To gain insights into the mechanisms for the tight and highly specific interaction of the kringle 2 domain of human plasminogen (K2Pg) with a 30-residue internal peptide (VEK-30) from a group A streptococcal M-like protein, the dynamic properties of free and bound K2Pg and VEK-30 were investigated using backbone amide 15N-NMR relaxation measurements. Dynamic parameters, namely the generalized order parameter, S2, the local correlation time, τe, and the conformational exchange contribution, Rex, were obtained for this complex by Lipari-Szabo model-free analysis. The results show that VEK-30 displays distinctly different dynamic behavior as a consequence of binding to K2Pg, manifest by decreased backbone flexibility, particularly at the binding region of the peptide. In contrast, the backbone dynamics parameters of K2Pg displayed similar patterns in the free and bound forms, but, nonetheless, showed interesting differences. Based on our previous structure-function studies of this interaction, we also made comparisons of the VEK-30/K2Pg dynamics results from different kringle modules complexed with small lysine analogs. The differences in dynamics observed for kringles with different ligands provide what we believe to be new insights into the interactions responsible for protein-ligand recognition and a better understanding of the differences in binding affinity and binding specificity of kringle domains with various ligands.
The group A streptococcal surface virulence protein, PAM, a 43 kDa member of the M-like protein family, interacts with high affinity and specificity with the lysine binding site (LBS) of the 80-residue kringle-2 (K2) domain of human plasminogen (hPg) (1). A region of PAM, spanning amino acid residues 91–116, contains its α1α2 repeat sequences, and is responsible for binding of PAM to the K2Pg domain, an event that allows for a proteolytic bacterial surface and heavily contributes to virulence of PAM+ group A streptococci (2). A functional internal peptide of PAM, namely VEK-30, derived from residues 85–113 of PAM, and containing the first and most of the second direct repeat, possesses a high-affinity binding site for K2Pg (KD = 460 nM). In contrast, there is no measurable affinity of VEK-30 to any of the other isolated hPg kringles (3–5).
Recently, we determined the NMR structures of the VEK-30/K2Pg complex, which provided an understanding the intermolecular interactions that govern this interaction in solution (6). On the basis of the solution structure, as well as multiple sequence alignments of different kringle modules, and mutational studies, we proposed that the conserved hydrophobic binding core of K2Pg (residues Tyr35, Phe40, Trp60, Phe62, Trp70, and Y72), along with side chain residues in its anionic (Asp54 and Asp56), and cationic (Arg69) centers, interacts with VEK-30 in a similar fashion as its binding to small lysine analogs, resulting in a basal level of binding affinity. However, several nonconserved residues, including Gly34, Lys39, Lys43, and Arg55, which specifically exist in K2Pg, and are located outside of the canonical LBS, strategically occupy specific positions that optimize interactions with VEK-30. These exosite interactions enhance affinity of VEK-30 to K2Pg and facilitate the docking of VEK-30 to the K2Pg domain by modulating ligand recognition and binding specificity.
Structural data alone are not sufficient for an in-depth prediction of binding properties (7–9). Internal dynamics commonly plays an important role in the function of proteins. For example, specific molecular recognition processes that occur in biological systems are dependent on the dynamic properties of the species involved. NMR spectroscopy is not only of great use for determining the atomic structures of proteins, but also is a powerful and unique tool for the study of dynamic properties of proteins at the atomic level (10–13). The dynamical analyses of relaxation data using the model-free approach introduce a global rotational correlation time (τm), an internal correlation time (τe), and an order parameter (S2), the latter being related to the amplitudes of internal motions for each residue (14–16). These approaches are useful in furthering our understanding of the role of time-dependent conformational fluctuations involved in binding events, and provide insights into describing the contributions of motions on different timescales to the high affinity and binding specificity.
In this study, NMR relaxation data for both free and bound forms of VEK-30 and K2Pg were collected and analyzed with Lipari-Szabo model-free approaches to investigate the changes in backbone dynamics induced by binding of each peptide. These dynamics studies provide important complementary information regarding the nature of this specific molecular recognition event.
Protein expression and purification
15N-K2Pg[C4G/E56D/L72Y], a triple variant of wild-type (WT)-K2Pg that displays enhanced affinity for lysine analogs and VEK-30 compared to WT-K2Pg was expressed in Pichia pastoris GS115 cells and purified as described (6). Final yields of 15N-K2Pg were typically 75–100 mg/L. 15N-VEK-30 was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified as published (6). Final recoveries of peptide were 10–15 mg/L.
