Quality assurance and audit issues play a major role in maintening large biomedical terminology, such as SNOMED CT. Several automatized techniques have been proposed to facilitate the identification of weak spots and suggest adequate improvements.
In this study, we address a well-known issue within SNOMED CT: Albeit the wording of many free-text concept descriptions suggests a connection to other concepts, they are often not referred to in the logical concept definition.
To detect such inconsistencies, we use a semantic indexing approach which maps free text onto a sequence of semantic identifiers. Applied to SNOMED CT concepts without attributes, our technique spots refinable concepts and suggests appropriate attributes, i.e., connections to other concepts. Based on a manual analysis of random samples, we estimate that approximately 18,000 refinable concepts can be found.
SNOMED CT1 is a large and heterogeneous clinical terminology. This is due to several factors:
It grew out as a meger of two legacy systems (SNOMED RT and NHS Clinical Terms Version 3) with different, partly contradicting design principles2;
It faces constant requests for content inclusion and in the past, this used to be handled quite generously;
The content maintenance and auditing process seriously lags behind the needs.
Due to SNOMED CT’s sheer size, it is impossible to maintain, audit and assure the quality in a completely manual way. Several semi-automated methods have been proposed for detecting defects in terms of content and architecture 8,9,10,11.
A well-known quality problem in SNOMED CT is underspecification. In contrast to “real” errors, content is not false but missing. The advantage is that such problems can be remedied in a monotonous way, i.e., without removing content. Underspecification can be found with numerous SNOMED CT concepts, which – although their textual descriptions exhibit composed meanings – they are not logically related to any other SNOMED CT concept besides their taxonomic parent(s).
For instance, the concept Cerebral function is only related to its parent Nervous system function, yet the expected relation with the concept Brain structure is missing. But as “cerebral” is derived from “cerebrum” (as a synonym of “brain”), a lexicon-based method could infer the missing logical attribution. The inclusion of such an approach in the process of terminology maintenance would help to fill in definitional gaps, thus increasing SNOMED CT’s power of providing semantic interoperability.
This study describes our mechanism to detect underspecified SNOMED concepts and to propose possible refinement attributes by natural language processing methods.
We use the descriptions, concepts, and relationships tables from the English 01/2009 release of SNOMED CT1. The descriptions table provides several synonymous terms for each concept (named SNOMED CT “descriptions”), among them exactly one, unique FSN (fully specified name), exactly one PT (preferred term) and zero to many synonyms.
For our purpose, only the concept status field from the concept table is relevant, as it allows the distinction between active and inactive concepts.
Finally, the relationships table holds the associations between concepts. For our purpose, only the distinction between defining and qualifying relationships is relevant.
Semantic Indexing
Due to the high diversity of natural language expressions in terms of inflection, derivation, and synonymy we perform a conceptual abstraction of the meaning of each description. More exactly, we map a sequence of text tokens (t1, t2, t3,…,tm) to a sequence of morphosemantic identifiers (m1, m2, m3,…,mn), using the MorphoSaurus system5. This system uses so-called subwords5 as lexical units which are defined as the minimum lexical units of meaning-bearing terms in a given domain. Subwords often correspond to word fragments. For example, “hepatitis” is split into the subwords “hepat” and “itis”.
The semantic layer of MorphoSaurus is represented by subword equivalence classes, identified by socalled MIDs (MorphoSaurus identifiers). Each lexical entry is associated with exactly one equivalence class. Equivalence classes group lexical variants, synonyms, and translations. For instance the subwords “hepat” and “liver” are in the same equivalence class, just as “itis” and “inflamm”.
Currently, over 100,000 lexical entries exist in the MorphoSaurus lexicon. This assures a high performance extraction of subwords and their mapping by using finite-state techniques for lexicon-based decomposition, derivation and deflection5.
Morphosemantic indexing was performed for each of the 837,105 active SNOMED CT descriptions yielding and average 4.95 MIDs per description.
