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Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online logoLink to Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online
. 2007 Dec 6;64(Pt 1):o165. doi: 10.1107/S1600536807063118

20-O-β-d-Xylopyranos­yl(1→6)-β-d-glucopyranosyl-20(S)-protopanaxadiol methanol solvate

Xing-Wei Li a, Wei Zhou a, Qin Yan a, Pei Zhou a,*
PMCID: PMC2915232  PMID: 21200730


The title compound, C41H70O12·CH4O, was prepared by microbial transformation. Within the steroid skeleton of the mol­ecule, three six-membered rings exhibit a chair conformation, while the five -membered ring adopts an envelope conformation. The two pyranosyl rings also adopt chair conformations. The mol­ecules are held together by an extensive O—H⋯O hydrogen-bonding network.

Related literature

For general background, see: He et al. (2005); Hu et al. (2007). For related literature, see: Li et al. (2006).graphic file with name e-64-0o165-scheme1.jpg


Crystal data

  • C41H70O12·CH4O

  • M r = 787.01

  • Orthorhombic, Inline graphic

  • a = 8.3044 (7) Å

  • b = 13.2927 (11) Å

  • c = 38.964 (3) Å

  • V = 4301.1 (6) Å3

  • Z = 4

  • Mo Kα radiation

  • μ = 0.09 mm−1

  • T = 293 (2) K

  • 0.43 × 0.31 × 0.21 mm

Data collection

  • Bruker SMART APEX CCD area-detector diffractometer

  • Absorption correction: none

  • 25549 measured reflections

  • 5269 independent reflections

  • 3467 reflections with I > 2σ(I)

  • R int = 0.084


  • R[F 2 > 2σ(F 2)] = 0.045

  • wR(F 2) = 0.099

  • S = 0.89

  • 5269 reflections

  • 505 parameters

  • H-atom parameters constrained

  • Δρmax = 0.21 e Å−3

  • Δρmin = −0.16 e Å−3

Data collection: SMART (Bruker, 1999); cell refinement: SAINT (Bruker, 1999); data reduction: SAINT; program(s) used to solve structure: SHELXS97 (Sheldrick, 1997); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 1997); molecular graphics: SHELXTL (Bruker, 1997); software used to prepare material for publication: SHELXTL.

Supplementary Material

Crystal structure: contains datablocks I, global. DOI: 10.1107/S1600536807063118/xu2351sup1.cif

e-64-0o165-sup1.cif (32.2KB, cif)

Structure factors: contains datablocks I. DOI: 10.1107/S1600536807063118/xu2351Isup2.hkl

e-64-0o165-Isup2.hkl (252.8KB, hkl)

Additional supplementary materials: crystallographic information; 3D view; checkCIF report

Table 1. Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, °).

O1—H1⋯O11i 0.82 2.38 2.996 (3) 133
O2—H2⋯O3 0.83 1.96 2.752 (3) 160
O5—H5A⋯O1i 0.84 2.14 2.839 (3) 140
O6—H6⋯O12ii 0.83 2.04 2.781 (3) 147
O7—H7⋯O8iii 0.83 2.31 3.009 (3) 142
O10—H10⋯O13iv 0.82 2.05 2.824 (4) 156
O11—H11⋯O5v 0.81 1.92 2.703 (3) 162
O12—H12A⋯O11vi 0.84 2.02 2.827 (3) 162
O13—H13A⋯O2vii 0.85 1.98 2.823 (3) 173

Symmetry codes: (i) Inline graphic; (ii) Inline graphic; (iii) Inline graphic; (iv) Inline graphic; (v) Inline graphic; (vi) Inline graphic; (vii) Inline graphic.


We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the SK Shanghai Foundation. We sincerely thank Dr J. Sun of Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry for assistance with the data collection.

supplementary crystallographic information


20-O-β-D-xylopyranosyl(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranosyl-20(S)- protopanaxadiol is a kind of rare gensenoside, found existing in notoginseng. In recent studies, the compound has been related to an anticancer agent. It is believed to have activities including: cytotoxicity to and partial reversal of multidrug resistance of human tumor cells (He et al., 2005). Besides that, the compound may be an important precurosor metabolite of Compound K, which is also a potential anticancer agent, during the process of microbial transformation of gisenoside Rb3 (Hu et al., 2007). In this article, the crystal structure is reported.

The structure mainly consists of a protopanaxadiol moiety with a disaccharide group. The bond distances and angels are normal. The C24?C25 of 1.313 (5) Å shows a typical double bound. Within the steroid skeleton of the molecule, three six membered rings all display the chair conformation, while a five membered ring displays an envelope conformation. Two pyranosyl rings are also exist in chair conformation. Extensive O—H···O hydrogen bonding occurs in the crystal structure (Table 1), which helps to stabilize the crystal structure.


The Fermentation broth of ginsenoside Rb3 (300 mg) was centrifuged and the precipitation was extracted with EtOH for 24 h. Removal of the EtOH from the extract under reduced pressure gave crude extract. And the extract was subjected to silica gel column chromatography, eluting with HCCl3:CH3OH (10:1→7:3→5:1) to afford 12 fractions. Recrystallizing of fractions 8~10 yielded ginsenoside Rb3 100 mg. Solvent loss technique was then employed for the growth of crystals at room temperature, using methanol as the solvent.


