The drug susceptibility and genes responsible for the drug resistance of Vibrio cholerae O1 isolated in Vietnam in 1995, 2000 and 2002 were studied. The strains isolated in 1995 were resistant to streptomycin and harboured the class I integron which contained the aadA1 gene responsible for streptomycin resistance. The strains isolated in 2000 were devoid of a class I integron but were multiple-drug resistant and harboured SXT constin, with several drug-resistant genes. The genes responsible for streptomycin resistance were strA and strB. The strains isolated in 2002 were sensitive to all drugs examined, and the organisms were devoid of both class I integron and SXT constin. Cholera outbreaks in the three periods examined (1995, 2000 and 2002) were apparently due to different categories of V. cholerae O1.
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