Human ciliopathies are hereditary conditions caused by defects of proteins expressed at the primary cilium. Among ciliopathies, Joubert syndrome and related disorders (JSRD), Meckel syndrome (MKS) and nephronophthisis (NPH) present clinical and genetic overlap, being allelic at several loci. One of the most interesting gene is TMEM67, encoding the transmembrane protein meckelin. We performed mutation analysis of TMEM67 in 341 probands, including 265 JSRD representative of all clinical subgroups and 76 MKS fetuses. We identified 33 distinct mutations, of which 20 were novel, in 8/10 (80%) JS with liver involvement (COACH phenotype) and 12/76 (16%) MKS fetuses. No mutations were found in other JSRD subtypes, confirming the strong association between TMEM67 mutations and liver involvement. Literature review of all published TMEM67 mutated cases was performed to delineate genotype-phenotype correlates. In particular, comparison of the types of mutations and their distribution along the gene in lethal versus non lethal phenotypes showed in MKS patients a significant enrichment of missense mutations falling in TMEM67 exons 8 to 15, especially when in combination with a truncating mutation. These exons encode for a region of unknown function in the extracellular domain of meckelin.
Keywords: TMEM67, MKS3, Joubert syndrome, Meckel syndrome, congenital hepatic fibrosis, COACH syndrome
Human ciliopathies represent an expanding group of autosomal or X-linked disorders caused by defects of proteins expressed at the primary cilium or its apparatus (Hildebrandt and Zhou, 2007; Sharma et al., 2008). Primary cilia are microtubule-based structures found in most tissues, that function as cellular sensors and control axonal migration and cell polarity during development (Gerdes et al., 2009; Marshall, 2008). The wide expression pattern of ciliary proteins well explains the multiorgan involvement seen in most ciliary disorders, mainly implicating the central nervous system (CNS), retina, kidneys and liver (Lancaster and Gleeson, 2009).
There is striking clinical and genetic overlap among some ciliopathies, namely Joubert syndrome and related disorders (JSRD; MIM# 213300), Meckel syndrome (MKS; MIM# 249000), and Nephronophthisis (NPH; MIM# 256100). These conditions are known to be allelic at several gene loci, albeit genotype-phenotype correlations are only partly understood (Lancaster and Gleeson, 2009). Among these genes, great interest has recently arisen on TMEM67 (MIM# 609884) that encodes meckelin (Dawe et al., 2007; Smith et al., 2006). This is a 995 aminoacid protein, with an extracellular N-terminus containing a signal peptide and a cysteine rich domain, a transmembrane portion and an intracellular C-terminus including a coiled-coil domain (Khaddour et al., 2007; Smith et al., 2006).
TMEM67 was first identified as causative of MKS (Smith et al., 2006), a lethal disorder displaying CNS malformations (typically occipital encephalocele), multicystic kidneys, ductal plate dysplasia with congenital hepatic fibrosis (CHF) and postaxial polydactyly (Salonen, 1984; Salonen and Paavola, 1998). Large mutation screenings identified TMEM67 mutations in 23 of 195 (12%) MKS fetuses (Baala et al., 2007; Consugar et al., 2007; Khaddour et al., 2007; Smith et al., 2006; Tallila et al., 2009), including some fetuses with Meckel-like phenotypes. These lacked at least one MKS diagnostic criterion, and their brain pathology often resembled the “molar tooth sign” (MTS) (Baala et al., 2007). The MTS defines a specific constellation of cerebellar and brainstem abnormalities that is peculiar of JSRD, another heterogeneous group of ciliopathies with CNS, retinal, renal and hepatic manifestations (Valente et al., 2008). Within the JSRD spectrum, there is strong correlation between TMEM67 mutations and the subgroup of JS plus liver involvement (COACH syndrome; MIM# 216360), with an overall mutation frequency of 73% (Baala et al., 2007; Brancati et al., 2009; Doherty et al., 2009).
Two additional TMEM67-related ciliopathies were recently delineated. Otto and collaborators reported mutations in five of 62 (8%) probands with NPH and CHF (Otto et al., 2009). Finally, TMEM67 was found mutated in two families with a peculiar association of polycystic kidney (mimicking autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease - ARPKD), NPH, CHF and midbrain-hindbrain abnormalities within the MTS spectrum, defined as ARPKD-like syndrome (Gunay-Aygun et al., 2009).
