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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2011 May 5.
Published in final edited form as: J Am Chem Soc. 2010 May 5;132(17):5987–5989. doi: 10.1021/ja101842n

Direct Use of 15N Relaxation Rates as Experimental Restraints on Molecular Shape and Orientation for Docking of Protein-Protein Complexes

Yaroslav Ryabov 1, G Marius Clore 2,*, Charles D Schwieters 1,*
PMCID: PMC2872242  NIHMSID: NIHMS196601  PMID: 20392103


15N relaxation rates contain information on overall molecular shape and size, as well as residue specific orientations of N-H bond vectors relative to the axes of the diffusion tensor. Here we describe a pseudopotential Erelax that permits direct use of 15N relaxation rates, in the form of R2/R1 ratios, as experimental restraints in structure calculations without requiring prior information to be extracted from either the data or a known molecular structure. The elements of the rotational diffusion tensor are calculated from the atomic coordinates at each step of the structure calculation and then used together with the N-H bond vector orientations to compute the 15N R2/R1 ratios. We show that the Erelax term can be reliably used for protein-protein docking of complexes, and illustrate its applicability to the 40 kDa complex of the N-terminal domain of enzyme I and the histidine phosphocarrier protein HPr and to the symmetric HIV-1 protease dimer.

Protein-protein interactions play a central role in a multitude of biological processes. While full structure determination of protein-protein complexes by crystallography or NMR spectroscopy is clearly desirable it may not always be possible. In the case of NMR spectroscopy, it is also the case that the larger the system, the more difficult it is to acquire and analyze intermolecular nuclear Overhauser enhancement data to derive interproton distance restraints that are the mainstay of conventional NMR structure determination.1 While technical improvements have been made in ab initio protein docking, it is still not particularly reliable.2 For this reason, recent efforts have been focused on developing methods that can make use of sparse solution experimental data.3,4 For example, incorporation of highly ambiguous distance restraints derived from chemical shift perturbation mapping can facilitate protein docking,3,4 and reliability can be further improved by the addition of orientational restraints derived from residual dipolar couplings (RDC).4

Supplementary structural information also resides in 15N transverse (R2) and longitudinal (R1) relaxation rates. In the absence of large scale internal motions or conformational exchange line broadening, 15N R2/R1 ratios depend on only two factors: the rotational diffusion tensor which is related to the size and shape of the complex,5 and the orientation of N-H bond vectors relative to the axes of the diffusion tensor.58 In initial work,8 15N R2/R1 ratios were employed in a manner analogous to RDCs9 to provide N-H bond orientational restraints with predetermined, approximate values of the magnitude of the diffusion tensor estimated directly from the distribution of measured R2/R1 ratios.10 Recently, fast methods for computing the rotational diffusion tensor based on molecular structure11 have permitted direct refinement against the components of the rotational diffusion tensor,12 thereby incorporating information on molecular shape and size from relaxation measurements that is not dissimilar to that afforded by solution small-angle X-ray scattering. Here we describe a new approach in which 15N R2/R1 relaxation data are used to simultaneously provide information on both molecular shape and N-H bond orientations without requiring prior information to be extracted from either the data or a known molecular structure. The application to protein-protein docking by conjoined rigid body/torsion angle simulated annealing13 is illustrated using the complex of the N-terminal domain of enzyme I (EIN) and HPr,12,14 and the HIV-1 protease dimer7,15 as examples.

