Cell motility is important for many developmental and physiological processes. Motility arises from interactions between physical forces at the cell surface membrane and the biochemical reactions that control the actin cytoskeleton. To computationally analyze how these factors interact, we built a three-dimensional stochastic model of the experimentally observed isotropic spreading phase of mammalian fibroblasts. The multiscale model is composed at the microscopic levels of three actin filament remodeling reactions that occur stochastically in space and time, and these reactions are regulated by the membrane forces due to membrane surface resistance (load) and bending energy. The macroscopic output of the model (isotropic spreading of the whole cell) occurs due to the movement of the leading edge, resulting solely from membrane force-constrained biochemical reactions. Numerical simulations indicate that our model qualitatively captures the experimentally observed isotropic cell-spreading behavior. The model predicts that increasing the capping protein concentration will lead to a proportional decrease in the spread radius of the cell. This prediction was experimentally confirmed with the use of Cytochalasin D, which caps growing actin filaments. Similarly, the predicted effect of actin monomer concentration was experimentally verified by using Latrunculin A. Parameter variation analyses indicate that membrane physical forces control cell shape during spreading, whereas the biochemical reactions underlying actin cytoskeleton dynamics control cell size (i.e., the rate of spreading). Thus, during cell spreading, a balance between the biochemical and biophysical properties determines the cell size and shape. These mechanistic insights can provide a format for understanding how force and chemical signals together modulate cellular regulatory networks to control cell motility.
Cell motility plays an important role in many physiological processes, including responses to infection and wound healing. Many external stimuli, such as physical forces and chemical signals, induce cells to reorganize their cytoskeleton in a dynamic fashion, leading to cellular motility (1–4). Several experimental and theoretical approaches have been used to study motility. Components of the system have been purified and reconstituted to obtain a dynamic reorganization of the cytoskeleton (5,6). Many informative computational models of actin polymerization-depolymerization cycles have been developed (7–13). These experiments and mathematical models provide insight into the dynamics of the underlying actin cytoskeleton reorganization. The models have enabled the development of complex analyses that explore the relationship between actin cytoskeleton dynamics and whole-cell behaviors such as cell spreading. Brownian ratchet models show how actin polymerization can drive the motility of a load, i.e., the plasma membrane (14). The Brownian ratchet model (15) posits that if the membrane undergoes Brownian motion, then occasionally the distance between the barbed end of the actin filament and the membrane will be large enough to allow the addition of an actin monomer. The elastic Brownian ratchet model is a modification of the original model, in which the random bending of the filament provides space for the addition of a new monomer (14). The membrane is then pushed forward because of the elastic energy stored in the filament. Schaus et al. (7) recently developed a computational model of actin filament orientation based on the dendritic nucleation model. This model provides insight into how steady-state actin filament patterns emerge in stochastic simulations. Using these observations, other groups have developed models of populations of actin filaments and analyzed the work required to push a flexible membrane forward (16). How the forward movement of the membrane results in motility at the level of the whole cell and control of cell shape is not fully understood.
Spreading of fibroblasts on fibronectin-coated glass surfaces has been analyzed to obtain precise quantitative macroscopic measurements of cell motility as defined by the spatial distribution of velocity at the leading edge (2). This spreading behavior consists of multiple phases: basal, fast, and contractile. Initiation of cell spreading on an extracellular matrix-coated surface is characterized by stochastic transient extension processes (2) that allow the cell to probe the surface. Triggering of spreading requires a matrix, but the fast, early spreading phase is independent of the substrate and will also occur on nonadherent surfaces (17,18). The second fast phase of spreading lasts 5–8 min (2). In the third phase, myosin-dependent processes, including periodic contractions, test the rigidity of the matrix (3) and subsequently give rise to the final shape on adherent surfaces. Quantitative macroscopic experiments can provide the experimental data required to build complex models that connect biochemical reactions and membrane forces to the observed macroscopic behavior at the cellular level.
We developed a computational model of cell spreading to address mechanistic questions regarding the relationship between macroscopic cellular behavior and physical forces and biochemical reactions: 1), Can simple microscopic models give rise to the experimentally observed macroscopic behavior? 2), What interactions occur between the membrane-derived physical forces and biochemical actin remodeling reactions, and what role do they play in regulating cell shape and the rate of spreading?