This extreme clinical heterogeneity associated with mutations in one and the same gene is intriguing, and calls for the delineation of specific clinical-genetic correlates. The allelic spectrum of TMEM67 is broad and includes missense, truncating and splice site mutations, as well as rare multiexon deletions. A preliminary correlation has been observed between truncating mutations and the occurrence of MKS, while missense mutations are more frequently detected in association to less severe phenotypes such as COACH and NPH. However, a systematic analysis of the phenotypic burden of TMEM67 mutations has not been performed yet.
Here, we present the molecular screening of TMEM67 in two cohorts of patients, including JSRD cases representative of all clinical subgroups, and MKS fetuses. We describe and characterize 20 novel mutations, perform a detailed review of all published mutations and discuss genotype–phenotype correlates.
A total of 341 probands were analyzed. The first group included 265 probands with clinically and neuroradiologically confirmed diagnosis of JSRD. Detailed clinical data were obtained by referring clinicians of the International JSRD Study Group through a standardized questionnaire, allowing to assign patients to the following subgroups: pure JS (n=101), JS plus retinopathy (n=51), JS plus renal disease (n=11), cerebello-oculo-renal syndrome (n=80), JS plus liver disease (n=10), oro-facio-digital syndrome type VI (n=12). The second group included 76 fetuses diagnosed with MKS according on established criteria (Salonen, 1984). Pregnancies were terminated after genetic counseling, in accordance with local laws. Subjects were recruited worldwide and collected under approved institutional human subject protocols. Written informed consent was obtained from all families. A number of these patients have been included in previous mutational screenings of other JSRD/MKS causative genes, while probands already tested for TMEM67 and previously described (Brancati et al., 2009; Khaddour et al., 2007) have been excluded from the study.
Mutational analysis
Exons and exon-intron junctions of the TMEM67 gene were searched for mutations adopting two distinct strategies. In the cohort of JSRD patients, the High Resolution Melting technique (HRM) on a LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR system (Roche Applied Science) was used to analyze DNA samples of both parents of each affected proband, in order to overcome the limitations of HRM technique in discriminating homozygous mutations (Wittwer, 2009). Each PCR reaction included 15-25 ng of genomic DNA and High Resolution Master Mix (Roche Applied Science), which contained FastStart Taq DNA polymerase, reaction buffer, dNTPs mix and ResoLight Dye. MgCl2 and each primer were added to 3mM and 0.2μM final concentrations respectively. Primers have been reported previously (Brancati et al., 2009). PCR conditions included an initial denaturation at 95°C for 10 min followed by 45 cycles of denaturation (95°C for 15 s), annealing (primer dependent for 15 s) and extension (72°C for 15 s), with a final extension at 72°C for 2 m. After PCR, a post-amplification melting curve program was initiated by heating to 95°C and cooling to 40°C for 1 min each, and then increasing the temperature to 95°C while continuously measuring fluorescence at 25 acquisitions per degree. Melting curves were analyzed by LightCycler 480 Gene Scanning software (Roche Applied Science). Samples with significant difference in melting profiles and corresponding proband samples underwent direct bidirectional sequencing using the Big Dye Terminator Chemistry and an ABI 3100 Capillary Array Sequencer (Applied Biosystems). In the cohort of MKS patients, bidirectional sequencing was performed as previously described (Khaddour et al., 2007).
Bioinformatic analysis
DNA mutation numbering was based on cDNA sequence, +1 being the first nucleotide of the ATG translation initiation codon in the reference sequence. Mutation description was checked with Mutalyzer software (http://www.humgen.nl/mutalyzer/1.0.1). Prediction of the possible impact of missense variants on the function of meckelin protein was obtained with PolyPhen software (http://genetics.bwh.harvard.edu/pph/), while HSF (http://www.umd.be/HSF) was used to evaluate the potential impact of nucleotide changes on splicing. Multiple sequence alignments of the human meckelin protein and its orthologues were generated using the ClustalW program (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/clustalw/). Accession numbers are as follows: human TMEM67 mRNA sequence: NM_153704.5; meckelin protein sequence: Homo sapiens NP_714915.3 or ENSP00000314488; Macaca mulatta ENSMMUP00000007350; Rattus norvegicus ENSRNOP00000021839; Mus musculus ENSMUSP00000052644; Gallus gallus ENSGALP00000025642; Tetraodon nigris GSTENP00034026001; Drosophila melanogaster FBpp0112166; Caenorhabditis elegans F35D2.4. Mutation frequencies were compared using a two-tail Fisher's exact test, with correction for multiple tests when applicable. Significance was set at p<0.05.
