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African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicines logoLink to African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicines
. 2006 Aug 28;4(1):75–86. doi: 10.4314/ajtcam.v4i1.31193

Traditional Medicines Among the Embu and Mbeere Peoples of Kenya

P G Kareru a,*, G M Kenji b, A N Gachanja a, J M Keriko a, G Mungai c
PMCID: PMC2816425  PMID: 20162075


Ethnobotanical information and traditional medicines were investigated and documented in Embu and Mbeere districts, Eastern Province of Kenya. Oral interviews were obtained from over 100 herbalists, both men and women aged between 40 and 80 years. All the herbalists interviewed were Christians and had little formal education. Non-Christian herbalists were purported to combine herbal medicines with witchcraft and were not interviewed. Of the 40 commonly used herbal plants 25 were used as multi-purpose medicinal plants (mpmp), while 15 were used to treat one disease type. There was a correlation between the outpatient morbidity data at the local District hospital, and the common incident diseases treated by the herbalists. Generally a decoction or infusion of the herb was recommended for the treatment of internal or external condition of the patients. Malaria and typhoid were treatable with a total of 15 and 12 plants respectively and were among the first two commonest diseases found in the study area. Terminalia brownii was found to be the most used medicinal plant either alone or in combination with other herbs. The second and third most utilized medicinal plants were Ovariodendron anisatum and Wurbugia ugadensis respectively.

Keywords: Herbalists, Herbal medicine, Terminalia, Decoction


Herbal medicines have been used for many years dating back as far as 3000 BC (Ayensu, 1978; WWF, 1993). Despite enormous advances in conventional medicines, traditional medicines have been encouraged by the Word Health Organization (WHO, 1978), partly because some conventional drugs have failed to prove effective, have serious side effects, or cannot cure certain new illnesses such as AIDS.

The World Bank has recently put a strong case for herbal healthcare (Mburu Mwangi, 2005), and recognized vital values of medicinal plants. These values are medicinal, ecological, income generation, cultural, social and religious roles. The World Bank report further pointed out that KenyaP's ministry of Health budget for medicines in 2002 provided for only 30% of the population. This left 70% (21 million) of the population who could not access the conventional drugs. The latter population group was therefore left to rely on traditional medicines for their healthcare needs.

In Africa, 90% of the population relies on traditional healers to meet their primary healthcare needs (Miller, 1990). In sub-Saharan Africa, it is estimated that one Western trained physician treats about 40,000 while one traditional healer treats about 400 patients (Hogle, 1990). This implies that there are many traditional healers serving a large portion of the population. There is need, therefore, to not only carry out ethnobotanical research and healing methods, but also encourage propagation and conservation of herbal plants among the local people. In addition, there is a rapid disappearance of genuine traditional herbalists and decline in authentic knowledge in traditional treatment (Lindsay and Hepper, 1978). This is due to the Western influence and death of many aged healers from whom a great deal of information is derived. It is imperative therefore to document the indigenous knowledge regarding traditional medicines before it disappears.

In Kenya comprehensive ethnobotanical information and healing methods among the local communities is not completed. However, indigenous information of medicinal plants is recorded by several authors: (Glover, 1966; Lindsay and Hepper, 1978; Kokwaro, 1993; Kaendi, 1997; and Musila, 2000), among others. Elsewhere, herbal medicines research has been recently reported: (Barakat, E., Abu-Irmailum. Fatma U. Afifi. 2003; Joana Camejo-Rodrigues et al., 2003; and Lucia Viegi et al., 2003).

In this publication, ethnobotanical information and traditional medicines of the Mbere and Embu people of Eastern province, Kenya is reported. The local herbalists complement the conventional local doctors in the treatment of the common diseases in the study area (Table 1). Documentation of the practices of these herbalists in Embu and Mbeere districts of eastern Province, Kenya, is reported for the first time. It is important to note that indigenous knowledge is passed orally and therefore there is need for comprehensive documentation. These herbalists use herbs whose available plant biodiversity transverses from the rainforests of Mt Kenya slopes to the semi-arid Mbeere District, availing a wide biodiversity of plants.

Table 1.