During spreading, the actin motility machinery undergoes remodeling events, resulting in a change of cell size and shape. We developed a three-dimensional (3D) stochastic model of cell spreading using quantitative experimental data (2) to constrain the macroscopic behavior. We consider both the biophysical and biochemical properties of the system in this model. The physical properties of the plasma membrane are described by two parameters: membrane surface resistance (i.e., load), p, and membrane bending, Kb (Table 1). The plasma membrane acts as a barrier or load against the growing network of actin filaments. This load is characterized as the membrane surface energy coefficient p in similarity to the definitions used previous models (7,10,19). Kb determines the energy cost of bending the membrane to change the cell shape.
Table 1.
The main parameters used in the model
Parameter | Value | Units | References |
Membrane surface resistance (p) | 100 | pN·μm−2 | (12) |
This parameter characterizes the load offered by the plasma membrane acting against a growing network of actin filaments. It is estimated from a previous computational study (12) in which the resistance pressure used ranged from 50 to 200 pN/μm on a 0.17-μm-thick lamellipodium, which corresponds to 300–1100 pN/μm2. Because a fibroblast cell is capable of buffering this resistance force with the membrane reservoir during cell spreading (32), the model selects a constant intermediate value of 100 pN/μm2 for the membrane resistance pressure. We also vary the value of force in the model in the range of 30–300 pN/μm2. | |||
Membrane bending stiffness (Kb) | 0.08 | pN·μm | (7) |
The membrane bending stiffness determines the energy cost of shaping the membrane. We use the same value of the membrane-bending coefficient employed by Schaus et al. (7). We also use two different values of Kb (0.04 and 0.2 pN·μm) to study the effect of membrane-bending stiffness on cell-spreading dynamics. | |||
Rate constant of filament polymerization | 11.6 | μM−1s−1 | (33) |
Rate constant of filament branching | 1.25 | μM−3s−1 | Estimated |
Because of the highly branched structure of the filament network at the leading edge of the spreading cell, the filament branching reaction is known to be very fast during the cell-spreading process. Since the filament branching reaction is a fourth-order reaction and the concentration of actin monomer is assumed as 20 μM, the model selects 1.25 μM−3·s−1 as the rate constant of the filament branching reaction, such that the reaction rate remains moderately high (10–100 reactions per second). | |||
Rate constant of filament capping | 35 | μM−1s−1 | Estimated |
Since the binding affinity of capping protein to the barbed end of actin filament is known to be high, and the rate of filament capping reaction should match the rate of the branching reaction during cell spreading, the model assumes the rate constant of capping reaction to be 35 μM−1·s−1, such that the rate of the capping reaction is comparable to, but a little smaller than the rate of the branching reaction (0.35–70 reactions per second). | |||
Filament branching angle | 70° | (34) |
The biochemical reactions consist of minimal reactions required to capture the dynamics of filament remodeling. In vitro reconstitution experiments have shown that actin, Arp2/3, capping protein, and cofilin are sufficient to produce the actin polymerization-based motility behavior that has been observed in vivo (5). We constructed a model that incorporates stochastic reaction kinetics and tracks the growth, branching, and capping of individual actin filaments. We used the elastic Brownian ratchet model (10) to simulate the movement of the plasma membrane at the leading edge based on the actin polymerization reactions. The biochemical rates are dependent on the membrane load acting on the individual filaments, and are computed locally for each filament using the elastic Brownian ratchet model (10). Our model captures the dynamics of every single filament in the model, which allows us to generate the dynamic profile of the leading edge of the whole cell in response to the three actin biochemical reactions that occur over time. Using this model, we studied how the biophysical and biochemical properties of the system are integrated to produce the observed macroscopic cell-spreading behavior. Specifically, we determined factors that control the size of the cell (i.e., spreading velocity) and the shape of the cell as it spreads.
Materials and Methods
Model description
We developed a 3D stochastic model for the movement of the leading edge of a spreading cell on a fibronectin-coated glass slide. At its core, the model consists of three biochemical reactions representing the dynamics of actin filaments: 1), elongation of actin filaments by polymerization; 2), capping of growing actin filaments; and 3), branching of existing actin filaments. The structure of the actin filament network defines the cell surface. The dynamics of the filament network alters the cell surface and results in movement of the leading edge. The cell surface, in its turn, mechanically modulates the forces acting on the filament ends and thus regulates the reaction rates. The energy change, ΔE, required to push the membrane forward and bend it depends on the surface geometry. Higher energy changes mean more difficulties in changing the filament network and a lower effective reaction rate. The key parameters are described in Table 1.
The computational model was developed using C++ custom code for a stochastic reaction machinery of three actin filament reactions.