The molecular analysis identified 33 distinct mutations (20 novel and 13 previously reported) in 20 out of 341 families. Overall, 12 mutations were truncating (including frameshift and nonsense), three affected 5' or 3' canonical splice-sites and 18 were missense. All mutations segregated with the disease in familial cases. None of the nine newly identified missense mutations were found in 200 control chromosomes, and alignment with meckelin orthologues showed all affected residues to be conserved among different species (Figure 1). Detailed clinical features of mutated JSRD patients and MKS fetuses are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1.
Family data | Clinical data | Genetic data | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
Family | Age (sex) | Origin | CNS | Eye | kidney | liver | other | Nucleotide changes | Exon | Effects on protein | Tr | |
COR47 | NG 1604 | 8(M) | IT | MT EV | Co | - (8) | ELE | c.370G>A | 3 | p.E124K + | P | |
NG 2001 | 4(F) | MTS | ONH | - (4) | ELE | c.1073C>T | 11 | p.P358L +++ | M | |||
| ||||||||||||
COR113 | NG 2016 | 3(M) | IT | MTS | Co(L) | - (3) | LI | c.1706G>A | 17 | p.G569D ++ | P | |
c.G1860+1G>A | 18 | Splice | M | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||
COR143 | NG 2038 | 1(F)* | SW | MTS | Co | UCD | ELE | c.1285C>T | 12 | p.Q429X | M | |
c.1847C>T | 18 | p.A616V + | P | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||
COR212 | NG 2358 | 15(F) | IT | MTS | Co | cysts, CRI (6m) | HSM ELE | c.1115C>A | 11 | p.T372K ++ | M | |
c.2216T>G | 21 | p.L739R ++ | P | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||
COR240 | NG 2367 | 5(M) | IT | MTS | - | - (5) | HSM ELE LI | c.1077_1078 | 11 | p.T360RfsX18 | M | |
c.1769T>C | 17 | p.F590S ++ | P | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||
COR265 | NG 2511 | 23(M) | IT | MTS | Co(L) | - (23) | CHF | PD(4) | c.270T>G | 2 | p.N90K ++ | M |
c.755T>C | 8 | p.M252T +++ | P | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||
COR266 | NG 2515 | 4(F) | GE | MTS | Co | - (2) | CHF | c.300C>A | 2 | p.C100X | M | |
c.2498T>C | 24 | p.I833T ++ | P | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||
COR254 | NG 2466 | 8(M) | GE | MTS | - | - (8) | ELE | c.903C>G | 9 | p.D301E + | M | |
c.1538A>G | 15 | p.Y513C+++ | P |
CHF: congenital hepatic fibrosis; Co: chorioretinal colobomas; CRI: chronic renal insufficiency; ELE: elevated liver enzymes; EV: enlarged ventricles; HSM: hepatosplenomegaly; IUGR: intrauterine growth retardation; (L): left eye only; LI: liver imaging consistent with ductal plate malformation; M: maternal; MTS: molar tooth sign; ONH: optic nerve hypoplasia; P: paternal; PD: polydactyly (number of limbs); Tr: transmission; UCD: urinary concentration defect. Origin: IT: Italy; SW: Sweden; GE: Germany.
One pregnancy terminated for prenatal diagnosis of JSRD. PolyPhen prediction: benign:
possibly damaging:
probably damaging:
Novel mutations are in bold.
Table 2.
