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. 2009;64:1–15-S10. doi: 10.3114/sim.2009.64.01

A class-wide phylogenetic assessment of Dothideomycetes

CL Schoch 1,*, PW Crous 2, JZ Groenewald 2, EWA Boehm 3, TI Burgess 4, J de Gruyter 2,5, GS de Hoog 2, LJ Dixon 6, M Grube 7, C Gueidan 2, Y Harada 8, S Hatakeyama 8, K Hirayama 8, T Hosoya 9, SM Huhndorf 10, KD Hyde 11,33, EBG Jones 12, J Kohlmeyer 13, Å Kruys 14, YM Li 33, R Lücking 10, HT Lumbsch 10, L Marvanová 15, JS Mbatchou 10,16, AH McVay 17, AN Miller 18, GK Mugambi 10,19,27, L Muggia 7, MP Nelsen 10,20, P Nelson 21, C A Owensby 17, AJL Phillips 22, S Phongpaichit 23, SB Pointing 24, V Pujade-Renaud 25, HA Raja 26, E Rivas Plata 10,27, B Robbertse 1, C Ruibal 28, J Sakayaroj 12, T Sano 8, L Selbmann 29, CA Shearer 26, T Shirouzu 30, B Slippers 31, S Suetrong 12,23, K Tanaka 8, B Volkmann-Kohlmeyer 13, MJ Wingfield 31, AR Wood 32, JHC Woudenberg 2, H Yonezawa 8, Y Zhang 24, JW Spatafora 17
PMCID: PMC2816964  PMID: 20169021


We present a comprehensive phylogeny derived from 5 genes, nucSSU, nucLSU rDNA, TEF1, RPB1 and RPB2, for 356 isolates and 41 families (six newly described in this volume) in Dothideomycetes. All currently accepted orders in the class are represented for the first time in addition to numerous previously unplaced lineages. Subclass Pleosporomycetidae is expanded to include the aquatic order Jahnulales. An ancestral reconstruction of basic nutritional modes supports numerous transitions from saprobic life histories to plant associated and lichenised modes and a transition from terrestrial to aquatic habitats are confirmed. Finally, a genomic comparison of 6 dothideomycete genomes with other fungi finds a high level of unique protein associated with the class, supporting its delineation as a separate taxon.

Keywords: Ascomycota, Pezizomycotina, Dothideomyceta, fungal evolution, lichens, multigene phylogeny, phylogenomics, plant pathogens, saprobes, Tree of Life


Multi laboratory collaborative research in various biological disciplines is providing a high level of interaction amongst researchers with diverse interests and backgrounds. For the mycological community, the “Assembling the Fungal Tree of Life” project (AFTOL) provided the first DNA-based comprehensive multigene phylogenetic view of the fungal Kingdom (Lutzoni et al. 2004, James et al. 2006). This has also made it possible to revise the classification of the fungi above the ordinal level (Hibbett et al. 2007). Subsequent work is focused on elucidating poorly resolved nodes that were highlighted in the initial DNA-based phylogeny (McLaughlin et al. 2009).

At the other end of the scale from the tree of life projects, taxon sampling with relatively small numbers of sequence characters are also progressing in various barcoding projects (Seifert et al. 2007, Chase et al. 2009, Seifert 2009). It remains important to link these two ends of the spectrum by also sampling intensively at foci of interest between barcoding and the tree of life. With this in mind it is the aim of this paper and subsequent ones in this volume to provide a broadly sampled phylogeny at class level and below for Dothideomycetes. This result is combined efforts and data from a diverse group of researchers to focus on systematic sampling, therefore developing a more robust fungal class wide phylogeny of Dothideomycetes. This is especially important as a framework for comprehending how fungi have evolved as they shift ecological habitats and adapt to new environments and nutritional modes.

It is apparent that the assemblage of fungi, now defined as Dothideomycetes, exemplifies a dynamic evolutionary history. This is by far the largest and arguably most phylogenetically diverse class within the largest fungal phylum, Ascomycota (Kirk et al. 2008). It contains a heterogeneous group of fungi that subsist in the majority of the niches where fungi can be found. The best-known members of the group are plant pathogens that cause serious crop losses. Species in the genera Cochliobolus, Didymella, Phaeosphaeria, Pyrenophora, Venturia, Mycosphaerella and Leptosphaeria, or their anamorphs, are major pathogens of corn, melons, wheat, barley, apples, bananas and brassicas respectively, in most areas of the world where they are cultivated. Other species are important pathogens in forestry e.g. species in the genera Botryosphaeria and Mycosphaerella and their anamorphs that attack economically important tree species.

Despite a large body of work containing taxonomic, phytopathological, genetic and genomic research, the majority of fungi hypothesised to be members of Dothideomycetes remain under-sampled within a systematic framework. Several studies performed during the course of the last four years have advanced our understanding of these fungi, but phylogenetic relationships of the saprobes, aquatic, asexual and lichenised species remain particularly poorly studied. Indeed, their conspicuous absence in phylogenetic analyses frustrates a broader understanding of dothideomycete evolution.

Dothideomycetes share a number of morphological characters with other fungal classes. It was recently formally described (Eriksson & Winka 1997) replacing in part the long-recognised loculoascomycetes (Luttrell 1955). This redefinition of the loculoascomycetes was mainly prompted by DNA sequencing comparisons of ribosomal RNA genes (Berbee & Taylor 1992, Spatafora et al. 1995) that was subsequently expanded and confirmed (Berbee 1996, Silva-Hanlin & Hanlin 1999, Lindemuth et al. 2001, Lumbsch & Lindemuth 2001). These early phylogenetic studies demonstrated that loculoascomycetes, as it was defined, is not monophyletic, although contrary views exist (Liu & Hall 2004). Nevertheless the majority of analyses have shown that some loculoascomycete taxa, such as the “black yeasts” in Chaetothyriales as well as the lichenised Verrucariales, reside within Eurotiomycetes as subclass Chaetothyriomycetidae (Spatafora et al. 1995, Winka et al. 1998, Geiser et al. 2006, Gueidan et al. 2008). The majority of the remaining loculoascomycete species are now placed in Dothideomycetes. Although finer morphological distinctions between the distantly related members of loculoascomycetes can be made, their synapomorphies remain elusive (Lumbsch & Huhndorf 2007). These findings all point to the fact that a number of loculoascomycete morphological characters are either retained ancestral traits or that they exhibit convergence due to similar selection pressures.

Traditionally the most important morphological characters used to define major groups in Ascomycota were the type of ascus, septation of ascospores, the morphology and development of the ascoma, as well as the structure and organisation of the centrum. Dothideomycetes (and previously, loculoascomycetes) have fissitunicate (or functionally bitunicate) asci, that emerge from ascolocular development in preformed locules within vegetative tissue, that represents the ascoma. The reproductive structures in ascolocular development are derived from cells before fusion of opposing mating types occurs and can contain one or several locules. This form of ascolocular development is in contrast to the ascohymenial development found in most other fungal classes. During ascohymenial development asci are generated in a hymenium and the reproductive structure is derived from cells after fusion of opposing mating types. The fissitunicate ascus has been described for more than a century, but the importance of ascolocular development was first emphasised in 1932 (Nannfeldt 1932). Importantly Nannfeldt's concepts were also the basis for the Santesson's integration of lichens into the fungal classification (Santesson 1952). In fissitunicate asci, generally, the ascospores are dispersed by the rupture of the thick outer layers (ectotunica) at its apex, allowing the thinner inner layer (endotunica) to elongate similar to a “jack in a box”. The elongated endotunica ruptures apically and releases the ascospores forcefully through the ascoma opening. The spores are then released in the air, or in aquatic species, under water. Building on this work and that of others (Miller 1949), Luttrell proposed Loculoascomycetes, synonymous to Nannfeldt's “Ascoloculares” (Luttrell 1955). Importantly, he proposed a correlation between fissitunicate asci and ascolocular development, also emphasising the importance of ascus morphology and dehiscence as well as the development of surrounding elements within the ascoma.

Although the concept of a group of fungi (including the Dothideomycetes) with fissitunicate asci and ascolocular development has been accepted by several authors, much less agreement could be found on ordinal definitions in the era before molecular characters. This ranged from proposing a single order (von Arx & Müller 1975) to three (Müller & von Arx 1962), five (Luttrell 1951, 1955) six (Barr 1979), or seven (Barr 1987). Luttrell initially described a number of important development types centered on descriptions of all tissues inside the ascoma (the centrum concept) and combined this with ascoma structure to define his five orders (Luttrell 1951, 1955). Of Luttrell's initial centrum concepts three are applicable to the Dothideomycetes as they are presently defined. Thus, the Pleospora type, the Dothidea type and the Elsinoë type centra correspond to the dothideomycete orders Pleosporales, Dothideales and Myriangiales, respectively. An important refinement to Luttrell's ideas was introduced with the concept of the hamathecium by Eriksson (Eriksson 1981). This is defined as a neutral term for sterile hyphae or other tissues between the asci in the ascoma (Kirk et al. 2008). For example, hamathecial types can include the presence or absence of pseudoparaphyses, which are sterile cells that extend down from the upper portion of the ascomatal cavity. They become attached at both ends, although the upper part may become free at maturity. Other important concepts introduced by Müller and von Arx (Müller & von Arx 1962) focused on the morphology of the ascoma opening and ascus shape. The Dothidea type centrum in the type species of Dothidea, D. sambuci illustrates several typical dothideomycete morphologies (Fig. 1). These include the thick-walled fissitunicate asci produced within a multilocular stroma.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Dothidea sambuci. A–B. Appearance of ascomata on the host surface. C, F. Asci in cotton blue reagent. D. Vertical section through ascomata illustrating the mutilocule at the upper layer. E. Vertical section through ascomata in cotton blue reagent illustrating the locule. G–H. Ascospores in cotton blue reagent. Scale bars: B = 1000 μm; C = 500 μm; E = 100 μm; F–H = 10 μm.

