera Shen, 1986)
Pseudosiphoderoides xishaensis Gu & Shen, 1983d Caesio cuning (Bloch) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
Perlevilobus Miller & Cribb, 2008
P. platycephali (Shen, 1989) Miller & Cribb, 2008 Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus) YBS Shen (1989b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
(Syn. Paraisocoelium platycephali Shen, 1989)
Siphoderina Manter, 1934
S. apharei (Yamaguti, 1970) Miller & Cribb, 2008 Pristipomoides filamentosus (Valenciennes) SCS Shen (1990f)
(Syn. Paracryptogonimus apharei Yamaguti, 1970)
S. asiatica Gu & Shen, 1979 Lutjanus fulviflamma (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1979)
S. morosovi (Parukhin, 1965) Miller & Cribb, 2008 Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus) SCS Parukhin (1976)
(Syn.Paracryptogonimus morosovi (Parukhin, 1965) Yamaguti, 1971)
S. lutiani (Wang, 1991) Miller & Cribb, 2008 Lutjanus kasmira (Forsskål) TWS Wang (1991)
(Syn. Paracryptogonimus lutiani Wang, 1991)
S. ulaula (Yamaguti, 1970) Miller & Cribb, 2008 Pristipomoides filamentosus (Valenciennes) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
(Syn. Paracryptogonimus ul-ula Yamaguti, 1970)
S. xiamenensis (Liu, 1996) Miller & Cribb, 2008 Lutjanus russellii (Bleeker) TWS Liu (1996a)
(Syn. Paracryptogonimus xiamenensis Liu, 1996)
Tandemorchis Lü, 1993
Tandemorchis yuedongensis Lü, 1993 Liza macrolepis (Smith) SCS Lü (1993); Lü et al. (2001); Wu et al. (2001)
Derogenidae Nicoll, 1910
Derogeninae Nicoll, 1910
Derogenes Lühe, 1900
D. bohaiensis Qiu & Liang, 1995 Sebastes sp. YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Pennahia argentata (Houttuyn) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
D. chelidonichthydis Shen, 1989 Chelidonichthys kumu (Cuvier) YBS Shen (1989b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
D. epinepheli Wang, 1982 Epinephelus akaara (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1982c)
D. gadi Shen, 1990 Gadus macrocephalus Tilesius YBS Shen (1990b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
D. macrostoma Yamaguti, 1938 Scomberomorus niphonius (Cuvier) YBS Shen (1990b)
Nibea albiflora (Richardson) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
D. magnus Wang, 1991 Mugil cephalus Linnaeus TWS Wang (1991)
D. minoi Shen, 1990 Minous monodactylus (Bloch & Schneider) ECS Shen (1990c)
D. varicus Müller, 1784 Lophius litulon (Jordan) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995); Tseng (1933)
Pseudorhombus cinnamomeus (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus) YBS Shen (1990b)
Inimicus sp. YBS Shen (1990b)
Hapalogenys mucronatus (Edyoux & Souleyet) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Setipinna taty (Valenciennes) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Paralichthys olivaceus (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Li et al. (1989b)
Scomberomorus niphonius (Cuvier) YBS Tseng (1933)
Inimicus japonicus (Cuvier) ECS Yamaguti (1938)
Gonocercinae Skrjabin & Guschanskaja, 1935
Gonocerca Manter, 1925
Gonocerca sp. Atropus atropos (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1976)
Halipeginae Poche, 1926
Genarchopsis Ozaki, 1925
G. clupeae Qiu & Li, 1995 Clupea pallasii pallasii Valenciennes YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Deropristidae Cable & Hunninen, 1942
Skrjabinopsolus Ivanov in Ivanov & Murygin, 1937
Skrjabinopsolus sanyaensis Shen, 1990e Parastromateus niger (Bloch) SCS Shen (1990f)
Dictysarcidae Skrjabin & Guschanskaja, 1955
Albulatrematinae Yamaguti, 1965
Albulatrema Yamaguti, 1965
A. ovale Yamaguti, 1965 Albula vulpes (Linnaeus) SCS Shen (1990f)
Elongoparorchis Rao, 1961
E. arii Shen & Tong, 1984 Arius sinensis (Lacépède) SCS Shen & Tong (1984); Shen (1990f)
Dictysarcinae Skrjabin & Guschanskaja, 1955
Aerobiotrema Yamaguti, 1958
A. acinovaria Tang, 1981 Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål) TWS Tang (1981)
Didymozoidae Moticelli, 1888
Didymozoinae Ishii, 1935
Tribe Didymozoini Monticelli, 1888
Didymocystis Ariola, 1902
D. abdominalis Yamaguti, 1938 Auxis thazard thazard (Lacépède) SCS Shen (1990a)
(Syn. Coeliodidymocystis abdominalis (Yamaguti, 1938) Yamaguti, 1970)
D. bifurcata Yamaguti, 1970 Sphyraena pinguis Günther ECS Shen (1984)
YBS Shen (1990a)
D. crassa Ishii, 1935 Auxis thazard thazard (Lacépède) ECS Shen (1990a)
D. dolichorchis (Gu & Shen, 1983) Murugesh & Madhavi, 1995 Priacanthus tayenus Richardson SCS Gu & Shen (1983a); Shen (1990f)
Gu & Shen (1983a); Shen (1990f)
(Syn. Didymocystoides dolichorchis Gu & Shen, 1983) Priacanthus macracanthus Cuvier SCS
D. exiguus (Yamaguti, 1970) Pozdnyakov, 1990 Auxis thazard thazard (Lacépède) SCS Shen (1990a)
(Syn Didymocystoides xishaensis Shen, 1990 according to Murugesh & Madhavi (1995))
D. miliaris Yamaguti, 1938 Euthynnus affinis (Cantor) SCS Shen (1990a)
D. ovata Ishii, 1935 Thunnus tonggol (Bleeker) SCS Ku & Shen (1965a); Shen (1990f)
Euthynnus affinis (Cantor) SCS Shen (1990f)
D. radiatus Ku & Shen, 1965 Sphyraena jello Cuvier SCS Ku & Shen (1965a)
Sphyraena pinguis Günther SCS Ku & Shen (1965a)
D. wedli Ariola, 1902 Auxis thazard thazard (Lacépède) ECS Shen (1984; 1990a)
Didymocystis sp. Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre) TWS Chen & Yang (1973)
Didymozoon Tashenberg, 1879
D. biramus Ku & Shen, 1965 Sphyraena pinguis Günther ECS Ku & Shen (1965a)
YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
D. gigas Ku & Shen, 1965 Platax orbicularis (Forsskål) SCS Ku & Shen (1965a); Shen (1990f)
D. longicollopsis Gu & Shen, 1983 Priacanthus tayenus Richardson SCS Ku & Shen (1983a); Shen (1990f)
D. platycephali Ku & Shen, 1965 Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus) ECS Ku & Shen (1965a)
YBS Shen (1990b)
D. pneumatophori Ku & Shen, 1983 Scomber japonicus Houttuyn ECS Gu & Shen (1983a)
YBS Gu & Shen (1983a)
D. priacanthi Ku & Shen, 1965 Priacanthus tayenus Richardson SCS Ku & Shen (1965a); Shen (1990f)
Priacanthus macracanthus Cuvier SCS Ku & Shen (1965a); Shen (1990f)
Priacanthus tayenus Richardson ECS Shen (1990a)
Priacanthus macracanthus Cuvier ECS Shen (1990a)
D. scomberomori Ku & Shen, 1965 Scomberomorus commersoni (Lacépède) SCS Ku & Shen (1965a); Shen (1990f)
D. spirale Yamaguti, 1938 Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus) YBS Ku & Shen (1965a); Shen & Qiu (1995)
Lobatozoum Ishii, 1935
(Syn. Lepidodidymozoon Shen, 1984—see Pozdnyakov & Gibson, 2008)
L. sinicum (Shen, 1984) Pozdnyakov, 1994 Sphyraena pinguis Günther ECS Shen (1984)
YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
(Syn. Lepidodidymozoon sinicum Shen, 1984)
Tribe Metadidymocystini Yamaguti, 1971
Neometadidymozoon Yamaguti, 1971
N. zhejiangensis Shen, 1984 Priacanthus macracanthus Cuvier ECS Shen (1984)
Pseudocoeliodidymocystis Shen, 1990 f
P. xishaensis Shen, 1990 Auxis thazard thazard (Lacépède) SCS Shen (1990a)
Didymodiclininae Pozdnyakov, 1993
Paragonapodasmius Yamaguti, 1938
P. huanghaiensis Shen, 1983 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) YBS Shen (1983a); Shen & Qiu (1995)
Hexagrammos otakii Jordan & Starks YBS Shen (1983a); Shen & Qiu (1995)
Gonapodasmiinae Ishii, 1935
Tribe Colocyntotrematini Yamaguti, 1951
Colocyntotrema Yamaguti, 1951
C. auxis Yamaguti, 1951 Auxis thazard thazard (Lacépède) TWS Shen (1984, 1990a)
Phacelotrema Yamaguti, 1951
P. claviforme Yamaguti, 1950 Auxis thazard thazard (Lacépède) SCS Shen (1990a)
Tribe Gonapodasmiini Ishii, 1935
Didymocodium Yamaguti, 1970
D. euthynni Yamaguti, 1970 Auxis thazard thazard (Lacépède) SCS Shen (1990a)
Gonapodasmius Ishii, 1935
G.. branchialis Yamaguti, 1970 Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch) SCS Shen (1990f)
G.. hainanensis Gu & Shen, 1983 Triso dermopterus (Temminck & Schlegel) SCS Gu & Shen (1983a); Shen (1990f)
G.. pacificus Yamaguti, 1938 Epinephelus tauvina (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
ECS Shen (1990a)
YBS Shen (1990a)
Gonapodasmius sp. Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch) SCS Ku & Shen (1965a)
Syncorpozoum Ku & Shen, 1965
S. hainanensis Ku & Shen, 1965 Priacanthus macracanthus Cuvier SCS Ku & Shen (1965a); Shen (1990f)
ECS Shen (1990a)
Koellikeriinae Ishii, 1935
Tribe Koellikeriini Ishii, 1935
Koellikeria Cobbold, 1860
K. orientalis Yamaguti, 1934 Thunnus tonggol (Bleeker) SCS Ku & Shen (1965a); Shen (1990f)
K. sphyraenae Shen, 1984 Sphyraena pinguis Günther ECS Shen (1984)
Nematobothriinae Ishii, 1935
Tribe Allonematobothriini Pozdnyakov, 1993
Allonematobothrium Yamaguti, 1965
A. epinepheli Yamaguti, 1965 Epinephelus tauvina (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
A. xishaense Gu & Shen, 1983 Epinephelus tauvina (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
Metanematobothrium Yamaguti, 1938
M. seriolae Shen, 1990g Seriola dumerili (Risso) SCS Ku & Shen (1965a); Shen (1990f)
Neometanematobothrioide s Yamaguti, 1970
N. rachycentri (Parukhin, 1969) Yamaguti, 1971 Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus) SCS Parukhin (1976)
(Syn. Nematobothrium rachycentri Parukhin, 1969)
Tribe Nematobothriini Ishii, 1935
Atalostrophion MacCallum, 1915
A. bitesticulae Ku & Shen, 1965 Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus) ECS Ku & Shen (1965a)
Nematobothrium Van Beneden, 1858
N. filiforme Yamaguti, 1934 Scomber japonicus Houttuyn ECS Gu & Shen (1983a)
N. schistogonimum Ku & Shen, 1965 Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus) SCS Ku & Shen (1965a); Shen (1990f)
Neonematobothrium Yamaguti, 1965
N. kawakawa Yamaguti, 1965 Euthynnus affinis (Cantor) SCS Shen (1990a)
Tribe Philopinnini Skrjabin, 1955
Paraphilopinna Zhukov, 1971
P. fluvialis Zhukov, 1971 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) YBS Zhukov (1971)
Diplangidae Yamaguti, 1971
Diplangus Linton, 1910
D. hainanensis Shen, 1990 Cheilopogon cyanopterus (Valenciennes) SCS Shen (1990f)
Enenteridae Yamaguti, 1958
Enenterum Linton, 1910
E. elongatum Yamaguti, 1970 Kyphosus cinerascens (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
Koseiria Nagaty, 1942
K. xishaense Gu & Shen, 1983 Kyphosus cinerascens (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b); Wang (1987a)
Faustulidae Poche, 1926
Bacciger Nicoll, 1914
B. lizae Shen, 1995 Chelon haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
B. mugilis Shen, 1987 Chelon haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus) ECS Shen (1987b)
Faustula Poche, 1926
F. qikouensis Qiu & Li, 1995 Synechogobius ommaturus (Richardson) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Paradiscogaster Yamaguti, 1934
(Syn. Neobenthotrema Wang, 1991)
