Obstructive sleep apnea is a prevalent disorder associated with cognitive dysfunction and cardiovascular and metabolic morbidity and is characterized by recurrent episodes of hypoxia during sleep. Bone marrow-derived very small embryonic-like (VSEL) pluripotent stem cells represent a recruitable pool that may play an important role in organ repair after injury. We hypothesized that exposure to intermittent hypoxia (IH) can mobilize VSELs from the bone marrow (BM) to peripheral blood (PB) in mice and can activate distinct transcriptional programs.
Adult mice were exposed to IH or normoxia for 48 hours. VSELs were sorted from BM and PB using flow cytometry. Plasma levels of stem cell chemokines, stromal cell derived factor-1 (SDF-1), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) were measured. Transcriptional profiling of VSELs was performed, and differentially expressed genes were mapped to enriched functional categories and genetic networks.
Exposure to IH elicited migration of VSELs from BM to PB and elevations in plasma levels of chemokines. More than 1100 unique genes were differentially expressed in VSELs in response to IH. Gene Ontology and network analysis revealed the activation of organ-specific developmental programs among these genes.
Exposure to IH mobilizes VSELs from the BM to PB and activates distinct transcriptional programs in VSELs that are enriched in developmental pathways, including central nervous system development and angiogenesis. Thus, VSELs may serve as a reserve mobile pool of pluripotent stem cells that can be recruited into PB and may play an important role in promoting end-organ repair during IH.
Gharib SA; Dayyat EA; Khalyfa A; Kim J; Clair HB; Kucia M; Gozal D. Intermittent hypoxia mobilizes bone marrow-derived very small embryonic-like stem cells and activates developmental transcriptional programs in mice. SLEEP 2010;33(11):1439-1446.
Keywords: Stem cells, sleep apnea, intermittent hypoxia
OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA (OSA) IS A PREVALENT DISORDER IN CHILDREN1 AND ADULTS2,3 AND IS CHARACTERIZED BY THE OCCURRENCE OF repetitive episodes of airflow obstruction during sleep, leading to intermittent hypoxia (IH) and reoxygenation.4 The morbid consequences of OSA are substantial and include cardiovascular, neurocognitive, and metabolic dysfunction.5–11 For example, patients with OSA exhibit substantial memory and executive functional losses, have increased circulating markers of oxidative stress and inflammation, and develop regional gray matter loss.12–14 In children, sleep apnea is associated with significant neurocognitive abnormalities, including attention deficits and poor school performance.15
Exposure to IH has now been widely used to model sleep apnea in animals,16,17 and, while such model does not mimic all aspects of OSA, it recapitulates many of the pathophysiologic sequelae of OSA in humans, such as increased oxidative stress, hypertension and endothelial dysfunction, insulin resistance, and cognitive deficits.18–22 To more closely approximate human OSA, we and others have developed mouse models in which exposure to IH is applied only during periods of sleep and removed upon either arousal or wakefulness.17,23–25 However, although recurrent hypoxia during sleep is a key characteristic of OSA, the molecular mechanisms by which IH promotes end-organ injury and, importantly, the responses mounted by the host to mitigate this effect remain poorly understood.
Accumulating evidence suggests that pluripotent stem cells residing in the bone marrow (BM) play an important role in the homeostasis and turnover of peripheral tissues and can be mobilized from the BM into the circulation during tissue injury and stress.26–30 Recruitment of BM-derived stem-cell niches have been proposed as a major endogenous source for facilitation of structural and functional recovery, as well as promotion of the regeneration of damaged organs.31,32 Ratajczak et al.33 have recently identified a homogenous population of rare, small (∼3.7 μm) pluripotent stem cells residing in murine BM that express cellular markers characteristic for embryonic lineage and have shown that such stem cells can differentiate into lineage-committed cells from all 3 germ layers. Indeed, Sca-1+ Lin− CD45− very small embryonic-like stem cells (VSELs) can be mobilized from the BM to peripheral blood (PB) in response to specific chemokine gradients, including stromal cell–derived factor-1 (SDF-1), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF).33,34 We have previously reported on the recruitment of VSELs from BM to PB following tissue-specific injury, including stroke30,35 and myocardial infarction.27,29 In the present study, we hypothesized that mice exposed to IH will increase plasma levels of stem cell–specific chemoattractants and mobilize BM-derived VSELs into the PB. Furthermore, since these pluripotent stem cells possess the ability to differentiate into any cell type, we performed gene expression profiling to systematically map the transcriptional architecture of activated programs within VSELs in response to IH.
Adult male mice (2 months old), C57BL/J6, were purchased from Jackson Laboratory (Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME). All animal experiments were performed according to protocols approved by Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of Louisville and complied with the American Physiological Society Guidelines for Animal Studies.
Exposure to IH
Mice were placed in 4 identical commercially designed chambers (30 × 20 × 20 in.; Oxycycler model A44XO; Biospherix, Redfield, NY) that were operated under a 12-hour:12-hour light-dark cycle (07:00 –19:00) for 48 hours. Gas was circulated around each of the chambers, attached tubing, and other units at 60 L/min (i.e., 1 complete change/10 s). The O2 concentration was measured continuously by an O2 analyzer and was changed using a computerized system controlling the gas valve outlets such that the moment-to-moment desired O2 concentration of the chamber was programmed and adjusted automatically. Deviations from the desired concentration were met by addition of N2 or O2 through solenoid valves. Ambient CO2 in the chamber was monitored periodically and maintained at less than 0.01% by adjusting overall chamber basal ventilation. Humidity was measured and maintained at 40% to 50% by circulating the gas through a freezer and silica gel. Ambient temperature was kept at 22°C to 24°C.
The IH profile consisted of alternating 21.0% and 5.7% O2 every 180 seconds for the 12-hour light period. Such a profile is associated with reproducible nadir oxyhemoglobin saturations in the 73% to 77% range. Control animals were exposed to circulating room air in 1 of the chambers. Animals were exposed to IH or normoxia for a period of 48 hours and sacrificed immediately after exposure.
Measurement of Plasma Chemokines
Stromal cell–derived factor-1 (SDF-1), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) levels were measured using commercially available ELISA kits according to the manufacturer's instructions (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN). For each exposure condition, i.e., IH and normoxia, 30 independent measurements were performed. For each of these measurements, plasma was pooled from 3 to 4 mice. The SDF-1 assay had a sensitivity of 40 pg/mL and is linear between 100 and 20,000 pg/mL. The interassay and intraassay of coefficients of variability were 3.9% and 7.1%, respectively. The HGF assay had a sensitivity of 55 pg/mL and is linear between 60 and 15,000 pg/mL. The interassay and intraassay of coefficients of variability were 7.7% and 7.1%, respectively. The LIF had a sensitivity of 18 pg/mL and was linear between 20 and 2000 pg/mL. In our experiments, the interassay and intraassay of coefficients of variability were 6.8% and 4.1%, respectively.
Statistical Analysis
Comparison of chemokine levels and VSEL counts between IH and normoxia were performed using unpaired, 2-tailed student t-tests, with P values adjusted for unequal variances when appropriate (GraphPad Prism version 5, San Diego CA). Values are reported as mean ± standard error of mean (SEM).
Isolation of VSEL stem cells from BM and PB
VSELs were sorted from a full population of murine BM cells and PB mononuclear cells using multicolor fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), as we have previously described.26,33 Briefly, mouse BM mononuclear cells were flushed from tibias and femurs, and erythrocytes were removed by a hypotonic solution (Pharm Lyse Buffer; BD Pharmingen, San Jose, CA). Cells were resuspended for staining in medium, containing 2% heat-inactivated FBS (GIBCO). The following rat antimouse antibodies (BD Pharmingen) were employed to detect Sca-1+ Lin− CD45− VSEL-SC: anti-CD45 (APC-Cy7; clone 30-F11), anti-Ly-6A/E (Sca-1) (biotin; clone E13-161.7, with streptavidin conjugated with PE-Cy5), “lineage cocktail”, including anti-CD45R/B220 (PE; clone RA3-6B2), anti-Gr-1 (PE; clone RB6-8C5), anti-TCR α β (PE; clone H57-597), anti-TCR γ δ (PE; clone GL3), anti-CD11b (PE; clone M1/70), and anti-Ter119 (PE; clone TER-119). Cells were sorted based on size, estimated using bead particles (Flow Cytometry Size Calibration Kit, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) employing MoFlo sorter (DAKO, Carpinteria, CA).
Given the scarcity of VSELs in PB and BM, we performed 6 independent measurements per exposure condition (IH, normoxia), each based on pooled samples from 10 mice (for a total of 120 animals).
RNA Isolation and Amplification
BM-derived VSELs were isolated from 30 additional mice exposed to IH (pooled into 3 groups of n = 10), and 30 mice were exposed to room air (pooled into 3 groups of n = 10). Total RNA was isolated using PicoPure RNA Isolation Kit (Arcturus Bioscience Inc., Mountain View, CA) following the manufacturer's instructions. RNA amplification was performed using Low-RNA Input Fluorescent Linear Amplification kit (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) with modifications. To produce sufficient amount of amplified RNA (cRNA), 2 rounds of RNA amplification were employed using random and T7 primers, respectively, followed by labeling with cyanine 3-dCTP (Cy3-dCTP; Perkin Elmer, Boston, MA).
Microarray Experiments
For each VSEL-pooled group (n = 10 mice per group), labeled cRNA was hybridized to an Agilent murine whole-genome 60-mer oligo microarray (Agilent Technologies) comprised of more than 45,000 probes. Six independent hybridizations (3 pooled samples from mice exposed to IH and 3 pooled samples from normoxic mice) were performed. Microarrays were scanned using SureScan technology and images processed with Feature Extraction 9.5 software (Agilent Technologies). Background-subtracted intensities were normalized across all microarrays using the quantile method.36
Gene-Expression Analysis
Multidimensional scaling using principal components analysis (PCA) was performed based on the covariance matrix of approximately 45,000 normalized gene-expression values.37 Differential gene expression in VSELs exposed to IH versus normoxia was determined using a Bayesian implementation of the parametric t-test designed for robust analysis of microarray experiments with modest replicates.38 Multiple-hypothesis testing was addressed by false discovery rate (FDR) analysis using the Q-value39 method. A cutoff Q value of less than 0.05 was used for significant differential gene expression.
Functional Pathway and Network Analyses
Differentially expressed genes in VSELs (Q value < 0.05) underwent Gene Ontology analysis using the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) program.40 Enrichment of functional processes was determined using P values derived from a modified Fisher exact test. Functional annotation clustering of enriched categories was used to identify and group biologic modules with similar gene members based on the κ coefficient.40 A permutation-based FDR analysis was employed to correct for multiple-hypothesis testing (FDR cutoff < 5%).
We then constructed a gene product interaction network of differentially expressed genes in VSELs during exposure to IH based on previously published direct and indirect interactions using Ingenuity knowledge base41 and several publicly available databases. The topologic characteristic of the resulting network was studied by using its connectivity matrix. To assess whether the network possessed “scale-free” properties, i.e., followed a power-law distribution, the degree distribution of its nodes, Nk, was plotted against the connectivity of the nodes, k42. Next, we extracted a subnetwork from the original network, and limited the subnetwork to nodes involved in developmental processes, as determined by our Gene Ontology analysis.
VSELs Can Be Isolated and Quantified from Murine BM and PB
Employing a systematic gating strategy using FACS, based on size, granularity, and specific antibody staining, we isolated rare populations of VSELs from PB and BM of mice exposed to normoxia and IH (Figure 1).
Exposure to IH Mobilizes VSELs from the BM into PB
Isolation of VSELs from BM and PB of mice exposed to either normoxia or IH revealed a significant increase in the peripheral count of these pluripotent stem cells during IH (Figure 2A) and a concomitant reduction in the BM reserve pool (Figure 2B). The relative effect of IH in mobilizing VSELs from BM to PB in response to IH is shown in Figure 2C. Furthermore, IH was associated with a significant increase in plasma levels of the stem cell chemoattractants SDF-1, HGF, and LIF (Figure 2D-F), providing further evidence that exposure to IH promotes a favorable gradient for recruitment of VSELs from BM to PB.
Exposure to IH Induces a Distinct Transcriptional Response in VSELs
Differential variability in genome-wide expression profiles of BM-derived VSELs exposed to IH and normoxia was assessed using PCA. This analysis robustly segregated the 2 exposure groups (Figure 3), implying that IH causes a global perturbation in the VSEL transcriptome. We then statistically identified 1113 differentially expressed genes in VSELs exposed to IH versus normoxia at a Q-value cutoff of less than 0.05. (See supplementary section, Table S1. Supplementary material is available online only at www.journalsleep.org.) These differentially expressed genes underwent further computational analyses as described below.
IH Activates Organ-Specific Developmental Programs in VSELs
To determine whether genes differentially expressed during IH map to coherent biologic processes, we performed Gene Ontology analysis followed by functional annotation clustering.40 The most significant functional cluster was “multicellular organismal development” (enrichment P value 9.7×10−11, FDR 1.7×10−11), but several other developmental processes were also highly overrepresented, including those involved in angiogenesis, central nervous system (CNS) development, and tube/lung development (supplementary section, Table S2). Figure 4 depicts a wiring-diagram representation of these enriched developmental modules and highlights the intermodular connections resulting from the genes that are shared among them. These findings demonstrate that a brief exposure to IH induces a transcriptional response in BM-derived VSELs that is highly enriched in multiorgan developmental programs.
Network Analysis of VSEL Transcriptome Reveals the Interaction of Key Developmental Regulators During IH
Because biologic processes are often orchestrated by co-regulated changes among many genes, we created a gene product interaction network, or interactome, of IH-induced differentially expressed genes in VSELs (Figure 5A). This network consisted of 387 genes (nodes) and 620 connections (edges). Topologic analysis of this interactome demonstrated that, consistent with many biologic networks, it is scale free and follows a power law distribution—i.e., Nk ∼ k−γ (γ = 1.39, R2 = 0.98) where Nk is the degree distribution and k is the nodal connectivity (Figure 5B). Network nodes mapping to the “development module” are highlighted in a darker shade, confirming that this functional module comprises a significant proportion of the membership of the interactome. To better evaluate the links among members of this highly enriched module, we extracted a subnetwork limited to these genes (Figure 6). This “developmental interactome” captures the complex relationships among genes mapping to the “development module” in Figure 4. Members of the network involved in CNS, blood vessel, or tube/lung development are highlighted in different colors for illustration purposes. A select number of representative nodes regulating these processes are labeled in Figure 6, including vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 (Flt1), angiopoietin-1 (Angpt1), epidermal growth factor (Egf), peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-γ (Pparg), glucose transporter type-4 (Glut4), stromal cell-derived factor-1 (Sdf1), dishevelled-1 (Dvl1), and vang-like 1 and 2 (Vangl1, Vangl2). A fully labeled network is available in the supplementary section (Figure S1).
In this study, we show that exposure to IH during the circadian rest period (i.e., daylight hours) promotes induction of distinct stem cell chemoattractant gradients in PB of mice and robustly mobilizes pluripotent VSELs from BM to the peripheral circulation. Since IH is a key pathophysiologic feature of OSA, our findings raise the possibility that this phenomenon also occurs in the clinical setting. Recent studies by Carreras et al. showed that mesenchymal stem cells are released into the peripheral circulation of anesthetized rats exposed to recurrent apneas for 6 hours43 and that injection of mesenchymal stem cells can reduce markers of inflammation.44 Despite similar findings, there are important differences between our approaches. Firstly, we studied different stem cell populations. VSELs are very rare pluripotent cells occupying the highest level in the hierarchical organization of stem cells because they can self renew and differentiate into all 3 germ layers, whereas mesenchymal stem cells represent a more populous and lineage-committed stem cell pool that differentiate only into mesenchymal tissues, such as bone, adipose tissue, and muscle. Secondly, our experimental exposure to IH occurred during the natural sleep cycle of mice and without instrumentation or anesthesia. Notwithstanding, the consistency between our findings supports the proposition that recurrent hypoxia promotes recruitment of various stem cell populations from the BM into the PB and that such recruitment should be apparent in patients with OSA as well. Indeed, we and others have shown that OSA is associated with alterations in the levels of circulating endothelial progenitor cells in adult45 and pediatric46 populations, thereby further lending support to the notion that OSA and/or IH will not only activate organ injury-related processes, but also recruit repair mechanisms that may mitigate the magnitude of morbidity or facilitate recovery upon treatment and cessation of IH.
Although we found that VSELs were activated and mobilized during in vivo exposure to IH, the genetic programs orchestrating this response remained unexplored. We therefore proceeded to systematically explore the transcriptional consequences of IH on these unique rare clusters of pluripotent stem cells using expression profiling followed by functional and network analysis. Initial analysis revealed that exposure to IH induces a distinct global transcriptional signature in VSELs. More than 1000 unique genes were differentially expressed in BM-derived VSELs in response to IH, and their interacting network possessed scale-free properties characteristic of complex biologic networks.47,48 Importantly, functional analysis of the differentially expressed genes revealed that multiple, organ-specific developmental programs were enriched during IH exposure (Figure 4). Consistent with the pluripotent embryonic-like properties of VSELs, these modules encompassed developmental processes originating from the differentiation of distinct germ lines, including ectoderm (CNS CNS development), mesoderm (blood vessel and skeletal development), and endoderm (tube/lung development).
To further understand the gene-product relationships within the highly enriched developmental module, we extracted a genetic interaction network from the large network of differentially expressed genes (Figure 6). This analysis attributed functional roles for specific differentially expressed candidate genes. It was reassuring to find among such highly enriched genes within this interactome—the stem cell chemoattractant Sdf1, which also mapped to multiple developmental processes. Other members of this developmental network included vascular Flt1 and Angpt1—2 critical regulators of angiogenesis.49,50 The most densely connected node within the network was Egf, a controller of branching morphogenesis51 and a key ligand in the EGFR signaling cascade regulating many developmental, proliferative, and transformative processes.52 Several interacting gene products—including Dvl1, Vangl1, and Vangl2—were members of the CNS development module. Mutations in Vangl1 and Vangl2 have been linked to neural-tube defects in mice53 and humans,54 whereas Dvl1 functionally interacts with these genes during CNS development.55 Interestingly, transgenic mice lacking Dvl1 exhibit abnormality in their social behavior, sensorimotor gating, and sleep patterns.56 A number of the nodes (shown in gray, Figure 6) did not map to enriched developmental submodules (as depicted in Figure 4) but were, nevertheless, members of the developmental network. Prominent examples included Pparg and Glut4. The products of these genes play critical roles in adipogenesis57 and maintenance of glucose homeostasis.58
Taken together, these results imply that in vivo exposure to IH activates distinct and selective transcriptional programs in BM-derived pluripotent stem cells. Intriguingly, many of these differentially enriched developmental processes map to organs or pathways known to be adversely affected in OSA, including the CNS, vascular system, and metabolism.59 This finding raises the possibility that, in response to IH, VSELs activate regenerative programs tailored for end organs that are either injured or at increased risk for injury.
Our study has a number of limitations. The murine model of IH does not capture the pathophysiologic complexity of OSA, since it does not incorporate sleep fragmentation, recurrent hypercapnia, and increased intrathoracic pressure swings. Furthermore, we have restricted our studies to the effects of short-term exposure to IH—chronic exposure to IH, as seen in OSA, may result in different patterns of VSEL recruitment and the activation of different transcriptional programs. Our animal-based findings may not be generalizable to humans, although previous studies on VSEL recruitment during stroke and myocardial infarction reported similar responses in humans35,60 and in mice.27,30 Our functional and network analysis of the VSEL transcriptome is limited by the current state of knowledge and can yield different results in future iterations. Additionally, components of this interactome may represent a generalized response of VSELs to other pathophysiologic perturbations and, therefore, may not be specific to IH exposures. Although compelling, our results do not unequivocally prove that recruited VSELs in PB originated from the BM, since it is possible that some of these stem cells were mobilized from other tissue depots. However, BM is the predominant repository of VSELs and likely the primary source of the increased numbers observed during IH in PB. Finally, we have not demonstrated that mobilized populations of BM-derived VSELs are recruited to specific target organs in response to IH, where they undergo lineage differentiation and proliferation. Further studies are clearly required to elucidate the fate of these IH-activated pluripotent stem cells in circulating blood and to investigate their role within specific tissue compartments.
In summary, we report that exposure to IH during sleep for 48 hours alters stem cell chemoattractant gradients in plasma and mobilizes VSELs from BM to the peripheral circulation. A systematic analysis of the VSEL transcriptome further reveals selective activation of developmental programs in response to IH, including those involved in CNS development and angiogenesis. Future work is needed to establish the regenerative mechanisms initiated by these transcriptional programs upon recruitment of pluripotent stem cells to at-risk organs.
This was not an industry supported study. Dr. Gozal has participated in speaking engagements for Merck and has consulted for Galleon Pharmaceuticals. The other authors have indicated no financial conflicts of interest.
This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health HL065270 and HL086662 (DG), and American Sleep Medicine Foundation Junior Faculty Research Award (SAG).
Table S1.
Gene Symbol | Entrez ID | P-value | Q-value | Log2[IH/Normoxia] | Description |
Abl2 | 11352 | 2.35E-03 | 4.30E-02 | −1.871 | v-abl Abelson murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2 (arg, Abelson-related gene) (Abl2), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_009595] |
Acp2 | 11432 | 3.51E-04 | 1.14E-02 | −1.619 | 8 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5730407E21 product:acid phosphatase 2, lysosomal, full |
Acr | 11434 | 1.32E-04 | 5.66E-03 | 1.838 | acrosin prepropeptide (Acr), mRNA [NM_013455] |
Adipoq | 11450 | 4.54E-06 | 4.01E-04 | 1.580 | adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing (Adipoq), mRNA [NM_009605] |
Actb | 11461 | 1.46E-04 | 6.19E-03 | 1.965 | actin, beta (Actb), mRNA [NM_007393] |
Adamts1 | 11504 | 9.10E-06 | 6.92E-04 | 1.698 | a disintegrin-like and metallopeptidase (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 1 (Adamts1), mRNA [NM_009621] |
Adh1 | 11522 | 3.65E-06 | 3.42E-04 | 1.782 | alcohol dehydrogenase 1 (class I) (Adh1), mRNA [NM_007409] |
Gpr182 | 11536 | 1.52E-05 | 1.05E-03 | 1.374 | G protein-coupled receptor 182 (Gpr182), mRNA [NM_007412] |
Afp | 11576 | 3.33E-04 | 1.10E-02 | −1.719 | alpha fetoprotein (Afp), mRNA [NM_007423] |
Ager | 11596 | 2.40E-03 | 4.36E-02 | −1.629 | advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor (Ager), mRNA [NM_007425] |
Angpt1 | 11600 | 6.11E-07 | 8.05E-05 | −2.230 | angiopoietin 1 (Angpt1), mRNA [NM_009640] |
Ahsg | 11625 | 1.18E-03 | 2.74E-02 | −3.153 | alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein (Ahsg), mRNA [NM_013465] |
Alas1 | 11655 | 1.57E-03 | 3.27E-02 | 0.694 | aminolevulinic acid synthase 1 (Alas1), mRNA [NM_020559] |
Alas2 | 11656 | 1.49E-07 | 2.64E-05 | 2.046 | aminolevulinic acid synthase 2, erythroid (Alas2), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_009653] |
Aldh2 | 11669 | 5.51E-04 | 1.55E-02 | 1.176 | adult male corpora quadrigemina cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B230105J09 product:aldehyde dehydrogenase 2, mitochondrial, full insert sequence [AK163452] |
Prdx6 | 11758 | 1.21E-05 | 8.68E-04 | −2.813 | 16 days embryo head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C130091B17 product:peroxiredoxin 5, related sequence 3, |
Fabp4 | 11770 | 7.54E-09 | 2.16E-06 | 1.732 | fatty acid binding protein 4, adipocyte (Fabp4), mRNA [NM_024406] |
Apbb2 | 11787 | 3.98E-04 | 1.25E-02 | 1.303 | amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family B, member 2 (Apbb2), mRNA [NM_009686] |
Speg | 11790 | 3.18E-05 | 1.90E-03 | 3.353 | SPEG complex locus (Speg), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_001085371] |
Apoc1 | 11812 | 1.50E-03 | 3.17E-02 | 1.289 | apolipoprotein C-I (Apoc1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_007469] |
Apoe | 11816 | 2.81E-05 | 1.72E-03 | 0.974 | apolipoprotein E (Apoe), mRNA [NM_009696] |
Aqr | 11834 | 2.46E-14 | 9.89E-11 | −3.830 | aquarius (Aqr), mRNA [NM_009702] |
Rplp0 | 11837 | 3.65E-05 | 2.10E-03 | 1.089 | ribosomal protein, large, P0 (Rplp0), mRNA [NM_007475] |
Rhoc | 11853 | 2.73E-04 | 9.69E-03 | 0.905 | ras homolog gene family, member C (Rhoc), mRNA [NM_007484] |
Arvcf | 11877 | 2.09E-03 | 3.95E-02 | −2.058 | armadillo repeat gene deleted in velo-cardio-facial syndrome (Arvcf), mRNA [NM_033474] |
Atm | 11920 | 1.53E-05 | 1.05E-03 | −2.259 | ataxia telangiectasia mutated homolog (human) (Atm), mRNA [NM_007499] |
Barx2 | 12023 | 1.53E-05 | 1.05E-03 | −2.655 | BarH-like homeobox 2 (Barx2), mRNA [NM_013800] |
Bcl2l11 | 12125 | 9.29E-04 | 2.27E-02 | 1.281 | BCL2-like 11 (apoptosis facilitator) (Bcl2l11), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_207680] |
Fabp7 | 12140 | 6.01E-04 | 1.64E-02 | −6.486 | fatty acid binding protein 7, brain (Fabp7), mRNA [NM_021272] |
Bnip3l | 12177 | 2.28E-03 | 4.20E-02 | 0.696 | BCL2/adenovirus E1B interacting protein 3-like (Bnip3l), mRNA [NM_009761] |
Serping1 | 12258 | 1.14E-03 | 2.65E-02 | 1.286 | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade G, member 1 (Serping1), mRNA [NM_009776] |
C4b | 12268 | 9.36E-04 | 2.28E-02 | 1.723 | complement component 4B (Childo blood group) (C4b), mRNA [NM_009780] |
Calb1 | 12307 | 2.80E-10 | 1.53E-07 | -2.589 | calbindin 1 (Calb1), mRNA [NM_009788] |
Aspm | 12316 | 8.23E-05 | 3.98E-03 | −1.835 | asp (abnormal spindle)-like, microcephaly associated (Drosophila) (Aspm), mRNA [NM_009791] |
Camk4 | 12326 | 9.78E-06 | 7.39E-04 | 4.137 | calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (Camk4), mRNA [NM_009793] |
Car2 | 12349 | 9.18E-04 | 2.25E-02 | 0.732 | carbonic anhydrase 2 (Car2), mRNA [NM_009801] |
Casp12 | 12364 | 6.76E-04 | 1.79E-02 | 3.049 | caspase 12 (Casp12), mRNA [NM_009808] |
Casp3 | 12367 | 1.42E-03 | 3.07E-02 | -2.188 | ICE-like cysteine protease (Lice) mRNA, complete cds. [U49929] |
Cbln1 | 12404 | 4.42E-07 | 6.20E-05 | 3.306 | cerebellin 1 precursor protein (Cbln1), mRNA [NM_019626] |
Serpinh1 | 12406 | 1.06E-05 | 7.82E-04 | 1.746 | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade H, member 1 (Serpinh1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_009825] |
Cbx2 | 12416 | 6.75E-06 | 5.49E-04 | −2.744 | chromobox homolog 2 (Drosophila Pc class) (Cbx2), mRNA [NM_007623] |
Cd36 | 12491 | 7.53E-04 | 1.94E-02 | 1.305 | CD36 antigen mRNA, complete cds. [L23108] |
Cd48 | 12506 | 3.93E-06 | 3.59E-04 | −2.467 | CD48 antigen (Cd48), mRNA [NM_007649] |
Cd72 | 12517 | 5.66E-04 | 1.58E-02 | −1.175 | CD72 antigen (Cd72), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_007654] |
Cdgap | 12549 | 1.14E-03 | 2.65E-02 | 1.294 | CDC42 GTPase-activating protein (Cdgap), mRNA [NM_020260] |
Cdh5 | 12562 | 1.95E-04 | 7.71E-03 | 1.511 | cadherin 5 (Cdh5), mRNA [NM_009868] |
Cdkn2b | 12579 | 2.83E-05 | 1.72E-03 | −2.146 | cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2B (p15, inhibits CDK4) (Cdkn2b), mRNA [NM_007670] |
Cenpb | 12616 | 3.07E-04 | 1.05E-02 | −3.449 | centromere protein B (Cenpb), mRNA [NM_007682] |
Ch25h | 12642 | 8.91E-07 | 1.09E-04 | −3.542 | cholesterol 25-hydroxylase (Ch25h), mRNA [NM_009890] |
Chd1 | 12648 | 6.89E-04 | 1.81E-02 | −1.067 | chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 1 (Chd1), mRNA [NM_007690] |
Clca1 | 12722 | 7.38E-06 | 5.83E-04 | 1.618 | chloride channel calcium activated 1 (Clca1), mRNA [NM_009899] |