The purity and correct folding of materials were verified by SDS-PAGE and 2D HSQC spectroscopy, respectively. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry was used for molecular weight analyses. For the uniformly labeled 15N-peptides, single mass peaks were obtained at the correct molecular weights, indicating nearly complete incorporation of 15N.
NMR sample preparations
Samples (1 mM) were dissolved in a buffer containing 50 mM Hepes (pH 7.0), 1 mM EDTA, 200 mM NaCl, 3 mM NaN3, 10% 2H2O and 0.2 mM 2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-sulfonic acid. Samples of the binary complex were prepared at 1 mM (1:1 stoichiometry of VEK-30/K2Pg).
NMR spectroscopy and backbone 15N relaxation measurements
NMR spectra were collected on a Bruker AVANCE 800 MHz spectrometer using a 5-mm triple resonance cryoprobe. The backbone chemical-shift assignments were obtained by a set of 3D-HNCA, HNCO, HNCACB, HBHA(CO)NH, and CBCA(CO)NH experiments (6). Data were zero-filled to double the original data points and apodized with 90° to 60° shift square sine bell window function before Fourier transformation. 1H and 15N chemical shifts were referenced indirectly to internal 2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-sulfonic acid (17).
The backbone 15N relaxation parameters, including longitudinal relaxation rates (R1), transverse relaxation rates (R2), and steady-state heteronuclear [1H]-15N NOEs, for free and complexed VEK-30 and K2Pg were measured using standard pulse sequences at 298 K. All 15N-R1 and 15N-R2 relaxation experiments were carried out in an interleave manner with a 2-s recycle delay between scans. The relaxation delays used for complexed and free K2Pg were 10 × 2, 100, 300, 500, 800, 1000, 1200, and 1600 ms for the R1 experiments and were 17 × 2, 34, 51, 68, 85, 102, 119, 136, 153, 170, 204, and 238 ms for the R2 experiments. For free VEK-30, relaxation delays were set to 10 × 2, 50, 90, 220, 350, 520, 680, 820, 960, and 1100 ms for the R1 experiments and 17 × 2, 34, 51, 68, 85, 102, 119, 136, 153, 170, and 204 ms for the R2 experiments. Duplicate spectra were used to estimate experimental errors. The relaxation rates were determined by fitting the crosspeak intensities to a single exponential function using nonlinear least-squares. The error in the rate constant was assessed from Monte Carlo simulations. [1H]-15N NOE experiments were carried out in the absence and presence of a 3-s proton saturation period before the 15N excitation pulse, using recycle delays of 4 and 7 s. Heteronuclear NOE values were obtained from the ratios of the peak intensities measured with and without proton saturation. Peak intensities uncertainties were estimated from the noise level of the spectra (NOE measurements).
To investigate the motional properties of K2Pg and VEK-30, as well as to obtain further insights into the molecular mechanisms of their mutual recognition, backbone 15N longitudinal relaxation rates (R1), transverse relaxation rates (R2), and heteronuclear 1H-15N NOE values, for free and bound peptides, were measured.
15N relaxation measurements for K2Pg
In these analyses, 66 and 69 of 87 residues were used for the free and the VEK-30 bound forms of K2Pg, respectively. The unanalyzed residues included seven proline residues (Pro30, Pro37, Pro41, Pro53, Pro59, Pro66, and Pro76) that have no amide protons. Other residues were excluded due to weak signals or severe spectral overlap. The experimental relaxation rates, R1, R2, and 1H-15N NOE values, are plotted against the amino acid sequence (Fig. S1 in the Supporting Material). Overall, the R1, R2, and NOE values of K2Pg, complexed to VEK-30, show similar patterns in comparison to those of the apo form, i.e., there is little variation in R1 value across the sequence of K2Pg, and the R2 rates exhibit clear differences between the bulk of protein and several regions. Further, a significant decrease in R2 is observed at both the N- and C-termini. Relatively high NOE values appeared in the core region (1–78) with the large deviations from average values also observed at the two termini.
Average R1, R2, and NOE values of 1.34 s−1, 11.9 s−1, and 0.79, respectively, were obtained for free K2Pg, and average R1, R2, and NOE values of 1.19 s−1, 14.0 s−1, and 0.80, respectively, were obtained for bound K2Pg. The high backbone 1H-15N NOE values indicate that K2Pg is generally rigid on the ps timescale, both in its apo- and VEK-30-bound states. Residues in the two terminal segments of Tyr7–Glu1 and Asp74–Ala80 showed relatively low R2 and NOE values, indicating their high flexibility on the ps-ns timescale. These observations are consistent with the lack of observed medium- and long-range NOEs within these peptide regions, based on the NOE data (6). For both forms of K2Pg, Gly6, Cys22, His31, Ala32, Lys39, Thr63, and Thr64 show larger than the average R2/R1 values, indicative of conformational exchanges on μs-ms timescale and/or internal motions on the ps-ns timescale. Notably, the segment Gly34–Lys46 in the apo form manifests more fluctuations in R2 rates than in the complexed state (Fig. S1).