Hydroxyl H atoms were located in a Fourier map and refined as riding in as-found relative positions with Uiso(H) = 1.2Ueq(O). Other H atoms were placed in geometrically calculated positions with C—H = 0.93–0.98 Å and constrained to ride on their parental atoms with Uiso(H) = 1.2Ueq(C). Torsonal angles for methyl groups were refined to fit the electron density. In absence of significant anomalous scattering, Friedel pairs were meged.


Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

The molecular structure of (I), with atom labels and 50% probability displacement ellipsoids for non-H atoms.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

The packing of (I), viewed down the c axis. H atoms not involved in hydrogen bonding have been omitted.

Crystal data

C41H70O12·C1H4O1 F000 = 1720
Mr = 787.01 Dx = 1.215 Mg m3
Orthorhombic, P212121 Mo Kα radiation λ = 0.71073 Å
Hall symbol: P 2ac 2ab Cell parameters from 3975 reflections
a = 8.3044 (7) Å θ = 2.2–20.3º
b = 13.2927 (11) Å µ = 0.09 mm1
c = 38.964 (3) Å T = 293 (2) K
V = 4301.1 (6) Å3 Prismatic, colorless
Z = 4 0.43 × 0.31 × 0.21 mm

Data collection

Bruker SMART APEX CCD area-detector diffractometer 3467 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: fine-focus sealed tube Rint = 0.084
Monochromator: graphite θmax = 27.0º
T = 293(2) K θmin = 1.6º
φ and ω scans h = −8→10
Absorption correction: none k = −16→16
25549 measured reflections l = −49→36
5269 independent reflections


Refinement on F2 Secondary atom site location: difference Fourier map
Least-squares matrix: full Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.045 H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.099   w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0447P)2] where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 0.89 (Δ/σ)max = 0.001
5269 reflections Δρmax = 0.21 e Å3
505 parameters Δρmin = −0.16 e Å3
Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods Extinction correction: none

Special details

Geometry. All e.s.d.'s (except the e.s.d. in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell e.s.d.'s are taken into account individually in the estimation of e.s.d.'s in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between e.s.d.'s in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell e.s.d.'s is used for estimating e.s.d.'s involving l.s. planes.
Refinement. Refinement of F2 against ALL reflections. The weighted R-factor wR and goodness of fit S are based on F2, conventional R-factors R are based on F, with F set to zero for negative F2. The threshold expression of F2 > σ(F2) is used only for calculating R-factors(gt) etc. and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement. R-factors based on F2 are statistically about twice as large as those based on F, and R- factors based on ALL data will be even larger.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2)