The most recent dothideomycete class-wide morphological assessments were carried out by Barr (Barr 1979, 1987). Her subclasses were determined based on characters in the centrum, including the absence, presence and types of hamathecial tissues. Consistent with several earlier authors, Barr's ordinal classifications were based on ascomatal shape (perithecioid or apothecioid) and manner in which nutrients are obtained by the fungus (Barr 1987). In addition to these characters she emphasised the importance of finer distinctions in the hamathecium such as the shape and structure of the pseudoparaphyses (Barr 1979, 1987).

The introduction of molecular phylogenies for Dothideomycetes (Berbee 1996) provided an opportunity to verify the significance of various morphological characters used in the aforementioned classifications. The clearest correlation with a DNA sequence-based phylogeny was for the presence or absence of pseudoparaphyses, largely agreeing with the first orders proposed by Luttrell (Liew et al. 2000, Lumbsch & Lindemuth 2001). Barr's concept of applying the shape of the pseudoparaphyses to define orders was rejected by molecular phylogenies (Liew et al. 2000). This set the stage for more comprehensive analyses incorporating protein data, and resulted in the definition of two subclasses, Pleosporomycetidae (pseudoparaphyses present) and the Dothideomycetidae (pseudoparaphyses absent; Schoch et al. 2006). Numerous orders and other taxa remained unresolved outside of these two subclasses.

The most recent class level phylogenetic analyses combining sequences from protein coding genes with ribosomal RNA sequences fortified the view that Dothideomycetes is a monophyletic group (Schoch et al. 2009a, b). Furthermore, strong support was found for a sister relationship between Dothideomycetes and the lichenised class Arthoniomycetes (Lumbsch et al. 2005, Spatafora et al. 2006, Schoch et al. 2009a). This clade was recently defined as a rankless taxon “Dothideomyceta” (Schoch et al. 2009a, b). The Arthoniomycetes consists of a single order (Arthoniales) of lichens and lichenicolous fungi (Ertz et al. 2009) that produce bitunicate asci in ascohymenial apothecia and was proposed as an intermediate group or “Zwischengruppe” (Henssen & Thor 1994). This placement raises intriguing questions regarding the origins of ascolocular development and further illustrates the importance of including lichen-forming fungi in dothideomycete phylogenies.

While considerable progress has been made in defining these fungi the placement of Dothideomycetes in relation to the majority of other Ascomycota classes remains unresolved. Here, greater clarity would likely require a huge increase of characters from genome projects. In this regard, the first phylogenomic studies have shown low resolution for this relationship (Fitzpatrick et al. 2006, Kuramae et al. 2006, Robbertse et al. 2006). This could indicate a rapid radiation event, but more likely suggests taxon sampling bias. This latter view is supported by the fact that none of these studies has included lichenised species that represent about 25 % of the number of species in Ascomycota.

The authors of this volume have focused on two primary goals. These are to considerably expand the taxon sampling of existing orders by including saprobes, asexual species and other poorly sampled groups. Secondly we aim to sample widely within specific environmental niches and present a multigene phylogeny that exposes the highly diverse nature of Dothideomycetes.


DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing

The majority of fungal cultures were obtained from the CBS culture collection and additional sources mentioned in other papers of this volume. DNA was also provided by authors of several papers presented in this volume and the reader is referred to Boehm et al. (2009a), Crous et al. (2009a), Suetrong et al. (2009) and Zhang et al. (2009). For additional details see Table 1 - see online Supplementary Information. Fungal genomic DNA was obtained by scraping mycelium from PDA plates. Samples were subsequently pulverised and the DNA was extracted using the FastDNA® kit and the FastPrep® instrument from MPI Biochemicals (Irvine, CA, U.S.A.). DNA amplifications were completed using Taq polymerase (GenScript, Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A.), with FailSafe™ PCR 2× PreMix E (Epicentre, San Diego, CA, U.S.A.). Primers were used as noted in the Assembling the Fungal Tree of Life project (AFTOL; Schoch et al. 2009a). This resulted in DNA sequence data obtained from the small and large subunits of the nuclear ribosomal RNA genes (SSU, LSU) and three protein coding genes, namely the translation elongation factor-1 alpha (TEF1) and the largest and second largest subunits of RNA polymerase II (RPB1, RPB2). Primer sets used for these genes were as follows: SSU: NS1/NS4; LSU: LR0R/LR5; TEF1 983/2218R (initially obtained from S. Rehner:; RPB2: fRPB2-SF/fRPB2-7cR; RPB1: RPB1-Ac/RPB1-Cr (obtained from V. Hofstetter). Primer sequences are available at the WASABI database at the AFTOL website ( PCRs for these genes were performed in various laboratories of the coauthors mentioned but the majority of reactions were run under conditions described previously (Lutzoni et al. 2004, Schoch et al. 2009a). Two duplicate sets of sequences were inadvertently included in the analysis (indicated in Table 1).

Table 1.

Isolates of Dothideomycetes included in this study. Newly deposited sequences are shown in bold.

