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. 2009 Nov 20;131(19):194510. doi: 10.1063/1.3259653

Manipulating stimulated coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy signals by broad-band and narrow-band pulses

Saar Rahav 1,a), Oleksiy Roslyak 1, Shaul Mukamel 1
PMCID: PMC2792328  PMID: 19929063


A transition-amplitude based representation of heterodyne detected coherent anti-Stokes Raman signals is used to separate them into a parametric component that involves no change in the material and dissipative processes associated with various transitions between states. Qualitatively different contributions from the two processes are predicted for the signal generated by an overlapping narrow (picosecond) and broad-band (femtosecond) pulse.


Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) is a four wave mixing technique widely used since the early days of nonlinear optics,1, 2, 3, 4, 5 which shows narrow two-photon ω1−ω2 resonances (Fig. 1). The technique provides a powerful spectroscopic tool for probing molecular vibrations and for imaging applications.6, 7 Time domain femtosecond techniques with pulse shaping enhance the degree of control over the signals.8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Figure 1.

Figure 1

The molecular levels and the relevant optical transitions in a CARS process.

All third order nonlinear optical techniques, such as CARS, are commonly described in terms of the third order optical susceptibility χ(3), obtained from a perturbative expansion of the density matrix.15 For clarity we first consider frequency-domain heterodyne-detected (i.e., stimulated) CARS, where a molecule is coupled to four optical modes with complex field amplitudes that are defined using E(r,t)=∑jEj exp(ikjrjiωjt)+c.c. This will allow us to introduce the basic ingredients which will be used later to describe multimode broad-band time-domain CARS as superpositions of the frequency domain signals. Time translation invariance requires that the mode frequencies satisfy

ω1ω2+ω3ω4=0. (1)

The signal obtained by measuring mode ωi will be denoted Si. There are four possible signals:3

S1=4πδ(ω1ω2+ω3ω4)I[E1E2E3E4χ(3)(ω1;ω4,ω3,ω2)], (2)
S2=4πδ(ω1ω2+ω3ω4)I[E1E2E3E4χ(3)(ω2;ω3,ω4,ω1)], (3)
S3=4πδ(ω1ω2+ω3ω4)I[E1E2E3E4χ(3)(ω3;ω2,ω1,ω4)], (4)
S4=4πδ(ω1ω2+ω3ω4)I[E1E2E3E4χ(3)(ω4;ω1,ω2,ω3)]. (5)

While Eqs. 2, 3, 4, 5 provide a useful recipe for computing the various signals, it is not obvious from these expressions what is really happening in the material in the course of the χ(3) process. The CARS signal is composed of two different types of processes: Resonant processes, where the molecule makes transitions between different electronic or vibrational states, and parametric processes, which involve an exchange of photons between various field modes but ultimately leave the molecule in its initial state. Separating the two will be one of the goals of this paper. One recipe used to accomplish this goal is to write I(E1E2E3E4χ(3))=I(E1E2E3E4)Rχ(3)+R(E1E2E3E4)Iχ(3), identifying the first term with the parametric process and the second as the contribution of resonant processes.6 We shall show that this applies in some cases but is not generally valid.

The physical interpretation becomes more transparent when we examine the material system directly. In frequency-domain heterodyne experiments the molecule is prepared in a nonequilibrium steady state involving the molecule and the four modes of the radiation field and undergoes transitions between states. Such transitions can be described using scattering theory,16 and their flux is recast in the form

Jfi=πTfi2δ(ωoptωfi), (6)

where ωopt denotes the energy supplied by the optical modes (which is some combination of the mode frequencies ωj, see below), and Tfi is a transition amplitude connecting the initial and final states. ℏωfi=EfEi is the energy difference between the initial and final states of the molecule. To first order in the radiation matter interaction Tfi=−Eμfi and Eq. 6 becomes the Fermi Golden rule. Photon counting statistics is also recast in this form.17 Spontaneous Raman signals, where ω1 is absorbed and ω2 is emitted, are given by the celebrated Kramers–Heisenberg (KH) formula, which coincides with Eq. 6 when T is calculated to second order,18

SKH(ω1,ω2)=E12bμcbμbaω1ωba2δ(ω1ω2ωca). (7)

The KH form implies that the molecule undergoes a transition from state a to state c, at a steady state rate given by Eq. 7.

Pump-probe signals, which involve only two field modes, were recently recast in terms of T matrix elements.19 Here we extend this approach to the more general four mode case of stimulated CARS signals. The CARS signal is recast in terms of transition amplitudes and the parametric and dissipative components of the signals are identified. In addition, certain linear combinations of optical signals are shown to be equal to material fluxes, and are therefore purely dissipative. The expressions for the dissected CARS signals are then used to study the signal from a strong narrow-band pulse with a weaker overlapping broad-band pulse. In this case the resonant and parametric processes make very different contributions to the overall signal, which are analyzed in detail. This application, which demonstrates the usefulness of the transition amplitudes representation, is the main result of this paper.

