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The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism logoLink to The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
. 2010 Feb 17;95(4):1802–1809. doi: 10.1210/jc.2009-1903

Genome-Wide Association Study of Bone Mineral Density in Premenopausal European-American Women and Replication in African-American Women

Daniel L Koller 1, Shoji Ichikawa 1, Dongbing Lai 1, Leah R Padgett 1, Kimberly F Doheny 1, Elizabeth Pugh 1, Justin Paschall 1, Siu L Hui 1, Howard J Edenberg 1, Xiaoling Xuei 1, Munro Peacock 1, Michael J Econs 1, Tatiana Foroud 1
PMCID: PMC2853986  PMID: 20164292


Context: Several genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been performed to identify genes contributing to bone mineral density (BMD), typically in samples of elderly women and men.

Objective: The objective of the study was to identify genes contributing to BMD in premenopausal women.

Design: GWAS using the Illumina 610Quad array in premenopausal European-American (EA) women and replication of the top 50 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for two BMD measures in African-American (AA) women.

Subjects: Subjects included 1524 premenopausal EA women aged 20–45 yr from 762 sibships and 669 AA premenopausal women aged 20–44 yr from 383 sibships.

Interventions: There were no interventions.

Main Outcome Measures: BMD was measured at the lumbar spine and femoral neck by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Age- and weight-adjusted BMD values were tested for association with each SNP, with P values determined by permutation.

Results: SNPs in CATSPERB on chromosome 14 provided evidence of association with femoral neck BMD (rs1298989, P = 2.7 × 10−5; rs1285635, P = 3.0 × 10−5) in the EA women, and some supporting evidence was also observed with these SNPs in the AA women (rs1285635, P = 0.003). Genes identified in other BMD GWAS studies, including IBSP and ADAMTS18, were also among the most significant findings in our GWAS.

Conclusions: Evidence of association to several novel loci was detected in a GWAS of premenopausal EA women, and SNPs in one of these loci also provided supporting evidence in a sample of AA women.

Evidence of association to several novel loci was detected in genome-wide association studies of premenopausal European-American women, and SNPs in one of these loci also provided supporting evidence in a sample of African-American women.

Bone mineral density (BMD) is a complex quantitative trait that involves the interaction of multiple genetic and environmental components (1). Although environmental factors including nutrition and physical activity influence the peak BMD attained in early adulthood, there is strong evidence for a major genetic contribution to normal variation in BMD (1), with estimates suggesting that genetic factors may account for as much as 80% of the variability in peak BMD (1,2,3).

Studies in both humans and animal models have consistently found that unique quantitative trait loci contribute to BMD at the hip and spine (4,5,6,7,8). Furthermore, segregation studies have yielded evidence of sex-specific genetic regulation of BMD (9), and a number of sex-specific quantitative trait loci have been reported in mice (10,11) and suggested in humans (12,13,14). There are also racial differences in both peak BMD and fracture risk; African-Americans (AAs) on average have higher peak BMD and lower fracture rates than Caucasians (1).

Several genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified genes contributing to BMD variation (15,16,17,18,19,20,21). Several studies identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) near the estrogen receptor 1 locus (ESR1) (15,17) with an effect on BMD along with LRP5 and LRP4 from the Wnt signaling pathway (15,16,21). Loci from the RANK/OPG pathway were identified as associated with BMD in one or more studies (16,17,20,21); these included SNPs in or near RANKL (17,20); osteoprotegerin (TNFRSF11B; 16,17), and RANK (17,21). Two different studies found significant association with SNPs in or near distinct disintegrin/metallopeptidase genes, ADAM19 (21) and ADAMTS18 (18). Genes known to be involved in bone were identified by at least one of the published GWAS, including COL1A1 and PPARG (15), SP7/osterix and IBSP (19,21), and CLCN1 (20).

