Objective: To assess the response of healthy infants to airway hypoxia (15% oxygen in nitrogen).
Design: Interventional study.
Settings: Infants’ homes and paediatric ward.
Subjects: 34 healthy infants (20 boys) born at term; mean age at study 3.1 months. 13 of the infants had siblings whose deaths had been ascribed to the sudden infant death syndrome.
Intervention: Respiratory variables were measured in room air (pre-challenge), while infants were exposed to 15% oxygen (challenge), and after infants were returned to room air (post-challenge).
Main outcome measures: Baseline oxygen saturation as measured by pulse oximetry, frequency of isolated and periodic apnoea, and frequency of desaturation (oxygen saturation ⩽80% for ⩾4 s). Exposure to 15% oxygen was terminated if oxygen saturation fell to ⩽80% for ⩾1 min.
Results: Mean duration of exposure to 15% oxygen was 6.3 (SD 2.9) hours. Baseline oxygen saturation fell from a median of 97.6% (range 94.0% to 100%) in room air to 92.8% (84.7% to 100%) in 15% oxygen. There was no correlation between baseline oxygen saturation in room air and the extent of the fall in baseline oxygen saturation on exposure to 15% oxygen. During exposure to 15% oxygen there was a reduction in the proportion of time spent in regular breathing pattern and a 3.5-fold increase in the proportion of time spent in periodic apnoea (P<0.001). There was an increase in the frequency of desaturation from 0 episodes per hour (range 0 to 0.2) to 0.4 episodes per hour (0 to 35) (P<0.001). In 4 infants exposure to hypoxic conditions was ended early because of prolonged and severe falls in oxygen saturation.
Conclusions: A proportion of infants had episodes of prolonged (⩽80% for ⩾1 min) or recurrent shorter (⩽80% for ⩾4 s) desaturation, or both, when exposed to airway hypoxia. The quality and quantity of this response was unpredictable. These findings may explain why some infants with airway hypoxia caused by respiratory infection develop more severe hypoxaemia than others. Exposure to airway hypoxia similar to that experienced during air travel or on holiday at high altitude may be harmful to some infants.
Key messages
A reduction in inspired oxygen concentration to 15% can induce severe prolonged hypoxaemia in a small proportion of infants
Prediction of which infants will become hypoxaemic does not appear possible from analysing oxygenation or the respiratory pattern of infants breathing room air at sea level
The way in which an infant responds to airway hypoxia may contribute to understanding the relation between respiratory infections, hypoxaemic episodes, and the sudden infant death syndrome
Airline travel and holidays at high altitude may result in hypoxaemia in a small proportion of infants
A reduction in the partial pressure of inspired oxygen may increase the risk of apparent life threatening events and sudden death in infancy.1–4 Airway hypoxia can be caused by respiratory tract infection.5 It may also be caused by a change to a higher altitude3 and air travel. The partial pressure of inspired oxygen on commercial aeroplanes is only 110 to 130 mm Hg; this corresponds to a fraction of inspired oxygen of 0.15 to 0.17 at sea level.6 Little is known about the physiological effects of airway hypoxia on respiratory function in infants. In adults acute airway hypoxia has pronounced effects on the control of breathing during sleep,7 and respiratory control and oxygenation are considered to be more vulnerable to the effects of hypoxia and other insults during infancy. We became interested in the effects of airway hypoxia on respiratory control in infants after two sets of parents attending our outpatient clinic reported that their infants had died of the sudden infant death syndrome after intercontinental flights; one infant had died between 14 and 19 hours after a flight and the other had died between 40 and 41 hours later.
In this study we exposed clinically healthy infants to 15% oxygen in nitrogen to discover the effects of airway hypoxia on arterial oxygenation and on the frequency of isolated and periodic apnoeic pauses. We also wanted to determine if there was a subgroup of infants who would develop potentially significant hypoxaemia during exposure to 15% oxygen.