In Sec. 2 we define the minimal model of frequency domain CARS, a molecule with three relevant levels interacting with four field modes and give the standard expressions for the optical signals in terms of the nonlinear susceptibility χ(3). In Sec. 3 the signals are recast in term of transition amplitudes and dissected into their dissipative and dispersive components. These results are extended to pulses of arbitrary shape and used to analyze the signal from a specific pulse configuration in Sec. 4 The resonant and parametric processes make qualitatively different contributions to the overall signal. Finally, some implications of the results are discussed in Sec. 5.


In this section we define the model and derive expressions for the various CARS signals. The model for the interacting molecule, with relevant states as well as the couplings to the electromagnetic field, is depicted in Fig. 1. a and c are vibrational states belonging to the ground electronic state whereas b is an electronically excited state. The levels a and c are resonantly coupled by two possible Raman processes, with ω1−ω24−ω3≃ωca. The system is described by the Hamiltonian3, 4, 5

H=Hs+Hf+Hint, (8)

with the molecular part,

Hs=ωaaa+ωbbb+ωccc, (9)

and the field part,

Hf=i=14ωia^ia^i. (10)

Within the rotating wave approximation, the dipole coupling between the laser field and the molecule is given by

Hint=(2πω1Ω)12a^1eiω1tμbaba+(2πω2Ω)12a^2eiω2tμbcbc+(2πω3Ω)12a^3eiω3tμbcbc+(2πω4Ω)12a^4eiω4tμbaba+h.c., (11)

which corresponds to the transitions depicted in Fig. 1. We had suppressed the dependence on the photon momentum to simplify the notation.

To set the stage we first present the various CARS signals in the standard χ(3) form. In practice, one only needs to calculate the S4 signal explicitly. All other signals can be obtained from it using various symmetries of the system.

The optical signal, defined as the (integrated) rate of change of the number of photons in the ith mode, is given by

Sidtddt[Tra^ia^iρ^(t)]. (12)

Equations 2, 3, 4, 5 for the signals can be derived from Eq. 12 using the method outlined in Refs. 20, 19. The contributions to χ(3) can be represented by closed time loop (CPTL) diagrams. The calculation of χ(3) in terms of amplitudes representing the wave function in Hilbert space requires pathways on the Schwinger loop involving both forward and backward time evolutions.20

The CPTL diagrams, which correspond to the two processes contributing to the signal [Eq. 5] are depicted in Fig. 2. In (i) the system is excited out of the ground state a, while in (ii) it is excited out of state c. The loop diagrams can be read according to the rules given in Refs. 19, 20 leading to

χ(3)(ω4;ω1,ω2,ω3)=μba2μcb23[P(a)(ω1ω2+ω3ωba+iη)(ω1ω2ωca+iη)(ω1ωba+iη)+P(c)(ω3ω4+ω1ωbciη)(ω3ω4ωaciη)(ω3ωbc+iη)]. (13)

Substitution in Eq. 5 gives

S4=4π4δ(ω1ω2+ω3ω4)I[E1E2E3E4μab2μbc2(P(a)(ω4ωba+iη)(ω1ω2ωca+iη)(ω1ωba+iη)+P(c)(ω3ωbc+iη)(ω2ωbciη)(ω2ω1ωaciη))], (14)

where we further used Eq. 1 to replace some frequency combinations by more compact ones.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

CPTL representation of χ(3)(−ω41,−ω23) contributing to the S4 signal. (i) and (ii) represent the two terms in Eq. 13, respectively. The interaction with the detected mode (ω4) is chronologically the last.

The other signals can be calculated using the same method, or more simply by noticing that they are physically equivalent to S4 under permutations of certain field modes, and of the states a and c. The signal S3 can be obtained from S4 by interchanging modes 1 and 2, modes 3 and 4, and states a and c,

S3=4π4δ(ω1ω2+ω3ω4)I[E1E2E3E4μab2μbc2(P(a)(ω1ωbaiη)(ω4ωba+iη)(ω1ω2ωcaiη)+P(c)(ω2ωbc+iη)(ω3ωbc+iη)(ω2ω1ωac+iη))]. (15)

The signals S1 and S2 can be obtained from S4 and S3 in an even simpler way. One notices that the modes 1 and 4, and similarly 2 and 3, play the similar roles for these pairs of signals. Therefore, exchanging the field modes 1 and 4, as well as 2 and 3, will transform the S4 into S1 and S3 to S2. The remaining signals are given by

S1=4π4δ(ω1ω2+ω3ω4)I[E1E2E3E4μab2μbc2(P(a)(ω4ωba+iη)(ω4ω3ωca+iη)(ω1ωba+iη)+P(c)(ω2ωbc+iη)(ω3ωbciη)(ω3ω4ωaciη))] (16)