Cldn5 | 12741 | 1.27E-05 | 8.98E-04 | 1.468 | claudin 5 (Cldn5), mRNA [NM_013805] |
Il8rb | 12765 | 3.85E-04 | 1.22E-02 | −1.195 | interleukin 8 receptor, beta (Il8rb), mRNA [NM_009909] |
Cxcr7 | 12778 | 8.57E-08 | 1.67E-05 | 3.817 | chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 7 (Cxcr7), mRNA [NM_007722] |
Cnn1 | 12797 | 1.47E-03 | 3.13E-02 | −1.789 | calponin 1 (Cnn1), mRNA [NM_009922] |
Col11a1 | 12814 | 1.95E-06 | 2.10E-04 | 3.616 | collagen, type XI, alpha 1 (Col11a1), mRNA [NM_007729] |
Col3a1 | 12825 | 3.38E-06 | 3.23E-04 | 2.364 | collagen, type III, alpha 1 (Col3a1), mRNA [NM_009930] |
Col4a1 | 12826 | 4.83E-05 | 2.65E-03 | 1.818 | collagen, type IV, alpha 1 (Col4a1), mRNA [NM_009931] |
Col4a2 | 12827 | 2.51E-03 | 4.53E-02 | 1.984 | collagen, type IV, alpha 2 (Col4a2), mRNA [NM_009932] |
Col8a1 | 12837 | 5.66E-05 | 2.95E-03 | 1.883 | collagen, type VIII, alpha 1 (Col8a1), mRNA [NM_007739] |
Col1a2 | 12843 | 1.93E-03 | 3.75E-02 | 0.932 | collagen, type I, alpha 2 (Col1a2), mRNA [NM_007743] |
Cox6a2 | 12862 | 4.08E-04 | 1.27E-02 | −0.861 | cytochrome c oxidase, subunit VI a, polypeptide 2 (Cox6a2), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_009943] |
Cp | 12870 | 3.91E-04 | 1.24E-02 | 1.680 | ceruloplasmin (Cp), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_007752] |
Cpne6 | 12891 | 8.23E-04 | 2.09E-02 | 1.629 | copine VI (Cpne6), mRNA [NM_009947] |
Bcar1 | 12927 | 1.48E-03 | 3.15E-02 | 1.084 | breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 1 (Bcar1), mRNA [NM_009954] |
Dmbt1 | 12945 | 2.84E-04 | 9.92E-03 | 2.165 | deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 (Dmbt1), mRNA [NM_007769] |
Crym | 12971 | 1.31E-03 | 2.93E-02 | 2.656 | crystallin, mu (Crym), mRNA [NM_016669] |
Csf1r | 12978 | 1.65E-03 | 3.37E-02 | −1.269 | colony stimulating factor 1 receptor (Csf1r), mRNA [NM_001037859] |
Csf2 | 12981 | 2.72E-04 | 9.69E-03 | −1.824 | colony stimulating factor 2 (granulocyte-macrophage) (Csf2), mRNA [NM_009969] |
Cux1 | 13047 | 1.16E-06 | 1.36E-04 | −2.880 | cut-like homeobox 1 (Cux1), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_198602] |
Cyb561 | 13056 | 3.17E-04 | 1.06E-02 | 2.061 | cytochrome b-561 (Cyb561), mRNA [NM_007805] |
Cyp4b1 | 13120 | 1.56E-06 | 1.75E-04 | 2.344 | cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 (Cyp4b1), mRNA [NM_007823] |
Dab2 | 13132 | 1.05E-05 | 7.79E-04 | 1.624 | disabled homolog 2 (Drosophila) (Dab2), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_001037905] |
Dck | 13178 | 2.79E-12 | 3.06E-09 | −3.207 | deoxycytidine kinase (Dck), mRNA [NM_007832] |
Dcn | 13179 | 6.57E-13 | 1.16E-09 | 3.939 | decorin (Dcn), mRNA [NM_007833] |
Des | 13346 | 3.39E-04 | 1.11E-02 | 0.617 | desmin (Des), mRNA [NM_010043] |
Darc | 13349 | 8.87E-06 | 6.77E-04 | 1.791 | Duffy blood group, chemokine receptor (Darc), mRNA [NM_010045] |
Dlg1 | 13383 | 2.12E-04 | 8.08E-03 | −2.486 | discs, large homolog 1 (Drosophila) (Dlg1), mRNA [NM_007862] |
Dnase2a | 13423 | 2.77E-06 | 2.79E-04 | 3.703 | ES cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2410038B05 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK010630] |
Dpep1 | 13479 | 1.60E-06 | 1.79E-04 | 2.420 | dipeptidase 1 (renal) (Dpep1), mRNA [NM_007876] |
Slc26a3 | 13487 | 5.41E-09 | 1.67E-06 | −2.648 | solute carrier family 26, member 3, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4989186), complete cds. [BC037066] |
Dvl1 | 13542 | 6.71E-13 | 1.16E-09 | −3.330 | dishevelled, dsh homolog 1 (Drosophila) (Dvl1), mRNA [NM_010091] |
Dyrk1a | 13548 | 2.65E-03 | 4.71E-02 | 0.784 | dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1a (Dyrk1a), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_007890] |
Ebf1 | 13591 | 2.26E-03 | 4.17E-02 | −1.503 | adult male bone cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:9830166E18 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK036716] |
Ebf3 | 13593 | 1.50E-04 | 6.32E-03 | 1.311 | early B-cell factor 3 (Ebf3), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_010096] |
Ecel1 | 13599 | 2.68E-04 | 9.58E-03 | 1.887 | endothelin converting enzyme-like 1 (Ecel1), mRNA [NM_021306] |
S1pr3 | 13610 | 1.09E-05 | 7.99E-04 | 1.623 | sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 3 (S1pr3), mRNA [NM_010101] |
Edn1 | 13614 | 4.01E-04 | 1.26E-02 | 2.947 | endothelin 1 (Edn1), mRNA [NM_010104] |
Ednra | 13617 | 3.54E-05 | 2.06E-03 | 1.353 | endothelin receptor type A (Ednra), mRNA [NM_010332] |
Ednrb | 13618 | 1.70E-03 | 3.43E-02 | −2.923 | endothelin receptor type B (Ednrb), mRNA [NM_007904] |
Eed | 13626 | 1.06E-03 | 2.50E-02 | −1.812 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4930565G20 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK016228] |
Efna5 | 13640 | 3.74E-04 | 1.20E-02 | 2.123 | ephrin A5 (Efna5), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_207654] |
Egf | 13645 | 6.51E-07 | 8.49E-05 | −1.647 | epidermal growth factor (Egf), mRNA [NM_010113] |
Egr4 | 13656 | 1.69E-05 | 1.14E-03 | −2.539 | early growth response 4 (Egr4), mRNA [NM_020596] |
Eif3a | 13669 | 1.23E-13 | 3.71E-10 | −3.407 | 16 days embryo head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C130093N16 product:EUKARYOTIC TRANSLATION |
Elk3 | 13713 | 2.15E-03 | 4.02E-02 | 0.706 | ELK3, member of ETS oncogene family (Elk3), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_013508] |
Epas1 | 13819 | 6.00E-08 | 1.27E-05 | 1.494 | endothelial PAS domain protein 1 (Epas1), mRNA [NM_010137] |
Epb4.1l1 | 13821 | 2.29E-03 | 4.21E-02 | 1.656 | erythrocyte protein band 4.1-like 1 (Epb4.1l1), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001003815] |
Epb4.1l4a | 13824 | 1.15E-04 | 5.18E-03 | 2.748 | erythrocyte protein band 4.1-like 4a (Epb4.1l4a), mRNA [NM_013512] |
Erg | 13876 | 1.80E-03 | 3.58E-02 | −1.680 | avian erythroblastosis virus E-26 (v-ets) oncogene related (Erg), mRNA [NM_133659] |
Fabp3 | 14077 | 3.71E-06 | 3.46E-04 | 1.668 | fatty acid binding protein 3, muscle and heart (Fabp3), mRNA [NM_010174] |
Fabp1 | 14080 | 1.03E-05 | 7.67E-04 | 3.337 | fatty acid binding protein 1, liver (Fabp1), mRNA [NM_017399] |
Fbln2 | 14115 | 1.26E-03 | 2.85E-02 | −2.487 | fibulin 2 (Fbln2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_007992] |
Lgr5 | 14160 | 1.95E-03 | 3.77E-02 | −2.500 | leucine rich repeat containing G protein coupled receptor 5 (Lgr5), mRNA [NM_010195] |
Fgf8 | 14179 | 4.71E-04 | 1.39E-02 | 1.700 | fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8), mRNA [NM_010205] |
Fgf9 | 14180 | 2.21E-04 | 8.33E-03 | 2.597 | fibroblast growth factor 9 (Fgf9), mRNA [NM_013518] |
Fgfr1 | 14182 | 1.67E-03 | 3.40E-02 | −1.471 | ouse basic fibroblast growth factor receptor (bFGF-R) mRNA, complete cds. [M28998] |
Fgfr4 | 14186 | 2.83E-03 | 4.90E-02 | 1.162 | fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 splice variant 17b (Fgfr4) mRNA, partial cds. [AF127140] |
Akr1b8 | 14187 | 1.84E-04 | 7.36E-03 | 1.235 | aldo-keto reductase family 1, member B8 (Akr1b8), mRNA [NM_008012] |
Fgl2 | 14190 | 2.06E-03 | 3.91E-02 | −1.100 | fibrinogen-like protein 2 (Fgl2), mRNA [NM_008013] |
Fhl1 | 14199 | 1.25E-04 | 5.45E-03 | 1.155 | four and a half LIM domains 1 (Fhl1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001077361] |
Ctgf | 14219 | 1.49E-11 | 1.28E-08 | 3.058 | connective tissue growth factor (Ctgf), mRNA [NM_010217] |
Fkbp10 | 14230 | 9.23E-04 | 2.26E-02 | 1.562 | FK506 binding protein 10 (Fkbp10), mRNA [NM_010221] |
Fkbp7 | 14231 | 1.08E-03 | 2.55E-02 | 1.407 | FK506 binding protein 7 (Fkbp7), mRNA [NM_010222] |
Flt1 | 14254 | 5.11E-04 | 1.47E-02 | 1.004 | FMS-like tyrosine kinase 1 (Flt1), mRNA [NM_010228] |
Fnbp1 | 14269 | 7.77E-05 | 3.80E-03 | −1.853 | formin binding protein 1 (Fnbp1), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_019406] |
Fpr2 | 14289 | 1.80E-03 | 3.58E-02 | −0.914 | formyl peptide receptor 2 (Fpr2), mRNA [NM_008039] |
Fstl1 | 14314 | 3.58E-07 | 5.23E-05 | 2.341 | follistatin-like 1 (Fstl1), mRNA [NM_008047] |
Fxc1 | 14356 | 1.65E-03 | 3.37E-02 | −1.569 | fractured callus expressed transcript 1 Gene [Source:MGI (curated) |
Fzd9 | 14371 | 9.94E-05 | 4.61E-03 | −2.146 | frizzled homolog 9 (Drosophila) (Fzd9), mRNA [NM_010246] |
Gabrd | 14403 | 8.43E-04 | 2.12E-02 | 1.589 | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA-A) receptor, subunit delta (Gabrd), mRNA [NM_008072] |
Gad1 | 14415 | 6.24E-10 | 2.89E-07 | −2.805 | glutamic acid decarboxylase 1 (Gad1), mRNA [NM_008077] |
Gas6 | 14456 | 1.91E-04 | 7.58E-03 | 1.039 | growth arrest specific 6 (Gas6), mRNA [NM_019521] |
Gcg | 14526 | 1.57E-03 | 3.27E-02 | 1.742 | adult pancreas islet cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C820012C23 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK050538] |
Kat2a | 14534 | 3.65E-07 | 5.27E-05 | −2.650 | K(lysine) acetyltransferase 2A (Kat2a), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_020004] |
Arhgdig | 14570 | 1.70E-03 | 3.43E-02 | −1.706 | Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) gamma (Arhgdig), mRNA [NM_008113] |
Gem | 14579 | 6.74E-04 | 1.78E-02 | −1.826 | GTP binding protein (gene overexpressed in skeletal muscle) (Gem), mRNA [NM_010276] |
Ggt1 | 14598 | 1.88E-05 | 1.24E-03 | −1.974 | gamma-glutamyltransferase 1 (Ggt1), mRNA [NM_008116] |
Ghrh | 14601 | 1.00E-04 | 4.64E-03 | −2.012 | growth hormone releasing hormone (Ghrh), mRNA [NM_010285] |
Gjc1 | 14615 | 3.11E-04 | 1.05E-02 | 2.838 | gap junction protein, gamma 1 (Gjc1), mRNA [NM_008122] |
Gjb2 | 14619 | 1.18E-05 | 8.52E-04 | −2.234 | gap junction protein, beta 2 (Gjb2), mRNA [NM_008125] |
Slc6a9 | 14664 | 1.29E-08 | 3.24E-06 | 1.929 | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, glycine), member 9 (Slc6a9), mRNA [NM_008135] |
Gna13 | 14674 | 1.10E-03 | 2.58E-02 | −1.810 | guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha 13 (Gna13), mRNA [NM_010303] |
Gnai1 | 14677 | 7.10E-06 | 5.65E-04 | −2.214 | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting 1 (Gnai1), mRNA [NM_010305] |
Gng12 | 14701 | 4.24E-04 | 1.30E-02 | 0.878 | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 12 (Gng12), mRNA [NM_025278] |
Gpc4 | 14735 | 3.95E-04 | 1.25E-02 | −2.278 | glypican 4 (Gpc4), mRNA [NM_008150] |
Nr3c1 | 14815 | 1.27E-03 | 2.85E-02 | 1.768 | nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 (Nr3c1), mRNA [NM_008173] |
Gstm1 | 14862 | 8.34E-04 | 2.11E-02 | 0.788 | glutathione S-transferase, mu 1 (Gstm1), mRNA [NM_010358] |
Gstm3 | 14864 | 5.72E-05 | 2.97E-03 | 0.920 | glutathione S-transferase, mu 3 (Gstm3), mRNA [NM_010359] |
Magi1 | 14924 | 1.36E-03 | 2.99E-02 | 1.935 | membrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing 1 (Magi1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_010367] |
H13 | 4950 | 1.27E-03 | 2.85E-02 | −1.562 | histocompatibility 13, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:66829 IMAGE:6818912), complete cds. [BC056977] |
Hba-a1 | 15122 | 3.75E-06 | 3.46E-04 | 1.572 | hemoglobin alpha, adult chain 1 (Hba-a1), mRNA [NM_008218] |
Hbb-b1 | 15129 | 1.64E-08 | 4.04E-06 | 1.689 | hemoglobin, beta adult major chain (Hbb-b1), mRNA [NM_008220] |
Mst1 | 15235 | 1.82E-03 | 3.59E-02 | 1.404 | macrophage stimulating 1 (hepatocyte growth factor-like) (Mst1), mRNA [NM_008243] |
Hic1 | 15248 | 2.07E-03 | 3.91E-02 | 1.099 | hypermethylated in cancer 1 (Hic1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_010430] |
Hira | 15260 | 7.27E-08 | 1.47E-05 | −2.576 | histone cell cycle regulation defective homolog A (S. cerevisiae) (Hira), mRNA [NM_010435] |
Hmg20b | 15353 | 5.48E-05 | 2.90E-03 | −1.233 | high mobility group 20 B (Hmg20b), mRNA [NM_010440] |
Foxa2 | 15376 | 2.66E-03 | 4.72E-02 | −0.620 | forkhead box A2 (Foxa2), mRNA [NM_010446] |
Hnrnpab | 15384 | 1.14E-03 | 2.65E-02 | −2.571 | 12 days embryo head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:3010025C11 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK019387] |
Hoxb6 | 15414 | 1.90E-04 | 7.56E-03 | 1.302 | Murine HOX 2.2 mRNA for a homeobox protein. [X56459] |
Eif2ak1 | 15467 | 1.45E-03 | 3.10E-02 | −1.199 | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 1 (Eif2ak1), mRNA [NM_013557] |
Hsf1 | 15499 | 9.26E-04 | 2.27E-02 | 1.249 | mRNA for heat shock factor 1-alpha. [Z49206] |
Hsph1 | 15505 | 2.21E-04 | 8.32E-03 | −0.914 | heat shock 105kDa/110kDa protein 1 (Hsph1), mRNA [NM_013559] |
Hspg2 | 15530 | 1.09E-07 | 2.04E-05 | 2.025 | perlecan (heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2) (Hspg2), mRNA [NM_008305] |
Ifi203 | 15950 | 7.60E-05 | 3.73E-03 | −1.152 | interferon activated gene 203 (Ifi203), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001045481] |
Ifnb1 | 15977 | 5.23E-05 | 2.81E-03 | −3.589 | interferon beta 1, fibroblast (Ifnb1), mRNA [NM_010510] |
Ifng | 15978 | 2.90E-04 | 1.01E-02 | −1.232 | interferon gamma (Ifng), mRNA [NM_008337] |
Ifngr2 | 15980 | 1.19E-03 | 2.75E-02 | 0.885 | interferon gamma receptor 2 (Ifngr2), mRNA [NM_008338] |
Cyr61 | 16007 | 5.92E-06 | 4.94E-04 | 2.913 | cysteine rich protein 61 (Cyr61), mRNA [NM_010516] |
Igfbp5 | 16011 | 4.42E-05 | 2.47E-03 | 1.451 | insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 (Igfbp5), mRNA [NM_010518] |
Igh-VJ558 | 16061 | 9.84E-05 | 4.57E-03 | −1.190 | J558+ IgM heavy chain mRNA, hybridoma clone ME2B7, partial cds. [U39781] |
Igll1 | 16136 | 1.89E-06 | 2.06E-04 | −2.359 | adult male bone cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:9830138N18 product:immunoglobulin lambda chain 5, full insert sequence [AK137552] |
Igl-V1 | 16142 | 1.01E-12 | 1.52E-09 | 2.687 | adult male small intestine cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2010004G10 product:immunoglobulin lambda chain, variable 1, full insert sequence. [AK008094] |
Il10 | 16153 | 5.87E-05 | 3.02E-03 | −1.688 | interleukin 10 (Il10), mRNA [NM_010548] |
Il1rap | 16180 | 4.88E-04 | 1.43E-02 | −3.388 | interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein (Il1rap), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_008364] |
Il1rn | 16181 | 2.23E-03 | 4.14E-02 | −1.024 | interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (Il1rn), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001039701] |
Il2rg | 16186 | 2.45E-05 | 1.54E-03 | −3.373 | interleukin 2 receptor, gamma chain (Il2rg), mRNA [NM_013563] |
Inhbc | 16325 | 1.24E-03 | 2.82E-02 | −3.158 | inhibin beta-C (Inhbc), mRNA [NM_010565] |
Invs | 16348 | 2.68E-03 | 4.75E-02 | −1.735 | adult male pituitary gland cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5330415L19 product:inversin, full insert sequence. [AK019896] |
Irf1 | 16362 | 2.51E-04 | 9.16E-03 | −0.877 | interferon regulatory factor 1 (Irf1), mRNA [NM_008390] |
Irg1 | 16365 | 1.17E-05 | 8.47E-04 | −1.095 | immune-responsive gene 1 (Irg1) mRNA, 3′ end of cds. [L38281] |
Irf9 | 16391 | 1.28E-03 | 2.86E-02 | −0.976 | interferon regulatory factor 9 (Irf9), mRNA [NM_008394] |
Itga5 | 16402 | 8.60E-07 | 1.05E-04 | −2.748 | integrin alpha 5 (fibronectin receptor alpha) (Itga5), mRNA [NM_010577] |
Itgav | 16410 | 5.45E-05 | 2.89E-03 | −2.177 | integrin alpha V (Itgav), mRNA [NM_008402] |
Itgb3 | 16416 | 2.34E-03 | 4.30E-02 | 1.849 | integrin beta3 subunit mRNA, complete cds. [AF026509] |
Jup | 16480 | 5.48E-04 | 1.55E-02 | 2.897 | junction plakoglobin (Jup), mRNA [NM_010593] |
Kcnj8 | 16523 | 1.17E-06 | 1.36E-04 | 2.201 | potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 8 (Kcnj8), mRNA [NM_008428] |
Kcnj9 | 16524 | 4.80E-04 | 1.41E-02 | 1.859 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700085N21 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK007011] |
Kcnk7 | 16530 | 2.09E-04 | 8.07E-03 | −2.004 | potassium channel, subfamily K, member 7 (Kcnk7), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001004138] |
Kcnq1 | 16535 | 2.26E-04 | 8.47E-03 | 1.816 | potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily Q, member 1 (Kcnq1), mRNA [NM_008434] |
Kif13b | 16554 | 1.02E-04 | 4.69E-03 | −2.101 | kinesin family member 13B (Kif13b), mRNA [NM_001081177] |
Kif1c | 16562 | 4.38E-07 | 6.18E-05 | −2.514 | kinesin family member 1C (Kif1c), mRNA [NM_153103] |
Klra8 | 16639 | 2.63E-06 | 2.71E-04 | −2.160 | killer cell lectin-like receptor, subfamily A, member 8 (Klra8), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_010650] |
Kpna4 | 16649 | 5.08E-06 | 4.41E-04 | −2.945 | karyopherin (importin) alpha 4 (Kpna4), mRNA [NM_008467] |
Hivep3 | 16656 | 2.65E-04 | 9.53E-03 | 1.288 | adult male hippocampus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2900056N03 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK013707] |
Krt8 | 16691 | 2.01E-03 | 3.85E-02 | −1.674 | keratin 8 (Krt8), mRNA [NM_031170] |
Lamb2 | 16779 | 9.28E-05 | 4.39E-03 | 3.012 | laminin, beta 2 (Lamb2), mRNA [NM_008483] |
Anpep | 16790 | 4.62E-04 | 1.37E-02 | 1.192 | alanyl (membrane) aminopeptidase (Anpep), mRNA [NM_008486] |
Lbx2 | 16815 | 6.49E-04 | 1.74E-02 | 1.764 | ladybird homeobox homolog 2 (Drosophila) (Lbx2), mRNA [NM_010692] |
Lfng | 16848 | 2.15E-03 | 4.01E-02 | −2.059 | LFNG O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (Lfng), mRNA [NM_008494] |
Lhx1 | 16869 | 6.16E-13 | 1.16E-09 | −3.387 | LIM homeobox protein 1 (Lhx1), mRNA [NM_008498] |
Psmb9 | 16912 | 8.96E-04 | 2.21E-02 | -0.696 | proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 9 (large multifunctional peptidase 2) (Psmb9), mRNA [NM_013585] |
Psmb8 | 16913 | 1.74E-03 | 3.49E-02 | −0.679 | proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 8 (large multifunctional peptidase 7) (Psmb8), mRNA [NM_010724] |
Lmx1b | 16917 | 2.77E-03 | 4.84E-02 | 2.066 | LIM homeobox transcription factor 1 beta (Lmx1b), mRNA [NM_010725] |
Lrp5 | 16973 | 3.33E-04 | 1.10E-02 | 1.073 | low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (Lrp5), mRNA [NM_008513] |
Lrp6 | 16974 | 3.91E-05 | 2.21E-03 | −1.936 | adult male corpus striatum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C030016K15 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK021086] |
Lrp8 | 16975 | 7.88E-15 | 4.34E-11 | −3.680 | low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8, apolipoprotein e receptor (Lrp8), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_053073] |
Ltbp2 | 16997 | 1.12E-03 | 2.61E-02 | 1.318 | latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 2 (Ltbp2), mRNA [NM_013589] |
Lum | 17022 | 1.08E-03 | 2.53E-02 | 2.512 | lumican (Lum), mRNA [NM_008524] |
Ly6f | 17071 | 2.72E-03 | 4.79E-02 | −1.609 | lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus F (Ly6f), mRNA [NM_008530] |
Ly96 | 17087 | 2.22E-04 | 8.35E-03 | 0.921 | lymphocyte antigen 96 (Ly96), mRNA [NM_016923] |
Lyz2 | 17105 | 6.26E-04 | 1.69E-02 | 0.825 | osteoclast-like cell cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:I420013M05 product:lysozyme, full insert sequence. [AK159276] |
Tm4sf1 | 17112 | 1.96E-05 | 1.28E-03 | 1.487 | transmembrane 4 superfamily member 1 (Tm4sf1), mRNA [NM_008536] |
Smad5 | 17129 | 1.57E-03 | 3.27E-02 | 0.852 | MAD homolog 5 (Drosophila) (Smad5), mRNA [NM_008541] |
Maf | 17132 | 7.57E-04 | 1.95E-02 | 0.896 | avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma (v-maf) AS42 oncogene homolog Gene [Source:MGI (curated) |
Mfap2 | 17150 | 1.14E-05 | 8.28E-04 | 1.681 | microfibrillar-associated protein 2 (Mfap2), mRNA [NM_008546] |
Mbp | 17196 | 5.51E-05 | 2.91E-03 | −2.327 | myelin basic protein (Mbp), transcript variant 7, mRNA [NM_010777] |
Mc3r | 17201 | 2.62E-04 | 9.43E-03 | 1.407 | melanocortin 3 receptor (Mc3r), mRNA [NM_008561] |
Mcf2l | 17207 | 4.60E-04 | 1.36E-02 | −2.476 | mcf.2 transforming sequence-like (Mcf2l), mRNA [NM_178076] |
Mdfi | 17240 | 6.99E-05 | 3.50E-03 | 2.308 | MyoD family inhibitor (Mdfi), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_010783] |
Mdm4 | 17248 | 1.21E-04 | 5.32E-03 | 1.757 | adult male corpora quadrigemina cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B230385P13 product:inferred: transformed mouse 3T3 cell |
Mest | 17294 | 2.95E-08 | 6.71E-06 | 3.243 | mesoderm specific transcript (Mest), mRNA [NM_008590] |
Foxc1 | 17300 | 1.83E-04 | 7.35E-03 | 1.722 | forkhead box C1 (Foxc1), mRNA [NM_008592] |
Mgat1 | 17308 | 1.21E-03 | 2.77E-02 | 1.321 | mannoside acetylglucosaminyltransferase 1 (Mgat1), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_010794] |
Mgp | 17313 | 2.51E-09 | 9.17E-07 | 3.298 | matrix Gla protein (Mgp), mRNA [NM_008597] |
Mgmt | 17314 | 1.25E-03 | 2.84E-02 | 1.758 | adult male gall bladder cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:G630095K06 product:0-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase, full insert sequence [AK090389] |
Mid1 | 17318 | 8.69E-05 | 4.17E-03 | 1.292 | midline 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:69759 IMAGE:6810837), complete cds. [BC059027] |
Mllt4 | 17356 | 8.79E-04 | 2.18E-02 | 3.014 | myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 4 (Mllt4), mRNA [NM_010806] |
Ndst2 | 17423 | 5.87E-04 | 1.61E-02 | 0.972 | N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase (heparan glucosaminyl) 2 (Ndst2), mRNA [NM_010811] |
Grap2 | 17444 | 2.37E-03 | 4.32E-02 | 1.180 | GRB2-related adaptor protein 2 (Grap2), mRNA [NM_010815] |
COX2 | 17709 | 4.97E-05 | 2.69E-03 | 1.130 | mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase II Gene [Source:MGI Symbol |
Mtap7 | 17761 | 2.11E-05 | 1.35E-03 | −2.375 | microtubule-associated protein 7 (Mtap7), mRNA [NM_008635] |
Mx2 | 17858 | 2.78E-03 | 4.85E-02 | −1.059 | myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 2 (Mx2), mRNA [NM_013606] |
Myl4 | 17896 | 6.11E-04 | 1.66E-02 | −1.384 | myosin, light polypeptide 4 (Myl4), mRNA [NM_010858] |
Myo10 | 17909 | 1.11E-06 | 1.31E-04 | −3.058 | B6-derived CD11 +ve dendritic cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:F730038D06 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK089482] |
Myo6 | 17920 | 2.06E-04 | 7.99E-03 | 1.516 | myosin VI (Myo6), mRNA [NM_001039546] |
Nbl1 | 17965 | 1.78E-03 | 3.55E-02 | 1.129 | neuroblastoma, suppression of tumorigenicity 1 (Nbl1), mRNA [NM_008675] |
Neurod2 | 18013 | 5.64E-04 | 1.57E-02 | 1.980 | neurogenic differentiation 2 (Neurod2), mRNA [NM_010895] |
Nfatc2ip | 18020 | 8.18E-05 | 3.96E-03 | 1.531 | nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 2 interacting protein (Nfatc2ip), mRNA [NM_010900] |
Nfib | 18028 | 3.31E-05 | 1.95E-03 | 1.807 | nuclear factor I/B (Nfib), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001113209] |
Nefl | 18039 | 6.79E-08 | 1.41E-05 | −2.452 | neurofilament, light polypeptide (Nefl), mRNA [NM_010910] |
Nid1 | 18073 | 4.00E-06 | 3.63E-04 | 1.579 | nidogen 1 (Nid1), mRNA [NM_010917] |
Nppc | 18159 | 1.58E-09 | 6.35E-07 | −2.855 | natriuretic peptide precursor type C (Nppc), mRNA [NM_010933] |
Nrap | 18175 | 1.72E-03 | 3.46E-02 | −2.299 | nebulin-related anchoring protein (Nrap), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_008733] |
Nrp2 | 18187 | 3.13E-06 | 3.08E-04 | 1.457 | neuropilin 2 (Nrp2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001077403] |
Nrxn2 | 18190 | 1.63E-04 | 6.71E-03 | 2.785 | neurexin II (Nrxn2), mRNA [NM_020253] |
Nsf | 18195 | 3.96E-04 | 1.25E-02 | −2.271 | N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein (Nsf), mRNA [NM_008740] |
Odf2 | 18286 | 8.64E-08 | 1.67E-05 | −2.699 | outer dense fiber of sperm tails 2 (Odf2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001113213] |
Olfr32 | 18331 | 6.14E-04 | 1.67E-02 | 1.741 | olfactory receptor 32 (Olfr32), mRNA [NM_010980] |
Olfr48 | 18347 | 1.26E-06 | 1.45E-04 | −2.515 | olfactory receptor 48 (Olfr48), mRNA [NM_010990] |
Osm | 18413 | 2.01E-04 | 7.84E-03 | −2.420 | oncostatin M (Osm), mRNA [NM_001013365] |
Osmr | 18414 | 3.62E-07 | 5.26E-05 | 1.949 | oncostatin M receptor (Osmr), mRNA [NM_011019] |
Pafah1b3 | 18476 | 1.96E-03 | 3.79E-02 | −0.916 | platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase, isoform 1b, alpha1 subunit (Pafah1b3), mRNA [NM_008776] |
Pam | 18484 | 1.59E-11 | 1.32E-08 | −3.218 | peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (Pam), mRNA [NM_013626] |
Pax2 | 18504 | 2.43E-04 | 8.93E-03 | 1.619 | paired box gene 2 (Pax2), mRNA [NM_011037] |
Pax6 | 18508 | 2.53E-03 | 4.55E-02 | −0.129 | paired box gene 6 (Pax6), mRNA [NM_013627] |
Pcolce | 18542 | 2.89E-06 | 2.88E-04 | 1.503 | procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer protein (Pcolce), mRNA [NM_008788] |
Pcsk2 | 18549 | 2.47E-08 | 5.78E-06 | −2.446 | proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 2 (Pcsk2), mRNA [NM_008792] |
Pcsk6 | 18553 | 5.73E-06 | 4.85E-04 | 3.645 | PREDICTED: proprotein convertase subtilisin [XM_355911] |
Pctk3 | 18557 | 5.66E-05 | 2.95E-03 | 1.162 | PCTAIRE-motif protein kinase 3 (Pctk3), mRNA [NM_008795] |
Pdgfrb | 18596 | 3.08E-04 | 1.05E-02 | 1.118 | platelet derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide (Pdgfrb), mRNA [NM_008809] |
Padi2 | 18600 | 8.23E-04 | 2.09E-02 | −1.193 | peptidyl arginine deiminase, type II (Padi2), mRNA [NM_008812] |
Peg3 | 18616 | 2.02E-04 | 7.85E-03 | 2.228 | 0 day neonate eyeball cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E130105D15 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK053523] |
Per3 | 18628 | 9.40E-04 | 2.28E-02 | −1.889 | period homolog 3 (Drosophila) (Per3), mRNA [NM_011067] |
Pfn1 | 18643 | 1.78E-04 | 7.18E-03 | −1.244 | profilin 1 (Pfn1), mRNA [NM_011072] |
Abcb1b | 18669 | 1.35E-03 | 2.99E-02 | 1.159 | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 1B (Abcb1b), mRNA [NM_011075] |
Prkcz | 18762 | 1.92E-12 | 2.44E-09 | −3.380 | protein kinase C, zeta (Prkcz), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_008860] |
Prl3d1 | 18775 | 1.44E-04 | 6.13E-03 | 1.751 | Mouse placental lactogen I (PL-I) mRNA, complete cds. [M35662] |
Papola | 18789 | 1.78E-04 | 7.18E-03 | −2.160 | poly (A) polymerase alpha (Papola), mRNA [NM_011112] |
Pa2g4 | 18813 | 5.83E-04 | 1.61E-02 | −1.257 | proliferation-associated 2G4 (Pa2g4), mRNA [NM_011119] |
Plp1 | 18823 | 1.52E-03 | 3.20E-02 | −1.842 | proteolipid protein (myelin) 1 (Plp1), mRNA [NM_011123] |
Plxna3 | 18846 | 1.83E-04 | 7.35E-03 | −2.074 | plexin A3 (Plxna3), mRNA [NM_008883] |
Prrx1 | 18933 | 1.61E-03 | 3.32E-02 | 2.472 | paired related homeobox 1 (Prrx1), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_175686] |
Pou2f2 | 18987 | 6.66E-04 | 1.77E-02 | 2.493 | POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 2 (Pou2f2), mRNA [NM_011138] |
Pou5f1 | 18999 | 8.89E-04 | 2.20E-02 | 2.053 | POU domain, class 5, transcription factor 1 (Pou5f1), mRNA [NM_013633] |
Pparg | 19016 | 9.39E-05 | 4.43E-03 | 1.049 | peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (Pparg), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_011146] |
Ppic | 19038 | 1.92E-04 | 7.60E-03 | 0.986 | peptidylprolyl isomerase C (Ppic), mRNA [NM_008908] |
Ppt1 | 19063 | 1.71E-03 | 3.45E-02 | −1.858 | B16 F10Y cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:G370087F11 product:palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1, full insert sequence. [AK148314] |
Prkg1 | 19091 | 3.27E-05 | 1.93E-03 | −2.487 | protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type I (Prkg1), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_011160] |
Mapk8ip1 | 19099 | 1.28E-05 | 9.02E-04 | −2.245 | 0 day neonate eyeball cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E130310D04 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK053819] |
Ptch2 | 19207 | 2.80E-03 | 4.87E-02 | −2.017 | patched homolog 2 (Ptch2), mRNA [NM_008958] Pter 19212 2.71E-03 4.78E-02 -1.732 phosphotriesterase related (Pter), mRNA [NM_008961] |
Ptrf | 19285 | 3.22E-06 | 3.13E-04 | 1.372 | polymerase I and transcript release factor (Ptrf), mRNA [NM_008986] |
Aldh1a2 | 19378 | 1.88E-03 | 3.68E-02 | 1.687 | aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A2 (Aldh1a2), mRNA [NM_009022] |
Rapsn | 19400 | 8.64E-04 | 2.15E-02 | −1.761 | receptor-associated protein of the synapse (Rapsn), mRNA [NM_009023] |
Rara | 19401 | 1.05E-03 | 2.49E-02 | −1.646 | retinoic acid receptor, alpha (Rara), mRNA [NM_009024] |
Rbbp4 | 19646 | 6.22E-04 | 1.68E-02 | 1.410 | 10 days neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B930061B17 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK140625] |
Renbp | 19703 | 2.71E-03 | 4.78E-02 | 0.885 | renin binding protein (Renbp), mRNA [NM_023132] |
Rfx2 | 19725 | 2.92E-05 | 1.76E-03 | −2.209 | 6 days neonate head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5430432H19 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK017377] |
Rfx3 | 19726 | 2.38E-03 | 4.34E-02 | −1.873 | adult male aorta and vein cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A530084A02 product:regulatory factor (trans-acting) 3, |
Rgl1 | 19731 | 2.56E-04 | 9.29E-03 | 1.062 | ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator,-like 1 (Rgl1), mRNA [NM_016846] |
Rgs9 | 19739 | 4.92E-05 | 2.68E-03 | 2.659 | regulator of G-protein signaling 9 (Rgs9), mRNA [NM_011268] |
Mst1r | 19882 | 9.03E-05 | 4.30E-03 | −1.863 | macrophage stimulating 1 receptor (c-met-related tyrosine kinase) (Mst1r), mRNA [NM_009074] |
Polr2a | 20020 | 4.06E-04 | 1.26E-02 | 0.680 | polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide A (Polr2a), mRNA [NM_009089] |
Trim30 | 20128 | 5.60E-05 | 2.93E-03 | −1.376 | tripartite motif-containing 30 (Trim30), mRNA [NM_009099] |
Rtn2 | 20167 | 4.09E-04 | 1.27E-02 | −2.740 | reticulon 2 (Z-band associated protein) (Rtn2), transcript variant B, mRNA [NM_013648] |
Prrx2 | 20204 | 3.77E-04 | 1.20E-02 | −2.295 | Mouse homeobox gene Prx2 mRNA [X52875] |
Saa1 | 20208 | 6.79E-05 | 3.40E-03 | 1.552 | serum amyloid A 1 (Saa1), mRNA [NM_009117] |
Sag | 20215 | 8.51E-05 | 4.09E-03 | 7.092 | retinal S-antigen (Sag), mRNA [NM_009118] |
Sap18 | 20220 | 5.27E-05 | 2.82E-03 | −2.563 | Sin3-associated polypeptide 18 (Sap18), mRNA [NM_009119] |
Ccl2 | 20296 | 1.72E-03 | 3.47E-02 | 0.663 | chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (Ccl2), mRNA [NM_011333] |
Ccl20 | 20297 | 1.41E-03 | 3.06E-02 | 1.957 | chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 20 (Ccl20), mRNA [NM_016960] |
Sdf1 | 20315 | 5.77E-08 | 1.23E-05 | 1.427 | stromal cell-derived factor-1 (Sdf1), or, chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12 (Cxcl12), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_001012477] |
Sdpr | 20324 | 2.84E-06 | 2.85E-04 | 1.370 | serum deprivation response (Sdpr), mRNA [NM_138741] |
Sel1l | 20338 | 1.01E-03 | 2.43E-02 | −1.653 | adult female placenta cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1600026C08 product:Sel1 (suppressor of lin-12) 1 homolog (C. elegans), full insert sequence. [AK005544] |
Sema5b | 20357 | 1.83E-04 | 7.35E-03 | −2.213 | sema domain, seven thrombospondin repeats (type 1 and type 1-like), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 5B (Sema5b), mRNA [NM_013661] |
Sema6b | 20359 | 1.51E-03 | 3.19E-02 | 1.143 | sema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6B (Sema6b), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_013662] |
Sgce | 20392 | 1.55E-03 | 3.25E-02 | 1.054 | sarcoglycan, epsilon (Sgce), transcript variant 4, mRNA [NM_011360] |
Itsn2 | 20403 | 4.08E-09 | 1.37E-06 | −2.865 | intersectin 2 (Itsn2), mRNA [NM_011365] |
Siah1a | 20437 | 3.12E-04 | 1.06E-02 | −2.422 | seven in absentia 1A (Siah1a), mRNA [NM_009172] |