Selection of Underspecified Concept Candidates
We selected the candidates which are possibly underspecified concepts according to the following criteria: Firstly, we used active concepts only. Secondly, we excluded all concepts that had defining relationships other than is-a (taxonomic subsumption relationship).
Attribute Harvesting
The attributes of some SNOMED CT concept are all (non-is-a) relation – concept pairs that are assigned to this concept in the relationships table. For instance, the concept Inflammatory disease of liver has the attribute Finding site: Liver structure.
In contrast, the concept Hepatitis notification has no attribute at all, although one would expect a link to the concept Inflammatory disease of liver.
In the latter case we want our system to propose suited attributes. However, we ignore the nature of the relationship and focus on the target concept only.
The reason for this decision is that it is often unclear which existing relationship should be used or whether a new one should be introduced into SNOMED CT.
We developed the following approach:
Let C be a non-attributed concept and FSN C its fully specified name and PC = {P1(C), P2(C), …, Pk(C)} the set of the concept’s direct parents. For any parent Pi(C), again, the FSN is used: FSNPi(C) = FSN(Pi(C)).
So we compare the MID sequences of each element in FSNC with the MID sequences of each element in FSNPi(C) as follows: each MID occurring in both sequences is eliminated from the sequence of the former. For the remaining MID sequence it is checked whether it exactly matches the MID sequence of any other description across the whole set of SNOMED CT descriptions (here not only FSNs). In this case, the concept belonging to that description is suggested as a candidate for refining the original concept.
Evaluation Methodology
For the evaluation of each semantic type (as given by the bracketed expression in the FSN, e.g. Organism, Substance, Body Structure) a random sample of twenty underspecified concepts is extracted and listed together with all the attribute refinement candidate the system proposed. For each of the sample concept a domain expert verified (i) whether this concept should be refined, and (ii) whether one of the suggested refinement candidates can be plausibly used for refinement.
In order to measure the inter-rater agreement, a second domain expert performed the same verifications for half the sample (ten concepts in each hierarchy).
Nearly half (45.2%) of the SNOMED CT concepts (132,125) have no attributes. Our system identified 48,552 (16.6%) as refinable, i.e. suggested on average 2.8 potential target concepts (which, together with a suitable relation, would refine the logical description of the concept under scrutiny).
Table 1 provides the exact figures classified by the main SNOMED CT hierarchies. According to the estimations based on the sample analysis, approx. 18,500 concepts are refinable and for over 12,000 the system suggests the right target concept.
Table 1.
SNOMED hierarchies | Underspecified Concepts | Refinement candidates | Analysis of samples(n=20) | Sample based estimation | |||||
Active Concepts | n | % | n | % | justified refinement | correct suggestion | refinable concepts | with correct suggestions | |
Organism | 31840 | 31840 | 100.0 | 4973 | 15.6 | 0% | 0% | 0 | 0 |
Substance | 23554 | 23554 | 100.0 | 8627 | 36.6 | 55% | 35% | 4700 | 3000 |
body structure | 25637 | 22386 | 87.3 | 15076 | 58.8 | 5% | 0% | 800 | 0 |
qualifier value | 8823 | 8823 | 100.0 | 3533 | 40.0 | 0% | 0% | 0 | 0 |
observable entity | 7885 | 7885 | 100.0 | 3647 | 46.3 | 70% | 50% | 2600 | 1800 |
Finding | 32780 | 5356 | 16.3 | 2253 | 6.9 | 90% | 75% | 2000 | 1700 |
physical object | 4408 | 4408 | 100.0 | 1339 | 30.4 | 85% | 80% | 1100 | 1100 |
morphologic abnormality | 4297 | 4289 | 99.8 | 2164 | 50.4 | 80% | 60% | 1700 | 1300 |
Occupation | 3843 | 3843 | 100.0 | 1330 | 34.6 | 75% | 10% | 1000 | 100 |
Product | 19310 | 3541 | 18.3 | 686 | 3.6 | 100% | 60% | 700 | 400 |
Event | 3578 | 3529 | 98.6 | 447 | 12.5 | 85% | 45% | 400 | 200 |
Disorder | 63874 | 2812 | 4.4 | 1080 | 1.7 | 90% | 60% | 1000 | 600 |
Procedure | 47764 | 2256 | 4.7 | 1001 | 2.1 | 85% | 65% | 900 | 700 |
Others | 14511 | 7603 | 52.4 | 2396 | 16.5 | 75% | 60% | 1800 | 1400 |
