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. 2009 Dec 22;5:335. doi: 10.1038/msb.2009.92

Update on the Keio collection of Escherichia coli single-gene deletion mutants

Natsuko Yamamoto 1, Kenji Nakahigashi 2, Tomoko Nakamichi 1, Mihoko Yoshino 1, Yuki Takai 2, Yae Touda 1, Akemi Furubayashi 1, Satoko Kinjyo 1, Hitomi Dose 1, Miki Hasegawa 2, Kirill A Datsenko 3, Toru Nakayashiki 1, Masaru Tomita 2, Barry L Wanner 3, Hirotada Mori 1,2
PMCID: PMC2824493  PMID: 20029369

The Keio collection (Baba et al, 2006) has been established as a set of single-gene deletion mutants of Escherichia coli K-12. These mutants have a precisely designed deletion from the second codon from the seventh to the last codon of each predicted ORF. Further information is available at or The distribution is now being handled by the National Institute of Genetics of Japan ( To date more than 4 million samples have been distributed worldwide. As we described earlier (Baba et al, 2006), gene amplification during construction is likely to have led to a small number of mutants with genetic duplications.

The design of the Keio deletions was based on annotations that are now outdated. Of 4288 ORFs targeted, mutants were obtained for 3985 (Baba et al, 2006). Re-annotation based on highly accurate sequencing of E. coli K-12 (Hayashi et al, 2006) led to changing many coding regions and the total number of ORFs to 4296, including pseudogenes (Riley et al, 2006) (Supplementary Table I). The recent E. coli K-12 MG1655 GenBank record (U0096, released in December 2008) has an additional 97 ORFs (exclusive of the ORFs in IS elements, Supplementary Table II) that were not targeted. Of these 4214 annotated ORFs, 4186 were targeted for deletion and 28 were not (Supplementary Table III), which resulted in the isolation of two independent mutants for 3864 targeted ORFs. No deletion was found for 299 ORFs, which are candidates for essential genes. Deletions were also isolated for 23 other ORFs; however, re-annotation led to re-classification of these ORFs as ‘split ORFs', because their coding regions are interrupted by an IS element or some other mutation (Supplementary Table IV).

To identify mutants with partial duplications, we performed two sets of PCR reactions on both representatives of all 3864 mutants. In the first set, we tested for the presence of the targeted gene by using a pair of internal gene-specific primers (Figure 1A and B). With the parental strain E. coli K-12 BW25113, we were able to amplify 3803 ORFs, as indicated by the presence of PCR products of the expected sizes. For 61 ORFs, we used a pair of external primers that flanked the targeted gene either because the length of the initial PCR product was too short or because the internal primer pair failed to amplify fragments of the predicted sizes for the parental control strain. Results from testing 7728 strains (3864 ORFs) showed that the vast majority (96.1%, 7428/7728) are correct; results in Supplementary Table V show that one or both isolates are correct for 98.3% (3800/3864) of the Keio mutants (Figure 1C). As one isolate is correct for 177 ORFs for which the other isolate is ambiguous, no further tests were done with the other isolate of these mutants.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Identification of Keio collection mutants with partial duplications. (A) Primer design. The upper branch shows the expected structure of a single-gene mutant. The targeted ORF is replaced with the kanamycin resistance gene (kan). The lower branch shows the structure of the targeted gene. Small green boxes show the priming sites used to validate the genomic structures. Small red boxes represent priming sites for external primers (up, down) and internal primers (l, r) that were used to validate the deletion structure and presence or absence of partial duplications. (B) Confirmation by electrophoresis. Electrophoregrams showing the amplified fragments using internal primers (first PCR screen) and external primers (second PCR screen). (C) Results of evaluation. A total of 7728 mutants (two for each of the 3864 ORFs) were evaluated, as described in the text. Both isolates were validated for 3623 mutants (green). For 177, one was validated and the other was not further examined (pale green). The first set of PCR reactions failed for six ORFs (grey), for which multiple copies exist for the respective gene, e.g., an IS-encoded gene (NA, not available). For 33 mutants (yellow), the microplate sample wells contain mixtures (due to contamination), from which the correct mutant can be isolated by colony purification. Partial duplications were found for 25 mutants (red). Mutants with partial duplications are listed in Table I.

Mutants of the remaining 58 ORFs (33 with mixtures and 25 with duplications; Figure 1C) were tested in a second set of PCR reactions, which was carried out using external primers flanking the targeted gene (Figure 1A and B). A positive result in the first PCR test can occur not only from mutants with a partial duplication but also from ones that have been cross-contaminated from a nearby microplate well. Therefore, the second set of PCR tests was performed on three colonies after colony purification. In the second PCR test, colonies with the correct deletion or from a cross-contaminant mutant were expected to yield a single PCR product of length corresponding to the expected structure of the respective single-gene mutant or the structure of the targeted gene, respectively. In contrast, mutants with both the respective single-gene deletion and a genetic duplication were expected to yield both PCR products. In cases wherein the sizes of the predicted PCR products were indistinguishable for the deletion and wild-type structures, the PCR products were digested with XbaI before size separation by electrophoresis, which cuts within the kan (kanamycin resistance gene) replacement gene.

For 33 of the 58 ORFs, one or more colonies yielded a single PCR product of size corresponding to the single-gene deletion, indicating that the wells for these mutants were cross-contaminated (Supplementary Table V). For the 25 other mutants, purified colonies consistently produced PCR fragments corresponding to structures for both the single-gene deletion and targeted, indicating that these mutants have partial duplications (Figure 1C and Table I). As mentioned above, our PCR tests also revealed 177 mutants, for which we showed that only one isolate is correct. Further testing of these ambiguous mutants by our second PCR test revealed that most of them do not carry a partial duplication.