P. arabi (Hafeezullah & Siddiqi, 1970) Cribb, Anderson & Bray, 1999 Drepane punctata (Linnaeus) SCS Liu & Yang (2003b)
P. farooqii Hafeezullah & Siddiqi, 1970 Scatophagus argus (Linnaeus) SCS Liu & Yang (2003b)
P. hainanensis (Shen, 1990) Cribb, Anderson & Bray, 1999 Aluterus monoceros (Linnaeus) SCS Shen (1990f)
Monacanthus sp. SCS Shen (1990f)
(Syn. Discogasteroides hainanensis Shen, 1990)
P. pyriformis (Wang, 1991) Bray, 2008 Triacanthus biaculeatus (Bloch) TWS Wang (1991)
(Syn. Neobenthotrema pyriformis Wang, 1991)
Pseudofellodistomum Wang, 1987 h
P. plagiorchis Wang, 1987 Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw) TWS Wang (1987a)
Fellodistomidae Nicoll, 1909
Fellodistominae Nicoll, 1909
Lintonium Stunkard & Nigrelli, 1930
L. vibex (Linton, 1900) Stunkard & Nigrelli, 1930 Scomberoides lysan (Forsskål) SCS Parukhin (1966)
Monascus Looss, 1907
M. filiformis (Rudophi, 1819) Looss, 1907 Ariomma indica (Day) SCS Shen (1990f)
Liza affinis (Günther) SCS Ding (1993b)
M. orientalis (Srivastava, 1941) Yamaguti, 1958 Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen) TWS Wang (1982b)
Proctoeces Odhner, 1911
P. maculatus (Looss, 1901) Odhner, 1911 Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Cynoglossus abbreviatus (Gray) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Zebrias zebra (Bloch) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
P. orientalis Cao, 1989 Acanthopagrus latus (Houttuyn) TWS Cao (1989)
P. longisaccatus Wang, 1987 Psenopsis anomala (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1987a)
Triacanthus biaculeatus (Bloch) TWS Wang (1991)
Paramonacanthus japonicus (Tilesius) TWS Wang (1991)
P. parapristipomae Wang, 1987 Parapristipoma trilineatum (Thunberg) TWS Wang (1987a)
Prudhoeus Bray & Gibson, 1980
P. oligolecithosum Wang, 1984 Acanthopagrus latus (Houttuyn) TWS Wang (1984)
Pseudosteringophorus Yamaguti, 1940
P. holognatthi Yamaguti, 1940 Plectorhinchus cinctus (Temminck & Schegel) TWS Wang (1982b)
Steringophorus Odhner, 1905
S. congeri Shen, 1987 Conger japonicus Bleeker ECS Shen (1987b)
Sterintotrema Odhner, 1911
(Syn. Pseudoantorchis Wang, 1982)
S. thalassomae (Wang, 1982) n. comb. Thalassoma hardwicke (Bennett) TWS Wang (1982b)
(Syn. Pseudoantorchis thalassomae Wang, 1982)
Tergestiinae Skrjabin & Koval, 1957
Tergestia Stossich, 1899
T. atropi Shen, 1990 Atropus atropus (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Shen (1990f)
T. laticollis (Rudolphi, 1819) Stossich, 1899 Caranx sp. SCS Lebedev 1968a
Alepes melanoptera (Swainson) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Caranx sp. SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Decapterus sp. SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Selar crumenophthalmus (Bloch) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Selaroides leptolepis (Cuvier) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976); Shen (1990f)
Triacanthus biaculeatus (Bloch) TWS Wang & Wang (1993)
T. triacanthi Wang, 1987 Triacanthus biaculeatus (Bloch) TWS Wang (1987a)
T. xiamenensis Liu, 2001 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) TWS Liu (2001)
Theledera Linton, 1910
T. atulis (Shen, 1990) Bray, 2002 Alepes djedaba (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1990f)
(Syn. Tergestia atulis Shen, 1990)
T. hainanensis (Shen, 1990) Bray, 2002 Parargyrops edita Tanaka SCS Shen (1990f)
(Syn. Tergestia hainanensis Shen, 1990) Selar boops (Cuvier)
Gorgoderidae Looss, 1899
Anaporrhutinae Looss, 1901
Anaporrhutum Brandes in Ofenheim, 1900
A. sinicum Cao, 1990 Carcharhinus amblyrhynchoides (Whitley) TWS Cao (1990)
Gorgoderinae Looss, 1899
Phyllodistomum Braun, 1899
P. carangis Manter, 1947 Scomberoides lysan (Forsskål) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
P. folium Braun, 1899 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
P. lancea Mamaev, 1971 Euthynnus affinis (Cantor) SCS Mamaev (1971)
P. notosinicum Lebedev, 1970 Scomberomorus sp. SCS Lebedev (1970)
P. pearsei Holl, 1929 Strongylura anastomella (Valenciennes) SCS Ku & Shen (1965b); Shen (1990f)
Phyllodistomum sp. Halichoeres nigrescens (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Ku & Shen (1965b)
Gyliauchenidae Fukui, 1929
Gyliaucheninae Fukui, 1929
Apharyngogyliauchen Yamaguti, 1942
A. opisthovarius Gu & Shen, 1983 Cirrhilabrus sp. SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
A. scarustis Gu & Shen, 1983 Chlorurus sordidus (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
Gyliauchen Nicoll, 1915
G. oligoglandulosus Gu & Shen, 1979 Siganus guttatus (Bloch) SCS Gu & Shen (1979); Shen (1990f)
Siganus fuscescens (Houttuyn) TWS Shih et al. (2004)
G. papillatus (Goto & Matsudaira, 1918) Yamaguti, 1971 Siganus guttatus (Bloch) SCS Shen (1990f)
Haploporidae Nicoll, 1914
Chalcinotrematinae Overstreet & Curran, 2005
Saccocoelioides Szidat, 1954
S. huidongensis Lü, 1993 Mugilogobius parvus (Oshima) SCS Lü (1993); Lü et al. (2001); Wu et al. (2000b, 2001)
S. lizae Liu, 2002 Chelon haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Liu (2002a)
Haploporinae Nicoll, 1914
Haploporus Looss, 1902
H. mugilis Liu & Yang, 2002 Valamugil engeli (Bleeker) TWS Liu & Yang (2002a)
Elliptobursa Wu, Lü & Chen, 1999 i
E. attenuatus Wu, Lü & Chen, 1999 Mugil cephalus Linnaeus SCS Wu et al. (1999)
E. megasacculum (Liu, Wang, Peng, Yu & Yang, 2004) Blasco-Costa, Montero, Gibson, Balbuena, & Kostadinova, 2009 Chelon haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Liu et al. (2004)
(Syn. Saccocoelium megasacculum Liu, Wang, Peng, Yu & Yang, 2004)
E. singlorchis Wu, Lü & Zhu, 1996 Liza affinis (Günther) SCS Wu et al. (1996, 2001); Lü et al. (2001)
Megasoleninae Manter, 1935
Carassotrema Park, 1938
C. clupanodonae Liu, 2003 Konosirus punctatus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Liu (2003a)
C. flecterotestis (Zhukov, 1971) Yu, Peng & Liu, 2005 Mugil soiuy Basilewsky YBS Zhukov (1971)
(Syn. Hapalotrema flecterotestis Zhukov, 1971) Pelteobagrus brashnikowi (Berg) YBS Zhukov (1971)
Chelon haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Li (1984a); Shen & Qiu (1995)
TWS Yu et al. (2005)
Megasolena Linton, 1910
M. dongzhaiensis Liu, Zhou, Yu & Liu, 2006 Scatophagus argus (Linnaeus) SCS Liu et al. (2006)
Waretrematinae Srivastava, 1937
Elonginurus Lü, 1995
(Syn. Phanurus Liu & Yang, 2002)
E. mugilus Lü, 1995 Mugil cephalus Linnaeus SCS Lü (1995); Wu et al. (2001); Lü et al. (2000; 2001); Liu & Yang (2002c)
(Syn. Phanurus oligoovus Liu & Yang, 2002)
Pseudohapladena Yamaguti, 1952
(Syn. Parasaccocoelium Zhukov, 1971)
P. lizae Liu & Yang, 2002 Chelon haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Liu & Yang (2002b)
P. megaorchis Liu & Yang, 2002 Valamugil engeli (Bleeker) TWS Liu & Yang (2002b)
P. mugili (Zhukov, 1971) n. comb. Mugil soiuy Basilewsky YBS Zhukov (1971)
(Syn. Parasaccocoelium mugili Zhukov, 1971)
Waretrema Srivastava, 1939
W. piscicola Srivastava, 1939 Scatophagus argus (Linnaeus) SCS Liu & Yang (2003a)
Haplosplanchnidae Poche, 1926
Haplosplanchninae Poche, 1926
Haplosplanchnus Looss, 1902
H. bivitelosus Zhukov, 1971 Mugil soiuy Basilewsky YBS Zhukov (1971)
H. cuneatus Tang & Lin, 1978 Mugil cephalus Linnaeus TWS Tang & Lin (1978)
SCS Lü et al. (2001); Wu et al. (2001)
H. elongatus Tang & Lin, 1978 Mugil cephalus Linnaeus TWS Tang & Lin (1978)
SCS Lü et al. (2001); Wu et al. (2001)
H. lizae Liu, 2003 Chelon haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Liu (2003b)
H. pachysomus (Eysenhardt, 1829) Looss, 1902 Valamugil engeli (Bleeker) TWS Liu (2002b)
H. purii Srivastava, 1939 Mugil cephalus Linnaeus TWS Wang (1982b)
SCS Lü et al. (2001); Wu et al. (2001)
Prohaplosplanchnus Tang & Lin, 1978
P. diorchis Tang & Lin, 1978 Chelon haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Tang & Lin (1978)
Mugil cephalus Linnaeus TWS Tang & Lin (1978)
SCS Lü et al. (2001); Wu et al. (2001)
Provitellotrema Pan, 1984
P. crenimugilas Pan, 1984 Crenimugil crenilabis (Forsskål) SCS Pan (1984b)
Hymenocottinae Yamaguti, 1971
Hymenocotta Manter, 1961
H. mugilis Wang & Wang, 1993 Mugil soiuy Basilewsky TWS Wang & Wang (1993)
Schikhobalotrematinae Skrjabin & Guschanskaja, 1955
Schikhobalotrema Skrjabin & Guschanskaja, 1955
S. acutum (Linton, 1910) Skrjabin & Guschanskaja, 1955 Tylosurus crocodilus crocodilus (Pèron & Lesueur) SCS Ku & Shen (1964c); Shen (1990f)
S. cirrusaci (Lü, 1995) n. comb. Engraulis japonica Temminck & Schlegel SCS Lü (1995)
(Syn. Neohaplosplanchnus cirrusaci Lü, 1995)
S. megaovus Liu, 2003 Chelon haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Liu (2003b)
Hemiuridae Looss, 1899
Aphanurinae Skrjabin & Guschanskaja, 1954
Aphanurus Looss, 1907
(Syn. Neoaphanurus Tang, Shi & Pan, 1983 according to Gibson (2002))
A. magniprotesticus (Tang, Shi & Pan, 1983) n. comb. Coilia mystus (Linnaeus) TWS Tang et al. (1983)
(Syn. Neoaphanurus magniprotesticus Tang, Shi & Pan, 1983)
A. mugilus Tang, 1981 Mugil cephalus Linnaeus TWS Tang (1981)
YBS Li (1984b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
A. multiprostcius Pan, 1984 Coilia grayii Richardson SCS Pan (1984b)
A. orientalis Liu, 1995 Glossogobius olivaceus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Liu (1995b)
A. stossichii (Monticelli, 1891) Looss, 1907 Konosirus punctatus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Tang et al. (1983)
Epinephelus akaara (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1982c)
A. xiamenensis Liu, 1995 Konosirus punctatus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Liu (1995b)
Duosphincter Manter & Pritchard, 1960
D. zancli Manter & Pritchard, 1960 Elops saurus Linnaeus SCS Shen (1990f)
Bunocotylinae Dollfus, 1950
Saturnius Manter, 1969
S. segmentatus Manter, 1969 Chelon haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Peng et al. (2004)
Dinurinae Looss, 1907
Dinurus Looss, 1907
D. longissinus Looss, 1907 Caranx malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus SCS Shen (1990f)
TWS Shih et al. (2004)
D. magnacetabulum Gu & Shen, 1978 Atule mate (Cuvier) SCS Gu & Shen (1978b); Shen (1990f)
D. scombri Yamaguti, 1934 Scomber japonicus Houttuyn ECS Shen (1987a)
D. selari Parukhin, 1966 Atropus atropos (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1976)
Atule mate (Cuvier) SCS Parukhin (1976)
Caranx malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1976)
Decapterus sp. SCS Parukhin (1976)
Selar crumenophthalmus (Bloch) SCS Parukhin (1976)
Selaroides leptolepis (Cuvier) SCS Parukhin (1976)
Ectenurus Looss, 1907
E. atropus (Wang, 1987) n. comb. Atropus atropus (Bloch & Schneider) TWS Wang (1987b)
(Syn. Clupenurus atropi Wang, 1987)