St6galnac2 | 20446 | 9.12E-05 | 4.33E-03 | 1.620 | ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2,3-beta-galactosyl-1,3)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 2 (St6galnac2), mRNA [NM_009180] |
St6galnac3 | 20447 | 1.08E-03 | 2.54E-02 | 1.695 | ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2,3-beta-galactosyl-1,3)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 3 (St6galnac3), mRNA [NM_011372] |
Ski | 20481 | 1.62E-03 | 3.33E-02 | 0.817 | ski sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (avian) (Ski), mRNA [NM_011385] |
Glut4 | 20528 | 1.99E-04 | 7.80E-03 | 0.921 | solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 4 (Glut4, Slc2a4), mRNA [NM_009204] |
Slc31a2 | 20530 | 4.87E-04 | 1.42E-02 | 0.960 | solute carrier family 31, member 2 (Slc31a2), mRNA [NM_025286] |
Slc4a1 | 20533 | 2.70E-06 | 2.76E-04 | 1.224 | solute carrier family 4 (anion exchanger), member 1 (Slc4a1), mRNA [NM_011403] |
Slfn1 | 20555 | 2.18E-04 | 8.25E-03 | −1.833 | schlafen 1 (Slfn1), mRNA [NM_011407] |
Hltf | 20585 | 9.77E-05 | 4.56E-03 | −1.772 | helicase-like transcription factor (Hltf), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_144959] |
Smarca4 | 20586 | 1.10E-03 | 2.57E-02 | −0.803 | SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 4 (Smarca4), mRNA [NM_011417] |
Snca | 20617 | 4.38E-04 | 1.32E-02 | 1.553 | synuclein, alpha (Snca), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001042451] |
Sod1 | 20655 | 1.24E-06 | 1.44E-04 | −2.985 | superoxide dismutase 1, soluble, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:5697222), with apparent retained intron. [BC057074] |
Sorl1 | 20660 | 3.00E-04 | 1.03E-02 | −0.800 | hybrid receptor gp250 precursor, mRNA, partial cds. [AF031816] |
Sparc | 20692 | 2.63E-08 | 6.10E-06 | 2.094 | secreted acidic cysteine rich glycoprotein (Sparc), mRNA [NM_009242] |
Spint1 | 20732 | 4.94E-05 | 2.69E-03 | −1.973 | serine protease inhibitor, Kunitz type 1 (Spint1), mRNA [NM_016907] |
Strbp | 20744 | 5.19E-04 | 1.48E-02 | 1.769 | Spnr mRNA for RNA binding protein [X84692] |
Spp1 | 20750 | 5.12E-06 | 4.41E-04 | 1.557 | secreted phosphoprotein 1 (Spp1), mRNA [NM_009263] |
Srpk1 | 20815 | 6.04E-04 | 1.65E-02 | −1.743 | serine/arginine-rich protein specific kinase 1 (Srpk1), mRNA [NM_016795] |
Stag1 | 20842 | 3.76E-06 | 3.46E-04 | −2.269 | stromal antigen 1 (Stag1), mRNA [NM_009282] |
Star | 20845 | 1.40E-07 | 2.52E-05 | −2.677 | steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (Star), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_011485] |
Stfa3 | 20863 | 1.98E-04 | 7.80E-03 | 1.548 | stefin A3 (Stfa3), mRNA [NM_025288] |
Sts | 20905 | 2.52E-04 | 9.20E-03 | 1.254 | steroid sulfatase (Sts), mRNA [NM_009293] |
Abcc9 | 20928 | 3.29E-07 | 4.90E-05 | 2.251 | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 9 (Abcc9), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_021041] |
Surf2 | 20931 | 3.26E-04 | 1.09E-02 | 1.111 | surfeit gene 2 (Surf2), mRNA [NM_013678] |
Swap70 | 20947 | 1.76E-05 | 1.17E-03 | 1.423 | SWA-70 protein (Swap70), mRNA [NM_009302] |
Syt1 | 20979 | 8.49E-04 | 2.13E-02 | −2.192 | synaptotagmin I (Syt1), mRNA [NM_009306] |
Taf1a | 21339 | 1.17E-04 | 5.21E-03 | −1.692 | TATA box binding protein (Tbp)-associated factor, RNA polymerase I, A (Taf1a), mRNA [NM_021466] |
Slc6a6 | 21366 | 3.91E-05 | 2.21E-03 | −2.314 | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, taurine), member 6 (Slc6a6), mRNA [NM_009320] |
Tcf7l2 | 21416 | 2.06E-03 | 3.91E-02 | −1.796 | transcription factor 7-like 2, T-cell specific, HMG-box (Tcf7l2), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_009333] |
Tcfeb | 21425 | 3.05E-04 | 1.04E-02 | −1.891 | transcription factor EB (Tcfeb), mRNA [NM_011549] |
Tcra | 21473 | 2.34E-10 | 1.31E-07 | −2.912 | 16 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A130010C18 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK037357] |
Dntt | 21673 | 5.68E-06 | 4.82E-04 | −1.534 | deoxynucleotidyltransferase, terminal (Dntt), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_009345] |
Tef | 21685 | 7.34E-04 | 1.91E-02 | −1.850 | thyrotroph embryonic factor (Tef), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_153484] |
Tekt1 | 21689 | 3.72E-09 | 1.26E-06 | −2.925 | tektin 1 (Tekt1), mRNA [NM_011569] |
Tfpi | 21788 | 9.78E-05 | 4.56E-03 | 1.307 | tissue factor pathway inhibitor, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:37332 IMAGE:4975683), complete cds. [BC036146] |
Tgfa | 21802 | 2.74E-03 | 4.80E-02 | 0.161 | transforming growth factor alpha (Tgfa), mRNA [NM_031199] |
Tgif1 | 21815 | 4.57E-05 | 2.53E-03 | −2.086 | TGFB-induced factor homeobox 1 (Tgif1), mRNA [NM_009372] |
Thbs1 | 21825 | 4.61E-04 | 1.36E-02 | −1.044 | thrombospondin 1 (Thbs1), mRNA [NM_011580] |
Thbs3 | 21827 | 1.72E-05 | 1.15E-03 | 1.767 | thrombospondin 3 (Thbs3), mRNA [NM_013691] |
Timeless | 21853 | 7.55E-04 | 1.95E-02 | −0.968 | timeless homolog (Drosophila) (Timeless), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_011589] |
Timm17b | 21855 | 3.72E-12 | 3.61E-09 | −3.248 | translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 17b (Timm17b), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_011591] |
Timp1 | 21857 | 5.55E-07 | 7.56E-05 | 2.648 | tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (Timp1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001044384] |
Timp3 | 21859 | 1.15E-04 | 5.17E-03 | 1.566 | tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 3 (Timp3), mRNA [NM_011595] |
Tle2 | 21886 | 2.82E-03 | 4.89E-02 | 1.348 | transducin-like enhancer of split 2, homolog of Drosophila E(spl) (Tle2), mRNA [NM_019725] |
Tspan7 | 21912 | 4.86E-06 | 4.26E-04 | 1.457 | tetraspanin 7 (Tspan7), mRNA [NM_019634] |
Clec3b | 21922 | 6.19E-04 | 1.68E-02 | 1.827 | C-type lectin domain family 3, member b (Clec3b), mRNA [NM_011606] |
Cd27 | 21940 | 1.62E-03 | 3.33E-02 | 1.118 | CD27 antigen (Cd27), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001033126] |
Tns1 | 21961 | 1.79E-09 | 7.08E-07 | −3.281 | PREDICTED: tensin 1 (Tns1), mRNA [XM_619639] |
Hsp90b1 | 22027 | 3.17E-04 | 1.06E-02 | −0.749 | heat shock protein 90, beta (Grp94), member 1 (Hsp90b1), mRNA [NM_011631] |
Trp73 | 22062 | 4.37E-04 | 1.32E-02 | −2.160 | transformation related protein 73 (Trp73), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_011642] |
Tsn | 22099 | 5.94E-06 | 4.94E-04 | −2.709 | 10 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2600015M20 product:translin, full insert sequence. [AK011220] |
Ttf1 | 22130 | 1.53E-03 | 3.21E-02 | −2.401 | transcription termination factor, RNA polymerase I (Ttf1), mRNA [NM_009442] |
Tubb2a | 22151 | 1.64E-03 | 3.36E-02 | −0.789 | tubulin, beta 2a (Tubb2a), mRNA [NM_009450] |
Ubr1 | 22222 | 3.60E-04 | 1.16E-02 | −2.231 | ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 1 (Ubr1), mRNA [NM_009461] |
Slc35a2 | 22232 | 2.89E-04 | 1.01E-02 | 1.415 | solute carrier family 35 (UDP-galactose transporter), member A2 (Slc35a2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_078484] |
Umps | 22247 | 1.42E-04 | 6.10E-03 | −1.809 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700095D23 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK007077] |
Nr1h3 | 22259 | 1.98E-03 | 3.81E-02 | 1.654 | nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 3 (Nr1h3), mRNA [NM_013839] |
Vamp2 | 22318 | 1.43E-12 | 2.03E-09 | −3.526 | vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 (Vamp2), mRNA [NM_009497] |
Vav1 | 22324 | 2.63E-03 | 4.70E-02 | −0.909 | vav 1 oncogene (Vav1), mRNA [NM_011691] |
Vpreb1 | 22362 | 3.25E-06 | 3.15E-04 | −1.533 | pre-B lymphocyte gene 1 (Vpreb1), mRNA [NM_016982] |
Vpreb3 | 22364 | 1.61E-04 | 6.66E-03 | −0.914 | pre-B lymphocyte gene 3 (Vpreb3), mRNA [NM_009514] |
Wnt5b | 22419 | 3.59E-04 | 1.16E-02 | 2.318 | wingless-related MMTV integration site 5B (Wnt5b), mRNA [NM_009525] |
Siae | 22619 | 1.76E-03 | 3.53E-02 | −2.172 | sialic acid acetylesterase (Siae), mRNA [NM_011734] |
Zfp161 | 22666 | 2.42E-07 | 3.98E-05 | −2.611 | zinc finger protein 161 (Zfp161), mRNA [NM_009547] |
Sf1 | 22668 | 1.05E-04 | 4.82E-03 | −1.377 | splicing factor 1 (Sf1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001110791] |
Zfp2 | 22678 | 1.95E-03 | 3.77E-02 | −1.705 | zinc finger protein 2 (Zfp2), transcript variant 4, mRNA [NM_001044698] |
Hs2st1 | 23908 | 9.34E-04 | 2.28E-02 | −2.067 | heparan sulfate 2-O-sulfotransferase 1 (Hs2st1), mRNA [NM_011828] |
Kel | 23925 | 2.65E-04 | 9.53E-03 | 0.994 | Kell blood group (Kel), mRNA [NM_032540] |
Mmp17 | 23948 | 1.25E-07 | 2.30E-05 | −2.503 | matrix metallopeptidase 17 (Mmp17), mRNA [NM_011846] |
Nek4 | 23955 | 8.66E-04 | 2.15E-02 | −1.627 | NIMA (never in mitosis gene a)-related expressed kinase 4 (Nek4), mRNA [NM_011849] |
Nt5e | 23959 | 6.14E-04 | 1.67E-02 | −2.626 | 5′ nucleotidase, ecto (Nt5e), mRNA [NM_011851] |
Oasl2 | 23962 | 1.40E-03 | 3.05E-02 | −1.130 | 2′-5′ oligoadenylate synthetase-like 2 (Oasl2), mRNA [NM_011854] |
2-Sep | 24050 | 2.14E-03 | 4.01E-02 | −1.667 | septin 3 (Sept3), mRNA [NM_011889] |
Synj2bp | 24071 | 8.28E-08 | 1.64E-05 | −2.569 | activin receptor-interacting protein 2b (Arip2b) mRNA, complete cds, alternatively spliced. [AY071903] |
Tnfsf13b | 24099 | 3.74E-12 | 3.61E-09 | −3.222 | tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 13b Gene [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:1344376] [ENSMUST00000033892] |
Ubd | 24108 | 4.50E-04 | 1.35E-02 | 1.079 | ubiquitin D (Ubd), mRNA [NM_023137] |
Axl | 26362 | 3.62E-04 | 1.17E-02 | −1.926 | AXL receptor tyrosine kinase (Axl), mRNA [NM_009465] |
Fto | 26383 | 1.33E-05 | 9.32E-04 | −2.120 | fat mass and obesity associated (Fto), mRNA [NM_011936] |
Ror2 | 26564 | 1.31E-03 | 2.92E-02 | 1.149 | receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 2 (Ror2), mRNA [NM_013846] |
Rcn2 | 26611 | 1.98E-07 | 3.33E-05 | −2.263 | taipoxin-associated calcium binding protein 49 mRNA, complete cds. [AF049125] |
B3galt1 | 26877 | 3.36E-04 | 1.11E-02 | −3.918 | UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,3-galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 1 (B3galt1), mRNA [NM_020283] |
B3galnt1 | 26879 | 3.77E-04 | 1.20E-02 | −2.397 | UDP-GalNAc:betaGlcNAc beta 1,3-galactosaminyltransferase, polypeptide 1 (B3galnt1), mRNA [NM_020026] |
Polr3e | 26939 | 1.60E-10 | 9.95E-08 | −2.973 | 0 day neonate head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4833431M21 product:sex-lethal interactor homolog (Drosophila), full insert sequence. [AK029412] |
Asns | 27053 | 2.72E-03 | 4.78E-02 | 0.700 | asparagine synthetase (Asns), mRNA [NM_012055] |
Trp53bp1 | 27223 | 1.97E-03 | 3.80E-02 | −2.333 | transformation related protein 53 binding protein 1 (Trp53bp1), mRNA [NM_013735] |
Dnajb9 | 27362 | 1.39E-03 | 3.03E-02 | −1.152 | DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 9 (Dnajb9), mRNA [NM_013760] |
Srr | 27364 | 1.31E-03 | 2.92E-02 | −1.768 | adult male kidney cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:0610015N12 product:serine racemase, full insert sequence. [AK002636] |
Mmel1 | 27390 | 1.25E-03 | 2.84E-02 | 2.581 | membrane metallo-endopeptidase-like 1 (Mmel1), mRNA [NM_013783] |
Pign | 27392 | 1.92E-06 | 2.09E-04 | −2.309 | phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class N (Pign), mRNA [NM_013784] |
Mrpl15 | 27395 | 6.10E-05 | 3.10E-03 | 1.225 | NOD-derived CD11c +ve dendritic cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:F630108O13 product:mitochondrial ribosomal protein L15, |
Skp2 | 27401 | 8.47E-04 | 2.13E-02 | −1.756 | S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 (p45) (Skp2), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_145468] |
Snf8 | 27681 | 2.32E-05 | 1.46E-03 | −2.426 | SNF8, ESCRT-II complex subunit, homolog (S. cerevisiae), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:5372918) [BC030490] |
Ubfd1 | 28018 | 9.10E-04 | 2.24E-02 | −1.819 | ubiquitin family domain containing 1 (Ubfd1), mRNA [NM_138589] |
D5Wsu178e | 28042 | 4.09E-04 | 1.27E-02 | −1.718 | DNA segment, Chr 5, Wayne State University 178, expressed (D5Wsu178e), mRNA [NM_027652] |
Ndrg3 | 29812 | 2.69E-07 | 4.17E-05 | −2.332 | N-myc downstream regulated gene 3 (Ndrg3), mRNA [NM_013865] |
Igfbp7 | 29817 | 2.43E-07 | 3.98E-05 | 1.744 | insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 (Igfbp7), mRNA [NM_008048] |
Mapk12 | 29857 | 1.20E-05 | 8.64E-04 | 1.785 | mitogen-activated protein kinase 12 (Mapk12), mRNA [NM_013871] |
Ulk2 | 29869 | 3.16E-04 | 1.06E-02 | 1.452 | 0 day neonate lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E030037L18 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK087234] |
Pdlim4 | 30794 | 1.86E-03 | 3.66E-02 | 2.456 | adult male urinary bladder cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:9530058N05 product:PDZ and LIM domain 4, full insert sequence [AK035513] |
Fbxl17 | 50758 | 3.01E-04 | 1.04E-02 | −2.202 | 15 days embryo head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D930017P15 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK086279] |
Rgs3 | 50780 | 2.91E-05 | 1.76E-03 | 1.585 | regulator of G-protein signaling 3 (Rgs3), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_019492] |
Olig2 | 50913 | 5.75E-04 | 1.59E-02 | 2.109 | oligodendrocyte transcription factor 2 (Olig2), mRNA [NM_016967] |
Pdcd7 | 50996 | 5.78E-05 | 3.00E-03 | −2.408 | programmed cell death 7 (Pdcd7), mRNA [NM_016688] |
Bok | 51800 | 1.46E-04 | 6.19E-03 | 1.080 | apoptosis activator Mtd (Mtd) mRNA, complete cds. [AF027707] |
Rnf24 | 51902 | 5.48E-06 | 4.69E-04 | −2.698 | ring finger protein 24 (Rnf24), mRNA [NM_178607] |
Rab11fip5 | 52055 | 1.77E-04 | 7.18E-03 | 2.950 | RAB11 family interacting protein 5 (class I) (Rab11fip5), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001003955] |
Coq5 | 52064 | 5.11E-04 | 1.47E-02 | −1.914 | coenzyme Q5 homolog, methyltransferase (yeast) (Coq5), mRNA [NM_026504] |
Pvr | 52118 | 5.55E-04 | 1.56E-02 | −1.887 | poliovirus receptor (Pvr), mRNA [NM_027514] |
Klhl7 | 52323 | 1.53E-03 | 3.22E-02 | −2.640 | kelch-like 7 (Drosophila) (Klhl7), mRNA [NM_026448] |
Atxn1l | 52335 | 1.34E-03 | 2.97E-02 | 0.902 | ataxin 1-like (Atxn1l), mRNA [NM_001080930] |
Ddx56 | 52513 | 1.43E-06 | 1.62E-04 | −2.312 | DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 56 (Ddx56), mRNA [NM_026538] |
Ncald | 52589 | 1.18E-04 | 5.25E-03 | −2.653 | neurocalcin delta (Ncald), mRNA [NM_134094] |
Cd300lg | 52685 | 2.89E-03 | 4.99E-02 | 1.123 | CD300 antigen like family member G (Cd300lg), mRNA [NM_027987] |
Dbndd2 | 52840 | 4.55E-04 | 1.36E-02 | 1.018 | dysbindin (dystrobrevin binding protein 1) domain containing 2 (Dbndd2), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_026797] |
Sgsm1 | 52850 | 1.02E-03 | 2.45E-02 | 1.927 | small G protein signaling modulator 1 (Sgsm1), mRNA [NM_172718] |
Plrg1 | 53317 | 2.41E-03 | 4.38E-02 | −0.912 | pleiotropic regulator 1, PRL1 homolog (Arabidopsis) (Plrg1), mRNA [NM_016784] |
Gosr1 | 53334 | 2.45E-03 | 4.44E-02 | 0.800 | golgi SNAP receptor complex member 1 (Gosr1), mRNA [NM_016810] |
Tsnax | 53424 | 4.36E-08 | 9.56E-06 | −2.431 | translin-associated factor X (Tsnax), mRNA [NM_016909] |
Pcdh12 | 53601 | 3.95E-04 | 1.25E-02 | 1.067 | protocadherin 12 (Pcdh12), mRNA [NM_017378] |
Map3k6 | 53608 | 2.78E-03 | 4.85E-02 | 0.953 | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 6 (Map3k6), mRNA [NM_016693] |
Rcan2 | 53901 | 1.21E-04 | 5.32E-03 | 2.046 | regulator of calcineurin 2 (Rcan2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_207649] |
Nell2 | 54003 | 1.27E-03 | 2.85E-02 | −1.547 | NEL-like 2 (chicken) (Nell2), mRNA [NM_016743] |
Diap2 | 54004 | 2.35E-03 | 4.30E-02 | −1.634 | diaphanous homolog 2 (Drosophila) (Diap2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_017398] |
Uevld | 54122 | 1.17E-07 | 2.17E-05 | −2.584 | UEV and lactate/malate dehyrogenase domains (Uevld), mRNA [NM_001040695] |
Ccrl2 | 54199 | 3.05E-04 | 1.04E-02 | −1.213 | chemokine (C-C motif) receptor-like 2 (Ccrl2), mRNA [NM_017466] |
Ramp2 | 54409 | 4.14E-04 | 1.28E-02 | 1.560 | receptor (calcitonin) activity modifying protein 2 (Ramp2), mRNA [NM_019444] |
Barhl1 | 54422 | 2.13E-04 | 8.10E-03 | 1.811 | BarH-like 1 (Drosophila) (Barhl1), mRNA [NM_019446] |
Calcrl | 54598 | 3.97E-05 | 2.24E-03 | −1.924 | calcitonin receptor-like (Calcrl), mRNA [NM_018782] |
Abhd2 | 54608 | 2.77E-03 | 4.84E-02 | −2.332 | abhydrolase domain containing 2 (Abhd2), mRNA [NM_018811] |
Ubqln2 | 54609 | 1.27E-03 | 2.85E-02 | −1.929 | ubiquilin 2 (Ubqln2), mRNA [NM_018798] |
Npff | 54615 | 7.26E-04 | 1.89E-02 | 1.132 | neuropeptide FF-amide peptide precursor (Npff), mRNA [NM_018787] |
Pdgfc | 54635 | 1.77E-08 | 4.31E-06 | −2.648 | platelet-derived growth factor, C polypeptide (Pdgfc), mRNA [NM_019971] |
Praf2 | 54637 | 2.07E-06 | 2.18E-04 | −2.461 | PRA1 domain family 2 (Praf2), mRNA [NM_138602] |
Sh3glb1 | 54673 | 1.65E-03 | 3.36E-02 | −2.524 | melanocyte cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:G270052F16 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK147816] |
Pigb | 55981 | 1.72E-03 | 3.47E-02 | −1.709 | phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class B (Pigb), mRNA [NM_018889] |
Ccnl2 | 56036 | 1.31E-04 | 5.66E-03 | −1.956 | 16 days embryo head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C130042P04 product:similar to CYCLIN ANIA-6A [Rattus norvegicus], full insert sequence. [AK048244] |
Pdss1 | 56075 | 3.91E-05 | 2.21E-03 | −2.108 | prenyl (solanesyl) diphosphate synthase, subunit 1 (Pdss1), mRNA [NM_019501] |
Prodh2 | 56189 | 6.78E-06 | 5.49E-04 | −2.175 | proline dehydrogenase (oxidase) 2 (Prodh2), mRNA [NM_019546] |
Htra1 | 56213 | 2.49E-05 | 1.55E-03 | 1.383 | HtrA serine peptidase 1 (Htra1), mRNA [NM_019564] |
Fam69b | 56279 | 1.53E-04 | 6.42E-03 | −2.495 | family with sequence similarity 69, member B (Fam69b), mRNA [NM_019833] |
Ptpn9 | 56294 | 5.64E-06 | 4.81E-04 | −2.172 | protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 9 (Ptpn9), mRNA [NM_019651] |
Fam60a | 56306 | 7.48E-04 | 1.94E-02 | −2.038 | family with sequence similarity 60, member A (Fam60a), mRNA [NM_019643] |
Eif3c | 56347 | 1.08E-04 | 4.93E-03 | −0.869 | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit C (Eif3c), mRNA [NM_146200] |
Arid3b | 56380 | 1.84E-03 | 3.63E-02 | 0.652 | AT rich interactive domain 3B (BRIGHT-like) (Arid3b), mRNA [NM_019689] |
Kcnip3 | 56461 | 1.22E-03 | 2.78E-02 | −1.779 | Kv channel interacting protein 3, calsenilin (Kcnip3), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_019789] |
Pias1 | 56469 | 2.55E-07 | 4.07E-05 | −2.965 | protein inhibitor of activated STAT 1 (Pias1), mRNA [NM_019663] |
Cldn18 | 56492 | 2.52E-03 | 4.53E-02 | 2.364 | claudin 18 (Cldn18), mRNA [NM_019815] |
Habp4 | 56541 | 8.73E-10 | 3.83E-07 | −2.839 | hyaluronic acid binding protein 4 (Habp4), mRNA [NM_019986] |
Adam21 | 56622 | 1.81E-03 | 3.59E-02 | −1.712 | a disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 21 (Adam21), mRNA [NM_020330] |
Nfu1 | 56748 | 2.49E-03 | 4.49E-02 | 2.947 | 16 days embryo head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C130089D18 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK081950] |
Cxcl14 | 57266 | 9.14E-07 | 1.11E-04 | 1.845 | chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 14 (Cxcl14), mRNA [NM_019568] |
S3-12 | 57435 | 2.47E-03 | 4.47E-02 | 1.691 | plasma membrane associated protein, S3-12 (S3-12), mRNA [NM_020568] |
Golga7 | 57437 | 5.51E-04 | 1.55E-02 | −2.952 | activated spleen cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:F830033L24 product:hypothetical protein, MNCb-1213, full insert sequence. [AK089856] |
Angptl4 | 57875 | 2.78E-04 | 9.82E-03 | 0.884 | angiopoietin-like 4 (Angptl4), mRNA [NM_020581] |
Zbp1 | 58203 | 3.03E-04 | 1.04E-02 | −1.183 | Z-DNA binding protein 1 (Zbp1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_021394] |
Fam184b | 58227 | 1.83E-06 | 2.02E-04 | −2.246 | 0 day neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C230091O15 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK049020] |
Slc35b4 | 58246 | 1.63E-03 | 3.34E-02 | 1.180 | solute carrier family 35, member B4 (Slc35b4), mRNA [NM_021435] |
Rnase4 | 58809 | 4.06E-04 | 1.26E-02 | 1.335 | ribonuclease, RNase A family 4 (Rnase4), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_021472] |
Tssk3 | 58864 | 8.29E-07 | 1.03E-04 | −2.122 | testis-specific serine kinase 3 (Tssk3), mRNA [NM_080442] |
Jph2 | 59091 | 1.04E-07 | 1.96E-05 | −2.402 | activated spleen cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:F830204M13 product:junctophilin 2, full insert sequence [AK157145] |
Fxyd6 | 59095 | 4.97E-05 | 2.69E-03 | −2.174 | FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 6 (Fxyd6), mRNA [NM_022004] |
Nek6 | 59126 | 1.44E-03 | 3.09E-02 | 0.985 | NIMA (never in mitosis gene a)-related expressed kinase 6 (Nek6), mRNA [NM_021606] |
Ccbp2 | 59289 | 1.41E-05 | 9.83E-04 | 1.764 | chemokine binding protein 2 (Ccbp2), mRNA [NM_021609] |
Emcn | 59308 | 3.29E-06 | 3.16E-04 | 1.545 | endomucin (Emcn), mRNA [NM_016885] |
Fn3k | 63828 | 3.10E-08 | 6.99E-06 | 1.735 | fructosamine 3 kinase (Fn3k), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_022014] |
Trpv4 | 63873 | 1.46E-04 | 6.19E-03 | 1.312 | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 4 (Trpv4), mRNA [NM_022017] |
Rbp7 | 63954 | 1.26E-03 | 2.85E-02 | −2.228 | retinol binding protein 7, cellular (Rbp7), mRNA [NM_022020] |
Nrgn | 64011 | 1.57E-03 | 3.27E-02 | −1.224 | neurogranin (Nrgn), mRNA [NM_022029] |
Ptges | 64292 | 4.53E-04 | 1.35E-02 | 1.465 | prostaglandin E synthase (Ptges), mRNA [NM_022415] |
Tsc1 | 64930 | 4.29E-06 | 3.85E-04 | −2.404 | tuberous sclerosis 1 (Tsc1), mRNA [NM_022887] |
Arl6ip6 | 65103 | 1.95E-03 | 3.77E-02 | 1.881 | ADP-ribosylation factor-like 6 interacting protein 6 (Arl6ip6), mRNA [NM_022989] |
Slc9a3r2 | 65962 | 6.21E-06 | 5.15E-04 | 1.386 | solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 3 regulator 2 (Slc9a3r2), transcript variant B, mRNA [NM_023449] |
B230120H23Rik | 65964 | 1.82E-03 | 3.59E-02 | −2.025 | RIKEN cDNA B230120H23 gene (B230120H23Rik), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_178084] |
Gng11 | 66066 | 3.47E-07 | 5.10E-05 | 1.234 | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 11 (Gng11), mRNA [NM_025331] |
Gtpbp8 | 66067 | 9.26E-05 | 4.39E-03 | −2.059 | 13 days embryo lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D430011P07 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK084919] |
Ndufa3 | 66091 | 4.40E-06 | 3.93E-04 | −3.028 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700022J01 product:weakly similar to NADH-UBIQUINONE |
Smpx | 66106 | 5.08E-04 | 1.47E-02 | 3.232 | small muscle protein, X-linked (Smpx), mRNA [NM_025357] |
Tspan13 | 66109 | 1.26E-03 | 2.85E-02 | −0.753 | tetraspanin 13 (Tspan13), mRNA [NM_025359] |
Mosc1 | 66112 | 5.76E-04 | 1.59E-02 | 3.155 | MOCO sulphurase C-terminal domain containing 1 (Mosc1), mRNA [NM_001081361] |
Anapc11 | 66156 | 3.36E-05 | 1.98E-03 | −2.116 | anaphase promoting complex subunit 11 (Anapc11), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001038230] |
Eif1ay | 66235 | 1.96E-03 | 3.79E-02 | −0.736 | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A, Y-linked (Eif1ay), mRNA [NM_025437] |
Isoc1 | 66307 | 2.98E-04 | 1.03E-02 | −1.967 | isochorismatase domain containing 1 (Isoc1), mRNA [NM_025478] |
2810021B07Rik | 66308 | 6.02E-05 | 3.08E-03 | −2.149 | 16 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A130054I08 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK137981] |
Wdr61 | 66317 | 3.83E-05 | 2.19E-03 | −1.943 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4932422L05 product:MEIOTIC RECOMBINATION PROTEIN REC14 (2810418I05RIK PROTEIN) homolog [0], full insert sequence. [AK077037] |
Alkbh7 | 66400 | 1.03E-03 | 2.46E-02 | −1.885 | alkB, alkylation repair homolog 7 (E. coli) (Alkbh7), mRNA [NM_025538] |
Golph3 | 66629 | 8.62E-04 | 2.15E-02 | 1.558 | golgi phosphoprotein 3 (Golph3), mRNA [NM_025673] |
Tmem186 | 66690 | 2.12E-03 | 3.99E-02 | 1.082 | transmembrane protein 186 (Tmem186), mRNA [NM_025708] |
Speer4c | 66773 | 3.19E-04 | 1.07E-02 | 2.422 | PREDICTED: spermatogenesis associated glutamate (E)-rich protein 4c (Speer4c), mRNA [XM_904193] |
Atg10 | 66795 | 2.22E-03 | 4.12E-02 | −1.933 | autophagy-related 10 (yeast) (Atg10), mRNA [NM_025770] |
Nacc1 | 66830 | 1.16E-04 | 5.20E-03 | −2.278 | nucleus accumbens associated 1, BEN and BTB (POZ) domain containing (Nacc1), mRNA [NM_025788] |
0610007N19Rik | 66835 | 7.60E-05 | 3.73E-03 | 2.848 | PREDICTED: RIKEN cDNA 0610007N19 gene (0610007N19Rik), mRNA [XM_001475347] |
0610009O20Rik | 66839 | 2.18E-08 | 5.15E-06 | −2.955 | 9 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D030019G05 product:hypothetical Sel1-like repeat/TPR repeat/Tetraspanin containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK141675] |
Slc16a9 | 66859 | 3.11E-04 | 1.05E-02 | 1.136 | solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 9 (Slc16a9), mRNA [NM_025807] |
1300014I06Rik | 66895 | 9.18E-04 | 2.25E-02 | 1.153 | RIKEN cDNA 1300014I06 gene (1300014I06Rik), mRNA [NM_025831] |
Nudt16l1 | 66911 | 2.19E-03 | 4.08E-02 | −1.838 | nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 16-like 1 (Nudt16l1), mRNA [NM_025839] |
1700010I14Rik | 66931 | 6.65E-04 | 1.77E-02 | 1.283 | RIKEN cDNA 1700010I14 gene (1700010I14Rik), mRNA [NM_025851] |
Cdk5rap1 | 66971 | 3.60E-14 | 1.24E-10 | −3.613 | CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 1 (Cdk5rap1), mRNA [NM_025876] |
Zcchc18 | 66995 | 9.52E-04 | 2.30E-02 | −1.520 | zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 18 (Zcchc18), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001035510] |
Tmem88 | 67020 | 1.48E-04 | 6.25E-03 | 1.368 | transmembrane protein 88 (Tmem88), mRNA [NM_025915] |
Mon2 | 67074 | 9.42E-06 | 7.14E-04 | −2.729 | MON2 homolog (yeast) (Mon2), mRNA [NM_153395] |
2510048L02Rik | 67119 | 1.89E-03 | 3.69E-02 | 2.379 | RIKEN cDNA 2510048L02 gene (2510048L02Rik), mRNA [NM_025977] |
Mastl | 67121 | 2.36E-03 | 4.31E-02 | 2.571 | microtubule associated serine [BC086483] |
Lrrc40 | 67144 | 5.89E-05 | 3.03E-03 | −2.023 | leucine rich repeat containing 40 (Lrrc40), mRNA [NM_024194] |
Pdzk1ip1 | 67182 | 8.54E-06 | 6.56E-04 | 1.620 | PDZK1 interacting protein 1 (Pdzk1ip1), mRNA [NM_026018] |
Zswim6 | 67263 | 1.22E-03 | 2.78E-02 | −0.894 | zinc finger, SWIM domain containing 6 (Zswim6), mRNA [NM_145456] |
2900092E17Rik | 67278 | 5.52E-04 | 1.55E-02 | −0.960 | RIKEN cDNA 2900092E17 gene (2900092E17Rik), mRNA [NM_030240] |
Rpl37 | 67281 | 1.44E-11 | 1.28E-08 | −3.035 | ribosomal protein L37 (Rpl37), mRNA [NM_026069] |
3110021A11Rik | 67289 | 1.36E-03 | 2.99E-02 | −1.653 | 13 days embryo head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:3110021A11 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK014066] |
3110049J23Rik | 67307 | 1.39E-03 | 3.04E-02 | 1.908 | RIKEN cDNA 3110049J23 gene (3110049J23Rik), mRNA [NM_026085] |
1700086P04Rik | 67349 | 3.51E-04 | 1.14E-02 | −2.658 | Y707078 RIKEN full-length enriched, adult male testis cDNA clone 1700086P04 5′. [BY707078] |
1700084E18Rik | 67350 | 2.70E-03 | 4.77E-02 | −1.745 | PREDICTED: RIKEN cDNA 1700084E18 gene (1700084E18Rik), mRNA [XM_977942] |
Ppil4 | 67418 | 1.61E-03 | 3.33E-02 | −1.720 | 12 days embryo spinal cord cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C530010C12 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK049634] |
Entpd4 | 67464 | 1.04E-03 | 2.47E-02 | 2.343 | ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 4 (Entpd4), mRNA [NM_026174] |
Tmem167b | 67495 | 2.82E-03 | 4.90E-02 | −1.813 | transmembrane protein 167B (Tmem167b), mRNA [NM_026198] |
Tctn3 | 67590 | 1.62E-10 | 9.95E-08 | −2.671 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4930521E07 product:hypothetical DENN (AEX-3) domain containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK015861] |
Fibin | 67606 | 1.64E-03 | 3.36E-02 | 2.708 | fin bud initiation factor homolog (zebrafish) (Fibin), mRNA [NM_026271] |
4930558C23Rik | 67654 | 3.59E-05 | 2.08E-03 | 1.459 | PREDICTED: RIKEN cDNA 4930558C23 gene (4930558C23Rik), mRNA [XM_001473262] |
Slc25a37 | 67712 | 2.24E-03 | 4.15E-02 | 1.631 | solute carrier family 25, member 37 (Slc25a37), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_026331] |
Dnajc19 | 67713 | 2.41E-03 | 4.38E-02 | 1.261 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4921531D08 product:weakly similar to CG7394 PROTEIN [Drosophila melanogaster], full insert sequence [AK076602] |
Asprv1 | 67855 | 3.54E-04 | 1.15E-02 | 0.917 | aspartic peptidase, retroviral-like 1 (Asprv1), mRNA [NM_026414] |
Zfp169 | 67911 | 1.17E-10 | 7.62E-08 | −3.001 | zinc finger protein 169 (Zfp169), mRNA [NM_026450] |
Ppap2b | 67916 | 5.47E-04 | 1.55E-02 | 1.154 | phosphatidic acid phosphatase type 2B (Ppap2b), mRNA [NM_080555] |
Mak16 | 67920 | 8.55E-04 | 2.14E-02 | −1.608 | MAK16 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Mak16), mRNA [NM_026453] |
Slc25a39 | 68066 | 1.05E-06 | 1.25E-04 | −2.336 | solute carrier family 25, member 39 (Slc25a39), mRNA [NM_026542] |
Upf3b | 68134 | 2.87E-03 | 4.96E-02 | 2.335 | UPF3 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog B (yeast), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:6491218), with apparent retained intron [BC058761] |
Cgnl1 | 68178 | 5.19E-04 | 1.48E-02 | 1.431 | cingulin-like 1 (Cgnl1), mRNA [NM_026599] |
Fam98b | 68215 | 3.56E-05 | 2.07E-03 | −1.690 | family with sequence similarity 98, member B (Fam98b), mRNA [NM_026620] |
2410066E13Rik | 68235 | 2.14E-12 | 2.58E-09 | −3.274 | RIKEN cDNA 2410066E13 gene (2410066E13Rik), mRNA [NM_026629] |
Ccdc88c | 68339 | 9.81E-10 | 4.22E-07 | −2.658 | coiled-coil domain containing 88C (Ccdc88c), mRNA [NM_026681] |
Gpihbp1 | 68453 | 5.00E-11 | 3.35E-08 | 2.512 | GPI-anchored HDL-binding protein 1 (Gpihbp1), mRNA [NM_026730] |
Dhrs7c | 68460 | 6.29E-04 | 1.70E-02 | −1.748 | dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 7C (Dhrs7c), mRNA [NM_001013013] |
Rmnd5a | 68477 | 1.35E-03 | 2.99E-02 | −1.737 | required for meiotic nuclear division 5 homolog A (S. cerevisiae), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4458681), with apparent retained intron [BC034085] |
1110018H23Rik | 68509 | 7.15E-06 | 5.67E-04 | −2.204 | 18-day embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1110018H23 product:hypothetical Pentaxin family containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK003777] |
Caly | 68566 | 4.10E-04 | 1.27E-02 | 1.346 | calcyon neuron-specific vesicular protein (Caly), mRNA [NM_026769] |
Ppm1f | 68606 | 1.80E-03 | 3.58E-02 | 0.803 | protein phosphatase 1F (PP2C domain containing) (Ppm1f), mRNA [NM_176833] |
1110012J17Rik | 68617 | 5.29E-06 | 4.54E-04 | 2.927 | 12 days embryo spinal ganglion cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D130071O13 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK051750] |
Myct1 | 68632 | 5.59E-05 | 2.93E-03 | 1.412 | myc target 1 (Myct1), mRNA [NM_026793] |
Tm2d3 | 68634 | 1.99E-07 | 3.33E-05 | −2.440 | TM2 domain containing 3 (Tm2d3), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_026795] |
Abhd14a | 68644 | 5.13E-10 | 2.43E-07 | −3.069 | abhydrolase domain containing 14A (Abhd14a), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_145919] |
Fndc1 | 68655 | 3.64E-10 | 1.87E-07 | 4.296 | fibronectin type III domain containing 1 (Fndc1), mRNA [NM_001081416] |