15N relaxation measurements for VEK-30
Reliable relaxation parameters were obtained for 26 and 25 of 32 nonproline residues for apo and bound VEK-30, respectively. The unanalyzed residues were due to partial overlap or line-broadening, indicative of internal motion and/or rapid exchange with solvent. The residue-specific relaxation parameters are shown in Fig. S2. Overall, the internal dynamics of VEK-30 complexed to K2Pg is significantly changed relative to apo-VEK-30. In the complex, the R1 rates significantly decreased, and the R2 rates systematically increased, compared with free VEK-30, in agreement with the almost three-fold increase in molecular mass of VEK-30 in the complex. The [1H]-15N NOE value of free VEK-30 is systematically low (average value = 0.25 ± 0.34), compared to that of bound state (average value = 0.60 ± 0.33), suggesting that the functional peptide is highly mobile and unstructured in absence of K2Pg, which is consistent with the chemical shift index of VEK-30. The complex structure determined by x-ray and NMR methods showed that VEK-30 adopts an extended α-helix conformation throughout residues Ala6-Leu26, whereas the N- and C-terminal regions are solvent exposed and structurally disordered. Most of the intermolecular interactions occur between a single face of the α-helix of VEK-30 (residues 6–21) and the LBS of K2Pg. Consistent with the structure of VEK-30 in the complex, the bound peptide exhibits distinct differences in the relaxation parameters, R2 and NOE in three regions. These include: N- and C-terminal residues, 1–5 and 27–30, respectively, which have lowest average R2 (5.5 ± 2.1 s−1); residues 6–21, which make the majority of close contacts with K2Pg, and have the highest average R2 value (13.6 ± 1.4 s−1); and residues 22–27, which is an extended α-helical region, and has slightly lower R2 values than residues 6–21. Similarly, the different regions of the bound peptide clearly show different ranges of NOE values. Both the N- and C-terminal residues have negative, or relatively low, NOE values as compared to the average NOE for the remainder of the peptide. Unlike the other relaxation measurements, the different regions of the peptide did not exhibit systematic variations in R1 values. Therefore, Fig. S2 indicates that binding of K2Pg perturbs the dynamics of VEK-30 by reducing backbone flexibility throughout the extended α-helix, more strikingly, at the main binding region of the residue 6–21 region, as demonstrated by changes in the overall patterns of the R1, R2, and NOE values plotted as a function of residue number.
Model-free analysis
The analysis of backbone dynamic parameters was carried out using the Lipari-Szabo model-free method, as implemented in the program, Tensor 2 (18). In this approach, relaxation rates were first used to estimate the diffusion tensor. Here, common procedures were followed to determine the rotational diffusion tensors of both apo-K2Pg and VEK-30/K2Pg by excluding residues with conformational exchanges and/or fast internal motions. Residues that satisfied these criteria were used to characterize the diffusion tensor, which was chosen over isotropic and anisotropic models. On the basis of the observation that the degree of anisotropy was found to be small (D///D⊥≈ 1.03 and 1.06 for apo-K2Pg and VEK-30-bound K2Pg, respectively) and the improvement in χ2 was not meaningful according to a statistical F-test, the diffusion tensors were best defined by isotropic rotational tumbling for both apo-K2Pg and K2Pg bound to VEK-30, thus providing the initial estimate of global correlation times (τm) of 6.72 ± 0.02 ns and 7.80 ± 0.02 ns for free K2Pg and the K2Pg/VEK-30 complex, respectively. The correlation times indicate that both forms of K2Pg are in the monomeric state under the NMR experimental conditions, which is in accord with analytical ultracentrifugation data that we reported earlier (6).