x y z Uiso*/Ueq
O1 −0.1448 (3) 0.78606 (18) 0.37658 (5) 0.0555 (6)
H1 −0.1513 0.7395 0.3903 0.067*
O2 0.0242 (2) 0.70266 (16) 0.15197 (5) 0.0478 (6)
H2 0.0585 0.6714 0.1351 0.057*
O3 0.2082 (2) 0.59757 (13) 0.10544 (5) 0.0332 (5)
O4 0.0549 (2) 0.69683 (12) 0.07077 (5) 0.0355 (5)
O5 0.1065 (3) 0.42488 (12) 0.06866 (5) 0.0410 (5)
H5A 0.1328 0.4117 0.0891 0.049*
O6 −0.1631 (3) 0.45653 (15) 0.02402 (6) 0.0564 (7)
H6 −0.1048 0.4060 0.0217 0.068*
O7 −0.1595 (3) 0.65240 (15) −0.00867 (6) 0.0554 (6)
H7 −0.2445 0.6200 −0.0101 0.066*
O8 0.0245 (2) 0.89395 (12) 0.04299 (5) 0.0383 (5)
O9 −0.0675 (3) 0.99980 (13) 0.00267 (5) 0.0494 (6)
O10 0.0865 (3) 1.06672 (15) 0.08776 (5) 0.0536 (6)
H10 0.0749 1.0105 0.0963 0.064*
O11 0.1701 (2) 1.23411 (14) 0.04880 (5) 0.0436 (5)
H11 0.1346 1.2905 0.0517 0.052*
O12 −0.0620 (3) 1.27492 (13) −0.00414 (6) 0.0588 (7)
H12A −0.1258 1.2720 −0.0208 0.071*
O13 1.0284 (5) 0.9088 (2) 0.13462 (9) 0.1152 (12)
H13A 1.0334 0.8464 0.1387 0.138*
C1 −0.0982 (4) 0.7430 (3) 0.28168 (8) 0.0577 (10)
H1A −0.1708 0.7610 0.2632 0.069*
H1B −0.0866 0.6704 0.2816 0.069*
C2 −0.1738 (4) 0.7753 (3) 0.31584 (8) 0.0598 (10)
H2A −0.1978 0.8467 0.3150 0.072*
H2B −0.2744 0.7395 0.3191 0.072*
C3 −0.0647 (4) 0.7546 (2) 0.34554 (8) 0.0437 (8)
H3 −0.0490 0.6816 0.3469 0.052*
C4 0.1004 (4) 0.8032 (2) 0.34246 (7) 0.0388 (7)
C5 0.1721 (3) 0.7717 (2) 0.30679 (7) 0.0353 (7)
H5 0.1791 0.6982 0.3081 0.042*
C6 0.3460 (4) 0.8051 (3) 0.30089 (8) 0.0550 (9)
H6A 0.3482 0.8764 0.2956 0.066*
H6B 0.4080 0.7945 0.3217 0.066*
C7 0.4216 (4) 0.7463 (3) 0.27159 (8) 0.0556 (10)
H7A 0.4276 0.6760 0.2781 0.067*
H7B 0.5309 0.7702 0.2682 0.067*
C8 0.3295 (3) 0.7549 (2) 0.23745 (7) 0.0361 (7)
C9 0.1476 (3) 0.7339 (2) 0.24388 (7) 0.0326 (7)
H9 0.1429 0.6627 0.2503 0.039*
C10 0.0674 (4) 0.7909 (2) 0.27473 (7) 0.0368 (7)
C11 0.0535 (4) 0.7403 (2) 0.21037 (7) 0.0433 (8)
H11A −0.0575 0.7222 0.2150 0.052*
H11B 0.0542 0.8098 0.2027 0.052*
C12 0.1155 (3) 0.6744 (2) 0.18123 (7) 0.0343 (7)
H12 0.0924 0.6039 0.1867 0.041*
C13 0.2970 (3) 0.6870 (2) 0.17658 (7) 0.0299 (6)
H13 0.3148 0.7565 0.1691 0.036*
C14 0.3875 (3) 0.6743 (2) 0.21106 (7) 0.0348 (7)
C15 0.5622 (4) 0.6825 (3) 0.19860 (8) 0.0508 (9)
H15A 0.6353 0.6525 0.2151 0.061*
H15B 0.5921 0.7523 0.1952 0.061*
C16 0.5670 (4) 0.6248 (3) 0.16445 (8) 0.0510 (9)
H16A 0.6102 0.5577 0.1679 0.061*
H16B 0.6344 0.6598 0.1480 0.061*
C17 0.3895 (3) 0.6188 (2) 0.15113 (7) 0.0349 (7)
H17 0.3529 0.5499 0.1555 0.042*
C18 0.3600 (5) 0.8615 (2) 0.22343 (9) 0.0596 (10)
H18A 0.2832 0.8762 0.2057 0.089*
H18B 0.4669 0.8652 0.2141 0.089*
H18C 0.3490 0.9095 0.2417 0.089*