Outpatient morbidity data for Embu District Hospital*

Year / % 2000 % 2001 % 2002 %
Disease type
Malaria 87898 29.1 128682 31.9 139985 29.4
Respiritory. system 68392 23 93742 23.2 97500 20.5
Intestinal worms 25385 8.4 33796 8.4 36268 7.6
Skin infection 22850 6 25972 6.4 29468 6.2
Pneumonia 14771 5 16515 4.1 18576 4
Diarrhea 10525 3.5 12714 3.2 10913 2.3
Rheumatism 5882 2 9756 2.4 10873 2.3
Eye infection 5333 2 7274 2 12762 2.7
Urinary tract infections 4513 1.5 5644 1.4 6681 1.4
Total new cases 271181 371668 437781

Source: Embu district Health Annual report.

Materials and Method

The main objective of this research was to document indigenous knowledge of the Mbeere and Embu peoples of the Eastern Province, Kenya. This involved documentation of the medicinal plants traditionally used in healthcare, the herbal drugs preparations, the diseases treated, and collection of plant specimens. Preliminary visits were done to identify and select the herbalists to who took part in this study. The Provincial Director, Ministry of Gender, Sports, Culture, and Social Services provided a list of authentic herbalist groups. These groups were selected to cover most of the area under our study. The initial selection was based on the willingness of herbalists to give voluntary information and interaction with researchers during consultative meetings. These meetings were participatory in nature, with researchers as facilitators. The common agenda was to produce a pharmacopoeia of herbal drugs for use by the herbalists in the study area.

Ethnobotanical data was collected during a 12-month period from 110 herbalists practicing in the study area. They were both men and women aged 40 to 80 years. All the herbalists interviewed were Christians. Non-Christian herbalists were said to combine herbal medicines with witchcraft and were therefore avoided.

The indigenous knowledge was collected using Participatory Rapid Appraisal method (PRA). This involved driving around to the identified herbalists. An expert in PRA from the National Museums of Kenya participated in this research. Formal interviews through questionnaires were avoided as it was found to be intimidating to the herbalists, majority of whom were semi- illiterate. A record of responses from individual and groups of herbalists were documented immediately during consultative meetings.

Plant materials were authenticated by comparison with herbarium specimens. Each plant specimen collected was given a herbarium specimen number and the voucher samples kept in the East African Herbarium, and in the Faculty of Science (Botany Department), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (J.K.U.A.T.).


The results are provided in Tables 13.

Table 3.

Medicinal plant species ranking.

Species Name Ranking No of Times Used Diseases Treated
Terminalia brownii 1 6 Allergy, Abortion, Eye problems
Family planning, Kidney, Worms
Ovariodendron anisatum 2 5 Cancer, Calf rejection, Diabetes,
Erectile Dysfunction
Warburgia ugandensis 3 4 Asthma, Erectile Dysfunction, Soup,
Acacia ataxacantha 3 4 Back-ache, Gout, Gonorrhea,
Harrisonia abyssinica 3 4 Back-ache, Joints, Bleeding,
Diarrhea, Malaria.
Olea europaea 4 3 Bone-setting, Stomach pains.
Emilia discifolia 4 3 Allergy, Fungal infection,
Leonotis mollissona 4 3 Malaria, Stomach pains, Worms.
Acacia mellifera 5 2 Backache, Pneumonia.
Fagaropsis angolensis 5 2 Backache, Malaria.
Dalbergia melanoxylon 5 2 Backache, Pneumonia.
Ocimum gratissimum 5 2 Bronchitis, Malaria.
Clerodendrum myricoides 5 2 Cold and Flu, Typhoid.
Prunus africana 5 2 Cancer, Typhoid
Schkuhria pinnata 5 2 Diabetes, Malaria
Flueggea virosa 5 2 Cancer, Kidney problems
Trichilia emetica 5 2 Kidney problems, Skin rashes.
Senna singueana 5 2 Anthrax, Elephantiasis
Tithonia diversifolius 5 2 Stomach pains, Typhoid
Vitex doniana 5 2 Cancer, Vitamins suppliment
Mangifera indica 5 2 Diabetes, Skin burns
Ageratum conyzoides 5 2 Bronchitis, Bleeding
Xerophyta spekei 5 2 Dog bite, Diabetes
Erythrina abyssinica 5 2 Allergy, Malaria
Engleromyces goetzei 5 2 Asthma, Malaria.
Maytenus obscura 6 1 Cancer
Plectranthus barbatus 6 1 Gonorrhoea
Aloe kendongensis 6 1 Gonorrhea
Vernonia lasiopus 6 1 Malaria
Croton macrostachyus 6 1 Bleeding
Grewia virosa 6 1 Cancer
Lonchocarpus eriocalyx 6 1 Diabetes
Cordia africana 6 1 Eye problems
Senna didymobotrya 6 1 Fungal Infection, Ring worms
Albizia gummifera 6 1 Fungal Infection, Ring worms
Ximenia americana 6 1 Gonorrhea
Ajuga remota 6 1 Malaria
Cardiospermum corindum 6 1 Malaria
Zanthoxylum chalybeum 6 1 Rheumatism
Maytenus senegalensis 6 1 Stomach pains
Ranking: 1= Commonly used; 6= Used for only one disease