Subjects and methods
Thirty four infants (20 boys) were enrolled in the study. Twenty one were recruited by structured sampling of births at an obstetric unit run by general practitioners and 13 by approaching families who were receiving support in caring for an infant after a previous infant had died of the sudden infant death syndrome. The two groups were matched for age at the time of the study (mean age 3.1 months, SD 1.7 months for the group recruited from the obstetric unit and 1.8 months for the group of infants whose siblings had died of the sudden infant death syndrome). To be enrolled, infants had to have been born at term and have no history of respiratory distress or congenital anomalies; later, one infant was found to have ß thalassaemia minor but it was considered inappropriate to exclude him retrospectively. Twelve mothers had smoked during their pregnancies, half of these were mothers of children whose deaths had been ascribed to the sudden infant death syndrome.
In the week before the study no infant had had an illness with fever, but four developed respiratory infections; two additional infants had coughs from previous infections. One infant died suddenly three weeks after the study at age 2 months. Her two older half-siblings had allegedly died of the sudden infant death syndrome. All three deaths were later identified as infanticide.
We had intended to study infants who had undergone apparent life threatening events. The first four infants enrolled after such events, however, had abnormally low baseline values of oxygen saturation in room air and thus could not be subjected to airway hypoxia. Apparent life threatening events in two other infants were found to be due to epilepsy8 and intentional suffocation.9 For these reasons we decided to concentrate on infants without a history of apparent life threatening events.
Informed consent
Parents were sent a standard letter which briefly discussed the methods and purpose of the study, including the potential relevance of the research to the mechanism that might be responsible for some deaths from the sudden infant death syndrome. A self addressed envelope and reply form were included. If families were interested in participating they were contacted and arrangements were made to discuss the project in more detail. This happened either at the family’s home or by telephone, and when possible both parents were involved. Information was presented to parents on the relation between the administration of 15% oxygen and airline flights, holidays at altitude, and the sudden infant death syndrome.
All parents were aware that an overnight physiological recording of their infant’s oxygen saturation and respiratory variables would be done at home before their child was exposed to hypoxic conditions in hospital. Parents were informed that this recording would be analysed to ensure that values were within normal limits before the infant was exposed to 15% oxygen. All parents knew that an experienced paediatrician would be present throughout the infant’s exposure to 15% oxygen, and that exposure would end if the infant’s oxygen saturation dropped to ⩽80% for ⩾1 minute. Where applicable parents were informed that this had been necessary during previous recordings in this study. Parents were aware that they could withdraw their baby from the study at any time without explanation. After this discussion parents were given another information leaflet and were asked to sign a consent form. Each of the families in which exposure to 15% oxygen was ended early because of hypoxaemia of ⩽80% for ⩾1 minute was advised against taking their infants on flights or to high altitude until they were older than 12 months. This study was approved by the local research ethics committees.
Measurement of respiratory variables
Three tape recordings were made over two nights for each infant. Signals recorded were oxygen saturation in beat-to-beat mode (N200 pulse oximeter, Nellcor, Hayward, CA), pulse waveforms for validation of the accuracy of saturation measurements, and abdominal breathing movements with a volume expansion capsule placed on the abdominal wall (Graseby Medical, Watford). Recordings were made at 60 to 120 m above sea level. Infants were placed in their normal sleep position (lateral or supine). The first recording (pre-challenge) was made in room air in the infant’s home; the results were checked to verify that the infant had normal baseline oxygen saturation values (⩾94%) before the second recording. The second and third recordings were made in hospital 1 to 4 days later (median 26 h). The second recording (challenge) took place in an oxygen tent10 into which a medical gas mixture of 15% oxygen in nitrogen (British Oxygen Company, London) was delivered to maintain a monitored fraction of inspired oxygen of 0.15 to 0.16. Respired oxygen and carbon dioxide were monitored by a cannula on the upper lip (Elisa Duo, Engström, Stockholm) to confirm that rebreathing did not occur. Transcutaneous monitoring of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide was done at frequent intervals (Microgas, Kontron Instruments, Watford). Ambient temperature was maintained at 22°C to 26°C. Infants and monitors were observed continuously by an experienced paediatrician. According to our protocol, exposure to hypoxia would end if oxygen saturation fell to ⩽80% for ⩾1 minute. After the challenge infants were returned to room air and the third recording (post-challenge) was made throughout the rest of the night.