Taxon voucher/culture1 SSU LSU RPB1 RPB2 TEF1
Acanthostigma perpusillum UAMH AY856937 AY856892
Aglaospora profusa CBS 123109 GU296130 GU301792 GU349062
Aigialus grandis 1 2Q GU296132 GU301794 GU349063
Aigialus grandis 2 JK 5244A GU296131 GU301793 GU371762
Aigialus parvus A6 GU296133 GU301795 GU371771 GU349064
Aliquandostipite khaoyaiensis CBS 118232 AF201453 GU301796 FJ238360 GU349048
Alternaria alternata CBS 916.96 DQ678031 DQ678082 DQ677980 DQ677927
Amniculicola parva CBS 123092 GU296134 FJ795497 GU349065
Anteaglonium abbreviatum 1 ANM 925.1 GQ221877 GQ221924
Anteaglonium abbreviatum 2 GKM 1029 GQ221878 GQ221915
Anteaglonium globosum 1 SMH 5283 GQ221911 GQ221919
Anteaglonium globosum 2 ANM 925.2 GQ221879 GQ221925
Anteaglonium latirostrum L100N 2 GQ221876 GQ221938
Anteaglonium parvulum SMH 5210 GQ221907 GQ221917
Apiosporina collinsii CBS 118973 GU296135 GU301798 GU357778 GU349057
Apiosporina morbosa dimosp EF114694
Arthopyrenia salicis 1 1994 Coppins AY607730 AY607742
Arthopyrenia salicis 2 CBS 368.94 AY538333 AY538339 GU371814
Ascochyta pisi CBS 126.54 DQ678018 DQ678070 DQ677967 DQ677913
Ascocratera manglicola JK 5262C GU296136 GU301799 GU371763
Asteromassaria pulchra CBS 124082 GU296137 GU301800 GU371772 GU349066
Astrosphaeriella aggregata MAFF 239486 AB524450 AB524591 AB539105 AB539092
Astrosphaeriella bakeriana CBS 115556 GU301801 GU357752 GU349015
Astrothelium cinnamomeum DUKE 0000007 AY584652 DQ782896
Aulographina pinorum 1 CBS 302.71 GU371766
Aulographina pinorum 2 CBS 174.90 GU296138 GU301802 GU357763 GU371737 GU349046
Aureobasidium pullulans CBS 584.75 DQ471004 DQ470956 DQ471148 DQ470906 DQ471075
Bagnisiella examinans CBS 551.66 GU296139 GU301803 GU357776 GU371746 GU349056
Batcheloromyces proteae CBS 110696 AY251102 EU019247
Beverwykella pulmonaria CBS 283.53 GU301804 GU371768
Bimuria novae-zelandiae CBS 107.79 AY016338 AY016356 DQ471159 DQ470917 DQ471087
Botryosphaeria dothidea CBS 115476 DQ677998 DQ678051 GU357802 DQ677944 DQ767637
Botryosphaeria tsugae CBS 418.64 AF271127 DQ767655 DQ767644 DQ677914
Byssolophis sphaerioides IFRDCC2053 GU296140 GU301805 GU456348 GU456263
Byssothecium circinans CBS 675.92 AY016339 AY016357 DQ767646 GU349061
Camarosporium quaternatum CBS 483.95 GU296141 GU301806 GU357761 GU349044
Capnobotryella renispora CBS 215.90 AY220613 GQ852582
Capnodium coffeae CBS 147.52 DQ247808 DQ247800 DQ471162 DQ247788 DQ471089
Capnodium salicinum CBS 131.34 DQ677997 DQ678050 DQ677889
Catenulostroma abietis (as Trimmatostroma abietis) CBS 459.93 DQ678040 DQ678092 GU357797 DQ677933
Catenulostroma elginense CBS 111030 GU214517 EU019252
Catinella olivacea UAMH 10679 DQ915484 EF622212
Cenococcum geophilum 1 HUNT A1 L76616
Cenococcum geophilum 2 CGMONT L76617
Cenococcum geophilum 3 10 L76618
Cercospora beticola CBS 116456 DQ678039 DQ678091 DQ677932
Chaetosphaeronema hispidulum CBS 216.75 EU754045 EU754144 GU357808 GU371777
Cladosporium cladosporioides CBS 170.54 DQ678004 DQ678057 GU357790 DQ677952 DQ677898
Cladosporium iridis (teleomorph Davidiella macrospora) CBS 138.40 DQ008148
Clathrospora elynae CBS 196.54 GU296142 GU323214
Cochliobolus heterostrophus CBS 134.39 AY544727 AY544645 DQ247790 DQ497603
Cochliobolus sativus DAOM 226212 DQ677995 DQ678045 DQ677939
Columnosphaeria fagi CBS 171.93 AY016342 AY016359 DQ677966
Comminutispora agavaciensis CBS 619 95 Y18699 EU981286
Conidioxyphium gardeniorum CPC 14327 GU296143 GU301807 GU357774 GU371743 GU349054
Coniothyrium palmarum CBS 400.71 DQ678008 DQ767653 DQ677956 DQ677903
Corynespora cassiicola 1 CBS 100822 GU296144 GU301808 GU357772 GU371742 GU349052
Corynespora cassiicola 2 CCP GU296145
Corynespora olivacea CBS 114450 GU301809 GU349014
Corynespora smithii CABI 5649b GU323201 GU371804 GU371783 GU349018
Cryptothelium amazonum 47 GU327713 GU327731
Cryptothelium pulchrum 63C GU327714
Cystocoleus ebeneus 1 L348 EU048573 EU048580
Cystocoleus ebeneus 2 L315 EU048572
Davidiella tassiana CBS 399.80 DQ678022 DQ678074 GU357793 DQ677971 DQ677918
Delitschia cf. chaetomioides 1 GKM 3253.2 GU390656
Delitschia cf. chaetomioides 2 GKM 1283 GU385172
Delitschia didyma 1 (duplicate) UME 31411 DQ384090
Delitschia didyma 2 UME 31411 AF242264 DQ384090
Delitschia winteri CBS 225.62 DQ678026 DQ678077 DQ677975 DQ677922
Delphinella strobiligena CBS 735.71 DQ470977 DQ471175 DQ677951 DQ471100
Devriesia staurophora CBS 375.81 EF137359 DQ008151
Devriesia strelitziae CBS 122379 GU296146 GU301810 GU371738 GU349049
Didymella bryoniae (as Phoma cucurbitacearum) CBS 133.96 GU301863 GU371767
Didymella exigua CBS 183.55 GU296147 GU357800 GU371764
Didymocrea sadasivanii CBS 438 65 DQ384066 DQ384103
Diplodia mutila (teleomorph Botryosphaeria stevensii) CBS 431.82 DQ678012 DQ678064 DQ677960 DQ677907
Dissoconium aciculare CBS 204.89 GU214523 GQ852587
Dissoconium commune (teleomorph Mycosphaerella communis) CBS 110747 GU214525 GQ852589
Dissoconium dekkeri (teleomorph Mycosphaerella lateralis) CBS 111282 GU214531 GU214425
Dothidea hippophaës CBS 188.58 U42475 DQ678048 GU357801 DQ677942 DQ677887
Dothidea insculpta CBS 189.58 DQ247810 DQ247802 DQ471154 AF107800 DQ471081
Dothidea sambuci DAOM 231303 AY544722 AY544681 DQ522854 DQ497606
Dothiora cannabinae CBS 737.71 DQ479933 DQ470984 DQ471182 DQ470936 DQ471107
Dothiora elliptica CBS 736.71 GU301811 GU349013
Dothistroma septosporum 1 (teleomorph Mycosphaerella pini) CBS 543 74 GU301853 GU371730
Dothistroma septosporum 2 CBS 112498 GU214533 GQ852597
Elsinoë centrolobi CBS 222.50 DQ678041 DQ678094 GU357798 DQ677934
Elsinoë phaseoli CBS 165.31 DQ678042 DQ678095 GU357799 DQ677935
Elsinoë veneta CBS 150.27 DQ767651 DQ767658 DQ767641
Endosporium aviarium UAMH 10530 EU304349 EU304351
Endosporium populi-tremuloidis UAMH 10529 EU304346_ EU304348
Entodesmium rude CBS 650.86 GU301812 GU349012
Falciformispora lignatilis 1 BCC 21118 GU371835 GU371827 GU371820
Falciformispora lignatilis 2 BCC 21117 GU371834 GU371826 GU371819
Farlowiella carmichaeliana 2 CBS 179.73 GU296148
Farlowiella carmichealiana 1 (as anamorph Acrogenospora sphaerocephala) CBS 164.76 GU296129 GU301791 GU357780 GU371748 GU349059
Floricola striata JK 56781 GU296149 GU301813 GU371758
Friedmanniomyces endolithicus CCFEE 522 DQ066715
Friedmanniomyces simplex CBS 116775 DQ066716
Gibbera conferta CBS 191.53 GU296150 GU301814 GU357758 GU349041
Gloniopsis arciformis GKM L166A GU323180 GU323211
Gloniopsis praelonga 1 CBS 112415 FJ161134 FJ161173 FJ161113 FJ161090
Gloniopsis praelonga 2 CBS 123337 FJ161154 FJ161195 FJ161103 FJ161103
Gloniopsis subrugosa CBS 123346 FJ161170 FJ161210 GU371808 FJ161131
Glonium circumserpens 1 CBS 123342 FJ161168 FJ161208
Glonium circumserpens 2 CBS 123343 FJ161160 FJ161200 GU371806 FJ161126 FJ161108
Glonium stellatum CBS 207.34 FJ161140 FJ161179 FJ161095
Guignardia bidwellii CBS 237.48 DQ678034 DQ678085 GU357794 DQ677983
Guignardia citricarpa CBS 102374 GU296151 GU301815 GU357773 GU349053
Guignardia gaultheriae CBS 447.70 DQ678089 GU357796 DQ677987
Halomassarina ramunculicola 1 (as Massarina ramunculicola) BCC 18404 GQ92538 GQ925853
Halomassarina ramunculicola 2 (as Massarina ramunculicola) BCC 18405 GQ925839 GQ925854
Halomassarina thalassiae (as Massarina thalassia) JK 5262D GU301816 GU349011
Helicomyces roseus CBS 283.51 DQ678032 DQ678083 DQ677981 DQ677928
Hortaea acidophila CBS 113389 GU323202 GU357768
Hortaea werneckii CBS 708.76 GU296153 GU301818 GU357779 GU371747 GU349058
Hortaea werneckii CBS 100496 GU296152 GU301817 GU371739 GU349050
Hysterium angustatum CBS 123334 FJ161167 FJ161207 FJ161129 FJ161111
Hysterium barrianum 1 ANM 1495 GU323182 GQ221885
Hysterium barrianum 2 ANM 1442 GU323181 GQ221884
Hysterobrevium mori 1 CBS 123336 FJ161164 FJ161204
Hysterobrevium mori 2 SMH 5273 GU301820 GQ221936
Hysterobrevium mori 3 GKM 1013 GU301819 GU397338
Hysterobrevium smilacis 1 CBS 114601 FJ161135 FJ161174 GU357806 FJ161114 FJ161091
Hysterobrevium smilacis 2 SMH 5280 GU323183 GQ221912 GU371810 GU371784
Hysteropatella clavispora CBS 247.34 DQ678006 AY541493 DQ677955 DQ677901
Hysteropatella elliptica CBS 935.97 EF495114 DQ767657 DQ767647 DQ767640
Jahnula aquatica R68-1 EF175633 EF175655
Jahnula bipileata F49-1 EF175635 EF175657
Jahnula seychellensis SS2113.1 EF175644 EF175665
Julella avicenniae 1 BCC 18422 GU371831 GU371823 GU371787 GU371816
Julella avicenniae 2 BCC 20173 GU371830 GU371822 GU371786 GU371815
Kabatiella caulivora CBS 242.64 EU167576 EU167576 GU357765
Kalmusia scabrispora 1 MAFF 239517 AB524452 AB524593 AB539093 AB539106
Kalmusia scabrispora 2 NBRC 106237 AB524453 AB524594 AB539094 AB539107
Karstenula rhodostoma CBS 690.94 GU296154 GU301821 GU371788 GU349067
Katumotoa bambusicola MAFF 239641 AB524454 AB524595 AB539095 AB539108
Keissleriella cladophila CBS 104.55 GU296155 GU301822 GU371735 GU349043
Kirschsteiniothelia elaterascus A22-5A / HKUCC7769 AF053727 AY787934
Kirschsteiniothelia maritima CBS 221.60 GU323203 GU349001
Laurera megasperma AFTOL 2094 FJ267702
Lentithecium aquaticum CBS 123099 GU296156 GU301823 GU371789 GU349068
Lentithecium arundinaceum CBS 619.86 GU296157 GU301824 FJ795473
Lentithecium fluviatile CBS 122367 GU296158 GU301825 GU349074
Lepidosphaeria nicotiae CBS 101341 DQ678067 DQ677963 DQ677910
Leptosphaeria biglobosa CBS 303.51 GU301826 GU349010
Leptosphaeria doliolum CBS 505.75 GU296159 GU301827 GU349069
Leptosphaeria dryadis CBS 643.86 GU301828 GU371733 GU349009
Leptosphaerulina argentinensis CBS 569.94 GU301829 GU357759 GU349008
Leptosphaerulina australis CBS 317.83 GU296160 GU301830 GU371790 GU349070
Leptosphearia maculans DAOM 229267 DQ470993 DQ470946 DQ471136 DQ470894 DQ471062
Leptoxyphium fumago CBS 123.26 GU296161 GU301831 GU357771 GU371741 GU349051
Letendraea helminthicola CBS 884.85 AY016345 AY016362
Letendraea padouk CBS 485.70 GU296162 AY849951
Lindgomyces breviappendiculata HHUF 28193 AB521733 AB521748
Lindgomyces ingoldianus ATCC_200398 AB521719 AB521736
Lindgomyces rotundatus HHUF_27999 AB521723 AB521740
Lophiostoma alpigenum GKM 1091b GU385193
Lophiostoma arundinis CBS 621.86 DQ782383 DQ782384 DQ782386 DQ782387
Lophiostoma caulium 1 CBS 623.86 GU296163 GU301833 GU371791
Lophiostoma caulium 2 CBS 624.86 GU301832 GU349007
Lophiostoma compressum IFRD 2014 GU296164 GU301834 FJ795457
Lophiostoma crenatum CBS 629.86 DQ678017 DQ678069 DQ677965 DQ677912
Lophiostoma fuckelii GKM 1063 GU385192
Lophiotrema brunneosporum CBS 123095 GU296165 GU301835 GU349071
Lophiotrema lignicola CBS 122364 GU296166 GU301836 GU349072
Lophiotrema nucula CBS 627.86 GU296167 GU301837 GU371792 GU349073
Lophium elegans EB 0366 GU323184 GU323210
Lophium mytilinum 1 CBS 114111 EF596819 EF596819
Lophium mytilinum 2 CBS 269.34 DQ678030 DQ678081 DQ677979 DQ677926
Loratospora aestuarii JK 5535B GU296168 GU301838 GU371760
Macrophomina phaseolina CBS 227.33 DQ678037 DQ678088 DQ677986 DQ677929
Macrovalsaria megalospora 1 178150 FJ215707 FJ215701
Macrovalsaria megalospora 2 178149 FJ215706 FJ215700
Massaria anomia CBS 591.78 GU296169 GU301839 GU371769
Massaria platani CBS 221.37 DQ678013 DQ678065 DQ677961 DQ677908
Massarina arundinariae 1 MAFF 239461 AB524455 AB524596 AB539096 AB524817
Massarina arundinariae 2 NBRC 106238 AB524456 AB524597 AB539097 AB524818
Massarina eburnea CBS 473.64 GU296170 GU301840 GU357755 GU371732 GU349040