S2=4π4δ(ω1ω2+ω3ω4)I[E1E2E3E4μab2μbc2(P(a)(ω1ωba+iη)(ω4ωbaiη)(ω4ω3ωcaiη)+P(c)(ω3ωbc+iη)(ω3ω4ωac+iη)(ω2ωbc+iη))]. (17)


Each of the signals given by Eqs. 14, 15, 16, 17 has contributions from two different types of physical processes: (i) parametric processes, which involve an exchange of photon between different field modes but ultimately leave the molecule in its initial state, and (ii) resonant dissipative processes, which involve molecular transitions from one state to another. The two types of processes play different roles and the ability to separate their contributions can be used to improve and analyze various measurements.

The different roles played by the parametric and resonant components become clear when χ(3) is recast in terms of products of transition amplitudes. These transition amplitudes describe processes where the molecule makes specific transitions through interactions with given field modes. For instance, Tca(2)(ω2,ω1)=E1E2μcbμba(ω1ωba+iη)1E1E2T˜ca(2)(ω2,ω1) corresponds to a second order transition in which the molecule first makes a transition ab, by absorbing a photon from mode 1, and then makes another transition bc, emitting a photon into mode 2. The dressed transition amplitudes T are given by products of the bare amplitudes, T˜, and the field amplitudes. All relevant transition amplitudes for the present application are listed in Appendix A.

Written in terms of bare transition amplitudes, resonant processes assume a generalized KH form. They are proportional to a product of two transition amplitudes, one of which is complex conjugated, between the same pair of states, multiplied by a δ-function expressing conservation of molecule+field energy. Parametric processes, in contrast, are described in terms of a single transition amplitude, Taa, where the system starts and ends in the same state. This representation is not unique since (the imaginary part of) a linear combination of such transition amplitudes is connected to resonant transitions via the optical theorem. The latter states that the probability missing in a state must be balanced by transitions from that state to other states.

We shall partition the S4 signal [Eq. 14] into its parametric and resonant components in two steps. First, the terms in Eq. 14 are brought into a form which is proportional to diagonal transition amplitudes T˜νν(4) plus additional resonant terms. The term proportional to P(a) already has the desired form. The term proportional to P(c) can be brought to a similar form by writing (ω3−ωba+iη)−1=(ω3−ωbciη)−1−2πiδ(ω3−ωbc), and then by taking the complex conjugate of the term with three advanced Green functions. In the second step, each of the terms with three retarded Green functions (T˜νν(4)) is rewritten as a sum of a symmetric and antisymmetric contributions. (The symmetry is with respect to the order of interactions with the field modes.) The optical theorem is then applied to the symmetric combination, recasting it as a sum over resonant processes. The antisymmetric part is identified as the parametric process. This second step is sketched in Appendix B.

The signal finally takes the form

S4=S4,par+S4,dis, (18)


S4,par=4π4δ(ω1ω2+ω3ω4)I(E1E2E3E4)[P(a)RT˜aa(4)(ω4,ω3,ω2,ω1)+P(c)RT˜cc(4)(ω2,ω1,ω4,ω3)], (19)


S4,dis=2π24δ(ω1ω2+ω3ω4){P(a)[E1E2E3E4T˜ba(3)(ω2,ω3,ω4)T˜ba(1)(ω1)+c.c.]δ(ω1ωba)+P(a)[E1E2E3E4T˜ba(3)(ω3,ω2,ω1)T˜ba(1)(ω4)+c.c.]δ(ω4ωba)+P(a)[E1E2E3E4T˜ca(2)(ω2,ω1)T˜ca(2)(ω3,ω4)+c.c.]δ(ω1ω2ωca)+P(c)[E1E2E3E4T˜bc(3)(ω4,ω1,ω2)T˜bc(1)(ω3)+c.c.]δ(ω3ωbc)P(c)[E1E2E3E4T˜bc(3)(ω1,ω4,ω3)T˜bc(1)(ω2)+c.c.]δ(ω2ωbc)P(c)[E1E2E3E4T˜ac(2)(ω1,ω2)T˜ac(2)(ω4,ω3)+c.c.]δ(ω2ω1ωac)}. (20)

The other signals can be treated in a similar manner. For S3 we get

S3=S3,par+S3,dis, (21)


S3,par=4π4δ(ω1ω2+ω3ω4)I(E1E2E3E4)[P(c)RT˜cc(4)(ω3,ω4,ω1,ω2)+P(a)RT˜aa(4)(ω1,ω2,ω3,ω4)], (22)