The model-free parameters were extracted using the experimentally determined 15N relaxation rate parameters and the heteronuclear NOE values, and an isotropic diffusion model was used in the analysis. The amide bond length was fixed at 1.02 Å, and a 15N chemical-shift anisotropy value of −175 ppm was used in the calculations. Five simplified models of internal mobility are defined. These are: model (M)1-S2; model (M)2-S2, τe; model (M)3-S2, Rex; model (M)4-S2, τe, Rex; model (M)5-Sf2, S2, τe. These models were iteratively used to fit the experimental data until the confidence reached 95% (19). Here, S2 (= Sf2 Ss2) is the square of the generalized order parameter characterizing the amplitude of the internal motions, where Sf2 and Ss2 are the squares of the order parameters for the internal motions on the fast and slow timescales, respectively. τe is the effective correlation time, which indicates the timescale of internal motions. The confidence levels were estimated using 300 Monte Carlo simulations per run in combination with χ2 and F-test criteria. To take into account the contribution to the experimental 15N R2 relaxation rate from conformational exchange processes, an additional parameter (Rex) was introduced. Using the model-free formalism, backbone amides were fitted to either one of the five models. Fig. S3 summarizes the number of residues that fit to each of the five models for both the apo- and VEK-30 bound K2Pg. The optimized internal mobility parameters of the generalized order parameter, S2, the fast internal motion on ps-ns timescales, τe, and the conformational exchange, Rex, on μs-ms timescales are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.
Model-free analysis of backbone motions in K2Pg
As shown in Fig. S3, after model selection, 34 residues for apo-K2Pg were described by M1 and 10 residues were fit to M2, indicating internal motions (τe) on ps-ns timescales. A total of 11 residues were fitted to M3 and six residues were assigned to M4, suggesting more complicated and flexible internal motions. Five residues were assigned to M5. There are three residues that could not be fit to any of these models. Of the bound K2Pg residues that were analyzed, 35 were fit to M1, 13 to M2, 11 to M3, 4 to M4, and 6 to M5. Two residues could not be fit to the five traditional models. Therefore, for both forms of K2Pg, the majority of residues were best-fit with the simplest model, either with S2 (M1) or S2 and τe (M2). The extracted dynamic parameters (S2, τe, and Rex) for free and bound forms of K2Pg, are reported in Fig. 1. Average S2 values of 0.88 ± 0.10 and 0.91 ± 0.09 were obtained for the free and VEK-30-bound states of K2Pg, respectively, indicating that the K2Pg domain, both in the absence and presence of VEK-30, shows similar restricted motions on ps-ns timescales (Fig. 3, A and B). For the core-region (residue 1–78), as compared in both states, ΔS2bound-free averages 0.028. This suggests that VEK-30 binding results in a slight enhancement of overall rigidity on the ps-ns timescale. Despite this fact, several residues located within, or in close proximity to, the binding center of apo-K2Pg, e.g., Cys50, Arg51, Arg58, Trp60, Cys61, Thr63, Asp65, and Trp70, exhibit relatively high order parameters, suggesting that low mobility in these positions likely plays a role in restricting the conformational changes required for complex formation.
A total of 21 and 23 residues of apo- and VEK-30 complexed K2Pg, respectively, undergo fast internal motions on the ps-ns timescale, as shown by τe values in the range of 20–1000 ps (free) and 30–1900 ps (complexed). Most of these residues have surface-exposed side chains. For some residues outside this binding surface, the mobility of K2Pg on this timescale changes on binding to VEK-30. Notably, in the N-terminal electrostatic field region of Ser38-Lys43, more residues exhibit nonzero τe contributions for apo-K2Pg (five residues are accounted for with models 2 or 4 in apo-form whereas only two residues require τe contributions in bound form). This indicates that complexation of K2Pg with VEK-30 reduced those internal motions characterized by correlation times of 20–460 ps in this region. In addition, slow motions, as reflected by Rex in the μs-ms timescale, are distributed throughout the backbone, especially around the binding sites of both forms (Fig. 3,C and D). In total, the Rex parameter is required for 15 residues of bound K2Pg, whereas 18 residues contain Rex contributions in case of apo-K2Pg. However, some differences were observed in several regions for conformational exchanges: 1), N-terminal residues Ser5–Asn8 showed conformational exchanges in apo-K2Pg, whereas only Gly6 exhibited conformational exchange in the bound form; 2), a number of conformational exchange contributions were observed in the N-termini of the interacting interface between K2Pg and VEK-30 (Ser34–Lys43) for both forms, but the free form showed a higher average value (4.8 ± 2.2 s−1) than the bound form (2.3 ± 0.7 s−1) in this region; 3), in the absence of VEK-30, Arg58, a residue near the anionic center, exhibited significant conformational exchange. Further, the critical hydrophobic binding region Trp60–Phe62, also exhibited nonzero conformational exchange contributions. In contrast, these conformational exchanges substantially disappeared on binding to VEK-30, suggesting complexation reduces the low-frequency motions in the central binding region; and 4), VEK-30-bound K2Pg showed enhanced conformational exchange motions in the C-terminal binding region (Thr63–Trp70) compared to the free form. In particular, the binding sites at Arg69 and Trp70 had restricted internal motions in the free form, as reflected by the high S2 value, whereas they displayed marked conformational exchange motions on binding to VEK-30, with Rex of 5.0 ± 0.9 s−1 and 8.5 ± 0.8 s−1, respectively.