Four of the previous GWAS included cohorts with mean age 50 yr or older (15,17,20,21). The Twins U.K. sample included only women (16), the Icelandic sample was more than 85% women (17), and the Framingham population included men and women in approximately equal proportions (15). The study by Xiong et al. (18) contained equal numbers of men and women, with pre- and postmenopausal women in equal numbers. In this study, we limited our sample to premenopausal European American (EA) women, thereby allowing us to identify genes contributing to peak BMD, a highly heritable phenotype related to osteoporosis. We then genotyped our most significant SNPs in an independent replication sample of AA women to test for race-specific associations.

Subjects and Methods


To identify genes contributing to BMD, a study of healthy siblings from Indiana was initiated (4,5). Recruitment focused on families with two or more healthy sisters. Sisters were required to be within 10 yr of one another in age. More recently recruitment was expanded to include healthy women who met all study recruitment criteria but did not have a sibling eligible or desiring to participate.

Exclusion criteria included a history of chronic disease, taking medications known to affect bone mass or metabolism, inability to have BMD measured because of obesity (weight >136 kg), and abnormal blood biochemistry tests. Women who had irregular menses or a history of pregnancy or lactation within 3 months before enrollment were excluded; however, women taking oral contraceptives were not excluded. Health and lifestyle questionnaires were administered and anthropometric variables measured. A blood sample was collected for DNA. BMD was measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DPXL and Prodigy; Lunar Corp., Madison, WI) at lumbar spine (vertebrae 2–4) and hip (femoral neck). Image analysis was performed using Lunar software versions 4.6/4.7. Coefficient of variation measured in 230 subjects who had duplicate dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry measures made after they were repositioned on the instrument was 1.0% for femoral neck and 0.5% for lumbar spine.

Studies were performed at the General Clinical Research Center of Indiana University School of Medicine. Studies were approved by the Institutional Review Board of Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. Informed written consent was obtained from all subjects before their participation in the study.

Microarray genotyping and quality assessment

A sample of 776 sibships of EA sisters (n = 1,552 individuals) were originally selected for genotyping as part of a GWAS. For sibships of size larger than 2, the most informative pair of sisters was selected based on maximal discordance for lumbar spine or femoral neck BMD. In some cases, sample depletion or replacement of samples performing poorly in initial testing resulted in singletons (n = 32) and three-sister sibships (n = 32 families) in the final genotyped sample. Genotyping was performed on the Illumina Human610Quadv1_B BeadChips (Illumina, San Diego, CA) by the Center for Inherited Disease Research using the Illumina Infinium II assay protocol (22). This array contains 592,532 markers with a mean spacing of 5.8 kb. Allele cluster definitions for each SNP were determined using Illumina BeadStudio genotyping module version 3.2.32 and the combined intensity data from 100% of the study samples. The resulting cluster definition file was used on all study samples to determine genotype calls and quality scores. Genotype calls were made when a genotype yielded a quality metric (Gencall score) of 0.15 or higher. The final raw data set released by the Center for Inherited Disease Research to the investigators and to the Genotype and Phenotype database ( contained called genotypes for 589,171 SNPs and 1544 unique DNA samples, with eight samples not released due to inadequate quality of genotyping. Blind duplicate reproducibility was 99.99% based on 36 paired samples.

Additional sample and SNP quality control measures were then applied. Samples having genotypes for at least 98% of the SNPs were considered for inclusion in analyses. These samples were rigorously checked for previously undetected family relationships and population stratification. Samples were removed from further analyses and from the final dbGaP data set due to familial relationships that could not be unambiguously determined (n = 14). Because this sample included sisters, all relationships were confirmed using identity-by-state clustering in PLINK (23). Nineteen pairs of sisters were found not to be full siblings as ascertained but rather were half-siblings; the family structure was altered to reflect the new information. These half-sisters were retained for the association analysis; however, their data are not included in the final data set available at dbGaP (; accession no. phs000138.v1.p1). A principal component-based analysis was performed in PLINK to cluster these samples along with HapMap reference samples (Utah, Ibadan, Beijing, and Tokyo) to verify the samples included for analysis were of European ancestry. Three pairs of sisters (n = 6 samples) were removed from further analysis due to evidence of substantial admixture with other populations. Our final analytic sample included 1524 women from 762 different families.