S3,dis=2π24δ(ω1ω2+ω3ω4){P(c)[E1E2E3E4T˜bc(3)(ω4,ω1,ω2)T˜bc(1)(ω3)+c.c.]δ(ω3ωbc)+P(c)[E1E2E3E4T˜bc(3)(ω1,ω4,ω3)T˜ba(1)(ω2)+c.c.]δ(ω2ωbc)+P(c)[E1E2E3E4T˜ac(2)(ω1,ω2)T˜ac(2)(ω4,ω3)+c.c.]δ(ω2ω1ωac)+P(a)[E1E2E3E4T˜ba(3)(ω3,ω2,ω1)T˜ba(1)(ω4)+c.c.]δ(ω4ωba)P(a)[E1E2E3E4T˜ba(3)(ω2,ω3,ω4)T˜ba(1)(ω1)+c.c.]δ(ω1ωba)P(a)[E1E2E3E4T˜ca(2)(ω2,ω1)T˜ca(2)(ω3,ω4)+c.c.]δ(ω1ω2ωca)}. (23)

The expressions for S1 and S2 can be obtained from S4 and S3 by exchanging the field modes, as was discussed in Sec. 2. However, we will only make use of S4 and S3 in the following application.

An alternative approach for computing the dissipative signals is based on examining molecular fluxes. These are defined as the rates of change of the population in the molecular states,

Jνdtddt[Trννρ^(t)], (24)

with ν=a,b,c. Conservation of probability implies Ja+Jb+Jc=0, which follows from ννν=1^ in the molecular Hilbert space.

It is possible to relate the molecular fluxes Jν to combinations of optical signals Si. This is done by comparing the Heisenberg equation of motion ddta^i,Ha^i,H=(i)[Hint,a^i,Ha^i,H] with ddtνHνH=(i)[Hint,νHνH]. For the interaction Hamiltonian 11, this gives

Ja=S1+S4, (25)
Jc=S2+S3, (26)
Jb=i=14Si. (27)

Equations 25, 26, 27 express the rate of change of molecular populations in terms of combinations of optical signals. This connection is important since optical signals are usually measured in order to study material properties. Equations 25, 26, 27 enforce conditions on the parametric part of the various optical signals. For instance, Eq. 25 means that S1,par+S4,par=0. This can be verified using Eq. 19, and noting that S1,par is obtained from it by exchanging field modes 1 and 4, and similarly modes 3 and 2. (The factor of IE1E2*E3E4* changes its sign under this operation while the rest is left unchanged.) The combinations of signals [Eqs. 25, 26, 27] are purely dissipative and better suited for molecular interpretation.


Signals driven by pulses of arbitrary bandshape can be readily computed as superpositions of the frequency-domain results presented earlier. To that end we need to switch from the discrete mode expression Eq. 18 [or Eq. 21] to a description allowing for a continuous distribution of frequencies. This is done by replacing Ei[Ei*] with ε(ωi)∕2π [εi)∕2π=ε(−ωi)∕2π] and integrating over all frequencies except the one corresponding to the frequency dispersed signal. [ε(ω) is the bandshape of the optical field.] We then have


We now apply the results of Sec. 3 to a specific pulse configuration and show that the resonant and parametric processes lead to distinct components of the signal. The results presented below demonstrate the usefulness of dissecting the signal into its dissipative and dispersive components.

In recent experiments8, 10, 11, 14 molecules were driven by an overlapping broad-band femtosecond and narrow-band picosecond pulse (depicted in Fig. 3)

ε(ω)=ε˜(ω)+2πE0δΔ(ωω0)+2πE0δΔ(ω+ω0), (28)

where ε˜(ω) is the band shape of the broad-band pulse, and E0 is the amplitude of the narrow-band pulse, centered at ω0. δΔ(ω) is a slightly broadened δ-function, of width Δ, describing the shape of the narrow pulse. The narrow-band pulse is strong, so that high-order interactions with it dominate the measured signal. The signal is given by two interactions in the narrow-band and two with the broad-band and we assume that there are no electronic resonances in the frequency range covered by the pulses.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

The pulse configuration [Eq. 28] consists of a broad-band pulse (dashed-green line) and a narrow-band pulse (red-filled line) centered at ω0. Raman resonances at ω0±ωca modulate the broad pulse envelope (blue-solid line).

Due to the Raman interactions with the narrow-band pulse the measured signal shows a series of Raman peaks at frequencies ω0±ωνν where ωνν are vibrational transition frequencies of the molecules. The resulting signal is also depicted heuristically in Fig. 3

In the following we analyze the signal using Eqs. 18, 21, which dissect it into its components. For clarity, we assume a single active vibrational mode, leading to one positive and one negative Raman peak.

The signal outside the frequency range of the narrow-band pulse has two regions, (ω>ω0 and ω<ω0), which will be treated separately. In each region the signal frequency corresponds to a different detection mode out the four discrete modes of Sec. 3 We assume Δ⪡ωca. Typically Δ is a few cm−1 whereas the resonant frequency ωca∼1000 cm−1.

