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. 2010 Jul;185(3):991–1007. doi: 10.1534/genetics.109.108522


Genome-wide association mapping summary

2007 2008
Total no. SNP tested 229,940 229,940
Total no. genes tested 31,505 31,505
Avg no. sig SNP per trait 230 229
Total no. unique sig genes over all traits 1,056 893
Avg no. sig genes per trait 37 36
Range (no. genes sig per trait) 17–57 22–49
Avg no. sig SNP per gene per trait 3 3
Range (avg no. sig SNP per gene per trait) 2–4 2–4
Max no. sig SNP per gene per trait 8 8
Range (max no. sig SNP per gene per trait) 3–15 4–18

Summary results from GWA mapping on two different GSL data sets (2007 and 2008) from the same 96 accessions. Sig, significant; avg, average; max, maximum.