SNPs with a call rate of 98% or greater (n = 581,255) were included and subjected to further quality control analyses. From these, SNPs were removed if either the minor allele frequency was less than 0.01 in this data set (n = 32,948) or there was significant deviation (P < 0.00001) from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium (n = 1,998). The final data set for analysis consisted of 547,971 SNPs that passed all quality control measures.

Statistical analysis of genome-wide association data

Stepwise regression analysis was performed to test which measured covariates (height, weight, oral contraceptive use in women, pack-years of smoking, and age) were significant covariates accounting for a substantial proportion of the variation in BMD. Only age and weight, which together accounted for 10 and 18% of the variation in spine and neck BMD, respectively, were included in the final analytic model. Regression residuals, representing age- and weight-adjusted BMD values, were used in all analyses.

The initial analysis used a population-based association test using a linear regression framework. SNP genotypes were modeled as taking on three levels (0, 1, and 2) corresponding to the observed genotypes, with measured BMD as the dependent variable. This model was fitted using the qfam-total analysis in PLINK. Correlation between subjects in the same family was corrected by obtaining empiric P values for all GWAS SNPs using a permutation approach (23). Permuted replicates were generated by randomly assigning calculated between- and within-family components of association across sibships, thus preserving the phenotypic correlations and linkage disequilibrium (LD) structure from one replicate to another. For the 50 SNPs with the greatest evidence of association with hip BMD and the 50 SNPs with the greatest evidence of association with spine BMD, we performed 108 permutations to accurately estimate the P value for the BMD-SNP association. P values for those SNPs with nominal P values between 10−3 and 10−5 were empirically estimated using 104 to 106 permutations, respectively, and SNPs with nominal P values greater than 10−2 using 103 permutations; in all cases, a minimum of 10 false-positive results were generated under the null at each level of nominal significance. The GWAS study design had 80% power to detect an effect size of 2.4% of total BMD variation and 50% power for an effect size of 1.8%.


The 50 most significant SNPs from the association analyses were genotyped in AA women (n = 669 from 383 families). Assays were designed for the MassArray system (Sequenom, San Diego, CA) using MassArray assay design software. Genotyping was performed used iPLEX assays (Sequenom), with alleles discriminated by mass spectrometry as described previously (24). Allele frequencies were estimated using the USERM13 option of MENDEL ( One of the 100 prioritized SNPs did not meet our criteria of greater than 90% genotyping success in the replication samples and was not analyzed. All other replication SNPs met the Hardy-Weinberg and minor allele frequency criteria implemented for the GWAS, as described above.

As described for the analysis of the genome-wide association data, covariates were identified, which contributed to the variation in BMD (P < 0.10). Many of these samples had been previously genotyped (4,5), and the full sibling relationships had already been confirmed in 94% of the families. Because the replication samples included families consisting of sibships as well as singletons, we used a population-based association test using the same permutation framework described for the GWAS analysis. This approach is robust to different family types (i.e. varying number of genotyped individuals within the family) (23). The replication SNP sets typed for both spine and femoral neck BMD each contained information equivalent to 39 uncorrelated SNPs as measured by the simpleM method (25), leading to a significance threshold of P = 0.003 for testing the one-sided replication hypothesis in the AA women. The replication design had 80% power to detect an effect size of 2.3% of total BMD variation and 50% power for an effect size of 1.4%.

Each supported association was reviewed in more detail to determine whether additional genotyping would allow further delineation of the associated region. The extent of LD in the region around the replicated SNPs was initially examined in the EA women using the GWAS data. Additional SNPs were selected to fill gaps between associated and nonassociated SNPs in the region. The genotyping of additional SNPs in the EA and AA women was performed using the Sequenom MassArray system, as described for the initial replication genotyping.