C19 0.0399 (5) 0.9034 (2) 0.26662 (9) 0.0659 (11)
H19A 0.0007 0.9103 0.2436 0.099*
H19B 0.1397 0.9392 0.2689 0.099*
H19C −0.0378 0.9306 0.2823 0.099*
C20 0.3724 (3) 0.6361 (2) 0.11227 (7) 0.0355 (7)
C21 0.4888 (4) 0.5676 (2) 0.09287 (8) 0.0553 (9)
H21A 0.4776 0.4998 0.1011 0.083*
H21B 0.5973 0.5901 0.0966 0.083*
H21C 0.4647 0.5698 0.0688 0.083*
C22 0.3795 (4) 0.7460 (2) 0.10016 (8) 0.0459 (8)
H22A 0.3657 0.7460 0.0754 0.055*
H22B 0.2871 0.7805 0.1098 0.055*
C23 0.5271 (5) 0.8082 (3) 0.10821 (10) 0.0629 (10)
H23A 0.5320 0.8208 0.1327 0.075*
H23B 0.6229 0.7711 0.1017 0.075*
C24 0.5236 (4) 0.9067 (3) 0.08935 (10) 0.0587 (10)
H24 0.5410 0.9030 0.0658 0.070*
C25 0.4993 (4) 0.9973 (3) 0.10175 (9) 0.0549 (9)
C26 0.4625 (6) 1.0201 (3) 0.13858 (11) 0.0854 (13)
H26A 0.3543 1.0450 0.1405 0.128*
H26B 0.5362 1.0702 0.1469 0.128*
H26C 0.4734 0.9600 0.1520 0.128*
C27 0.5084 (5) 1.0876 (3) 0.07860 (10) 0.0718 (12)
H27A 0.6062 1.1238 0.0831 0.108*
H27B 0.4178 1.1307 0.0828 0.108*
H27C 0.5071 1.0660 0.0551 0.108*
C28 0.2058 (4) 0.7593 (3) 0.37114 (8) 0.0678 (11)
H28A 0.3092 0.7916 0.3709 0.102*
H28B 0.2194 0.6884 0.3675 0.102*
H28C 0.1549 0.7705 0.3929 0.102*
C29 0.0899 (5) 0.9178 (2) 0.34767 (9) 0.0641 (11)
H29A −0.0138 0.9413 0.3403 0.096*
H29B 0.1725 0.9502 0.3344 0.096*
H29C 0.1045 0.9333 0.3715 0.096*
C30 0.3678 (4) 0.5653 (2) 0.22474 (8) 0.0505 (9)
H30A 0.3915 0.5184 0.2067 0.076*
H30B 0.2591 0.5555 0.2324 0.076*
H30C 0.4406 0.5547 0.2435 0.076*
C42 0.8920 (6) 0.9444 (3) 0.15107 (13) 0.1016 (17)
H42A 0.8403 0.8901 0.1630 0.152*
H42B 0.8192 0.9721 0.1344 0.152*
H42C 0.9220 0.9957 0.1672 0.152*
C1A 0.1450 (3) 0.60535 (18) 0.07231 (7) 0.0301 (7)
H1A1 0.2311 0.6051 0.0551 0.036*
C2A 0.0281 (4) 0.52007 (18) 0.06611 (7) 0.0316 (7)
H2A1 −0.0585 0.5235 0.0832 0.038*
C3A −0.0432 (4) 0.53004 (18) 0.03063 (7) 0.0331 (7)
H3A 0.0430 0.5229 0.0136 0.040*
C4A −0.1214 (4) 0.6325 (2) 0.02629 (7) 0.0366 (7)
H4A −0.2199 0.6355 0.0401 0.044*
C5A −0.0067 (3) 0.71584 (18) 0.03752 (7) 0.0317 (7)
H5A1 0.0830 0.7198 0.0212 0.038*
C6A −0.0913 (4) 0.8157 (2) 0.03872 (9) 0.0416 (8)
H6A1 −0.1508 0.8262 0.0176 0.050*
H6A2 −0.1670 0.8167 0.0577 0.050*
C1B −0.0405 (4) 0.98966 (18) 0.03842 (8) 0.0361 (7)
H1B1 −0.1422 0.9959 0.0510 0.043*
C2B 0.0804 (4) 1.06560 (19) 0.05159 (7) 0.0337 (7)
H2B1 0.1873 1.0487 0.0426 0.040*
C3B 0.0367 (4) 1.17108 (18) 0.04037 (7) 0.0347 (7)
H3B −0.0572 1.1934 0.0536 0.042*
C4B −0.0042 (4) 1.17607 (19) 0.00276 (8) 0.0400 (8)
H4B 0.0935 1.1640 −0.0107 0.048*
C5B −0.1275 (5) 1.0974 (2) −0.00591 (9) 0.0551 (10)
H5B1 −0.2259 1.1104 0.0067 0.066*
H5B2 −0.1521 1.1002 −0.0302 0.066*