We made the simplifying assumption that both the initiation and progression are dependent on a fixed concentration of actin regulatory proteins, although some experiments (2) indicate that initiation (but not progression) depends on integrin-fibronectin interactions. Complete details of the model development are presented in the Supporting Material.
Data analysis
The spreading model generates the following data sets that are used for further analysis: the cell-spreading radius as a function of location (angle) and time, the location (x,y,z coordinates) of each filament at a given time, the total number of filaments and the number of growing filaments as a function of time, and the geometry file in an .off format. For each combination of Arp2/3, capping protein, and G-ATP-actin concentration, the simulation was run 24 times and the average was reported as the spreading behavior for that condition. We mainly used two dimensionless variables: χ= R/R0 and C. χ= R/R0 is the fold change in the cell radius from the initial radius, where R is the average radius of the spreading cell at a given time, and R0 is the initial radius. C is the circularity of the cell (C = 1 for a circle, and as the shape deviates from a circle, the value of C decreases). These two variables characterize the effect of concentrations of actin modulators on the cell-spreading size and shape, respectively.
Cell-spreading experiments
For the spreading assays, we used immortalized mouse embryonic fibroblasts RPTPα on fibronectin-coated coverslips. Details of the culture conditions and preparation of the coverglass can be found in Giannone et al. (20). We tested the dependence of spreading on the number of free actin barbed ends by using the fungal toxin cytochalasin D. Cytochalasin D was added 30 min before spreading at concentrations of 50 nM (n = 6), 100 nM (n = 10), 200 nM (n = 6), and 500 nM (n = 5). The effect of monomeric G-actin on spreading was tested by adding Latrunculin A 30 min before spreading at concentrations of 100 nM (n = 5) and 200 nM (n = 16). To address the dynamics of cell spreading, we used a differential interference contrast microscope with a 20× air objective to record the spreading process. We recorded the spreading state every 5 s with a charge-coupled device camera.
For other details and access to the source codes for the program, please see the Supporting Material.
Microscopic filament reactions result in macroscopic changes in cell shape
The stochastic 3D spreading model allows for evolution of the filament network in three dimensions. In Fig. 1 A, we follow the evolution of a family of filaments from a single filament. This snapshot was taken at 2 s from the start of the simulation. There are two daughter filaments at different locations at a 70° angle from the mother filament. This shows us that the algorithm is computing the spatial constraints for the growing and branching filaments without allowing the filaments to clash in space. Thus, the model is able to correctly capture the branch angle and allow for filament evolution in 3D space without any hidden assumptions.
Figure 1.
Relationship between microscopic events and macroscopic whole-cell spreading behavior. (A) Evolution of a single family of filaments. (B) The 3D filament network at 30 s for [Arp2/3] = 0.1 μM and [capping protein] = 0.1 μM. The changing filaments from the previous reaction time step are shown in blue and the cell periphery is shown in red. (C) Projection of the changing filaments from B with the cell periphery. (D) The energy map shows the probability factor at 30 s. E–G are similar to B–D at 60 s. (D and E) Filament network at 30 and 60 s, respectively. Values on the axes represent (x,y,z) location.
The evolution of the filament network for the whole-cell simulation is shown at two different times (30 s and 60 s) in Fig. 1, B–G. Only those filaments that changed in the previous time step are highlighted in blue. The 2D projection of the filament network gives us a bottom-up view of the spreading cell (Fig. 1, C and F). We trace the periphery of the filament network on the spreading surface and track the shape of the cell. The probability factor for the individual filament undergoing a filament reaction at t = 30 s is shown in Fig. 1, D and G. Even though the physical characteristics of the membrane are constant, the membrane resistance factor is locally and dynamically computed to represent the cytoskeleton-membrane interaction in a spatiotemporal manner.
The filament network evolves over time as the filament reactions progress, and, as shown in Fig. 1, C and F, the number of growing filaments increases, resulting in an increase in the cell-spreading radius. We compare the filament network from our model against electron micrographs of the actin cytoskeleton at the leading edge (Fig. S2) and observe that the filament network generated by the computational model has the same visual characteristics as the electron micrographs. Thus, our model, at a reasonable level, realistically captures the intricacies of microscopic filament reactions in 3D space with no hidden assumptions, and displays a cell-spreading behavior similar to that observed experimentally.