TOTAL | 292104 | 132125 | 45.2 | 48552 | 16.6 | 18700 | 12300 |
A closer look on the distribution reveals that in some of the hierarchies not a single concept is provided with any attribute. This is the case with Organism, Substance, Qualifier Value, Observable Entity, Physical Object, and Occupation. This is consistent with the SNOMED CT editing guidelines as applied so far. However, our system also suggested refinement concepts for these hierarchies, e.g. Macaroni for Macaroni maker (occupation), Canada for Salmonella canada (organism), Metal for Metal device, or Acyl carnitine for Acylcarnitine hydrolase (substance). Whereas we rejected all suggestions in the Organism and the Qualifier value branch, we accepted some in the others, as they seemed plausible. However, it must be discussed under a clinical point of view, whether the material a profession uses or the substrate of an enzyme should be specified by SNOMED CT.
Body Structure is another interesting case, as we rejected all offered target concept suggestions and only accepted one of twenty refinability judgment. The reason is SNOMED CT’s idiosyncratic way to emulate part-of hierarchies by taxonomies of socalled “structure” or “part” concepts according to the SEP triplet model6. So the part-of relations were already there (albeit masked by the SEP constructs): Cardiac wall structure isa Heart Part. The proposed target concepts proved useless. We also rejected the suggested refinement of certain body parts by ordinal numbers, such as Fifth metatarsal structure by Five.
A quite common reason to reject the system’s classification of a concept as refinable is that is already sufficiently defined by its parents, such as Female first cousin by the intersection of First cousin and Female cousin. A final analysis tackles the semantic types of the concepts found. Qualifier value accounted for one third, followed by Substance, Body structure, Observable entity, Physical object, Finding, and Person.
Kappa provides a measure of the degree to which two judges, A and B. A ‘judge’ in this context is a domain expert. The interrater agreement analysis yielded only a fair agreement on which sample concepts should be refined (Kohen’s Kappa 0.55). The agreement on whether the correct target concept was proposed was better, with Kohen’s Kappa equalling 0.74.
Several authors addressed error detection in SNOMED CT: Wang et al.11 performed a structural analysis and split SNOMED CT into partitions that contain structurally and semantically related concepts. Two different taxonomies were extracted from SNOMED CT based on the stated relationships between concepts thus allowing the concept hierarchy to be viewed at different levels of granularity.
Whereas the “area taxonomy” (an area contains all concepts with the exact same structure of relationships) highlights structural irregularities, the “p-area taxonomy” presents a finer structure as well as semantic information. Based on those taxonomies, one audit methodology shows errors which appear as irregularities at the structural level in the first taxonomy and highlights structural irregularities found in the second taxonomy. Finally, the p-area taxonomy is reviewed for sets of related concepts based on structural similarity. The main goal of this approach to present high-level (better apprehendable) views of the terminology allowing better navigation and orientation into the content and structure of a terminology together with direct display of structural issues.
Wei et al.12 hypothesized that such errors contribute to the structural disorder and therefore investigated if their correction simplifies the hierarchical structure. The complexity assessment was carried out by using the area and p-area taxonomies. It was then asserted that concepts with one relationship are simpler than ones with more relationships. Also, since p-areas are seen to represent sets of semantically-related concepts, an area with fewer p-areas for the same concept number is considered to have fewer different meanings. Experiments showed that indeed the complexity the more errors are fixed: The number of partial areas became much less when errors were fixed and when erroneous relationships were deleted, the mean number of relationships per class decreased as well.