Atomic displacement parameters (Å2)

U11 U22 U33 U12 U13 U23
O1 0.0617 (15) 0.0692 (16) 0.0356 (13) −0.0109 (13) 0.0146 (11) −0.0030 (11)
O2 0.0348 (12) 0.0773 (15) 0.0312 (11) 0.0163 (11) −0.0092 (10) −0.0133 (11)
O3 0.0385 (11) 0.0318 (10) 0.0293 (11) 0.0001 (9) −0.0021 (9) −0.0018 (9)
O4 0.0495 (12) 0.0212 (9) 0.0356 (11) 0.0047 (9) −0.0054 (10) −0.0023 (9)
O5 0.0643 (15) 0.0236 (10) 0.0350 (11) 0.0072 (10) −0.0016 (11) −0.0019 (9)
O6 0.0563 (15) 0.0287 (11) 0.0840 (18) −0.0062 (11) −0.0208 (14) −0.0112 (12)
O7 0.0634 (16) 0.0416 (12) 0.0613 (16) −0.0077 (12) −0.0271 (13) 0.0009 (11)
O8 0.0368 (11) 0.0198 (9) 0.0585 (14) −0.0011 (9) −0.0072 (10) 0.0026 (9)
O9 0.0730 (16) 0.0220 (10) 0.0533 (14) −0.0001 (11) −0.0240 (13) −0.0018 (10)
O10 0.0816 (17) 0.0382 (12) 0.0410 (13) −0.0050 (12) −0.0082 (13) 0.0031 (10)
O11 0.0510 (13) 0.0217 (10) 0.0580 (14) −0.0023 (10) −0.0099 (11) −0.0066 (10)
O12 0.0804 (17) 0.0240 (11) 0.0721 (16) 0.0042 (11) −0.0285 (14) 0.0032 (11)
O13 0.132 (3) 0.078 (2) 0.136 (3) 0.024 (2) 0.057 (2) 0.036 (2)
C1 0.0291 (17) 0.105 (3) 0.0393 (19) −0.0002 (19) −0.0025 (16) −0.012 (2)
C2 0.0330 (18) 0.106 (3) 0.041 (2) −0.003 (2) 0.0072 (16) −0.007 (2)
C3 0.0475 (19) 0.0480 (18) 0.0355 (18) −0.0041 (16) 0.0082 (16) −0.0025 (15)
C4 0.0415 (18) 0.0449 (18) 0.0299 (16) −0.0049 (15) 0.0018 (14) −0.0048 (14)
C5 0.0366 (17) 0.0378 (16) 0.0315 (16) −0.0015 (14) −0.0014 (13) −0.0074 (14)
C6 0.041 (2) 0.087 (3) 0.0374 (19) −0.0151 (19) −0.0019 (16) −0.0193 (19)
C7 0.0280 (17) 0.099 (3) 0.0398 (19) −0.0020 (19) −0.0025 (15) −0.019 (2)
C8 0.0297 (16) 0.0453 (18) 0.0332 (16) −0.0040 (14) −0.0014 (13) −0.0067 (14)
C9 0.0279 (15) 0.0382 (16) 0.0316 (16) 0.0010 (13) −0.0045 (13) −0.0024 (13)
C10 0.0335 (17) 0.0454 (18) 0.0315 (16) 0.0072 (14) −0.0002 (13) −0.0004 (14)
C11 0.0276 (16) 0.066 (2) 0.0360 (18) 0.0071 (16) −0.0014 (14) −0.0041 (16)
C12 0.0250 (15) 0.0467 (18) 0.0311 (16) −0.0025 (13) −0.0038 (13) −0.0037 (14)
C13 0.0284 (15) 0.0306 (15) 0.0306 (16) 0.0018 (13) −0.0016 (13) −0.0036 (13)
C14 0.0273 (16) 0.0434 (17) 0.0339 (17) 0.0031 (14) −0.0044 (13) −0.0042 (14)
C15 0.0286 (18) 0.080 (2) 0.043 (2) 0.0047 (18) −0.0049 (15) −0.0126 (19)
C16 0.0325 (18) 0.070 (2) 0.051 (2) 0.0158 (18) 0.0010 (16) −0.0043 (18)
C17 0.0328 (16) 0.0348 (16) 0.0372 (17) 0.0065 (13) −0.0019 (14) −0.0043 (14)
C18 0.075 (3) 0.049 (2) 0.054 (2) −0.023 (2) 0.022 (2) −0.0168 (18)
C19 0.101 (3) 0.055 (2) 0.041 (2) 0.033 (2) 0.015 (2) 0.0047 (17)
C20 0.0318 (16) 0.0403 (16) 0.0345 (17) 0.0049 (14) −0.0002 (14) −0.0065 (14)
C21 0.054 (2) 0.071 (2) 0.042 (2) 0.0104 (19) 0.0031 (18) −0.0154 (18)
C22 0.048 (2) 0.054 (2) 0.0360 (18) −0.0120 (17) −0.0008 (15) 0.0009 (16)
C23 0.060 (2) 0.066 (2) 0.063 (2) −0.015 (2) 0.001 (2) 0.002 (2)
C24 0.064 (2) 0.056 (2) 0.056 (2) −0.018 (2) 0.001 (2) 0.0047 (19)
C25 0.048 (2) 0.061 (2) 0.056 (2) −0.0144 (18) −0.0009 (18) 0.001 (2)
C26 0.091 (3) 0.078 (3) 0.087 (3) −0.011 (3) 0.004 (3) −0.005 (3)
C27 0.066 (3) 0.061 (2) 0.089 (3) −0.011 (2) −0.016 (2) 0.012 (2)
C28 0.055 (2) 0.114 (3) 0.0339 (19) 0.005 (2) −0.0049 (17) −0.003 (2)
C29 0.089 (3) 0.054 (2) 0.049 (2) −0.020 (2) 0.025 (2) −0.0180 (18)
C30 0.058 (2) 0.053 (2) 0.0408 (19) 0.0216 (18) −0.0010 (17) 0.0010 (16)
C42 0.098 (4) 0.079 (3) 0.128 (4) 0.024 (3) 0.011 (4) 0.027 (3)
C1A 0.0401 (17) 0.0214 (14) 0.0289 (16) 0.0023 (13) 0.0021 (14) −0.0015 (12)
C2A 0.0420 (17) 0.0181 (13) 0.0348 (16) 0.0017 (13) 0.0071 (14) −0.0037 (12)
C3A 0.0397 (17) 0.0236 (14) 0.0359 (17) −0.0028 (13) −0.0034 (14) −0.0079 (13)
C4A 0.0425 (18) 0.0263 (14) 0.0410 (18) −0.0012 (14) −0.0051 (15) −0.0031 (13)
C5A 0.0357 (16) 0.0266 (14) 0.0329 (16) −0.0017 (13) −0.0021 (13) −0.0001 (12)
C6A 0.0417 (18) 0.0252 (15) 0.058 (2) −0.0049 (14) −0.0047 (16) 0.0017 (15)
C1B 0.0426 (18) 0.0196 (14) 0.0460 (19) −0.0010 (13) −0.0028 (15) 0.0020 (13)
C2B 0.0388 (17) 0.0283 (15) 0.0340 (17) 0.0006 (13) −0.0004 (14) −0.0013 (13)
C3B 0.0406 (18) 0.0214 (14) 0.0420 (18) −0.0009 (13) −0.0003 (15) −0.0062 (13)
C4B 0.055 (2) 0.0183 (14) 0.0469 (19) 0.0024 (14) −0.0043 (16) 0.0011 (13)
C5B 0.079 (3) 0.0264 (16) 0.059 (2) 0.0001 (17) −0.028 (2) 0.0042 (16)

Geometric parameters (Å, °)