E. carangis Gu & Shen, 1978j Alepes djedaba (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1978b); Shen (1990f)
E. megalaspis Gu & Shen, 1978j Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus) SCS Gu & Shen (1978b); Shen (1990f)
E. lepidus Looss, 1907 Decapterus maruadsi (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Liu (1997c)
Atropus atropus (Bloch & Schneider) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Larimichthys crocea (Richardson) ECS Shen (1985a)
E. nibeae Shen, 1990 Nibea albiflora (Richardson) YBS Shen (1990b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
E. pseudosciaenae Gu & Shen, 1978 Larimichthys crocea (Richardson) ECS Gu & Shen (1978b)
E. scomberomori (Wang, 1982) n. comb. Scomberomorus niphonius (Cuvier) TWS Wang (1982c)
(Syn. Clupenurus scomberomori Wang, 1982)
E. trachuri (Yamaguti, 1934) Yamaguti, 1970 Selar crumeophthalmus (Bloch) SCS Lebedev (1968a, 1970)
Caranx sp. SCS Lebedev (1968a, 1970)
Trachurus japonicus (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
E. theraponae Oshmarin, 1965 Therapon theraps Cuvier SCS Shen (1990f)
E. tianjinesis Li, Zhang & Qiu, 1986 Eupleurogrammus muticus (Gray) YBS Li et al. (1986a); Shen & Qiu (1995)
E. trichiuri Shen, 1990 Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus ECS Shen (1990c)
E. zonichthyi Gu & Shen, 1978 Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell) SCS Gu & Shen (1978b); Shen (1990f)
Erilepturus Woolcock, 1935
(Syn. Uterovesiculurus Skrjabin & Guschanskaya, 1954)
E. cynoglossi Wang, 1987 Cynoglossus bilineatus (Lacépède) TWS Wang (1987b)
E. formosae Reid, Coil & Kunty, 1966 Alectis indicus (Rüppell) TWS Reid et al. (1966); Yamaguti (1971)
E. hamati (Yamaguti, 1934) Manter, 1947 Saurida elongata (Temminck & Schlegel) SCS Shen (1990f)
(Syns Uterovesiculurus lutianius Gu & Shen, 1978; U. sinensis Gu & Shen, 1978; U. fujianensis Wang, 1982; Erilepturus collichthydis Wang, 1982; Erilepturus bohaiensis Li, Zhang & Qiu, 1986; U. spindlis Shen, 1990) Saurida filamentosa Ogilby SCS Shen (1990f)
Lutjanus fulvus (Forser) SCS Shen (1990f)
Lutjanus erythropterus Bloch SCS Gu & Shen (1978b); Shen (1990f)
Scomberoides lysan (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1978b); Shen (1990f)
Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell) SCS Gu & Shen (1978b); Shen (1990f)
Niphon spinosus Cuvier TWS Wang (1982c)
Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) TWS Wang (1982c)
Collichthys lucidus (Richardson) TWS Wang (1982c)
Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) TWS Wang (1987b)
Polydactylus sextarius (Bloch & Schneider) TWS Wang (1987b)
Pennahia argentatas (Houttuyn) TWS Wang (1987b)
Collichthys niveatus Jordan & Starks YBS Li et al. (1986b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
E. pisoodonophis Shen, 1990 Pisodonophis cancrivorus (Richardson) SCS Shen (1990f)
E. trichiuri Gu & Shen, 1978 Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus SCS Gu & Shen (1978b); Shen (1990f)
E. xiamenensis Liu, 1997 Trachinocephalus myops (Forster) TWS Liu (1997a)
Stomachicola Yamaguti, 1934
S. hainanensis Shen, 1990 Chirocentrus dorab (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1990f)
S. muraenesocis Yamaguti, 1934 Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål) ECS Shen (1987a, 1990c)
SCS Shen (1990f)
TWS Reid et al. (1966); Tang (1981); Wang (1982c)
YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Tubulovesicula Yamaguti, 1934
T. angusticauda (Nicoll, 1915) Yamaguti, 1934 Epinephelus merra SCS King (1964)
(Syns Tubulovesicula sauridia Gu & Shen, 1978; T. spari of Shen, 1990f)
Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus SCS Shen (1990f)
Poecilopsetta plinthus (Jordan & Starks) SCS Shen (1990f)
Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1990f)
Psettodes erumei (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Shen (1990f)
Gymnothorax pictus (Ahl) SCS Shen (1990f)
Saurida elongata (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Gu & Shen (1978b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
T. lindbergi (Layman, 1930) Yamaguti, 1934 Saurida tumbil (Bloch) SCS Shen (1990f)
Echeneis naucrates Linnaeus SCS Parukhin (1967)
Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus) YBS Li et al. (1989b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
T. longicorporis Shen, 1990 Scomberomorus koreanus (Kishinouye) SCS Shen (1990f)
T. trichiuri (Gu & Shen, 1978) Wang, 1987 Trichiurus haumela (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1978b)
(Syn. Erilepterus trichiuri Gu & Shen, 1978) Synodus sp. TWS Wang (1987b)
T. zonichthydis Shen, 1990 Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell) ECS Shen (1990e)
Elytrophallinae Skrjabin & Guschanskaja, 1954
Elytrophallus Manter, 1940
(Syn. Johniophyllum Skrjabin & Guschanskaja, 1964—see Gibson (2002))
E. coiliae Wang, 1982 Coilia mystus (Linnaeus) TWS Wang (1982c)
E. rhabdosargi Wang, 1987 Rhabdosargus sarba (Forsskål) TWS Wang (1987b)
Coilia grayii Richardson TWS Wang (1987b)
E. formiae (Wang, 1982) n. comb. Parastromateus niger (Bloch) TWS Wang (1982c)
(Syn. Johniophyllum formiae Wang, 1982) Alepes melanoptera (Swainson) Wang (1987b)
E. johnii (Yamaguti, 1938) n. comb. Johnius belengerii (Cuvier) ECS Yamaguti (1938)
(Syn. Johniophyllum johnii Yamaguti, 1938)
E. qingdaoensis (Shen, 1989) n. comb. Pennahia argentata (Houttuyn) YBS Shen (1989b, 1990b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
(Syn. Johniophyllum qingdaoensis Shen, 1989) Nibea albiflora (Richardson) YBS Shen (1989b, 1990b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
Lecithocladium Lühe, 1901
L. angustiovum Yamaguti, 1953 Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) TWS Reid et al. (1966)
L. dongshanensis Shen, 1985 Larimichthys crocea (Richardson) TWS Shen (1985a)
Tanakius kitaharae (Jordan & Starks) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
L. excisiforme Cohn, 1902 Pampus chinensis (Euphrasen) TWS Wang (1982c)
Psenopsis anomala (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1987b)
Decapterus maruadsi (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1987b)
Pampus cinereus (Bloch) ECS Shen (1990c)
Pampus cinereus (Bloch) SCS Shen & Tong (1990b)
Alepes melanoptera (Swainson) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Caranx sp. SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Selaroides leptolepis (Cuvier) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Parastromateus niger (Bloch) SCS Shen (1990f)
Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen) SCS Shen & Tong (1990b)
L. excisum (Rud., 1819) Lühe, 1901 Alepes vari (Cuvier) SCS Shen (1990f)
Scolopsis taeniopterus (Cuvier) SCS Shen (1990f)
Decapterus sp. SCS Lebedev (1968a)
Selar crumenophthalmus (Bloch) SCS Lebedev (1968a)
Alepes melanoptera (Swainson) SCS Parukhin (1976)
Caranx sp. SCS Parukhin (1976)
Scomberomorus guttatus (Bloch & Schneider) TWS Wang (1982c)
Scomber japonicus Houttuyn YBS Shen (1989b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
L. glandulum Chauhan, 1945 Cynoglossus joyneri Günther SCS Shen (1990f)
Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus) SCS Shen (1990f)
Pleuronichthys cornutus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1987b)
L. harpodontis Srivastava, 1937 Harengula sp. TWS Wang (1982c)
(Syn. Lecithocladium ilishae Mamaev, 1970k) Ilisha elongata ([Bennett]) TWS Wang (1982c)
Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen) ECS Gu & Shen (1978b)
Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Scomber japonicus Houttuyn YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Atropus atropos (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Decapterus sp. SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Selar crumenophthalmus (Bloch) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
L. leiognathi Wang, 1987 Secutor ruconius (Hamilton) TWS Wang (1987b)
Atropus atropus (Bloch & Schneider) TWS Wang (1987b)
Carangoides sp. TWS Wang (1987b)
Collichthys lucidus (Richardson) TWS Wang (1987b)
L. lutiani Gu & Shen, 1978 Lutjanus erythropterus Bloch SCS Gu & Shen (1978b); Shen (1990f)
L. megalaspis Yamaguti, 1953 Alepes djedaba (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1990f)
Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
L. miichthydis Wang, 1982 Miichthys miiuy (Basilewsky) TWS Wang (1982c)
Pennahia argentata (Houttuyn) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
L. pagrosomi Yamaguti, 1934 Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus SCS Shen (1990f)
L. pampi Lebedev, 1968 Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen) SCS Lebedev (1968b)
L. parviovum Yamaguti, 1953 Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus TWS Gu & Shen (1981)
Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) SCS Shen (1990f)
Pennahia argentata (Houttuyn) YBS Shen (1990b)
L. putianense Wang, 1982 (emend.) Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen) TWS Wang (1982c)
L. parapristipoma Liu, 1997 Parapristipoma trilineatum (Thunberg) TWS Liu (1997c)
L. seriolellae Manter, 1954 Caranx malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1966)
Selar crumenophthalmus (Bloch) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
L. xishaense Shen, 1985 Acanthurus olivaceus Bloch & Schneider SCS Shen (1985b)
Musculovesicula Yamaguti, 1940
M. trichiuri Gu & Shen, 1981 Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus ECS Gu & Shen (1981)
M. zonichthydis Shen, 1990 Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell) SCS Shen (1990f)
Hemiurinae Looss, 1899
Parahemiurus Vaz & Pereira, 1930
(Syns Trilecithotrema Gu & Shen, 1981; Lecithomonoium Shen, 1987)
P. ambassicola Tang, Shi & Cao, 1983 Ambassis gymnocephalus (Lacépède) TWS Tang et al. (1983)
P. clupeae Yamaguti, 1953 Dussumieria elopsoides Bleeker SCS Shen (1990f)
Herklotsichthys quadrimaculatus (Rüppell) SCS King (1964)
P. coiliae Wang, 1982 Coilia grayii Richardson TWS Wang(1982c)
Thryssa kammalensis (Bleeker) TWS Wang (1987b)
P. collichthydis Li, Zhang & Qiu, 1986 Collichthys niveatus Jordan & Starks YBS Li et al. (1989a); Shen & Qiu (1995)
Branchiostegus auratus (Kishinouye) TWS Shih et al. (2004)
P. harpodi (Shen, 1987) n. comb. Harpodon nehereus (Hamilton) ECS Shen (1987a)
(Syn. Lecithomonoium harpodi Shen, 1987)
P. hemirhamphi Wang, 1982 Rhynchorhamphus georgii (Valenciennes) TWS Wang (1982c)
P. merus (Linton, 1910) Woolcock, 1935 Ilisha elongata ([Bennett]) TWS Wang (1982c)
Dussumieria elopsoides Bleeker TWS Wang (1987b)
Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen) TWS Wang (1987b)