Scgb3a1 | 68662 | 1.26E-07 | 2.30E-05 | 3.070 | secretoglobin, family 3A, member 1 (Scgb3a1), transcript variant B, mRNA [NM_170727] |
Arl8a | 68724 | 2.66E-03 | 4.72E-02 | 0.831 | ADP-ribosylation factor-like 8A (Arl8a), mRNA [NM_026823] |
Dus1l | 68730 | 1.94E-03 | 3.77E-02 | 1.862 | melanocyte cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:G270120D15 product:hypothetical Dihydrouridine synthase, DuS containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK147967] |
Angel1 | 68737 | 3.99E-04 | 1.26E-02 | 1.736 | angel homolog 1 (Drosophila) (Angel1), mRNA [NM_144524] |
Flnc | 68794 | 7.44E-04 | 1.93E-02 | 2.939 | filamin C, gamma (Flnc), mRNA [NM_001081185] |
Pdgfrl | 68797 | 8.81E-04 | 2.18E-02 | 2.573 | platelet-derived growth factor receptor-like (Pdgfrl), mRNA [NM_026840] |
Tmcc2 | 68875 | 7.91E-07 | 9.88E-05 | 3.476 | transmembrane and coiled-coil domains 2 (Tmcc2), mRNA [NM_178874] |
Rasl11b | 68939 | 2.57E-03 | 4.60E-02 | −2.624 | RAS-like, family 11, member B (Rasl11b), mRNA [NM_026878] |
Spcs1 | 69019 | 6.86E-04 | 1.81E-02 | −0.774 | signal peptidase complex subunit 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Spcs1), mRNA [NM_026911] |
1810011O10Rik | 69068 | 1.33E-03 | 2.95E-02 | 1.150 | RIKEN cDNA 1810011O10 gene (1810011O10Rik), mRNA [NM_026931] |
1810031K17Rik | 69171 | 1.08E-03 | 2.54E-02 | −1.688 | RIKEN cDNA 1810031K17 gene (1810031K17Rik), mRNA [NM_026977] |
Tmem110 | 69179 | 2.13E-03 | 4.00E-02 | −1.866 | transmembrane protein 110 (Tmem110), mRNA [NM_028839] |
Tmem121 | 69195 | 2.80E-04 | 9.87E-03 | −1.388 | transmembrane protein 121 (Tmem121), mRNA [NM_153776] |
Sat2 | 69215 | 4.78E-04 | 1.40E-02 | 2.710 | spermidine/spermine N1-acetyl transferase 2 (Sat2), mRNA [NM_026991] |
2610034M16Rik | 69239 | 3.72E-06 | 3.46E-04 | −2.185 | RIKEN cDNA 2610034M16 gene (2610034M16Rik), mRNA [NM_027001] |
1700008P20Rik | 69301 | 1.76E-04 | 7.13E-03 | 1.846 | RIKEN cDNA 1700008P20 gene (1700008P20Rik), non-coding RNA [NR_003638] |
1700007K09Rik | 69318 | 2.01E-03 | 3.85E-02 | 4.346 | RIKEN cDNA 1700007K09 gene (1700007K09Rik), mRNA [NM_027037] |
Glrx2 | 69367 | 2.25E-03 | 4.16E-02 | −0.984 | glutaredoxin 2 (thioltransferase) (Glrx2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001038592] |
1700023A16Rik | 69371 | 2.34E-04 | 8.71E-03 | 2.707 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700023A16 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK006257] |
1700024P04Rik | 69382 | 7.13E-05 | 3.55E-03 | −2.007 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700024P04 product:HISTONE H2B, full insert sequence. [AK006311] |
1700021K14Rik | 69398 | 4.91E-04 | 1.43E-02 | 1.167 | RIKEN cDNA 1700021K14 gene (1700021K14Rik), mRNA [NM_001122635] |
1700023F06Rik | 69441 | 6.70E-04 | 1.78E-02 | 1.165 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700023F06 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK006273] |
1700030C10Rik | 69513 | 1.17E-04 | 5.21E-03 | −1.808 | 3 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A630001I11 product:KIAA0400 PROTEIN homolog [Homo sapiens], full insert |
Esam | 69524 | 7.59E-06 | 5.94E-04 | 1.941 | endothelial cell-specific adhesion molecule (Esam), mRNA [NM_027102] |
Mrps9 | 69527 | 2.01E-04 | 7.84E-03 | −1.973 | 0 day neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A430067C05 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK138783] |
Hemk1 | 69536 | 1.43E-03 | 3.08E-02 | −1.842 | HemK methyltransferase family member 1 (Hemk1), mRNA [NM_133984] |
2300002D11Rik | 69539 | 7.48E-06 | 5.89E-04 | 1.736 | RIKEN cDNA 2300002D11 gene (2300002D11Rik), mRNA [NM_001081156] |
Klhdc2 | 69554 | 2.20E-03 | 4.08E-02 | −1.706 | 12 days embryo male wolffian duct includes surrounding region cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6720428K09 |
Mfsd3 | 69572 | 4.57E-04 | 1.36E-02 | −1.659 | major facilitator superfamily domain containing 3 (Mfsd3), mRNA [NM_027122] |
Gpx8 | 69590 | 3.98E-04 | 1.25E-02 | 1.635 | glutathione peroxidase 8 (putative) (Gpx8), mRNA [NM_027127] |
Clybl | 69634 | 2.82E-03 | 4.89E-02 | −2.139 | citrate lyase beta like (Clybl), mRNA [NM_029556] |
2310046K01Rik | 69698 | 1.22E-04 | 5.34E-03 | 1.845 | RIKEN cDNA 2310046K01 gene (2310046K01Rik), mRNA [NM_027172] |
1810065E05Rik | 69864 | 9.27E-04 | 2.27E-02 | −1.915 | RIKEN cDNA 1810065E05 gene (1810065E05Rik), mRNA [NM_027239] |
2810011L19Rik | 69952 | 3.28E-04 | 1.09E-02 | −2.085 | RIKEN cDNA 2810011L19 gene, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:6810678), partial cds [BC059025] |
1700026L06Rik | 69987 | 4.41E-04 | 1.33E-02 | −1.277 | RIKEN cDNA 1700026L06 gene (1700026L06Rik), mRNA [NM_027283] |
Trnt1 | 70047 | 1.37E-04 | 5.89E-03 | −2.775 | ES cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2410043H24 product:tRNA nucleotidyl transferase, CCA-adding, 1, full insert sequence. |
Nol7 | 70078 | 7.46E-05 | 3.69E-03 | −2.149 | nucleolar protein 7 (Nol7), mRNA [NM_023554] |
Mllt3 | 70122 | 3.80E-04 | 1.21E-02 | 1.946 | myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 3 (Mllt3), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_027326] |
3000004C01Rik | 70218 | 7.14E-07 | 9.06E-05 | −2.991 | RIKEN cDNA 3000004C01 gene (3000004C01Rik), mRNA [NM_197959] |
Ufsp1 | 70240 | 1.48E-03 | 3.14E-02 | 1.066 | UFM1-specific peptidase 1 (Ufsp1), mRNA [NM_027356] |
2510049J12Rik | 70291 | 1.55E-04 | 6.50E-03 | −2.147 | RIKEN cDNA 2510049J12 gene (2510049J12Rik), mRNA [NM_001101431] |
Ndufab1 | 70316 | 2.01E-03 | 3.85E-02 | −0.948 | NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1, alpha/beta subcomplex, 1 (Ndufab1), mRNA [NM_028177] |
2210416O15Rik | 70393 | 1.72E-03 | 3.47E-02 | −2.005 | adult male stomach cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2210416O15 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK008958] |
Wdr77 | 70465 | 1.61E-04 | 6.66E-03 | −2.775 | WD repeat domain 77 (Wdr77), mRNA [NM_027432] |
Bbx | 70508 | 1.33E-03 | 2.96E-02 | −2.618 | bobby sox homolog (Drosophila) (Bbx), mRNA [NM_027444] |
Btf3l4 | 70533 | 1.64E-03 | 3.36E-02 | 1.319 | basic transcription factor 3-like 4 (Btf3l4), mRNA [NM_027453] |
5730442P18Rik | 70559 | 3.16E-11 | 2.31E-08 | −3.034 | RIKEN cDNA 5730442P18 gene (5730442P18Rik), mRNA [NM_183288] |
5730469M10Rik | 70564 | 1.98E-05 | 1.28E-03 | 1.261 | RIKEN cDNA 5730469M10 gene (5730469M10Rik), mRNA [NM_027464] |
Ankrd24 | 70615 | 1.61E-03 | 3.32E-02 | 0.799 | ankyrin repeat domain 24 (Ankrd24), mRNA [NM_027480] |
5730575I04Rik | 70649 | 1.32E-03 | 2.95E-02 | −1.790 | 8 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5730575I04 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK017867] |
Tspan2 | 70747 | 1.09E-08 | 2.83E-06 | −2.807 | tetraspanin 2 (Tspan2), mRNA [NM_027533] |
Kynu | 70789 | 2.88E-13 | 7.72E-10 | −3.292 | kynureninase (L-kynurenine hydrolase) (Kynu), mRNA [NM_027552] |
Stox2 | 71069 | 1.28E-03 | 2.86E-02 | 1.680 | storkhead box 2 (Stox2), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_175162] |
Tssk4 | 71099 | 2.15E-04 | 8.16E-03 | 2.277 | testis-specific serine kinase 4 (Tssk4), mRNA [NM_027673] |
4933407L21Rik | 71141 | 3.07E-09 | 1.07E-06 | −3.087 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4933407L21 product:4933407L21RIK PROTEIN, full insert sequence. [AK016730] |
4933425L03Rik | 71169 | 2.87E-07 | 4.33E-05 | −2.586 | RIKEN cDNA 4933425L03 gene, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:67140 IMAGE:6822193), complete cds. [BC057020] |
1700112M01Rik | 71184 | 6.55E-05 | 3.31E-03 | −2.167 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4933411J23 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK016772] |
Otud1 | 71198 | 7.02E-08 | 1.45E-05 | −2.609 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4933428L19 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK016972] |
Pex1 | 71382 | 1.02E-03 | 2.44E-02 | 1.501 | 2 days pregnant adult female ovary cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E330005K07 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK087687] |
Chd6 | 71389 | 1.60E-05 | 1.08E-03 | −2.262 | chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 6 (Chd6), mRNA [NM_173368] |
Ankrd40 | 71452 | 7.89E-06 | 6.12E-04 | −2.639 | ankyrin repeat domain 40 (Ankrd40), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_027799] |
9030409G11Rik | 71529 | 2.82E-03 | 4.89E-02 | 1.761 | RIKEN cDNA 9030409G11 gene (9030409G11Rik), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_001109685] |
9030425E11Rik | 71566 | 3.10E-05 | 1.85E-03 | 1.625 | RIKEN cDNA 9030425E11 gene (9030425E11Rik), mRNA [NM_133733] |
Myo1e | 71602 | 3.50E-06 | 3.31E-04 | −2.165 | myosin IE (Myo1e), mRNA [NM_181072] |
Rarres2 | 71660 | 2.71E-09 | 9.75E-07 | 2.078 | retinoic acid receptor responder (tazarotene induced) 2 (Rarres2), mRNA [NM_027852] |
Acy3 | 71670 | 6.74E-06 | 5.49E-04 | 2.013 | aspartoacylase (aminoacylase) 3 (Acy3), mRNA [NM_027857] |
0610010F05Rik | 71675 | 8.34E-04 | 2.11E-02 | −1.817 | RIKEN cDNA 0610010F05 gene (0610010F05Rik), mRNA [NM_027860] |
Galnt14 | 71685 | 2.16E-03 | 4.03E-02 | −1.938 | UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosamine:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 14 (Galnt14), mRNA [NM_027864] |
Esm1 | 71690 | 5.83E-07 | 7.81E-05 | 2.021 | endothelial cell-specific molecule 1 (Esm1), mRNA [NM_023612] |
Cic | 71722 | 1.67E-07 | 2.90E-05 | −2.686 | capicua homolog (Drosophila), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4953397). [BC035474] |
Vps11 | 71732 | 9.07E-09 | 2.46E-06 | −2.882 | vacuolar protein sorting 11 (yeast) (Vps11), mRNA [NM_027889] |
Pdgfd | 71785 | 1.30E-04 | 5.62E-03 | −2.400 | adult male hippocampus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C630020I23 product:platelet-derived growth factor, D polypeptide, full insert sequence. [AK141551] |
Gtf2a1l | 71828 | 4.95E-11 | 3.35E-08 | −2.990 | general transcription factor IIA, 1-like (Gtf2a1l), mRNA [NM_023630] |
Nupl1 | 71844 | 2.08E-03 | 3.93E-02 | −2.079 | nucleoporin like 1 (Nupl1), mRNA [NM_170591] |
Serpinb12 | 71869 | 1.24E-03 | 2.82E-02 | −1.836 | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 12 (Serpinb12), mRNA [NM_027971] |
Noxo1 | 71893 | 2.70E-05 | 1.66E-03 | 1.589 | NADPH oxidase organizer 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:28618 IMAGE:4220018), complete cds. [BC019525] |
Rpap3 | 71919 | 1.73E-03 | 3.47E-02 | −1.453 | RNA polymerase II associated protein 3 (Rpap3), mRNA [NM_028003] |
Scand3 | 71970 | 2.15E-03 | 4.02E-02 | 1.622 | SCAN domain containing 3 (Scand3), mRNA [NM_183088] |
Prmt3 | 71974 | 4.14E-04 | 1.28E-02 | 1.259 | adult male hippocampus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C630002L24 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK049836] |
Tdrd12 | 71981 | 8.81E-05 | 4.22E-03 | −1.906 | tudor domain containing 12 (Tdrd12), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_028034] |
Cyb5r1 | 72017 | 6.88E-06 | 5.54E-04 | −2.250 | cytochrome b5 reductase 1 (Cyb5r1), mRNA [NM_028057] |
Tsc22d2 | 72033 | 1.39E-03 | 3.04E-02 | −1.798 | TSC22 domain family, member 2 (Tsc22d2), mRNA [NM_001081229] |
Zbed3 | 72114 | 2.73E-04 | 9.69E-03 | −1.908 | zinc finger, BED domain containing 3 (Zbed3), mRNA [NM_028106] |
Zfp157 | 72154 | 3.97E-07 | 5.70E-05 | −2.368 | mRNA for mszf12, partial cds. [AB010313] |
Mms19 | 72199 | 1.59E-03 | 3.31E-02 | −1.797 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4931409L11 product:MMS19 (MET18 S. cerevisiae)-like, full insert sequence [AK029840] |
1700001P01Rik | 72215 | 4.55E-05 | 2.53E-03 | 3.769 | RIKEN cDNA 1700001P01 gene (1700001P01Rik), mRNA [NM_028156] |
1700021J08Rik | 72235 | 1.15E-04 | 5.17E-03 | 2.403 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700021J08 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK006209] |
Cyth4 | 72318 | 1.75E-04 | 7.11E-03 | 1.481 | cytohesin 4 (Cyth4), mRNA [NM_028195] |
Plxdc1 | 72324 | 1.92E-03 | 3.74E-02 | −0.885 | plexin domain containing 1 (Plxdc1), mRNA [NM_028199] |
Palld | 72333 | 2.06E-08 | 4.92E-06 | 1.825 | 13 days embryo lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D430036A13 product:ACTIN-ASSOCIATED PROTEIN PALLADIN (FRAGMENT) homolog [], full insert sequence. [AK052489] |
Kcnmb2 | 72413 | 4.76E-04 | 1.40E-02 | 2.076 | potassium large conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily M, beta member 2 (Kcnmb2), mRNA [NM_028231] |
Rnf219 | 72486 | 5.00E-06 | 4.35E-04 | −2.221 | adult male corpora quadrigemina cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B230113H14 product:hypothetical RING finger containing protein, full |
Atxn7l2 | 72522 | 2.89E-03 | 4.98E-02 | 0.779 | ataxin 7-like 2 (Atxn7l2), mRNA [NM_175183] |
Utp14a | 72554 | 1.53E-09 | 6.25E-07 | −2.701 | UTP14, U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein, homolog A (yeast) (Utp14a), mRNA [NM_028276] |
Uaca | 72565 | 2.11E-03 | 3.96E-02 | 2.696 | uveal autoantigen with coiled-coil domains and ankyrin repeats (Uaca), mRNA [NM_028283] |
Anks3 | 72615 | 4.54E-13 | 9.95E-10 | −3.499 | ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 3 (Anks3), mRNA [NM_028301] |
B3gat3 | 72727 | 9.71E-04 | 2.34E-02 | −2.738 | beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 3 (glucuronosyltransferase I) (B3gat3), mRNA [NM_024256] |
Prdm4 | 72843 | 5.88E-06 | 4.92E-04 | −2.153 | PR domain containing 4 (Prdm4), mRNA [NM_181650] |
Hepacam | 72927 | 4.96E-04 | 1.44E-02 | −2.700 | hepatocyte cell adhesion molecule (Hepacam), mRNA [NM_175189] |
Insig2 | 72999 | 1.86E-06 | 2.04E-04 | 1.532 | insulin induced gene 2 (Insig2), mRNA [NM_133748] |
Slc22a23 | 73102 | 2.42E-03 | 4.39E-02 | 0.881 | solute carrier family 22, member 23 (Slc22a23), mRNA [NM_001033167] |
3110021N24Rik | 73133 | 4.78E-05 | 2.63E-03 | 2.537 | 10 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2610002D03 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK011275] |
Pear1 | 73182 | 5.35E-07 | 7.37E-05 | −2.592 | 3 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A630081A16 product:similar to MEGF12 [], full insert sequence. [AK042308] |
Setd7 | 73251 | 1.46E-06 | 1.65E-04 | −2.456 | SET domain containing (lysine methyltransferase) 7 (Setd7), mRNA [NM_080793] |
1700026J12Rik | 73255 | 1.34E-03 | 2.96E-02 | 2.491 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700026J12 product:hypothetical INTEGRIN CD47 PRECURSOR |
1700055N04Rik | 73458 | 3.29E-04 | 1.09E-02 | −1.657 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700055N04 product:hypothetical Aldehyde reductase (dehydrogenase), ALDH structure containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK006803] |
Rnf38 | 73469 | 5.44E-07 | 7.45E-05 | −2.863 | ring finger protein 38 (Rnf38), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_175201] |
1700080E11Rik | 73532 | 5.36E-04 | 1.52E-02 | 1.915 | RIKEN cDNA 1700080E11 gene (1700080E11Rik), mRNA [NM_028562] |
1700106N22Rik | 73582 | 4.44E-04 | 1.33E-02 | −1.886 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700106N22 product:similar to CDNA: FLJ23451 FIS, CLONE |
Trp53tg5 | 73603 | 1.12E-03 | 2.62E-02 | −3.237 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700126L10 product:weakly similar to CLG01 (DJ453C12.5) |
Tex19.1 | 73679 | 3.48E-06 | 3.31E-04 | −2.445 | testis expressed gene 19.1 (Tex19.1), mRNA [NM_028602] |
2410089E03Rik | 73692 | 8.39E-05 | 4.04E-03 | −3.153 | RIKEN cDNA 2410089E03 gene, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:6824838), complete cds. [BC058107] |
Zfp383 | 73729 | 9.81E-05 | 4.57E-03 | −2.494 | zinc finger protein 383, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:6813023) [BC064456] |
Whrn | 73750 | 5.55E-15 | 4.34E-11 | −3.864 | adult male hypothalamus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A230098N07 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK039124] |
Lyrm1 | 73919 | 1.03E-05 | 7.67E-04 | −2.223 | LYR motif containing 1 (Lyrm1), mRNA [NM_029610] |
Rftn2 | 74013 | 2.58E-04 | 9.35E-03 | 2.115 | raftlin family member 2 (Rftn2), mRNA [NM_028713] |
Pex26 | 74043 | 1.58E-07 | 2.76E-05 | −2.620 | peroxisomal biogenesis factor 26 (Pex26), mRNA [NM_028730] |
Arpp21 | 74100 | 1.29E-08 | 3.24E-06 | −2.619 | cyclic AMP-regulated phosphoprotein, 21 (Arpp21), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_033264] |
Iqwd1 | 74106 | 9.40E-04 | 2.28E-02 | −2.125 | adult male lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1200006M05 product:similar to PC326 PROTEIN [Homo sapiens], full insert sequence. [AK004618] |
Acoxl | 74121 | 1.11E-08 | 2.85E-06 | −3.573 | acyl-Coenzyme A oxidase-like (Acoxl), mRNA [NM_028765] |
Syvn1 | 74126 | 2.47E-05 | 1.54E-03 | −2.419 | synovial apoptosis inhibitor 1, synoviolin (Syvn1), mRNA [NM_028769] |
Robo4 | 74144 | 1.83E-09 | 7.12E-07 | 1.963 | roundabout homolog 4 (Drosophila) (Robo4), mRNA [NM_028783] |
Nfx1 | 74164 | 3.62E-04 | 1.17E-02 | −1.898 | nuclear transcription factor, X-box binding 1 (Nfx1), mRNA [NM_023739] |
Prei4 | 74182 | 2.77E-04 | 9.81E-03 | 0.878 | adult male tongue cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2310004G06 product:weakly similar to KIAA1434 PROTEIN (FRAGMENT) [Homo sapiens], full insert sequence. [AK009137] |
1200009I06Rik | 74190 | 8.66E-08 | 1.67E-05 | 1.558 | RIKEN cDNA 1200009I06 gene (1200009I06Rik), mRNA [NM_028807] |
Klrg2 | 74253 | 1.80E-03 | 3.58E-02 | 1.432 | killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily G, member 2 (Klrg2), mRNA [NM_001033171] |
Wdr33 | 74320 | 3.43E-07 | 5.07E-05 | −2.457 | WD repeat domain 33 (Wdr33), mRNA [NM_028866] |
Ranbp10 | 74334 | 8.99E-05 | 4.29E-03 | 1.212 | RAN binding protein 10 (Ranbp10), mRNA [NM_145824] |
4931428F04Rik | 74356 | 1.77E-07 | 3.03E-05 | −2.400 | RIKEN cDNA 4931428F04 gene (4931428F04Rik), mRNA [NM_028888] |
4932417H02Rik | 74370 | 1.19E-03 | 2.75E-02 | −1.693 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4932417H02 product:hypothetical ARM repeat structure containing protein, full insert sequence. |
Ubap2l | 74383 | 7.07E-04 | 1.85E-02 | −1.115 | ubiquitin associated protein 2-like (Ubap2l), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_153489] |
Zfp819 | 74400 | 2.26E-03 | 4.17E-02 | 0.725 | zinc finger protein 819 (Zfp819), mRNA [NM_028913] |
Exoc3l2 | 74463 | 9.49E-04 | 2.30E-02 | 1.063 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4933417E01 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK016842] |
Samd4 | 74480 | 1.68E-03 | 3.41E-02 | −1.669 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700111L17 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK018954] |
8430428J23Rik | 74534 | 6.69E-04 | 1.78E-02 | 1.205 | 16 days embryo lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:8430428J23 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK018447] |
Elovl7 | 74559 | 4.90E-06 | 4.28E-04 | −2.557 | adult female vagina cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:9930019E07 product:Weakly similar to elongation of very long chain fatty acids protein 1, full insert sequence [AK137668] |
Glb1l | 74577 | 1.68E-03 | 3.41E-02 | 1.091 | galactosidase, beta 1-like, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:28635 IMAGE:4222994), complete cds. [BC021773] |
Mrpl47 | 74600 | 1.25E-03 | 2.85E-02 | 1.129 | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L47, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4954230), partial cds [BC029173] |
Trim14 | 74735 | 3.07E-04 | 1.05E-02 | −2.572 | tripartite motif-containing 14 (Trim14), mRNA [NM_029077] |
Usp38 | 74841 | 1.11E-04 | 5.04E-03 | −2.570 | ubiquitin specific peptidase 38 (Usp38), mRNA [NM_027554] |
Zcchc13 | 75064 | 1.32E-03 | 2.95E-02 | 2.009 | zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 13 (Zcchc13), mRNA [NM_029158] |
Sv2c | 75209 | 3.49E-06 | 3.31E-04 | −2.198 | adult male medulla oblongata cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6330582C22 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK078154] |
Rnf121 | 75212 | 1.02E-04 | 4.69E-03 | −2.080 | activated spleen cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:F830010E14 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK089714] |
4930534B04Rik | 75216 | 4.04E-07 | 5.76E-05 | −3.037 | RIKEN cDNA 4930534B04 gene (4930534B04Rik), mRNA [NM_181815] |
3200002M19Rik | 75430 | 2.91E-05 | 1.76E-03 | −2.424 | adult male medulla oblongata cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6330414C15 product:hypothetical Aspartic acid-rich region containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK018169] |
1700001C19Rik | 75462 | 1.74E-10 | 1.02E-07 | −3.010 | RIKEN cDNA 1700001C19 gene (1700001C19Rik), mRNA [NM_029296] |
Zbtb4 | 75580 | 1.69E-03 | 3.42E-02 | 1.000 | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 4 (Zbtb4), mRNA [NM_029348] |
2310035P21Rik | 75683 | 3.01E-04 | 1.04E-02 | −1.815 | adult male tongue cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2310035P21 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK009643] |
Anks6 | 75691 | 1.72E-05 | 1.15E-03 | −2.580 | 12 days embryo male wolffian duct includes surrounding region cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6720486H14 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK032990] |
4933415A04Rik | 75727 | 4.80E-04 | 1.41E-02 | 2.099 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4933415A04 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK016814] |
Mpp7 | 75739 | 5.98E-05 | 3.06E-03 | −2.180 | 0 day neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C230053G20 product:Similar to membrane protein, palmitoylated 3 (MAGUK p55 subfamily member 3) homolog [Homo sapiens], |
Them4 | 75778 | 1.07E-03 | 2.51E-02 | −2.039 | thioesterase superfamily member 4 (Them4), mRNA [NM_029431] |
5830417I10Rik | 76022 | 5.62E-08 | 1.21E-05 | −3.566 | 0 day neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C230095N02 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK049055] |
Arhgap15 | 76117 | 1.89E-03 | 3.69E-02 | −1.887 | Rho GTPase activating protein 15 (Arhgap15), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_153820] |
6230409E13Rik | 76132 | 6.66E-04 | 1.77E-02 | −2.800 | RIKEN cDNA 6230409E13 gene (6230409E13Rik), mRNA [NM_175234] |
Jakmip2 | 76217 | 3.59E-05 | 2.08E-03 | −2.244 | 12 days embryo eyeball cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D230008E15 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK051838] |
6530402F18Rik | 76220 | 1.34E-03 | 2.97E-02 | 2.028 | 10 days neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6530402F18 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK018312] |
Grhpr | 76238 | 2.27E-04 | 8.49E-03 | 0.807 | glyoxylate reductase/hydroxypyruvate reductase (Grhpr), mRNA [NM_080289] |
Ndfip2 | 76273 | 1.62E-03 | 3.33E-02 | 1.525 | 10, 11 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2810436B12 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK013250] |
Prss23 | 76453 | 1.49E-04 | 6.29E-03 | 2.396 | protease, serine, 23 (Prss23), mRNA [NM_029614] |
Ly6k | 76486 | 1.46E-04 | 6.19E-03 | −2.344 | lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus K (Ly6k), mRNA [NM_029627] |
Mib2 | 76580 | 2.10E-04 | 8.07E-03 | 0.999 | mindbomb homolog 2 (Drosophila) (Mib2), mRNA [NM_145124] |
Ipo11 | 76582 | 1.18E-04 | 5.24E-03 | −2.030 | importin 11 (Ipo11), mRNA [NM_029665] |
Srxn1 | 76650 | 2.10E-04 | 8.07E-03 | −1.880 | sulfiredoxin 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Srxn1), mRNA [NM_029688] |
Ttc18 | 76670 | 1.01E-03 | 2.43E-02 | 2.778 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4921518C22 product:hypothetical TPR repeat containing protein, full insert sequence [AK029536] |
Clasp1 | 76707 | 1.63E-03 | 3.35E-02 | −1.807 | CLIP associating protein 1 (Clasp1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001081276] |
Rab36 | 76877 | 1.86E-06 | 2.04E-04 | −2.260 | RAB36, member RAS oncogene family (Rab36), mRNA [NM_029781] |
Fam81a | 76886 | 2.55E-03 | 4.58E-02 | 1.977 | family with sequence similarity 81, member A (Fam81a), mRNA [NM_029784] |
Adck4 | 76889 | 1.99E-03 | 3.83E-02 | 1.398 | aarF domain containing kinase 4 (Adck4), mRNA [NM_133770] |
Ifi27 | 76933 | 2.53E-04 | 9.20E-03 | −1.343 | interferon, alpha-inducible protein 27 (Ifi27), mRNA [NM_029803] |
Psapl1 | 76943 | 1.02E-03 | 2.45E-02 | −2.247 | prosaposin-like 1 (Psapl1), mRNA [NM_175249] |
Mpped2 | 77015 | 1.75E-04 | 7.11E-03 | −1.947 | metallophosphoesterase domain containing 2 (Mpped2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001143683] |
4931408D14Rik | 77059 | 2.10E-04 | 8.07E-03 | −2.758 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4931408D14 product:weakly similar to 2900054E04RIK PROTEIN (FRAGMENT) [], full insert sequence [AK016444] |
9430040K09Rik | 77280 | 4.54E-11 | 3.22E-08 | −3.769 | 0 day neonate kidney cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D630032C06 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK142550] |
Fam162b | 77296 | 8.91E-08 | 1.69E-05 | −2.649 | family with sequence similarity 162, member B (Fam162b), mRNA [NM_029894] |
Ppp4r1l | 77310 | 3.57E-06 | 3.36E-04 | −2.166 | 0 day neonate head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4831403I15 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK029171] |
C030014I23Rik | 77381 | 1.38E-03 | 3.02E-02 | 2.342 | adult male corpus striatum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C030014I23 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK021081] |
Rbm35b | 77411 | 2.13E-03 | 4.00E-02 | −2.334 | 17 days pregnant adult female amnion cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:I920028B02 product:Hypothetical RNA-binding domain (Fragment), full insert sequence. [AK168488] |
9230112J17Rik | 77749 | 4.49E-04 | 1.35E-02 | 1.423 | adult male hypothalamus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A230052I24 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK038653] |
Lrrc42 | 77809 | 2.60E-04 | 9.40E-03 | −2.107 | leucine rich repeat containing 42 (Lrrc42), mRNA [NM_029985] |
9430065F17Rik | 77857 | 2.67E-04 | 9.57E-03 | 2.713 | 0 day neonate eyeball cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E130110G22 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK021377] |
Lbh | 77889 | 2.04E-06 | 2.17E-04 | −2.603 | limb-bud and heart (Lbh), mRNA [NM_029999] |
Yipf6 | 77929 | 1.86E-04 | 7.41E-03 | −2.379 | Yip1 domain family, member 6 (Yipf6), mRNA [NM_207633] |
Nuak1 | 77976 | 2.09E-07 | 3.48E-05 | −2.336 | NUAK family, SNF1-like kinase, 1 (Nuak1), mRNA [NM_001004363] |
Prr15 | 78004 | 6.77E-06 | 5.49E-04 | 1.652 | proline rich 15 (Prr15), mRNA [NM_030024] |
4930430O22Rik | 78154 | 2.35E-03 | 4.30E-02 | 2.034 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4930430O22 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK019590] |
Ng23 | 78376 | 1.16E-03 | 2.70E-02 | −1.912 | Ng23 protein (Ng23), mRNA [NM_023893] |
C330024D12Rik | 78444 | 2.11E-04 | 8.08E-03 | 2.236 | ES cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C330024D12 product:hypothetical Pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase (pyroglutamate aminopeptidase) structure containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK021221] |
1700065I16Rik | 78462 | 7.51E-05 | 3.70E-03 | 2.257 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700065I16 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK018879] |
Htra3 | 78558 | 1.70E-07 | 2.93E-05 | 3.423 | HtrA serine peptidase 3 (Htra3), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_030127] |
A330105O20Rik | 78590 | 2.07E-06 | 2.18E-04 | −2.416 | adult male spinal cord cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A330105O20 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK020736] |
Nrip3 | 78593 | 2.47E-05 | 1.54E-03 | −2.168 | nuclear receptor interacting protein 3 (Nrip3), mRNA [NM_020610] |
Tnrc4 | 78784 | 6.92E-04 | 1.82E-02 | 1.671 | trinucleotide repeat containing 4 (Tnrc4), mRNA [NM_172434] |
5830407P18Rik | 78818 | 1.56E-05 | 1.06E-03 | −2.627 | 6 days neonate head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5430437C10 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK017401] |
Pus7l | 78895 | 1.73E-03 | 3.47E-02 | 2.537 | 0 day neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A430080N03 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK040257] |
Spnb4 | 80297 | 9.53E-04 | 2.31E-02 | 1.513 | spectrin beta 4 (Spnb4), mRNA [NM_032610] |
Rhoj | 80837 | 1.05E-04 | 4.82E-03 | 1.337 | ras homolog gene family, member J (Rhoj), mRNA [NM_023275] |
Ghdc | 80860 | 9.62E-07 | 1.15E-04 | −2.146 | GH3 domain containing (Ghdc), mRNA [NM_031871] |
Ifitm2 | 80876 | 2.62E-03 | 4.69E-02 | −0.833 | interferon induced transmembrane protein 2 (Ifitm2), mRNA [NM_030694] |
Kank3 | 80880 | 4.68E-07 | 6.52E-05 | 1.446 | KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 3 (Kank3), mRNA [NM_030697] |
Ntng1 | 80883 | 8.22E-09 | 2.30E-06 | −2.563 | PREDICTED: hypothetical protein LOC100046244 (LOC100046244), mRNA [XM_001475857] |
Ankrd17 | 81702 | 3.50E-04 | 1.14E-02 | 1.169 | 13 days embryo male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6030410M12 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK031350] |
Tlr9 | 81897 | 3.82E-04 | 1.22E-02 | 1.040 | toll-like receptor 9 (Tlr9), mRNA [NM_031178] |
Glis2 | 83396 | 3.68E-04 | 1.18E-02 | 2.944 | GLIS family zinc finger 2 (Glis2), mRNA [NM_031184] |
Gimap3 | 83408 | 6.76E-09 | 1.99E-06 | −2.875 | GTPase, IMAP family member 3 (Gimap3), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_031247] |
Tdrd1 | 83561 | 6.71E-09 | 1.99E-06 | −2.520 | tudor domain containing 1 (Tdrd1), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_001002241] |
Bicc1 | 83675 | 4.43E-06 | 3.94E-04 | 1.789 | bicaudal C homolog 1 (Drosophila) (Bicc1), mRNA [NM_031397] |
Kremen1 | 84035 | 5.87E-05 | 3.02E-03 | 2.719 | kringle containing transmembrane protein 1 (Kremen1), mRNA [NM_032396] |
Plvap | 84094 | 1.55E-07 | 2.73E-05 | 1.874 | plasmalemma vesicle associated protein (Plvap), mRNA [NM_032398] |
Zfp192 | 93681 | 1.98E-08 | 4.77E-06 | −3.066 | zinc finger protein 192 (Zfp192), mRNA [NM_139141] |
Narg2 | 93697 | 7.75E-05 | 3.80E-03 | −2.803 | NMDA receptor-regulated gene 2 (Narg2), mRNA [NM_145618] |
Rnf111 | 93836 | 1.56E-03 | 3.26E-02 | 1.142 | ring finger 111 (Rnf111), mRNA [NM_033604] |
Vangl2 | 93840 | 1.49E-03 | 3.16E-02 | −1.881 | vang-like 2 (van gogh, Drosophila) (Vangl2), mRNA [NM_033509] |
Wwtr1 | 97064 | 5.34E-05 | 2.85E-03 | 1.979 | WW domain containing transcription regulator 1 (Wwtr1), mRNA [NM_133784] |
B3gnt9 | 97440 | 7.84E-08 | 1.56E-05 | −2.592 | UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 9 (B3gnt9), mRNA [NM_178879] |
Wdr42a | 98193 | 1.98E-03 | 3.81E-02 | −1.651 | WD repeat domain 42A (Wdr42a), mRNA [NM_153555] |
1190005F20Rik | 98685 | 1.38E-03 | 3.03E-02 | −2.010 | RIKEN cDNA 1190005F20 gene (1190005F20Rik), mRNA [NM_026876] |
Obsl1 | 98733 | 1.71E-04 | 7.01E-03 | −2.110 | obscurin-like 1 (Obsl1), mRNA [NM_178884] |
Cul4a | 99375 | 2.77E-04 | 9.79E-03 | −1.788 | cullin 4A (Cul4a), mRNA [NM_146207] |
9630041G16Rik | 100223 | 2.59E-04 | 9.37E-03 | −2.754 | 16 days neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:9630041G16 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK079356] |
Smpdl3b | 100340 | 1.97E-05 | 1.28E-03 | 3.004 | sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase, acid-like 3B (Smpdl3b), mRNA [NM_133888] |
1110008J03Rik | 100764 | 4.19E-08 | 9.27E-06 | −2.477 | RIKEN cDNA 1110008J03 gene (1110008J03Rik), mRNA [NM_029096] |