Model-free analysis of VEK-30 backbone motions in complex with K2Pg
Relaxation data for the VEK-30/K2Pg complex was analyzed assuming that the overall rotational diffusion is isotropic. The dynamics model best describing the data for each residue in bound VEK-30 is shown in Fig. 2. The S2 values for the N- and C-terminal residues are distinctly smaller than the S2 values of other regions of the peptide. This indicates that both the N- and C-termini exhibit high mobility on the ps-ns timescale, which is consistent with relatively unstructured portions of the bound peptide. The average S2 of the main binding region residues, 6–20, is 0.87 ± 0.05, indicating limited ps-ns timescale motion. In contrast, the average S2 value for extended region of α-helix, segment 21–26, is 0.68 ± 0.10, which indicates that this region has increased mobility relative to the main binding region, perhaps due to the lack of contacts with K2Pg. In addition to the two termini of the peptide, several residues, viz., Ala6, Glu9, Lys14, Asn15, Glu16, Glu19, Ala21, Glu22, Glu24, and Leu26, show fast and slow internal motions (τe) that occurred on a 20 ps to 1.2 ns timescale, which are characterized by the complex models 2, 4, and 5, respectively.
Chemical shift perturbation on complexation
We have measured 2D 1H-15N HSQC spectra of the peptide species involved in free and bound states (Fig. 4) to obtain direct insights into the effects of complex formation on protein structure due to the exquisite sensitivities of chemical shifts to the local environment. Fig. 5, A and B, shows the composite 1H and 15N chemical shift changes versus residue numbers, and the mapping of the chemical shift changes onto the structure of complex (Fig. 5 C). Relatively slight perturbations were observed for most residues of K2Pg, which are spatially far from the ligand-binding sites. In contrast, pronounced perturbations occurred in the vicinity of several binding regions (Fig. 5 C). The K2Pg segments, Gly34–Phe40, Asp54–Trp60, and Arg69–Trp70, are the most sensitive to ligand binding, as revealed by the significantly perturbed chemical shifts (Fig. 5 A). They include residues located close to the hydrophobic (Gly34, Tyr35, Phe40, Trp60, Trp70), cationic (Lys39, Lys43, Arg55, R69), and anionic (Asp54 and Asp56) centers. Other residues exhibiting distinct binding-induced resonance shifts are Asp10, Ser14, Asp33, Cys73, and Ile75, suggesting that residues far from the binding interface are affected by complexation. In addition, the side chain indole rings of Trp60 and Trp70 in the LBS also display chemical shift changes of aromatic NHɛ1 resonances on binding VEK-30. Interestingly, a notable change was also observed for the side chain NHɛ resonance of Arg69 (Fig. 4 A).
In case of VEK-30 binding to K2Pg, almost all amide resonances of VEK-30 appeared in new positions in the HSQC spectra compared to uncomplexed VEK-30, except for the two termini (Val1–Ser5 and Glu29–Tyr30) (Fig. 4 B). This shows that the majority of residues of VEK-30 display significant chemical-shift changes, demonstrating that their local environments were markedly affected on binding of K2Pg (Fig. 5 C). The residues of the helical region are divided into two groups. One group includes residues, which participate directly in binding, exhibit >0.2 ppm in its chemical perturbations. The most striking differences occurred in residues Asp7, Glu9, Leu10, Leu13, Lys14, His18, and Glu20. Another group of residues exhibiting distinct differences in amide chemical shifts includes Ala8, Gln11, Arg12, Asn15, Glu16, Glu19, and the segment, Glu22–Lys27. The side chains of Gln11 and Asn15 also show significant differences in this regard (Fig. 4 B).
Whereas high-resolution structures of the complex of VEK-30/K2Pg have been determined, no detailed studies of the dynamics of this interaction have been carried out. This has now been accomplished in the current study.
The backbone relaxation data on K2Pg, and the subsequent model-free analysis, show that most amino acid residues in both its apo and bound forms have relatively high order parameters despite a paucity of regular secondary structure in K2Pg (Figs. 1 and 3). This indicates that the backbone internal motions are highly restricted, and that K2Pg is a rigid molecule in both forms. This is consistent with reports for related kringle modules (20–22). The rigid structure and restricted dynamical properties seem to be a general feature of kringle modules and confirm other reports that concluded that the LBS was preformed in kringle domains.