Atropus atropos (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Decapterus sp. SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Scomberoides lysan (Forsskål) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Thryssa setirostris (Broussonet) SCS Shen & Tong (1990b)
Harpodon nehereus (Hamilton) SCS Shen & Tong (1990b)
Herklotsichthys ovalis ([Bennett]) ECS Shen (1987a)
Sardinella zunasi (Bleeker) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus) YBS Li et al. (1989b)
P. pseudosciaenae Shen, 1985 Larimichthys crocea (Richardson) ECS Shen (1985a)
P. qingdaoensis Shen, 1989 Nibea albiflora (Richardson) YBS Shen (1989b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus) YBS Shen (1989b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
P. trichiuri (Gu & Shen, 1981) n. comb. Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus TWS Gu & Shen (1981)
(Syn. Trilecithotrema trichiuri Gu & Shen, 1981)
Lecithochiriinae Lühe, 1901
Hypohepaticola Yamaguti, 1934
H. setipinnae Li, Zhang & Qiu, 1986 Setipinna taty (Valenciennes) YBS Li et al. (1986a); Shen & Qiu (1995)
Lecithochirium Lühe, 1901
L. alectis Yamaguti, 1970 Johnius belengerii (Cuvier) TWS Wang (1987b)
L. apharei Yamaguti, 1970 Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw) ECS Shen (1987a)
L. atropi Shen, 1990 Atropus atropus (Bloch & Schneider) ECS Shen (1990e)
L. bothi Yamaguti, 1970 Upeneus japonicus (Houttuyn) TWS Wang (1987b)
L. branchialis (Stunkard & Nigrelli, 1934) Manter, 1934 Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus TWS Wang (1982c)
L. caudiporum (Rud., 1819) Lühe, 1901 Coilia mystus (Linnaeus) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
L. chaelodontis Yamaguti, 1970 Saurida filamentosa Ogilby TWS Wang (1987b)
L. chirocentri (Shen, 1990) Bray, Cribb & Barker, 1993 Chirocentrus dorab (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1990f)
(Syn. Sterrhurus chirocentri Shen, 1990)
L. dongshanensis Shen, 1985 Larimichthys crocea (Richardson) TWS Shen (1985a)
L. fistulariae Yamaguti, 1970 Fistularia petimba Lacépède ECS Shen (1987a)
L. fusiforme Lühe, 1901 Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus SCS Shen (1990f)
(Syn. Lecithochirium fukenensis Liu, 1996, new synonym) Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus TWS Liu (1996b)
Branchiostegus auratus (Kishniouye) TWS Shih et al. (2004)
Euthynnus affinis (Cantor) TWS Shih et al. (2004)
Siganus spinus (Linnaeus) TWS Shih et al. (2004)
L. gymnothoracis (Yamaguti, 1940) Gibson & Bray, 1979 Conger myriaster (Brevoort) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Sphyraena jello Cuvier SCS Shen (1990f)
L. holocentri Yamaguti, 1970 Parargyrops edita Tanaka ECS Shen (1987a)
Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus ECS Shen (1987a)
Sargocentron rubrum (Forsskål) ECS Shen (1987a)
Sargocentron rubrum (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1990f)
L. inimici (Yamaguti, 1934) Gibson & Bray, 1979 Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Pterois lunulata Temminck & Schlegel SCS Shen (1990f)
L. kawakawa Yamaguti, 1970 Cociella crocodila (Tilesius) TWS Wang (1987b)
L. kawalea Yamaguti, 1970 Halieutaea stellata (Vahl) ECS Shen (1987a)
Sphyraena japonica Bloch & Schneider ECS Shen (1990c)
Carangoides sp. TWS Wang (1987b)
Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch) TWS Wang (1987b)
L. keokeo Yamaguti, 1970 Lethrinus nebulosus (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1990f)
L. longicaudatus (Shen, 1987) Gibson & Bray, 1979 Lophius litulon (Jordan) ECS Shen (1987a)
(Syn. Sterrhurus longicaudatus Shen, 1987)
L. magnaporum Manter, 1940 Echeneis naucrates Linnaeus ECS Shen (1987a)
Seriola lalandi Valenciennes TWS Wang (1982a, b, c)
Thyscanophrys longirostris (Shao & Chen) TWS Shih et al. (2004)
Atropus atropos (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1966)
L. miichthydis Wang, 1982l Miichthys miiuy (Basilewsky) TWS Wang (1982c)
L. magnus (Yamaguti, 1938) Nasir & Diaz, 1971 Halieutaea stellata (Vahl) SCS Shen (1990f)
L. microstomum Chandler, 1935 Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus) SCS Shen (1990f)
Atropus atropos (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
L. monticellii (Linton,1898) Crowcroft, 1946 Cirrhimuraena chinensis Kaup TWS Wang (1982c)
L. muraenesocis Wang, 1982l Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål) TWS Wang (1982c)
Scomberomorus guttatus (Bloch & Schneider) TWS Wang (1982c)
L. tangi (Tang, 1981) nom. nov. Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål) TWS Tang (1981)
(Syn. L. pacificum Tang, 1981–pre-occupied)
L. pisoodonophis (Shen, 1990) Bray, Cribb & Barker, 1993 Pisodonophis cancrivorus (Richardson) SCS Shen (1990f)
(Syn. Sterrhurus pisoodonophis Shen, 1990)
L. poecilopsettae Shen, 1990 Poecilopsetta plinthus (Jordan & Starks) SCS Shen (1990f)
L. priacanthi Yamaguti, 1953 Larimichthys crocea (Richardson) ECS Shen (1985a, 1987a)
Larimichthys crocea (Richardson) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Scomber japonicus Houttuyn YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Alepes djedaba (Forsskål) ECS Shen & Tong (1990b)
Uraspis helvola (Forster) ECS Shen (1990f)
Scomberomorus niphonius (Cuvier) ECS Shen (1987a)
Megalops cyprinoides (Broussonet) TWS Shih et al. (2004)
L. pseudosciaenae Shen, 1990 Larimichthys polyactis (Bleeker) ECS Shen (1990d)
L. rufoviride (Rudolphi, 1819) Lühe, 1901 Conger japonicus Bleeker ECS Shen (1987a)
L. savalae Shen, 1987 Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus TWS Shen (1987a)
L. scomberomori Wang, 1982l Scomberomorus niphonius (Cuvier) TWS Wang(1982c)
Chromis notatus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1987b)
Sphyraena pinguis Günther TWS Wang (1987b)
L. sinicum (Tang, 1981) n. comb. Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) TWS Tang (1981)
(Syn. Separogermiductus sinicus Tang, 1981)
Lecithochirium sp. Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell) SCS Parukhin (1966)
L. synodi Manter, 1931 Aluterus monoceros (Linnaeus) TWS Wang (1987b)
L. tetraorchis Shih, Liu & Qiu, 2004 Sebastiscus marmoratus (Cuvier) TWS Shih et al. (2004)
L. trachinocephali Liu, 1996 Trachinocephalus myops (Forster) TWS Liu (1996b)
L. trichiuri Gu & Shen, 1981 Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus YBS Gu & Shen (1981); Shen & Qiu (1995)
Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus ECS Gu & Shen (1981)
Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus SCS Shen (1990f)
Scomberoides commersonianus Lacépède TWS Shih et al. (2004)
Opisthadeninae Yamaguti, 1970
Genolinea Manter, 1925
G. clupanodonis (Qiu & Tong, 1995) n. comb. Konosirus punctatus (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
(Syn. Pseudobunocotyla clupanodonis Qiu & Tong, 1995)
G. laticauda Manter, 1925 Zoarces elongatus Kner YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Opisthadena Linton, 1910
O. fujianensis Tang, Shi & Guan, 1983m Valamugil engeli (Bleeker) TWS Tang et al. (1983)
O. marina Tang, Shi & Cao, 1983m Ambassis gymnocephalus (Lacépède) TWS Tang et al. (1983)
O. setipinnae Qiu & Liang, 1995 Setipinna taty (Valenciennes) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Plerurinae Gibson & Bray, 1979
Dinosoma Manter, 1934
D. setipinae Wang, 1982n Setipinna taty (Valenciennes) TWS Wang (1982c)
Plerurus Looss, 1907
P. asterocongeri Shen, 1987 Conger myriaster (Brevoort) ECS Shen (1987a)
P. collichthydis Wang, 1987 Collichthys lucidus (Richardson) TWS Wang (1987b)
P. digitatus (Looss, 1899) Looss, 1907 Sphyraena pinguis Günther TWS Wang (1982c)
(Syns Plerurus cynoglossi Wang, 1982; P. atulis Wang, 1982; P. scomberomori Wang, 1982) Cynoglossus robustus (Günther) TWS Wang (1982c)
Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus TWS Gu & Shen (1981); Wang (1987b)
Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus SCS Gu & Shen (1981); Shen (1990f)
Pomadasys hasta (Bloch) SCS Shen & Tong (1985); Shen (1990f)
Atule mate (Cuvier) SCS Shen (1990f)
Scomberomorus guttatus (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Shen (1990f)
Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
P. pseudosciaenae Shen, 1985 Larimichthys crocea (Richardson) ECS Shen (1985a)
P. zonichthydis Shen, 1990 Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell) ECS Shen (1990e)
Theletrinae Gibson & Bray, 1979
Monolecithotrema Yamaguti, 1970
M. lizae Shen, 1990 Chelon haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen (1990b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
Hirudinellidae Dollfus, 1932
Hirudinella de Blainville, 1828
H. beebei Chandler, 1937 Acanthocybium solandri (Cuvier) SCS Gu & Shen (1985)
H. spinulosa Yamaguti, 1938 Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre) TWS Chen & Yang (1973)
H. ventricosa (Pallas, 1774) Baird, 1853 Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
H. xishaensis Gu & Shen, 1985 Euthynnus affinis (Cantor) SCS Gu & Shen (1985)
Hirudinella sp. Garsin, 1730 Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre) TWS Chen & Yang (1973)
Lecithasteridae Odhner, 1905
Hysterolecithinae Yamaguti, 1958
Hysterolecitha Linton, 1910
H. arii Wang, 1982 Arius sinensis (Lacépède) TWS Wang (1982c)
H. chirocentri Ku & Shen, 1964 Chirocentrus dorab (Forsskål) SCS Ku & Shen (1964a); Shen (1990f)
H. nahaensis Yamaguti, 1942 Dascyllus trimaculatus (Rüppell) SCS King (1964)
H. progonimus Ku & Shen, 1964 Albula vulpes (Linnaeus) SCS Ku & Shen (1964a); Shen (1990f)
H. rosea Linton, 1910 Nibea albiflora (Richardson) TWS Wang (1982c)
Hysterolecithoides Yamaguti, 1934
(Syn. Oligolecithoides Shen, 1982—see Bray & Cribb (2000))
H. epinepheli Yamaguti, 1934 Siganus canaliculatus (Park) SCS Shen (1982b, 1990f); Bray & Cribb (2000)
(Syn. Oligolecithoides trilobatus Shen, 1982)
H. multiglandularis Tang, Shi & Guan, 1983 Leiognathus brevirostris (Valenciennes) TWS Tang et al. (1983)
Lecithasterinae Odhner, 1905
Aponurus Looss, 1907
A. carangis Yamaguti, 1952 Decapterus sp. SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
A. collichthydis Qiu & Liang, 1995 Collichthys lucidus (Richardson) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
A. clupanodontis Qiu & Liang, 1995 Konosirus punctatus (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
A. eleutheronematis Shen, 1987 Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw) ECS Shen (1987a)
A. halieutae Shen, 1987 Halieutaea stellata (Vahl) ECS Shen (1987a)
A. laguncula Looss, 1907 Clupea pallasii pallasii Valenciennes YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Atropus atropos (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1966)
Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus) SCS Parukhin (1966)
Selar crumenophthalmus (Bloch) SCS Parukhin (1966)
Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell) SCS Parukhin (1966)
A. lizae Shen, 1995 Chelon haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
A. megaloporus Shen & Li, 2000 Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus SCS Shen & Li (2000)
A. rhinoplagusiae Yamaguti, 1934 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
A. uraspis Shen, 1990 Uraspis helvola (Forster) SCS Shen (1990f)
A. vitellograndis Layman, 1930 Paralichthys olivaceus (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen) TWS Wang (1982c)
Lecithaster Lühe, 1901
L. atropi Shen, 1987 Atropus atropus (Bloch & Schneider) ECS Shen (1987a)
L. clupanodonae Liu, 1995 Konosirus punctatus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Liu (1995b)
L. confuses Odhner, 1905 Coilia grayii Richardson SCS Pan (1984b)
L. fusiformis Wang, 1991 Siganus fuscescens (Houttuyn) TWS Wang (1991)
L. setipinnae Qiu & Liang, 1995 Setipinna taty (Valenciennes) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
L. stellatus Looss, 1907 Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
(Syns Lecithaster sayori Yamaguti, 1938o; L. tylosuri Li, Qiu & Zhang, 1989, new synonym) Strongylura anastomella (Valenciennes) YBS Li et al. (1989a); Shen & Qiu (1995)
L. xiamenensis Liu, 1995 Chaetodon modestus Temminck & Schlegel TWS Liu (1995b)
Lecithophyllum Odhner, 1905
L. intermedium (Manter, 1934) Margolis, 1958 Zoarces elongatus Kner YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Macradenininae Skrjabin & Guschanskaja, 1954
Macradena Linton, 1910
Macradena sp. Linton, 1902 Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre) TWS Chen & Yang (1973)
Macradenina Manter, 1947
(Syn. Paramacradenina Tang, Shi & Guan, 1983p)
M. xiamenensis (Tang, Shi & Guan, 1983) n. comb. Valamugil engeli (Bleeker) TWS Tang et al. (1983)
(Syn. Paramacradenina xiamenensis Tang, Shi & Guan, 1983)
Neodichadena Yamaguti, 1971
N. mugilis Tang, Shi & Cao, 1983 Valamugil engeli (Bleeker) TWS Tang et al. (1983)
Prolecithinae Yamaguti, 1971
Prolecitha Manter, 1961
P. obesa Manter, 1961 Ablennes hians (Valenciennes) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
Leiognathus lineolatus (Valenciennes) TWS Shih et al. (2004)
Trifoliovariinae Yamaguti, 1958
Trifoliovarium Yamaguti, 1940
T. ovarilobulus (Wang, 1987) Bray & Cribb, 2000 Navodon septentrionalis (Günther) TWS Wang (1987a)
(Syn. Hysterolecitha [sic] ovarilobulus Wang, 1989)
Lepocreadiidae Odner, 1905
Aephnidiogeninae Yamaguti, 1934
Aephnidiogenes Nicoll, 1915
A. major Yamaguti, 1934 Diagramma pictum (Thunberg) SCS Shen & Tong (1990a); Shen (1990f); Bray & Cribb (1997)
(Syn. A. hainanensis Shen & Tong, 1990q)
Lepidapedinae Yamaguti, 1958
Lepidapedon Stafford, 1904
L. apharei Shen,1986 Aphareus furca (Lacépède) ECS Shen (1986a)
L. golphick Oshmarin, 1968 Pristipomoides typus Bleeker SCS Oshmarin (1968)
L. nelsoni Gupta & Mehrotra, 1969 Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen) TWS Wang (1982b)
L. sphyraenae Shen, 1990r Sphyraena pinguis Günther SCS Shen (1990f)
Lepocreadiinae Odhner, 1905
Allolepidapedon Yamaguti, 1940
A. pristipomoidis Shen, 1985 Pristipomoides filamentosus (Valenciennes) SCS Shen (1985b)
Bianium Stunkard, 1930
B. hemistoma (Ozaki) Manter, 1948 Takifugu oblongus (Bloch) TWS Liu (1997b); Wang (1982b)
Takifugu alboplumbeus (Richardson) YBS Ku & Shen (1964c); Shen & Qiu (1995)
Takifugu xanthopterus (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
B. isostoma Liu, 1997 Takifugu oblongus (Bloch) TWS Liu (1997b)
B. lianyungangense Shen, 1990s Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther YBS Shen (1990b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
B. plicitum (Linton, 1928) Stankard, 1930 Epinephelus akaara (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1982b)
(Syn. Bianium dayawanense Shen & Tong, 1990) Arius sinensis (Lacépède) TWS Wang (1982b)
Lagocephalus gloveri Abe & Tabeta SCS Shen & Tong (1990b)
Cephalolepidapedon Yamaguti, 1970
C. seba Yamaguti, 1970 Scomber japonicus Houttuyn ECS Shen (1986a)
YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Diploproctodaeum La Rue, 1926
D. spinosus Liu, 2002 Takifugu oblongus (Bloch) TWS Liu (2002d)
D. waki Shen, 1990 Johnius dussumieri (Cuvier) SCS Shen (1990f)
Hypocreadium Ozaki, 1936
H. drepanei Shen, 1990 Drepane longimana (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Shen (1990f)
Drepane punctata (Linnaeus)
H. scaphosomum (Manter, 1940) Yamaguti, 1942 Triacanthus brevirostris (Bloch) SCS Parukhin (1989)
H. cavum Bray & Cribb, 1996 Abalistes stellatus (Anonymous) SCS Parukhin & Chikunova (1964); Oshmarin (1965b)
(Syns Pseudocreadium scaphosomum Manter, 1940 of Parukhin & Chikunova (1964); P. patellarae [sic] (Yamaguti, 1938) of Oshmarin (1965))
Hypoporus Wang, 1987
H. phylloides Wang, 1987 Psenopsis anomala (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1987a)
Intusatrium Durio & Manter, 1968
I. crassum Wang, 1987t Cynoglossus joyneri Günther TWS Wang (1987a)
Labrifer Yamaguti, 1936
L. gymnocrani Shen, 1985 Gymnocranius griseus (Temminck & Schlegel) SCS Shen (1985b)
Lepocreadium Stossich, 1903
L. dongxiangensis Wang, 1987 Carangoides malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider) TWS Wang (1987a)
L. drepanei Shen, 1990 Drepane longimana (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Shen (1990f)
L. navodoni Shen, 1986 Thamnaconus septentrionalis (Günther) ECS Shen (1986a)
YBS Shen (1990b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
L. trachinoti Wang, 1987 Trachinotus ovatus (Linnaeus) TWS Wang (1987a)
Lepocreadioides Yamaguti, 1936
L. hunghuaensis Qiu, Zhang & Li, 1987 Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther YBS Qiu et al. (1987); Shen & Qiu (1995)
L. orientalis Park, 1939 Cynoglossus robustus Günther TWS Wang (1982a, b, c, 1986, 1987a, b)
(Syn. Lepocreadioides discum Wang, 1986) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
L. pagrosomi Wang, 1982u Pagrus major (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1982a)
L. zebrini Yamaguti, 1936 Zebrias zebra (Bloch) ECS Yamaguti (1936)
YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Lobatocreadium Madhavi, 1972
L. exiguum (Manter, 1963) Madhavi, 1972 Sufflamen fraenatum (Latreille) SCS Shen (1990f)
(Syn. Pseudocreadium hainanensis Shen, 1990)
Neoallolepidapedon Yamaguti, 1965
N. hawaiiense Yamaguti, 1965 Fistularia petimba Lacépède ECS Shen (1986a)
N. fistulariae (Oshmarin, 1965) Bray, 2005 Fistularia petimba Lacépède SCS Oshmarin (1965a)
(Syn. Callogonotrema fistulariae Oshmarin, 1965)
Neomultitestis Machida, 1982
N. bengalensis (Madhavi, 1972) Machida, 1982 Platax orbicularis (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1990f)
Ochetosomoides Wang, 1982
O. scomberomori Wang, 1982 Scomberomorus guttatus (Bloch & Schneider) TWS Wang (1982a)
Opechona Looss, 1907
O. dongshanensis Wang & Wang, 1993v Upeneus sulphureus Cuvier TWS Wang & Wang (1993)
O. glossoides Wang, 1987 Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus) TWS Wang (1987a)
Preptetos Pritchard, 1960
P. cylindricus Wang, 1987w Thamnaconus septentrionalis (Günther) TWS Wang (1987a)
Monacanthus chinensis (Osbeck)
P. parapristipomae Liu, 2002 Parapristipoma trilineatum (Thunberg) TWS Liu (2002d)
Pseudocreadium Layman, 1930
P. monacanthi Layman, 1930 Thamnaconus septentrionalis (Günther) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Trigonotrema Goto & Ozaki, 1929
T. alatum Goto & Ozaki, 1929 Branchiostegus argentatus (Cuvier) SCS Shen (1990f)
Branchiostegus auratus (Kishinouye)
Macroderoididae McMullen, 1937
Pseudastiotrema Wang, 1982
P. rhynchobati Wang, 1982 Rhynchobatus djiddensis (Forsskål) TWS Wang (1982a)
Microscaphidiidae Looss, 1900
Hexangium Goto & Ozaki, 1929
H. sigani Goto & Ozaki, 1929 Siganus guttatus (Bloch) (Bloch) SCS Ku & Shen (1965b); Shen (1990f)
Monorchiidae Odhner, 1911
Hurleytrematinae Yamaguti, 1958
Hurleytrema Srivastava, 1939
H. eleutheronematis Li, Qiu & Zhao, 1999 Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw) SCS Li et al. (1999)
H. hainanense Shen, 1990 (emend.) Tylosurus acus melanotus (Bleeker) SCS Shen (1990f)
Lutjanus erythropterus Bloch
Hurleytrematoides Yamaguti, 1954
H. longus Wang & Wang, 1993 Siganus fuscescens (Houttuyn) TWS Wang & Wang (1993)
Monorchiinae Odhner, 1911
Allobacciger Hafeezellah & Siddiqi, 1970
(Syn. Pseudomonorcheides Wang, 1982)
A. ditrematis (Wang, 1982) Madhavi, 2008 Ditrema temminckii Bleeker TWS Wang (1982b)
(Syn. Pseudomonorcheide ditrematis Wang, 1982) Takifugu oblongus (Bloch) TWS Wang (1982b)
Allolasiotocus Yamaguti, 1959
A. pseudosciaenae Wang, 1982 Larimichthys polyactis (Bleeker) TWS Wang (1982b)
Miichthys miiuy (Basilewsky) TWS Wang (1982b)
Allomonorchis Lü, Wu & Chen, 1999 x
A. huangfuensis Lü, Wu &Chen, 1999 Liza macrolepis (Smith) SCS Lü et al. (1999)
Genolopa Linton, 1910
G. sparui Shen, 1990 Acanthopagrus berda (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1990f)
Odontamblyopus rubicundus (Hamilton) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Lasiotocus Looss in Odhner, 1911
L. cryptostoma (Oshmarin, 1965) Yamaguti, 1971 Pomadasys hasta (Bloch) SCS Shen (1990f)
L. lizae Liu, 2002 Chelon haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Liu (2002c)
L. macrotrema Wu, Lü & Chen, 1999 Liza affinis (Günther) SCS Wu et al. (1999)
L. tropicus (Manter, 1940) Bartoli & Bray, 2004 Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
(Syn. Telolecithus tropicus Manter, 1940) Caranx malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1976)
Lenolopa Lü & Wu, 1996 y
L. huizhouensis Lü & Wu, 1996 Scatophagus argus (Linnaeus) SCS Lü & Wu (1996)
Monorchicestrahelmins Yamaguti, 1971
M. branchiostegi Shen, 1987 Branchiostegus argentatus (Cuvier) ECS Shen (1987b)
Polylecithus Wang & Wang, 1993 z
P. oviformis Wang & Wang, 1993 Brachysomophis crocodilinus (Bennett) TWS Wang & Wang (1993)
Proctotrema Odhner, 1911
Proctotrema sp. Selar crumenophthalmus (Bloch) SCS Parukhin (1966,1976)
Proctotrematoides Yamaguti, 1938
P. anguillae Qiu & Tong, 1995 Anguilla japonica Temminck & Schlegel YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
P. gymnothoracis Shen, 1990 Gymnothorax pictus (Ahl) SCS Shen (1990f)
Monorcheides Odhner, 1905
M. xishaensis Shen, 1985 Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1985b)
Monorchis Looss, 1902
M. fusiformis Wang, 1982 Pisodonophis cancrivorus (Richardson) TWS Wang (1982b)
M. xiamenensis Liu, 1995 Glossogobius olivaceus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Liu (1995a)