Conceptually the elements of the rotational diffusion tensor are calculated from the atomic coordinates at each step of the simulated annealing protocol and then used together with the N-H bond vector orientations to compute the 15N R2/R1 ratios. The pseudo-potential energy term, Erelax, that is minimized in the Xplor-NIH (v2.25) structure determination package,16 is given by:

Erelax=krelaxi=1N(ρicalcρiobs)2/σi2 (1)

where ρicalcandρiobs are the calculated and observed R2/R1 ratios, respectively, for residue i; σi is the corresponding experimental error in the measurements; N is the number of data points; and krelax is a force constant. ρicalc is obtained from the spectral density function, Ji(ω) (ignoring the very small contribution from 15N chemical shift anisotropy):17

ρicalc=4Ji(0)+6Ji(ωHωN)+Ji(ωH+ωN)+6Ji(ωH)+3Ji(ωN)2[6Ji(ωHωN)+Ji(ωH+ωN)+3Ji(ωN)] (2)

where ωH and ωN are the 1H and 15N nuclear Lamor frequencies. Ji(ω) is expressed as:

Ji(ω)=25r=22ErEr2+ω2Fr({Dx,Dy,Dz},ΩDAi) (3)

where the values of Er are frequencies depending on the three eigenvalues, Dx, Dy and Dz, of the rotational diffusion tensor D; and the function Fr depends on the same set of eigenvalues and on the orientation ΩDAi of the N-H bond of residue Ai relative to the principal axis of D (see Supplementary for details). D is calculated from the atomic coordinates by representing the surface of the protein by an equivalent ellipsoid and then applying Perrin's equations18 to calculate D from the dimensions and orientation of the ellipsoid.12 The gradients of Erelax with respect to all atomic displacements are evaluated in closed form and used to calculate the atomic forces during gradient minimization and molecular dynamics. In addition to molecular size and shape, D also depends on the solvent viscosity and temperature. To account for uncertainties in the latter, the apparent diffusion tensor temperature Tdiffapp (which is not a physical temperature but a fitting parameter) is also optimized during minimization and simulated annealing.12

In the context of docking, highly ambiguous distance restraints (ECSMap) derived from chemical shift pertubation mapping serve to delineate the interaction surface,3,4 while the incorporation of the Erelax potential provides simultaneous restraints on the molecular shape and size of the complex and on the relative orientation of the proteins within the complex. The other terms included in the target function are: covalent geometry terms, a knowledge-based low-resolution hydrophobic contact potential,12 a multi-dimensional torsion angle database potential of mean force,19 and a quartic van der Waals repulsion term (Erepel).20 Briefly, the protocol consists of initial rigid body minimization starting from randomized positions and orientations of the two proteins subject to only ECSMap, Erelax and Erepel (applied to only the Cα atoms at this initial stage). This is followed by conjoined rigid body/torsion angle dynamics simulated annealing in which the backbone and internal side chains of each protein are treated as rigid bodies with translational and rotational degrees of freedom, and the surface side-chains are given full torsional degrees of freedom. The force constants for the various terms in the target function are progressively ramped up as the temperature is decreased from 1000 K to 10 K. A full description is provided in Supplementary.

The 15N R2/R1 ratios are subject to uncertainties arising from both errors in the protein backbone coordinates (that are treated as rigid bodies) and the presence of significant local motions (either on the sub-ns or µs-ms time scales which decrease and increase the R2/R1 ratios, respectively). Since EIN and hence the EIN-HPr complex are highly anisotropic,8 anomalous 15N R2/R1 data were identified in an iterative way by fitting the experimental R2/R1 data12 to the X-ray coordinates of free EIN21 and HPr22 separately by optimizing the respective diffusion tensors (while restraining the anisotropy and rhombicity to be the same), and excluding from further analysis data for those residues with relative deviations larger than 1.5σ between observed and calculated 15N R2/R1 ratios (this corresponds to excluding 13% of the data; see Supplementary). The starting coordinates are the X-ray structures of free EIN21 and HPr22 with the torsion angles of the surface side chains partially randomized (by a 1 ns run of torsion angle dynamics at 3000 K with the backbone fixed). The reference structure was generated by best-fitting the backbone of the X-ray coordinates of the free structures onto the NMR structure of the complex,14 so that the calculated atomic rms differences reflect only differences in the positions of the two proteins relative to one another in the complex. A total of 512 structures were calculated.