Campbell et al.13 introduce the “lexically-suggested logical closure” for evaluating the maturity and quality of terminologies and apply this metric to SNOMED-RT’s development progress. They correlate within the terminology the number of omission errors that can be algorithmically detected though analyzing the language structure among the terms. For example, if important relationships are omitted this can lead to incomplete class retrieval, such as in the case of “retinal vasulitis” which was defined as “eye disease” but had no relation to “vasculitis”. A longest common substring algorithm or similarity scoring approach can identify and suggest the latter class as a superclass of the former. The proposed metric is the coefficient of proposed relationships accepted vs. rejected by experts and thus shows the quality of the proposals.
Cornet and Abu-Hanna14 introduced a method for auditing medical terminologies based on detecting (non-primitive) concepts with equivalent logical definitions for higlighting cases where concepts 1) are redundantly defined more than once (but by different terms) or 2) have the same definition but are supposed to be different (i.e., they are underspecified and lack additional information). A description logic reasoner is used first to retrieve the sets of logically equivalent concepts and then those sets are analyzed manually towards detecting the two scenarios. This evaluation method has been applied to the DICE terminology by the authors where four double-defined and 300 underspecified concepts were found. Since SNOMED-CT is based on DL too, this methodology could be directly applied to this terminology as well.
The approach described by Jiang & Chute10 uses Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). Here, SNOMED CT’s normal forms, are reformulated in form of lattice theory. This permits to visualize partial or incomplete orders, such as the SNOMED CT structure, in an information lattice and its consequences and can thus represent the complete (decomposed) semantics underlying concept definitions. Thus anonymous (non-labeled) concepts that appear in several concept definitions are detected and are propose as new (labeled) concepts for inclusion into SNOMED CT. Experiments showed that the more anonymous nodes existed, the smaller was the number of fully defined concepts, which might indicate that SNOMED CT contents are quantifiably semantically incomplete.
Bodenreider et al. 8 proposed proper ontology design principles for SNOMED CT auditing: So should each class have at least one parent, non-leaf classes must have minimum two children and class must be different from any other class in its definition. It was shown that almost a third of all classes with children broke the second rule. On the other hand there exist also classes which have hundreds or even thousands of direct children, hinting that some intermediate classification level(s) is/are missing. Another finding was that the last rule was broken often as well, namely that more than half of all parent/child relations have no differentiae between the parent description and their own.
These approaches seem highly valuable for improving the quality of SNOMED CT, as each of them pinpoints addressed different classes of defects. But in contrast to the methodology we propose, none of them includes any analysis based on the natural language descriptions. From our results above, we conclude that our method is supposed to detect gaps the other presented approaches are unable to identify. However, the reported methodology still has several drawbacks: The MorphoSaurus indexer occasionally creates artifacts due to lexical underspecification. For Struck by falling lumber (event) our system suggests the missing concept lumbar. Furthermore, the subtraction criterion (which compares the MID(s) between the child and the parent concept) sometimes seems too strong: So is Vitamin A overdose a child of Vitamin overdose, but the remainder (A) gives to hint to the associated concept. Too strong may also be the assumption that only those concepts are underspecified that have no attributes at all.
We have proposed a method that supports the audit of SNOMED CT by pinpointing specification gaps in logical concept definitions though exploring free-text descriptions. It targets, first of all, concepts that have no attributes, which currently constitute nearly half of all concepts. By comparing a simplified semantic representation of the meaning of the concepts’ fully specified names with those of their parents, our system generates hypotheses regarding possible attribute candidates. Based on a manual analysis of random samples we estimate that approximately 18,000 SNOMED CT concepts can be refined. A literature survey suggests that the presented approach highlights issues which cannot be found by other existing approaches and thus effectively complements them.
This work was supported by CNPq, National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (Brazil, 550830/2005-7), and the International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany, BRA05/022).
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