For ω>ω0 the signal is obtained by taking Eq. 18 for S4, replacing the discrete modes by integrals over the pulse band-shape, and identifying these as belonging to either the narrow or broad-band pulse, and then performing some ofthe integrations with the help of the δ-functions. The narrowness of the peak at ω0 allows to make further approximations, leading to a simple form of the signals. Details of the derivation and a general expression are given in Appendix C. Assuming a very narrow band, Eqs. C1, C2 give

S(ω>ω0)=Spar(ω>ω0)+Sdis(ω>ω0), (29)


Spar(ωω0)1π4μba2μcb2[P(c)(ω0ωbc)(2ω0ωωbc)P(a)(ω0ωba)(ωωba)]I[E02ε˜(2ω0ω)ε˜(ω)]dω3δΔ(ω3ω0)R1ωω3ωca+iη, (30)


Sdis(ωω0)14μba2μcb2[P(a)P(c)]δΔ(ωωcaω0){1(ω0ωbc)2ε˜(ω0+ωca)E02+1(ω0ωba)(ω0ωbc)R[E02ε˜(ω0ωca)ε˜(ω0+ωca)]}. (31)

Equation 31 describes the Raman resonance for ω>ω0 for a single vibrational mode and shows a single vibrational transition. Extension to the multimode case is straightforward and would result in additional Raman peaks. This should be contrasted with the parametric part of the signal, Eq. 30, which is not restricted to a narrow frequency range. Instead, it is given by the long range function of ω, ∫dω3δΔ3−ω0)R(ω−ω3−ωca+iη)−1. Additional vibrational or solvent modes would result in parametric contribution in all frequencies. The solvent contributions often dominate the parametric signal.

The derivation of the signal for ω<ω0 is done along similar lines. The main difference is that the frequency of interest must be the lower one in a Raman pair, and therefore corresponding to S3 instead of S4. The derivation is sketched in Appendix C. For a very narrow band, Eqs. C3, C4 give

S(ω<ω0)=Spar(ω<ω0)+Sdis(ω<ω0), (32)


Spar(ω<ω0)1π4μba2μcb2[P(c)(ω0ωbc)(ωωbc)P(a)(ω0ωba)(2ω0ωωba)]I[E02ε˜(2ω0ω)ε˜(ω)]dω4δΔ(ω4ω0)R1ω4ωωca+iη, (33)


Sdis(ω<ω0)14μba2μcb2[P(a)P(c)]δΔ(ω+ωcaω0){1(ω0ωba)2ε˜(ω0ωca)E02+1(ω0ωba)(ω0ωbc)R[E02ε˜(ω0ωca)ε˜(ω0+ωca)]}. (34)

Equation 34 shows a positive Raman resonance at the frequency ω=ω0−ωca, as expected. Note that the Raman peak in Eq. 31 was negative.

Equations 31, 34 are quite similar, except for an overall sign. They only differ by two factors appearing in the pump-probe terms. Since the vibrational transition frequency is much smaller than electronic transition frequencies, ωca⪡ωba, it is justified to use ω0−ωba≃ω0−ωca as long as ω0 is tuned far from the electronic resonances. This means that as long as the field amplitude ε˜ varies slowly on the scale of vibrational transition frequencies, so that ε˜(ω0+ωca)ε˜(ω0ωca)11, the magnitude of the Raman peaks at ω>ω0 and ω<ω0 is essentially the same and the resonant part of the signal is antisymmetric around ω0. The parametric contribution, in contrast, is not antisymmetric even when the above approximations are valid.

We now discuss the relative magnitudes of the parametric and dissipative contributions to the signal assuming that ε˜ is constant in the frequency regime of interest. We can write

R(E02ε˜2)=E0ε˜2cosϕ, (35)
I(E02ε˜2)=E0ε˜2sinϕ. (36)

The phase ϕ controls the magnitude of the parametric and dissipative processes. When ϕ=π∕2 or 3π∕2 the parametric part of the signal takes its maximal value, while it vanishes for ϕ=0 or π. In addition, the two dissipative terms in Eq. 31 or Eq. 34 interfere constructively when ϕ=0 and destructively when ϕ=π.

The narrow peak at ω0 is assumed to have a Gaussian bandshape,

δΔ(ω)=12πΔ2eω22Δ2. (37)

The transition frequencies are chosen as ωba=20 000 cm−1, ωca=1000 cm−1, and ωbc=19 000 cm−1. The narrow peak is assumed to be centered at ω0=10 000 cm−1 and to have width of Δ=10 cm−1. Finally, we take η=1 cm−1.