Massarina igniaria CBS 845.96 GU296171 GU301841 GU371793
Massariosphaeria grandispora CBS 613 86 GU296172 GU301842 GU357747 GU371725 GU349036
Massariosphaeria phaeospora CBS 611.86 GU296173 GU301843 GU371794
Massariosphaeria typhicola 1 CBS 123126 GU296174 GU301844 GU371795
Massariosphaeria typhicola 2 KT 797 AB521730 AB521747
Mauritiana rhizophorae 1 BCC 28866 GU371832 GU371824 GU371796 GU371817
Mauritiana rhizophorae 2 BCC 28867 GU371833 GU371825 GU371797 GU371818
Melanomma pulvis-pyrius 1 SMH 3291 GU385197
Melanomma pulvis-pyrius 2 CBS 371.75 GU301845 GU371798 GU349019
Melanomma rhododendri ANM 73 GU385198
Microthyrium microscopicum CBS 115976 GU296175 GU301846 GU371734 GU349042
Microxyphium aciculiforme CBS 892.73 GU296176 GU301847 GU357762 GU371736 GU349045
Microxyphium citri CBS 451.66 GU296177 GU301848 GU357750 GU371727 GU349039
Microxyphium theae CBS 202.30 GU296178 GU301849 GU357781 GU349060
Monascostroma innumerosum CBS 345.50 GU296179 GU301850 GU349033
Monotosporella tuberculata CBS 256.84 GU301851 GU349006
Montagnula opulenta CBS 168.34 AF164370 DQ678086 DQ677984
Mycosphaerella endophytica CBS 114662 GU214538 DQ246255
Mycosphaerella eurypotami JK 5586J GU301852 GU371722
Mycosphaerella graminicola 1 CBS 292.38 DQ678033 DQ678084 DQ677982
Mycosphaerella graminicola 2 CBS 115943 GU214540 GU214436
Mycosphaerella heimii CBS 110682 GU214541 GQ852604
Mycosphaerella latebrosa CBS 687.94 DQ848331 GU214444
Mycosphaerella marksii CBS 110942 GU214549 GQ852612
Mycosphaerella punctiformis (anamorph Ramularia endophylla) CBS 113265 DQ471017 DQ470968 DQ471165 DQ470920 DQ471092
Myriangium duriaei CBS 260.36 AY016347 DQ678059 DQ677954 DQ677900
Myriangium hispanicum CBS 247.33 GU296180 GU301854 GU357775 GU371744 GU349055
Mytilinidion acicola EB 0349 GU323185 GU323209 GU371757
Mytilinidion andinense CBS 123562 FJ161159 FJ161199 FJ161125 FJ161107
Mytilinidion californicum EB 0385 GU323186 GU323208
Mytilinidion mytilinellum CBS 303.34 FJ161144 FJ161184 GU357810 FJ161119 FJ161100
Mytilinidion resinicola CBS 304.34 FJ161145 FJ161185 FJ161101 FJ161101 FJ161120
Mytilinidion rhenanum EB 0341 GU323187 GU323207
Mytilinidion scolecosporum CBS 305.34 FJ161146 FJ161186 GU357811 FJ161121 FJ161102
Mytilinidion thujarum EB 0268 GU323188 GU323206
Mytilinidion tortile EB 0377 GU323189 GU323205
Neofusicoccum ribis (teleomorph Botryosphaeria ribis) CBS 115475 DQ678000 DQ678053 GU357789 DQ677947 DQ677893
Neophaeosphaeria filamentosa CBS 102202 GQ387516 GQ387577 GU357803 GU371773 GU349084
Neottiosporina paspali CBS 331.37 EU754073 EU754172 GU357812 GU371779 GU349079
Oedohysterium insidens 1 CBS 238.34 FJ161142 FJ161182 FJ161118 FJ161097
Oedohysterium insidens 2 ANM 1443 GU323190 GQ221882 GU371811 GU371785
Oedohysterium sinense CBS 123345 FJ161169 FJ161209 GU371807 FJ161130
Opegrapha dolomitica DUKE 0047528 DQ883706 DQ883717 DQ883714 DQ883732
Ophiosphaerella herpotricha CBS 620.86 DQ678010 DQ678062 DQ677958 DQ677905
Ophiosphaerella sasicola MAFF 239644 AB524458 AB524599 AB539098 AB539111
Otthia spiraeae 1 CBS 114124 EF204515 EF204498
Otthia spiraeae 2 CBS 113091 EF204516 EF204499 GU357777
Paraconiothyrium minitans CBS 122788 EU754074 EU754173 GU357807 GU371776 GU349083
Patellaria atrata CBS 958.97 GU296181 GU301855 GU357749 GU371726 GU349038
Patellaria cf. atrata 1 BCC 28876 GU371836 GU371828
Patellaria cf. atrata 2 BCC 28877 GU371837 GU371829
Phacellium paspali CBS 113093 GU214669 GQ852627
Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii 1 CBS 244.38 GU357766 GU371740
Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii 2 CBS 267.37 EF114722 EF114698 GU357770
Phaeocryptopus nudus CBS 268.37 GU296182 GU301856 GU357745 GU349034
Phaeodothis winteri CBS 182.58 GU296183 GU301857 DQ677917
Phaeosclera dematioides CBS 157.81 GU296184 GU301858 GU357764 GU349047
Phaeosphaeria ammophilae CBS 114595 GU296185 GU301859 GU357746 GU371724 GU349035
Phaeosphaeria avenaria DAOM 226215 AY544725 AY544684 DQ677941 DQ677885
Phaeosphaeria brevispora 1 NBRC 106240 AB524460 AB524601 AB539100 AB539113
Phaeosphaeria brevispora 2 MAFF 239276 AB524459 AB524600 AB539099 AB539112
Phaeosphaeria caricis CBS 120249 GU301860 GU349005
Phaeosphaeria eustoma CBS 573.86 DQ678011 DQ678063 DQ677959 DQ677906
Phaeosphaeria juncicola CBS 595.86 GU349016
Phaeosphaeria luctuosa CBS 308.79 GU301861 GU349004
Phaeosphaeria nodorum Broad Genome Genome Genome Genome Genome
Phaeosphaeriopsis musae CBS 120026 GU296186 GU301862 GU357748 GU349037
Phaeotrichum benjaminii CBS 541.72 AY016348 AY004340 GU357788 DQ677946 DQ677892
Phoma betae CBS 109410 EU754079 EU754178 GU357804 GU371774 GU349075
Phoma complanata CBS 268.92 EU754081 EU754180 GU357809 GU371778 GU349078
Phoma exigua CBS 431.74 EU754084 EU754183 GU357813 GU371780 GU349080
Phoma glomerata CBS 528.66 EU754085 EU754184 GU371781 GU349081
Phoma herbarum CBS 276.37 DQ678014 DQ678066 GU357792 DQ677962 DQ677909
Phoma heteromorphospora CBS 115.96 EU754089 EU754188 GU371775 GU349077
Phoma radicina CBS 111.79 EU754092 EU754191 GU357805 GU349076
Phoma zeae-maydis CBS 588.69 EU754093 EU754192 GU357814 GU371782 GU349082
Piedraia hortae CBS 480.64 AY016349 AY016366 DQ677990
Pleomassaria siparia CBS 279.74 DQ678027 DQ678078 DQ677976 DQ677923
Pleospora ambigua CBS 113979 AY787937 GU357760
Pleospora herbarum CBS 191.86 DQ247812 DQ247804 DQ471163 DQ247794 DQ471090
Polyplosphaeria fusca MAFF 239685 AB524463 AB524604
Polythrincium trifolii (as Cymadothea trifolii) 133 EU167612 EU167612
Preussia funiculata CBS 659.74 GU296187 GU301864 GU371799 GU349032
Preussia lignicola (as Sporormia lignincola) CBS 264.69 GU296197 GU301872 GU371765 GU349027
Preussia terricola DAOM 230091 AY544726 AY544686 DQ471137 DQ470895 DQ471063
Pseudocercospora fijiensis (teleomorph Mycosphaerella fijiensis) OSC 100622 DQ767652 DQ678098 DQ677993
Pseudocercospora griseola f. griseola CPC 10461 GU323191 GU348997
Pseudocercospora vitis CPC 11595 DQ289864 GU214483
Pseudotetraploa curviappendiculata MAFF 239495 AB524467 AB524608
Psiloglonium araucanum CBS 112412 FJ161133 FJ161172 GU357743 FJ161112 FJ161089
Psiloglonium clavisporum 1 CBS 123338 FJ161156 FJ161197 FJ161123
Psiloglonium clavisporum 2 GKM L172A GU323192 GU323204
Psiloglonium simulans CBS 206.34 FJ161139 FJ161178 FJ161116 FJ161094
Pyrenochaeta nobilis CBS 407.76 DQ678096 DQ677991 DQ677936
Pyrenophora phaeocomes DAOM 222769 DQ499595 DQ499596 DQ497614 DQ497607
Pyrenophora tritici-repentis 1 OSC 100066 AY544672 DQ677882
Pyrenophora tritici-repentis 2 CBS 328.53 GU349017
Quadricrura septentrionalis CBS 125429 AB524474 AB524615
Quintaria lignatilis CBS 117700 GU296188 GU301865 GU371761
Quintaria submersa CBS 115553 GU301866 GU357751 GU349003
Racodium rupestre 1 L423 EU048576 EU048581
Racodium rupestre 2 L424 EU048577 EU048582
Ramichloridium apiculatum CBS 156.59 GU296189 GU371770
Ramichloridium cerophilum CBS 103.59 GU296190 EU041855
Rasutoria tsugae ratstk EF114730 EF114705 GU371809
Rhytidhysterium rufulum 2 CBS 306.38 GU296191 FJ469672 FJ238444 GU349031
Rhytidhysteron rufulum 1 GKM 361A GU296192 GU301867
Rimora mangrovei JK 5246A GU296193 GU301868 GU371759
rock isolate TRN 111 CBS 118294 GU323193 GU323220 GU357783 GU371751 GU349088
rock isolate TRN 123 CBS 117932 GU323194 GU323219 GU357784 GU371753
rock isolate TRN 137 CBS 118300 GU323195 GU323218 GU357782 GU371749
rock isolate TRN 138 CBS 118301 GU323196 GU323217 GU371750
rock isolate TRN 152 CBS 118346 GU323197 GU323223 GU371752
rock isolate TRN 211 CBS 117937 GU323198 GU323222 GU357785 GU371754
rock isolate TRN 235 CBS 118605 GU323199 GU357787 GU371756 GU349087
rock isolate TRN 43 CBS 117950 GU323200 GU323221 GU357786 GU371755 GU349086
Roussoella hysterioides 1 MAFF 239636 AB524480 AB524621 AB539101 AB539114
Roussoella hysterioides 2 CBS 125434 AB524481 AB524622 AB539102 AB539115
Roussoella pustulans MAFF 239637 AB524482 AB524623 AB539103 AB539116
Roussoellopsis tosaensis MAFF 239638 AB524625 AB539104 AB539117
Saccharata proteae CBS 115206 GU296194 GU301869 GU357753 GU371729 GU349030
Saccothecium sepincola CBS 278.32 GU296195 GU301870 GU371745 GU349029
Schismatomma decolorans DUKE 0047570 AY548809 AY548815 DQ883715 DQ883725
Schizothyrium pomi 1 CBS 406.61 EF134949 EF134949
Schizothyrium pomi 2 CBS 486.50 EF134948 EF134948
Schizothyrium pomi 3 CBS 228.57 EF134947 EF134947
Scorias spongiosa CBS 325.33 DQ678024 DQ678075 DQ677973 DQ677920
Setomelanomma holmii CBS 110217 GU296196 GU301871 GU371800 GU349028
Setosphaeria monoceras AY016368 AY016368
Spencermartinsia viticola (teleomorph Botryosphaeria viticola) CBS 117009 DQ678036 DQ678087 GU357795 DQ677985
Sporormiella minima CBS 524.50 DQ678003 DQ678056 DQ677950 DQ677897
Stagonospora macropycnidia CBS 114202 GU296198 GU301873 GU349026
Stylodothis puccinioides CBS 193.58 AY004342 FJ238427 DQ677886
Sydowia polyspora CBS 116.29 DQ678005 DQ678058 GU357791 DQ677953 DQ677899
Teratosphaeria associata (as Teratosphaeria jonkershoekensis) CBS 112224 GU296200 GU301874 GU357744 GU371723 GU349025
Teratosphaeria cryptica (as Mycosphaerella cryptica) CBS 110975 GU214602 GQ852682
Teratosphaeria fibrillosa 1 CBS 121707 GU296199 GU323213 GU357767
Teratosphaeria fibrillosa 2 CPC 1876 GU214506
Teratosphaeria stellenboschiana (as Colletogloeopsis stellenboschiana) CBS 116428 GU214583 EU019295
Teratosphaeria suberosa (as Mycosphaerella suberosa) CPC 11032 GU214614 GQ852718
Tetraplosphaeria sasicola MAFF 239677 AB524490 AB524631
Thyridaria rubronotata CBS 419.85 GU301875 GU371728 GU349002
Tremateia halophila JK 5517J GU296201 GU371721
Trematosphaeria pertusa CBS 122371 GU348999 GU301876 GU371801 GU349085
Trichodelitschia bisporula 1 CBS 262.69 GU349000 GU348996 GU371812 GU371802 GU349020
Trichodelitschia bisporula 2 (duplicate) CBS 262.69 GU296202
Trichodelitschia munkii Kruys201 DQ384070 DQ384096
Triplosphaeria maxima MAFF 239682 AB524496 AB524637
Trypethelium nitidiusculum 1 139 GU327728 GU327732
Trypethelium nitidiusculum 2 AFTOL 2099 FJ267701
Trypethelium tropicum 25 GU327730
Tubeufia cerea CBS 254.75 DQ471034 DQ470982 DQ471180 DQ470934 DQ471105
Tubeufia paludosa CBS 120503 GU296203 GU301877 GU357754 GU371731 GU349024
Tubeufia paludosa (as anamorph Helicosporium phragmitis) CBS 245.49 DQ767649 DQ767654 DQ767643 DQ767638
Tyrannosorus pinicola CBS 124.88 DQ471025 DQ470974 DQ471171 DQ470928 DQ471098
Ulospora bilgramii CBS 110020 DQ678025 DQ678076 DQ677974 DQ677921
Venturia inaequalis 1 CBS 594.70 GU296205 GU301879 GU357757 GU349022
Venturia inaequalis 2 CBS 815.69 GU296204 GU301878 GU357756 GU349023
Venturia inaequalis 3 (as Spilocaea pomi) CBS 176.42 GU348998 GU349089
Venturia populina CBS 256.38 GU296206 GU323212 GU357769
Verrucisporota daviesiae CBS 116002 GU296207 GQ852730
Verruculina enalia JK 5253A DQ678028 DQ678079 DQ677977 DQ677924
Westerdykella angulata (as Eremodothis angulata) CBS 610.74 DQ384067 DQ384105 GU371805 GU371821
Westerdykella cylindrica CBS 454.72 AY016355 AY004343 DQ471168 DQ470925 DQ497610
Westerdykella ornata CBS 379.55 GU296208 GU301880 GU371803 GU349021
Wettsteinina lacustris CBS 618.86 DQ678023 DQ677972 DQ677919
Wicklowia aquatica AF289-1 GU045446
Wicklowia aquatica CBS 125634 GU266232 GU045445 GU371813
Zasmidium cellare CBS 146.36 EF137362 EU041878
Zopfia rhizophila CBS 207.26 DQ384086 DQ384104