To facilitate comparison of the association results with top SNPs from other BMD GWAS typed on different platforms, we used the IMPUTE software (26) to generate genotype data for the SNPs in HapMap release 27 using the Illumina 610Quad genotypes on our samples and the reference phased haplotypes from HapMap release 27. We limited imputation to only the single chromosomal region in which a SNP associated in a previous study was not included in the Illumina array genotyped in this sample.


The demographics of the EA sister sample used in the genome-wide association analysis are provided in Table 1. An overview of the results of the association analysis is presented in Tables 2 and 3. One SNP each was identified with P < 10−7 for lumbar spine BMD (rs10201742, chromosome 2) and neck BMD (rs11914434, chromosome 3). In addition, three SNPs for spine and two SNPs for neck BMD were identified with P < 10−6. The top two SNPs each for both spine and neck BMD met a false discovery rate threshold of 10% (27). A Q-Q plot for the GWAS is provided in Fig. 1, demonstrating that inflation of the test statistics beyond expected levels was not an issue in this sample; the calculated inflation factors were 1.002 and 1.003 for spine and neck BMD, respectively.

Table 1.

Sample characteristics

EA women (GWAS) AA women (replication)
Sample size 1524 669
Number of families 762 383
Age (yr)a 33.15 ± 7.21 32.71 ± 6.82
Height (cm)a 165.32 ± 6.06 164.36 ± 6.25
Weight (kg)a 71.82 ± 16.93 82.40 ± 19.87
Spine BMD (g/cm2)a 1.2801 ± 0.1328 1.3401 ± 0.1390
Femoral neck BMD (g/cm2)a 1.0173 ± 0.1212 1.1160 ± 0.1336

Mean ± sd

Table 2.

