Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance data from India were analysed to examine sensitivity of poliovirus isolation from stool specimens and the added sensitivity obtained from collection of a second stool specimen. Analysis was restricted to Indian AFP cases, 1998-2000, with two adequate stool specimens. The proportion of cases confirmed with wild poliovirus isolation by the second specimen only was calculated, regardless of specimen quality. Overall specimen sensitivity (1998-2000) was 81% using the first specimen, 78% using the second, and 96% using both. Sensitivity increased from 1998 to 2000, with slightly higher sensitivity each year for the first specimen. The second specimen increased sensitivity by 15% overall and contributed more when the first specimen was collected late or was in poor condition. As wild poliovirus disappears, increased sensitivity provided by a second stool specimen may reduce the risk of missing circulating virus.
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