Effect of VEK-30 binding on the K2Pg
Our results show that the backbone dynamics of K2Pg are similar in the free and bound forms, but, nonetheless, interesting differences are present. We have analyzed these subtle differences in mobility based on known structural data, and conclude that by comparing the order parameters of free and bound K2Pg, the binding of VEK-30 results in extensive increases and a lesser decreases in S2, suggesting that binding of VEK-30 decreases the internal backbone motions of K2Pg (Fig. 6 and Fig. S4). A good example is noted in the region Tyr35–Asn42, which experiences relative higher amplitude motions on the ps-ns timescale in the apo-form (average S2 = 0.87). Binding of VEK-30 causes a systematic increase in the S2 of this region (S2 = 0.91), suggesting that more restricted motions occur herein on VEK-30 binding. We also conclude that slow motions on the μs-ms scale are biologically important because they are close to the timescales of functional processes, such as docking and protein folding (23–25). The comparison of the dynamic behavior of free and bound K2Pg indicated that although high frequency internal motions were similarly observed in most residues of K2Pg, conformational exchanges in μs-ms timescales observed at the binding face of free and VEK-30-bound K2Pg, have some different distributions and/or distinct tendencies. Notably, Phe40, Asn42, Lys43, Arg58, and Trp60 have high Rex values in apo-K2Pg. However, on binding of VEK-30, these prominent conformational dynamics on the μs-ms timescale are attenuated, and even quenched, suggesting that the conformational flexibility at these sites likely contributes to the recognition of the ligand and is required for binding. In contrast, the VEK-30-bound K2Pg shows enhanced conformational exchange motions in the C-terminal binding region (Thr63-Trp70) compared to the free form. The increased mobility of residues on the μs-ms timescale, as a result of ligand binding, has been observed in other complex systems (26,27). For this system, both the crystal structure reported previously (5) and the NMR solution structure (6) of VEK-30 bound to K2Pg showed flexibility in the C-terminal binding region, especially two cationic resides, Lys68 and Arg69, which manifest different orientations with their long side chains, resulting in different binding modes with the three anionic residues (Glu16, Glu20, and Glu24) of VEK-30.
Comparison of the order parameters of free and bound K2Pg showed that, unexpectedly, not only residues in the binding region of K2Pg, but also some residues located spatially far from the binding site were affected by complex formation (Fig. 6). However, besides these changes, some of the dynamical features of the free form are retained in the complex. Therefore, the structure of apo-K2Pg is comparatively rigid, but at the same time provides a relatively flexible interface for protein-ligand recognition. The flexibility at the binding interface is characteristic of the interaction surface of many proteins (28). The motions of residues in the vicinity of the binding interface are constricted in part by the binding of VEK-30, indicative of stabilization their internal motions.
Effect of K2Pg binding on dynamics properties of VEK-30
NMR spectral analysis showed that VEK-30 is unstructured and highly mobile in its apo form, whereas VEK-30 forms an extended regular α-helical structure when bound to K2Pg. Here, we have shown that bound VEK-30 exhibits significantly different dynamical properties compared with free VEK-30. Interestingly, distinct backbone dynamical behavior is observed in different regions of the bound peptide, which correlate with specific interactions with K2Pg. The residues at the two termini of VEK-30 have low S2 values, whereas the majority of the helical residues in VEK-30 have relatively high order parameters. Mostly striking, the main binding region (residues 6–21) of VEK-30 displays the most restricted motion, reflected as the highest S2 values. Analysis of the tertiary structure of VEK-30/K2Pg show many hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions in addition to the intermolecular hydrogen bonding, which may restrict the internal motions of this region. In contrast, the extended part of helix (residues 22–27) has relatively low order parameters and exhibits increased dynamics relative to the main binding portion of the helix (residues 6–21) of this peptide. This suggests that this region of the peptide experiences higher amplitude motions on a ps-ns timescale. This is consistent with the structure of the complex, which indicates little or no interactions of the C-terminal portion of VEK-30 with K2Pg. Model-free analyses show that among the binding region residues (residues 6–21) of VEK-30, five residues are best fit by model 1, suggesting that this binding region exhibits a much simpler motion and is more immobilized on binding. At the same time, six nonzero Rex and numerous τe contributions appeared, indicating that flexibility of the conformation of VEK-30 may be required for high-affinity and high-specificity of the binding. In summary, binding of VEK-30 to K2Pg results in widespread rigidification of the backbone in the extended helix (Ala6–Lys27) of VEK-30, despite the complex dynamics that exist in this region.