O1—C3 1.442 (3) C16—C17 1.565 (4)
O1—H1 0.8206 C16—H16A 0.9700
O2—C12 1.419 (3) C16—H16B 0.9700
O2—H2 0.8267 C17—C20 1.538 (4)
O3—C1A 1.398 (3) C17—H17 0.9800
O3—C20 1.481 (3) C18—H18A 0.9600
O4—C5A 1.416 (3) C18—H18B 0.9600
O4—C1A 1.429 (3) C18—H18C 0.9600
O5—C2A 1.426 (3) C19—H19A 0.9600
O5—H5A 0.8444 C19—H19B 0.9600
O6—C3A 1.418 (3) C19—H19C 0.9600
O6—H6 0.8326 C20—C21 1.528 (4)
O7—C4A 1.423 (3) C20—C22 1.536 (4)
O7—H7 0.8293 C21—H21A 0.9600
O8—C1B 1.393 (3) C21—H21B 0.9600
O8—C6A 1.426 (3) C21—H21C 0.9600
O9—C1B 1.418 (3) C22—C23 1.512 (4)
O9—C5B 1.429 (3) C22—H22A 0.9700
O10—C2B 1.410 (3) C22—H22B 0.9700
O10—H10 0.8225 C23—C24 1.501 (5)
O11—C3B 1.427 (3) C23—H23A 0.9700
O11—H11 0.8128 C23—H23B 0.9700
O12—C4B 1.424 (3) C24—C25 1.313 (5)
O12—H12A 0.8392 C24—H24 0.9300
O13—C42 1.385 (5) C25—C26 1.498 (5)
O13—H13A 0.8463 C25—C27 1.503 (5)
C1—C2 1.533 (4) C26—H26A 0.9600
C1—C10 1.539 (4) C26—H26B 0.9600
C1—H1A 0.9700 C26—H26C 0.9600
C1—H1B 0.9700 C27—H27A 0.9600
C2—C3 1.495 (4) C27—H27B 0.9600
C2—H2A 0.9700 C27—H27C 0.9600
C2—H2B 0.9700 C28—H28A 0.9600
C3—C4 1.520 (4) C28—H28B 0.9600
C3—H3 0.9800 C28—H28C 0.9600
C4—C28 1.535 (4) C29—H29A 0.9600
C4—C29 1.539 (4) C29—H29B 0.9600
C4—C5 1.569 (4) C29—H29C 0.9600
C5—C6 1.529 (4) C30—H30A 0.9600
C5—C10 1.543 (4) C30—H30B 0.9600
C5—H5 0.9800 C30—H30C 0.9600
C6—C7 1.519 (4) C42—H42A 0.9600
C6—H6A 0.9700 C42—H42B 0.9600
C6—H6B 0.9700 C42—H42C 0.9600
C7—C8 1.539 (4) C1A—C2A 1.511 (4)
C7—H7A 0.9700 C1A—H1A1 0.9800
C7—H7B 0.9700 C2A—C3A 1.510 (4)
C8—C18 1.539 (4) C2A—H2A1 0.9800
C8—C9 1.557 (4) C3A—C4A 1.518 (4)
C8—C14 1.562 (4) C3A—H3A 0.9800
C9—C11 1.524 (4) C4A—C5A 1.526 (4)
C9—C10 1.569 (4) C4A—H4A 0.9800
C9—H9 0.9800 C5A—C6A 1.503 (4)
C10—C19 1.545 (4) C5A—H5A1 0.9800
C11—C12 1.524 (4) C6A—H6A1 0.9700
C11—H11A 0.9700 C6A—H6A2 0.9700
C11—H11B 0.9700 C1B—C2B 1.513 (4)
C12—C13 1.528 (4) C1B—H1B1 0.9800
C12—H12 0.9800 C2B—C3B 1.513 (4)
C13—C17 1.547 (4) C2B—H2B1 0.9800
C13—C14 1.549 (4) C3B—C4B 1.506 (4)
C13—H13 0.9800 C3B—H3B 0.9800
C14—C15 1.534 (4) C4B—C5B 1.502 (4)
C14—C30 1.552 (4) C4B—H4B 0.9800
C15—C16 1.536 (4) C5B—H5B1 0.9700
C15—H15A 0.9700 C5B—H5B2 0.9700
C15—H15B 0.9700
C3—O1—H1 111.1 O3—C20—C17 102.1 (2)
C12—O2—H2 108.6 C21—C20—C17 109.8 (2)
C1A—O3—C20 119.1 (2) C22—C20—C17 116.2 (2)
C5A—O4—C1A 112.29 (19) C20—C21—H21A 109.5
C2A—O5—H5A 111.6 C20—C21—H21B 109.5
C3A—O6—H6 99.6 H21A—C21—H21B 109.5
C4A—O7—H7 99.1 C20—C21—H21C 109.5
C1B—O8—C6A 113.0 (2) H21A—C21—H21C 109.5
C1B—O9—C5B 111.8 (2) H21B—C21—H21C 109.5
C2B—O10—H10 112.8 C23—C22—C20 119.2 (3)
C3B—O11—H11 106.9 C23—C22—H22A 107.5
C4B—O12—H12A 108.5 C20—C22—H22A 107.5
C42—O13—H13A 106.7 C23—C22—H22B 107.5
C2—C1—C10 113.8 (3) C20—C22—H22B 107.5
C2—C1—H1A 108.8 H22A—C22—H22B 107.0
C10—C1—H1A 108.8 C24—C23—C22 111.1 (3)
C2—C1—H1B 108.8 C24—C23—H23A 109.4
C10—C1—H1B 108.8 C22—C23—H23A 109.4
H1A—C1—H1B 107.7 C24—C23—H23B 109.4
C3—C2—C1 111.8 (3) C22—C23—H23B 109.4
C3—C2—H2A 109.2 H23A—C23—H23B 108.0
C1—C2—H2A 109.2 C25—C24—C23 128.5 (4)
C3—C2—H2B 109.2 C25—C24—H24 115.7
C1—C2—H2B 109.2 C23—C24—H24 115.7
H2A—C2—H2B 107.9 C24—C25—C26 124.7 (4)
O1—C3—C2 108.4 (3) C24—C25—C27 120.3 (3)
O1—C3—C4 111.0 (2) C26—C25—C27 115.0 (3)
C2—C3—C4 114.0 (3) C25—C26—H26A 109.5
O1—C3—H3 107.7 C25—C26—H26B 109.5
C2—C3—H3 107.7 H26A—C26—H26B 109.5
C4—C3—H3 107.7 C25—C26—H26C 109.5
C3—C4—C28 107.2 (3) H26A—C26—H26C 109.5
C3—C4—C29 111.0 (3) H26B—C26—H26C 109.5
C28—C4—C29 108.2 (3) C25—C27—H27A 109.5
C3—C4—C5 107.4 (2) C25—C27—H27B 109.5
C28—C4—C5 109.1 (2) H27A—C27—H27B 109.5
C29—C4—C5 113.7 (3) C25—C27—H27C 109.5