Fig. 1 compares the dependence of the total energy on the Cα rms difference between the calculated structures, without (Figs 1A and B) and with (Figs. 1C and D) the inclusion of the Erelax potential, and the minimum energy (left panels) or reference (right panels) structure. Cluster analysis relative to the respective minimum energy structures12 shows that 40% of the structures lie within the cluster containing the minimum energy structure when both ECSMap and Erelax potentials are used compared to 36% when ECSMap alone is used. The inclusion of Erelax, however, results in better discrimination (cf. compare Fig 1A with Fig. 1C, and Fig. 1B with Fig. 1D): the 10 lowest energy structures have a backbone accuracy of ~1.6 Å, and the data clearly show that the introduction of Erelax results in an approximately two-fold improvement in both backbone accuracy and precision, compared to structures calculated with only the ECSMap term (Table 1).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Docking of the EIN-HPr complex using 15N R2/R1 relaxation data. Dependence of the total energy on the Cα rms difference from the minimum energy docked structures (left panels) and the reference structure (right panels) for calculations based on ECSMap alone (A and B) and in combination with Erelax (C and D). Structures located in the cluster that includes the minimum energy structure, are indicated by the red filled-in circles. The inset in the lower right-panel shows a comparison of the location of HPr in the restrained regularized mean docked structure derived from the lowest 10 energy structures calculated using both ECSMap and Erelax (red) with the position of HPr in the reference structure (green); the backbone of EIN is shown in blue. Tdiffapp was optimized independently for EIN and HPr within a range of 313±10 K, and the nominal experimental temperature was 313K.

Table 1.

Impact of Erelax on docking accuracy of the EIN/HPr complex

ECSMap Erelax + ECSMap
Precision (Å)a 1.8±2.7 0.3±0.2
Accuracy (Å)b 3.2±2.3 1.6±0.1
Mean coordinate accuracy (Å)c 2.4 1.6
2.51±0.17 2.29±0.01

Cα rmsd from the mean coordinates averaged over the 10 lowest energy structures.


Cα rmsd from reference coordinates averaged over the 10 lowest energy structures.


Ca rmsd between restrained regularized mean and reference structure.


This is the rms deviation averaged over all experimental data. The value for the reference structure is 2.4, and the values of ρi span from ~20 to ~40.

We also carried out calculations using only the Erelax term in the absence of the ECSMap restraints. For the EIN/HPr complex docking with only the Erelax term generated several clusters of solutions due to degeneracy in the orientations of the principal axis frame of the diffusion tensors (Fig. 2). Three of the clusters (denoted as A, B and C and comprising 5, 16 and 1% of the calculated structures, respectively) have approximately the same minimum energy which, most probably, reflects the fact that for those clusters the nearly spherical shape of HPr does not provide sufficient differentiation between the alternate HPr orientations and locations that satisfy the orientational restraints from the Erelax term. However, the clusters can readily be differentiated and the correct solution ascertained by rescoring the results based on the number of ECSMap distance violations, or using other experimental information (Table 2). For example, in the case of the EIN/HPr complex, the distance between the Cα atoms of His-189 of EIN and His-15 of HPr must be within 11–16 Å to permit phosphoryl transfer to occur between EIN and HPr.14 On the basis of either criterion, cluster B, which is ~1.7 Å from the reference structure, can be unambiguously identified as the correct solution. This is further confirmed by validation against backbone amide RDCs14 which provide independent orientational information.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Docking of the EIN/HPr complex based only on the Erelax potential for the 15N R2/R1 relaxation data. (A) Dependence of the total energy on the Cα rms difference from the minimum energy docked structure (left panel) and the reference structure (right panel). There are three main clusters, A, B and C, denoted by red, green and blue circles. (B) Comparison of the location of HPr in the restrained regularized mean docked EIN/HPr complexes (red) with that in the reference structure (green). The backbone of EIN is shown in blue; the active site histidines are depicted as space-filling models in the same color as the corresponding backbone.