The different contributions to the signal in the vicinity of the Raman peaks (ω0±ωca) are depicted in Fig. 4 for various values of ϕ, as indicated. The dissipative process presented in Fig. 4 is an ac transition, namely, a Stokes process.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

The Stokes contributions to the CARS signal from processes starting at state a for various values of ϕ, as indicated. The dissipative part of the signal (solid-dark line) given by Eqs. 31, 34, the parametric part (dashed line) given by Eqs. 30, 33, and their sum (thick-blue line). The dissipative part of the signal corresponds to a Stokes process, namely, the transition ac. The width of the signals is determined by Δ, the width of the narrow-band peak. Including the anti-Stokes contribution would reduce the signal without changing the lineshapes.

To understand the relative magnitude of the parametric and dissipative contributions, we note that the parametric signal is proportional to sin ϕ. By comparison, in each of the region of the Raman peaks depicted in Fig. 4, the dissipative part of the signal is proportional to A+B cos ϕ, with A,B of order unity. (The precise values are immaterial for the following qualitative argument.) Therefore, the parametric process give maximal contribution to the signal when ϕ=π∕2 [Fig. 4(i)] or ϕ=3π∕2. Interestingly, the dissipative process is composed of two contributions which can either interfere constructively (ϕ=0) or destructively (ϕ=π). At ϕ=0 [Fig. 4(iii)] only the dissipative signal contributes. Moreover, its contribution is relatively strong. At ϕ=π both the dissipative and dispersive contributions are suppressed.

The above considerations show that it is possible to control the relative contributions of dissipative and dispersive processes to the signal by tuning the phase difference between the narrow-band and broad-band pulses. It should be noted that the parametric contribution may include contributions from additional modes (not included in our simplified model). However, these are expected to be featureless on the scale of Δ, the width of the peaks.


Time-domain CARS measurements are traditionally interpreted in terms of vibrational coherences and represented by double sided Feynman diagrams for the density matrix in Liouville space. That representation allows to naturally incorporate vibrational dephasing. The close time path loop representation used here is more suitable for frequency domain measurements and for describing parametric processes. Vibrational dephasing (which is not discussed here) will require performing ensemble averages over products of amplitudes and is less transparent in this picture. Both representations are exact but highlight different aspects of the process.

In this paper we showed that the loops can be broken into products of two transition amplitudes. One represents forward propagations and its complex composite is time reversed. This representation was used to study the signal resulting from a combination of a narrow (picosecond) and a broad-band (femtosecond) pulse. Such measurements have a mixed time and frequency domain characteristics and can be described by both types of diagrams. We demonstrated that this representation naturally separates the contributions from dissipative and dispersive processes.

The dissipative signal consists of a series of (pairs of) Raman peaks with opposite signs. These peaks were shown to be antisymmetric around the narrow-band pulse. That is, equal in magnitude, but with opposite overall sign, independent of the overall phase difference between the pulses. The dispersive part of the signal breaks this symmetry.

It is interesting to compare the present dissection of the signal, which is based on transition amplitudes, and the method used in Ref. 6. For the part of the signal which is proportional to P(a), χ(3) turns out to be equal to the bare transition amplitude T˜aa(4) (frequency arguments omitted from brevity). In this case, using


and the optical theorem yields identical results to those of Ref. 6.

Interestingly, the part of χ(3) proportional to P(c) is not equal to the bare transition amplitude T˜cc(4). (More precisely, to its complex conjugate.) They differ by a term whose contribution to the (dissipative part of the) signal S4 is


As long as the product of bare transition amplitudes is real both methods of dissecting the signal give the same results. This means that these recipes differ only when T˜bc(3)(ω4,ω1,ω2)T˜bc(1)(ω3) becomes imaginary, that is, when there is an additional resonance.

By inspecting Eq. 20 for the dissipative signal, written in terms of transition amplitudes, we can identify the molecular transitions involved. Focusing on the second order Raman transitions, we see that the ∼P(a) contribution includes a factor of E1E2*E3E4*T˜ca(2)(ω2,ω1)T˜ca(2)(ω3,ω4)+c.c. This allows to associate this signal withinterference between two pump-probe processes, involving modes 1, 2 and 3, 4, respectively. The molecular transition generating this signal is from state a to c through b. This is obviously a Stokes process. This is amusing, as this is the resonant part of the so-called coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy. The “CARS” acronym is more suited for the description of the parametric part of the signal. Similar considerations show that the resonant Raman signal proportional to P(c) is an anti-Stokes process.


The support of the National Science Foundation (Grant No. CHE-0745892) and the National Institutes of Health (Grant No. GM-59230) is gratefully acknowledged.