Spreading model captures experimentally observed spreading behavior
We compared the output from the spreading model with the experimental results. The radius map obtained as an average of 24 simulations for an Arp2/3 concentration of 0.1 μM and a capping protein concentration of 0.1 μM (Fig. 2 A), and the radius map from experiment (Fig. 2 B) display similar spatiotemporal radial profiles. The experimental radius map shows the full spreading behavior for 30 min of spreading. The variation in start time for the fast spreading phase in experiments is shown in Fig. S12. The initial spreading phase has a uniform radius over angle and time, and finger-like projections appear along the periphery (Fig. 2 B). We also compared the velocity maps derived from simulations with those obtained by experiment. As shown in Fig. 2, C and D, in the isotropic spreading phase there are large angular regions of positive velocity along with pockets of quiescence (zero velocity) (17). The dynamic spreading behavior in our model is shown in Movie S1 of the Supporting Material. To directly compare experiments and simulations, we plot the fold change in radius (χ) in Fig. 2 E and see that the rate of increase in the radius is similar in both the simulations and the experiments. In the fast isotropic spreading phase, the circularity stays almost constant in experiments (Fig. 2 F), varying in a narrow range between 0.7 and 0.8. In our model, we start from a value of one, and as the filament reactions occur, the cell shape changes from a circle, but not by much. At the end of the 5 min simulation, the circularity is 0.92, indicating that the cell shape stays close to a circle and varies within a small range. We conclude that our model is capable of providing a good estimation of the spatiotemporal characteristics of cell spreading.
Figure 2.
Comparison of simulations and experiments regarding the characteristics of isotropic cell spreading. (A) Radius map from an average of 24 simulations for [Arp2/3] = 0.1 μM and [capping protein] = 0.1 μM. (B) Radius map from experiment, showing the full 30 min of spreading. (C) The velocity map from simulation shows isotropic spreading with a few pockets of zero velocity. (D) Velocity map of experiment. (E) Comparison of fold change in radius χ in experiment and simulation. (F) Comparison of circularity in experiment and simulation.
Effects of biochemical and biophysical parameters
Our model includes three biochemical parameters (G-ATP-actin, Arp2/3, and capping protein) and two biophysical parameters (membrane surface resistance p and membrane bending stiffness coefficient Kb). Since our model is able to qualitatively capture the spreading behavior observed experimentally (Fig. 2), we sought to understand the role of these parameters individually and collectively. In the following sections, we present the key points of these parameter variation simulations.
Effect of capping rates and monomeric actin levels
Capping protein is needed to maintain the actin remodeling events (21) and provide the counterbalance for filament growth. We varied the concentration of capping protein while maintaining the Arp2/3 concentration at 0.05 μM and G-ATP-actin at 20 μM. The increase in capping protein concentration resulted in a smaller size (Fig. 3 A) and more isotropic circular spreading (Fig. 3 B). The increased isotropicity in response to the increase in capping protein concentration most likely occurs because capping becomes the dominant filament reaction, and when regions along the periphery get capped, there is less spatial deviation from circularity. We explored the dependence of cell shape and size on the concentration of capping protein and found that cell size has a strong negative correlation with increasing capping protein, but cell shape does not have a strong dependence on the capping protein concentration (Fig. 3, C and D).
Figure 3.
Effects of changing the capping protein on isotropic cell spreading, and the (A) fold change in radius and (B) circularity. (C) The final value of χ at 5 min correlates inversely with [Cap]. (D) Circularity at 5 min has a positive correlation with [Cap]. Actin concentration = 20 μM, and [Arp2/3] = 0.05 μM. (E) Increasing cytochalasin D decreases the cell-spreading radius. (F) The final value of χ at 5 min decreases with increasing cytochalasin D concentration.
We tested our prediction regarding the dependence of the cell-spreading size on capping protein concentration by using the pharmacologic agent Cytochalasin D. Cytochalasin D is a fungal toxin that is known to disrupt the actin cytoskeleton (22). Increasing the concentration of Cytochalasin D led to a decrease in cell-spreading size compared to control (Fig. 3 E). A correlation analysis showed a strong negative correlation between the concentration of Cytochalasin D and cell size at 5 min, validating our prediction that the cell-spreading size depends on capping protein (Fig. 3 F).
Simulations showed that reducing the G-actin concentration reduced the fold change of the radius (Fig. S17C). Experiments with Latrunculin A, which sequesters monomeric actin, showed a qualitatively similar reduction in the fold change of the radius (Fig. S18).