Ttll3 | 101100 | 7.09E-09 | 2.06E-06 | −2.780 | tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 3, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:3597662), complete cds. [BC006830] |
Fbxl14 | 101358 | 2.08E-03 | 3.93E-02 | 1.066 | F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 14 (Fbxl14), mRNA [NM_133940] |
Adamts9 | 101401 | 1.13E-03 | 2.65E-02 | −1.803 | 10 day old male pancreas cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1810011L16 product:similar to ADAMTS-9 PRECURSOR (EC 3.4.24.-)( |
Dhx32 | 101437 | 3.06E-04 | 1.04E-02 | 1.036 | DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 32 (Dhx32), mRNA [NM_133941] |
Wtip | 101543 | 5.86E-07 | 7.81E-05 | 1.849 | WT1-interacting protein (Wtip), mRNA [NM_207212] |
Agpat6 | 102247 | 2.01E-06 | 2.15E-04 | −3.231 | 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 6 (lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase, zeta) (Agpat6), mRNA [NM_018743] |
Slc6a8 | 102857 | 1.74E-05 | 1.16E-03 | 1.704 | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, creatine), member 8 (Slc6a8), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_133987] |
Pls3 | 102866 | 4.73E-04 | 1.39E-02 | 1.230 | plastin 3 (T-isoform) (Pls3), mRNA [NM_145629] |
B630019K06Rik | 102941 | 9.04E-05 | 4.30E-03 | −2.668 | RIKEN cDNA B630019K06 gene (B630019K06Rik), mRNA [NM_175327] |
Upb1 | 103149 | 8.13E-04 | 2.07E-02 | −0.884 | ureidopropionase, beta (Upb1), mRNA [NM_133995] |
Chchd10 | 103172 | 2.10E-03 | 3.96E-02 | −0.632 | coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 10 (Chchd10), mRNA [NM_175329] |
4932439E07Rik | 103405 | 1.17E-03 | 2.71E-02 | −1.802 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4932439E07 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK077051] |
Mgat4b | 103534 | 2.64E-03 | 4.70E-02 | −1.702 | mannoside acetylglucosaminyltransferase 4, isoenzyme B (Mgat4b), mRNA [NM_145926] |
AI449309 | 103727 | 1.99E-04 | 7.80E-03 | 2.026 | UI-M-BH1-amc-g-06-0-UI.r1 NIH_BMAP_M_S2 cDNA clone UI-M-BH1-amc-g-06-0-UI 5′. [BE647330] |
Cyp27a1 | 104086 | 1.63E-06 | 1.81E-04 | −2.754 | cytochrome P450, family 27, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 (Cyp27a1), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_024264] |
Adcy4 | 104110 | 1.18E-04 | 5.23E-03 | 1.278 | adenylate cyclase 4 (Adcy4), mRNA [NM_080435] |
Cdc42ep1 | 104445 | 3.19E-04 | 1.07E-02 | 1.392 | CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 1 (Cdc42ep1), mRNA [NM_027219] |
Ccdc117 | 104479 | 2.39E-05 | 1.50E-03 | −3.019 | coiled-coil domain containing 117 (Ccdc117), mRNA [NM_134033] |
Iars | 105148 | 7.81E-06 | 6.09E-04 | −2.055 | isoleucine-tRNA synthetase (Iars), mRNA [NM_172015] |
Nhlrc1 | 105193 | 5.06E-04 | 1.46E-02 | −2.158 | NHL repeat containing 1 (Nhlrc1), mRNA [NM_175340] |
Golm1 | 105348 | 1.64E-03 | 3.36E-02 | 0.650 | golgi membrane protein 1 (Golm1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_027307] |
Fam149b | 105428 | 1.97E-03 | 3.80E-02 | 2.419 | family with sequence similarity 149, member B (Fam149b), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001024512] |
Slain1 | 105439 | 3.28E-06 | 3.16E-04 | −2.149 | SLAIN motif family, member 1 (Slain1), mRNA [NM_198014] |
Dock9 | 105445 | 1.40E-06 | 1.59E-04 | −2.391 | dedicator of cytokinesis 9 (Dock9), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_001128307] |
Mmrn2 | 105450 | 1.06E-05 | 7.82E-04 | 1.356 | multimerin 2 (Mmrn2), mRNA [NM_153127] |
Ppif | 105675 | 2.20E-04 | 8.32E-03 | −2.063 | peptidylprolyl isomerase F (cyclophilin F) (Ppif), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_134084] |
Slc38a1 | 105727 | 2.22E-05 | 1.41E-03 | −2.425 | solute carrier family 38, member 1 (Slc38a1), mRNA [NM_134086] |
Zc3h7a | 106205 | 1.80E-03 | 3.58E-02 | −1.452 | zinc finger CCCH type containing 7 A (Zc3h7a), mRNA [NM_145931] |
Eaf2 | 106389 | 1.81E-03 | 3.59E-02 | −1.350 | ELL associated factor 2 (Eaf2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_134111] |
Ift140 | 106633 | 4.80E-05 | 2.64E-03 | 3.301 | intraflagellar transport 140 homolog (Chlamydomonas) (Ift140), mRNA [NM_134126] |
Ttbk1 | 106763 | 1.97E-04 | 7.77E-03 | 1.619 | PREDICTED: tau tubulin kinase 1 (Ttbk1), mRNA [XM_001480065] |
Kctd1 | 106931 | 2.71E-03 | 4.78E-02 | −1.877 | 10 days neonate olfactory brain cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E530017G24 product:weakly similar to CDNA FLJ14995 FIS, CLONE |
Arap3 | 106952 | 2.09E-04 | 8.06E-03 | 1.329 | 0 day neonate lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E030006K04 product:PHOSPHOINOSITIDE-BINDING PROTEINS homolog [Homo sapiens], full insert sequence. [AK053122] |
Unc5b | 107449 | 3.21E-05 | 1.91E-03 | −2.291 | unc-5 homolog B (C. elegans) (Unc5b), mRNA [NM_029770] |
Tm6sf2 | 107770 | 1.45E-03 | 3.10E-02 | 1.881 | transmembrane 6 superfamily member 2, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:37441 IMAGE:4982620), complete cds. [BC024498] |
Bfsp2 | 107993 | 1.13E-05 | 8.23E-04 | −1.585 | beaded filament structural protein 2, phakinin (Bfsp2), mRNA [NM_001002896] |
Ap1s2 | 108012 | 1.92E-05 | 1.26E-03 | −2.496 | adaptor-related protein complex 1, sigma 2 subunit (Ap1s2), mRNA [NM_026887] |
Lin7a | 108030 | 7.98E-05 | 3.89E-03 | −1.894 | lin-7 homolog A (C. elegans) (Lin7a), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001039354] |
Ltbp4 | 108075 | 1.20E-03 | 2.76E-02 | 1.243 | latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 4 (Ltbp4), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_175641] |
4933403F05Rik | 108654 | 7.90E-05 | 3.86E-03 | −1.847 | RIKEN cDNA 4933403F05 gene (4933403F05Rik), mRNA [NM_153794] |
Foxp1 | 108655 | 1.69E-03 | 3.42E-02 | −2.089 | adult male medulla oblongata cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6330416B21 product:forkhead box P1, full insert sequence. [AK031837] |
Mex3b | 108797 | 5.59E-05 | 2.93E-03 | 2.225 | premature mRNA for mKIAA2009 protein [AK173330] |
Jmjd1c | 108829 | 2.84E-03 | 4.92E-02 | −1.932 | mRNA for mKIAA1380 protein. [AK173162] |
Cdca2 | 108912 | 6.87E-07 | 8.81E-05 | 2.241 | 13 days embryo forelimb cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5930403H17 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK031083] |
Obfc2a | 109019 | 2.71E-03 | 4.78E-02 | −1.830 | 3 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A630084H02 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK042351] |
Prkcdbp | 109042 | 2.09E-05 | 1.34E-03 | 1.250 | protein kinase C, delta binding protein (Prkcdbp), mRNA [NM_028444] |
Ints5 | 109077 | 6.78E-07 | 8.74E-05 | −2.485 | integrator complex subunit 5 (Ints5), mRNA [NM_176843] |
Kif24 | 109242 | 6.43E-06 | 5.29E-04 | −2.541 | kinesin family member 24 (Kif24), mRNA [NM_024241] |
Tspan9 | 109246 | 1.41E-07 | 2.52E-05 | 1.777 | tetraspanin 9 (Tspan9), mRNA [NM_175414] |
Itga1 | 109700 | 1.96E-03 | 3.78E-02 | −1.882 | integrin alpha 1 (Itga1), mRNA [NM_001033228] |
Hba-a2 | 110257 | 6.30E-09 | 1.90E-06 | 1.684 | Mouse alpha-globin mRNA. [M10466] |
Bcr | 110279 | 3.93E-13 | 9.48E-10 | −3.362 | breakpoint cluster region (Bcr), mRNA [NM_001081412] |
Acat2 | 110460 | 1.67E-04 | 6.86E-03 | 1.334 | acetyl-Coenzyme A acetyltransferase 2 (Acat2), mRNA [NM_009338] |
Fntb | 110606 | 1.26E-04 | 5.49E-03 | −2.799 | farnesyltransferase, CAAX box, beta (Fntb), mRNA [NM_145927] |
Igh | 111507 | 1.44E-05 | 1.00E-03 | 2.909 | Mouse IgMk rearranged heavy-chain mRNA variable region (V-D-J) anti-DNA autoantibody [M20831] |
V1rb8 | 113856 | 2.73E-03 | 4.79E-02 | 2.201 | vomeronasal 1 receptor, B8 (V1rb8), mRNA [NM_053229] |
Aipl1 | 114230 | 1.14E-03 | 2.65E-02 | 2.603 | aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein-like 1 (Aipl1), mRNA [NM_053245] |
Dcun1d1 | 114893 | 2.30E-03 | 4.23E-02 | −1.706 | RP42 mRNA, complete cds [AF198092] |
Prelp | 116847 | 6.11E-07 | 8.05E-05 | 1.541 | proline arginine-rich end leucine-rich repeat (Prelp), mRNA [NM_054077] |
Slc2a9 | 117591 | 3.54E-05 | 2.06E-03 | −2.032 | solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 9 (Slc2a9), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001012363] |
Man2a2 | 140481 | 2.58E-05 | 1.60E-03 | −2.642 | mannosidase 2, alpha 2 (Man2a2), mRNA [NM_172903] |
Ppp1r3a | 140491 | 2.17E-03 | 4.05E-02 | 1.954 | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 3A (Ppp1r3a), mRNA [NM_080464] |
Eri3 | 140546 | 2.01E-09 | 7.57E-07 | −2.620 | exoribonuclease 3 (Eri3), mRNA [NM_080469] |
Sesn1 | 140742 | 2.93E-12 | 3.07E-09 | −3.161 | sestrin 1 (Sesn1), mRNA [NM_001013370] |
Lnx2 | 140887 | 4.38E-04 | 1.32E-02 | −1.965 | ligand of numb-protein X 2 (Lnx2), mRNA [NM_080795] |
Slc2a10 | 170441 | 2.86E-03 | 4.95E-02 | 2.644 | solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 10 (Slc2a10), mRNA [NM_130451] |
Grin3b | 170483 | 7.68E-09 | 2.18E-06 | −3.830 | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA3B (Grin3b), mRNA [NM_130455] |
Tmem37 | 170706 | 5.64E-04 | 1.57E-02 | 0.901 | transmembrane protein 37 (Tmem37), mRNA [NM_019432] |
Rac3 | 170758 | 8.45E-04 | 2.12E-02 | 1.255 | RAS-related C3 botulinum substrate 3 (Rac3), mRNA [NM_133223] |
Ripply3 | 170765 | 4.26E-04 | 1.30E-02 | 1.480 | ripply3 homolog (zebrafish) (Ripply3), mRNA [NM_133229] |
AY036118 | 170798 | 1.42E-03 | 3.07E-02 | 1.891 | ETS-related transcription factor ERF (Erf1) mRNA, complete cds. [AY036118] |
Usp33 | 170822 | 4.17E-04 | 1.28E-02 | −1.996 | 10 days neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B930083N20 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK047530] |
Zfp617 | 170938 | 9.29E-04 | 2.27E-02 | −2.422 | zinc finger protein 617 (Zfp617), mRNA [NM_133358] |
V1rh7 | 171250 | 3.10E-05 | 1.85E-03 | 2.842 | vomeronasal 1 receptor, H7 (V1rh7), mRNA [NM_134216] |
Creld1 | 171508 | 1.98E-03 | 3.81E-02 | −2.567 | cysteine-rich with EGF-like domains 1 (Creld1), mRNA [NM_133930] |
Stab1 | 192187 | 1.16E-04 | 5.20E-03 | 1.579 | stabilin 1 (Stab1), mRNA [NM_138672] |
Stab2 | 192188 | 5.94E-05 | 3.05E-03 | 1.441 | stabilin 2 (Stab2), mRNA [NM_138673] |
Tmlhe | 192289 | 4.41E-04 | 1.33E-02 | −1.874 | trimethyllysine hydroxylase, epsilon (Tmlhe), mRNA [NM_138758] |
Zfp286 | 192651 | 2.32E-12 | 2.66E-09 | −3.237 | zinc finger protein 286 (Zfp286), mRNA [NM_138949] |
Wdr81 | 192652 | 6.22E-04 | 1.68E-02 | 0.703 | PREDICTED: WD repeat domain 81 (Wdr81), mRNA [XM_001002633] |
Pcdhg@ | 192682 | 1.21E-04 | 5.32E-03 | −1.883 | 10 days neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B930087D19 product:protocadherin gamma subfamily B, 2, |
Itgb4 | 192897 | 1.42E-03 | 3.07E-02 | 1.166 | integrin beta 4 (Itgb4), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001005608] |
BC049762 | 193286 | 2.42E-03 | 4.39E-02 | 1.775 | cDNA sequence BC049762 (BC049762), mRNA [NM_177567] |
Fam65b | 193385 | 1.20E-03 | 2.77E-02 | −1.054 | family with sequence similarity 65, member B (Fam65b), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001080381] |
Rbms3 | 207181 | 1.59E-04 | 6.61E-03 | −2.147 | RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein (Rbms3), mRNA [NM_178660] |
Zbtb7c | 207259 | 6.10E-05 | 3.10E-03 | 1.232 | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7C (Zbtb7c), mRNA [NM_145356] |
Kctd12b | 207474 | 1.47E-03 | 3.14E-02 | 1.240 | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 12b (Kctd12b), mRNA [NM_175429] |
BC004728 | 207818 | 6.78E-05 | 3.40E-03 | 1.412 | cDNA sequence BC004728 (BC004728), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_174992] |
Aph1b | 208117 | 1.90E-03 | 3.71E-02 | −1.372 | anterior pharynx defective 1b homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1b), mRNA [NM_177583] |
Eif4g1 | 208643 | 8.34E-07 | 1.03E-04 | −2.326 | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4, gamma 1 (Eif4g1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_145941] |
Cblb | 208650 | 2.12E-04 | 8.08E-03 | −1.928 | 9.5 days embryo parthenogenote cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B130018P07 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK045005] |
Aqp12 | 208760 | 2.55E-03 | 4.58E-02 | 2.415 | aquaporin 12 (Aqp12), mRNA [NM_177587] |
Cpeb3 | 208922 | 3.18E-04 | 1.07E-02 | −1.977 | cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3 (Cpeb3), mRNA [NM_198300] |
Npb | 208990 | 7.79E-04 | 2.00E-02 | −1.856 | neuropeptide B (Npb), mRNA [NM_153288] |
EG211331 | 211331 | 2.76E-03 | 4.83E-02 | −0.722 | BY724721 RIKEN full-length enriched, adult male aorta and vein cDNA clone A530011I23 5′. [BY724721] |
Arfgef1 | 211673 | 1.26E-03 | 2.85E-02 | −1.920 | ADP-ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide-exchange factor 1(brefeldin A-inhibited) (Arfgef1), mRNA [NM_001102430] |
2810046L04Rik | 212127 | 7.76E-04 | 1.99E-02 | −1.776 | RIKEN cDNA 2810046L04 gene (2810046L04Rik), mRNA [NM_173382] |
Zswim4 | 212168 | 1.42E-03 | 3.07E-02 | −1.715 | zinc finger, SWIM domain containing 4 (Zswim4), mRNA [NM_172503] |
A530054K11Rik | 212281 | 5.75E-04 | 1.59E-02 | −2.587 | RIKEN cDNA A530054K11 gene (A530054K11Rik), mRNA [NM_183146] |
2700007P21Rik | 212772 | 1.33E-03 | 2.95E-02 | 1.037 | RIKEN cDNA 2700007P21 gene (2700007P21Rik), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001025102] |
Kctd7 | 212919 | 1.45E-04 | 6.19E-03 | −1.940 | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 7 (Kctd7), mRNA [NM_172509] |
Nudt18 | 213484 | 2.03E-03 | 3.86E-02 | −1.874 | nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 18 (Nudt18), mRNA [NM_153136] |
Efcab4a | 213573 | 6.05E-05 | 3.08E-03 | 1.469 | EF-hand calcium binding domain 4A (Efcab4a), mRNA [NM_001025103] |
Tmem82 | 213989 | 1.57E-04 | 6.57E-03 | 2.430 | transmembrane protein 82 (Tmem82), mRNA [NM_145987] |
Crygn | 214301 | 6.94E-04 | 1.82E-02 | 1.918 | crystallin, gamma N (Crygn), mRNA [NM_153076] |
2700050L05Rik | 214764 | 4.94E-04 | 1.44E-02 | −1.935 | RIKEN cDNA 2700050L05 gene (2700050L05Rik), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_145995] |
Zfp609 | 214812 | 1.41E-03 | 3.07E-02 | 2.737 | zinc finger protein 609 (Zfp609), mRNA [NM_172536] |
Cecr5 | 214932 | 2.20E-03 | 4.08E-02 | −1.640 | cat eye syndrome chromosome region, candidate 5 homolog (human) (Cecr5), mRNA [NM_144815] |
Vezt | 215008 | 1.37E-06 | 1.57E-04 | −2.304 | vezatin, adherens junctions transmembrane protein (Vezt), mRNA [NM_172538] |
Rhbdd2 | 215160 | 2.84E-04 | 9.92E-03 | −2.025 | rhomboid domain containing 2 (Rhbdd2), mRNA [NM_146002] |
Traf3ip3 | 215243 | 1.03E-03 | 2.46E-02 | 0.859 | TRAF3 interacting protein 3 (Traf3ip3), mRNA [NM_153137] |
Il1f9 | 215257 | 6.87E-04 | 1.81E-02 | −2.010 | interleukin 1 family, member 9 (Il1f9), mRNA [NM_153511] |
Slc36a3 | 215332 | 2.38E-03 | 4.34E-02 | −1.759 | solute carrier family 36 (proton/amino acid symporter), member 3 (Slc36a3), mRNA [NM_172258] |
Fcgbp | 215384 | 1.38E-03 | 3.03E-02 | 2.111 | Fc fragment of IgG binding protein (Fcgbp), mRNA [NM_001122603] |
Rassf2 | 215653 | 2.74E-03 | 4.81E-02 | 1.096 | Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 2 (Rassf2), mRNA [NM_175445] |
Mfsd6l | 215723 | 1.22E-03 | 2.80E-02 | 1.296 | major facilitator superfamily domain containing 6-like (Mfsd6l), mRNA [NM_146004] |
Pdxk | 216134 | 2.10E-03 | 3.96E-02 | −1.863 | pyridoxal (pyridoxine, vitamin B6) kinase (Pdxk), mRNA [NM_172134] |
Shc2 | 216148 | 6.72E-04 | 1.78E-02 | 1.062 | src homology 2 domain-containing transforming protein C2 (Shc2), mRNA [NM_001024539] |
Gls2 | 216456 | 5.31E-05 | 2.84E-03 | 1.499 | glutaminase 2 (liver, mitochondrial) (Gls2), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_001033264] |
Chd3 | 216848 | 3.38E-05 | 1.98E-03 | −2.090 | chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 3 (Chd3), mRNA [NM_146019] |
Unc45b | 217012 | 1.53E-05 | 1.05E-03 | 1.787 | unc-45 homolog B (C. elegans) (Unc45b), mRNA [NM_178680] |
Heatr6 | 217026 | 2.46E-04 | 9.04E-03 | −1.257 | HEAT repeat containing 6 (Heatr6), mRNA [NM_145432] |
Myo15b | 217328 | 9.87E-07 | 1.18E-04 | −3.731 | mRNA for mKIAA1783 protein [AK173262] |
6030408C04Rik | 217558 | 1.34E-03 | 2.96E-02 | −1.732 | RIKEN cDNA 6030408C04 gene (6030408C04Rik), mRNA [NM_001015099] |
Gm527 | 217648 | 4.21E-04 | 1.29E-02 | −1.824 | gene model 527, (NCBI) (Gm527), mRNA [NM_001025605] |
4933426M11Rik | 217684 | 2.11E-11 | 1.70E-08 | −3.272 | RIKEN cDNA 4933426M11 gene (4933426M11Rik), mRNA [NM_178682] |
Mlh3 | 217716 | 2.95E-08 | 6.71E-06 | −2.639 | mutL homolog 3 (E coli) (Mlh3), mRNA [NM_175337] |
2310044G17Rik | 217732 | 2.68E-04 | 9.57E-03 | −1.804 | RIKEN cDNA 2310044G17 gene (2310044G17Rik), mRNA [NM_173735] |
BC002230 | 217827 | 2.47E-07 | 4.00E-05 | −2.259 | PREDICTED: cDNA sequence BC002230, transcript variant 1 (BC002230), mRNA [XM_484171] |
Mylip | 218203 | 1.92E-03 | 3.74E-02 | 1.142 | myosin regulatory light chain interacting protein (Mylip), mRNA [NM_153789] |
Ankrd34b | 218440 | 1.95E-03 | 3.77E-02 | −1.794 | ankyrin repeat domain 34B (Ankrd34b), mRNA [NM_175455] |
BC025446 | 223631 | 8.36E-04 | 2.11E-02 | −1.880 | cDNA sequence BC025446, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:29251 IMAGE:5053382), complete cds [BC025446] |
Zc3h3 | 223642 | 1.25E-05 | 8.89E-04 | −2.162 | zinc finger CCCH type containing 3 (Zc3h3), mRNA [NM_172121] |
Nrbp2 | 223649 | 1.78E-05 | 1.18E-03 | 2.222 | nuclear receptor binding protein 2, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:6419290) [BC068117] |
5031439G07Rik | 223739 | 1.81E-03 | 3.59E-02 | 1.149 | RIKEN cDNA 5031439G07 gene (5031439G07Rik), mRNA [NM_001033273] |
Rnd1 | 223881 | 9.66E-05 | 4.52E-03 | −2.043 | 0 day neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A430040J04 product:similar to RHO-RELATED GTP-BINDING PROTEIN RHO6 (RND1) [Homo sapiens], full insert |
Atf7 | 223922 | 2.35E-03 | 4.30E-02 | −1.881 | NOD-derived CD11c +ve dendritic cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:F630037N13 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK170250] |
Dirc2 | 224132 | 2.02E-03 | 3.85E-02 | 0.919 | disrupted in renal carcinoma 2 (human) (Dirc2), mRNA [NM_153550] |
Ktelc1 | 224143 | 6.72E-08 | 1.41E-05 | −2.445 | KTEL (Lys-Tyr-Glu-Leu) containing 1 (Ktelc1), mRNA [NM_172380] |
Cldnd1 | 224250 | 4.05E-04 | 1.26E-02 | −1.487 | claudin domain containing 1 (Cldnd1), mRNA [NM_171826] |
Acat3 | 224530 | 3.19E-04 | 1.07E-02 | 1.697 | acetyl-Coenzyme A acetyltransferase 3 (Acat3), mRNA [NM_153151] |
D17Wsu92e | 224647 | 1.35E-03 | 2.98E-02 | −1.796 | DNA segment, Chr 17, Wayne State University 92, expressed (D17Wsu92e), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001044719] |
Gpr116 | 224792 | 2.86E-03 | 4.95E-02 | 1.142 | G protein-coupled receptor 116 (Gpr116), mRNA [NM_001081178] |
Sfrs7 | 225027 | 1.21E-03 | 2.77E-02 | −3.114 | splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 7 (Sfrs7), mRNA [NM_146083] |
Lims2 | 225341 | 2.54E-04 | 9.23E-03 | 1.670 | LIM and senescent cell antigen like domains 2 (Lims2), mRNA [NM_144862] |
Cep120 | 225523 | 4.43E-10 | 2.14E-07 | −2.589 | centrosomal protein 120 (Cep120), mRNA [NM_178686] |
Slmo1 | 225655 | 2.03E-03 | 3.86E-02 | 1.223 | 10 days neonate cortex cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A830096K14 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK044163] |
BC021614 | 225884 | 1.90E-05 | 1.25E-03 | −2.316 | cDNA sequence BC021614 (BC021614), mRNA [NM_144869] |
Myof | 226101 | 7.89E-04 | 2.02E-02 | 1.103 | myoferlin (Myof), mRNA [NM_001099634] |
Taf5 | 226182 | 1.94E-05 | 1.27E-03 | −2.385 | TAF5 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor (Taf5), mRNA [NM_177342] |
Ahctf1 | 226747 | 5.06E-05 | 2.74E-03 | −2.007 | AT hook containing transcription factor 1 (Ahctf1), mRNA [NM_026375] |
Gm106 | 226866 | 2.65E-03 | 4.71E-02 | −3.280 | gene model 106, (NCBI) (Gm106), mRNA [NM_001033288] |
Plcl1 | 227120 | 1.38E-08 | 3.43E-06 | −2.791 | 0 day neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C230017K02 product:similar to CDNA FLJ13484 FIS, CLONE PLACE1003888, |
Usp40 | 227334 | 1.61E-03 | 3.32E-02 | 2.934 | ubiquitin specific peptidase 40 (Usp40), mRNA [NM_001033291] |
Phyhd1 | 227696 | 2.37E-04 | 8.78E-03 | 1.053 | phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase domain containing 1 (Phyhd1), mRNA [NM_172267] |
Ccdc148 | 227933 | 1.28E-03 | 2.87E-02 | −1.759 | 0 day neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A430070N18 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK040157] |
Tnks1bp1 | 228140 | 1.01E-03 | 2.43E-02 | −1.445 | tankyrase 1 binding protein 1 (Tnks1bp1), mRNA [NM_001081260] |
Vps18 | 228545 | 3.20E-06 | 3.12E-04 | −2.287 | vacuolar protein sorting 18 (yeast) (Vps18), mRNA [NM_172269] |
Prkcbp1 | 228880 | 2.47E-04 | 9.05E-03 | −1.266 | protein kinase C binding protein 1 (Prkcbp1), mRNA [NM_027230] |
Tm4sf4 | 229302 | 3.49E-04 | 1.14E-02 | 1.976 | transmembrane 4 superfamily member 4 (Tm4sf4), mRNA [NM_145539] |
D930015E06Rik | 229473 | 2.63E-07 | 4.14E-05 | −3.074 | 2 days neonate thymus thymic cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E430020C19 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK153996] |
Fhdc1 | 229474 | 2.67E-07 | 4.17E-05 | 2.153 | FH2 domain containing 1 (Fhdc1), mRNA [NM_001033301] |
Isg20l2 | 229504 | 5.51E-05 | 2.91E-03 | 1.368 | interferon stimulated exonuclease gene 20-like 2 (Isg20l2), mRNA [NM_177663] |
Smg5 | 229512 | 1.56E-03 | 3.26E-02 | −1.717 | Smg-5 homolog, nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor (C. elegans), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:118167 IMAGE:30734268), complete cds. [BC100408] |
Adamtsl4 | 229595 | 5.52E-04 | 1.55E-02 | 2.833 | ADAMTS-like 4 (Adamtsl4), mRNA [NM_144899] |
Vangl1 | 229658 | 9.53E-05 | 4.49E-03 | 1.492 | vang-like 1 (van gogh, Drosophila), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:3669388), partial cds [BC024687] |
Ak5 | 229949 | 2.65E-06 | 2.72E-04 | −2.728 | adenylate kinase 5 (Ak5), mRNA [NM_001081277] |
Ddx58 | 230073 | 6.61E-04 | 1.77E-02 | −1.294 | DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 58 (Ddx58), mRNA [NM_172689] |
Galnt12 | 230145 | 1.06E-03 | 2.51E-02 | −2.672 | UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosamine:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 12 (Galnt12), mRNA [NM_172693] |
Aldob | 230163 | 6.53E-06 | 5.36E-04 | 1.361 | aldolase B, fructose-bisphosphate (Aldob), mRNA [NM_144903] |
E130308A19Rik | 230259 | 1.89E-03 | 3.69E-02 | −1.055 | RIKEN cDNA E130308A19 gene (E130308A19Rik), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_153158] |
Atpaf1 | 230649 | 2.40E-04 | 8.84E-03 | 1.130 | adult male medulla oblongata cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6330547J17 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK032020] |
Fam176b | 230752 | 3.01E-05 | 1.81E-03 | 1.051 | family with sequence similarity 176, member B (Fam176b), mRNA [NM_172145] |
Fam167b | 230766 | 1.67E-03 | 3.39E-02 | 1.240 | family with sequence similarity 167, member B (Fam167b), mRNA [NM_182783] |
Iqcc | 230767 | 1.48E-03 | 3.14E-02 | −2.346 | IQ motif containing C (Iqcc), mRNA [NM_198026] |
Fam76a | 230789 | 2.12E-03 | 3.98E-02 | 0.735 | 16 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A130052N11 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK037828] |
Nppa | 230899 | 8.20E-04 | 2.09E-02 | 1.169 | natriuretic peptide precursor type A (Nppa), mRNA [NM_008725] |
Plekhn1 | 231002 | 4.32E-04 | 1.31E-02 | 1.482 | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family N member 1 (Plekhn1), mRNA [NM_001008233] |
Mll3 | 231051 | 1.10E-03 | 2.58E-02 | −1.853 | 15 days embryo male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:8030497B12 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK033339] |
Agbl5 | 231093 | 4.59E-04 | 1.36E-02 | 1.854 | ATP/GTP binding protein-like 5 (Agbl5), transcript variant 5, mRNA [NM_174849] |
Sh3tc1 | 231147 | 1.39E-04 | 5.95E-03 | 0.857 | SH3 domain and tetratricopeptide repeats 1 (Sh3tc1), mRNA [NM_194344] |
Guf1 | 231279 | 1.55E-04 | 6.50E-03 | −1.957 | GUF1 GTPase homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Guf1), mRNA [NM_172711] |
Paqr3 | 231474 | 1.89E-03 | 3.69E-02 | −2.167 | adult male pituitary gland cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5330440B03 product:Bmp2-inducible kinase, full insert sequence. [AK030634] |
Fbxo21 | 231670 | 3.06E-04 | 1.04E-02 | −1.891 | F-box protein 21 (Fbxo21), mRNA [NM_145564] |
Cyp26b1 | 232174 | 5.36E-05 | 2.85E-03 | −2.028 | cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 (Cyp26b1), mRNA [NM_175475] |
Ankrd26 | 232339 | 1.06E-04 | 4.86E-03 | −2.387 | ankyrin repeat domain 26 (Ankrd26), mRNA [NM_001081112] |
Wnk1 | 232341 | 2.48E-03 | 4.48E-02 | −1.841 | adult male olfactory brain cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6430573H23 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK032505] |
Gprc5a | 232431 | 6.42E-04 | 1.73E-02 | 1.300 | G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member A (Gprc5a), mRNA [NM_181444] |
Lrfn3 | 233067 | 4.41E-04 | 1.33E-02 | 1.992 | leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 3 (Lrfn3), mRNA [NM_175478] |
Tbc1d17 | 233204 | 2.37E-03 | 4.33E-02 | 1.940 | 2 days pregnant adult female ovary cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E330015O10 product:interleukin-four induced gene 1, full insert sequence [AK087754] |
Lrrk1 | 233328 | 1.16E-03 | 2.69E-02 | −1.374 | leucine-rich repeat kinase 1 (Lrrk1), mRNA [NM_146191] |
Frag1 | 233575 | 2.34E-03 | 4.30E-02 | −1.004 | FGF receptor activating protein 1 (Frag1), mRNA [NM_145583] |
Palb2 | 233826 | 7.33E-05 | 3.63E-03 | −1.870 | 10 days neonate skin cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4732427B05 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK028653] |
Fbxl19 | 233902 | 4.18E-04 | 1.28E-02 | 1.323 | F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 19 (Fbxl19), mRNA [NM_172748] |
Adprhl1 | 234072 | 1.27E-06 | 1.46E-04 | 2.058 | ADP-ribosylhydrolase like 1 (Adprhl1), mRNA [NM_172750] |
Whsc1l1 | 234135 | 2.44E-07 | 3.98E-05 | −3.044 | Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1-like 1 (human) (Whsc1l1), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001081269] |
Fgl1 | 234199 | 2.04E-03 | 3.88E-02 | 1.783 | 2 days neonate thymus thymic cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C920030L09 product:hypothetical Fibrinogen beta and gamma chains C-terminal globular domain containing protein, full insert sequence [AK083397] |
Neil3 | 234258 | 5.84E-04 | 1.61E-02 | 0.894 | 3 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A630055A13 product:similar to CDNA FLJ10858 FIS, CLONE NT2RP4001555 [Homo sapiens], full insert |
Gpm6a | 234267 | 2.22E-16 | 5.35E-12 | −4.293 | membrane glycoprotein M6=major CNS myelin protein PLP/DM20 homolog {clone M6a} [mice, brain, mRNA, 1272 nt]. [S65735] |
Ushbp1 | 234395 | 2.71E-07 | 4.17E-05 | 3.551 | Usher syndrome 1C binding protein 1 (Ushbp1), mRNA [NM_181418] |
BC015286 | 234669 | 4.00E-04 | 1.26E-02 | 2.910 | cDNA sequence BC015286 (BC015286), mRNA [NM_198171] |
Tat | 234724 | 5.88E-06 | 4.92E-04 | −2.401 | tyrosine aminotransferase (Tat), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_146214] |
Rfwd3 | 234736 | 3.76E-04 | 1.20E-02 | −1.715 | adult male corpora quadrigemina cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B230214I19 product:hypothetical Peptidase S9A, prolyl oligopeptidase, N-terminal beta-propeller domain containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK045601] |
Slc38a8 | 234788 | 1.60E-03 | 3.31E-02 | −3.660 | solute carrier family 38, member 8 (Slc38a8), mRNA [NM_001009950] |
Mthfsd | 234814 | 9.15E-04 | 2.25E-02 | −2.716 | methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase domain containing (Mthfsd), mRNA [NM_172761] |
Fam38a | 234839 | 3.26E-04 | 1.09E-02 | 2.035 | premature mRNA for mKIAA0233 protein [AK129095] |
Rnf214 | 235315 | 2.36E-04 | 8.78E-03 | −1.916 | ring finger protein 214 (Rnf214), mRNA [NM_178709] |
Dlat | 235339 | 7.73E-04 | 1.99E-02 | −1.138 | dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase (E2 component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex) (Dlat), mRNA [NM_145614] |
Atp2c1 | 235574 | 1.11E-05 | 8.11E-04 | −2.194 | ATPase, Ca++-sequestering (Atp2c1), mRNA [NM_175025] |
Als2cl | 235633 | 1.82E-03 | 3.59E-02 | −1.754 | ALS2 C-terminal like (Als2cl), mRNA [NM_146228] |
Zfp445 | 235682 | 4.03E-06 | 3.64E-04 | −2.554 | zinc finger protein 445 (Zfp445), mRNA [NM_173364] |
Alms1 | 236266 | 3.07E-06 | 3.03E-04 | −2.449 | Alstrom syndrome 1 homolog (human) (Alms1), mRNA [NM_145223] |
Usp11 | 236733 | 1.24E-03 | 2.83E-02 | 1.007 | ubiquitin specific peptidase 11 (Usp11), mRNA [NM_145628] |
Stac3 | 237611 | 1.73E-03 | 3.47E-02 | 0.965 | SH3 and cysteine rich domain 3 (Stac3), mRNA [NM_177707] |
Smcr8 | 237782 | 7.24E-05 | 3.59E-03 | −1.965 | Smith-Magenis syndrome chromosome region, candidate 8 homolog (human) (Smcr8), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_175491] |
Usp32 | 237898 | 2.89E-06 | 2.88E-04 | 2.081 | adult male hippocampus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2900074J03 product:UBIQUITIN SPECIFIC PROTEASE homolog |
Cdr2l | 237988 | 8.56E-04 | 2.14E-02 | 1.057 | cerebellar degeneration-related protein 2-like (Cdr2l), mRNA [NM_001080929] |
Mtr | 238505 | 7.07E-06 | 5.65E-04 | −1.966 | 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase (Mtr), mRNA [NM_001081128] |
Phf20l1 | 239510 | 1.03E-03 | 2.46E-02 | −1.694 | PHD finger protein 20-like 1, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4019308), complete cds. [BC052212] |
Slc4a9 | 240215 | 2.73E-04 | 9.69E-03 | 1.610 | solute carrier family 4, sodium bicarbonate cotransporter, member 9 (Slc4a9), mRNA [NM_172830] |
Ythdc2 | 240255 | 4.59E-04 | 1.36E-02 | −2.222 | PREDICTED: YTH domain containing 2 (Ythdc2), mRNA [XM_140310] |
Ccdc85b | 240514 | 2.99E-04 | 1.03E-02 | 1.040 | coiled-coil domain containing 85B (Ccdc85b), mRNA [NM_198616] |
9930021J03Rik | 240613 | 6.54E-04 | 1.75E-02 | −2.563 | RIKEN cDNA 9930021J03 gene (9930021J03Rik), mRNA [NM_172836] |
EG240921 | 240921 | 2.63E-03 | 4.69E-02 | −2.535 | PREDICTED: predicted gene, EG240921 (EG240921), mRNA [XM_136331] |
Ypel4 | 241525 | 1.49E-03 | 3.15E-02 | 2.783 | 10 days neonate cortex cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A830009I03 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK043577] |
Fermt1 | 241639 | 6.44E-15 | 4.34E-11 | −3.683 | adult male colon cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:9030204L13 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK033436] |
Bank1 | 242248 | 5.13E-04 | 1.47E-02 | −1.533 | B-cell scaffold protein with ankyrin repeats 1 (Bank1), mRNA [NM_001033350] |
Lingo2 | 242384 | 1.24E-05 | 8.85E-04 | −2.324 | leucine rich repeat and Ig domain containing 2 (Lingo2), mRNA [NM_175516] |
Zfp462 | 242466 | 8.30E-04 | 2.10E-02 | −1.659 | zinc finger protein 462 (Zfp462), mRNA [NM_172867] |
Atg4c | 242557 | 2.82E-04 | 9.90E-03 | −1.949 | autophagy-related 4C (yeast) (Atg4c), mRNA [NM_175029] |
Adc | 242669 | 1.66E-04 | 6.80E-03 | 3.573 | arginine decarboxylase (Adc), mRNA [NM_172875] |
9530096D07Rik | 242681 | 4.26E-09 | 1.40E-06 | −2.641 | adult male urinary bladder cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:9530096D07 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK035722] |
Rsbn1l | 242860 | 1.26E-03 | 2.85E-02 | 1.086 | BB635789 RIKEN full-length enriched, 0 day neonate thymus cDNA clone A430085L23 5′, mRNA sequence [BB635789] |