Recordings were printed and analysed manually by experienced technicians blind to the changes in inspired oxygen. Periods of regular and non-regular breathing patterns were identified11; a regular breathing pattern has been shown to be closely related to quiet sleep.12 Apnoeic pauses lasting ⩾4 s were identified; these were classified by duration (4 s to 7.9 s, 8 s to 11.9 s, and ⩾12 s13) and by whether they were isolated or appeared in periodic apnoea (episodes of three or more pauses, each separated by <20 breaths11).
Baseline oxygen saturation, heart rate, and respiratory rate were measured only during episodes of a regular breathing pattern.11 Periods when oxygen saturation fell to ⩽80% for ⩾4 s (desaturation) were identified throughout the recordings; these were classified as to whether they were associated with an apnoeic pause.13 Mean values of transcutaneous partial pressure of carbon dioxide were calculated.
Results are presented as median and range, or mean and standard deviation. Statistical analysis was performed using the Wilcoxon matched pairs test for paired data and the Mann-Whitney U test for the group comparisons. Correlations were assessed by Spearman’s rank test.
There was no significant difference in any variable between infants who were recruited from the obstetric unit and those from families in which an infant had previously died of the sudden infant death syndrome. Only two variables, respiratory rate and heart rate, were correlated with age. Results from the pre-challenge, challenge, and post-challenge recordings are shown in the table.
The mean duration of the pre-challenge recordings was 7.7 (SD 2.1) hours. Data from these recordings were similar to data already reported.13,14 Baseline oxygen saturation was ⩾94% in all infants, and only one infant had episodes of desaturation (three episodes, longest duration 11 s).
The mean duration of the recordings during the challenge was 6.3 (SD 2.9) hours. When compared with pre-challenge values, oxygen saturation during the challenge was lower (median difference −4.9%); this drop was highly variable (range −9.3% to 0.7%). Respiratory rates did not change significantly, but heart rates were 8 beats per minute higher (P<0.01); both rates were inversely correlated with age. Mean partial pressures of carbon dioxide during the challenge were within the normal range at 5.0 (SD 0.6) kPa. There was a significant decrease in the proportion of time spent in the regular breathing pattern, and a 3.5-fold increase overall in the proportion of time spent in periodic apnoea (P<0.001). There was a weak positive correlation between baseline oxygen saturation and amount of time spent in periodic apnoea (rs=0.44, P<0.01) during challenge. The frequency of isolated apnoeic pauses did not change significantly. Pauses tended to be shorter than during pre-challenge recording, with a decrease from 9.0% to 1.8% in the proportion lasting ⩾8 s; none of the apnoeic pauses lasted ⩾20 s.
There was a significant increase in the number of times desaturation occurred per hour during hypoxia (P<0.001); 21 out of 34 (62%) recordings had episodes of desaturation. A median of 96% of episodes of desaturation (range 16% to 100%) were associated with apnoeic pauses and were short (median average duration 5.0 s, range 4.0 s to 7.2 s). The median of the average of the lowest oxygen saturation value occurring during desaturation was 72% (67% to 76%).
The mean duration of the post-challenge recordings was 4.5 (SD 1.9) hours. All variables returned to pre-challenge values except for heart rate (which remained significantly raised) and the proportion of time spent in periodic apnoea (which was significantly reduced). Exposure to hypoxia was ended early in six infants. Analysis of the recordings showed that for four of the six the decision to end exposure early was appropriate. Oxygen saturation had been ⩽80% for ⩾1 minute in three infants. Oxygen saturation had been ⩽80% for only 45 seconds in another infant but it had been <60% for two thirds of the time. Oxygen saturation values in the other two infants could not be interpreted because of movement artefact; a decision to withdraw these two infants from exposure to hypoxia was therefore inappropriate. However, while watching the monitoring the mother of one of these infants requested that her baby be returned to room air.