Results of association analysis with lumbar spine BMD

SNP Chr Position (bp)a Geneb Minor allele EA women
AA women
MAFc P value Effectd MAFc P value
rs10201742 2 127,045,243 LOC150554 C 0.20 8.0E-07 + 0.47 0.47
rs8104319 19 61,631,383 ZNF542/ZNF582/ZNF583/ZNF667 G 0.46 1.7E-06 + 0.48 0.71
rs12605652 18 74,536,154 LOC731341 /LOC649290 A 0.41 3.0E-06 + 0.08 0.31
rs6698119 1 48,047,574 LOC388630 G 0.35 7.0E-06 0.27 0.59
rs10832519 11 15,768,506 · C 0.03 1.5E-05 + 0.03 0.56
rs17269775 15 57,830,014 RPS3AP6 C 0.06 1.7E-05 0.004 0.53
rs3760849 19 61,645,397 ZNF582/ZNF583/ZNF667 A 0.46 1.7E-05 + 0.50 0.40
rs2296596 10 13,775,953 FRMD4A G 0.11 2.2E-05 0.18 0.38
rs4801163 19 61,667,198 ZNF583/ZNF667/ZNF471 T 0.42 2.4E-05 + 0.40 0.34
rs9785225 9 93,022,313 AUH A 0.12 2.7E-05 + 0.09 0.22
rs16972369 16 72,310,483 LOC649800 G 0.04 2.7E-05 + 0.16 0.06
rs7788807 7 4,734,564 FOXK1/KIAA0415 C 0.06 2.8E-05 0.12 0.11
rs9944433 17 68,593,547 SLC39A11 A 0.38 3.5E-05 + 0.27 0.08
rs2309883 4 28,341,579 · T 0.26 3.9E-05 + 0.09 0.16
rs3774830 4 5,490,984 STK32B A 0.43 4.0E-05 0.29 0.76
rs10852681 16 7,254,704 A2BP1 G 0.10 4.2E-05 0.20 0.40
rs6436459 2 224,588,580 MRPL44/SERPINE2 T 0.23 4.2E-05 0.21 0.35
rs11659609 18 74,564,026 LOC649290 A 0.27 4.4E-05 + 0.27 0.80
rs7202238 16 50,947,319 · C 0.40 4.6E-05 0.41 0.69
rs3845972 3 60,002,874 FHIT G 0.37 4.6E-05 + 0.49 0.48
rs4398085 15 24,924,700 · T 0.26 5.1E-05 0.27 0.60
rs4314962 10 13,777,035 FRMD4A C 0.15 5.2E-05 0.48 0.76
rs2062140 5 44,532,172 · T 0.07 6.5E-05 0.05 0.22
rs1919555 3 122,929,590 GOLGB1/IQCB1 T 0.06 6.7E-05 0.01 0.11
rs10778724 12 79,236,063 LOC651200/FLJ90579 C 0.03 6.8E-05 + 0.27 0.20
rs6436652 2 157,358,203 · C 0.39 7.1E-05 + 0.3 0.35
rs2354025 16 85,224,910 · T 0.34 7.6E-05 + 0.16 0.21
rs2291607 8 62,533,814 MGC34646/ASPH G 0.21 7.7E-05 + 0.29 0.17
rs13169538 5 44,605,797 · A 0.07 7.9E-05 0.09 0.18
rs9288624 2 157,359,026 · T 0.43 7.9E-05 + 0.26 0.09
rs6827240 4 5,491,125 STK32B T 0.45 7.9E-05 0.41 0.59
rs9859339 3 142,391,751 SPSB4/ACPL2 T 0.16 8.1E-05 + 0.11 0.89
rs12881798 14 94,416,311 · A 0.33 8.4E-05 + 0.45 0.36
rs16970118 13 106,892,968 LOC728215 G 0.15 8.6E-05 0.28 0.49
rs1751449 9 22,186,863 LOC729983 G 0.41 9.3E-05 0.49 0.67
rs4606154 9 13,458,276 FLJ41200 A 0.38 9.4E-05 + 0.36 0.64
rs16901892 5 44,548,826 · C 0.07 9.58E-05 0.05 0.50
rs6857026 4 80,992,485 · T 0.29 1.1E-04 0.30 0.21
rs17537076 15 83,265,502 ALPK3/SLC28A1 A 0.37 1.1E-04 + 0.07 0.86
rs9511790 13 24,887,752 LOC246717 T 0.34 1.2E-04 + 0.12 0.16
rs4808629 19 17,364,996 PLVAP/BST2/LOC93343 C 0.12 1.3E-04 0.47 0.16
rs12654032 5 135,462,508 TGFBI/SMAD5 G 0.07 1.4E-04 0.02 0.14
rs2450993 12 47,015,421 H1FNT/ZNF641/LOC730678/OR5BK1P/OR5BT1P T 0.03 2.0E-04 + 0.003 0.11
rs5929069 X 30,081,782 · T 0.02 NA NA 0.01 0.13

Chr, Chromosome; MAF, minor allele frequency. 


Position obtained from build 130. 


Defined as any gene within 25 kb of the SNP. If there is no gene within 25 kb of the SNP, a dot (.) is indicated. 


Minor allele frequency. 


+, Minor allele increases BMD. 

Table 3.