H1fx | 243529 | 1.37E-03 | 3.01E-02 | 1.004 | AGENCOURT_10129125 NIH_MGC_134 cDNA clone IMAGE:6506165 5′, mRNA sequence [BU511373] |
Plxna4 | 243743 | 1.55E-03 | 3.25E-02 | 2.533 | plexin A4 (Plxna4), mRNA [NM_175750] |
Gp6 | 243816 | 1.20E-03 | 2.76E-02 | 1.934 | PREDICTED: glycoprotein 6 (platelet) (Gp6), mRNA [XM_145298] |
Gm505 | 244666 | 2.75E-03 | 4.82E-02 | −1.537 | 16 days embryo lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:8430404H04 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK033361] |
Fam70a | 245386 | 9.63E-05 | 4.52E-03 | −1.909 | family with sequence similarity 70, member A (Fam70a), mRNA [NM_172930] |
Cd207 | 246278 | 9.13E-09 | 2.46E-06 | 4.169 | CD207 antigen (Cd207), mRNA [NM_144943] |
Lgi2 | 246316 | 2.63E-07 | 4.14E-05 | −2.579 | mRNA for mKIAA1916 protein. [AK122570] |
Oas3 | 246727 | 2.52E-03 | 4.53E-02 | −1.615 | 2′-5′ oligoadenylate synthetase 3 (Oas3), mRNA [NM_145226] |
Olfr95 | 258506 | 2.42E-03 | 4.39E-02 | −1.483 | olfactory receptor 95 (Olfr95), mRNA [NM_146513] |
Olfr1368 | 258527 | 1.93E-03 | 3.75E-02 | 0.280 | olfactory receptor 1368 (Olfr1368), mRNA [NM_146534] |
Olfr700 | 258593 | 1.22E-03 | 2.78E-02 | −3.203 | olfactory receptor 700 (Olfr700), mRNA [NM_146600] |
Olfr611 | 258722 | 1.70E-05 | 1.14E-03 | −2.220 | olfactory receptor 611 (Olfr611), mRNA [NM_146727] |
Cadm4 | 260299 | 4.74E-07 | 6.57E-05 | 2.590 | cell adhesion molecule 4 (Cadm4), mRNA [NM_153112] |
Acsf2 | 264895 | 2.13E-04 | 8.09E-03 | −1.980 | acyl-CoA synthetase family member 2 (Acsf2), mRNA [NM_153807] |
Irak4 | 266632 | 8.40E-04 | 2.12E-02 | −1.728 | interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 (Irak4), mRNA [NM_029926] |
Cpne1 | 266692 | 1.20E-04 | 5.28E-03 | −2.215 | copine I (Cpne1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_170588] |
Zbtb24 | 268294 | 2.09E-05 | 1.34E-03 | −2.024 | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 24 (Zbtb24), mRNA [NM_153398] |
Rapgefl1 | 268480 | 1.41E-03 | 3.07E-02 | −2.556 | Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF)-like 1 (Rapgefl1), mRNA [NM_001080925] |
4930503L19Rik | 269033 | 2.00E-03 | 3.84E-02 | −1.539 | RIKEN cDNA 4930503L19 gene (4930503L19Rik), mRNA [NM_172967] |
C030048B08Rik | 269623 | 4.03E-05 | 2.27E-03 | −2.225 | RIKEN cDNA C030048B08 gene (C030048B08Rik), mRNA [NM_172991] |
Mphosph9 | 269702 | 7.23E-05 | 3.59E-03 | −2.049 | M-phase phosphoprotein 9 (Mphosph9), mRNA [NM_001081323] |
Zfp384 | 269800 | 3.78E-05 | 2.17E-03 | 1.722 | zinc finger protein 384 (Zfp384), mRNA [NM_175557] |
Tspan12 | 269831 | 8.51E-06 | 6.56E-04 | 1.852 | tetraspanin 12 (Tspan12), mRNA [NM_173007] |
AW121567 | 270028 | 9.38E-07 | 1.13E-04 | −2.428 | expressed sequence AW121567 (AW121567), mRNA [NM_173446] |
Pcnxl2 | 270109 | 1.32E-05 | 9.28E-04 | −2.313 | pecanex-like 2 (Drosophila) (Pcnxl2), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_175561] |
Myo9a | 270163 | 2.87E-03 | 4.95E-02 | −1.890 | 10 days neonate skin cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4732465J09 product:MYOSIN-IXA homolog [Homo sapiens], full insert sequence. [AK028873] |
Pfkfb4 | 270198 | 8.29E-04 | 2.10E-02 | 0.646 | 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase 4 (Pfkfb4), mRNA [NM_173019] |
Zbtb11 | 271377 | 3.16E-10 | 1.66E-07 | −2.796 | PREDICTED: zinc finger and BTB domain containing 11 (Zbtb11), mRNA [XM_001481121] |
Shc4 | 271849 | 1.00E-04 | 4.64E-03 | 1.811 | SHC (Src homology 2 domain containing) family, member 4 (Shc4), mRNA [NM_199022] |
A630047E20Rik | 271981 | 1.33E-09 | 5.63E-07 | −2.789 | RIKEN cDNA A630047E20 gene (A630047E20Rik), mRNA [NM_173032] |
Tbcel | 272589 | 1.81E-04 | 7.28E-03 | 1.068 | tubulin folding cofactor E-like (Tbcel), mRNA [NM_173038] |
C530036F05Rik | 319355 | 2.62E-04 | 9.44E-03 | 1.982 | 12 days embryo spinal cord cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C530036F05 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK083039] |
C920008N22Rik | 319366 | 4.42E-05 | 2.47E-03 | −2.276 | 2 days neonate thymus thymic cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C920008N22 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence |
D230002A01Rik | 319388 | 1.05E-03 | 2.49E-02 | −2.131 | 12 days embryo eyeball cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D230002A01 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK084136] |
Itga11 | 319480 | 2.65E-03 | 4.71E-02 | 1.922 | integrin alpha 11 (Itga11), mRNA [NM_176922] |
Nrcam | 319504 | 1.81E-03 | 3.59E-02 | 1.922 | neuron-glia-CAM-related cell adhesion molecule (Nrcam), mRNA [NM_176930] |
Fam113a | 319513 | 1.76E-12 | 2.36E-09 | −3.539 | family with sequence similarity 113, member A (Fam113a), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_178762] |
A430010J10Rik | 319665 | 4.09E-04 | 1.27E-02 | −1.767 | 2 days neonate thymus thymic cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C920008P08 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK083337] |
Mpzl3 | 319742 | 3.72E-05 | 2.14E-03 | −1.969 | myelin protein zero-like 3 (Mpzl3), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_176993] |
Zcchc7 | 319885 | 2.10E-03 | 3.96E-02 | −2.209 | zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 7 (Zcchc7), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_177027] |
Fstl4 | 320027 | 9.59E-05 | 4.51E-03 | −1.936 | follistatin-like 4 (Fstl4), mRNA [NM_177059] |
Zdhhc17 | 320150 | 2.07E-05 | 1.33E-03 | 1.952 | zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 17 (Zdhhc17), mRNA [NM_172554] |
Lrrc58 | 320184 | 1.55E-03 | 3.25E-02 | −2.047 | leucine rich repeat containing 58 (Lrrc58), mRNA [NM_177093] |
Tmem91 | 320208 | 5.13E-04 | 1.47E-02 | 1.808 | transmembrane protein 91 (Tmem91), mRNA [NM_177102] |
2-Mar | 320253 | 1.38E-07 | 2.50E-05 | −2.534 | membrane-associated ring finger (C3HC4) 3 (March3), mRNA [NM_177115] |
A930041I02Rik | 320271 | 1.36E-03 | 2.99E-02 | −1.940 | RIKEN cDNA A930041I02 gene (A930041I02Rik), mRNA [NM_178778] |
A430035B10Rik | 320312 | 1.47E-03 | 3.13E-02 | 1.380 | adult male spinal cord cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A330071G13 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK039608] |
Fry | 320365 | 2.13E-03 | 3.99E-02 | −2.489 | mRNA for mKIAA4143 protein. [AK220506] |
A430057L12Rik | 320372 | 3.11E-04 | 1.05E-02 | 1.276 | adult male medulla oblongata cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6330442C03 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK078093] |
D930030O05Rik | 320387 | 7.09E-04 | 1.86E-02 | −1.726 | 9 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D030028K24 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK083489] |
Klri2 | 320407 | 5.85E-06 | 4.92E-04 | −2.543 | killer cell lectin-like receptor family I member 2 (Klri2), mRNA [NM_177155] |
Heatr5a | 320487 | 6.06E-04 | 1.65E-02 | −2.692 | HEAT repeat containing 5A (Heatr5a), mRNA [NM_177171] |
9830001H06Rik | 320706 | 2.78E-04 | 9.82E-03 | 1.732 | PREDICTED: RIKEN cDNA 9830001H06 gene (9830001H06Rik), mRNA [XM_283804] |
Tmem117 | 320709 | 2.64E-03 | 4.71E-02 | 2.992 | transmembrane protein 117 (Tmem117), mRNA [NM_178789] |
Ipo8 | 320727 | 5.82E-04 | 1.61E-02 | −1.907 | importin 8 (Ipo8), mRNA [NM_001081113] |
B230217O12Rik | 320879 | 1.03E-05 | 7.67E-04 | −2.257 | 9 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D030014C21 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK050742] |
Wscd2 | 320916 | 6.37E-07 | 8.35E-05 | −2.403 | WSC domain containing 2 (Wscd2), mRNA [NM_177292] |
Tmem26 | 327766 | 8.38E-04 | 2.11E-02 | −2.968 | transmembrane protein 26 (Tmem26), mRNA [NM_177794] |
Ppfia2 | 327814 | 7.30E-04 | 1.90E-02 | 3.180 | adult male pituitary gland cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5330438O12 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK030621] |
Slc39a9 | 328133 | 2.23E-04 | 8.37E-03 | −2.916 | solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 9, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:30536025), partial cds. [BC072655] |
Mast4 | 328329 | 1.43E-04 | 6.13E-03 | 3.192 | bone marrow stroma cell CRL-2028 SR-4987 cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:G431004F08 product:CDNA FLJ33039 FIS, CLONE |
Apol11b | 328563 | 2.16E-03 | 4.03E-02 | −2.068 | apolipoprotein L 11b (Apol11b), mRNA [NM_001143686] |
D430006K04 | 328861 | 4.68E-04 | 1.38E-02 | −1.693 | 13 days embryo lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D430006K04 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK084893] |
AI847670 | 330050 | 2.71E-06 | 2.76E-04 | −2.226 | expressed sequence AI847670 (AI847670), mRNA [NM_177869] |
BC038925 | 330216 | 5.47E-04 | 1.55E-02 | −1.217 | cDNA sequence BC038925 (BC038925), mRNA [NM_177878] |
Fbxo41 | 330369 | 1.05E-03 | 2.49E-02 | −2.155 | F-box protein 41 (Fbxo41), mRNA [NM_001001160] |
Lphn1 | 330814 | 3.58E-04 | 1.16E-02 | −1.744 | latrophilin 1 (Lphn1), mRNA [NM_181039] |
Slc7a6 | 330836 | 8.91E-08 | 1.69E-05 | −2.887 | solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system), member 6 (Slc7a6), mRNA [NM_178798] |
Hcn4 | 330953 | 1.73E-03 | 3.47E-02 | 1.331 | hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated K+ 4 (Hcn4), mRNA [NM_001081192] |
Cntln | 338349 | 5.69E-04 | 1.58E-02 | −1.781 | centlein, centrosomal protein (Cntln), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_175275] |
Ust | 338362 | 2.35E-04 | 8.73E-03 | 3.231 | uronyl-2-sulfotransferase (Ust), mRNA [NM_177387] |
A730011L01Rik | 338371 | 2.71E-03 | 4.78E-02 | 0.894 | RIKEN cDNA A730011L01 gene (A730011L01Rik), mRNA [NM_177394] |
Egfl7 | 353156 | 8.57E-04 | 2.14E-02 | 0.852 | EGF-like domain 7 (Egfl7), transcript variant a, mRNA [NM_178444] |
Muc6 | 353328 | 4.20E-04 | 1.29E-02 | 2.038 | mucin 6, gastric (Muc6), mRNA [NM_181729] |
Trim46 | 360213 | 1.61E-04 | 6.66E-03 | 1.624 | tripartite motif-containing 46 (Trim46), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_183037] |
Txlnb | 378431 | 1.97E-10 | 1.13E-07 | −2.984 | taxilin beta (Txlnb), mRNA [NM_138628] |
Fastkd5 | 380601 | 1.22E-05 | 8.73E-04 | −2.045 | FAST kinase domains 5 (Fastkd5), mRNA [NM_198176] |
Intu | 380614 | 5.14E-05 | 2.77E-03 | 1.574 | inturned planar cell polarity effector homolog (Drosophila) (Intu), mRNA [NM_175515] |
Ccnjl | 380694 | 2.00E-04 | 7.82E-03 | 1.728 | cyclin J-like (Ccnjl), mRNA [NM_001045530] |
AI324046 | 380795 | 2.43E-06 | 2.54E-04 | −3.425 | mRNA for mFLJ00385 protein [AK131185] |
Fam82a1 | 381110 | 9.71E-09 | 2.54E-06 | −3.138 | family with sequence similarity 82, member A1 (Fam82a1), mRNA [NM_201361] |
Tmem151a | 381199 | 4.11E-04 | 1.27E-02 | 1.545 | transmembrane protein 151A (Tmem151a), mRNA [NM_001001885] |
Als2cr4 | 381259 | 1.11E-11 | 1.03E-08 | −4.077 | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2 (juvenile) chromosome region, candidate 4 (Als2cr4), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001037812] |
Tbc1d2 | 381605 | 8.32E-04 | 2.11E-02 | 1.313 | 3 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A630005A06 product:hypothetical Pleckstrin homology (PH) domain containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK041359] |
Ssbp1 | 381760 | 1.50E-03 | 3.16E-02 | −1.967 | single-stranded DNA binding protein 1 (Ssbp1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_212468] |
4922501C03Rik | 382090 | 1.58E-05 | 1.07E-03 | 1.922 | RIKEN cDNA 4922501C03 gene (4922501C03Rik), mRNA [NM_199316] |
A830080D01Rik | 382252 | 2.45E-06 | 2.55E-04 | −2.163 | RIKEN cDNA A830080D01 gene (A830080D01Rik), mRNA [NM_001033472] |
Wdr51b | 382406 | 1.70E-04 | 6.94E-03 | 3.480 | WD repeat domain 51B (Wdr51b), mRNA [NM_027740] |
383196 | 383196 | 5.86E-04 | 1.61E-02 | 2.761 | Immunoglobulin Kappa light chain V gene segment [Source:IMGT/GENE-DB |
384261 | 384261 | 6.35E-05 | 3.22E-03 | −2.032 | PREDICTED: hypothetical LOC384261 (LOC384261), mRNA [XM_986220] |
Map4k5 | 399510 | 1.61E-04 | 6.66E-03 | 0.973 | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5 (Map4k5), mRNA [NM_201519] |
Plcxd1 | 403178 | 4.69E-09 | 1.47E-06 | −2.870 | phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, X domain containing 1 (Plcxd1), mRNA [NM_207279] |
Iqgap3 | 404710 | 2.57E-03 | 4.60E-02 | −0.984 | IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 3 (Iqgap3), mRNA [NM_001033484] |
Bex4 | 406217 | 3.30E-04 | 1.09E-02 | 1.058 | brain expressed gene 4 (Bex4), mRNA [NM_212457] |
Specc1 | 432572 | 5.08E-04 | 1.47E-02 | 1.547 | sperm antigen with calponin homology and coiled-coil domains 1 (Specc1), mRNA [NM_001029936] |
EG434025 | 434025 | 6.75E-05 | 3.40E-03 | −1.959 | anti-DNA antibody light chain variable region mRNA, partial cds [U88675] |
Gpr62 | 436090 | 2.73E-06 | 2.77E-04 | 3.407 | BY714829 RIKEN full-length enriched, adult male testis cDNA clone 4930431J04 5′. [BY714829] |
Ccin | 442829 | 3.78E-06 | 3.47E-04 | 1.933 | calicin (Ccin), mRNA [NM_001002787] |
Cep170 | 545389 | 1.92E-03 | 3.73E-02 | −2.016 | centrosomal protein 170 (Cep170), mRNA [NM_001099637] |
Zfp551 | 619331 | 7.16E-08 | 1.46E-05 | −2.737 | zinc fingr protein 551 (Zfp551), mRNA [NM_001033820] |
Igk-V21-4 | 626347 | 6.92E-07 | 8.83E-05 | −4.867 | immunoglobulin kappa chain variable 21 (V21)-4, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:118186 IMAGE:4989625), complete cds. [BC108385] |
631105 | 631105 | 1.03E-03 | 2.46E-02 | 2.795 | PREDICTED: similar to fimbriae-associated protein Fap1, transcript variant 1 (LOC631105), mRNA [XM_904722] |
ENSMUSG00000052790 | 632737 | 2.42E-03 | 4.39E-02 | 3.745 | PREDICTED: predicted gene, EG666638 (EG666638), mRNA [XM_985112] |
Sbpl | 638345 | 3.48E-04 | 1.14E-02 | 3.104 | spermine binding protein-like (Sbpl), mRNA [NM_001077421] |
LOC639988 | 639988 | 2.03E-06 | 2.17E-04 | −1.829 | PREDICTED: similar to immunoglobulin gamma-chain (LOC639988), mRNA [XM_916675] |
LOC640979 | 640979 | 5.83E-07 | 7.81E-05 | −2.284 | Immunoglobulin heavy chain V gene segment [Source:IMGT/GENE-DB |
EG665317 | 665317 | 1.07E-05 | 7.87E-04 | −2.330 | PREDICTED: predicted gene, EG665317, transcript variant 1 (EG665317), mRNA [XM_979163] |
Hmcn2 | 665700 | 7.71E-04 | 1.99E-02 | 2.569 | 9 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D030068H01 product:inferred: hemicentin {Homo sapiens}, |
EG665756 | 665756 | 8.97E-04 | 2.21E-02 | 1.872 | PREDICTED: predicted gene, EG665756 (EG665756), mRNA [XM_979235] |
EG668139 | 668139 | 5.74E-04 | 1.59E-02 | −0.958 | PREDICTED: predicted gene, EG668139 (EG668139), misc RNA [XR_001627] |
Zfp507 | 668501 | 2.14E-05 | 1.36E-03 | 3.010 | zinc finger protein 507 (Zfp507), mRNA [NM_177739] |
RP23-212C14.7 | 670533 | 1.49E-03 | 3.15E-02 | 1.272 | keratin associated protein 9 family member (LOC670533), mRNA [NM_001101613] |
4732444A12Rik | 100015211 | 3.11E-10 | 1.66E-07 | −3.284 | 21 days neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:G630051C23 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK144387] |
ENSMUSG00000073540 | 100038553 | 4.41E-10 | 2.14E-07 | −3.215 | predicted gene, ENSMUSG00000073540, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:14005 IMAGE:3660311), complete cds. [BC022177] |
100042757 | 100042757 | 1.89E-04 | 7.54E-03 | 2.379 | PREDICTED: hypothetical protein LOC100046917 (LOC100046917), mRNA [XM_001477379] |
100043468 | 100043468 | 5.09E-04 | 1.47E-02 | −1.967 | predicted gene, 100043468 (100043468), mRNA [NM_001142957] |
LOC100047628 | 100047628 | 4.28E-04 | 1.30E-02 | −2.270 | Immunoglobulin Kappa light chain V gene segment [Source:IMGT/GENE-DB |
LOC100048021 | 100048021 | 3.95E-04 | 1.25E-02 | 0.731 | PREDICTED: similar to Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-12 subunit (G alpha-12) (LOC100048021), mRNA [XM_001479354] |
ENSMUSG00000051562 | 100126228 | 7.57E-06 | 5.94E-04 | 1.253 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4933429E06 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK016980] |
Table S2.
Annotation Cluster 1 | Enrichment Score: 6.410687762258607 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0007275∼multicellular organismal development | 204 | 9.74E-11 | 1.520 |
Biological Process | GO:0032502∼developmental process | 217 | 1.54E-10 | 1.486 |
Biological Process | GO:0048856∼anatomical structure development | 176 | 2.88E-09 | 1.523 |
Biological Process | GO:0048731∼system development | 164 | 1.50E-08 | 1.520 |
Biological Process | GO:0048513∼organ development | 135 | 3.59E-07 | 1.525 |
Biological Process | GO:0009653∼anatomical structure morphogenesis | 96 | 2.30E-06 | 1.619 |
Biological Process | GO:0030154∼cell differentiation | 119 | 5.04E-05 | 1.425 |
Biological Process | GO:0048869∼cellular developmental process | 123 | 5.46E-05 | 1.412 |
Biological Process | GO:0032501∼multicellular organismal process | 245 | 1.37E-01 | 1.063 |
Annotation Cluster 2 | Enrichment Score: 4.409348996268908 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0001568∼blood vessel development | 32 | 6.00E-06 | 2.463 |
Biological Process | GO:0001944∼vasculature development | 32 | 9.81E-06 | 2.404 |
Biological Process | GO:0048514∼blood vessel morphogenesis | 27 | 1.83E-05 | 2.561 |
Biological Process | GO:0001525∼angiogenesis | 20 | 7.68E-05 | 2.825 |
Annotation Cluster 3 | Enrichment Score: 3.8059194810335697 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0009790∼embryonic development | 63 | 1.35E-05 | 1.766 |
Biological Process | GO:0043009∼chordate embryonic development | 45 | 1.39E-05 | 2.008 |
Biological Process | GO:0048598∼embryonic morphogenesis | 40 | 1.80E-05 | 2.093 |
Biological Process | GO:0048568∼embryonic organ development | 27 | 4.84E-04 | 2.104 |
Biological Process | GO:0001701∼in utero embryonic development | 27 | 2.17E-03 | 1.899 |
Biological Process | GO:0009887∼organ morphogenesis | 43 | 3.66E-02 | 1.360 |
Annotation Cluster 4 | Enrichment Score: 2.6233303269471335 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0048598∼embryonic morphogenesis | 40 | 1.80E-05 | 2.093 |
Biological Process | GO:0035113∼embryonic appendage morphogenesis | 14 | 1.83E-03 | 2.711 |
Biological Process | GO:0030326∼embryonic limb morphogenesis | 14 | 1.83E-03 | 2.711 |
Biological Process | GO:0035108∼limb morphogenesis | 14 | 8.02E-03 | 2.287 |
Biological Process | GO:0035107∼appendage morphogenesis | 14 | 8.02E-03 | 2.287 |
Biological Process | GO:0060173∼limb development | 14 | 1.06E-02 | 2.210 |
Biological Process | GO:0048736∼appendage development | 14 | 1.06E-02 | 2.210 |
Annotation Cluster 5 | Enrichment Score: 2.5479907939308135 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0001822∼kidney development | 17 | 1.61E-04 | 2.984 |
Biological Process | GO:0001655∼urogenital system development | 18 | 1.93E-03 | 2.316 |
Biological Process | GO:0001657∼ureteric bud development | 8 | 6.18E-03 | 3.578 |
Biological Process | GO:0001656∼metanephros development | 8 | 3.33E-02 | 2.591 |
Annotation Cluster 6 | Enrichment Score: 2.512425848615364 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0048598∼embryonic morphogenesis | 40 | 1.80E-05 | 2.093 |
Biological Process | GO:0048568∼embryonic organ development | 27 | 4.84E-04 | 2.104 |
Biological Process | GO:0043583∼ear development | 14 | 3.42E-03 | 2.529 |
Biological Process | GO:0048562∼embryonic organ morphogenesis | 18 | 5.35E-03 | 2.100 |
Biological Process | GO:0042471∼ear morphogenesis | 11 | 6.76E-03 | 2.719 |
Biological Process | GO:0048839∼inner ear development | 12 | 6.81E-03 | 2.561 |
Biological Process | GO:0042472∼inner ear morphogenesis | 10 | 8.71E-03 | 2.803 |
Biological Process | GO:0007423∼sensory organ development | 24 | 1.05E-02 | 1.754 |
Biological Process | GO:0009887∼organ morphogenesis | 43 | 3.66E-02 | 1.360 |
Annotation Cluster 7 | Enrichment Score: 2.432221052606057 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0007155∼cell adhesion | 48 | 1.35E-03 | 1.607 |
Biological Process | GO:0022610∼biological adhesion | 48 | 1.40E-03 | 1.604 |
Biological Process | GO:0016337∼cell-cell adhesion | 21 | 2.68E-02 | 1.671 |
Annotation Cluster 8 | Enrichment Score: 2.3347226255726903 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0035295∼tube development | 31 | 7.20E-05 | 2.206 |
Biological Process | GO:0001569∼patterning of blood vessels | 6 | 7.66E-03 | 4.696 |
Biological Process | GO:0035239∼tube morphogenesis | 18 | 9.63E-03 | 1.977 |
Biological Process | GO:0001763∼morphogenesis of a branching structure | 14 | 1.55E-02 | 2.104 |
Biological Process | GO:0048754∼branching morphogenesis of a tube | 11 | 2.57E-02 | 2.222 |
Annotation Cluster 9 | Enrichment Score: 2.2522030394510346 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0007420∼brain development | 29 | 1.53E-03 | 1.891 |
Biological Process | GO:0007399∼nervous system development | 64 | 4.83E-03 | 1.408 |
Biological Process | GO:0007417∼central nervous system development | 32 | 8.12E-03 | 1.629 |
Biological Process | GO:0030900∼forebrain development | 17 | 1.63E-02 | 1.912 |
Annotation Cluster 10 | Enrichment Score: 2.0995523296663214 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0019216∼regulation of lipid metabolic process | 10 | 3.31E-03 | 3.239 |
Biological Process | GO:0019218∼regulation of steroid metabolic process | 6 | 5.18E-03 | 5.123 |
Biological Process | GO:0050810∼regulation of steroid biosynthetic process | 5 | 8.64E-03 | 5.870 |
Biological Process | GO:0046890∼regulation of lipid biosynthetic process | 5 | 2.70E-02 | 4.269 |
Annotation Cluster 11 | Enrichment Score: 2.0748660760971993 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0035295∼tube development | 31 | 7.20E-05 | 2.206 |
Biological Process | GO:0030324∼lung development | 13 | 1.48E-02 | 2.200 |
Biological Process | GO:0030323∼respiratory tube development | 13 | 1.69E-02 | 2.161 |
Biological Process | GO:0060541∼respiratory system development | 13 | 3.23E-02 | 1.969 |
Biological Process | GO:0008543∼fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway | 5 | 7.26E-02 | 3.131 |
Annotation Cluster 12 | Enrichment Score: 1.8887932893479804 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | -value | old Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0001558∼regulation of cell growth | 15 | 3.39E-04 | 3.063 |
Biological Process | GO:0045792∼negative regulation of cell size | 9 | 6.52E-03 | 3.190 |
Biological Process | GO:0030308∼negative regulation of cell growth | 8 | 1.15E-02 | 3.197 |
Biological Process | GO:0045926∼negative regulation of growth | 9 | 3.42E-02 | 2.381 |
Biological Process | GO:0008361∼regulation of cell size | 11 | 6.13E-02 | 1.913 |
Biological Process | GO:0032535∼regulation of cellular component size | 14 | 8.76E-02 | 1.633 |
Annotation Cluster 13 | Enrichment Score: 1.8348372706488445 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | -value | old Enrichment |
GOTERM_MF_ALL | GO:008034∼lipoprotein binding | 6 | 4.64E-03 | 5.239 |
GOTERM_MF_ALL | GO:005041∼low-density lipoprotein receptor activity | 4 | 1.06E-02 | 8.150 |
GOTERM_MF_ALL | GO:030169∼low-density lipoprotein binding | 4 | 3.06E-02 | 5.642 |
GOTERM_MF_ALL | GO:030228∼lipoprotein receptor activity | 4 | 3.06E-02 | 5.642 |
Annotation Cluster 14 | Enrichment Score: 1.830345700823631 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | -value | old Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0007389∼pattern specification process | 28 | 2.54E-03 | 1.852 |
Biological Process | GO:0003002∼regionalization | 20 | 1.98E-02 | 1.755 |
Biological Process | GO:0009952∼anterior/posterior pattern formation | 14 | 6.41E-02 | 1.719 |
Annotation Cluster 15 | Enrichment Score: 1.5577264652830227 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | -value | old Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0001501∼skeletal system development | 26 | 9.88E-03 | 1.714 |
Biological Process | GO:0060348∼bone development | 13 | 2.30E-02 | 2.069 |
Biological Process | GO:0001503∼ossification | 12 | 2.52E-02 | 2.126 |
Biological Process | GO:0001649∼osteoblast differentiation | 6 | 1.03E-01 | 2.398 |
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Supplementary Materials
Table S1.
Gene Symbol | Entrez ID | P-value | Q-value | Log2[IH/Normoxia] | Description |
Abl2 | 11352 | 2.35E-03 | 4.30E-02 | −1.871 | v-abl Abelson murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2 (arg, Abelson-related gene) (Abl2), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_009595] |
Acp2 | 11432 | 3.51E-04 | 1.14E-02 | −1.619 | 8 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5730407E21 product:acid phosphatase 2, lysosomal, full |
Acr | 11434 | 1.32E-04 | 5.66E-03 | 1.838 | acrosin prepropeptide (Acr), mRNA [NM_013455] |
Adipoq | 11450 | 4.54E-06 | 4.01E-04 | 1.580 | adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing (Adipoq), mRNA [NM_009605] |
Actb | 11461 | 1.46E-04 | 6.19E-03 | 1.965 | actin, beta (Actb), mRNA [NM_007393] |
Adamts1 | 11504 | 9.10E-06 | 6.92E-04 | 1.698 | a disintegrin-like and metallopeptidase (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 1 (Adamts1), mRNA [NM_009621] |
Adh1 | 11522 | 3.65E-06 | 3.42E-04 | 1.782 | alcohol dehydrogenase 1 (class I) (Adh1), mRNA [NM_007409] |
Gpr182 | 11536 | 1.52E-05 | 1.05E-03 | 1.374 | G protein-coupled receptor 182 (Gpr182), mRNA [NM_007412] |
Afp | 11576 | 3.33E-04 | 1.10E-02 | −1.719 | alpha fetoprotein (Afp), mRNA [NM_007423] |
Ager | 11596 | 2.40E-03 | 4.36E-02 | −1.629 | advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor (Ager), mRNA [NM_007425] |
Angpt1 | 11600 | 6.11E-07 | 8.05E-05 | −2.230 | angiopoietin 1 (Angpt1), mRNA [NM_009640] |
Ahsg | 11625 | 1.18E-03 | 2.74E-02 | −3.153 | alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein (Ahsg), mRNA [NM_013465] |
Alas1 | 11655 | 1.57E-03 | 3.27E-02 | 0.694 | aminolevulinic acid synthase 1 (Alas1), mRNA [NM_020559] |
Alas2 | 11656 | 1.49E-07 | 2.64E-05 | 2.046 | aminolevulinic acid synthase 2, erythroid (Alas2), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_009653] |
Aldh2 | 11669 | 5.51E-04 | 1.55E-02 | 1.176 | adult male corpora quadrigemina cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B230105J09 product:aldehyde dehydrogenase 2, mitochondrial, full insert sequence [AK163452] |
Prdx6 | 11758 | 1.21E-05 | 8.68E-04 | −2.813 | 16 days embryo head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C130091B17 product:peroxiredoxin 5, related sequence 3, |
Fabp4 | 11770 | 7.54E-09 | 2.16E-06 | 1.732 | fatty acid binding protein 4, adipocyte (Fabp4), mRNA [NM_024406] |
Apbb2 | 11787 | 3.98E-04 | 1.25E-02 | 1.303 | amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family B, member 2 (Apbb2), mRNA [NM_009686] |
Speg | 11790 | 3.18E-05 | 1.90E-03 | 3.353 | SPEG complex locus (Speg), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_001085371] |
Apoc1 | 11812 | 1.50E-03 | 3.17E-02 | 1.289 | apolipoprotein C-I (Apoc1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_007469] |
Apoe | 11816 | 2.81E-05 | 1.72E-03 | 0.974 | apolipoprotein E (Apoe), mRNA [NM_009696] |
Aqr | 11834 | 2.46E-14 | 9.89E-11 | −3.830 | aquarius (Aqr), mRNA [NM_009702] |
Rplp0 | 11837 | 3.65E-05 | 2.10E-03 | 1.089 | ribosomal protein, large, P0 (Rplp0), mRNA [NM_007475] |
Rhoc | 11853 | 2.73E-04 | 9.69E-03 | 0.905 | ras homolog gene family, member C (Rhoc), mRNA [NM_007484] |
Arvcf | 11877 | 2.09E-03 | 3.95E-02 | −2.058 | armadillo repeat gene deleted in velo-cardio-facial syndrome (Arvcf), mRNA [NM_033474] |
Atm | 11920 | 1.53E-05 | 1.05E-03 | −2.259 | ataxia telangiectasia mutated homolog (human) (Atm), mRNA [NM_007499] |
Barx2 | 12023 | 1.53E-05 | 1.05E-03 | −2.655 | BarH-like homeobox 2 (Barx2), mRNA [NM_013800] |
Bcl2l11 | 12125 | 9.29E-04 | 2.27E-02 | 1.281 | BCL2-like 11 (apoptosis facilitator) (Bcl2l11), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_207680] |
Fabp7 | 12140 | 6.01E-04 | 1.64E-02 | −6.486 | fatty acid binding protein 7, brain (Fabp7), mRNA [NM_021272] |
Bnip3l | 12177 | 2.28E-03 | 4.20E-02 | 0.696 | BCL2/adenovirus E1B interacting protein 3-like (Bnip3l), mRNA [NM_009761] |
Serping1 | 12258 | 1.14E-03 | 2.65E-02 | 1.286 | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade G, member 1 (Serping1), mRNA [NM_009776] |
C4b | 12268 | 9.36E-04 | 2.28E-02 | 1.723 | complement component 4B (Childo blood group) (C4b), mRNA [NM_009780] |
Calb1 | 12307 | 2.80E-10 | 1.53E-07 | -2.589 | calbindin 1 (Calb1), mRNA [NM_009788] |
Aspm | 12316 | 8.23E-05 | 3.98E-03 | −1.835 | asp (abnormal spindle)-like, microcephaly associated (Drosophila) (Aspm), mRNA [NM_009791] |
Camk4 | 12326 | 9.78E-06 | 7.39E-04 | 4.137 | calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (Camk4), mRNA [NM_009793] |
Car2 | 12349 | 9.18E-04 | 2.25E-02 | 0.732 | carbonic anhydrase 2 (Car2), mRNA [NM_009801] |
Casp12 | 12364 | 6.76E-04 | 1.79E-02 | 3.049 | caspase 12 (Casp12), mRNA [NM_009808] |
Casp3 | 12367 | 1.42E-03 | 3.07E-02 | -2.188 | ICE-like cysteine protease (Lice) mRNA, complete cds. [U49929] |
Cbln1 | 12404 | 4.42E-07 | 6.20E-05 | 3.306 | cerebellin 1 precursor protein (Cbln1), mRNA [NM_019626] |
Serpinh1 | 12406 | 1.06E-05 | 7.82E-04 | 1.746 | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade H, member 1 (Serpinh1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_009825] |
Cbx2 | 12416 | 6.75E-06 | 5.49E-04 | −2.744 | chromobox homolog 2 (Drosophila Pc class) (Cbx2), mRNA [NM_007623] |
Cd36 | 12491 | 7.53E-04 | 1.94E-02 | 1.305 | CD36 antigen mRNA, complete cds. [L23108] |
Cd48 | 12506 | 3.93E-06 | 3.59E-04 | −2.467 | CD48 antigen (Cd48), mRNA [NM_007649] |
Cd72 | 12517 | 5.66E-04 | 1.58E-02 | −1.175 | CD72 antigen (Cd72), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_007654] |
Cdgap | 12549 | 1.14E-03 | 2.65E-02 | 1.294 | CDC42 GTPase-activating protein (Cdgap), mRNA [NM_020260] |
Cdh5 | 12562 | 1.95E-04 | 7.71E-03 | 1.511 | cadherin 5 (Cdh5), mRNA [NM_009868] |
Cdkn2b | 12579 | 2.83E-05 | 1.72E-03 | −2.146 | cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2B (p15, inhibits CDK4) (Cdkn2b), mRNA [NM_007670] |
Cenpb | 12616 | 3.07E-04 | 1.05E-02 | −3.449 | centromere protein B (Cenpb), mRNA [NM_007682] |
Ch25h | 12642 | 8.91E-07 | 1.09E-04 | −3.542 | cholesterol 25-hydroxylase (Ch25h), mRNA [NM_009890] |
Chd1 | 12648 | 6.89E-04 | 1.81E-02 | −1.067 | chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 1 (Chd1), mRNA [NM_007690] |
Clca1 | 12722 | 7.38E-06 | 5.83E-04 | 1.618 | chloride channel calcium activated 1 (Clca1), mRNA [NM_009899] |
Cldn5 | 12741 | 1.27E-05 | 8.98E-04 | 1.468 | claudin 5 (Cldn5), mRNA [NM_013805] |
Il8rb | 12765 | 3.85E-04 | 1.22E-02 | −1.195 | interleukin 8 receptor, beta (Il8rb), mRNA [NM_009909] |
Cxcr7 | 12778 | 8.57E-08 | 1.67E-05 | 3.817 | chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 7 (Cxcr7), mRNA [NM_007722] |
Cnn1 | 12797 | 1.47E-03 | 3.13E-02 | −1.789 | calponin 1 (Cnn1), mRNA [NM_009922] |
Col11a1 | 12814 | 1.95E-06 | 2.10E-04 | 3.616 | collagen, type XI, alpha 1 (Col11a1), mRNA [NM_007729] |
Col3a1 | 12825 | 3.38E-06 | 3.23E-04 | 2.364 | collagen, type III, alpha 1 (Col3a1), mRNA [NM_009930] |
Col4a1 | 12826 | 4.83E-05 | 2.65E-03 | 1.818 | collagen, type IV, alpha 1 (Col4a1), mRNA [NM_009931] |
Col4a2 | 12827 | 2.51E-03 | 4.53E-02 | 1.984 | collagen, type IV, alpha 2 (Col4a2), mRNA [NM_009932] |
Col8a1 | 12837 | 5.66E-05 | 2.95E-03 | 1.883 | collagen, type VIII, alpha 1 (Col8a1), mRNA [NM_007739] |
Col1a2 | 12843 | 1.93E-03 | 3.75E-02 | 0.932 | collagen, type I, alpha 2 (Col1a2), mRNA [NM_007743] |
Cox6a2 | 12862 | 4.08E-04 | 1.27E-02 | −0.861 | cytochrome c oxidase, subunit VI a, polypeptide 2 (Cox6a2), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_009943] |