The membrane force-based feedback loop controls cell shape
The membrane-constrained feedback to the growing filament network represents the interaction of the actin cytoskeleton with the plasma membrane, and is a very important link between the membrane's biophysical properties and the underlying biochemical events. In our model, we account for two contributions by the plasma membrane: membrane surface resistance and membrane bending. In this set of simulations, Arp2/3 and capping protein concentrations were both maintained at 0.1 μM, and G-ATP-actin concentration was maintained at 20 μM. In the absence of both surface resistance and membrane bending (p = 0 pN·μm−2, Kb = 0 pN·μm), we see that the number of growing filaments is large compared to the control case of (p = 100 pN·μm−2, Kb = 0.08 pN.μm) (Fig. 4 A), and this translates into a lower filament density because the area also increases correspondingly (Fig. 4 B). The fold change in radius is very large (Fig. 4 C) and the cell shape is extremely noncircular (Fig. 4 D). This is not in agreement with experimentally observed spreading characteristics; rather, it is a representation of free actin filaments growing on a surface.
Figure 4.
Effects of membrane surface resistance and bending on isotropic cell spreading, and the (A) number of growing filaments, (B) filament density, (C) fold change in radius, and (D) circularity. [Actin] = 20 μM, [capping protein] = 0.1 μM, and [Arp2/3] = 0.1 μM.
The inclusion of membrane surface resistance alone (p = 100 pN.μm−2, Kb = 0.0 pN.μm) regulates the free evolution of the cytoskeleton and constrains the spreading behavior closer to the experimentally observed behavior. After ∼3 min, the circularity starts to be below the isotropicity threshold of C > 0.75. The inclusion of membrane bending without any surface resistance (p = 0 pN.μm−2, Kb = 0.08 pN.μm) leads to spreading dynamics closer to that of the control. The number of growing filaments and the filament density are lower than in the control, but the size and shape evolution (Fig. 4, C and D) are very similar to the control. The shape evolution in the presence of membrane resistance alone and bending alone is shown in Movie S2 and Movie S3. These data emphasize the role of membrane biophysical properties that are dependent on the constraint-based feedback loop in regulating the actin biochemical reactions. Furthermore, although both membrane surface resistance and bending are important factors, it appears that the shape evolution (i.e., circularity; Fig. 4 D) is controlled mainly by the membrane bending, and the number of growing filaments is influenced mainly by the membrane surface resistance (Fig. 4 A).
Effect of branching rates
Filament branching is mediated by Arp2/3, and the concentration of Arp2/3 affects the rate of filament branching. We varied the Arp2/3 concentration from 0.01 μM to 0.1 μM while maintaining the capping protein concentration constant at 0.05 μM and the G-ATP-actin concentration at 20 μM. Increasing the Arp2/3 concentration increased the number of growing filaments (Fig. 5 A). This result was as expected since the higher concentration of Arp2/3 allowed for more branches and directly increased the number of growing filaments. Despite the significant growth in the number of growing filaments, the change in the total number of filaments was moderate, and the increasing area led to a decrease in total filament density as the Arp2/3 concentration increased (Fig. 5 B). Increasing the Arp2/3 concentration also decreased the circularity (Fig. 5 D). One possible explanation for this is that the increased rate of branching and the stochastic nature of the filament branching reactions can lead to local regions with higher barbed-end density. Since branching events occur on barbed ends, these regions are expected to have many more new filaments. This positive feedback loop can change the shape locally and reduce the circularity. The persistence of regions with higher branch numbers and filament density over the spreading time can lead to nonisotropy. It should be noted that although increasing the Arp2/3 concentration decreased the circularity, all of the conditions tested continued to exhibit isotropic spreading.
Figure 5.
Effect of changing levels of Arp2/3 concentration (in μM) on isotropic cell spreading. Effects of Arp2/3 concentration on the (A) number of growing filaments, (B) filament density, (C) fold change in radius, and (D) circularity are shown. (E) The final value of χ at 5 min correlates linearly with Arp2/3 concentration. (F) Circularity at 5 min has an inverse correlation with Arp2/3 concentration. Actin concentration was 20 μM and capping protein concentration was 0.05 μM.
At 5 min, χ shows a strong positive correlation with Arp2/3 concentration (Fig. 5 E), and circularity (C) shows a medium negative correlation with Arp2/3 concentration (Fig. 5 F). Thus, the branching rate plays an important role in determining the cell-spreading size, but has only a moderate effect on cell shape.
