The authors of “Old Yellow Enzyme Protects the Actin Cytoskeleton from Oxidative Stress” (Mol. Biol. Cell [2004] 15, 4522–4531; published online before print as 10.1091/mbc.E04-06-0445) wish to retract their paper. They have provided the following statement:
It is with great regret that we have decided to retract the above article. The major conclusions of the article are incorrect, as we have discovered that an unlinked background mutation is responsible for the phenotype ascribed to the oye deletions. We have identified the allele responsible for the actin phenotype, and it is a recessive loss of function mutation in the gene ASC1. It is this mutation in ASC1 that causes the reported excessive actin assembly, morphology defects, and sensitivity to oxidative stress. Furthermore, neither the cysteine 285 or cysteine 374 to alanine mutations in actin suppress the actin defects caused by the asc1 allele. The corresponding author, David C. Amberg, takes complete responsibility for this error and greatly regrets any inconvenience his error has caused to his colleagues in the field.