The transition amplitudes required for the calculation of CARS signals for the level scheme of Fig. 1 are listed below:

T˜ba(1)(ω1)=T˜ba(1)(ω4)=μba, (A1)
T˜bc(1)(ω2)=T˜bc(1)(ω3)=μbc, (A2)
T˜ca(2)(ω2,ω1)=μcbμbaω1ωba+iη, (A3)
T˜ca(2)(ω3,ω4)=μcbμbaω4ωba+iη, (A4)
T˜ac(2)(ω1,ω2)=μabμbcω2ωbc+iη, (A5)
T˜ac(2)(ω4,ω3)=μabμbcω3ωbc+iη, (A6)
T˜ba(3)(ω2,ω3,ω4)=μbcμcbμba(ω4ω3ωca+iη)(ω4ωba+iη), (A7)
T˜ba(3)(ω3,ω2,ω1)=μbcμcbμba(ω1ω2ωca+iη)(ω1ωba+iη), (A8)
T˜bc(3)(ω4,ω1,ω2)=μbaμabμbc(ω2ω1ωac+iη)(ω2ωbc+iη), (A9)
T˜bc(3)(ω1,ω4,ω3)=μbaμabμbc(ω3ω4ωac+iη)(ω3ωbc+iη), (A10)
T˜aa(4)(ω1,ω2,ω3,ω4)=μcbμba2(ω4ω3+ω2ωba+iη)(ω4ω3ωca+iη)(ω4ωba+iη), (A11)
T˜aa(4)(ω4,ω3,ω2,ω1)=μcbμba2(ω1ω2+ω3ωba+iη)(ω1ω2ωca+iη)(ω1ωba+iη), (A12)
T˜cc(4)(ω3,ω4,ω1,ω2)=μabμbc2(ω2ω1+ω4ωbc+iη)(ω2ω1ωac+iη)(ω2ωbc+iη), (A13)
T˜cc(4)(ω2,ω1,ω4,ω3)=μabμbc2(ω3ω4+ω1ωba+iη)(ω3ω4ωac+iη)(ω3ωbc+iη). (A14)


In this appendix we sketch the steps needed to separate the contribution to the optical signal S4 which is proportional to I[E1E2*E3E4*T˜aa(4)(ω4,ω3,ω2,ω1)] into its resonant and parametric parts. [The first term in the right hand side of Eq. 14, which is written in terms of the transition amplitude A12.] While we discuss the signal S4 and processes starting and ending at state a the same considerations would apply to other signals as well as for other diagonal transition amplitudes.

The transition amplitude above represents a four-photon process abcba where a photon from mode 1 is absorbed first, then a photon is emitted into mode 2, and a photon is absorbed from mode 3 and finally a photon is emitted into mode 4. The model discussed here allows also for a time reversed process which starts by absorbing a photon from mode 4, then emitting into mode 3, absorbing from mode 2 and finally emitting into mode 1. The contribution to the signal can be written in a form which takes into account both processes

E1E2*E3E4*T˜aa(4)(ω4,ω3,ω2,ω1)=Tsym+Tas, (B1)


Tsym=12[E1E2*E3E4*T˜aa(4)(ω4,ω3,ω2,ω1)+E1*E2E3*E4T˜aa(4)(ω1,ω2,ω3,ω4)] (B2)
Tas=12[E1E2*E3E4*T˜aa(4)(ω4,ω3,ω2,ω1)E1*E2E3*E4T˜aa(4)(ω1,ω2,ω3,ω4)]. (B3)

This separation is meaningful since Tsym and Tas turn out to correspond to resonant and parametric contributions to the signal.

Eq. 1 can be used to show that T˜aa(4)(ω4,ω3,ω2,ω1)=T˜aa(4)(ω1,ω2,ω3,ω4). This allows to write Tas as

Tas=iI(E1E2*E3E4*)T˜aa(4)(ω4,ω3,ω2,ω1), (B4)

whose imaginary part appears in Eq. 19. This contribution is identified as a parametric process.

Tsym is the sum of the two possible pathways to make a fourth order transition starting and ending at a. It can be recasted as a contribution from resonant terms using the optical theorem

2ITsym=π[E1E2*E3E4*T˜ba(1)(ω1)T˜ba(3)*(ω2,ω3,ω4)+c.c.]δ(ω1ωba)π[E1E2*E3E4*T˜ba(3)(ω3,ω2,ω1)T˜ba(1)*(ω4)+c.c.]δ(ω4ωba)π[E1E2*E3E4*T˜ca(2)(ω2,ω1)T˜ca(2)*(ω3,ω4)+c.c.]δ(ω1ω2ωca). (B5)

Eq. B5 recast the imaginary part of a fourth order forward (aa) scattering amplitude as a sum over all processes leaving the initial state.

Substitution of Eq. B4 [Eq. B5 respectively] in Eq. 14, with the help of Eq. B1, result in the ∼P(a) terms of Eq. 19 [Eq. 20]. The ∼P(c) terms are obtained by first bringing the term to a similar form and then repeating the above steps, as discussed in Sec. 3.