Comparison of the dynamics of other ligand/kringle interactions
The structures of kringle modules and their complexes with lysine analogs have been solved by both NMR and x-ray crystallographic methods (20,22,29–32). These structures reveal similar binding sites, involving hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. Furthermore, dynamics studies show that they have similar patterns of internal motions on binding of lysine analogs (20,21,32). NMR spectra also indicated that almost no visible shifts are observed in kringle modules after binding of small lysine analogs, except for several important binding sites (20,21). However, in contrast, our results show that more amide resonances of K2Pg in the HSQC spectrum appeared in new positions after binding to VEK-30. This indicates that K2Pg undergoes larger and more extensive perturbations when bound to VEK-30 compared to kringles bound to small lysine analogs, and likely involve exosite interactions distal from the LBS.
In addition to primary sequence alignments and structural comparisons, investigation of the dynamical behavior of different kringle domains, complexed with different ligands, contributes to explanations of the differences in binding affinities and binding specificities with these ligands, as well as the very tight and selective binding of VEK-30 to K2Pg. Despite the similar dynamical patterns of kringles in some regions, K2Pg exhibited somewhat different dynamics at multiple timescales, which likely contribute to the differences in its binding specificity. Distinct from other kringle modules, which display nearly no change in the S2 for apo- and lysine analog-bound states, the S2 for K2Pg bound to VEK-30 is slightly increased compared with the apo-form, indicating that the binding of VEK-30 rigidifies K2Pg to some extent. Another major difference is seen for some residues near the binding site of kringle modules, especially at exosites of the LBS that were confirmed to be involved in interactions with VEK-30, and also contribute to the stability of the VEK-30/K2Pg according to our solution structural analysis and mutagenesis studies reported earlier (6). Backbone dynamics of apo-K1Pg reported previously did not show significant chemical exchanges at exosites of the LBS (21). However, our present results show that the exosite residues of LBS in K2Pg, Tyr35-Ile36, Phe40, Asn42-Lys43, Arg58, and Cys61–Thr64, experience chemical exchanges with Rex values of 1.0–8.0 s−1. These differences with other kringle modules suggest that the newly identified exosites of K2Pg adopt more flexible conformations in the absence of ligand, thus allowing local structural rearrangements to accommodate the binding of larger- and longer-chain peptides, an important feature in explaining the high specificity of K2Pg binding to VEK-30.
We reported recently the solution structure of the VEK-30/K2Pg complex, and compared the structures of K2Pg bound to the small ligand, t-aminomethyl-cyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid (AMCHA) (6). The results showed that although the NMR structure of K2Pg in the VEK-30/K2Pg complex is similar to that of K2Pg bound to AMCHA, some subtle differences were observed in side chain geometries of several binding site residues. Most strikingly, two cationic residues, Lys39 and Lys43, have distinctly different side chain orientations in the two complexes, and the topology of backbone in vicinity of Lys43 is distinctly different. Comparing the dynamics of the two ligand-bound systems, restricted motions on ps-ns timescales are fitted for residues Cys22, His31, His33, Ile36, Thr63, Thr64, and Trp70 of K2Pg with both ligands. However, consistent with their solution structures, the backbone dynamics also revealed some subtle differences. It is interesting to note that these residues have nonzero Rex values in VEK-30/K2Pg (Lys39 and Lys43 show a value of 3.2 and 2.1 s−1, respectively), but not in the AMCHA/K2Pg complex, indicating the VEK-30 bound K2Pg displays more complex motions in these regions. In addition, comparisons of ligand-bound K2Pg structures show that the aromatic ring of Phe40 in VEK-30/K2Pg is a somewhat closer to the ligand center, such that it makes hydrophobic contacts with the methyl groups of Leu10 and Leu13 of VEK-30. By investigating the dynamical behavior of Phe40 in two complexed states, it is seen that this residue experiences flexible motions at the ps timescale, characterized by a relatively low order parameter (S2 of Phe40 is 0.77, whereas the overall generalized S2 of K2Pg is 0.85), when complexed to AMCHA. In contrast, this residue becomes considerably more rigid on binding of VEK-30, displaying a higher S2 value of 0.85. This is consistent with the fact Phe40 directly participates in this binding event in the complex of VEK-30/K2Pg, but not in the complex of AMCHA/K2Pg (6).