C6—C5—C10 111.3 (3) H27A—C27—H27C 109.5
C6—C5—C4 114.5 (2) H27B—C27—H27C 109.5
C10—C5—C4 117.3 (2) C4—C28—H28A 109.5
C6—C5—H5 104.0 C4—C28—H28B 109.5
C10—C5—H5 104.0 H28A—C28—H28B 109.5
C4—C5—H5 104.0 C4—C28—H28C 109.5
C7—C6—C5 110.7 (3) H28A—C28—H28C 109.5
C7—C6—H6A 109.5 H28B—C28—H28C 109.5
C5—C6—H6A 109.5 C4—C29—H29A 109.5
C7—C6—H6B 109.5 C4—C29—H29B 109.5
C5—C6—H6B 109.5 H29A—C29—H29B 109.5
H6A—C6—H6B 108.1 C4—C29—H29C 109.5
C6—C7—C8 114.0 (3) H29A—C29—H29C 109.5
C6—C7—H7A 108.8 H29B—C29—H29C 109.5
C8—C7—H7A 108.8 C14—C30—H30A 109.5
C6—C7—H7B 108.8 C14—C30—H30B 109.5
C8—C7—H7B 108.8 H30A—C30—H30B 109.5
H7A—C7—H7B 107.7 C14—C30—H30C 109.5
C7—C8—C18 107.1 (3) H30A—C30—H30C 109.5
C7—C8—C9 109.3 (2) H30B—C30—H30C 109.5
C18—C8—C9 112.5 (3) O13—C42—H42A 109.5
C7—C8—C14 111.4 (3) O13—C42—H42B 109.5
C18—C8—C14 110.3 (2) H42A—C42—H42B 109.5
C9—C8—C14 106.4 (2) O13—C42—H42C 109.5
C11—C9—C8 110.4 (2) H42A—C42—H42C 109.5
C11—C9—C10 114.3 (2) H42B—C42—H42C 109.5
C8—C9—C10 116.6 (2) O3—C1A—O4 107.4 (2)
C11—C9—H9 104.7 O3—C1A—C2A 109.5 (2)
C8—C9—H9 104.7 O4—C1A—C2A 107.2 (2)
C10—C9—H9 104.7 O3—C1A—H1A1 110.9
C1—C10—C5 107.0 (2) O4—C1A—H1A1 110.9
C1—C10—C19 107.7 (3) C2A—C1A—H1A1 110.9
C5—C10—C19 114.1 (3) O5—C2A—C3A 108.7 (2)
C1—C10—C9 108.3 (2) O5—C2A—C1A 111.2 (2)
C5—C10—C9 107.5 (2) C3A—C2A—C1A 109.4 (2)
C19—C10—C9 111.9 (2) O5—C2A—H2A1 109.2
C12—C11—C9 115.7 (2) C3A—C2A—H2A1 109.2
C12—C11—H11A 108.4 C1A—C2A—H2A1 109.2
C9—C11—H11A 108.4 O6—C3A—C2A 112.4 (2)
C12—C11—H11B 108.4 O6—C3A—C4A 107.3 (2)
C9—C11—H11B 108.4 C2A—C3A—C4A 110.4 (2)
H11A—C11—H11B 107.4 O6—C3A—H3A 108.9
O2—C12—C11 105.4 (2) C2A—C3A—H3A 108.9
O2—C12—C13 113.7 (2) C4A—C3A—H3A 108.9
C11—C12—C13 111.0 (2) O7—C4A—C3A 111.6 (2)
O2—C12—H12 108.8 O7—C4A—C5A 106.1 (2)
C11—C12—H12 108.8 C3A—C4A—C5A 110.6 (2)
C13—C12—H12 108.8 O7—C4A—H4A 109.5
C12—C13—C17 120.1 (2) C3A—C4A—H4A 109.5
C12—C13—C14 111.3 (2) C5A—C4A—H4A 109.5
C17—C13—C14 104.6 (2) O4—C5A—C6A 107.4 (2)
C12—C13—H13 106.7 O4—C5A—C4A 111.0 (2)
C17—C13—H13 106.7 C6A—C5A—C4A 111.0 (2)
C14—C13—H13 106.7 O4—C5A—H5A1 109.1
C15—C14—C13 100.2 (2) C6A—C5A—H5A1 109.1
C15—C14—C30 105.9 (3) C4A—C5A—H5A1 109.1
C13—C14—C30 110.4 (2) O8—C6A—C5A 109.5 (2)
C15—C14—C8 116.8 (2) O8—C6A—H6A1 109.8
C13—C14—C8 110.3 (2) C5A—C6A—H6A1 109.8
C30—C14—C8 112.5 (2) O8—C6A—H6A2 109.8
C14—C15—C16 105.3 (2) C5A—C6A—H6A2 109.8
C14—C15—H15A 110.7 H6A1—C6A—H6A2 108.2
C16—C15—H15A 110.7 O8—C1B—O9 105.9 (2)
C14—C15—H15B 110.7 O8—C1B—C2B 108.0 (2)
C16—C15—H15B 110.7 O9—C1B—C2B 112.0 (2)
H15A—C15—H15B 108.8 O8—C1B—H1B1 110.3
C15—C16—C17 106.7 (2) O9—C1B—H1B1 110.3
C15—C16—H16A 110.4 C2B—C1B—H1B1 110.3
C17—C16—H16A 110.4 O10—C2B—C3B 106.7 (2)
C15—C16—H16B 110.4 O10—C2B—C1B 111.7 (2)
C17—C16—H16B 110.4 C3B—C2B—C1B 111.2 (2)
H16A—C16—H16B 108.6 O10—C2B—H2B1 109.1
C20—C17—C13 119.8 (2) C3B—C2B—H2B1 109.1
C20—C17—C16 114.0 (2) C1B—C2B—H2B1 109.1
C13—C17—C16 103.0 (2) O11—C3B—C4B 111.9 (2)
C20—C17—H17 106.4 O11—C3B—C2B 106.9 (2)
C13—C17—H17 106.4 C4B—C3B—C2B 112.1 (2)
C16—C17—H17 106.4 O11—C3B—H3B 108.6
C8—C18—H18A 109.5 C4B—C3B—H3B 108.6
C8—C18—H18B 109.5 C2B—C3B—H3B 108.6
H18A—C18—H18B 109.5 O12—C4B—C5B 111.7 (3)
C8—C18—H18C 109.5 O12—C4B—C3B 107.5 (2)
H18A—C18—H18C 109.5 C5B—C4B—C3B 110.0 (3)
H18B—C18—H18C 109.5 O12—C4B—H4B 109.2
C10—C19—H19A 109.5 C5B—C4B—H4B 109.2
C10—C19—H19B 109.5 C3B—C4B—H4B 109.2
H19A—C19—H19B 109.5 O9—C5B—C4B 110.0 (3)
C10—C19—H19C 109.5 O9—C5B—H5B1 109.7
H19A—C19—H19C 109.5 C4B—C5B—H5B1 109.7
H19B—C19—H19C 109.5 O9—C5B—H5B2 109.7
O3—C20—C21 106.7 (2) C4B—C5B—H5B2 109.7
O3—C20—C22 108.0 (2) H5B1—C5B—H5B2 108.2
C21—C20—C22 113.0 (3)

Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, °)

D—H···A D—H H···A D···A D—H···A
O1—H1···O11i 0.82 2.38 2.996 (3) 133
O2—H2···O3 0.83 1.96 2.752 (3) 160
O5—H5A···O1i 0.84 2.14 2.839 (3) 140
O6—H6···O12ii 0.83 2.04 2.781 (3) 147
O7—H7···O8iii 0.83 2.31 3.009 (3) 142
O10—H10···O13iv 0.82 2.05 2.824 (4) 156
O11—H11···O5v 0.81 1.92 2.703 (3) 162
O12—H12A···O11vi 0.84 2.02 2.827 (3) 162
O13—H13A···O2vii 0.85 1.98 2.823 (3) 173

Symmetry codes: (i) −x, y−1/2, −z+1/2; (ii) x, y−1, z; (iii) x−1/2, −y+3/2, −z; (iv) x−1, y, z; (v) x, y+1, z; (vi) x−1/2, −y+5/2, −z; (vii) x+1, y, z.


Supplementary data and figures for this paper are available from the IUCr electronic archives (Reference: XU2351).


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Associated Data

This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

Supplementary Materials

Crystal structure: contains datablocks I, global. DOI: 10.1107/S1600536807063118/xu2351sup1.cif

e-64-0o165-sup1.cif (32.2KB, cif)

Structure factors: contains datablocks I. DOI: 10.1107/S1600536807063118/xu2351Isup2.hkl

e-64-0o165-Isup2.hkl (252.8KB, hkl)

Additional supplementary materials: crystallographic information; 3D view; checkCIF report

Articles from Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online are provided here courtesy of International Union of Crystallography