Table 2.

Docking of the EIN/HPr complex using only Erelax.

Cluster A Cluster B Cluster C
Precision (Å)a 0.16±0.07 0.40±0.27 0.33±0.15
Accuracy (Å)a 9.67±0.02 1.73±0.20 20.93±0.08
Mean coordinate
   accuracy (Å)a
9.70 1.68 20.94
2.32±0.01 2.29±0.01 2.27±0.01
CSMap distance
   violations (Å)b
10.8±0.4 0.0±0.0 29.0±0.0
Cα-Cα distance between
   active site histidines (Å)c
35.7±0.2 15.1±0.5 29.9±0.5
RDC R-factor (%)d 37.0±0.2 30.1±1.0 36.2±0.7

As defined in Table 1, footnotes a–c.


Violations of >0.5 Å for the highly ambiguous distance restraints derived from chemical shift perturbation mapping.


The active site histidines are His-189 of EIN and His-15 of HPr.


The RDC R-factor obtained by singular value decomposition is given by {<Dobs-Dcalc)2>/(2<Dobs2>)}1/2 where Dobs and Dcalc are the observed and calculated RDCs, respectively.23 The RDC R-factor for the reference structure is 27%.

Inclusion of RDCs in the docking calculations may increase discrimination and convergence by reducing orientational degeneracy.4,9 Thus when Erelax is supplemented by an RDC potential term16 for backbone amide RDCs (measured in a charged liquid crystalline medium),14 but omitting the ECSMap term, the cluster containing the minimum energy structure is clearly distinct from other clusters and corresponds to the correct solution with a mean coordinate accuracy of 1.5 Å for the 10 lowest energy structures.

Similar docking calculations were also carried out for the symmetric HIV-1 protease dimer7,15 using the Erelax potential but, in addition, included two symmetry restraints, one to confer C2 symmetry and the other to ensure that the coordinates of the surface side-chains remain identical for both subunits.12 The 10 lowest energy structures converge to the correct solution with a backbone coordinate accuracy of ~0.3 Å relative to the X-ray coordinates15 (Fig. 3).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Docking of the symmetric HIV-1 protease dimer using the Erelax potential for the 15N R2/R1 relaxation data. Dependence of the total energy on the Cα rms difference from the minimum energy docked structure (left) and the symmetrized reference X-ray structure15 (right). Structures located in the cluster that includes the minimum energy structure, are indicated by the red filled-in circles and comprise 5% of the total number of calculated structures. The precision and accuracy of the 10 lowest energy structures are 0.14±0.05 and 0.30±0.06 Å, respectively, the mean coordinate accuracy is 0.31 Å, and the rms difference between observed and calculated 15N R2/R1 ratios is 0.35 (compared to 0.48 for the reference X-ray structure). The inset in the right panel shows a backbone superposition (displayed as tubes) of the restrained regularized mean docked structure (red) and the crystal structure (blue). Tdiffapp was optimized within the range 300±5 K, and the nominal experimental temperature was 300 K.

In conclusion, we have shown that the shape and orientational information afforded by directly using 15N R2/R1 relaxation data in structure calculations without the need for any prior assumptions, combined with minimal additional information either in the form of highly ambiguous distance restraints derived from chemical shift perturbation mapping, additional biochemical data, or, in the case of dimers, symmetry restraints provides a powerful tool to facilitate reliable docking of protein-protein complexes.

Supplementary Material



Y.R. acknowledges a National Research Council Research Associateship. This work was supported by the NIH Intramural Research Programs of NIDDK (G.M.C.) and CIT (C.D.S.).


Supporting Information Available: Details of the algorithm, docking protocol, data treatment, Xplor-NIH scripts and experimental restraints files. This material is available free of charge via the internet at


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Supplementary Materials
