DDX-19 is enriched at the base of P granules. (A) Gonad and intestine co-stained for NPP-9 and DDX-19 as indicated. (B) Eight-plane projection of gonad co-stained for NPP-9 and PGL-1 as indicated. (C-E) Single-plane merged images of dashed boxes in c, d and e are shown at high magnification in C (rotated), D and E, respectively. (F) Germ nucleus from a fourth larval stage (L4) gonad co-stained for DDX-19, PGL-1 and NPP-9 as indicated. (G) Adult oogonia showing detached P granules (green), NPP-9 (blue) and DDX-19 (red); inset shows a detached P granule at high magnification. Arrows indicate examples of detached P granules. Scale bars: 25 μm in A,B; 5 μm in C-E,G; 2.5 μm in F.