Fig. 2. Meiotic recombination instigates programmed activation of p53 in the Drosophila female germline.
(A) Schematic illustration of female germarium in Drosophila ovary. Region 1 contains germline stem cells (GSC) and their progeny, cystoblasts (CB). Cysts in region 2a and 2b initiate meiosis and further develop into egg chambers in region 3. Regions in the germarium are visualized using immunostaining for hu-li tai shao (HTS) protein. (B) and (C): Genotypes as indicated were stained for GFP (green) and HTS (red). Animals in (B) carry p53R-GFPnls, or p53R-GFPcyt in (C). Stereotyped GFP activation in region 2 is indicated by solid arrows and the absence of staining with open arrows. (D) Percentage of germarium with p53R-GFPcyt expression in regions 2a and 2b. Means ± standard deviations from at least three independent trials are plotted and sample size is denoted within parenthesis. Scale bars, 10μm.