Herbal medicines played an important role in the provision of health care for the rural poor within the communities under our study. The advantages are clearly low cost of herbal drugs and an element of self - reliance and non-dependency on government health institutions, some of which were located far away from the communities. Traditional health practitioners or herbalists treat patients using the indigenous knowledge acquired over generations, down family lines. This information is usually stored in human pharmacopoeia and hence the need for documentation for posterity. It is also prudent to document the indigenous knowledge due to the rapid disappearance of herbalists with authentic knowledge majority of who are advanced in age.

The herbalists were able to identify poisonous plants, by observing the foliage which domestic animals avoided while grazing. In addition, birds and bees avoided nectar from flowers of toxic plants, and through this “traditional taxonomy” plants with thorny leaves were regarded as “male”, that is, naturally poisonous. On the other hand, plants without thorny leaves were regarded as non-poisonous.

The commonest diseases within the study area were malaria, respiratory disorder, intestinal worms, skin diseases, and pneumonia, rheumatism, diarrhea and eye infections. Their incidences increased in that order. This was confirmed by the Embu District hospital morbidity data covering a three-year period from year 2000 to 2002 (Table 1). These diseases were treatable by the herbalists using common medicinal plants found in the study area. The report shows malaria was the commonest and the most commonly addressed disease by both herbalists and by the doctors at the local hospital. There was a correlation between the number of plants used to treat the most common diseases and the prevalence of diseases found in the study area (Table 2). Thus, the herbalists knew many herbal plants that were used in the treatment of the most prevalent ailments.

Table 2.