BCC: Belgian Coordinated Collections of Microorganisms; CABI: International Mycological Institute, CABI-Bioscience, Egham, Bakeham Lane, U.K.; CBS: Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Utrecht, The Netherlands; DAOM: Plant Research Institute, Department of Agriculture (Mycology), Ottawa, Canada; DUKE: Duke University Herbarium, Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A.; HHUF: Herbarium of Hirosaki University, Japan; IFRDCC: Culture Collection, International Fungal Research & Development Centre, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Kunming, China; MAFF: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan; NBRC: NITE Biological Resource Centre, Japan; OSC: Oregon State University Herbarium, U.S.A.; UAMH: University of Alberta Microfungus Collection and Herbarium, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; UME: Herbarium of the University of Umeå, Umeå, Sweden; Culture and specimen abbreviations: ANM: A.N. Miller; CPC; P.W. Crous; EB: E.W.A. Boehm; EG: E.B.G. Jones; GKM: G.K. Mugambi; JK: J. Kohlmeyer; KT: K. Tanaka; SMH: S.M. Huhndorf.

Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analyses

Sequences were obtained from WASABI (Kauff et al. 2007) as well as from previous publications (e.g. Lutzoni et al. 2004, Schoch et al. 2009a). Introns were removed and an initial core set of 171 taxa were aligned by using default options for a simultaneous method of estimating alignments and tree phylogenies, SATé (Liu et al. 2009). In order to consider codons without the insertion of unwanted gaps, protein coding fragments were translated in BioEdit v. 7.0.1 (Hall 2004) and aligned within SATé as amino acids. These were then realigned with their respective DNA sequences using the RevTrans 1.4 Server (Wernersson & Pedersen 2003). After the removal of intron sequences the alignment was examined manually in BioEdit with a shade threshold of 40 % and regions with high amounts of gap characters were excluded. This resulted in a reduction of 99 columns in the LSU data set, 118 in RPB1 and 162 in RPB2, for a total of 379. Nothing was removed for TEF1. In order to allow for the extension of our alignment as newly generated sequences became available from other studies in this volume, these were subsequently added to this core alignment with MAFFT v. 6.713 (Katoh et al. 2009). The E-INS-i setting, focused on high accuracy with a high percentage of unalignable regions such as introns, was applied and the SATé alignment was used as a seed. This resulted in a supermatrix of five genes (LSU, SSU TEF1, RPB1, RPB2) consisting of 52 % gaps and undetermined characters out of a total of 6 582 characters. GenBank accession numbers are shown in Table 1.

Conflict tests

Conflict tests on the initial core set of 204 taxa were conducted by selecting single gene data sets and doing comparisons on a gene by gene basis. This was done using the “bootstopping” criterion in RAxML v. 7.0.4 (Stamatakis et al. 2008) under the CIPRES v. 2.1 webportal to produce trees of comparative gene sets where all taxa have the gene present. Comparisons between all potential sets of gene trees with no missing taxa were done using a script (Kauff & Lutzoni 2002) obtained through the Lutzoni lab website and to detect present or absent taxa within clades with a cut-off bootstrap value of 70 %. This is described in more detail elsewhere (Miadlikowska et al. 2006, Schoch et al. 2009a).


A phylogenetic analysis was performed using RAxML v. 7.0.4 (Stamatakis 2006) applying unique model parameters for each gene and codon. The dataset was divided in 11 partitions as previously described in Schoch et al. (2009a). A general time reversible model (GTR) was applied with a discrete gamma distribution and four rate classes following procedures laid out in Schoch et al. (2009). Ten thorough maximum likelihood (ML) tree searches were done in RAxML v. 7.0.4 under the same model, each one starting from a randomised tree. Bootstrap pseudo replicates were performed 2000 times using the fast bootstrapping option and the best scoring tree form 10 separate runs were selected. The resulting trees were printed with TreeDyn v. 198.3 (Chevenet et al. 2006). All alignments are deposited in TreeBASE. Additionally, the data sets were analyzed in GARLI v. 0.96 (Zwickl 2006) using the GTR-gamma-invariant model. In this case 200 bootstraps were run under default conditions.

