Varicella is one of the most common childhood diseases. The course of the disease is usually mild and uncomplicated. In Slovenia, varicella is a notifiable communicable disease which must be reported. Data collected from 1979-98 were analysed. Over the 20-year period the number of varicella cases reported ranged from a low of 11,086 (in 1994) to a maximum of 21,141 (in 1987). During the last 10 years, the highest incidence of varicella was reported in children aged from 12 months to 2 years. In adults over 20, incidence has slightly but steadily increased over the 20 year period. Overall, the number of males with varicella exceeded that of females. The proportion of females was higher only in the 20-30-year age group, probably as a consequence of more frequent and closer contact with infected children by mothers. The highest number of reported cases was during winter and early spring.
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