Family data | Clinical data | Genetic data | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
Fam | G.W. | Origin | CNS | eye | kidney | liver | other | Nucleotide changes | Exon | Effects on protein | Tr | |
DEG | 772 | 21(?) | US | Emc | n.a. | + | BDP | c.T2322+2dupT | 22 | Splice | M | |
c.2561dupA | 25 | p.N854KfsX5 | P | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||
CHA | 800 | 24(F) | FR | CVA | n.a. | + | BDP | c.1322G>T | 13 | p.R441L +++ | P | |
c.2002T>C | 20 | p.W668R+++ | M | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||
LEF | 812 | 26(F) | FR | Emc | n.a. | + | BDP | BU | c.2542G>T | 24 | p.E848X | M |
c.2357G>A | 23 | p.G786E +++ | P | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||
BAI | 922 | 20(F) | IT | DW | n.a. | + | BDP | c.675G>A | 7 | p.W225X | M | |
923 | 17(F) | CVA | + | BDP | c.2528A>G | 24 | p.Y843C +++ | P | ||||
| ||||||||||||
MAR | 960 | 14 (?) | FR | Emc | n.a. | + | BDP | CP, IUGR | c.1046T>C | 10 | p. L349S ++ | M |
c.2689_2690insTA | 26 | p.L897IfsX64 | P | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||
DEB | 965 | 19 (F) | FR | CVA H PMG | n.a. | + | BDP | c. T1413-1G>C | 13 | Splice | M | |
c.2301delT | 22 | p.D768IfsX5 | P | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||
FOF | 1007 | 16(M) | SN | DW | n.a. | + | - | c.1538_1539delAT | 15 | p.Y513X | Ho | |
1008 | 13(M) | DW | + | - | ||||||||
| ||||||||||||
SAH | 1044 | 26(F) | ? | Emc DW | n.a. | + | BDP | VS | c.579delA | 6 | p.G195DfsX27 | Ho |
| ||||||||||||
TAM | 1077 | 13(F) | AL | Emc | n.a. | + | BDP | ToF | c.1046T>C | 10 | p.L349S ++ | Ho |
| ||||||||||||
ELO | 1088 | ?(M) | MO | Emc CVA | n.a. | + | BDP | c.579_580delAG | 6 | p.G195IfsX13 | Ho | |
| ||||||||||||
COR 141 | NG 2405 | ?(?) | FR | Emc | n.a. | + | BDP | c.1319G>A | 13 | p.R440Q ++ | Ho | |
| ||||||||||||
COR 238 | NG 2357 | 21(?) | IT | Emc DW CCH | n.a. | + | BDP | c.387T>A | 3 | p.C129X | P | |
c.755T>C | 8 | p.M252T +++ | M |
BDP: bile duct proliferation; BU: bicornate uterus; CCH: corpus callosum hypo/aplasia; CP: cleft palate; CVA: cerebellar vermis agenesis; DW: Dandy-Walker malformation; Emc: encephalomeningocele; G.W.: gestational week; H: hydrocephalus; Ho: homozygous; IUGR: intra-uterine growth retardation; n.a.: not available; PMG: polymicrogyria; ToF: tetralogy of Fallot; VS: vaginal septum. Origin: US: United States; FR: France; SN: Senegal; AL: Algeria; MO: Morocco. Other abbreviations as in Table 1.
Pathogenic mutations in JSRD
Among the 265 JSRD patients, TMEM67 compound heterozygous mutations were identified in 8 out of 10 (80%) probands with a phenotype of JS plus liver disease. Twelve mutations were missense, three truncating and one affected splicing. Liver involvement varied from a clinically mild picture of asymptomatic but constant elevation of liver enzymes to more severe presentations leading to liver insufficiency and biopsy-proven CHF. Six of the eight probands had mono-or bilateral colobomas, while the affected sister of one proband with bilateral colobomas had optic nerve hypoplasia. Only one patient (COR212) presented post-axial polydactyly of the four limbs and infantile NPH, that progressed to chronic renal failure at age six months. Several patients were too young at latest examination to rule out the possibility that some of them would develop juvenile NPH later in life. Biallelic mutations were not detected in any of the 255 patients representative of the other JSRD phenotypes.
Pathogenic mutations in MKS
In this group, we identified 18 distinct mutations in 12 out of 76 (16%) MKS fetuses, either in homozygosity (n=5) or compound heterozygosity (n=7). Of these mutations, seven were missense (one recurrent in two fetuses), nine truncating and two affected splice sites. Cystic kidneys were diagnosed in all fetuses, while all but two sibs had the ductal plate malformation of the liver. Polydactyly was never recorded. Clinical variability was observed with respect to CNS malformations, with encephalocele, Dandy-Walker malformation and cerebellar vermis hypo/aplasia being variably present. Genitalia abnormalities (including bicornate uterus or vaginal septum), and tetralogy of Fallot were recorded in single patients.