Varying Arp2/3 and capping the protein ratio affects cell size
Since the spreading dynamics depends on Arp2/3 and capping protein concentrations, we conducted simulations for 100 combinations of Arp2/3 and capping protein concentrations, each varying between 0.01 μM and 0.1 μM. In Fig. 6 A, we plot the final value of χ at 5 min as a function of Arp2/3 and capping protein (Cap) concentrations. It can be seen that increasing the Arp2/3 concentration increases χ, and increasing the capping protein decreases χ. Based on the earlier analysis shown in Figs. 3, C and D, and 5, E and F, we define the ratio α = [Cap]/[Arp2/3], where α is a dimensionless concentration that represents the balance between capping and branching events. The value of χ decreases with increasing α, and the value of circularity increases with increasing α. The dependence of χ on α shows a strong negative correlation with a correlation coefficient of −0.81. The circularity at 5 min shows a weak correlation with α. The mean value of circularity shows that on average, across the 100 combinations of Arp2/3 and capping protein concentrations, the cell-spreading behavior is isotropic and robust (Fig. 6 B). Thus, the cell size (but not shape) depends heavily on the concentration of Arp2/3 and capping protein. We varied the values of membrane surface resistance and bending, and repeated the simulations with 100 conditions of Arp2/3 and capping protein concentration combinations. We found that the negative correlation between cell size and α became stronger as the surface resistance increased. The dependence of the circularity on the concentration was minor for almost all of the examined conditions (Fig. S13, Fig. S14, Fig. S15, Fig. S16, Table S2, and Table S3).
Figure 6.
Phase plots of the relationship between the ratio of capping protein/Arp2/3 and the change in radius or circularity. (A) Phase plot of χ as a function of capping protein and Arp2/3 concentrations μM; χ correlates negatively with α = [Cap]/[Arp2/3]. (B) Phase plot of circularity as a function of Arp2/3 and capping protein concentrations; C correlates positively with α = [Cap]/[Arp2/3].
Reciprocal relationship between size and shape
Computational models of spreading and actin cytoskeleton remodeling can provide insight into how the biophysical and biochemical properties of a cell work together to regulate a biological phenomenon. Our model is able to capture experimentally observed spreading behavior using a stochastic framework for membrane-constrained biochemical reactions.
A detailed computational analysis of the roles played by the biochemical entities (Arp2/3, capping protein, and G-ATP-actin) and the biophysical factors (membrane resistance and membrane bending energy) shows that Arp2/3 and G-ATP-actin are responsible for increasing the cell size and decreasing the circularity across the spectrum of parameters analyzed. In contrast, capping protein, membrane surface resistance, and the membrane bending energy coefficient decrease the cell size and increase the circularity. It is noteworthy that the same set of parameters that affect cell shape positively result in diminished cell size and vice versa. This inverse relationship provides new insight into what drives the balance between cell size and shape: increasing the probability of filament reactions not only results in a larger cell size, it also increases the probability of spatial deviation from a circle.
An important aspect of systems biology is the need to develop biochemical models with an appropriate level of detail to explain complex cellular behavior. Given the vast amount of data in the literature regarding components and interactions, it is always possible to build very large and detailed models. Although such models can and do provide useful information about the underlying complexity of cellular processes, they are not useful in defining the role of the core biochemical events that control complex cellular processes. This is especially true in cases where stochastic biochemical processes give rise to cellular behavior that appears to be largely deterministic. In this study, we built on previous successful attempts to model aspects of cellular motility (9) in an attempt to define and understand how coupled biochemical reactions lead to complex cellular behavior. The availability of macroscopic quantitative experimental data on dynamic cellular behavior was a critical factor in obtaining the constraints necessary to develop this temporal model in three spatial dimensions. Our results demonstrate that an appropriately constructed, simple microscopic model can produce complex macroscopic behavior.