Ancestral reconstruction

Ancestral reconstructions were performed in Mesquite v. 2.6 with character states traced over 2000 bootstrapped trees obtained with RAxML-MPI v. 7.0.4 (Stamatakis 2006). Following the phylogeny presented (Fig. 2) this reconstruction was performed with a maximum-likelihood criterion using the single parameter Mk1 model. Ancestral states were assigned to a node if the raw likelihood was higher by at least 2 log units than the likelihood value of the other ancestral state(s) according to default settings. Character states were also mapped using TreeDyn v. 198.3 (Chevenet et al. 2006), shown in Fig. 3. This is presented as a clockwise circular tree, starting with outgroup taxa. Only clades with more than two taxa of the same state are shown and bootstrap recovery was not considered in assigning character states. In applying the character states of saprobes (including rock heterotrophs), plant associated fungi (including pathogens, endophytes and mycorrhizae) and lichenised fungi the broad concepts presented were followed as laid out in Schoch et al. (2009a). Some character assessments were taken from Zhang et al. (2009; this volume). Ecological characters of sampling sources, terrestrial, fresh water and marine were assessed based on papers elsewhere in this volume (Suetrong et al. 2009, Shearer et al. 2009).

Fig. 2A–C.

Fig. 2A–C.

Fig. 2A–C.

Fig. 2A–C.

Best scoring ML tree with RAxML and GARLI bootstrap values respectively above (green) and below (red) the nodes. Values below 50 % were removed and branches with more than 90 % bootstrap for both methods are thickened without values. Environmental sources relevant to the papers in this volume are indicated in the key (R-Rock; M-Marine; F-Freshwater; D-Dung; B-Bamboo). Nutritional characters are indicated by colour as per the key.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Simplified ancestral state reconstructions, showing potential transitions between character states. The same phylogeny as in Fig. 2A–C is shown, with the outgroups positioned at twelve o' clock and subsequent clades arranged in a clockwise manner. Characters were traced over 2 000 bootstrap trees and those that were recovered in the majority are coloured on the nodes. In the case of equivocal construction no colour was used (white). To simplify the figure, only clades with two or more neighbouring character states are shown.

Genome analyses

A MCL (Markov Cluster Algorithm) protein analysis of 52 fungi and one metazoan (Drosophila melanogaster) (Table 2 - see online Supplementary Information) and the phylogenetic placement of these species was used to characterise the phylogenetic profile of each cluster. Chytridiomycota and Mucoromycotina each were represented by one and two species, respectively. In Dikarya, Basidiomycota and Ascomycota were represented by 8 and 40 species respectively. The Pezizomycotina (filamentous ascomycetes) was presented by 26 species in four classes [Sordariomycetes (12), Leotiomycetes (2), Dothideomycetes (6) and Eurotiomycetes (6)].

Table 2.

Genomes used for phylogenetic profile. All are opisthokonts; remaining classifications used in Fig. 4 are indicated in columns: Do – Dothideomycetes, ED - Eurotiomycetes & Dothideomycetes, S – Saccharomyceta, A – Ascomycota, Di — Dikarya, MD - Mucoromycotina & Dikarya, CMD - Chytridiomycota, F - Fungi.

Genomes Classifications
Alternaria brassicicola Do ED S A Di MD CMD F
Cochliobolus heterostrophus Do ED S A Di MD CMD F
Mycosphaerella fijiensis Do ED S A Di MD CMD F
Mycosphaerella graminicola Do ED S A Di MD CMD F
Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Do ED S A Di MD CMD F
Stagonospora nodorum Do ED S A Di MD CMD F
Aspergillus fumigatus ED S A Di MD CMD F
Aspergillus nidulans ED S A Di MD CMD F
Aspergillus terreus ED S A Di MD CMD F
Coccidioides immitis ED S A Di MD CMD F
Histoplasma capsulatum ED S A Di MD CMD F
Uncinocarpus reesii ED S A Di MD CMD F
Ashbya gossypii S A Di MD CMD F
Botrytis cinerea S A Di MD CMD F
Candida albicans S A Di MD CMD F
Candida glabrata S A Di MD CMD F
Candida guilliermondii S A Di MD CMD F
Candida lusitaniae S A Di MD CMD F
Chaetomium globosum S A Di MD CMD F
Debaryomyces hansenii S A Di MD CMD F
Fusarium graminearum S A Di MD CMD F
Fusarium oxysporum S A Di MD CMD F
Fusarium verticillioides S A Di MD CMD F
Kluyveromyces lactis S A Di MD CMD F
Laccaria bicolor S A Di MD CMD F
Lodderomyces elongisporus S A Di MD CMD F
Magnaporthe grisea S A Di MD CMD F
Nectria haematococca S A Di MD CMD F
Neurospora crassa S A Di MD CMD F
Pichia stipitis S A Di MD CMD F
Podospora anserina S A Di MD CMD F
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S A Di MD CMD F
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum S A Di MD CMD F
Sporobolomyces roseus S A Di MD CMD F
Trichoderma atroviride S A Di MD CMD F
Trichoderma reseei S A Di MD CMD F
Trichoderma virens S A Di MD CMD F
Verticillium dahliae S A Di MD CMD F
Yarrowia lipolytica S A Di MD CMD F
Schizosaccharomyces japonicus A Di MD CMD F
Schizosaccharomyces octosporus A Di MD CMD F
Schizosaccharomyces pombe A Di MD CMD F
Coprinus cinereus Di MD CMD F
Cryptococcus neoformans Di MD CMD F
Phanerochaete chrysosporium Di MD CMD F
Postia placenta Di MD CMD F
Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Di MD CMD F
Ustilago maydis Di MD CMD F
Phycomyces blakesleeanus MD CMD F
Rhizopus oryzae MD CMD F
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis CMD F
Encephalitozoon cuniculi F
Drosophila melanogaster


Taxon sampling

The phylogram presented in Fig. 2 represents the largest ever phylogenetic assessment of Dothideomycetes to date. Here the focus has been on expanding taxon diversity in the class while specifically avoiding a small number of taxa that other analyses suggest reside on long unstable branches. This still allowed for an extensive sweep of dothideomycete taxon diversity; in doing so we followed the premise of allowing for missing data in our supermatrix (Wiens 2006). An effort was made to intersperse taxa with poor character sampling amongst those having better sampling throughout the tree, but the inclusion of missing characters could still have unanticipated effects on phylogenetic assessments (Lemmon et al. 2009). While recognising this caveat, a recent expansive data set covering all of Ascomycota noted very little changes in major nodes even after the removal of taxa with high proportions of missing characters (Schoch et al. 2009a). The phylogeny presented here agrees well with broad phylogenies in this volume and elsewhere (Schoch et al. 2006, Crous et al. 2007a, Zhang et al. 2008, Crous et al. 2009b). After all introns and 379 ambiguous character positions were removed, the matrix consisted of 52 % missing and indeterminate characters. This maximum-likelihood analysis had 5 069 distinct alignment patterns and produced a best known likely tree with a log likelihood of -207247.761117.

Evolution of nutritional modes

The ancestral reconstructions in Fig. 3 indicate that phytopathogenicity can be confined to a number of terminal clades throughout the tree and that these always reside within saprobic lineages. A maximum of seven transitions likely occurred in several lineages of the orders Pleosporales, Capnodiales and singular lineages in Myriangiales, Botryosphaeriales and Venturiaceae (also see in this volume; Crous et al. 2009a, Zhang et al. 2009). Several transitions to lichenisation have also occurred, although phylogenetic uncertainty may limit this to a minimum of two. Due to the use of lichenised Arthoniomycetes as outgroup a broader assessment is required to determine whether the Dothideomycetes evolved from a lichenised ancestor. Previous studies suggested that the saprobic habit is an ancestral trait but only with marginal support (Schoch et al. 2009a). Similar conclusions can be reached for the aquatic ecological characters – the majority of fresh water and marine clades reside within terrestrial clades as has been shown previously e.g. (Spatafora et al. 1998, Vijaykrishna et al. 2006). Transitions from a terrestrial life style to fresh water likely occurred at least three times and transitions to marine environments up to six times. Phylogenetic uncertainty for the placement of some marine clades can limit this to a minimum of four times (Fig. 2). Reversions from aquatic to terrestrial environments are rare, with one possible exception in the Lentitheciaceae where bambusicolous saprobes reside, nested within several fungi occurring in freshwater habitats (for additional details see Zhang et al. 2009; this volume). Phylogenetic resolution will have to improve to test this further.

An analysis of recently released genomes was compared to consider whether genome composition reinforces phylogenetic support for Dothideomycetes (Fig. 4). Relative to a clustering analysis of proteins from 52 sequenced fungi and Drosophila melanogaster, about 5 515 protein coding genes from Dothideomycetes shared protein clusters with proteins from other dothideomycete fungi only. This comprises roughly 8–11 % of the protein coding genes in each of six sequenced Dothideomycetes. The species profile of each protein cluster was used to assign a phylogenetically informed designation. The profiles most frequently seen were those of the most conserved proteins, namely clusters designated as having a shared Ophistokont phylogenetic profile. Among the more derived nodes of the Dothideomycetes, protein clusters were observed that had a species composition that could reflect the result of selection pressure on more distantly related fungi that share the same niche.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

Pie chart showing relative numbers of unique proteins per genome according to taxonomic classification.