Withdrawal occurred after 1.9 to 5.2 hours (median 3.1 h) of hypoxic exposure in the four infants for whom it was appropriate; none of the infants woke spontaneously during their prolonged hypoxaemia. They were clinically well after withdrawal, although one received low flow oxygen (fraction of inspired oxygen 0.28) for the next hour to maintain oxygen saturation ⩾94%. None had recently had a respiratory illness; one was the sibling of an infant who had died of the sudden infant death syndrome. Their ages were similar to those of the complete sample. Three of the four, however, had had low baseline values of oxygen saturation during the challenge; they were three of the six infants in the complete sample who had values <90% during the challenge. The fourth did not have any periods of a regular breathing pattern during the challenge so baseline values could not be measured. None of the four infants who were withdrawn from exposure had prolonged apnoeic pauses on their recordings.
Main findings and limitations of the study
These healthy 1 to 6 month old infants had highly variable and unpredictable responses to acute airway hypoxia; some infants became hypoxaemic to such a degree that their exposure to hypoxia was ended.
Some limitations of this study should be considered. We gave priority to describing the effects of several hours of acute airway hypoxia on sleeping infants, rather than to identifying the mechanisms of the observed responses. We tried to interfere as little as possible with the infants’ normal sleep patterns and decided against recording electroencephalograms, electro-oculograms, or quantifying ventilation. This prevented us from collecting precise information about the reasons why some infants developed severe hypoxaemia when exposed to 15% oxygen. Possible explanations include hypoventilation15 or increased inequalities between ventilation and perfusion.16 We do not know why the infants who became severely hypoxaemic did not wake up. We do not know whether our experimental conditions are identical to those of air travel and its effect on respiratory responses in infants. However, we could not find any data to suggest that there is a difference between a reduction in alveolar oxygen pressure due to reduced barometric pressure or due to a reduced fraction of inspired oxygen during constant atmospheric pressure. To address these issues infants would have to be studied during an airline flight or at high altitude.
Previous studies and possible relevance of these findings to the sudden infant death syndrome
Median values of baseline oxygen saturation during exposure to 15% oxygen in nitrogen in this study were similar to values measured by Lozano et al in 189 infants and young children born and living at 2640 m (93.3%, SD 2.1).17 The range of values found in the study of Lozano et al was much narrower than the range found in our study. This difference in interindividual variability in baseline values may have occurred because the infants studied by Lozano et al might have been both genetically and environmentally adapted to airway hypoxia, whereas our infants were not. This idea is supported by the results of a study done in Lhasa (altitude 3660 m) which found that indigenous Tibetan infants had mean oxygen saturation values of 87% to 88% during sleep, while Chinese infants, who had recently moved to the region, had values of only 76% to 80%.3 The lack of a genetic adaptation to high altitude has been proposed as the most likely cause for the disproportionately high rate of sudden deaths in infants soon after they have been moved to higher altitude.3,4 High interindividual variability in the respiratory response to airway hypoxia may also explain why a proportion of infants with respiratory tract infections have low baseline values of oxygen saturation or an excessively high number of hypoxaemic episodes, or both.5
There was no difference in the response to airway hypoxia in infants with a sibling whose death had been ascribed to the sudden infant death syndrome or in infants without such a family history. This is in accordance with other studies which failed to find evidence for a disturbance in respiratory control or function in the siblings of infants who had died of the sudden infant death syndrome,18,19 and reinforces doubts about the appropriateness of using such infants for investigations into the pathophysiology of the syndrome.
