ovo1 is induced by Wnt signaling and Ovo1 overexpression partially rescues loss of Wnt signaling in NC cells. (A,B) sox10 expression appears identical in controls and embryos overexpressing a heat-shock-inducible form of the dominant-negative form of Tcf3 (dnTcf3), heat-shocked at 12 hpf. e, eye; ot, otic vesicle. (C) Real-time PCR shows reduced ovo1 RNA levels in embryos overexpressing dnTcf3 (blue bars) when compared with wild-type siblings (red bars). Similar reductions occur for axin2 mRNA, a direct Wnt target. (D,E) Loss of sox10 expression in NC in dnTcf3-injected embryos heat-shocked at 10 hpf (D), compared with controls (E, arrow). Percentages in lower right corners indicate phenotype frequency with number of embryos in parentheses. (F,G) Rescue of sox10 expression in NC (arrows) in heat-shocked, dnTcf3-injected embryos overexpressing ovo1 (**, P≤0.01).