Octotestiinae Yamaguti, 1958
Octotestis Yamaguti, 1951
(Syn. Paradecentestis Wang, 1963)
O. apogoni Lü, 1995 Apogon quadrifasciatus Cuvier SCS Lü (1995); Wu et al. (2000a)
O. chinensis (Wang, 1963) Yamaguti, 1971 Takifugu ocellatus (Linnaeus) ECS Wang (1963); Yamaguti (1971)
(Syn. Paradecentestis chinensis Wang, 1963)
O. ovatus (Wang, 1963) Yamaguti, 1971 Takifugu ocellatus (Linnaeus) ECS Wang (1963); Yamaguti (1971)
(Syn. Paradecentestis ovatus Wang, 1963)
Opisthomonorcheidinae Yamaguti, 1971
Opisthomonorcheides Parukhin, 1966
O. carangis Yamaguti, 1952 Caranx malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976); Lebedev (1968a)
O. decapteri Parukhin, 1966 Atule mate (Cuvier) SCS Shen (1990f); Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Decapterus sp. SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
O. indicus Karjakarate, 1976 Parastromateus niger (Bloch) SCS Shen (1990f)
O. pampi (Wang, 1982) n. comb. Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen) TWS Wang (1982a)
(Syn. Longimonorchis pampi Wang, 1982) Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) TSW Wang (1982a)
Opisthodiplomonorchis Madhavi, 1974
O. paurosoma (Wang, 1987) Choudhury & Dick, 1998 Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw) TWS Wang (1987a)
(Syn. Deropristis paurosoma Wang, 1987)
Opecoelidae Ozaki, 1925
Opecoelinae Ozaki, 1925
Anisoporus Ozaki, 1928
A. cobraeformis Ozaki, 1928 Dactyloptena orientalis (Cuvier) SCS Shen (1990f)
Coitocaecum Nicoll, 1915
C. anasipidis Hichman, 1934 Collichthys lucidus (Richardson) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
C. austrosinicum Ding, 1993 Siganus canaliculatus (Park) SCS Ding (1993a)
C. callyodontis Yamaguti, 1942 Acanthopagrus schlegelii schlegelii (Bleeker) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
(Syn. Ozakia callyodontis (Yamaguti, 1942) Yamaguti, 1971)
C. gerris (Shen, 1990) n. comb. Gerres oblongus Cuvier SCS Shen (1990f)
(Syn. Ozakia gerris Shen, 1990)
C. gymnophallum Nicoll, 1915 Acanthopagrus latus (Houttuyn) TWS Wang (1984); Wang et al. (1992)
(Syns Coitocaecum robustum Wang, 1984; C. unibulbosa Ozaki, 1929 of Wang et al. (1992), new synonym)
C. latelabracis (Qiu & Liang, 1995) n. comb. Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
(Syn. Ozakia latelabracis Qiu & Liang, 1995)
C. muraenesocis Wang, Wang & Zhang, 1992 Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
C. orthorchis Ozaki, 1926 Tridentiger obscurus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
C. parvium Crowcroft, 1944 Triacanthus biaculeatus (Bloch) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
C. sigani Shen, 1990 Siganus canaliculatus (Park) SCS Shen (1990f)
C. sillaginis (Shen, 1986) n. comb. Sillago sihama (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1986c, 1990f)
(Syn. Ozakia sillaginis Shen, 1986)
Dactylostomum Woolcock, 1935
D. epinepheli Wang, 1982 Epinephelus akaara (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1982b)
Manteriella Yamaguti, 1958
M. chanis Shen, 1986 Chanos chanos (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1990f)
M. hainanensis Shen, 1990 Branchiostegus argentatus (Cuvier) SCS Shen (1990f)
Notoporus Yamaguti, 1938
N. astrocongeris Qiu & Li, 1995 Conger myriaster (Brevoort) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Opecoeloides Odhner, 1928
O. fugus Li, Qiu & Zhang, 1988 Takifugu vermicularis (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Li et al. (1988); Shen & Qiu (1995)
Opecoelus Ozaki, 1925
O. arii Wang, 1982 Arius sinensis (Lacépède) TWS Wang (1982a)
Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) TWS Wang (1982a)
O. bohaiensis Li, Qiu & Zhang, 1988 Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus) YBS Li et al. (1988); Shen & Qiu (1995)
O. ditrematis Yamaguti, 1942 Siganus fuscescens (Houttuyn) TWS Shih et al. (2004)
O. himezi Yamaguti, 1952 Cynoglossus joyneri Günther TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Conger myriaster (Brevoort) YBS Shen (1990b)
O. inimici Yamaguti, 1934 Parapristipoma trilineatum (Thunberg) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Therapon theraps Cuvier TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Conger myriaster (Brevoort) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Cheilopogon agoo (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen (1990b)
O. lateolabracis Yamaguti, 1958 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Chirocentrus dorab (Forsskål) TWS Shih et al. (2004)
O. lobatus Ozaki, 1925 Gerres limbatus Cuvier SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
O. nipponicus Yamaguti, 1951 Sebastes sp. YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
O. pterois Shen, 1986 Pterois lunulata Temminck & Schlegel SCS Shen (1986c, 1990f)
O. sebastisci Yamaguti, 1934 Sebastes sp. YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
O. sebastodis Yamaguti, 1958 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan & Starks YBS Shen (1990b)
Opecoelus sp. Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus) SCS Parukhin (1966)
O. sphaericus Ozaki, 1925 Conger myriaster (Brevoort) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995); Tseng (1933)
Inimicus japonicus (Cuvier) YBS Tseng (1933)
Hexagrammos otakii Jordan & Starks YBS Shen & Qiu (1995); Tseng (1933)
Sebastes thompsoni (Jordan& Hubbs) YBS Shen (1990b)
Sebastes sp. YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Acanthopagrus schlegelii schlegelii (Bleeker) YBS Li et al. (1989b)
Inimicus sp. YBS Shen (1989b)
O. zhifuensis Qiu & Li, 1995 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) ECS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Opegaster Ozaki, 1928
O. brevifistula Ozaki, 1928 Hoplosebastes armatus Schmidt TWS Wang et al. (1992)
O. ditrematis Yamaguti, 1942 Paralichthys olivaceus (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
O. gobii Yamaguti, 1953 Salarias fasciatus (Bloch) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
O. hippocampi Shen, 1982 Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach SCS Shen (1982a)
O. macrorchis Yamaguti, 1938 Lutjanus kasmira (Forsskål) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Lutjanus vitta (Quoy & Gaimard) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
O. oplegnathi Wang, Wang & Zhang, 1992 Oplegnathus fasciatus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
O. parapristipomatis Yamaguti, 1934 Acanthopagrus schlegelii schlegelii (Bleeker) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Parapristipoma trilineatum (Thunberg) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
O. syngnathi Yamaguti, 1934 Synanceia horrida (Linnaeus) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
O. synodi Manter, 1947 Rhabdosargus sarba (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1990f)
O. tamori Yamaguti, 1938 Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach SCS Shen (1982a)
Hapalogenys mucronatus (Eydoux & Souleyet) ECS Yamaguti (1938)
Pseudopecoeloides Yamaguti, 1940
P. astrocongeris Shen, 1989 Conger myriaster (Brevoort) ECS Shen (1989a)
P. carangis (Yamaguti, 1938) Yamaguti, 1940 Collichthys niveatus Jordan & Starks YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
(Syn. Cymbephallus carangis Yamaguti, 1938) Alectis indicus (Rüppell) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus) SCS Parukhin (1966, 1976)
P. dayawanensis Shen & Tong, 1990 Carangoides malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider) SCS Shen & Tong (1990b)
P. mugilis Shen, 1990 Liza macrolepis (Smith) SCS Shen (1990f)
Pseudopecoelus Von Wicklen, 1946
P. alectis Shen, 1990 Alectis ciliaris (Bloch) SCS Shen (1990f)
P. elongatus (Yamaguti, 1938) von Wicklen, 1946 Plectropomus leopardus (Lacépède) SCS Shen (1990f)
P. epinepheli Wang, 1982 Epinephelus akaara (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1982b)
P. xishaensis Gu & Shen, 1983 Epinephelus cyanopodus (Richardson) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
Opecoelininae Gibson & Bray, 1984
Opecoelina Manter, 1934
O. pacifica Manter, 1940 Apogon carinatus Cuvier SCS Shen (1990f)
Plagioporinae Manter, 1947
Allopodocotyle Pritchard, 1966
A. lethrini (Yamaguti, 1942) Pritchard, 1966 Lethrinus ornatus Valenciennes SCS Shen (1990f)
Decemtestis Yamaguti, 1934
D. asymmetricum Wang, 1991 Parargyrops edita Tanaka TWS Wang (1991)
D. cynoglossi Li, Zhang, Qiu, Chen & Liang, 1987 Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther YBS Li et al. (1987); Shen & Qiu (1995)
D. fusiformis Wang, 1986 Cynoglossus joyneri Günther TWS Wang (1986)
Lutjanus vitta (Quoy & Gaimard) TWS Wang (1986)
D. lutiani Wang, 1986 Lutjanus erythropterus Bloch TWS Wang (1986)
Hamacreadium Linton, 1910
H. gymnomuraenae Shen & Li, 2000 Scuticaria tigrina (Lesson) SCS Shen & Li (2000)
H. hainanense Shen, 1990 (emend.) Lutjanus Lutjanus Bloch SCS Shen (1990f)
Lutjanus erythropterus Bloch SCS Shen (1990f)
Johnius dussumieri (Cuvier) SCS Shen (1990f)
H. lethrini Yamaguti, 1934 Lutjanus johnii (Bloch) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Acanthopagrus latus (Houttuyn) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
H. mutabile Linton, 1910 Parapristipoma trilineatum (Thunberg) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Acanthopagrus schlegelii schlegelii (Bleeker) SCS Shen (1990f)
H. synechogobii Qiu & Li, 1995 Synechogobius ommaturus (Richardson) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
H. xishaense Shen, 1985 Lutjanus kasmira (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1985b)
Helicometra Odhner, 1902
H. dalianensis (Li, Qiu & Zhang, 1989) Cribb, 2005 Hexagrammos otakii Jordan & Starks YBS Li et al. (1989b); Shen & Qiu (1995)
(Syn. Neohelicometra dalianensis Li, Qiu & Zhang, 1989)
H. execta Linton, 1910 Saurida elongata (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Sebasticus marmoratus (Cuvier) TWS Wang et al. (1992); Yu & Liu (2007)
H. fasciata (Rudophi, 1819) Odhner, 1902 Epinephelus akaara (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1982b)
(Syn. Helicometra scorpaenae Wang, 1982) Epinephelus awoara (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
H. fusiformis Wang, Wang & Zhang, 1992 Hapalogenys mucronatus (Eydoux & Souleyet) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
H. hapalogenyos Wang, Wang & Zhang, 1992 Hapalogenys mucronatus (Eydoux & Souleyet) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
H. hypodytis Yamaguti, 1934 Chromis notatus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
H. neoscorpanae Wang, Wang & Zhang, 1992 Scorpaena neglecta Temminck & Schlegel TWS Wang (1982b); Wang et al. (1992)