The most frequent cause of airway hypoxia in infants is respiratory infection (particularly bronchiolitis). We and others have shown that a small proportion of infants with such infections may progress to developing life threatening hypoxaemic episodes.5,20 Respiratory infections have also been linked with the sudden infant death syndrome in a number of studies.21
Ethical issues
Was it ethically justified to expose healthy infants to 15% oxygen? Many infants travelling on aeroplanes or to holidays at high altitude are exposed to similar or even more markedly reduced partial pressures of inspired oxygen. Yet this exposure is considered safe. We were aware of anecdotal evidence of a small number of cases of the sudden infant death syndrome occurring after air travel, and of the observations made in Tibet.4 We considered that information on this important issue should ideally have been gathered before infants were permitted to travel by air. We found no evidence that such studies had been done. Information collected by British Airways showed that one infant had died during a flight from Hong Kong to Britain (NJ Byrne, personal communication). Our protocol was designed to allow us to identify immediately any potentially harmful degree of hypoxaemia, hypoventilation, or effects on cardiac rhythm; infants were observed continuously by an experienced paediatrician who followed strict guidelines on when to end an infant’s exposure to hypoxia. We must also emphasise that although the siblings of infants whose deaths had been ascribed to the sudden infant death syndrome were already being monitored at home, the majority of the infants in this study had not been seen in our clinic before the study. Their families were, therefore, unlikely to feel conscious or unconscious pressure to comply with our request for participation.
Clinical implications
We have shown that a small number of infants may become hypoxaemic during several hours of exposure to a fraction of inspired oxygen of 0.15 to 0.16. We could not, for ethical and humanitarian reasons, determine whether this would have progressed to clinically apparent cyanotic episodes if exposure had continued. Unfortunately, there was no physiological or clinical variable in this study which would help identify infants who might develop clinically important hypoxaemia during later exposure to airway hypoxia. We believe that additional research is urgently needed into the effects on infants of prolonged airline flights or holidays at high altitude. Our findings may contribute to an understanding of the possible relation between respiratory infection with resulting airway hypoxia and some sudden deaths in infancy.
Results of tests on infants done before, during, and after exposure to 15% oxygen. Values are medians (range)
Pre-challenge | Challenge | Post-challenge | P values
Pre-challenge v challenge | Challenge v post-challenge | Pre-challenge v post-challenge | ||||
Measurements: | ||||||
Oxygen saturation (%) | 97.6 (94.0 to 100) | 92.8 (84.7 to 100) | 97.5 (90.0 to 100) | <0.001 | <0.01 | >0.05 |
Heart rate/min | 123 (105 to 140) | 131 (107 to 146) | 130 (99 to 144) | <0.01 | >0.05 | <0.05 |
Respiratory rate/min | 30 (21 to 53) | 32 (20 to 58) | 31 (18 to 55) | >0.05 | >0.05 | >0.05 |
Percentage of time spent in regular breathing pattern | 27 (0 to 53) | 16 (0 to 44) | 25 (7 to 83) | <0.001 | <0.001 | >0.05 |
No of episodes of desaturation/h | 0 (0 to 0.2) | 0.4 (0 to 35) | 0 (0 to 0) | <0.001 | <0.01 | >0.05 |
Apnoea: | ||||||
Percentage of time spent in periodic apnoea | 0.7 (0 to 31) | 2.4 (0 to 35) | 0.2 (0 to 11) | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.05 |
Longest episode of periodic apnoea (min) | 1.4 (0.9 to 20.5) | 4.3 (0.4 to 34.8) | 1.4 (0.5 to 4.8) | <0.01 | <0.05 | >0.05 |
Isolated apnoeic pauses/h | 6.2 (0 to 13) | 7.3 (0 to 19) | 7.9 (0 to 17) | >0.05 | >0.05 | >0.05 |
Percentage of apnoeic pauses ⩾8 s | 9.0 (0 to 33) | 1.8 (0 to 47) | 4.9 (0 to 50) | <0.001 | <0.05 | >0.05 |
We thank the parents who allowed their infants to participate in this study. We also thank technical and medical staff, particularly doctors C Bose, H Hartmann, J Hewertson, T Marinaki, D Richard, and MP Samuels who all helped us with the recordings; and J Kelly who did the initial data analysis.
Editorial by Milner
Funding: This study was largely funded by the Little Ones charity. We are grateful for the additional support of BOC, the New Moorgate Trust, and the Priory Foundation.
Conflict of interest: None.
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