Here we present the results of the largest TMEM67 screening so far reported in JSRD/MKS, leading to the identification of twenty novel mutations. In the JSRD group, we found mutations in the great majority of patients with liver involvement, ranging from the full-blown COACH syndrome phenotype (with proven hepatic fibrosis at liver biopsy) to milder presentations variably including hepatomegaly, elevation of liver enzymes and abnormal liver imaging. Along with our previously reported cases (Brancati et al., 2009) and with those published by Doherty and coworkers (Doherty et al., 2009), this brings the TMEM67 mutation frequency in JS with liver involvement to 70% (32 out of 46), representing to date the strongest gene-phenotype correlate among JSRD subgroups (Valente et al., 2008).
The proportion of MKS fetuses mutated in TMEM67 is much lower. We identified mutations in 12 out of 76 MKS probands, bringing the overall mutation frequency to 13% (35 out of 271 tested fetuses) (Baala et al., 2007; Consugar et al., 2007; Khaddour et al., 2007; Smith et al., 2006; Tallila et al., 2009). Yet, TMEM67 remains to date one of the most commonly mutated gene in MKS, along with MKS1 and CC2D2A. Yet, at difference from TMEM67, both these genes present mutational hotspots explaining a large proportion of mutated cases (Tallila et al., 2009).
As previously reported, we observed that the feature most strikingly associated with TMEM67 mutations, and in fact shared by all mutated patients regardless of other symptoms, is congenital liver involvement. In fact, Otto and collaborators reported TMEM67 mutations in 8% NPH probands with CHF, but failed to identify mutations in 105 NPH patients lacking liver disease. Similarly, the two TMEM67-mutated families with ARPKD-like syndrome also presented CHF (Gunay-Aygun et al., 2009; Otto et al., 2009). This congenital liver disease originates by a developmental defect, the ductal plate malformation, resulting from failed remodeling of the ductal plate, that leads to bile duct proliferation and in many cases to overt CHF (Desmet, 1992). Defects in cilia formation and abnormal hepatic cell differentiation have been observed in the liver of some MKS fetuses (Clotman et al., 2008). Indeed, meckelin is known to be required for the correct cilium assembly, and it was also suggested to play a role in signal transduction at developmental stages preceding cilia formation in the liver (Clotman et al., 2008; Dawe et al., 2007). However, it is interesting to note that neither the rat (wpk) nor the mouse (bpck) models of MKS3 present any sign of liver involvement, while being affected by a rapidly progressive renal, retinal and neurological phenotype (Cook et al., 2009; Tammachote et al., 2009). Thus, the essential role of meckelin in liver development appears to be restricted to the human species, possibly representing a recently acquired function during the evolutionary process.
We failed to identify TMEM67 mutations in any of 255 JSRD patients belonging to the other clinical subgroups, arguing against a major role of the gene in these phenotypes. In fact, out of about 600 JSRD families tested so far, only five with TMEM67 mutations were reported that did not show any sign of hepatic involvement, confirmed by either long-term follow-up or appropriate liver investigations in four of them (Baala et al., 2007; Doherty et al., 2009; Otto et al., 2009). These patients may share yet unknown protective factors against the development of congenital liver disease, although the possibility that they harbor a peculiar combination of TMEM67 alleles giving rise to a more benign phenotype is also possible. Of note, the allelic combinations are unique to these five families, and two of them share a substitution of the same proline residue in position 82 (Doherty et al., 2009). Functional studies in different cell types will help establish the different tissue-specific pathogenicity of such mutations.
In the present work, we report the identification of 20 novel mutations, raising to 87 the number of distinct pathogenic TMEM67 changes so far reported (Baala et al., 2007; Brancati et al., 2009; Consugar et al., 2007; Doherty et al., 2009; Gunay-Aygun et al., 2009; Khaddour et al., 2007; Otto et al., 2009; Smith et al., 2006; Tallila et al., 2009). Of these, 19 recurred in two or more families while the others were reported in single cases. Overall, mutations are scattered throughout the entire gene with only two exons spared (exon 4 and 28). Mutations within eight out of 28 exons (2, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 24) captured more than 60% of the TMEM67 allelic spectrum, suggesting that these exons should be prioritized when performing molecular analysis (Figure 2).