Plant species and the healing methods used by the Mbeere and Embu people

Key: (m)=Mbeere; (e)= Embu

Condition/Local Names Plant species Part used
1 Allergy
Muuti (m) Erythrina abyssinica Roots
Mururuku (m) Terminalia brownii Roots
Gatukia (m) Emilia discifolia Roots
The roots are boiled in water and the decoction taken
2. Abortion (persons)
Mururuku (m) Terminalia brownii Leaves
The leaves are boiled in water and the decoction taken
3. Anthrax
Mukengeta (m) Senna singuana Roots
Muthunthi (m) Maytenus senegalensis Leaves
The parts are boiled and the decoction taken by the patient
4. Asthma
Muthiga (e) Warburgia ugandensis Leaves/bark
Mwaraka (e) Plectranthus barbatus Roots
Kieha kia Murangi (m) Engleromyces goetzei Inner fresh
The parts are boiled in water and given to the patient
5. Back-ache and Joint-ache
Muthira (e) Gnidia glauca Roots
Murangare (m) Acacia ataxacantha Roots
Muthigira (e) Acacia mellifera Roots
Muvaa (m) Pappea capensis Roots
Mutagataga (e) Harrisonia abyssinica Leaves/Roots
Mubindithindi (e) Fagaropsis angolensis Leaves
Muvingo (m) Dalbergia melanoxylon Bark
Muura (m) Landolphia buchananii Leaves
Muugu (e) Landolphia buchananii Leaves
The parts are boiled in water and taken with goat's soup
6. Bone-setting (fracture)
Muthata (e) Olea europaea ssp. africana Sap
Karura (e) Asparagus racemosus Roots
Apply sap or root decoction and bandage
7. Boils:
Ikothokotho (m) Cissus rotundifolia Fruits
Sap from the fruit applied on the boil
8. Bronchitis
Makandu (e) Ocimum gratissimum Leaves
Mucuki wa ngig (e)i Ageratum conyzoides Roots
Mumonjore (e) Solanecio sp. Roots
The parts are boiled and the vapour inhaled
9. Bleeding (Blood clotting)
Mutagataga (e) Harrisonia abyssinica Leaves
Mucuki wa Ngigi (e) Ageratum conyzoides Ashes
Mutundu (e) Croton macrostachyus Juice
The decoction of bark is taken, while ashes and the juice are applied to stop bleeding
10. Colds and Flu
Mucobi (m) Hoslundia opposita Leaves
Mutongu (m) Solanum incanum Fruits
Muthuguni (m) Clerodendron myricoides Leaves
Gitunguru (e) Allium ampeloprassum Leaves
Muratina (m) Kigelia africana Bark
Mugaa (1) (e) Acacia abyssinica Tea from the bark
Mugaa (2) (e) Acacia hockii Bark
Munyua-mai (e) Eucalyptus globulus Leaves
Muringamu (e) Eucalyptus saligna Leaves
Ndania (e) Coriandrum sativa Leaves
Mucururi (m) Trichodesma zeylanicum Whole plant
Parts are boiled in water. The patient inhales the vapour or washes face with the decoction
11. Cancer (of Breast and Prostrate Glands)
Muburu (m) Vitex doniana Leaves
Mukururu (m) Flueggea virosa Roots
Ndonga (m) Ovariodendron anisatum Root tuber
Muthunga (e) Launea cornuta Whole plant
Mubuu (m) Grewia villosa Roots
Muraga (m) Maytenus obscura Roots
Muiria (e) Prunus africana Bark
Concoction of the boiled parts is drunk by the patient
12. Calf-rejection
Ndonga (m) Ovariodendron anisatum Root tuber
Concoction given to animal
13. Dog-poison
Mwakia (m) Zanha africana Root tuber
Root powder mixed with food
14. Dog-bite
Kianduri (m) Xerophyta spekei Ashes
Ashes applied to the bitten part
15. Diabetes
Mucege (m) Bidens pilosa Ashes
Mutegenye (m) Cyathula polycephala Ashes
Kianduri (m) Xerophyta spekei Ashes
Add water to ashes and drink
Ndonga(m) Ovariodendron anisatum Ashes
Add water to the ashes and give to the patient
Karuria-Tatha (m) Schkuhria pinnata Whole plant
Boil the whole plant and drink the decoction to reduce sugar levels
Muthunga (m) Launea cornuta Whole plant
Muthigiriri (m) Lonchocarpus eriocalyx Bark
The decoction reduces the sugar levels when drunk
Mwembe (e) Mangifera indica Leaves (shoot)
Dry young shoots of Mangifera indica. Dry Launea cornuta. Mix one teaspoonful of each powder in a cup of
water, drink 3 times a week, and repeat if necessary.
16. Diarrhea
Mutagataga (m) Harrisonia abyssinica Roots
Murerema (e) Basella alba Leaves
Mix the parts with water, boil and drink.
17. Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)
Managu (e) Solanum nigrum Whole plant
Iviuviu (e) Sonchus asper Whole plant
Kungumanga (e) Punica granatum Seeds
Ndonga (e) Ovariodendron anisatum Whole plant
Mugeta (e)-Muthiga Warburgia ugandensis Leaves
Muramba (e) Adansonia digitata Bark
The decoction of parts drunk
18. Eye Problem (infection)
Mururuku (m) Terminalia brownii Leaves
Muringa (m) Cordia africana Bark
Wash eye with decoction
19. Elephantiasis
Mwerere (Kirembo) (e) Euphorbia peudograntii Bark
Mukengeta (e) Senna singuana Bark
Drink decoction of bark
20. Fungal Infection and Ring Worm
Gatukia (e) Emilia discifolia whole plant
Mucii (m) Leucas mollis Leaves
Mwinu (m) Senna didymobotrya Leaves
Mukorwe (e) Albizia gummifera Bark
Mururuku (m) Terminalia brownii Leaves
Apply decoction from boiled parts on the body
21. Family Planning (persons)
Mururuku (m) Terminalia brownii Leaves
Boil leaves in water and drink before action
22. Gout
Murangare (m) Acacia ataxacantha Roots
Decoction from boiled roots taken
23. Gonorrhoea
Murangare (m) Acacia ataxacantha Roots
Mwogoya (m) Plectranthus barbatus Roots
Kithunju (m) Aloe kendongensis Leaves
Decoction of the boiled roots taken
Makongo (m) Agave sisalana Roots
Mutura (e) Ximenia americana Bark
Cong'e (e) Oxygonum sinuatum Leaves
Muruva (m) Grewia tembensis Roots