In this appendix we derive the expressions for the dissipative and parametric components of the signal considered in Sec. 4. We start with the signal at ω>ω0 obtained by two interactions with the narrow-band pulse and two interactions with the broad-band pulse. Note that more interactions with the narrow-band pulse can only affect the signal at frequencies which overlap with that pulse (or are very close to it), so we can discard this possibility. Contributions to the signal with either one, or no interactions with the narrow-band pulse may be readily separated out using their different functional dependence on E0. The result of all these considerations is that the signal frequency must play the role of the larger frequency in a pair of modes, which can be chosen as ω4, with ω3 as a mode in the narrow-band pulse. As a result the signal in this case is described by S4, Eq. 18. [Similarly, the case ω<ω0 would lead us to identify the measured frequency as the lower frequency in the Raman pair and use Eq. 21 instead.]

We are yet to identify ω1 and ω2 with frequencies of the broad-band and narrow-band pulses. Since we consider the signal which scale as E02 one of these modes should be taken from the narrow-band pulse. This allows for two different contributions: (i) ω2 in the narrow-band pulse, which forces ω1≃ω>ω0 and (ii) ω1 in the narrow band pulse with ω20. The first contribution is a pump-probe process while in (ii) there are contributions from both sides of the narrow-band pulse.

This leads to

Spar(ωω0)=1π4μba2μbc2{dω2dω3E02δΔ(ω3ω0)δΔ(ω2ω0)I[ε˜(ω2ω3+ω)ε˜(ω)][P(c)(ω3ωbc)(ω2ωbc)P(a)(ωω3+ω2ωba)(ωωba)]R1ωω3ωca+iη+dω1dω3δΔ(ω1ω0)δΔ(ω3ω0)I[E02ε˜(ω1+ω3ω)ε˜(ω)][P(c)(ω3ωbc)(ω1+ω3ωωbc)P(a)(ω1ωba)(ωωba)]R1ωω3ωca+iη}, (C1)


Sdis(ωω0)=14μba2μbc2[P(a)P(c)]{dω21(ω2ωbc)(ωωba)R[ε˜(ω2+ωca)ε˜(ω)]E02δΔ(ω2ω0)δΔ(ωωcaω0)+dω11(ω1ωba)(ωωba)R[E02ε˜(ω1ωca)ε˜(ω)]δΔ(ω1ω0)δΔ(ωωcaω0)}. (C2)

Equations C1, C2 are quite general. However, the presence of the broadened δ-function in Eqs. C1, C2, which is a result of the narrow-band pulse, allows to make further approximations.

We assume that the pulse envelope ε˜(ω), as well as the nonresonant factors of the form (ω−ωba)−1, arising from transitions to and from state b, are slowly varying functions of the frequency on the scale of Δ. We can then replace some of the frequency variables in the slowly varying factors, whose range is limited by the broadened δ-functions, with ω0. For example, in the second factor of Eq. C1, I[E02ε˜(ω1+ω3ω)ε˜(ω)]I[E02ε˜(2ω0ω)ε˜(ω)]. Consistent application of this approximation simplifies the expressions considerably and allows to perform some of the remaining integrations.

This approximation also allows to neglect one of the parametric contributions as it is typically small when compared to the other. This results from the fact that ε˜(ω2ω3+ω)ε˜(ω)ε˜(ω)2 which is real. Since it is the imaginary part of this factor which appears in Eq. C1, we conclude that this term is subdominant as long as E02ε˜(2ω0ω)ε˜(ω) does not turn out to be a real number too. The latter case would require a more careful analysis. Since it is not a typical case, we do not consider it here. Application of the narrow pulse approximation results in Eqs. 30, 31.

The signal for ω<ω0 can be calculated similarly. Here ω must correspond to the lower frequency in a Raman pair. As a result it should be identified with ω3 of Sec. 3, and S3 [Eq. 21] should serve as a starting point for the calculation. Repeating the above steps, we find

Spar(ω<ω0)=1π4μba2μbc2{dω1dω4E02δΔ(ω1ω0)δΔ(ω4ω0)I[ε˜(ω1+ωω4)ε˜(ω)][P(c)(ω1+ωω4ωbc)(ωωbc)P(a)(ω4ωba)(ω1ωba)]R1ω4ωωca+iη+dω2dω4δΔ(ω4ω0)δΔ(ω2ω0)I[E02ε˜(ω2+ω4ω)ε˜(ω)][P(c)(ω2ωbc)(ωωbc)P(a)(ω4ωba)(ω2+ω4ωωba)]R1ω4ωωca+iη}, (C3)


Sdis(ω<ω0)=14μba2μbc2[P(a)P(c)]{dω11(ω1ωba)(ωωbc)R[ε˜(ω1ωca)ε˜(ω)]E02δΔ(ω1ω0)δΔ(ω+ωcaω0)+dω21(ωωbc)(ω2ωbc)R[E02ε˜(ω2+ωca)ε˜(ω)]δΔ(ω2ω0)δΔ(ω+ωcaω0)}. (C4)

Using the narrowness of δΔ(ω) to make further approximations results in Eqs. 33, 34.


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