Cp | 12870 | 3.91E-04 | 1.24E-02 | 1.680 | ceruloplasmin (Cp), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_007752] |
Cpne6 | 12891 | 8.23E-04 | 2.09E-02 | 1.629 | copine VI (Cpne6), mRNA [NM_009947] |
Bcar1 | 12927 | 1.48E-03 | 3.15E-02 | 1.084 | breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 1 (Bcar1), mRNA [NM_009954] |
Dmbt1 | 12945 | 2.84E-04 | 9.92E-03 | 2.165 | deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 (Dmbt1), mRNA [NM_007769] |
Crym | 12971 | 1.31E-03 | 2.93E-02 | 2.656 | crystallin, mu (Crym), mRNA [NM_016669] |
Csf1r | 12978 | 1.65E-03 | 3.37E-02 | −1.269 | colony stimulating factor 1 receptor (Csf1r), mRNA [NM_001037859] |
Csf2 | 12981 | 2.72E-04 | 9.69E-03 | −1.824 | colony stimulating factor 2 (granulocyte-macrophage) (Csf2), mRNA [NM_009969] |
Cux1 | 13047 | 1.16E-06 | 1.36E-04 | −2.880 | cut-like homeobox 1 (Cux1), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_198602] |
Cyb561 | 13056 | 3.17E-04 | 1.06E-02 | 2.061 | cytochrome b-561 (Cyb561), mRNA [NM_007805] |
Cyp4b1 | 13120 | 1.56E-06 | 1.75E-04 | 2.344 | cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 (Cyp4b1), mRNA [NM_007823] |
Dab2 | 13132 | 1.05E-05 | 7.79E-04 | 1.624 | disabled homolog 2 (Drosophila) (Dab2), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_001037905] |
Dck | 13178 | 2.79E-12 | 3.06E-09 | −3.207 | deoxycytidine kinase (Dck), mRNA [NM_007832] |
Dcn | 13179 | 6.57E-13 | 1.16E-09 | 3.939 | decorin (Dcn), mRNA [NM_007833] |
Des | 13346 | 3.39E-04 | 1.11E-02 | 0.617 | desmin (Des), mRNA [NM_010043] |
Darc | 13349 | 8.87E-06 | 6.77E-04 | 1.791 | Duffy blood group, chemokine receptor (Darc), mRNA [NM_010045] |
Dlg1 | 13383 | 2.12E-04 | 8.08E-03 | −2.486 | discs, large homolog 1 (Drosophila) (Dlg1), mRNA [NM_007862] |
Dnase2a | 13423 | 2.77E-06 | 2.79E-04 | 3.703 | ES cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2410038B05 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK010630] |
Dpep1 | 13479 | 1.60E-06 | 1.79E-04 | 2.420 | dipeptidase 1 (renal) (Dpep1), mRNA [NM_007876] |
Slc26a3 | 13487 | 5.41E-09 | 1.67E-06 | −2.648 | solute carrier family 26, member 3, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4989186), complete cds. [BC037066] |
Dvl1 | 13542 | 6.71E-13 | 1.16E-09 | −3.330 | dishevelled, dsh homolog 1 (Drosophila) (Dvl1), mRNA [NM_010091] |
Dyrk1a | 13548 | 2.65E-03 | 4.71E-02 | 0.784 | dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1a (Dyrk1a), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_007890] |
Ebf1 | 13591 | 2.26E-03 | 4.17E-02 | −1.503 | adult male bone cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:9830166E18 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK036716] |
Ebf3 | 13593 | 1.50E-04 | 6.32E-03 | 1.311 | early B-cell factor 3 (Ebf3), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_010096] |
Ecel1 | 13599 | 2.68E-04 | 9.58E-03 | 1.887 | endothelin converting enzyme-like 1 (Ecel1), mRNA [NM_021306] |
S1pr3 | 13610 | 1.09E-05 | 7.99E-04 | 1.623 | sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 3 (S1pr3), mRNA [NM_010101] |
Edn1 | 13614 | 4.01E-04 | 1.26E-02 | 2.947 | endothelin 1 (Edn1), mRNA [NM_010104] |
Ednra | 13617 | 3.54E-05 | 2.06E-03 | 1.353 | endothelin receptor type A (Ednra), mRNA [NM_010332] |
Ednrb | 13618 | 1.70E-03 | 3.43E-02 | −2.923 | endothelin receptor type B (Ednrb), mRNA [NM_007904] |
Eed | 13626 | 1.06E-03 | 2.50E-02 | −1.812 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4930565G20 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK016228] |
Efna5 | 13640 | 3.74E-04 | 1.20E-02 | 2.123 | ephrin A5 (Efna5), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_207654] |
Egf | 13645 | 6.51E-07 | 8.49E-05 | −1.647 | epidermal growth factor (Egf), mRNA [NM_010113] |
Egr4 | 13656 | 1.69E-05 | 1.14E-03 | −2.539 | early growth response 4 (Egr4), mRNA [NM_020596] |
Eif3a | 13669 | 1.23E-13 | 3.71E-10 | −3.407 | 16 days embryo head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C130093N16 product:EUKARYOTIC TRANSLATION |
Elk3 | 13713 | 2.15E-03 | 4.02E-02 | 0.706 | ELK3, member of ETS oncogene family (Elk3), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_013508] |
Epas1 | 13819 | 6.00E-08 | 1.27E-05 | 1.494 | endothelial PAS domain protein 1 (Epas1), mRNA [NM_010137] |
Epb4.1l1 | 13821 | 2.29E-03 | 4.21E-02 | 1.656 | erythrocyte protein band 4.1-like 1 (Epb4.1l1), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001003815] |
Epb4.1l4a | 13824 | 1.15E-04 | 5.18E-03 | 2.748 | erythrocyte protein band 4.1-like 4a (Epb4.1l4a), mRNA [NM_013512] |
Erg | 13876 | 1.80E-03 | 3.58E-02 | −1.680 | avian erythroblastosis virus E-26 (v-ets) oncogene related (Erg), mRNA [NM_133659] |
Fabp3 | 14077 | 3.71E-06 | 3.46E-04 | 1.668 | fatty acid binding protein 3, muscle and heart (Fabp3), mRNA [NM_010174] |
Fabp1 | 14080 | 1.03E-05 | 7.67E-04 | 3.337 | fatty acid binding protein 1, liver (Fabp1), mRNA [NM_017399] |
Fbln2 | 14115 | 1.26E-03 | 2.85E-02 | −2.487 | fibulin 2 (Fbln2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_007992] |
Lgr5 | 14160 | 1.95E-03 | 3.77E-02 | −2.500 | leucine rich repeat containing G protein coupled receptor 5 (Lgr5), mRNA [NM_010195] |
Fgf8 | 14179 | 4.71E-04 | 1.39E-02 | 1.700 | fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8), mRNA [NM_010205] |
Fgf9 | 14180 | 2.21E-04 | 8.33E-03 | 2.597 | fibroblast growth factor 9 (Fgf9), mRNA [NM_013518] |
Fgfr1 | 14182 | 1.67E-03 | 3.40E-02 | −1.471 | ouse basic fibroblast growth factor receptor (bFGF-R) mRNA, complete cds. [M28998] |
Fgfr4 | 14186 | 2.83E-03 | 4.90E-02 | 1.162 | fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 splice variant 17b (Fgfr4) mRNA, partial cds. [AF127140] |
Akr1b8 | 14187 | 1.84E-04 | 7.36E-03 | 1.235 | aldo-keto reductase family 1, member B8 (Akr1b8), mRNA [NM_008012] |
Fgl2 | 14190 | 2.06E-03 | 3.91E-02 | −1.100 | fibrinogen-like protein 2 (Fgl2), mRNA [NM_008013] |
Fhl1 | 14199 | 1.25E-04 | 5.45E-03 | 1.155 | four and a half LIM domains 1 (Fhl1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001077361] |
Ctgf | 14219 | 1.49E-11 | 1.28E-08 | 3.058 | connective tissue growth factor (Ctgf), mRNA [NM_010217] |
Fkbp10 | 14230 | 9.23E-04 | 2.26E-02 | 1.562 | FK506 binding protein 10 (Fkbp10), mRNA [NM_010221] |
Fkbp7 | 14231 | 1.08E-03 | 2.55E-02 | 1.407 | FK506 binding protein 7 (Fkbp7), mRNA [NM_010222] |
Flt1 | 14254 | 5.11E-04 | 1.47E-02 | 1.004 | FMS-like tyrosine kinase 1 (Flt1), mRNA [NM_010228] |
Fnbp1 | 14269 | 7.77E-05 | 3.80E-03 | −1.853 | formin binding protein 1 (Fnbp1), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_019406] |
Fpr2 | 14289 | 1.80E-03 | 3.58E-02 | −0.914 | formyl peptide receptor 2 (Fpr2), mRNA [NM_008039] |
Fstl1 | 14314 | 3.58E-07 | 5.23E-05 | 2.341 | follistatin-like 1 (Fstl1), mRNA [NM_008047] |
Fxc1 | 14356 | 1.65E-03 | 3.37E-02 | −1.569 | fractured callus expressed transcript 1 Gene [Source:MGI (curated) |
Fzd9 | 14371 | 9.94E-05 | 4.61E-03 | −2.146 | frizzled homolog 9 (Drosophila) (Fzd9), mRNA [NM_010246] |
Gabrd | 14403 | 8.43E-04 | 2.12E-02 | 1.589 | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA-A) receptor, subunit delta (Gabrd), mRNA [NM_008072] |
Gad1 | 14415 | 6.24E-10 | 2.89E-07 | −2.805 | glutamic acid decarboxylase 1 (Gad1), mRNA [NM_008077] |
Gas6 | 14456 | 1.91E-04 | 7.58E-03 | 1.039 | growth arrest specific 6 (Gas6), mRNA [NM_019521] |
Gcg | 14526 | 1.57E-03 | 3.27E-02 | 1.742 | adult pancreas islet cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C820012C23 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK050538] |
Kat2a | 14534 | 3.65E-07 | 5.27E-05 | −2.650 | K(lysine) acetyltransferase 2A (Kat2a), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_020004] |
Arhgdig | 14570 | 1.70E-03 | 3.43E-02 | −1.706 | Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) gamma (Arhgdig), mRNA [NM_008113] |
Gem | 14579 | 6.74E-04 | 1.78E-02 | −1.826 | GTP binding protein (gene overexpressed in skeletal muscle) (Gem), mRNA [NM_010276] |
Ggt1 | 14598 | 1.88E-05 | 1.24E-03 | −1.974 | gamma-glutamyltransferase 1 (Ggt1), mRNA [NM_008116] |
Ghrh | 14601 | 1.00E-04 | 4.64E-03 | −2.012 | growth hormone releasing hormone (Ghrh), mRNA [NM_010285] |
Gjc1 | 14615 | 3.11E-04 | 1.05E-02 | 2.838 | gap junction protein, gamma 1 (Gjc1), mRNA [NM_008122] |
Gjb2 | 14619 | 1.18E-05 | 8.52E-04 | −2.234 | gap junction protein, beta 2 (Gjb2), mRNA [NM_008125] |
Slc6a9 | 14664 | 1.29E-08 | 3.24E-06 | 1.929 | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, glycine), member 9 (Slc6a9), mRNA [NM_008135] |
Gna13 | 14674 | 1.10E-03 | 2.58E-02 | −1.810 | guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha 13 (Gna13), mRNA [NM_010303] |
Gnai1 | 14677 | 7.10E-06 | 5.65E-04 | −2.214 | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting 1 (Gnai1), mRNA [NM_010305] |
Gng12 | 14701 | 4.24E-04 | 1.30E-02 | 0.878 | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 12 (Gng12), mRNA [NM_025278] |
Gpc4 | 14735 | 3.95E-04 | 1.25E-02 | −2.278 | glypican 4 (Gpc4), mRNA [NM_008150] |
Nr3c1 | 14815 | 1.27E-03 | 2.85E-02 | 1.768 | nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 (Nr3c1), mRNA [NM_008173] |
Gstm1 | 14862 | 8.34E-04 | 2.11E-02 | 0.788 | glutathione S-transferase, mu 1 (Gstm1), mRNA [NM_010358] |
Gstm3 | 14864 | 5.72E-05 | 2.97E-03 | 0.920 | glutathione S-transferase, mu 3 (Gstm3), mRNA [NM_010359] |
Magi1 | 14924 | 1.36E-03 | 2.99E-02 | 1.935 | membrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing 1 (Magi1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_010367] |
H13 | 4950 | 1.27E-03 | 2.85E-02 | −1.562 | histocompatibility 13, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:66829 IMAGE:6818912), complete cds. [BC056977] |
Hba-a1 | 15122 | 3.75E-06 | 3.46E-04 | 1.572 | hemoglobin alpha, adult chain 1 (Hba-a1), mRNA [NM_008218] |
Hbb-b1 | 15129 | 1.64E-08 | 4.04E-06 | 1.689 | hemoglobin, beta adult major chain (Hbb-b1), mRNA [NM_008220] |
Mst1 | 15235 | 1.82E-03 | 3.59E-02 | 1.404 | macrophage stimulating 1 (hepatocyte growth factor-like) (Mst1), mRNA [NM_008243] |
Hic1 | 15248 | 2.07E-03 | 3.91E-02 | 1.099 | hypermethylated in cancer 1 (Hic1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_010430] |
Hira | 15260 | 7.27E-08 | 1.47E-05 | −2.576 | histone cell cycle regulation defective homolog A (S. cerevisiae) (Hira), mRNA [NM_010435] |
Hmg20b | 15353 | 5.48E-05 | 2.90E-03 | −1.233 | high mobility group 20 B (Hmg20b), mRNA [NM_010440] |
Foxa2 | 15376 | 2.66E-03 | 4.72E-02 | −0.620 | forkhead box A2 (Foxa2), mRNA [NM_010446] |
Hnrnpab | 15384 | 1.14E-03 | 2.65E-02 | −2.571 | 12 days embryo head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:3010025C11 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK019387] |
Hoxb6 | 15414 | 1.90E-04 | 7.56E-03 | 1.302 | Murine HOX 2.2 mRNA for a homeobox protein. [X56459] |
Eif2ak1 | 15467 | 1.45E-03 | 3.10E-02 | −1.199 | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 1 (Eif2ak1), mRNA [NM_013557] |
Hsf1 | 15499 | 9.26E-04 | 2.27E-02 | 1.249 | mRNA for heat shock factor 1-alpha. [Z49206] |
Hsph1 | 15505 | 2.21E-04 | 8.32E-03 | −0.914 | heat shock 105kDa/110kDa protein 1 (Hsph1), mRNA [NM_013559] |
Hspg2 | 15530 | 1.09E-07 | 2.04E-05 | 2.025 | perlecan (heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2) (Hspg2), mRNA [NM_008305] |
Ifi203 | 15950 | 7.60E-05 | 3.73E-03 | −1.152 | interferon activated gene 203 (Ifi203), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001045481] |
Ifnb1 | 15977 | 5.23E-05 | 2.81E-03 | −3.589 | interferon beta 1, fibroblast (Ifnb1), mRNA [NM_010510] |
Ifng | 15978 | 2.90E-04 | 1.01E-02 | −1.232 | interferon gamma (Ifng), mRNA [NM_008337] |
Ifngr2 | 15980 | 1.19E-03 | 2.75E-02 | 0.885 | interferon gamma receptor 2 (Ifngr2), mRNA [NM_008338] |
Cyr61 | 16007 | 5.92E-06 | 4.94E-04 | 2.913 | cysteine rich protein 61 (Cyr61), mRNA [NM_010516] |
Igfbp5 | 16011 | 4.42E-05 | 2.47E-03 | 1.451 | insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 (Igfbp5), mRNA [NM_010518] |
Igh-VJ558 | 16061 | 9.84E-05 | 4.57E-03 | −1.190 | J558+ IgM heavy chain mRNA, hybridoma clone ME2B7, partial cds. [U39781] |
Igll1 | 16136 | 1.89E-06 | 2.06E-04 | −2.359 | adult male bone cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:9830138N18 product:immunoglobulin lambda chain 5, full insert sequence [AK137552] |
Igl-V1 | 16142 | 1.01E-12 | 1.52E-09 | 2.687 | adult male small intestine cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2010004G10 product:immunoglobulin lambda chain, variable 1, full insert sequence. [AK008094] |
Il10 | 16153 | 5.87E-05 | 3.02E-03 | −1.688 | interleukin 10 (Il10), mRNA [NM_010548] |
Il1rap | 16180 | 4.88E-04 | 1.43E-02 | −3.388 | interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein (Il1rap), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_008364] |
Il1rn | 16181 | 2.23E-03 | 4.14E-02 | −1.024 | interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (Il1rn), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001039701] |
Il2rg | 16186 | 2.45E-05 | 1.54E-03 | −3.373 | interleukin 2 receptor, gamma chain (Il2rg), mRNA [NM_013563] |
Inhbc | 16325 | 1.24E-03 | 2.82E-02 | −3.158 | inhibin beta-C (Inhbc), mRNA [NM_010565] |
Invs | 16348 | 2.68E-03 | 4.75E-02 | −1.735 | adult male pituitary gland cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5330415L19 product:inversin, full insert sequence. [AK019896] |
Irf1 | 16362 | 2.51E-04 | 9.16E-03 | −0.877 | interferon regulatory factor 1 (Irf1), mRNA [NM_008390] |
Irg1 | 16365 | 1.17E-05 | 8.47E-04 | −1.095 | immune-responsive gene 1 (Irg1) mRNA, 3′ end of cds. [L38281] |
Irf9 | 16391 | 1.28E-03 | 2.86E-02 | −0.976 | interferon regulatory factor 9 (Irf9), mRNA [NM_008394] |
Itga5 | 16402 | 8.60E-07 | 1.05E-04 | −2.748 | integrin alpha 5 (fibronectin receptor alpha) (Itga5), mRNA [NM_010577] |
Itgav | 16410 | 5.45E-05 | 2.89E-03 | −2.177 | integrin alpha V (Itgav), mRNA [NM_008402] |
Itgb3 | 16416 | 2.34E-03 | 4.30E-02 | 1.849 | integrin beta3 subunit mRNA, complete cds. [AF026509] |
Jup | 16480 | 5.48E-04 | 1.55E-02 | 2.897 | junction plakoglobin (Jup), mRNA [NM_010593] |
Kcnj8 | 16523 | 1.17E-06 | 1.36E-04 | 2.201 | potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 8 (Kcnj8), mRNA [NM_008428] |
Kcnj9 | 16524 | 4.80E-04 | 1.41E-02 | 1.859 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700085N21 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK007011] |
Kcnk7 | 16530 | 2.09E-04 | 8.07E-03 | −2.004 | potassium channel, subfamily K, member 7 (Kcnk7), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001004138] |
Kcnq1 | 16535 | 2.26E-04 | 8.47E-03 | 1.816 | potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily Q, member 1 (Kcnq1), mRNA [NM_008434] |
Kif13b | 16554 | 1.02E-04 | 4.69E-03 | −2.101 | kinesin family member 13B (Kif13b), mRNA [NM_001081177] |
Kif1c | 16562 | 4.38E-07 | 6.18E-05 | −2.514 | kinesin family member 1C (Kif1c), mRNA [NM_153103] |
Klra8 | 16639 | 2.63E-06 | 2.71E-04 | −2.160 | killer cell lectin-like receptor, subfamily A, member 8 (Klra8), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_010650] |
Kpna4 | 16649 | 5.08E-06 | 4.41E-04 | −2.945 | karyopherin (importin) alpha 4 (Kpna4), mRNA [NM_008467] |
Hivep3 | 16656 | 2.65E-04 | 9.53E-03 | 1.288 | adult male hippocampus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2900056N03 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK013707] |
Krt8 | 16691 | 2.01E-03 | 3.85E-02 | −1.674 | keratin 8 (Krt8), mRNA [NM_031170] |
Lamb2 | 16779 | 9.28E-05 | 4.39E-03 | 3.012 | laminin, beta 2 (Lamb2), mRNA [NM_008483] |
Anpep | 16790 | 4.62E-04 | 1.37E-02 | 1.192 | alanyl (membrane) aminopeptidase (Anpep), mRNA [NM_008486] |
Lbx2 | 16815 | 6.49E-04 | 1.74E-02 | 1.764 | ladybird homeobox homolog 2 (Drosophila) (Lbx2), mRNA [NM_010692] |
Lfng | 16848 | 2.15E-03 | 4.01E-02 | −2.059 | LFNG O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (Lfng), mRNA [NM_008494] |
Lhx1 | 16869 | 6.16E-13 | 1.16E-09 | −3.387 | LIM homeobox protein 1 (Lhx1), mRNA [NM_008498] |
Psmb9 | 16912 | 8.96E-04 | 2.21E-02 | -0.696 | proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 9 (large multifunctional peptidase 2) (Psmb9), mRNA [NM_013585] |
Psmb8 | 16913 | 1.74E-03 | 3.49E-02 | −0.679 | proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 8 (large multifunctional peptidase 7) (Psmb8), mRNA [NM_010724] |
Lmx1b | 16917 | 2.77E-03 | 4.84E-02 | 2.066 | LIM homeobox transcription factor 1 beta (Lmx1b), mRNA [NM_010725] |
Lrp5 | 16973 | 3.33E-04 | 1.10E-02 | 1.073 | low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (Lrp5), mRNA [NM_008513] |
Lrp6 | 16974 | 3.91E-05 | 2.21E-03 | −1.936 | adult male corpus striatum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C030016K15 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK021086] |
Lrp8 | 16975 | 7.88E-15 | 4.34E-11 | −3.680 | low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8, apolipoprotein e receptor (Lrp8), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_053073] |
Ltbp2 | 16997 | 1.12E-03 | 2.61E-02 | 1.318 | latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 2 (Ltbp2), mRNA [NM_013589] |
Lum | 17022 | 1.08E-03 | 2.53E-02 | 2.512 | lumican (Lum), mRNA [NM_008524] |
Ly6f | 17071 | 2.72E-03 | 4.79E-02 | −1.609 | lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus F (Ly6f), mRNA [NM_008530] |
Ly96 | 17087 | 2.22E-04 | 8.35E-03 | 0.921 | lymphocyte antigen 96 (Ly96), mRNA [NM_016923] |
Lyz2 | 17105 | 6.26E-04 | 1.69E-02 | 0.825 | osteoclast-like cell cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:I420013M05 product:lysozyme, full insert sequence. [AK159276] |
Tm4sf1 | 17112 | 1.96E-05 | 1.28E-03 | 1.487 | transmembrane 4 superfamily member 1 (Tm4sf1), mRNA [NM_008536] |
Smad5 | 17129 | 1.57E-03 | 3.27E-02 | 0.852 | MAD homolog 5 (Drosophila) (Smad5), mRNA [NM_008541] |
Maf | 17132 | 7.57E-04 | 1.95E-02 | 0.896 | avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma (v-maf) AS42 oncogene homolog Gene [Source:MGI (curated) |
Mfap2 | 17150 | 1.14E-05 | 8.28E-04 | 1.681 | microfibrillar-associated protein 2 (Mfap2), mRNA [NM_008546] |
Mbp | 17196 | 5.51E-05 | 2.91E-03 | −2.327 | myelin basic protein (Mbp), transcript variant 7, mRNA [NM_010777] |
Mc3r | 17201 | 2.62E-04 | 9.43E-03 | 1.407 | melanocortin 3 receptor (Mc3r), mRNA [NM_008561] |
Mcf2l | 17207 | 4.60E-04 | 1.36E-02 | −2.476 | mcf.2 transforming sequence-like (Mcf2l), mRNA [NM_178076] |
Mdfi | 17240 | 6.99E-05 | 3.50E-03 | 2.308 | MyoD family inhibitor (Mdfi), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_010783] |
Mdm4 | 17248 | 1.21E-04 | 5.32E-03 | 1.757 | adult male corpora quadrigemina cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B230385P13 product:inferred: transformed mouse 3T3 cell |
Mest | 17294 | 2.95E-08 | 6.71E-06 | 3.243 | mesoderm specific transcript (Mest), mRNA [NM_008590] |
Foxc1 | 17300 | 1.83E-04 | 7.35E-03 | 1.722 | forkhead box C1 (Foxc1), mRNA [NM_008592] |
Mgat1 | 17308 | 1.21E-03 | 2.77E-02 | 1.321 | mannoside acetylglucosaminyltransferase 1 (Mgat1), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_010794] |
Mgp | 17313 | 2.51E-09 | 9.17E-07 | 3.298 | matrix Gla protein (Mgp), mRNA [NM_008597] |
Mgmt | 17314 | 1.25E-03 | 2.84E-02 | 1.758 | adult male gall bladder cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:G630095K06 product:0-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase, full insert sequence [AK090389] |
Mid1 | 17318 | 8.69E-05 | 4.17E-03 | 1.292 | midline 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:69759 IMAGE:6810837), complete cds. [BC059027] |
Mllt4 | 17356 | 8.79E-04 | 2.18E-02 | 3.014 | myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 4 (Mllt4), mRNA [NM_010806] |
Ndst2 | 17423 | 5.87E-04 | 1.61E-02 | 0.972 | N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase (heparan glucosaminyl) 2 (Ndst2), mRNA [NM_010811] |
Grap2 | 17444 | 2.37E-03 | 4.32E-02 | 1.180 | GRB2-related adaptor protein 2 (Grap2), mRNA [NM_010815] |
COX2 | 17709 | 4.97E-05 | 2.69E-03 | 1.130 | mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase II Gene [Source:MGI Symbol |
Mtap7 | 17761 | 2.11E-05 | 1.35E-03 | −2.375 | microtubule-associated protein 7 (Mtap7), mRNA [NM_008635] |
Mx2 | 17858 | 2.78E-03 | 4.85E-02 | −1.059 | myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 2 (Mx2), mRNA [NM_013606] |
Myl4 | 17896 | 6.11E-04 | 1.66E-02 | −1.384 | myosin, light polypeptide 4 (Myl4), mRNA [NM_010858] |
Myo10 | 17909 | 1.11E-06 | 1.31E-04 | −3.058 | B6-derived CD11 +ve dendritic cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:F730038D06 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK089482] |
Myo6 | 17920 | 2.06E-04 | 7.99E-03 | 1.516 | myosin VI (Myo6), mRNA [NM_001039546] |
Nbl1 | 17965 | 1.78E-03 | 3.55E-02 | 1.129 | neuroblastoma, suppression of tumorigenicity 1 (Nbl1), mRNA [NM_008675] |
Neurod2 | 18013 | 5.64E-04 | 1.57E-02 | 1.980 | neurogenic differentiation 2 (Neurod2), mRNA [NM_010895] |
Nfatc2ip | 18020 | 8.18E-05 | 3.96E-03 | 1.531 | nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 2 interacting protein (Nfatc2ip), mRNA [NM_010900] |
Nfib | 18028 | 3.31E-05 | 1.95E-03 | 1.807 | nuclear factor I/B (Nfib), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001113209] |
Nefl | 18039 | 6.79E-08 | 1.41E-05 | −2.452 | neurofilament, light polypeptide (Nefl), mRNA [NM_010910] |
Nid1 | 18073 | 4.00E-06 | 3.63E-04 | 1.579 | nidogen 1 (Nid1), mRNA [NM_010917] |
Nppc | 18159 | 1.58E-09 | 6.35E-07 | −2.855 | natriuretic peptide precursor type C (Nppc), mRNA [NM_010933] |
Nrap | 18175 | 1.72E-03 | 3.46E-02 | −2.299 | nebulin-related anchoring protein (Nrap), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_008733] |
Nrp2 | 18187 | 3.13E-06 | 3.08E-04 | 1.457 | neuropilin 2 (Nrp2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001077403] |
Nrxn2 | 18190 | 1.63E-04 | 6.71E-03 | 2.785 | neurexin II (Nrxn2), mRNA [NM_020253] |
Nsf | 18195 | 3.96E-04 | 1.25E-02 | −2.271 | N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein (Nsf), mRNA [NM_008740] |
Odf2 | 18286 | 8.64E-08 | 1.67E-05 | −2.699 | outer dense fiber of sperm tails 2 (Odf2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001113213] |
Olfr32 | 18331 | 6.14E-04 | 1.67E-02 | 1.741 | olfactory receptor 32 (Olfr32), mRNA [NM_010980] |
Olfr48 | 18347 | 1.26E-06 | 1.45E-04 | −2.515 | olfactory receptor 48 (Olfr48), mRNA [NM_010990] |
Osm | 18413 | 2.01E-04 | 7.84E-03 | −2.420 | oncostatin M (Osm), mRNA [NM_001013365] |
Osmr | 18414 | 3.62E-07 | 5.26E-05 | 1.949 | oncostatin M receptor (Osmr), mRNA [NM_011019] |
Pafah1b3 | 18476 | 1.96E-03 | 3.79E-02 | −0.916 | platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase, isoform 1b, alpha1 subunit (Pafah1b3), mRNA [NM_008776] |
Pam | 18484 | 1.59E-11 | 1.32E-08 | −3.218 | peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (Pam), mRNA [NM_013626] |
Pax2 | 18504 | 2.43E-04 | 8.93E-03 | 1.619 | paired box gene 2 (Pax2), mRNA [NM_011037] |
Pax6 | 18508 | 2.53E-03 | 4.55E-02 | −0.129 | paired box gene 6 (Pax6), mRNA [NM_013627] |
Pcolce | 18542 | 2.89E-06 | 2.88E-04 | 1.503 | procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer protein (Pcolce), mRNA [NM_008788] |
Pcsk2 | 18549 | 2.47E-08 | 5.78E-06 | −2.446 | proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 2 (Pcsk2), mRNA [NM_008792] |
Pcsk6 | 18553 | 5.73E-06 | 4.85E-04 | 3.645 | PREDICTED: proprotein convertase subtilisin [XM_355911] |
Pctk3 | 18557 | 5.66E-05 | 2.95E-03 | 1.162 | PCTAIRE-motif protein kinase 3 (Pctk3), mRNA [NM_008795] |
Pdgfrb | 18596 | 3.08E-04 | 1.05E-02 | 1.118 | platelet derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide (Pdgfrb), mRNA [NM_008809] |
Padi2 | 18600 | 8.23E-04 | 2.09E-02 | −1.193 | peptidyl arginine deiminase, type II (Padi2), mRNA [NM_008812] |
Peg3 | 18616 | 2.02E-04 | 7.85E-03 | 2.228 | 0 day neonate eyeball cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E130105D15 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK053523] |
Per3 | 18628 | 9.40E-04 | 2.28E-02 | −1.889 | period homolog 3 (Drosophila) (Per3), mRNA [NM_011067] |
Pfn1 | 18643 | 1.78E-04 | 7.18E-03 | −1.244 | profilin 1 (Pfn1), mRNA [NM_011072] |
Abcb1b | 18669 | 1.35E-03 | 2.99E-02 | 1.159 | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 1B (Abcb1b), mRNA [NM_011075] |
Prkcz | 18762 | 1.92E-12 | 2.44E-09 | −3.380 | protein kinase C, zeta (Prkcz), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_008860] |
Prl3d1 | 18775 | 1.44E-04 | 6.13E-03 | 1.751 | Mouse placental lactogen I (PL-I) mRNA, complete cds. [M35662] |
Papola | 18789 | 1.78E-04 | 7.18E-03 | −2.160 | poly (A) polymerase alpha (Papola), mRNA [NM_011112] |
Pa2g4 | 18813 | 5.83E-04 | 1.61E-02 | −1.257 | proliferation-associated 2G4 (Pa2g4), mRNA [NM_011119] |
Plp1 | 18823 | 1.52E-03 | 3.20E-02 | −1.842 | proteolipid protein (myelin) 1 (Plp1), mRNA [NM_011123] |
Plxna3 | 18846 | 1.83E-04 | 7.35E-03 | −2.074 | plexin A3 (Plxna3), mRNA [NM_008883] |
Prrx1 | 18933 | 1.61E-03 | 3.32E-02 | 2.472 | paired related homeobox 1 (Prrx1), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_175686] |
Pou2f2 | 18987 | 6.66E-04 | 1.77E-02 | 2.493 | POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 2 (Pou2f2), mRNA [NM_011138] |
Pou5f1 | 18999 | 8.89E-04 | 2.20E-02 | 2.053 | POU domain, class 5, transcription factor 1 (Pou5f1), mRNA [NM_013633] |
Pparg | 19016 | 9.39E-05 | 4.43E-03 | 1.049 | peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (Pparg), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_011146] |
Ppic | 19038 | 1.92E-04 | 7.60E-03 | 0.986 | peptidylprolyl isomerase C (Ppic), mRNA [NM_008908] |
Ppt1 | 19063 | 1.71E-03 | 3.45E-02 | −1.858 | B16 F10Y cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:G370087F11 product:palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1, full insert sequence. [AK148314] |
Prkg1 | 19091 | 3.27E-05 | 1.93E-03 | −2.487 | protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type I (Prkg1), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_011160] |
Mapk8ip1 | 19099 | 1.28E-05 | 9.02E-04 | −2.245 | 0 day neonate eyeball cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E130310D04 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK053819] |
Ptch2 | 19207 | 2.80E-03 | 4.87E-02 | −2.017 | patched homolog 2 (Ptch2), mRNA [NM_008958] Pter 19212 2.71E-03 4.78E-02 -1.732 phosphotriesterase related (Pter), mRNA [NM_008961] |
Ptrf | 19285 | 3.22E-06 | 3.13E-04 | 1.372 | polymerase I and transcript release factor (Ptrf), mRNA [NM_008986] |
Aldh1a2 | 19378 | 1.88E-03 | 3.68E-02 | 1.687 | aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A2 (Aldh1a2), mRNA [NM_009022] |
Rapsn | 19400 | 8.64E-04 | 2.15E-02 | −1.761 | receptor-associated protein of the synapse (Rapsn), mRNA [NM_009023] |
Rara | 19401 | 1.05E-03 | 2.49E-02 | −1.646 | retinoic acid receptor, alpha (Rara), mRNA [NM_009024] |
Rbbp4 | 19646 | 6.22E-04 | 1.68E-02 | 1.410 | 10 days neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B930061B17 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK140625] |
Renbp | 19703 | 2.71E-03 | 4.78E-02 | 0.885 | renin binding protein (Renbp), mRNA [NM_023132] |
Rfx2 | 19725 | 2.92E-05 | 1.76E-03 | −2.209 | 6 days neonate head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5430432H19 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK017377] |
Rfx3 | 19726 | 2.38E-03 | 4.34E-02 | −1.873 | adult male aorta and vein cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A530084A02 product:regulatory factor (trans-acting) 3, |
Rgl1 | 19731 | 2.56E-04 | 9.29E-03 | 1.062 | ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator,-like 1 (Rgl1), mRNA [NM_016846] |
Rgs9 | 19739 | 4.92E-05 | 2.68E-03 | 2.659 | regulator of G-protein signaling 9 (Rgs9), mRNA [NM_011268] |
Mst1r | 19882 | 9.03E-05 | 4.30E-03 | −1.863 | macrophage stimulating 1 receptor (c-met-related tyrosine kinase) (Mst1r), mRNA [NM_009074] |
Polr2a | 20020 | 4.06E-04 | 1.26E-02 | 0.680 | polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide A (Polr2a), mRNA [NM_009089] |
Trim30 | 20128 | 5.60E-05 | 2.93E-03 | −1.376 | tripartite motif-containing 30 (Trim30), mRNA [NM_009099] |
Rtn2 | 20167 | 4.09E-04 | 1.27E-02 | −2.740 | reticulon 2 (Z-band associated protein) (Rtn2), transcript variant B, mRNA [NM_013648] |
Prrx2 | 20204 | 3.77E-04 | 1.20E-02 | −2.295 | Mouse homeobox gene Prx2 mRNA [X52875] |
Saa1 | 20208 | 6.79E-05 | 3.40E-03 | 1.552 | serum amyloid A 1 (Saa1), mRNA [NM_009117] |
Sag | 20215 | 8.51E-05 | 4.09E-03 | 7.092 | retinal S-antigen (Sag), mRNA [NM_009118] |
Sap18 | 20220 | 5.27E-05 | 2.82E-03 | −2.563 | Sin3-associated polypeptide 18 (Sap18), mRNA [NM_009119] |
Ccl2 | 20296 | 1.72E-03 | 3.47E-02 | 0.663 | chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (Ccl2), mRNA [NM_011333] |
Ccl20 | 20297 | 1.41E-03 | 3.06E-02 | 1.957 | chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 20 (Ccl20), mRNA [NM_016960] |
Sdf1 | 20315 | 5.77E-08 | 1.23E-05 | 1.427 | stromal cell-derived factor-1 (Sdf1), or, chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12 (Cxcl12), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_001012477] |
Sdpr | 20324 | 2.84E-06 | 2.85E-04 | 1.370 | serum deprivation response (Sdpr), mRNA [NM_138741] |
Sel1l | 20338 | 1.01E-03 | 2.43E-02 | −1.653 | adult female placenta cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1600026C08 product:Sel1 (suppressor of lin-12) 1 homolog (C. elegans), full insert sequence. [AK005544] |
Sema5b | 20357 | 1.83E-04 | 7.35E-03 | −2.213 | sema domain, seven thrombospondin repeats (type 1 and type 1-like), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 5B (Sema5b), mRNA [NM_013661] |
Sema6b | 20359 | 1.51E-03 | 3.19E-02 | 1.143 | sema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6B (Sema6b), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_013662] |
Sgce | 20392 | 1.55E-03 | 3.25E-02 | 1.054 | sarcoglycan, epsilon (Sgce), transcript variant 4, mRNA [NM_011360] |
Itsn2 | 20403 | 4.08E-09 | 1.37E-06 | −2.865 | intersectin 2 (Itsn2), mRNA [NM_011365] |
Siah1a | 20437 | 3.12E-04 | 1.06E-02 | −2.422 | seven in absentia 1A (Siah1a), mRNA [NM_009172] |
St6galnac2 | 20446 | 9.12E-05 | 4.33E-03 | 1.620 | ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2,3-beta-galactosyl-1,3)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 2 (St6galnac2), mRNA [NM_009180] |
St6galnac3 | 20447 | 1.08E-03 | 2.54E-02 | 1.695 | ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2,3-beta-galactosyl-1,3)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 3 (St6galnac3), mRNA [NM_011372] |
Ski | 20481 | 1.62E-03 | 3.33E-02 | 0.817 | ski sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (avian) (Ski), mRNA [NM_011385] |
Glut4 | 20528 | 1.99E-04 | 7.80E-03 | 0.921 | solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 4 (Glut4, Slc2a4), mRNA [NM_009204] |
Slc31a2 | 20530 | 4.87E-04 | 1.42E-02 | 0.960 | solute carrier family 31, member 2 (Slc31a2), mRNA [NM_025286] |
Slc4a1 | 20533 | 2.70E-06 | 2.76E-04 | 1.224 | solute carrier family 4 (anion exchanger), member 1 (Slc4a1), mRNA [NM_011403] |
Slfn1 | 20555 | 2.18E-04 | 8.25E-03 | −1.833 | schlafen 1 (Slfn1), mRNA [NM_011407] |
Hltf | 20585 | 9.77E-05 | 4.56E-03 | −1.772 | helicase-like transcription factor (Hltf), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_144959] |