Decoction from mixture of the parts taken, two cups daily for three days
Mukungumanga (m) Punica granatum Seeds
Mubabai (male) (m) Carica papaya Roots
Gikwa kia ngima (e) Dioscorea minutifolia Tuber
The above parts are boiled together in three cups of water (teaspoon each), one cup of
Decoction taken daily for three days.
24. Insecticide
Muthiringo (m) Strombosia scheffleri Powder of the dry leaves
Murema muthua (m) Carphalea glaucescens Leaves
Muthira (m) Gnidia glauca Leaves
Apply dry powder of the leaves
25. Kidney Problems
Mururi (e) Trichilia emetica Bark
Mukururu (m) Flueggea virosa Roots
Muthaguta (e) Securinega virosa? Bark
Boil parts in water and give to the patient
26. Malaria
Mubindithindi (e) Fagaropsis angolensis Leaves
Mwinu (e) Senna didymobotrya Leaves
Wanjiru-wa-Rurii (e) Ajuga remota Whole plant
Mukurwe (e) Albizia gummifera Bark
Mumonjora (e) Solanecio sp. Leaves
Muuti (e) Erythrina abyssinica Roots
Decoction of the above mixture in boiled water is taken
Mururuku (m) Terminalia brownii Leaves
Mukunyi (m) Cardiospermum corindum Roots
Mutagataga (m) Harrisonia abyssinica Roots
Mugirimura (m) Pentas zanzibarica Roots
Muvovo (m) Leonotis mollissima Roots
Murumbawe (m) Withania somnifera Leaves/Roots
Muterendu (m) Teclea nobilis Leaves
Mataa (m) Ocimum basilicum Leaves
Karuria-tatha (m) Schkuhria pinnata Whole plant
Mukenia (m) Lantana camara Leaves
Mucatha (m) Vernonia lasiopus Leaves
Kithunju (m) Aloe balyi Leaves
Mubuthi (m) Caesalpinia volkensii Leaves
Mutambi (m) Strychnos henningsii Stem
Kivia (e) Engleromyces goetzei Whole fruit
Mugegeti (e) Pistacia aethiopica Bark
Mwarobaine (e, m) Azadirachta indica All parts
Mukandu (m) Ocimum gratissimum Leaves
Njugu (e) Cajanus cajan Leaves
Parts indicated are boiled in water and drunk two times a day for a week.
27. Pneumonia
Mwokia (m) Zanha africana Roots
Mucigara (m) Uvaria scheffleri Roots
Murangare (m) Acacia ataxacatha Roots
Mukumbi (m) Abrus schimperi Roots
Muthigira (m) Acacia mellifera Bark
Kigurugua (m) Commiphora africana Roots
Kithunju (m) Aloe ballyi Leaves
Mugirimura (m) Vernonia brachycalyx Roots
Mucatha (m) Vernonia lasiopus Leaves
Munjuga-iria (e) Clerodendrum myricoides Roots
Decoction of mixture drunk
28. Rheumatism (Joint Pains)
Mubingo (m) Dalbergia melanoxylon Roots
Muthinia (m) Croton dichogamus Roots
Mutiru (m) Lonchocarpus eriocalyx Bark
Mukenenga (m) Zanthoxylum chalybeum Roots
29. Stomach Pains
Mwirungwa (e) Leonotis mollissima Roots
Mucuki (m) Epilobium hirsutum Roots
Muthunthi (m) Maytenus senegalensis Roots
Mutegenye (m) Cyathula polycephala Leaves
Muga-Nthegu (m) Albizia amara Roots
Kirurite (e) Tithonia diversifolia Leaves
Thina (e) Cuscuta kilimanjari Whole plant
Muthaata (m) Olea europaea Leaves
Parts boiled in water and the decoction drunk
30. Shampoo (Hair)
Karundu (m) Hermannia sp. Leaves
Mix the leaves of the plant with water, apply to hair then rinse with water
31. Skin Lashes
Mung'endia Nthenge (m) Senecio succulent Stem
Apply the stem ash
Ikothokotho (m) Cissus rotundifolia Fruits
Mururi (e) Trichilia emetica Sap
Apply sap or fruit juice to lashes or pimples
32. Snake-bite
Ndonga (m) Ovariodendron anisatum Ashes
Kianduri (m) Xerophyta spekei Ashes
Apply ashes to the bite
33. Soup
Muthinia (m) Croton dichogamus Roots
Mukenenga (m) Zanthoxylum chalybeum Roots
Mugeta (m) Warburgia ugandensis Leaves
Boil the parts in water and take with goat's bone soup
34. Tooth-ache
Mwokia (e) Zanha africana Roots
Gakurue (e) Phyllanthus sepialis Roots
Mutongu (m) Solanum incanum Fruits
Mutegenye (e) white Achyranthes aspera Roots
Either apply powdered parts to the tooth or boil the parts and gaggle the decoction
35. Typhoid
Muthithi (e) Osyris abyssinica Leaves/Roots
Mutathi (e) Clausena anisata Roots
Mwiria (e) Prunus africana Bark
Mukambura (m) Dovyalis abyssinica Friuits
Cong'e (e) Oxygonum sinuatum Whole plant
Kiruma (m) Aloe lateritia Leaves
Mixture of parts boiled in water and then drunk
Mwonge (m) Periploca linearifolia Roots
Kirurite (e) Tithonia diversifolia Leaves
Mutootoo (m) Dombeya rotundifolia Bark
Munjuga-iria (m) Clerodendrum myricoides Roots
Murembu (e) Ehretia cymosa Bark
Murava (m) Combretum molle Leaves
Individual parts are boiled in water and drink
36. Ulcers
Gatukia (e) Emilia discifolia Whole plant
Mugere (e) Hibiscus micranthus Roots
Mukeu (e) Dombeya burgessiae Roots
Powder of the parts is mixed with water and boiled, then given to the patient
37. Vitamins Supplement
Muburu (m) Vitex doniana Fruits
Muthigiu (m) Rhus natalensis Tea from bark
Tea or fruits is taken
38. Worms (Human/animals
Mubarwa (e) Albizia anthelmintica Bark/roots
Mwinu (e) Senna didymobotrya Leaves
Muvovo (m) Leonotis mollissima Leaves
Mucaritha (m) Entada leptostachya Roots
Mugeta (m) Warburgia ugandensis Bark
Mururuku (m) Terminalia brownii Bark
Terere (e) Amaranthus hybridus Leaves
Mubera (m) Psidium guajava Leaves
Mubiru (m) Vangueria madagascariensis Leaves
The parts are boiled in water and given to the patient
39. Skin burns
Mwembe (e) Mangifera indica Leaves
Decoction applied
40. Blood pressure
Muthigiriri (e) Lonchocarpus eriocalyx Bark
Muterendu (e) Teclea simplicifolia Leaves
Mukura (e) Piliostigma thonningii Bark
Drink decoction