(Syn. H. scorpaenae Wang, 1982, pre-occupied)
H. pulchella (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1902 Oplegnathus fasciatus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Lutjanus Lutjanus Bloch TWS Wang et al. (1992)
H. selaroides Shen, 1986 Selaroides leptolepis (Cuvier) SCS Shen (1986c, 1990f)
Neolebouria Gibson, 1976
(Syn. Paramanteriella Li, Qiu & Zhang, 1988)
N. cantherini (Li, Qiu & Zhang, 1988) Cribb, 2005 Thamnaconus septentrionalis (Günther) YBS Li et al. (1988); Shen & Qiu (1995)
(Syn. Paramanteriella cantherini Li, Qiu & Zhang, 1988)
N. lanceolata (Price, 1934) Reimer, 1987 Choerodon azurio (Jordan & Snyder) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Nicolla Wisniewski, 1934
N. ditrematis (Wang, 1982) n. comb. Ditrema temminckii Bleeker TWS Wang (1982b)
(Syn. Crowcrocaecum ditrematis Wang, 1982)
N. epinepheli (Wang, 1982) n. comb. Epinephelus akaara (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1982b)
(Syn. Crowcrocaecum epinepheli Wang, 1982)
N. pyriformis Wang, Wang & Zhang, 1992 Acanthopagrus latus (Houttuyn) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Peracreadium Nicoll, 1909
P. kareii (Qiu & Li, 1995) Cribb, 2005 Kareius bicoloratus (Basilewsky) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
(Syn. Neonotoporus kareii Qiu & Li, 1995)
Plagioporus Stafford, 1904
P. acanthogobii Yamaguti, 1951 Amblychaeturichthys hexanema (Bleeker) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
P. alacris (Looss, 1901) Price, 1934 Pagrus major (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
P. apogonichthydis Yamaguti, 1938 Synechogobius ommaturus (Richardson) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Collichthys lucidus (Richardson) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
P. azurionis Yamaguti, 1952 Bothus mancus (Broussonet) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
P. branchiostegi Yamaguti, 1937 Decapterus lajang Bleeker TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Decapterus maruadsi (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
P. collichthydis Wang, 1982 Collichthys lucidus (Richardson) TWS Wang (1982a)
P. dorosomatis Yamaguti, 1951 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
P. eleuthoronemae Wang, Wang & Zhang, 1992 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
P. epinepheli Shen, 1985 Epinephelus cyanopodus (Richardson) SCS Shen (1985b)
P. hunghuaensis Qiu & Li, 1995 Collichthys lucidus (Richardson) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
P. ira Yamaguti, 1940 Paraplagusia japonica (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
P. issaitschikowi Price, 1934 Paralichthys olivaceus (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Collichthys lucidus (Richardson) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Nibea albiflora (Richardson) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
P. leiognathi Wang, Wang & Zhang, 1992 Secutor ruconius (Hamilton) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
P. oligolecithosus Wang, Wang & Zhang, 1992 Epinephelus awoara (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Hapalogenys mucronatus (Eydoux & Souleyet) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
P. parathalassomatis Wang, 1982 Thalassoma hardwicke (Bennett) TWS Wang (1982b)
P. pomacanthi Shen & Li, 2000 Pomacanthus annularis (Bloch) SCS Shen & Li (2000)
P. pseudospari Wang, 1982 Acanthopagrus schlegelii schlegelii (Bleeker) TWS Wang (1982a)
P. rhabdosargi Wang, 1982 Rhabdosargus sarba (Forsskål) TWS Wang (1982b)
P. serotinus Stafford, 1904 Therapon theraps Cuvier TWS Wang et al. (1992)
P. siliculus Sinitzin, 1931 Microcanthus strigatus (Cuvier) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
P. sillagonis Yamaguti, 1934 Pholis nebulosa (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Sillago sihama (Forsskål) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Ilisha elongata ([Bennett]) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
P. spari Yamaguti, 1952 Cynoglossus joyneri Günther TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Sillago sihama (Forsskål) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Phyllotrema Yamaguti, 1934
P. bicaudatum Yamaguti, 1934 Pisodonophis cancrivorus (Richardson) TWS Wang (1982b)
P. guangxiense Li, Qiu & Liang, 1990 (emend.) Ophichthys celebicus (Bleeker) SCS Li et al. (1990)
P. microrchis Jin, Zhang & Ji, 1979 Ophichthys sp. TWS Jin et al. (1979)
Anguilla marmorata Quoy & Gaimard TWS Wang (1982b)
P. quadricaudatum Gu & Shen, 1979 Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1979); Shen (1990f)
Pisodonophis cancrivorus (Richardson) TWS Wang (1982b)
Podocotyle Dujardin, 1845
P. angulata (Dujardin, 1845) Dujardin, 1845 Protonibea diacanthus (Lacépède) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
(Syn. Podocotyle staffordi Miller, 1941)
P. atomon Rudolphi, 1802 Chromis notatus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
P. lizae Qiu & Liang, 1995 Chelon haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
P. longiforme Wang, Wang & Zhang, 1992 Hapalogenys mucronatus (Eydoux & Souleyet) TWS Wang et al. (1992)
Podocotyle lutiani Shen, 1990aa Lutjanus erythropterus Bloch SCS Shen (1990f)
P. nibeae Qiu & Li, 1995 Nibea albiflora (Richardson) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Podocotyloides Yamaguti, 1934
P. plageorchis Shen, 1989 Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål) ECS Shen (1989a)
Vesicocoelium Tang, Hsu, Huang & Lu, 1975
V. solenophagum Tang, Hsu, Huang & Lu, 1975 Tridentiger barbatus (Günther) TWS Tang et al. (1975); Tang & Xu (1979)
Acanthogobius hasta (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Tang et al. (1975); Tang & Xu (1979)
Glossogobius giuris (Hamilton) TWS Tang et al. (1975); Tang & Xu (1979)
Butis koilomatodon (Bleeker) TWS Tang et al. (1975); Tang & Xu (1979)
Stenakrinae Yamaguti, 1970
Neonotoporus Srivastava, 1942
N. decapteri Parukhin, 1966 Decapterus sp. SCS Parukhin (1966)
N. trachuri (Yamaguti, 1938) Srivastava, 1942 Engraulis japonica Temminck & Schlegel TWS Wang & Wang (1993)
Pseudopecoelina Yamaguti, 1942
P. chirocentrosus Shen, 1986 Chirocentrus dorab (Forsskål) SCS Shen (1986c, 1990f)
P. platycephali Shen, 1986 Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus) SCS Shen (1986c, 1990f)
P. xishaensis Gu & Shen, 1983 Epinephelus cyanopodus (Richardson) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b)
Opistholebetidae Fukui, 1929
Heterolebes Ozaki, 1935
H. dongshanensis Liu, 1999 Lagocephalus gloveri Abe & Tabeta TWS Liu (1999)
H. immaculosus Ku & Shen, 1965 Takifugu niphobles (Jordan & Snyder) YBS Ku & Shen (1965a); Shen & Qiu (1995)
Takifugu vermicularis (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Ku & Shen (1965a); Shen & Qiu (1995)
H. sinensis Gu & Shen 1979 Takifugu alboplumbeus (Richardson) YBS Gu & Shen (1979); Shen & Qiu (1995)
H. spari Shen 1995ab Acanthopagrus schlegelii schlegelii (Bleeker) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Maculifer Nicoll, 1915
M. aprionis Shen, 1986ac Aprion virescens Valenciennes ECS Shen (1986a)
M. dayawanensis Shen & Tong, 1990 Lagocephalus inermis (Temminck & Schlegel) SCS Shen & Tong (1990b)
M. lagocephali (Liu 1999) Cribb 2005 Lagocephalus gloveri Abe & Tabeta TWS Liu (1999)
(Syn. Heterolebes lagocephali Liu, 1999)
M. zhoushanensis Shen, 1986 Takifugu xanthopterus (Temminck & Schlegel) ECS Shen (1986a)
Opistholebes Nicoll, 1915
O. dongshanensis Liu, 1999 Lagocephalus gloveri Abe & Tabeta TWS Liu (1999)
O. microovus Ku & Shen, 1965 Takifugu niphobles (Jordan & Snyder) YBS Ku & Shen (1965b); Shen (1990b)
Takifugu vermicularis (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Sanguinicolidae von Graff, 1907
Cardicola Short, 1953
C. congruenta Lebedev & Mamaev, 1968 Euthynnus affinis (Cantor) SCS Lebedev & Mamaev (1968)
C. grandis Lebedev & Mamaev, 1968 Makaira sp. SCS Lebedev & Mamaev (1968)
Psettarium Goto & Ozaki, 1930
P. japonicum (Goto & Ozaki, 1929) Goto & Ozaki, 1930 Takifugu rubripes (Temminck & Schlegel) ECS Yamaguti (1938)
Paradeontacylix McIntosh, 1934
P. sinensis Liu, 1997 Takifugu oblongus (Bloch) TWS Liu (1997b)
Sclerodistomidae Odhner, 1927
Prosogonotrematinae Vigueras, 1940
Prosogonotrema Pérez Vigueras, 1940
P. bilabiatum Pérez Vigueras, 1940 Triacanthus biaculeatus (Bloch) TWS Wang & Wang (1993)
P. caesionis Gu & Shen, 1979ad Caesio cuning (Bloch) SCS Gu & Shen (1979); Shen (1990f)
P. plataxum Gu & Shen, 1979ad Platax orbicularis (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1979); Shen (1990f)
Prosorchiinae Yamaguti, 1934
Prosorchiopsis Dollfus, 1947
P. plataxonis Gu & Shen 1979 Platax teira (Forsskål) SCS Gu & Shen (1979); Shen (1990f)
Prosorchis Yamaguti, 1934
P. chainanensis Lebedev, 1971 Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen) SCS Lebedev (1971)
P. provitellatus Ku & Shen, 1964 Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen) ECS Ku & Shen (1964b)
Pampus cinereus (Bloch) ECS Shen (1990c)
P. rastrelligi Ku & Shen, 1964 Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) SCS Ku & Shen (1964b); Shen (1990f)
P. xishaensis Shen, 1985 Acanthurus olivaceus Bloch & Schneider SCS Shen (1985b)
Tandanicolidae Johnston, 1927
Monodhelmis Dollfus, 1937
M. torpedinis Dollfus, 1937 Arius sinensis (Lacépède) SCS Gu & Shen (1979); Shen (1990f)
TWS Wang (1982b)
M. fujianensis (Wang, 1982) Cribb & Bray 1994 Miichthys miiuy (Basilewsky) TWS Wang (1982b)
(Syn. Mehratrema fujianensis Wang, 1982)
Syncoeliidae Looss, 1899
Syncoelium Looss, 1899
S. spathulatum Coil & Kuntz, 1963 Prognichthys sp. TWS Coil & Kuntz (1963)
S. cypseluri Yamaguti, 1970 Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre) TWS Shih et al. (2004)
Zoogonidae Odhner, 1911
Lepidophyllinae Stossich, 1903
Brachyenteron Manter, 1934
B. parexocoeti Manter, 1947 Parexocoetus brachypterus (Richardson) SCS Gu & Shen (1979); Shen (1990f)
(Syn. Cypseluritrematoides minor Gu & Shen, 1979) Cheilopogon agoo (Temminck & Schlegel) YBS Shen & Qiu (1995)
Cyselurus oligolepis (Bleeker) TWS Wang (1984)
B. microvaei (Shen, 1987) n. comb. Aprion virescens Valenciennes ECS Shen (1987b)
(Syn. Cypseluritrematoides microvaei Shen, 1987)
Steganoderma Stafford, 1904
S. rhiphidium Wang 1986 Paralichthys olivaceus (Temminck & Schlegel) TWS Wang (1986)
Lecithostaphylus Odhner, 1911
L. nitens (Linton, 1899) Manter, 1947 Platybelone argalus platyura (Bennett) SCS Gu & Shen (1983b); Shen (1990f)
L. fugus Zhang, Qiu & Li 1986 Takifugu niphobles (Jordan & Snyder) YBS Zhang et al. (1986); Shen & Qiu (1995)