Interestingly, a differential distribution of mutations along the gene in lethal (MKS) versus non-lethal (JSRD, NPH or ARPKD-like) phenotypes can be observed, in particular when considering missense mutations. In fact, in MKS patients most missense mutations (18/24, 75%) cluster within exons 8 to 15, encoding the extra-cellular region of meckelin that follows the cystein-rich domain. Conversely, in non lethal-phenotypes only one third of missense mutations are found within exons 8-15 (21/61, 34%; p=0.001) being sparse along the entire coding sequence of the gene (Figure 3).
In line with these findings, we also observed different combinations of mutation types between lethal and non-lethal phenotypes (Figure 4). In order to assess the statistical significance of this observation, we decided to exclude splice site mutations (which effect on protein function is difficult to predict) and considered only 23 lethal versus 33 non-lethal cases carrying either combination of truncating and missense mutations (Figure 4, left side). Two truncating mutations were observed in about one third of MKS patients (8/23, 35%) but in none of the patients with non-lethal phenotypes (p=0.001). A combination of a truncating with a missense mutation was detected in a similar proportion of lethal and non-lethal cases (6/23 vs 9/33, 26% vs 28%), yet the position of the missense mutation in the gene varied significantly in the two groups, falling within exons 8-15 in 66% of MKS cases, but never in non-lethal cases (p=0.01). Homozygous or compound heterozygous missense mutations were detected in 9 (39%) lethal and 24 (73%) non-lethal families respectively (p=0.045). At least one missense mutation affecting exons 8 to 15 was detected in all 9 MKS and in 17/24 (71%) of non-lethal cases, although this difference did not reach statistical significance.
In line with these findings, we also observed different combinations of mutation types between lethal and non-lethal phenotypes (Figure 4). In order to assess the statistical significance of this observation, we decided to exclude splice site mutations (which effect on protein function is difficult to predict) and considered only 23 lethal versus 33 non-lethal cases carrying either combination of truncating and missense mutations (Figure 4, left side). Two truncating mutations were observed in about one third of MKS patients (8/23, 35%) but in none of the patients with non-lethal phenotypes (p=0.001). A combination of a truncating with a missense mutation was detected in a similar proportion of lethal and non-lethal cases (6/23 vs 9/33, 26% vs 28%), yet the position of the missense mutation in the gene varied significantly in the two groups, falling within exons 8-15 in 66% of MKS cases, but never in non-lethal cases (p=0.01). Homozygous or compound heterozygous missense mutations were detected in 9 (39%) lethal and 24 (73%) non-lethal families respectively (p=0.045). At least one missense mutation affecting exons 8 to 15 was detected in all 9 MKS and in 17/24 (71%) of non-lethal cases, although this difference did not reach statistical significance.
Taken together, these findings suggest that missense mutations in exons 8 to 15 might have a more disruptive effect on the protein's function. One possibility is that a relevant subset of these mutations could affect splicing either by creating or disrupting splice sites or by affecting exonic splice enhancers/silencers, as already shown for other TMEM67 coding variants (Baala et al., 2006; Kaddhour et al., 2007). Yet, we could not detect any significant differences between mutations falling within and outside exons 8 to 15 on their in silico predicted effects on splicing mechanisms. An alternative possibility is that the extracellular region encoded by exons 8 to 15 plays an crucial role for the protein's function, thus explaining the increased pathogenicity of missense mutations altering the aminoacidic structure of this region. To address this hypothesis, we have obtained PolyPhen PSIC scores for all reported missense mutations. Although the vast majority are predicted to be damaging, no significant differences were found in the frequency of benign, possibly and probably damaging changes falling within or outside exons 8-15, and the mean PSIC score obtained for this exon cluster was similar to that obtained for the remaining exons (data not shown). However, it must be noted that PolyPhen prediction is based on empirical rules applied to the amino acid sequence, phylogenetic profile scores, and calculation of structural parameters, and thus it is most accurate when the protein's structure is well characterized. Conversely, no information is available on the functional role of the region encoded by exons 8 to 15; moreover, we attempted to perform bioinformatic modelling of this region but could find no obvious close or even remote homologies with any known protein domain. This suggests a limited power in predicting pathogenicity of mutations affecting this region, and also implies a potential novel and unique role in meckelin function. Indeed, subcellular localization experiments showed that the c.1127A>C mutation within exon 11 (p.Q376P) affected the ability of meckelin to localize at the cell surface, causing retention in the endoplasmic reticulum and consequent loss of function (Dawe et al., 2007). Detailed functional studies are needed to characterize the physiological function of this meckelin region and the disruptive effect of missense mutations.