An additional significant difference is observed in the C-terminal binding region of K2Pg. In the AMCHA/K2Pg complex, only Trp70 exhibits conformational exchange on μs-ms timescale, whereas three residues, specifically, Asn67, Arg69, and Trp70, have significant conformational exchange rates when bound to VEK-30. There are some structural differences in the orientations of side chains of binding site residues, Lys68 and Arg69, due to the different interactions involved. This impacts the mobility of binding sites and vicinal residues. These differences are also reflected in HSQC spectra of K2Pg by comparison of chemical shift perturbations derived from binding of different ligands. Because the K2Pg used in these two complexes has a single site mutation at position 72 (Tyr72 and Leu72 are present in VEK-30/K2Pg and AMCHA/K2Pg, respectively), the above differences in the region of Asn67–Trp70 could be due to the effects of this mutation. In this regard, the EACA/K1Pg, AMCHA/K1Pg, and EACA/KIV8 complexes were investigated regarding relaxation data in this region, which have the same residue, Tyr72, and are bound to the same or similar lysine analogs (21,22,32). However, the residues in this region did not exhibit chemical exchanges of high magnitude for any of these kringle/ligand systems. Therefore, the possible influence of the Leu72Tyr mutation is excluded in the VEK-30/K2Pg complex and these substantial differences of backbone dynamics in this region are likely attributable to the different docking modes between lysine analogs and VEK-30.
The dynamical behavior of each component of the VEK-30 and K2Pg in their apo- and bound forms, and the dynamical comparisons with different kringle-ligand systems, together with our previous structural and mutagenesis studies, enable us to further probe the correlation between the dynamics and binding of VEK-30 bound to K2Pg. As shown in Fig. 5 C, the major binding interactions in VEK-30/K2Pg occur between each face of VEK-30 and K2Pg. First, an exposed hydrophobic groove, consisting of Tyr35, Phe40, Trp60, Tyr62, Trp70, and Tyr72, extends throughout the binding interface, and correspondingly, several hydrophobic side chains of VEK-30, Ala6, Leu10, Leu13, Arg17, and Ala21, are buried within this groove, resulting in a broad hydrophobic interface between K2Pg and VEK-30. Additionally, residues Asp54 and Asp56 of K2Pg form an anionic locus interacting with Lys14, Arg17, and His18 of VEK-30. Also, Arg69 of K2Pg acts as a C-terminal cationic locus interacting with Glu16 and Glu20 of VEK-30. The above extensive hydrophobic and ionic interactions were verified to be important to stabilization of the complex through site-specific mutagenesis studies (5), thus providing the molecular basis of the high affinity. These dynamical analyses show that, for K2Pg, most of these binding sites and their vicinal residues undergo comparatively restricted motions in the ps-ns timescale in both apo- and its VEK-30 bound form. This indicates that the broad hydrophobic groove and the central and C-terminal electrostatic fields are both preformed and sufficiently rigid, to allow the K2Pg binding site to accommodate the VEK-30 peptide. Interestingly, some residues near Arg69 exhibit significant chemical exchange processes on binding of VEK-30, thus providing possibilities to interact with the carboxyl moiety of Glu residues of VEK-30 through local conformational adjustments in this region. Additionally, in the N-terminus of the interface, the exosites of the LBS, Lys39, Lys43, and Arg55 of K2Pg, engage the N-terminus of VEK-30 by electrostatic and hydrogen bond interactions with negatively charged residues, Asp7 and Glu9, of VEK-30, forming a sandwich electrostatic field. Our previous site-specific mutagenesis studies confirmed that this electrostatic field plays an additional important role in the binding of VEK-30 to K2Pg (6). However, these dynamical studies show that the N-terminal cationic locus and its vicinal residues in apo-K2Pg experience relative flexible internal motions on the ps-ns timescale and even higher amplitude chemical exchange processes on the μs-ms timescale, and these motions are stabilized after VEK-30 docks to K2Pg. That this phenomena did not occur in a related region of other kringle modules, suggests that these dynamical processes in the N-terminal interface play a role in the specific recognition of VEK-30 by K2Pg.
In summary, whereas K2Pg is relatively rigid with a preformed LBS, this allows only a basal level of binding to small molecules. A larger ligand, e.g., VEK-30, is a highly mobile and unstructured peptide in the absence of K2Pg, suggesting that the binding of VEK-30 to K2Pg results in a decreased entropy for both the VEK-30 and K2Pg. Although it would be energetically unfavorable, presumably the flexibility in the unbound form allows the protein to maximize the binding enthalpy at the extended interface, overcoming the unfavorable entropic contribution. The flexibility of the peptide ligand and some of the exosite residues of K2Pg allow for additional binding energy as compared to small molecule ligands, thus explaining on a dynamic level the tight and specific binding of VEK-30 to human K2Pg.
Supporting Material
Four figures are available at http://www.biophysj.org/biophysj/supplemental/S0006-3495(10)00484-4.
Supporting Material
This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (HL013423).
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