Results of association analysis with femoral neck BMD

SNP Chr Position (bp)a Geneb Minor allele EA women
AA women
MAFc P value Effectd MAFc P value
rs11914434 3 195,157,275 · T 0.08 7.0E-07 0.11 0.84
rs3805941 6 43,165,559 CUL7/MRPL2/KLC4/PTK7 C 0.37 2.1E-06 + 0.41 0.40
rs9827714 3 128,383,182 LOC729455/C3orf56 C 0.47 6.9E-06 0.43 0.65
rs1826601 16 76,059,687 ADAMTS18 T 0.43 1.0E-05 + 0.34 0.25
rs6459375 6 14,849,285 · G 0.10 1.1E-05 0.29 0.74
rs6667721 1 76,640,441 ST6GALNAC3 A 0.15 1.3E-05 + 0.03 0.70
rs1215494 1 89,839,394 LRRC8B/LRRC8C T 0.36 1.6E-05 + 0.38 0.57
rs333616 8 56,963,551 LYN C 0.43 1.7E-05 0.10 0.78
rs2327672 6 136,269,912 PDE7B A 0.14 1.8E-05 + 0.15 0.82
rs2038016 6 14,845,488 · A 0.10 1.9E-05 0.28 1.00
rs4887348 15 86,372,538 NTRK3 G 0.29 2.2E-05 + 0.10 0.06
rs2627690 4 88,872,640 · T 0.30 2.3E-05 0.25 0.44
rs2152319 1 177,581,980 SOAT1/C1orf125 G 0.42 2.3E-05 + 0.46 0.73
rs1298989 14 91,156,466 CATSPERB T 0.25 2.7E-05 + 0.37 0.006e
rs1285635 14 91,158,608 CATSPERB A 0.25 3.0E-05 + 0.38 0.003e
rs8090593 18 69,667,938 · G 0.37 3.1E-05 0.10 0.40
rs2472793 6 14,856,654 · T 0.10 3.2E-05 0.40 0.93
rs4651024 1 177,578,725 SOAT1/C1orf125 T 0.49 3.3E-05 + 0.40 0.85
rs4712240 6 14,860,852 · C 0.10 3.6E-05 0.21 0.32
rs2505780 10 86,450,149 LOC648354 G 0.45 3.6E-05 0.50 0.25
rs1591687 9 105,219,667 · A 0.04 3.6E-05 + 0.17 0.41
rs4240241 4 37,443,327 · G 0.04 3.6E-05 0.29 0.28
rs13336488 16 76,197,733 · G 0.05 3.7E-05 + 0.09 0.97
rs6479168 9 105,217,183 · T 0.04 3.78E-05 + 0.17 0.52
rs11722802 4 28,332,952 · A 0.25 3.9E-05 + 0.04 0.29
rs6443126 3 7,826,708 · T 0.49 4.0E-05 0.29 0.48
rs2637502 5 124,792,046 · A 0.49 4.0E-05 + 0.19 0.07
rs9563646 13 58,232,735 · C 0.33 4.1E-05 + 0.32 0.27
rs11651617 17 14,351,933 · G 0.21 4.3E-05 0.23 0.63
rs2323284 17 14,350,891 · T 0.21 4.3E-05 0.33 0.90
rs2080115 17 14,345,391 · G 0.19 5.2E-05 0.19 0.53
rs7783471 7 51,958,833 · A 0.07 5.3E-05 + 0.09 0.75
rs1360003 9 77,473,244 · C 0.25 5.3E-05 0.30 0.24
rs489659 18 7,547,909 PTPRM G 0.17 6.2E-05 + 0.33 0.05
rs772492 4 90,591,589 · T 0.32 6.3E-05 + 0.28 0.85
rs10223929 7 48,374,319 ABCA13 A 0.10 7.2E-05 0.03 0.42
rs8057501 16 76,116,178 · G 0.39 7.5E-05 + 0.40 0.88
rs2126650 4 88,929,611 IBSP/MEPE A 0.28 7.7E-05 0.08 0.38
rs1431381 18 6,802,509 ARHGAP28 A 0.12 7.8E-05 + 0.03 0.46
rs4686162 3 7,833,150 · C 0.21 8.8E-05 + 0.06 0.02
rs1385320 16 76,099,924 · A 0.41 1.1E-04 + 0.39 0.69
rs1873873 11 128,984,385 LOC731658 C 0.48 1.1E-04 + 0.48 0.52
rs6654021 X 17,665,929 NHS/SCML1 G 0.01 NA NA 0.49 0.77
rs12387240 X 143,324,556 · A 0.16 NA NA 0.13 0.61
rs2006793 X 29,394,774 IL1RAPL1 G 0.49 NA NA 0.10 0.61
rs1801412 X 114,048,960 HTR2C G 0.04 NA NA 0.01 0.32

Position obtained from build 130; 


defined as any gene within 25 kb of the SNP. If there is no gene within 25 kb of the SNP, a dot (.) is indicated; 


minor allele frequency; 


+, minor allele increases BMD; 


direction of effect is the same as in the GWAS cohort; bold P value indicates P value less than adjusted replication threshold. 