Medicinal plants species documented in the study area were ranked by the number of times they were used to treat different diseases (Table 3). The ranking ranged from 1 to 6. Rank 1 represented multi-purpose herbs and rank 6 denoted those herbs used to treat one type of ailment without combination with other medicinal plants.

Terminalia brownii was a multi-purpose medicinal plant and among the most used herbal plant for various conditions. It was used as a multi-purpose medicinal plant and was used either alone or in combination with other plants. The second and third most utilized medicinal plants were Ovariodendron anisatum and Warbugia ugadensis respectively. For this reason, these plants should be encouraged for propagation and conservation. In addition, proper methods of harvesting should be used as means of conservation of such multi-purpose medicinal plants.


The herbalists were active in the provision of primary and secondary healthcare in the study areas. Malaria was the commonest disease in Mbeere and Embu districts and could be treated with at least twenty-five medicinal plants, either singly or in combination with other medicinal plants. Respiratory ailments were treated with 21 herbs; Intestinal worms with 9 herbs; Pneumonia with 10 plants; Diarrhea with 23 plants; Rheumatism with 9 herbs and urinary tract infections with 11 herbs. The most used medicinal plants were Terminilia brownii and Ovariodendron anisatum, which treated six and five conditions respectively.


This work was supported by a grant from African institute for Capacity Development (AICAD), situated at JKUAT, and is greatly appreciated. The authours wish to appreciate the information given to them by the Provincial Health Officer at the Embu Hospital. We would also like to thank the Provincial Director, Ministry of Gender, Sports, Culture, and Social Services for identification of authentic herbalists from whom information in this study was obtained. Finally, we thank Geoffrey Mungai of the National Museums of Kenya for helping in PRA work in this research.


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Articles from African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicines are provided here courtesy of African Traditional Herbal Medicine Supporters Initiative