A phylogenomic profile (Fig. 4) of the proteins from six Dothideomycetes from the two largest orders seen in Fig. 1 is presented (Mycosphaerella graminicola, Mycosphaerella fijiensis, Phaeosphaeria nodorum, Alternaria brassicicola, Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, Cochliobolus heterostrophus). The highest percentage of proteins (excluding species specific proteins) were conserved outside kingdom Fungi (Ophistokont node, 23 %), followed by proteins specific for the Dikarya (14 %) and the Pezizomycotina (13 %). This breakdown was also prevalent within other Pezizomycotina classes. Approximately 8 % of the proteins from the six Dothideomycetes were conserved across and within derived nodes in this class. Relative to this analysis 28 % of the proteins were specific to the Dothideomycetes (including species specific proteins). The other class containing loculoascomyetes, Eurotiomycetes, had 19.5 % proteins characterised as class specific. This means the percentage dothideomycete specific proteins were about 8.5 % more. Eurotiomycetes in the analysis were mostly human pathogens, with most having no known sexual state whereas the Dothideomycetes in the analysis were all plant pathogens and mostly with known sexual states. This breakdown of nutritional modes, although not comprehensive for these two classes, is somewhat representative. In Eurotiomycetes human pathogens are more diverse and plant pathogens uncommon, with the converse being true for Dothideomycetes. Both classes contain melanised species with similar morphologies and more comprehensive comparative studies need to expand sampling to incorporate species from the different nutritional modes for both classes.

Phylogenetic relationships

In the phylogram presented (Fig. 2) the two dothideomycete subclasses previously described based on presence or absence of pseudoparaphyses (Schoch et al. 2006) could be recovered with varying levels of bootstrap representation. Subclass Pleosporomycetidae previously included Pleosporales plus a single species, representing Mytilinidiaceae, namely Lophium mytilinum (Schoch et al. 2006). Taxon sampling for the Mytilinidiaceae was considerably expanded by Boehm et al. (2009b), with the addition of a number of new taxa, leading to the establishment of the Mytilinidiales. Likewise, extensive taxon sampling for the family Hysteriaceae led to a newly redefined Hysteriales also included in this subclass (Boehm et al. 2009a; this volume). It appears that persistent, hysteriaceous carbonaceous ascomata that dehisce via a longitudinal slit (e.g., hysterothecia) have evolved multiple times within Pleosporomycetidae (Mugambi & Huhndorf 2009,Mugambi & Huhndorf 2009). Pleosporomycetidae can be expanded to tentatively include Jahnulales (Fig. 2B) based on strong bootstrap support from RAxML analyses and morphology. Perithecioid ascomata and a hamathecium of wide cellular pseudoparaphyses are characteristic of Jahnulales (Inderbitzin et al. 2001, Pang et al. 2002; Shearer et al. 2009; this volume) and agree with diagnostic features for Pleosporomycetidae. We also recommend that the definition of the subclass be reassessed with more inclusive character sets. Also, Leptosphaerulina species characterised by the absence of pseudoparaphyses reside within the pseudoparaphysate Pleosporales (Fig. 2C; Silva-Hanlin & Hanlin 1999, Kodsueb et al. 2006), indicating that pseudoparaphyses could have been lost multiple times. It should be noted that the maturity of ascomata may play an important role in these assessments. Immature specimens may contain pseudoparaphyses that dehisce when mature and these characteristics need to be evaluated with more complete sampling of the numerous aparaphysate taxa still listed as incertae sedis. The second subclass, Dothideomycetidae, previously circumscribed based on the absence of pseudoparaphyses remains well supported (Fig. 2C).

The results of this study provided continued support for ten orders within class Dothideomycetes, namely Pleosporales, Hysteriales, Mytilinidiales, Patellariales, Botryosphaeriales, Jahnulales, Dothideales, Capnodiales, Myriangiales and Trypetheliales. The latter order was recently proposed (Aptroot et al. 2008) and represents the largest lichen forming clade in Dothideomycetes. Another recently proposed order, Botryosphaeriales includes only the single family, Botryosphaeriaceae. The analysis (Fig. 2B), however, shows strong support for a narrower interpretation of the Botryosphaeriaceae, typified by Botryosphaeria dothidea and related genera, excluding a separate clade of species residing in Guignardia (with Phyllosticta anamorphs). Bagnisiella examinens and Saccharata protea did not reside in either of the above clades, placed on early diverging branches. A more extensive taxon sampling is required to address the diversity in this order, which most likely will validate the separation of additional families. Another currently accepted order, Microthyriales, consisting of species occurring as saprobes or epiphytes on stems and leaves is represented in this study by only a single sample, Microthyrium microscopicum (Fig. 2C). Members of this order are poorly represented in culture and have unusual thyrothecial ascomata that have a scutate covering comprising a thin layer of radiating cells. This structure is generally lacking a basal layer and is quite unlike any morphologies in other orders. This positioning adjacent to the plant parasitic Venturiaceae and coprophilic Phaeotrichaceae, is unexpected but since the single representative of the Microthyriales is on a long branch this is a relationship that will require more intensive taxon sampling.

Additional families that could not be placed in an order are Tubeufiaceae and Gloniaceae (Fig. 2B). Species in Tubeufiaceae have superficial clustered ascomata and characteristic bitunicate asci with relatively long ascospores, often with helicosporous anamorphs (Kodsueb et al. 2008). Members of Tubeufiaceae, which frequently occur in freshwater habitats include anamorph genera, such as Helicoon and Helicodendron, and are ecologically classified as aeroaquatic species. A few teleomorph taxa such as Tubeufia asiana occur on submerged wood (Tsui et al. 2007), and Tubeufia paludosa occur on herbaceous substrates in wet habitats (Webster 1951). The Gloniaceae are saprobic, have dichotomously branched, laterally anastomosed pseudothecia that form radiating pseudo-stellate composites and dehisce by an inconspicuous, longitudinal, but evaginated slit. They reside sister to the saprobic Mytilinidiales but due to conspicuous morphological differences and moderate statistical support they are placed in Pleosporomycetidae incertae sedis (Boehm et al. 2009a, this volume).

Several other well supported clades representing families were evident in this study (Fig. 2). These include several families in Pleosporales, treated elsewhere (Zhang et al. 2009; this volume). Other clades have lower levels of support. For example Leptosphaeriaceae (Fig. 2A) have moderate bootstrap support and it is treated in the very broad sense here. There was also support for several newly described families treated in different papers within this volume. In Pleosporales these include Amniculicolaceae and Lentitheciaceae (Zhang et al. 2009; this volume). The Lindgomycetaceae (Shearer et al. 2009; this volume, Hirayama et al. 2010) encompassing a majority of species isolated from fresh water habitats. Two other novel families, Aigialaceae and Morosphaeriaceae include mainly marine species (Suetrong et al. 2009; this volume). In addition to these, the sampling of a wide diversity of fungi on bamboo yielded the description of Tetraplosphaeriaceae (Tanaka et al. 2009; this volume). Another novel family, Dissoconiaceae, is proposed by Crous et al. 2009 (this volume) for foliicolous commensalists on Eucalyptus leaves, some of which are putative hyper parasites and reside in Capnodiales.

Results of this study suggest that sampling within existing families also requires continued expansion as familial definitions in Dothideomycetes remains problematic. A paper focused on two families, with poor representation in molecular data sets, Melanommataceae and Lophiostomataceae addresses this in more detail (Mugambi & Huhndorf 2009,Mugambi & Huhndorf 2009; this volume). Numerous other clades in our tree remain without familial placement. This includes a diverse group in Capnodiales (Fig. 2C, clade C) a newly described group of hysteriaceous fungi in Pleosporales (Fig. 2A, clade G) and additional marine lineages (clades H, L, Fig. 2A). An interesting clade tentatively circumdescribed by Zhang et al. (2009; this volume) as Massariaceae contains bambusicolous fungi and appears related to the lichenised Arthopyreniaceae (Fig. 2A).

Finally, a clade including Corynespora anamorphs (clade K, Fig. 2A) is placed for the first time, but without clear relationship to any other currently defined families. The genus Corynespora includes anamorphic fungi with tretic, percurrent, and acropetal conidiogenesis. The melanised, pseudoseptate conidia have a pronounced hilum from which the conidial germ tube emerges and are borne apically from solitary, melanised conidiophores. Though nearly 100 species are described based on differences in morphology, considerable phenotypic plasticity within individual isolates complicates species recognition, and molecular analyses that may result in taxonomic clarification have not been done. Corynespora species fill a diversity of roles as saprobes, pathogens, and endophytes on and in woody and herbaceous plants, other fungi, nematodes, and human skin (Dixon et al. 2009). One of the species represented here, C. cassiicola is an important pathogen of rubber. The teleomorphic fungi Pleomassaria swidae (Pleomassariaceae; Tanaka et al. 2005) and Corynesporasca caryotae (Corynesporascaceae; Sivanesan 1996) have unnamed Corynespora species as anamorphs. In this study, species currently placed in Corynespora are not monophyletic and are positioned in at least two families: Massarinaceae and Clade K (Fig. 2A).

Anamorph taxa

The previously mentioned Dissoconiaceae relies on taxonomic descriptions based on anamorph characters. This is a theme that is expected to continue for mitosporic taxa in Dothideomycetes as molecular data accelerates their integration. The artificial nature of the “higher” taxa of anamorphs e.g., deuteromycetes (Kirk et al. 2001) is now well recognised, but the integration of anamorphs into the phylogenetic classification of teleomorphs remains a significant challenge in fungal systematics (Shenoy et al. 2007). The correlation of teleomorphs and anamorphs (Seifert et al. 2000) is not always predictive but it has been applied in some genera within Dothideomycetes, e.g. Botryosphaeria and Mycosphaerella (Crous et al. 2006, 2009b). However, numerous examples underscoring anamorph convergence can be found throughout the class e.g. Dictyosporium (Tsui et al. 2006, Kodsueb et al. 2008), Sporidesmium (Shenoy et al. 2006), Cladosporium (Crous et al. 2007b) and Phoma (Fig. 2A; Aveskamp et al. 2009, de Gruyter et al. 2009, Woudenberg et al. 2009) as well as Fusicoccum and Diplodia (Crous et al. 2006, Phillips et al. 2008). The use of large multigene phylogenies will be essential to bring taxonomic order to cryptic anamorph lineages.