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Q-Q plot illustrating the relationship between the observed (black symbols) permutation-based association results (y-axis) and results expected for a GWAS study with the same properties (gray symbols) under the null hypothesis (x-axis). Minus log10 P values are plotted on both axes.

To test the hypothesis that genetic effects detected in premenopausal women might have effects in AA women as well, the 50 SNPs with the greatest evidence of association with lumbar spine BMD (Table 2) and the 50 SNPs most associated with femoral neck BMD (Table 3) were selected for replication in a sample of AA women. The demographic characteristics of this replication sample are shown in Table 1.

Among the 50 GWAS SNPs with the greatest evidence of association with femoral neck BMD, a SNP in CATSPERB on chromosome 14 (rs1298989, P = 2.7 × 10−5; rs1285635, P = 3.0 × 10−5) also provided some evidence of association with femoral neck BMD in the sample of AA women (Table 3: rs1285635, P = 0.003), with further support from another nearby SNP (rs1298989, P = 0.006). Association results for these SNPs were similar under a standard ANOVA model when ancestry-informative SNPs typed previously on the AA subjects were included as covariates. These two SNPs are in very high LD with each other (r2 = 1.0 in the EA sample and 0.95 in the AA sample). No other SNPs genotyped in the AA women attained a P value that exceeded our threshold for evidence of replication (P < 0.003). Based on the supporting AA data, 47 additional SNPs in CATSPERB were genotyped in the EA and AA women. As shown in Fig. 2, this increased SNP coverage of the region detects maximal association with femoral neck BMD in both EA and AA women near rs1285635, with supporting evidence from nearby SNPs becoming less significant both 5′ and 3′ of this position.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Association results with lumbar spine (plus symbol) and femoral neck BMD (diamond symbol) in the AA women for additional SNPs in the 3′ region of the CATSPERB gene on chromosome 14. SNP rs1285635, identified in the GWAS and also demonstrating evidence of association in AA women, is indicated with the small circle.

We also reviewed our GWAS results to evaluate whether we could replicate previously reported associations. In two regions, we found evidence of association with a SNP reported in a previous GWAS with the same phenotype, although in both cases with a different SNP providing the peak association evidence in the gene or region. Association of femoral neck BMD with rs11864477 and other SNPs in ADAMTS18 on chromosome 16 were reported in a Caucasian sample and then replicated by the same authors in other cohorts (18). The SNP rs11864477 was not included on our genotyping platform, but its association P value based on imputed genotypes in our sample was 0.006. Imputation accuracy of this SNP from our data was excellent, with variance ratio of 0.96 based on a SNP of very similar frequency 1 kb distal (rs16945612). We detected evidence of association between femoral neck BMD and rs1826601 (Table 3: P = 1.1 × 10−5; Fig. 3) near the 5′ terminus of ADAMTS18, approximately 80 kb 3′ from rs1826601. Association with femoral neck BMD and SNPs in the IBSP/MEPE/DMP1 region on chromosome 4 was detected in a GWAS of a predominantly female Icelandic sample (21). The Icelandic association was with SNP rs1054627, which was also typed in our study and provided evidence of association between femoral neck BMD and this region (P = 1.5 × 10−4) in our sample. An additional SNP in this region, rs2126650, was among our top findings for femoral neck BMD and is located 85 kb 3′ from rs1054627 (Table 3; P = 7.7 × 10−5).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Femoral neck BMD association results with SNPs in and near the ADAMTS18 locus on chromosome. Position and orientation of the gene are indicated by the black arrow.