L. parexocoeti Manter, 1947

(Syn. Cypseluritrema prognichthydis Shen & Li, 2000, new synonym)

Cheilopogon agoo (Temminck & Schlegel) SCS Shen & Li (2000)

YBS Yellow Sea and Bo-hai Sea, ECS East China Sea, SCS South China Sea, TWS Taiwan Strait

a Tormopsolus echenei Parukhin, 1966 is probably a synonym of Echeneidocoelium indicum Simha & Pershad, 1964 (see Bray & Cribb, 1998)

bThe validity of this taxon was doubted by Cribb & Bray (1999), because they draw attention to the superficial resemblance between this species and certain species of the opecoelid genus Pseudopecoeloides Yamaguti, 1940

cGibson (2002) considered that Proterometra brachyura Wu, Lü & Zhu, 1997, P. lamellorchis Wu, Lü & Zhu, 1997 and P. sillagae Wu, Lü & Zhu, 1997 are clearly not azygiids and are likely to be lepocreadiids

dMiller & Cribb (2008) considered “Pseudosiphoderoides xishaensis Gu & Shen, 1983 a species incertae sedis until its relationship with species in the Metadera/Siphodera group can be critically assessed”

eChoudhury & Dick (1998) considered that Skrjabinopsolus sanyaensis Shen, 1990 does not belong to the Deropristidae

f Pseudocoeliodidymocystis Shen, 1990 was considered a genus inquirendum by Pozdnyakov & Gibson (2008)

gThe full description of this species accompanied by a figure was given by Ku & Shen (1965a), but the species name was given by Shen (1990f)

h Pseudofellodistomum Wang, 1987 was considered a genus incertae sedis by Bray (2008)

i Elliptobursa was removed from the Monorchiidae and placed in the Haploporidae by Madhavi (2008) based mainly on its possession of “a single testis, a long external seminal vesicle, a well-developed prostatic complex, and a long hermaphroditic duct wrongly interpreted as a cirrus”

jBray (1990) considered that Ectenurus carangis Gu & Shen, 1978 and E. megalaspis Gu & Shen, 1978 may be synonymous

kThis synonymy follows Gibson & Bray (1986)

lBray (1991) considered that Lecithochirium miichthydis Wang, 1982, L. muraenesocis Wang, 1982 and L. scomberomori Wang, 1982 are probably members of other genera

mLéon-Règagnon et al. (1996) and Bray & Cribb (2002) considered that Opisthadena fujianensis Tang, Shi & Guan, 1983 and O. marina Tang, Shi & Cao, 1983 are species inquirendae

nBartoli & Gibson (2006) considered that “the description of this species is not detailed enough to confirm its genetic allocation”

oThis synonymy follows Manter & Pritchard (1960) and Bray et al. (1993)

pThis synonymy follows Gibson (2002)

qThis synonymy follows Bray & Cribb (1997)

rBray & Gibson (1995) treated Lepidapedon sphyraenae Shen, 1990 as incertae sedis

sBray & Nahhas (1998) considered that Bianium lianyungangense Shen, 1990 may be close to Lepocreadioides Yamaguti, 1936 based on the position of the genital pore, the lobation of the ovary and the host

tBray et al. (1997) considered that Intusatrium crassum Wang, 1987 is a species inquirenda

uBray & Cribb (1998) considered that “L. pagrosomi Wang, 1982 probably does not belong in Lepocreadioides, as it has an entire ovary and the genital pore, although marginal, is more posterior than is usual for the genus. The figure gives no evidence of tegumental spines or an external seminal vesicle, indicating that the species may not belong in the Lepocreadiidae”

vBray & Cribb (1998) considered that this species may belong in Prodistomum Linton, 1910, because it has blind caeca

wBray et al. (1993) considered that this species is possibly a synonym of Lepocreadium clavatum (Ozaki, 1932) Yamaguti, 1938, because it does not have the characters of Preptetos

x Allomonorchis Lü, Wu & Chen, 1999, erected by Lü et al. (1999) for A. huangfuensis Lü, Wu & Chen, 1999, was originally assigned to the Monorchiidae, but Madhavi (2008) considered that it is “undoubtedly a haploporid, as evidenced by the presence of a single testis, a long external seminal vesicle, a well-developed prostatic complex and a long hermaphroditic duct wrongly interpreted as a cirrus”

yMadhavi (2008) considered Lenolopa Lü & Wu, 1996 as incertae sedis

z Polylecithus Wang & Wang, 1993 was treated as genus inquirendum by Madhavi (2008)

aaBray & Campbell (1996) considered that this species probably belongs to Hamacreadium Linton, 1910

abCribb (2005) considered that “H. spari Shen, 1995 is unlikely to be a genuine opistholebetid. Its reported host is a sparid and, although it is figured as possessing a well-developed postoral ring, the ovary is anomalously well posterior to the testes and the ventral sucker is unusually large”

acCribb (2005) suggested that this species belongs in the Opecoelidae, and perhaps to Macvicaria Gibson & Bray, 1982, because it was recovered from a lutjanid fish and has the genital pore located sinistrally at the level of the prepharynx

adSey et al. (2003) suggested that Prosogonotrema caesionis Gu & Shen, 1979 and P. plataxum Gu & Shen, 1979 may be synonyms of P. bilabiatum Pérez Vigueras, 1940

Mention of a digenean and its host species in this paper does not necessarily imply that we agree with its validity or identification.


From this list, it is clear that digenean parasites in Chinese marine waters have a variety of different levels of host-specificity. The majority have a single fish host, with some having two or three final hosts, but there are 13 known definitive hosts for Erilepturus hamati (Yamaguti, 1934).

As mentioned above, there are various ecological environments and fish hosts off the coast of China. The species of parasite listed above likely represent only a proportion of the marine digenean fauna of China. Much more effort will be required in order to describe and record the entire trematode fauna of marine fishes in this region.


We would like to thank Dr Su Xinzhuan of Laboratory of Malaria and Vector Research, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA and Dr D.I. Gibson of the Natural History Muscum, London, for their kind help with the writing and the two anonymous reviewers for their very useful comments.

Open Access

This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


Sheng-fa Liu, Wen-feng Peng, Peng Gao and Ming-jun Fu have contributed equally to the work.


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