Salient features of this scalable, mechanism-based dynamic model of cell behavior
Our model uses microscopic events occurring at the level of the actin cytoskeleton (biochemical reactions) to elicit a macroscopic dynamic phenomenon (cell spreading). This coupling between scales is explicit, with no hidden assumptions. Our model is in three dimensions and incorporates both spatial and temporal stochasticity in the dynamics of cytoskeletal remodeling. The filament network evolves dynamically and changes the membrane surface (Fig. 1 and Fig. S2). This model has a realistic microscopic representation of the actin cytoskeleton and the resultant cell membrane surface. Actin cytoskeleton is constructed in 3D space explicitly and the surface geometry of cell membrane is reasonably approximated, based on proven experimental knowledge about actin filament networks in vivo and filament-membrane interactions. The biochemical kinetics of these reactions is driven by experimentally determined concentrations of actin and actin-binding molecules. Simulation of cytoskeleton growth and cell spreading is at a fine-grained microscopic level in time and space. Translation of the microscopic phenomena into experimentally observable quantitative macroscopic behavior suggests that microscopic stochastic variation in biochemical reactions drives the macroscopic stochastic or deterministic cell-spreading behavior. This crucial feature of scalability allows us to study the effects of branching and capping on whole-cell spreading behavior. Further, the integration of membrane forces with biochemical kinetic parameters allows us to study how membrane forces interact with biochemical reactions to elicit dynamic whole-cell behavior. Our model analyzes the effect of branching, capping, and membrane constraints on whole-cell spreading behavior by parametric variation of membrane parameters, Arp2/3, and capping protein. This analysis shows that distinct combinations of molecular concentrations of activated actin regulators and the biophysical properties of cell membrane, as represented by the surface resistance and membrane bending term, produces either isotropic or anisotropic cell-spreading behavior, which illustrates how molecular concentrations and membrane resistance pressure synergistically control macroscopic cell-spreading behavior in a self-regulating feedback loop. The output from the model, i.e., the dynamics of cell shape and size during cell spreading driven by actin cytoskeleton reactions, is a quantitative value that can be directly compared with experimental observations. We were able to validate experimental predictions from the model. The dependence of spreading size on the concentration of capping protein was matched by experiments using Cytochalasin D. An increasing capping rate in another model (13) predicted a decrease in velocity. Our model extends that prediction and shows that it is valid in three dimensions, which we validated experimentally. In contrast, Cuvelier et al. (18) found that the addition of Cytochalasin D in HeLa cells led to an increase in the initial cell-spreading rate. Our model does not predict an increase in spreading rate when capping protein is increased. Therefore, we are currently unable to explain that observation. Perhaps, additional regulatory features will account for this observation (23). We also experimentally validated the prediction that reducing the levels of G-actin would pharmacologically reduce the spreading rates.
The parameter variations also provided mechanistic insights. The simulations allowed us identify the differential effect of the biochemical and biophysical parameters on the dynamics of cell size and shape. Physical forces that largely originate at the plasma membrane appear to be the major factors that control cell shape. This is consistent with other models developed for actin filament populations (7). It should be the noted here that the stiffness of the actin filaments undoubtedly plays an important role in determining the overall membrane energy contributions. However, previous studies have observed that filament stiffness mostly affects the orientation of branching (7) and does not have a strong effect on shape evolution at the leading edge. In contrast, the dynamics of cell size is controlled by the biochemical reactions underlying the actin filament structure near the plasma membrane. These parameter variation analyses also allowed us to identify the reciprocal relationship between cell size and shape.
Although our model has provided substantial new insights, we also note some limitations. We were never able to get the simulated velocity to be equal to the experimental observed velocities. The simulated velocities were 3- to 10-fold lower than the experimental velocities. We used experimentally obtained or estimated values of concentrations, which were determined before the start of the simulations (5). Most often, these values are deduced from in vitro experiments with purified proteins, and their relationships to the respective rates in the intact cell remain unclear. As is customary in our laboratory (24,25), once we decided on the kinetic parameters on the basis of available experimental data (Table S1), we did not change them during the simulations. Hence, we only looked for qualitative behavior matches (e.g., isotropic cell spreading in this study, or bistable switching behavior in previous simulations (25)) rather than quantitative matches between simulations and experiments. This discrepancy raises an interesting question for future experiments and simulations: Does the observed difference in quantitative macroscopic behavior arise from the intrinsically different kinetic rates, or is the difference due to additional components that enhance or suppress the core biochemical reactions to yield the observed macroscopic behavior? If analyses of receptor-regulated heterotrimeric G-protein pathways are a guide, then additional components and their regulation of core processes are likely to be the reason (26,27). Nevertheless, this model does identify the core factors that control isotropic cell spreading.
Another limitation of this model is the simplification we make regarding the regulatory inputs, such as the levels of active Arp2/3, and capping proteins. These are given an initial value that is held constant for the duration of the simulation. The activities of these proteins are likely to change in response to signals in a dynamic fashion in response to signal input, and a more-refined future version of this model will include such dynamics. If we need to realistically model multiple motility behaviors in the same cell, future models may require an explicit description of the signaling reactions as well as more cytoskeleton regulatory components within the core actin cytoskeleton dynamics framework used in this study. Another simplification we make is the uniform spatial distribution of all components at t = 0. This is probably not true for all components, and a more extensive computational scheme will also have to consider gradients of regulators from the leading edge to the cell interior.