Ecological diversity

Besides the unclassified diversity found in anamorphic genera, numerous ecological niches contain diverse lineages of fungi lacking systematically sampled molecular characters. Several examples of this knowledge gap can be found in papers in this volume. In this regard, the rock inhabiting fungi are amongst the least understood. These fungi exist ubiquitously as melanised, slow growing colonies and that usually do not produce generative structures. They subsist on bare rock surfaces and are consequently highly tolerant of the environmental stresses induced by lack of nutrients, water and extremes in radiation and temperature (Palmer et al. 1990, Sterflinger 1998, Ruibal 2004, Gorbushina et al. 2008). Members of this ecological guild are diverse and occur in two classes – Eurotiomycetes and Dothideomycetes. Ruibal et al. 2009 (this volume) present the results of an expanded sampling of rock-inhabiting fungi that include lineages residing within Dothideomycetes and sister class Arthoniomycetes. These rock inhabiting fungi can be placed in Capnodiales, Pleosporales, Dothideales and Myriangiales, as well as some unclassified lineages of Dothideomycetes. Interestingly, some associated lineages were without clear placement within either Arthoniomycetes or Dothideomycetes. The rock isolates included in Fig. 2C illustrate a subsection of genetic diversity seen in these extremophiles, in particular for the Capnodiales, with two rock isolates-rich lineages Teratosphaeriaceae and Clade C (Fig. 2C). A more detailed analysis (Ruibal et al. 2009; this volume) allows for the presentation of hypotheses related to evolution of pathogenicity and lichenisation because these modes of nutrition are often found in close proximity of rock inhabiting fungal lineages.

The lichenised fungi allied with the Dothideomycetes represent another poorly sampled group of fungi. Several lichenised species remain enigmatically placed after they were confirmed as members of Dothideomycetes based on DNA sequence data (Lumbsch et al. 2005, Del Prado et al. 2006). Although the number of species is comparatively small, their placement can play an important link in determining how transitions to and from lichenisation influenced dothideomycete evolution. Trypetheliaceae known for its anastomosing, branched pseudoparaphyses was until very recently still placed within Pyrenulales, an ascohymenial order in Eurotiomycetes, based on bitunicate asci and lense-shaped lumina in the ascospores (Del Prado et al. 2006). Attempts to resolve members of this family remain challenging as they tend to occur on long, rapidly evolving branches in our phylogenetic analyses, which often lead to artifacts. Nelsen et al. 2009 (this volume) demonstrate the occurrence of two additional lichen-forming lineages within Dothideomycetes representing the families Strigulaceae and Monoblastiaceae. The delineation of lichenised family Arthopyreniaceae should continue to be assessed given their placement with a clade containing bambusicolous fungi (Tanaka et al. 2009; this volume) and their non monophyly is also confirmed elsewhere (Nelsen et al. 2009; this volume). The relationship between the lichenised groups and bambusicolous genera Roussoella and Roussoellopsis (Didymosphaeriaceae; Ju et al. 1996, Lumbsch & Huhndorf 2007) is strongly supported, but their affinity is not fully understood due to their considerable morphological differences.

The fungi collected from marine and freshwater habitats contain yet more varied species that have not been assessed well within a molecular based framework. Their diversity is supported by the fact that whole orders (Jahnulales) and several families, already mentioned, almost exclusively consist of species collected from these environments. A recent assessment of marine fungi tallied a number of more than 500 species with more than a fifth of these suggested to reside in Dothideomycetes (Jones et al. 2009). The number for fungi from fresh water habitats is somewhat lower (about 170 taxa).

Despite similarities in their preferred medium for spore dispersal (water) an examination of phylogenetic diversity within Dothideomycetes indicates that these groups of fungi tend to reside in divergent parts of the tree (Figs 2, 3). However, some exceptions may occur: For example, members of Aigialaceae are weakly supported to share ancestry with members of freshwater clade Lindgomycetaceae (Raja et al. 2010). The Jahnulales represents another recently delineated aquatic lineage with an interesting mixture of fresh water and marine taxa. It was delineated based on molecular and morphological data (Inderbitzin et al. 2001, Pang et al. 2002) and now contains four genera and several species (Campbell et al. 2007). Previously, two anamorphic species in the Jahnulales, Xylomyces rhizophorae (described from mangrove wood of Rhizophora) and X. chlamydosporus have been reported from mangroves and thus saline habitats (Kohlmeyer & Volkmann-Kohlmeyer 1998). It has further been documented that X. chlamydosporus is the anamorph of Jahnula aquatica, a freshwater species (Sivichai, pers. comm.).

Marine Dothideomycetes generally exist in association with algae and plants in marine and brackish environments, usually with intertidal or secondary marine plants (e.g., mangroves). The majority of these fungi have been classified in families and genera that comprise mostly terrestrial species (e.g., Pleospora) and no definitive clades of marine Dothideomycetes have been identified. Here we find support for diverse aquatic lineages similar to the situation in Sordariomycetes. Papers by Suetrong et al. 2009 (this volume) and Shearer et al. 2009 (this volume) continue to address this disparity by using multigene phylogenies to describe several lineages within a class wide context. In contrast, many marine members of the Dothideomycetes await interrogation at the DNA sequence level, especially the genera Belizeana, Thalassoascus, Lautospora and Loratospora, all exclusively marine taxa.

The final environmentally defined group sampled in this volume is the bambusicolous fungi. More than 1 100 fungal species have been described or recorded worldwide from bamboo (Hyde et al. 2002). Furthermore, their ecological specialisation as pathogens, saprophytes, and endophytes has been relatively well documented (e.g. Hino 1961). However, relatively few studies based on DNA sequence comparisons have been undertaken for many bambusicolous fungi. Several unique lineages, e.g. the Katumotoa bambusicola-Ophiosphaerella sasicola clade in a freshwater lineage (Lentitheciaceae) and the Roussoella-Roussoellopsis clade close to lichen-forming families could be found (Fig. 2). Particularly, a new family Tetraplosphaeriaceae including five new genera characterised by a Tetraploa anamorph s. l. is introduced as a lineage of fungi with bamboo habitat (Tanaka et al. 2009; this volume). It is clear that much additional diversity within this group of fungi remains to be sampled using DNA sequence data

A number of other niches remain poorly discussed in this volume. Coprophilous fungi occur in three families Delitschiaceae, Phaeotrichaceae, and Sporormiaceae (Figs 2A, C). These families are not closely related and it is clear that the fimicolous life style has arisen more than once in the Dothideomycetes. Also, many species from these groups are not strictly dung-inhabiting, but can be found on other substrates like soil, wood, and plant-debris. Interestingly, some are human pathogens, plant endophytes and lichenicolous fungi. As is true throughout the Ascomycota, a change in substrate is apparently not a substantial evolutionary step in these taxa (Kruys & Wedin 2009).

Additional observations

Several orders e.g. Dothideales, Myriangiales and Microthyriales have not been treated using the extensive systematic sampling that is true for studies treated in this volume. However, individual smaller studies continue to provide interesting and surprising results. One such example is the first described meristematic and endoconidial species residing in Myriangiales (Fig. 2C) reported by Tsuneda et al. (2008). These Endosporium species were isolated from very different substrates such as: poplar twigs and a dead bird. They also have a close relationship to a single lineage of rock inhabiting fungi. The nutritional shifts represented by these closely related species correlate well with scenarios described by Ruibal et al. (2009; this volume) for rock inhabiting fungi. Another melanised meristematic fungus, Sarcinomyces crustaceus, isolated from pine trees appears in a similar position in a phylogeny presented in the aforementioned paper (Ruibal et al. 2009; this volume).

Another unusual species, Catinella olivacea is included in Fig. 2C, but without any clearly resolved position, diverging early to Dothideomycetidae. This species was initially placed in Leotiomycetes, due to their flattened apothecia, found on the underside of moist, well-decayed logs of hardwood. Asci are unitunicate but they appear to form after ascolocular development. As in the previous analysis, it was not possible to identify relationships between this species and any known order, although there are indications of a close relationship with the Dothideomycetidae (Greif et al. 2007).

The placement of the single asexual mycorrhizal lineage representing Cenococcum geophilum in the Dothideomycetes (LoBuglio et al. 1996), allied to members of the saprobic Gloniaceae is intriguing (Fig. 2B; Boehm et al. 2009a; this volume). No resolved placement for this species in Dothideomycetes has been possible in the past. The results of this study were also unexpected because no biological data suggest a connection to the family. Cenococcum is a fungus that is intensively used in environmental studies and this could suggest a very interesting biology for members of the ostensibly saprobic Gloniaceae. Results of this study advocate a more expansive sampling of Cenococcum in order to confirm this intriguing result.


One of the major obstacles in dothideomycete systematics remains the lack of a clear understanding of what species are members of the class based on morphology alone. Throughout most of the 20th Century, comparative morphological studies have been the only character on which to base phylogenetic relationships. The advent of large DNA-sequence data sets should allow for a substantially improved interpretation of morphological characters for this class of fungi. Studies in this volume and elsewhere have provided a clear understanding that many of the characters classically used in taxonomy and systematics of the group are homoplastic and not helpful for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships. Dothideomycete taxonomy also needs to keep pace with the rapid advances being made in phylogenetics, genomics and related fields. The important principle here is that our classification should communicate diversity accurately and allow dothideomycete biologists from disparate fields to have access to an agreed upon set of taxonomic names to aid communication. In addition, it should allow for a focus on under-sampled groups and clades (i.e. poorly sampled saprobes and others). A major task ahead will be to add asexual genera to present phylogenetic schemes, and integrate these into the existing familial and ordinal classification. As most of these asexual genera are in fact poly- and paraphyletic, their type species will need to be recollected to clarify their phylogenetic position. In addition to this, it appears that even some concepts of teleomorphic taxa will require extensive reconsideration. Finally, we should attempt to incorporate valuable biological information from past workers, such as the three mycologists to which this volume is dedicated, by reliably assessing culture and sequence identity. It is hoped that the papers in this volume will make a meaningful contribution towards these goals.


Authors from individual papers in this volume contributed to this work and specific acknowledgements to that regard can be found in individual papers. Work performed for this paper by the first author after 2008 was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Library of Medicine. Part of this work was also funded by grants from NSF (DEB-0717476) to J. W. Spatafora (and C.L. Schoch until 2008) and (DEB-0732993) to J.W. Spatafora and B. Robbertse.


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