EVOLUTION Correction for “Complete mitochondrial genome of a Pleistocene jawbone unveils the origin of polar bear,” by Charlotte Lindqvist, Stephan C. Schuster, Yazhou Sun, Sandra L. Talbot, Ji Qi, Aakrosh Ratan, Lynn P. Tomsho, Lindsay Kasson, Eve Zeyl, Jon Aars, Webb Miller, Ólafur Ingólfsson, Lutz Bachmann, and Øystein Wiig, which appeared in issue 11, March 16, 2010, of Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (107:5053–5057; first published March 1, 2010; 10.1073/pnas.0914266107).
The authors note that, due to a printer’s error, on page 5054, right column, second paragraph, eighth line, “Within this clade, we estimated the mean age of the split between the ABC bears and the polar bears to be 152 ky, and the mean age for all polar bears as 134 ky, near the end of the Eemian interglacial period and completely in line with the stratigraphically determined age of the Poolepynten subfossil (11),” should instead appear as “Within this clade, we estimated the mean age of the split between the ABC bears and the polar bears to be 152 ky, and the mean age for all polar bears as 134 ky, near the beginning of the Eemian interglacial period and completely in line with the stratigraphically determined age of the Poolepynten subfossil (11).” This error does not affect the conclusions of the article. This error has been corrected online and in print.