Table 1.

Keio mutants with partial duplications for both isolates

Gene ECK JW b PECa FCb Description
aEssentiality from PEC (Profiling of E. coli chromosome database,
bFraction of correct single-gene deletion candidates upon Keio collection construction (Baba et al, 2006).
(A) New essential gene candidates
alaS ECK2692 JW2667 b2697 E 2/8 Alanyl-tRNA synthetase
coaA ECK3966 JW3942 b3974 E 2/8 Pantothenate kinase
coaE ECK0103 JW0100 b0103 E 2/8 Dephospho-CoA kinase
dnaG ECK3056 JW3038 b3066 E 2/8 DNA primase
glmM ECK3165 JW3143 b3176 E 7/8 Phosphoglucosamine mutase
glyS ECK3547 JW3530 b3559 E 2/8 Glycine tRNA synthetase, beta subunit
groEL ECK4137 JW4103 b4143 E 2/8 Cpn60 chaperonin GroEL
ileS ECK0027 JW0024 b0026 E 2/8 Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase
parC ECK3010 JW2987 b3019 E 2/8 DNA topoisomerase IV, subunit A
prfB ECK2886 JW5847 b2891 E 5/8 Peptide chain release factor RF-2
polA ECK3855 JW3835 b3863 E 2/8 DNA polymerase I
rho ECK3775 JW3756 b3783 E 6/8 Transcription termination factor
rpoD ECK3057 JW3039 b3067 E 5/8 RNA polymerase, sigma 70 (sigma D) factor
yhbG ECK3190 JW3168 b3201 E 2/8 Lipopolysaccharide export system ATP-binding protein
(B) Genes whose essentiality is uncertain
btuB ECK3958 JW3938 b3966 N 4/8 Vitamin B12/cobalamin outer membrane transporter
djlB ECK0639 JW0641 b0646 N 8/8 Predicted chaperone
folP ECK3166 JW3144 b3177 N 7/8 7,8-Dihydropteroate synthase
hemE ECK3989 JW3961 b3997 N 3/8 Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
priB ECK4197 JW4159 b4201 N 3/8 Primosomal protein N
rplK ECK3974 JW3946 b3983 N 4/8 50S ribosomal subunit protein L11
rplY ECK2179 JW2173 b2185 N 8/8 50S ribosomal subunit protein L25
rpsO ECK3154 JW3134 b3165 N 2/8 30S ribosomal subunit protein S15
rpsU ECK3055 JW3037 b3065 N 3/8 30S ribosomal subunit protein S21
tpr ECK1224 JW1219 b1229 2/8 Predicted protamine-like protein
yiaD ECK3539 JW5657 b3552 N 2/8 Predicted outer membrane lipoprotein

The 25 ORFs for which both isolates have duplications are candidates for essential genes (Table I). Fourteen of these have been reported to be essential in the PEC (Profiling of E. coli Chromosome) database (; Table IA). Thus, it is likely that these 14 genes are essential. The other 11 with partial duplications have been designated as non-essential genes in the PEC database (Table IB). Further tests are required to validate their essentiality. We also carefully evaluated all single-gene deletion mutants in the Keio collection, which were classified as essential in the PEC database. None provided evidence of a partial duplication. Thus, some ORFs reported as essential in the PEC database are nonessential, at least not in the genetic background of our host E. coli K-12 BW25113 during aerobic growth at 37°C on LB agar. It should be noted that no evidence exists that the Red system that we used to generate the Keio collection is responsible for causing duplications. Besides, other authors have shown that genetic duplications can occur during DNA replication (Anderson and Roth, 1981). As a cautionary note, partial duplications can occur not only during the construction of single-gene deletion but also upon transfer of the deletion into a new host, e.g., by PCR or transduction as reported previously (Zhou et al, 2003).

Supplementary Material

Supplementary Table I

Construction and evaluation of Keio collection.

msb200992-s1.doc (101KB, doc)
Supplementary Table II

genes that ECK numbers were not assigned before Keio construction

msb200992-s2.xls (33.5KB, xls)
Supplementary Table III

genes that were not targets of Keio construction

msb200992-s3.xls (23.5KB, xls)
Supplementary Table IV

Mutants for split ORFs of ancestral genes

msb200992-s4.xls (25.5KB, xls)
Supplementary Table V

Information on Keio collection deletion mutants

msb200992-s5.xls (717KB, xls)


This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) and KAKENHI (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research) on Priority Areas ‘System Genomics' from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan to NAIST and by funds from the Yamagata Prefectural Government and Tsuruoka City to Keio University. BLW was supported by NIH GM62662.


The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


  1. Anderson P, Roth J (1981) Spontaneous tandem genetic duplications in Salmonella typhimurium arise by unequal recombination between rRNA (rrn) cistrons. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 78: 3113–3117 [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
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Associated Data

This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

Supplementary Materials

Supplementary Table I

Construction and evaluation of Keio collection.

msb200992-s1.doc (101KB, doc)
Supplementary Table II

genes that ECK numbers were not assigned before Keio construction

msb200992-s2.xls (33.5KB, xls)
Supplementary Table III

genes that were not targets of Keio construction

msb200992-s3.xls (23.5KB, xls)
Supplementary Table IV

Mutants for split ORFs of ancestral genes

msb200992-s4.xls (25.5KB, xls)
Supplementary Table V

Information on Keio collection deletion mutants

msb200992-s5.xls (717KB, xls)

Articles from Molecular Systems Biology are provided here courtesy of Nature Publishing Group