Comparison with other models
Few models are available that explicitly relate microscopic events to macroscopic behavior. Here we compare the two models that are closest to ours. Mogilner and Edelstein-Keshet (12) developed a 1D model of actin dynamics in rapidly moving cells and analyzed the steady-state relationship between a number of barbed ends and the protrusion velocity. Their model captures the dependence of protrusion velocity on the density of barbed ends and membrane resistance pressure, and suggests that rapid cell motion requires an optimal number of barbed ends, and that maximum velocity decreases with an increase in resistance pressure. Thus, the Mogilner-Edelstein-Keshet model identifies the number of barbed ends and the resistance pressure as key players in determining the protrusion velocity of the cell. Our model builds on the previous one in that we use filament remodeling reactions and membrane resistance pressure to compute the spreading velocity. Our model also extends the previous model in two significant ways: it incorporates the dynamics of filament remodeling reactions in both space and time. Experiments (2) have shown that the spreading velocity along the periphery of the cell is not necessarily uniform and the velocity has a spatiotemporal profile that characterizes the spreading behavior of the cell. These enhancements allowed us to explicitly connect microscopic events to macroscopic behavior.
While the initial models in this study were being developed (28,29), Carlsson (13) independently developed a model for the growth of branched actin networks against an obstacle. In the Carlsson model, the growth of the actin filament network depends on simple stochastic events for filament elongation, capping, and branching. The events on which the Carlsson model is based are similar to those used in our model. The important difference between the two models is the output phenomenon being studied. Our model studies macroscopic cellular behavior, i.e., experimentally observable cell spreading, whereas the Carlsson model studies the growth of filaments against an obstacle. In that model, the growth velocity of the filament network depends on the branching rate: it shows an increase with an increasing branching rate, and approaches an asymptotic value for large values of branching rates. This mechanistic insight from the Carlsson model is very valuable and complements our findings that biochemical reactions are major determinants of the rate of isotropic cell spreading.
Cell spreading has also been modeled by means of hydrodynamic approaches (18), and the dynamics of spreading were found to consistently follow a power-law behavior. The spreading radius followed a power law with respect to time in our model as well (Fig. S19), but the exponents differed from that shown by Cuvelier et al. (18). This difference can be explained by the fact that we were unable to obtain quantitative agreements in the velocity profile during spreading (Fig. S18). Although there are differences in the details, our observations are in agreement with the conclusions of Cuvelier et al. (18) that cell spreading is regulated by its “mesocopic structure and material properties”. We provide an extensive comparison of the various models in Table S4.
In Table S5, we compare the results from our model with results obtained in different cell-spreading experiments. The overall trend of increasing spreading area with time remains similar among the different experimental conditions and is captured in our model. The main difference is in the timescale of spreading, depending on the cell type and substrate conditions.
In conclusion, we have developed a multiscale computational model to understand how macroscopic cellular behavior arises from microscopic determinants such as the concentration of cellular components and biochemical reactions. The model shows that the dynamic biophysical and biochemical properties of the system are equally important factors in the observed macroscopic behavior, although they control different facets of the behavior. Experimentally, minimal reconstituted systems have provided significant insights into the mechanisms that underlie key cellular phenomena, including ATP synthesis (30) and signal transduction at the cell surface (31). We view this model as an in silico, minimally reconstituted system that will allow us to further study the mechanisms by which force and chemical signals are integrated to control cell motility.
Supporting Material
Three movies, five tables, and nineteen figures are available at http://www.biophysj.org/biophysj/supplemental/S0006-3495(10)00224-9.
Supporting Material
We thank Prof. Tatyana Svitkina of the University of Pennsylvania for providing us with an electron micrograph of the actin filament network, Dr. Gary Borisy for helping with the morphological constraints of our model, and Dr. Ravi Ramamoorthi of the University of California, Berkeley, for extensive help with programming.
This research was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health (grant GM 072853), a Nanomedicine Center Development Grant (EY016586) from the NIH Roadmap Initiative, the Systems Biology Center (grant GM-071558), and the National Science Foundation through Teragrid resources provided by the San Diego Supercomputing Center. P.R. was supported by a fellowship from training from the National Institutes of Health (grant DK007645).
Azi Lipshtat's present address is Gonda Brain Research Center, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
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