The different pathogenic load of TMEM67 mutations is also suggested by the fact that each combination of two given mutations is unique to a given ciliopathy, the only exception being represented by two families compound heterozygous for the two missense changes p.M252T and p.C615R, presenting with MKS and COACH syndrome respectively (Otto et al., 2009; Tallila et al., 2009). In this case, it is plausible to speculate that mutations or polymorphic variants located in other (ciliary) genes may play a relevant role as genetic phenotypic modifiers. This hypothesis, already put forward for variants in other ciliary genes (Khanna et al., 2009; Tory et al., 2007), opens novel enticing research perspectives to understand the increasing complexity of ciliary disorders.
We thank Dr Alessandro Ferraris for statistical support and Dr Emanuele Bellacchio for bioinformatic analysis; Antonio Lavelli, Viviana Speranza and Werner Rodriguez Acebo from Roche Applied Science for technical support; Mrs Karen Fontaine Marchand, Drs Clarisse Baumann Dieu-Coeslier, Virginia Kimonis, Laura Roos, Joelle Roume, Sabine Sigaudy and Prs Sylvie Manouvrier and Sylvie Odent for referring cases and genetic counseling. Contract grant sponsor: Italian Ministry of Health, MIUR, the March of Dimes, Burroughs Wellcome Fund NINDS, NIH. Contract grant numbers: Ricerca Corrente 2009 to BD; Ricerca Finalizzata 2006 ex art. 56 to EMV; Telethon grant n. GGP08145 to EB/EMV; NIH NS052455 and NS048453 grant to JGG; ANR grant N° MRAR2006/R06370KS to TAB. SZ is supported by INSERM-DGRSRT (CS/RN/2008 n°87).
Contract grant sponsor: Italian Ministry of Health, MIUR, the March of Dimes, Burroughs Wellcome Fund NINDS, NIH. Contract grant number: Ricerca Corrente 2009 (to BD); Ricerca Finalizzata 2006 ex art. 56 (to EMV); Telethon grant n. GGP08145 (to EB and EMV).
Other members of the International JSRD Study Group are: L. Ali Pacha, M. Tazir (Algiers, Algeria); A. Zankl (Herston, Australia); R. Leventer (Parkville, Australia); P. Grattan-Smith (Sydney, Australia); A. Janecke (Innsbruck, Austria); M. D'Hooghe (Brugge, Belgium); Y. Sznajer (Bruxelles, Belgium); R. Van Coster (Ghent, Belgium); L. Demerleir (Brussels, Belgium); K. Dias, C. Moco, A. Moreira (Porto Alegre, Brazil); C. Ae Kim (Sao Paulo, Brazil); G. Maegawa (Toronto, Canada); D. Loncarevic, V. Mejaski-Bosnjak, D. Petkovic (Zagreb, Croatia); G.M.H. Abdel-Salam, A. Abdel-Aleem, M.S. Zaki (Cairo, Egypt); I. Marti, S. Quijano-Roy (Garches, France); S. Sigaudy (Marseille, France); P. de Lonlay, S. Romano, A. Verloes (Paris, France); R. Touraine (St. Etienne, France); M. Koenig, C. Lagier-Tourenne, J. Messer (Strasbourg, France); P. Collignon (Toulon, France); N. Wolf (Heidelberg, Germany); H. Philippi (Mainz, Germany); J. Lemke (Tubingen, Germany); C. Dacou-Voutetakis, S. Kitsiou Tzeli, R. Pons (Athens, Greece); L. Sztriha (Szeged, Hungary); S. Halldorsson, J. Johannsdottir, P. Ludvigsson (Reykjavik, Iceland); S. R. Phadke (Lucknow, India); V. Udani (Mumbay, India); B. Stuart (Dublin, Ireland); A. Magee (Belfast, Northern Ireland); D. Lev, M. Michelson (Holon, Israel); B. Ben-Zeev (Ramat-Gan, Israel); M. Di Giacomo, M. Gentile, G. Guanti, O. D'Addato, F. Papadia, M. Spano (Bari, Italy); F. Bernardi, M. Seri (Bologna, Italy); F. Benedicenti, F. Stanzial (Bolzano, Italy); R. Borgatti (Bosisio Parini, Italy); P. Accorsi, S. Battaglia, E. Fazzi, L. Giordano, C. Izzi, L. Pinelli (Brescia, Italy); L. Boccone (Cagliari, Italy); P. Guanciali (Chieti, Italy); R. Romoli (Como, Italy); S. Bigoni, A. Ferlini (Ferrara, Italy); E. Andreucci, M.A. Donati, M. Genuardi (Florence, Italy); G. Caridi, M.T. Divizia, F. Faravelli, G. Ghiggeri, A. Pessagno (Genoa, Italy); M. Amorini, M. Briguglio, S. Briuglia, L. Rigoli, C. Salpietro, G. Tortorella (Messina, Italy); A. Adami, G. Marra, D. Riva, B. Scelsa, L. Spaccini, G. Uziel (Milan, Italy); G. Coppola, E. Del Giudice, G. Vitiello (Naples, Italy); A.M. Laverda, K. Ludwig, A. Permunian, A. Suppiej (Padova, Italy); C. Macaluso (Parma, Italy); S. Signorini, C. Uggetti (Pavia, Italy); R. Battini (Pisa, Italy); M. Di Giacomo (Potenza, Italy); M. Priolo (Reggio Calabria, Italy); M.R. Cilio, A. D'Amico, M.L. Di Sabato, F. Emma, V. Leuzzi, P. Parisi, G. Stringini, G. Zanni (Rome, Italy); M. Pollazzon, A. Renieri, M. Vascotto (Siena, Italy); M. Silengo (Torino, Italy); R. De Vescovi (Trieste, Italy); D. Greco, C. Romano (Troina, Italy); M. Cazzagon (Udine, Italy); A. Simonati (Verona, Italy); A.A. Al-Tawari, L. Bastaki, (Kuwait City, Kuwait); A. Mégarbané (Beirut, Lebanon); A. Matuleviciene (Vilnius, Lithuania); V. Sabolic Avramovska (Skopje, Macedonia); E. Said (Msida, Malta); M.M. de Jong (Groningen, The Netherlands); T. Prescott, P. Stromme, C. von der Lippe (Oslo, Norway); R. Koul, A. Rajab (Muscat, Oman); M. Azam (Islamabad, Pakistan); C. Barbot (Oporto, Portugal); B. Jocic-Jakubi (Nis, Serbia); B. Gener Querol (Baracaldo, Spain); L. Martorell Sampol (Barcelona, Spain); B. Rodriguez (La Coruna, Spain); I. Pascual-Castroviejo (Madrid, Spain); S. Strozzi (Bern, Switzerland); J. Fluss (Geneva, Switzerland); S. Teber, M. Topcu (Ankara, Turkey); B. Anlar, S. Comu, E. Karaca, H. Kayserili, A. Yüksel (Istanbul, Turkey); M. Akgul (Izmir, Turkey); M. Akcakus (Kayseri, Turkey); L. Al Gazali (Al Ain, UAE); D. Nicholl (Birmingham, UK); C.G. Woods (Cambridge, UK); C. Bennett, J. Hurst, E. Sheridan (Leeds, UK); A. Barnicoat, L. Carr, R. Hennekam, M. Lees, F. McKay (London, UK); L. Yates (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK); E. Blair (Oxford, UK); S. Bernes (Mesa, Arizona, US); H. Sanchez (Fremont, California, US); A.E. Clark (Laguna Niguel, California, US); E. DeMarco, C. Donahue, E. Sherr (San Francisco, California, US); J. Hahn, T.D. Sanger (Stanford California, US); T.E. Gallager (Manoa, Hawaii, US); W.B. Dobyns (Chicago, Illinois, US); C. Daugherty (Bangor, Maine, US); K.S. Krishnamoorthy, D. Sarco, C.A. Walsh (Boston, Massachusetts, US); T. McKanna (Grand Rapids, Michigan, US); J. Milisa (Albuquerque, New Mexico, US); W.K. Chung, D.C. De Vivo, H. Raynes, R. Schubert (New York, New York, US); A. Seward (Columbus, Ohio, US); D.G. Brooks (Philadephia, Pennsylvania, US); A. Goldstein (Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, US); J. Caldwell, E. Finsecke (Tulsa, Oklahoma, US); B.L. Maria (Charleston, South Carolina, US), K. Holden (Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, US); R.P. Cruse (Houston, Texas, US); K.J. Swoboda, D. Viskochil (Salt Lake City, Utah, US).
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