We performed a genome-wide association study to detect common genetic variants influencing variability in peak BMD in premenopausal EA women. This phenotype represents a highly heritable risk factor for low BMD and osteoporotic fracture later in a woman’s life. By studying younger women, the genetic factors influencing peak BMD may be detected without the confounding effects of variants and environmental factors that act on BMD later in life, for example, by modulating the rate of bone loss with age (28). Thus, our study is complementary to the previous GWAS that focused primarily on BMD in older subjects (15,17), osteoporotic fracture in the elderly (20), or a combination of these phenotypes (18).

Whereas genome-wide significance (P < 5 × 10−8) for individual SNP associations were not obtained in our study, several loci with point-wise empiric P values in the 10−6 to 10−7 range were identified for both femoral neck and lumbar spine BMD. Among these findings, support for association of SNPs in CATSPERB across racial groups was also demonstrated in our cohort of premenopausal AA women. Studies to date of this gene (151 kb in size, with 27 exons) have been somewhat limited; the gene is expressed in testis, and its product appears to be a subunit of a cation-specific membrane channel complex essential for male fertility (29). Expression has also been detected in ovary and liver [National Center for Biotechnology Information (Bethesda, MD) expressed sequence tag profile Hs.131755; (30)]. The role of CATSPERB in these tissues is poorly understood, but its expression in ovary suggests a possible role in hormonal regulation of bone metabolism.

Top findings unique to our study might have their primary effect on premenopausal BMD. These include IQCB1 and SSPH, demonstrated to be involved in calmodulin binding and calcium homeostasis, respectively. Also among our most significant findings was a SNP near TGFB/SMAD5, a regulator of the bone morphogenic protein family members. All three of these findings were in the 3′ (for IQCB1 and ASPH) or 5′ (for SMAD5) regions of the respective genes, suggesting possible regulatory roles in gene expression.

The association findings in common with other bone GWAS, typically conducted in older populations, might alternatively suggest that some genes with an effect on peak BMD show an effect later in life as well. Our GWAS for peak BMD in a sample of premenopausal EA women also found evidence for several genes associated with BMD in previous GWAS. These include ADAMTS18, which was associated with hip BMD in females in the study of Xiong et al. (18). The IBSP gene, identified by Styrkarsdottir et al. (21) for hip BMD, was one of the top 50 findings for femoral neck BMD in our study as well. We observed evidence of association with femoral neck BMD and, to a lesser extent, spine BMD across a broad region that also encompasses the genes DMP1 and MEPE, both with well-established roles in bone mineralization.

Through the careful evaluation of association evidence, we have identified genes that may contribute to peak BMD rather than bone loss or other factors affecting changes in BMD later in life, although this hypothesis will need to be tested in premenopausal cohorts with sufficient power to confirm or exclude effects much smaller than is possible in our study. Replication of the novel associations identified here in other, larger cohorts (in both EAs and other ethnicities) is critical for confirmation and in determining the magnitude of their effect in the populations from which the cohorts were drawn.


We thank the individuals who participated in this study as well as the study coordinators, without whom this work would not have been possible. Replication in independent samples was completed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry at the facilities of the Center for Medical Genomics at Indiana University School of Medicine, which is supported in part by a grant from the Indiana Genomics Initiative (INGEN). INGEN is supported in part by the Lilly Endowment, Inc.


This work was supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants P01 AG-18397 and M01 RR-00750. Genotyping services were provided by Center for Inherited Disease Research, which is fully funded through a federal contract from the NIH to the Johns Hopkins University (Contract HHSN268200782096C). This research was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Library of Medicine.

Disclosure Summary: D.L.K., S.I., D.L., L.R.P., K.F.D., E.P., J.P., S.L.H., H.J.E., X.X., M.P., M.J.E., and T.F. have nothing to declare.

First Published Online February 17, 2010

Abbreviations: AA, African-American; BMD, bone mineral density; EA, European-American; GWAS, genome-wide association studies; LD, linkage disequilibrium; SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphism.


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