Smarca4 | 20586 | 1.10E-03 | 2.57E-02 | −0.803 | SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 4 (Smarca4), mRNA [NM_011417] |
Snca | 20617 | 4.38E-04 | 1.32E-02 | 1.553 | synuclein, alpha (Snca), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001042451] |
Sod1 | 20655 | 1.24E-06 | 1.44E-04 | −2.985 | superoxide dismutase 1, soluble, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:5697222), with apparent retained intron. [BC057074] |
Sorl1 | 20660 | 3.00E-04 | 1.03E-02 | −0.800 | hybrid receptor gp250 precursor, mRNA, partial cds. [AF031816] |
Sparc | 20692 | 2.63E-08 | 6.10E-06 | 2.094 | secreted acidic cysteine rich glycoprotein (Sparc), mRNA [NM_009242] |
Spint1 | 20732 | 4.94E-05 | 2.69E-03 | −1.973 | serine protease inhibitor, Kunitz type 1 (Spint1), mRNA [NM_016907] |
Strbp | 20744 | 5.19E-04 | 1.48E-02 | 1.769 | Spnr mRNA for RNA binding protein [X84692] |
Spp1 | 20750 | 5.12E-06 | 4.41E-04 | 1.557 | secreted phosphoprotein 1 (Spp1), mRNA [NM_009263] |
Srpk1 | 20815 | 6.04E-04 | 1.65E-02 | −1.743 | serine/arginine-rich protein specific kinase 1 (Srpk1), mRNA [NM_016795] |
Stag1 | 20842 | 3.76E-06 | 3.46E-04 | −2.269 | stromal antigen 1 (Stag1), mRNA [NM_009282] |
Star | 20845 | 1.40E-07 | 2.52E-05 | −2.677 | steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (Star), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_011485] |
Stfa3 | 20863 | 1.98E-04 | 7.80E-03 | 1.548 | stefin A3 (Stfa3), mRNA [NM_025288] |
Sts | 20905 | 2.52E-04 | 9.20E-03 | 1.254 | steroid sulfatase (Sts), mRNA [NM_009293] |
Abcc9 | 20928 | 3.29E-07 | 4.90E-05 | 2.251 | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 9 (Abcc9), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_021041] |
Surf2 | 20931 | 3.26E-04 | 1.09E-02 | 1.111 | surfeit gene 2 (Surf2), mRNA [NM_013678] |
Swap70 | 20947 | 1.76E-05 | 1.17E-03 | 1.423 | SWA-70 protein (Swap70), mRNA [NM_009302] |
Syt1 | 20979 | 8.49E-04 | 2.13E-02 | −2.192 | synaptotagmin I (Syt1), mRNA [NM_009306] |
Taf1a | 21339 | 1.17E-04 | 5.21E-03 | −1.692 | TATA box binding protein (Tbp)-associated factor, RNA polymerase I, A (Taf1a), mRNA [NM_021466] |
Slc6a6 | 21366 | 3.91E-05 | 2.21E-03 | −2.314 | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, taurine), member 6 (Slc6a6), mRNA [NM_009320] |
Tcf7l2 | 21416 | 2.06E-03 | 3.91E-02 | −1.796 | transcription factor 7-like 2, T-cell specific, HMG-box (Tcf7l2), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_009333] |
Tcfeb | 21425 | 3.05E-04 | 1.04E-02 | −1.891 | transcription factor EB (Tcfeb), mRNA [NM_011549] |
Tcra | 21473 | 2.34E-10 | 1.31E-07 | −2.912 | 16 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A130010C18 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK037357] |
Dntt | 21673 | 5.68E-06 | 4.82E-04 | −1.534 | deoxynucleotidyltransferase, terminal (Dntt), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_009345] |
Tef | 21685 | 7.34E-04 | 1.91E-02 | −1.850 | thyrotroph embryonic factor (Tef), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_153484] |
Tekt1 | 21689 | 3.72E-09 | 1.26E-06 | −2.925 | tektin 1 (Tekt1), mRNA [NM_011569] |
Tfpi | 21788 | 9.78E-05 | 4.56E-03 | 1.307 | tissue factor pathway inhibitor, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:37332 IMAGE:4975683), complete cds. [BC036146] |
Tgfa | 21802 | 2.74E-03 | 4.80E-02 | 0.161 | transforming growth factor alpha (Tgfa), mRNA [NM_031199] |
Tgif1 | 21815 | 4.57E-05 | 2.53E-03 | −2.086 | TGFB-induced factor homeobox 1 (Tgif1), mRNA [NM_009372] |
Thbs1 | 21825 | 4.61E-04 | 1.36E-02 | −1.044 | thrombospondin 1 (Thbs1), mRNA [NM_011580] |
Thbs3 | 21827 | 1.72E-05 | 1.15E-03 | 1.767 | thrombospondin 3 (Thbs3), mRNA [NM_013691] |
Timeless | 21853 | 7.55E-04 | 1.95E-02 | −0.968 | timeless homolog (Drosophila) (Timeless), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_011589] |
Timm17b | 21855 | 3.72E-12 | 3.61E-09 | −3.248 | translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 17b (Timm17b), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_011591] |
Timp1 | 21857 | 5.55E-07 | 7.56E-05 | 2.648 | tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (Timp1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001044384] |
Timp3 | 21859 | 1.15E-04 | 5.17E-03 | 1.566 | tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 3 (Timp3), mRNA [NM_011595] |
Tle2 | 21886 | 2.82E-03 | 4.89E-02 | 1.348 | transducin-like enhancer of split 2, homolog of Drosophila E(spl) (Tle2), mRNA [NM_019725] |
Tspan7 | 21912 | 4.86E-06 | 4.26E-04 | 1.457 | tetraspanin 7 (Tspan7), mRNA [NM_019634] |
Clec3b | 21922 | 6.19E-04 | 1.68E-02 | 1.827 | C-type lectin domain family 3, member b (Clec3b), mRNA [NM_011606] |
Cd27 | 21940 | 1.62E-03 | 3.33E-02 | 1.118 | CD27 antigen (Cd27), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001033126] |
Tns1 | 21961 | 1.79E-09 | 7.08E-07 | −3.281 | PREDICTED: tensin 1 (Tns1), mRNA [XM_619639] |
Hsp90b1 | 22027 | 3.17E-04 | 1.06E-02 | −0.749 | heat shock protein 90, beta (Grp94), member 1 (Hsp90b1), mRNA [NM_011631] |
Trp73 | 22062 | 4.37E-04 | 1.32E-02 | −2.160 | transformation related protein 73 (Trp73), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_011642] |
Tsn | 22099 | 5.94E-06 | 4.94E-04 | −2.709 | 10 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2600015M20 product:translin, full insert sequence. [AK011220] |
Ttf1 | 22130 | 1.53E-03 | 3.21E-02 | −2.401 | transcription termination factor, RNA polymerase I (Ttf1), mRNA [NM_009442] |
Tubb2a | 22151 | 1.64E-03 | 3.36E-02 | −0.789 | tubulin, beta 2a (Tubb2a), mRNA [NM_009450] |
Ubr1 | 22222 | 3.60E-04 | 1.16E-02 | −2.231 | ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 1 (Ubr1), mRNA [NM_009461] |
Slc35a2 | 22232 | 2.89E-04 | 1.01E-02 | 1.415 | solute carrier family 35 (UDP-galactose transporter), member A2 (Slc35a2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_078484] |
Umps | 22247 | 1.42E-04 | 6.10E-03 | −1.809 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700095D23 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK007077] |
Nr1h3 | 22259 | 1.98E-03 | 3.81E-02 | 1.654 | nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 3 (Nr1h3), mRNA [NM_013839] |
Vamp2 | 22318 | 1.43E-12 | 2.03E-09 | −3.526 | vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 (Vamp2), mRNA [NM_009497] |
Vav1 | 22324 | 2.63E-03 | 4.70E-02 | −0.909 | vav 1 oncogene (Vav1), mRNA [NM_011691] |
Vpreb1 | 22362 | 3.25E-06 | 3.15E-04 | −1.533 | pre-B lymphocyte gene 1 (Vpreb1), mRNA [NM_016982] |
Vpreb3 | 22364 | 1.61E-04 | 6.66E-03 | −0.914 | pre-B lymphocyte gene 3 (Vpreb3), mRNA [NM_009514] |
Wnt5b | 22419 | 3.59E-04 | 1.16E-02 | 2.318 | wingless-related MMTV integration site 5B (Wnt5b), mRNA [NM_009525] |
Siae | 22619 | 1.76E-03 | 3.53E-02 | −2.172 | sialic acid acetylesterase (Siae), mRNA [NM_011734] |
Zfp161 | 22666 | 2.42E-07 | 3.98E-05 | −2.611 | zinc finger protein 161 (Zfp161), mRNA [NM_009547] |
Sf1 | 22668 | 1.05E-04 | 4.82E-03 | −1.377 | splicing factor 1 (Sf1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001110791] |
Zfp2 | 22678 | 1.95E-03 | 3.77E-02 | −1.705 | zinc finger protein 2 (Zfp2), transcript variant 4, mRNA [NM_001044698] |
Hs2st1 | 23908 | 9.34E-04 | 2.28E-02 | −2.067 | heparan sulfate 2-O-sulfotransferase 1 (Hs2st1), mRNA [NM_011828] |
Kel | 23925 | 2.65E-04 | 9.53E-03 | 0.994 | Kell blood group (Kel), mRNA [NM_032540] |
Mmp17 | 23948 | 1.25E-07 | 2.30E-05 | −2.503 | matrix metallopeptidase 17 (Mmp17), mRNA [NM_011846] |
Nek4 | 23955 | 8.66E-04 | 2.15E-02 | −1.627 | NIMA (never in mitosis gene a)-related expressed kinase 4 (Nek4), mRNA [NM_011849] |
Nt5e | 23959 | 6.14E-04 | 1.67E-02 | −2.626 | 5′ nucleotidase, ecto (Nt5e), mRNA [NM_011851] |
Oasl2 | 23962 | 1.40E-03 | 3.05E-02 | −1.130 | 2′-5′ oligoadenylate synthetase-like 2 (Oasl2), mRNA [NM_011854] |
2-Sep | 24050 | 2.14E-03 | 4.01E-02 | −1.667 | septin 3 (Sept3), mRNA [NM_011889] |
Synj2bp | 24071 | 8.28E-08 | 1.64E-05 | −2.569 | activin receptor-interacting protein 2b (Arip2b) mRNA, complete cds, alternatively spliced. [AY071903] |
Tnfsf13b | 24099 | 3.74E-12 | 3.61E-09 | −3.222 | tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 13b Gene [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:1344376] [ENSMUST00000033892] |
Ubd | 24108 | 4.50E-04 | 1.35E-02 | 1.079 | ubiquitin D (Ubd), mRNA [NM_023137] |
Axl | 26362 | 3.62E-04 | 1.17E-02 | −1.926 | AXL receptor tyrosine kinase (Axl), mRNA [NM_009465] |
Fto | 26383 | 1.33E-05 | 9.32E-04 | −2.120 | fat mass and obesity associated (Fto), mRNA [NM_011936] |
Ror2 | 26564 | 1.31E-03 | 2.92E-02 | 1.149 | receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 2 (Ror2), mRNA [NM_013846] |
Rcn2 | 26611 | 1.98E-07 | 3.33E-05 | −2.263 | taipoxin-associated calcium binding protein 49 mRNA, complete cds. [AF049125] |
B3galt1 | 26877 | 3.36E-04 | 1.11E-02 | −3.918 | UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,3-galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 1 (B3galt1), mRNA [NM_020283] |
B3galnt1 | 26879 | 3.77E-04 | 1.20E-02 | −2.397 | UDP-GalNAc:betaGlcNAc beta 1,3-galactosaminyltransferase, polypeptide 1 (B3galnt1), mRNA [NM_020026] |
Polr3e | 26939 | 1.60E-10 | 9.95E-08 | −2.973 | 0 day neonate head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4833431M21 product:sex-lethal interactor homolog (Drosophila), full insert sequence. [AK029412] |
Asns | 27053 | 2.72E-03 | 4.78E-02 | 0.700 | asparagine synthetase (Asns), mRNA [NM_012055] |
Trp53bp1 | 27223 | 1.97E-03 | 3.80E-02 | −2.333 | transformation related protein 53 binding protein 1 (Trp53bp1), mRNA [NM_013735] |
Dnajb9 | 27362 | 1.39E-03 | 3.03E-02 | −1.152 | DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 9 (Dnajb9), mRNA [NM_013760] |
Srr | 27364 | 1.31E-03 | 2.92E-02 | −1.768 | adult male kidney cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:0610015N12 product:serine racemase, full insert sequence. [AK002636] |
Mmel1 | 27390 | 1.25E-03 | 2.84E-02 | 2.581 | membrane metallo-endopeptidase-like 1 (Mmel1), mRNA [NM_013783] |
Pign | 27392 | 1.92E-06 | 2.09E-04 | −2.309 | phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class N (Pign), mRNA [NM_013784] |
Mrpl15 | 27395 | 6.10E-05 | 3.10E-03 | 1.225 | NOD-derived CD11c +ve dendritic cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:F630108O13 product:mitochondrial ribosomal protein L15, |
Skp2 | 27401 | 8.47E-04 | 2.13E-02 | −1.756 | S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 (p45) (Skp2), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_145468] |
Snf8 | 27681 | 2.32E-05 | 1.46E-03 | −2.426 | SNF8, ESCRT-II complex subunit, homolog (S. cerevisiae), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:5372918) [BC030490] |
Ubfd1 | 28018 | 9.10E-04 | 2.24E-02 | −1.819 | ubiquitin family domain containing 1 (Ubfd1), mRNA [NM_138589] |
D5Wsu178e | 28042 | 4.09E-04 | 1.27E-02 | −1.718 | DNA segment, Chr 5, Wayne State University 178, expressed (D5Wsu178e), mRNA [NM_027652] |
Ndrg3 | 29812 | 2.69E-07 | 4.17E-05 | −2.332 | N-myc downstream regulated gene 3 (Ndrg3), mRNA [NM_013865] |
Igfbp7 | 29817 | 2.43E-07 | 3.98E-05 | 1.744 | insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 (Igfbp7), mRNA [NM_008048] |
Mapk12 | 29857 | 1.20E-05 | 8.64E-04 | 1.785 | mitogen-activated protein kinase 12 (Mapk12), mRNA [NM_013871] |
Ulk2 | 29869 | 3.16E-04 | 1.06E-02 | 1.452 | 0 day neonate lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E030037L18 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK087234] |
Pdlim4 | 30794 | 1.86E-03 | 3.66E-02 | 2.456 | adult male urinary bladder cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:9530058N05 product:PDZ and LIM domain 4, full insert sequence [AK035513] |
Fbxl17 | 50758 | 3.01E-04 | 1.04E-02 | −2.202 | 15 days embryo head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D930017P15 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK086279] |
Rgs3 | 50780 | 2.91E-05 | 1.76E-03 | 1.585 | regulator of G-protein signaling 3 (Rgs3), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_019492] |
Olig2 | 50913 | 5.75E-04 | 1.59E-02 | 2.109 | oligodendrocyte transcription factor 2 (Olig2), mRNA [NM_016967] |
Pdcd7 | 50996 | 5.78E-05 | 3.00E-03 | −2.408 | programmed cell death 7 (Pdcd7), mRNA [NM_016688] |
Bok | 51800 | 1.46E-04 | 6.19E-03 | 1.080 | apoptosis activator Mtd (Mtd) mRNA, complete cds. [AF027707] |
Rnf24 | 51902 | 5.48E-06 | 4.69E-04 | −2.698 | ring finger protein 24 (Rnf24), mRNA [NM_178607] |
Rab11fip5 | 52055 | 1.77E-04 | 7.18E-03 | 2.950 | RAB11 family interacting protein 5 (class I) (Rab11fip5), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001003955] |
Coq5 | 52064 | 5.11E-04 | 1.47E-02 | −1.914 | coenzyme Q5 homolog, methyltransferase (yeast) (Coq5), mRNA [NM_026504] |
Pvr | 52118 | 5.55E-04 | 1.56E-02 | −1.887 | poliovirus receptor (Pvr), mRNA [NM_027514] |
Klhl7 | 52323 | 1.53E-03 | 3.22E-02 | −2.640 | kelch-like 7 (Drosophila) (Klhl7), mRNA [NM_026448] |
Atxn1l | 52335 | 1.34E-03 | 2.97E-02 | 0.902 | ataxin 1-like (Atxn1l), mRNA [NM_001080930] |
Ddx56 | 52513 | 1.43E-06 | 1.62E-04 | −2.312 | DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 56 (Ddx56), mRNA [NM_026538] |
Ncald | 52589 | 1.18E-04 | 5.25E-03 | −2.653 | neurocalcin delta (Ncald), mRNA [NM_134094] |
Cd300lg | 52685 | 2.89E-03 | 4.99E-02 | 1.123 | CD300 antigen like family member G (Cd300lg), mRNA [NM_027987] |
Dbndd2 | 52840 | 4.55E-04 | 1.36E-02 | 1.018 | dysbindin (dystrobrevin binding protein 1) domain containing 2 (Dbndd2), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_026797] |
Sgsm1 | 52850 | 1.02E-03 | 2.45E-02 | 1.927 | small G protein signaling modulator 1 (Sgsm1), mRNA [NM_172718] |
Plrg1 | 53317 | 2.41E-03 | 4.38E-02 | −0.912 | pleiotropic regulator 1, PRL1 homolog (Arabidopsis) (Plrg1), mRNA [NM_016784] |
Gosr1 | 53334 | 2.45E-03 | 4.44E-02 | 0.800 | golgi SNAP receptor complex member 1 (Gosr1), mRNA [NM_016810] |
Tsnax | 53424 | 4.36E-08 | 9.56E-06 | −2.431 | translin-associated factor X (Tsnax), mRNA [NM_016909] |
Pcdh12 | 53601 | 3.95E-04 | 1.25E-02 | 1.067 | protocadherin 12 (Pcdh12), mRNA [NM_017378] |
Map3k6 | 53608 | 2.78E-03 | 4.85E-02 | 0.953 | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 6 (Map3k6), mRNA [NM_016693] |
Rcan2 | 53901 | 1.21E-04 | 5.32E-03 | 2.046 | regulator of calcineurin 2 (Rcan2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_207649] |
Nell2 | 54003 | 1.27E-03 | 2.85E-02 | −1.547 | NEL-like 2 (chicken) (Nell2), mRNA [NM_016743] |
Diap2 | 54004 | 2.35E-03 | 4.30E-02 | −1.634 | diaphanous homolog 2 (Drosophila) (Diap2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_017398] |
Uevld | 54122 | 1.17E-07 | 2.17E-05 | −2.584 | UEV and lactate/malate dehyrogenase domains (Uevld), mRNA [NM_001040695] |
Ccrl2 | 54199 | 3.05E-04 | 1.04E-02 | −1.213 | chemokine (C-C motif) receptor-like 2 (Ccrl2), mRNA [NM_017466] |
Ramp2 | 54409 | 4.14E-04 | 1.28E-02 | 1.560 | receptor (calcitonin) activity modifying protein 2 (Ramp2), mRNA [NM_019444] |
Barhl1 | 54422 | 2.13E-04 | 8.10E-03 | 1.811 | BarH-like 1 (Drosophila) (Barhl1), mRNA [NM_019446] |
Calcrl | 54598 | 3.97E-05 | 2.24E-03 | −1.924 | calcitonin receptor-like (Calcrl), mRNA [NM_018782] |
Abhd2 | 54608 | 2.77E-03 | 4.84E-02 | −2.332 | abhydrolase domain containing 2 (Abhd2), mRNA [NM_018811] |
Ubqln2 | 54609 | 1.27E-03 | 2.85E-02 | −1.929 | ubiquilin 2 (Ubqln2), mRNA [NM_018798] |
Npff | 54615 | 7.26E-04 | 1.89E-02 | 1.132 | neuropeptide FF-amide peptide precursor (Npff), mRNA [NM_018787] |
Pdgfc | 54635 | 1.77E-08 | 4.31E-06 | −2.648 | platelet-derived growth factor, C polypeptide (Pdgfc), mRNA [NM_019971] |
Praf2 | 54637 | 2.07E-06 | 2.18E-04 | −2.461 | PRA1 domain family 2 (Praf2), mRNA [NM_138602] |
Sh3glb1 | 54673 | 1.65E-03 | 3.36E-02 | −2.524 | melanocyte cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:G270052F16 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK147816] |
Pigb | 55981 | 1.72E-03 | 3.47E-02 | −1.709 | phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class B (Pigb), mRNA [NM_018889] |
Ccnl2 | 56036 | 1.31E-04 | 5.66E-03 | −1.956 | 16 days embryo head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C130042P04 product:similar to CYCLIN ANIA-6A [Rattus norvegicus], full insert sequence. [AK048244] |
Pdss1 | 56075 | 3.91E-05 | 2.21E-03 | −2.108 | prenyl (solanesyl) diphosphate synthase, subunit 1 (Pdss1), mRNA [NM_019501] |
Prodh2 | 56189 | 6.78E-06 | 5.49E-04 | −2.175 | proline dehydrogenase (oxidase) 2 (Prodh2), mRNA [NM_019546] |
Htra1 | 56213 | 2.49E-05 | 1.55E-03 | 1.383 | HtrA serine peptidase 1 (Htra1), mRNA [NM_019564] |
Fam69b | 56279 | 1.53E-04 | 6.42E-03 | −2.495 | family with sequence similarity 69, member B (Fam69b), mRNA [NM_019833] |
Ptpn9 | 56294 | 5.64E-06 | 4.81E-04 | −2.172 | protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 9 (Ptpn9), mRNA [NM_019651] |
Fam60a | 56306 | 7.48E-04 | 1.94E-02 | −2.038 | family with sequence similarity 60, member A (Fam60a), mRNA [NM_019643] |
Eif3c | 56347 | 1.08E-04 | 4.93E-03 | −0.869 | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit C (Eif3c), mRNA [NM_146200] |
Arid3b | 56380 | 1.84E-03 | 3.63E-02 | 0.652 | AT rich interactive domain 3B (BRIGHT-like) (Arid3b), mRNA [NM_019689] |
Kcnip3 | 56461 | 1.22E-03 | 2.78E-02 | −1.779 | Kv channel interacting protein 3, calsenilin (Kcnip3), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_019789] |
Pias1 | 56469 | 2.55E-07 | 4.07E-05 | −2.965 | protein inhibitor of activated STAT 1 (Pias1), mRNA [NM_019663] |
Cldn18 | 56492 | 2.52E-03 | 4.53E-02 | 2.364 | claudin 18 (Cldn18), mRNA [NM_019815] |
Habp4 | 56541 | 8.73E-10 | 3.83E-07 | −2.839 | hyaluronic acid binding protein 4 (Habp4), mRNA [NM_019986] |
Adam21 | 56622 | 1.81E-03 | 3.59E-02 | −1.712 | a disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 21 (Adam21), mRNA [NM_020330] |
Nfu1 | 56748 | 2.49E-03 | 4.49E-02 | 2.947 | 16 days embryo head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C130089D18 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK081950] |
Cxcl14 | 57266 | 9.14E-07 | 1.11E-04 | 1.845 | chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 14 (Cxcl14), mRNA [NM_019568] |
S3-12 | 57435 | 2.47E-03 | 4.47E-02 | 1.691 | plasma membrane associated protein, S3-12 (S3-12), mRNA [NM_020568] |
Golga7 | 57437 | 5.51E-04 | 1.55E-02 | −2.952 | activated spleen cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:F830033L24 product:hypothetical protein, MNCb-1213, full insert sequence. [AK089856] |
Angptl4 | 57875 | 2.78E-04 | 9.82E-03 | 0.884 | angiopoietin-like 4 (Angptl4), mRNA [NM_020581] |
Zbp1 | 58203 | 3.03E-04 | 1.04E-02 | −1.183 | Z-DNA binding protein 1 (Zbp1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_021394] |
Fam184b | 58227 | 1.83E-06 | 2.02E-04 | −2.246 | 0 day neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C230091O15 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK049020] |
Slc35b4 | 58246 | 1.63E-03 | 3.34E-02 | 1.180 | solute carrier family 35, member B4 (Slc35b4), mRNA [NM_021435] |
Rnase4 | 58809 | 4.06E-04 | 1.26E-02 | 1.335 | ribonuclease, RNase A family 4 (Rnase4), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_021472] |
Tssk3 | 58864 | 8.29E-07 | 1.03E-04 | −2.122 | testis-specific serine kinase 3 (Tssk3), mRNA [NM_080442] |
Jph2 | 59091 | 1.04E-07 | 1.96E-05 | −2.402 | activated spleen cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:F830204M13 product:junctophilin 2, full insert sequence [AK157145] |
Fxyd6 | 59095 | 4.97E-05 | 2.69E-03 | −2.174 | FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 6 (Fxyd6), mRNA [NM_022004] |
Nek6 | 59126 | 1.44E-03 | 3.09E-02 | 0.985 | NIMA (never in mitosis gene a)-related expressed kinase 6 (Nek6), mRNA [NM_021606] |
Ccbp2 | 59289 | 1.41E-05 | 9.83E-04 | 1.764 | chemokine binding protein 2 (Ccbp2), mRNA [NM_021609] |
Emcn | 59308 | 3.29E-06 | 3.16E-04 | 1.545 | endomucin (Emcn), mRNA [NM_016885] |
Fn3k | 63828 | 3.10E-08 | 6.99E-06 | 1.735 | fructosamine 3 kinase (Fn3k), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_022014] |
Trpv4 | 63873 | 1.46E-04 | 6.19E-03 | 1.312 | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 4 (Trpv4), mRNA [NM_022017] |
Rbp7 | 63954 | 1.26E-03 | 2.85E-02 | −2.228 | retinol binding protein 7, cellular (Rbp7), mRNA [NM_022020] |
Nrgn | 64011 | 1.57E-03 | 3.27E-02 | −1.224 | neurogranin (Nrgn), mRNA [NM_022029] |
Ptges | 64292 | 4.53E-04 | 1.35E-02 | 1.465 | prostaglandin E synthase (Ptges), mRNA [NM_022415] |
Tsc1 | 64930 | 4.29E-06 | 3.85E-04 | −2.404 | tuberous sclerosis 1 (Tsc1), mRNA [NM_022887] |
Arl6ip6 | 65103 | 1.95E-03 | 3.77E-02 | 1.881 | ADP-ribosylation factor-like 6 interacting protein 6 (Arl6ip6), mRNA [NM_022989] |
Slc9a3r2 | 65962 | 6.21E-06 | 5.15E-04 | 1.386 | solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 3 regulator 2 (Slc9a3r2), transcript variant B, mRNA [NM_023449] |
B230120H23Rik | 65964 | 1.82E-03 | 3.59E-02 | −2.025 | RIKEN cDNA B230120H23 gene (B230120H23Rik), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_178084] |
Gng11 | 66066 | 3.47E-07 | 5.10E-05 | 1.234 | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 11 (Gng11), mRNA [NM_025331] |
Gtpbp8 | 66067 | 9.26E-05 | 4.39E-03 | −2.059 | 13 days embryo lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D430011P07 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK084919] |
Ndufa3 | 66091 | 4.40E-06 | 3.93E-04 | −3.028 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700022J01 product:weakly similar to NADH-UBIQUINONE |
Smpx | 66106 | 5.08E-04 | 1.47E-02 | 3.232 | small muscle protein, X-linked (Smpx), mRNA [NM_025357] |
Tspan13 | 66109 | 1.26E-03 | 2.85E-02 | −0.753 | tetraspanin 13 (Tspan13), mRNA [NM_025359] |
Mosc1 | 66112 | 5.76E-04 | 1.59E-02 | 3.155 | MOCO sulphurase C-terminal domain containing 1 (Mosc1), mRNA [NM_001081361] |
Anapc11 | 66156 | 3.36E-05 | 1.98E-03 | −2.116 | anaphase promoting complex subunit 11 (Anapc11), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001038230] |
Eif1ay | 66235 | 1.96E-03 | 3.79E-02 | −0.736 | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A, Y-linked (Eif1ay), mRNA [NM_025437] |
Isoc1 | 66307 | 2.98E-04 | 1.03E-02 | −1.967 | isochorismatase domain containing 1 (Isoc1), mRNA [NM_025478] |
2810021B07Rik | 66308 | 6.02E-05 | 3.08E-03 | −2.149 | 16 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A130054I08 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK137981] |
Wdr61 | 66317 | 3.83E-05 | 2.19E-03 | −1.943 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4932422L05 product:MEIOTIC RECOMBINATION PROTEIN REC14 (2810418I05RIK PROTEIN) homolog [0], full insert sequence. [AK077037] |
Alkbh7 | 66400 | 1.03E-03 | 2.46E-02 | −1.885 | alkB, alkylation repair homolog 7 (E. coli) (Alkbh7), mRNA [NM_025538] |
Golph3 | 66629 | 8.62E-04 | 2.15E-02 | 1.558 | golgi phosphoprotein 3 (Golph3), mRNA [NM_025673] |
Tmem186 | 66690 | 2.12E-03 | 3.99E-02 | 1.082 | transmembrane protein 186 (Tmem186), mRNA [NM_025708] |
Speer4c | 66773 | 3.19E-04 | 1.07E-02 | 2.422 | PREDICTED: spermatogenesis associated glutamate (E)-rich protein 4c (Speer4c), mRNA [XM_904193] |
Atg10 | 66795 | 2.22E-03 | 4.12E-02 | −1.933 | autophagy-related 10 (yeast) (Atg10), mRNA [NM_025770] |
Nacc1 | 66830 | 1.16E-04 | 5.20E-03 | −2.278 | nucleus accumbens associated 1, BEN and BTB (POZ) domain containing (Nacc1), mRNA [NM_025788] |
0610007N19Rik | 66835 | 7.60E-05 | 3.73E-03 | 2.848 | PREDICTED: RIKEN cDNA 0610007N19 gene (0610007N19Rik), mRNA [XM_001475347] |
0610009O20Rik | 66839 | 2.18E-08 | 5.15E-06 | −2.955 | 9 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D030019G05 product:hypothetical Sel1-like repeat/TPR repeat/Tetraspanin containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK141675] |
Slc16a9 | 66859 | 3.11E-04 | 1.05E-02 | 1.136 | solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 9 (Slc16a9), mRNA [NM_025807] |
1300014I06Rik | 66895 | 9.18E-04 | 2.25E-02 | 1.153 | RIKEN cDNA 1300014I06 gene (1300014I06Rik), mRNA [NM_025831] |
Nudt16l1 | 66911 | 2.19E-03 | 4.08E-02 | −1.838 | nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 16-like 1 (Nudt16l1), mRNA [NM_025839] |
1700010I14Rik | 66931 | 6.65E-04 | 1.77E-02 | 1.283 | RIKEN cDNA 1700010I14 gene (1700010I14Rik), mRNA [NM_025851] |
Cdk5rap1 | 66971 | 3.60E-14 | 1.24E-10 | −3.613 | CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 1 (Cdk5rap1), mRNA [NM_025876] |
Zcchc18 | 66995 | 9.52E-04 | 2.30E-02 | −1.520 | zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 18 (Zcchc18), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001035510] |
Tmem88 | 67020 | 1.48E-04 | 6.25E-03 | 1.368 | transmembrane protein 88 (Tmem88), mRNA [NM_025915] |
Mon2 | 67074 | 9.42E-06 | 7.14E-04 | −2.729 | MON2 homolog (yeast) (Mon2), mRNA [NM_153395] |
2510048L02Rik | 67119 | 1.89E-03 | 3.69E-02 | 2.379 | RIKEN cDNA 2510048L02 gene (2510048L02Rik), mRNA [NM_025977] |
Mastl | 67121 | 2.36E-03 | 4.31E-02 | 2.571 | microtubule associated serine [BC086483] |
Lrrc40 | 67144 | 5.89E-05 | 3.03E-03 | −2.023 | leucine rich repeat containing 40 (Lrrc40), mRNA [NM_024194] |
Pdzk1ip1 | 67182 | 8.54E-06 | 6.56E-04 | 1.620 | PDZK1 interacting protein 1 (Pdzk1ip1), mRNA [NM_026018] |
Zswim6 | 67263 | 1.22E-03 | 2.78E-02 | −0.894 | zinc finger, SWIM domain containing 6 (Zswim6), mRNA [NM_145456] |
2900092E17Rik | 67278 | 5.52E-04 | 1.55E-02 | −0.960 | RIKEN cDNA 2900092E17 gene (2900092E17Rik), mRNA [NM_030240] |
Rpl37 | 67281 | 1.44E-11 | 1.28E-08 | −3.035 | ribosomal protein L37 (Rpl37), mRNA [NM_026069] |
3110021A11Rik | 67289 | 1.36E-03 | 2.99E-02 | −1.653 | 13 days embryo head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:3110021A11 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK014066] |
3110049J23Rik | 67307 | 1.39E-03 | 3.04E-02 | 1.908 | RIKEN cDNA 3110049J23 gene (3110049J23Rik), mRNA [NM_026085] |
1700086P04Rik | 67349 | 3.51E-04 | 1.14E-02 | −2.658 | Y707078 RIKEN full-length enriched, adult male testis cDNA clone 1700086P04 5′. [BY707078] |
1700084E18Rik | 67350 | 2.70E-03 | 4.77E-02 | −1.745 | PREDICTED: RIKEN cDNA 1700084E18 gene (1700084E18Rik), mRNA [XM_977942] |
Ppil4 | 67418 | 1.61E-03 | 3.33E-02 | −1.720 | 12 days embryo spinal cord cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C530010C12 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK049634] |
Entpd4 | 67464 | 1.04E-03 | 2.47E-02 | 2.343 | ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 4 (Entpd4), mRNA [NM_026174] |
Tmem167b | 67495 | 2.82E-03 | 4.90E-02 | −1.813 | transmembrane protein 167B (Tmem167b), mRNA [NM_026198] |
Tctn3 | 67590 | 1.62E-10 | 9.95E-08 | −2.671 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4930521E07 product:hypothetical DENN (AEX-3) domain containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK015861] |
Fibin | 67606 | 1.64E-03 | 3.36E-02 | 2.708 | fin bud initiation factor homolog (zebrafish) (Fibin), mRNA [NM_026271] |
4930558C23Rik | 67654 | 3.59E-05 | 2.08E-03 | 1.459 | PREDICTED: RIKEN cDNA 4930558C23 gene (4930558C23Rik), mRNA [XM_001473262] |
Slc25a37 | 67712 | 2.24E-03 | 4.15E-02 | 1.631 | solute carrier family 25, member 37 (Slc25a37), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_026331] |
Dnajc19 | 67713 | 2.41E-03 | 4.38E-02 | 1.261 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4921531D08 product:weakly similar to CG7394 PROTEIN [Drosophila melanogaster], full insert sequence [AK076602] |
Asprv1 | 67855 | 3.54E-04 | 1.15E-02 | 0.917 | aspartic peptidase, retroviral-like 1 (Asprv1), mRNA [NM_026414] |
Zfp169 | 67911 | 1.17E-10 | 7.62E-08 | −3.001 | zinc finger protein 169 (Zfp169), mRNA [NM_026450] |
Ppap2b | 67916 | 5.47E-04 | 1.55E-02 | 1.154 | phosphatidic acid phosphatase type 2B (Ppap2b), mRNA [NM_080555] |
Mak16 | 67920 | 8.55E-04 | 2.14E-02 | −1.608 | MAK16 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Mak16), mRNA [NM_026453] |
Slc25a39 | 68066 | 1.05E-06 | 1.25E-04 | −2.336 | solute carrier family 25, member 39 (Slc25a39), mRNA [NM_026542] |
Upf3b | 68134 | 2.87E-03 | 4.96E-02 | 2.335 | UPF3 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog B (yeast), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:6491218), with apparent retained intron [BC058761] |
Cgnl1 | 68178 | 5.19E-04 | 1.48E-02 | 1.431 | cingulin-like 1 (Cgnl1), mRNA [NM_026599] |
Fam98b | 68215 | 3.56E-05 | 2.07E-03 | −1.690 | family with sequence similarity 98, member B (Fam98b), mRNA [NM_026620] |
2410066E13Rik | 68235 | 2.14E-12 | 2.58E-09 | −3.274 | RIKEN cDNA 2410066E13 gene (2410066E13Rik), mRNA [NM_026629] |
Ccdc88c | 68339 | 9.81E-10 | 4.22E-07 | −2.658 | coiled-coil domain containing 88C (Ccdc88c), mRNA [NM_026681] |
Gpihbp1 | 68453 | 5.00E-11 | 3.35E-08 | 2.512 | GPI-anchored HDL-binding protein 1 (Gpihbp1), mRNA [NM_026730] |
Dhrs7c | 68460 | 6.29E-04 | 1.70E-02 | −1.748 | dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 7C (Dhrs7c), mRNA [NM_001013013] |
Rmnd5a | 68477 | 1.35E-03 | 2.99E-02 | −1.737 | required for meiotic nuclear division 5 homolog A (S. cerevisiae), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4458681), with apparent retained intron [BC034085] |
1110018H23Rik | 68509 | 7.15E-06 | 5.67E-04 | −2.204 | 18-day embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1110018H23 product:hypothetical Pentaxin family containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK003777] |
Caly | 68566 | 4.10E-04 | 1.27E-02 | 1.346 | calcyon neuron-specific vesicular protein (Caly), mRNA [NM_026769] |
Ppm1f | 68606 | 1.80E-03 | 3.58E-02 | 0.803 | protein phosphatase 1F (PP2C domain containing) (Ppm1f), mRNA [NM_176833] |
1110012J17Rik | 68617 | 5.29E-06 | 4.54E-04 | 2.927 | 12 days embryo spinal ganglion cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D130071O13 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK051750] |
Myct1 | 68632 | 5.59E-05 | 2.93E-03 | 1.412 | myc target 1 (Myct1), mRNA [NM_026793] |
Tm2d3 | 68634 | 1.99E-07 | 3.33E-05 | −2.440 | TM2 domain containing 3 (Tm2d3), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_026795] |
Abhd14a | 68644 | 5.13E-10 | 2.43E-07 | −3.069 | abhydrolase domain containing 14A (Abhd14a), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_145919] |
Fndc1 | 68655 | 3.64E-10 | 1.87E-07 | 4.296 | fibronectin type III domain containing 1 (Fndc1), mRNA [NM_001081416] |
Scgb3a1 | 68662 | 1.26E-07 | 2.30E-05 | 3.070 | secretoglobin, family 3A, member 1 (Scgb3a1), transcript variant B, mRNA [NM_170727] |
Arl8a | 68724 | 2.66E-03 | 4.72E-02 | 0.831 | ADP-ribosylation factor-like 8A (Arl8a), mRNA [NM_026823] |
Dus1l | 68730 | 1.94E-03 | 3.77E-02 | 1.862 | melanocyte cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:G270120D15 product:hypothetical Dihydrouridine synthase, DuS containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK147967] |
Angel1 | 68737 | 3.99E-04 | 1.26E-02 | 1.736 | angel homolog 1 (Drosophila) (Angel1), mRNA [NM_144524] |
Flnc | 68794 | 7.44E-04 | 1.93E-02 | 2.939 | filamin C, gamma (Flnc), mRNA [NM_001081185] |
Pdgfrl | 68797 | 8.81E-04 | 2.18E-02 | 2.573 | platelet-derived growth factor receptor-like (Pdgfrl), mRNA [NM_026840] |
Tmcc2 | 68875 | 7.91E-07 | 9.88E-05 | 3.476 | transmembrane and coiled-coil domains 2 (Tmcc2), mRNA [NM_178874] |
Rasl11b | 68939 | 2.57E-03 | 4.60E-02 | −2.624 | RAS-like, family 11, member B (Rasl11b), mRNA [NM_026878] |
Spcs1 | 69019 | 6.86E-04 | 1.81E-02 | −0.774 | signal peptidase complex subunit 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Spcs1), mRNA [NM_026911] |
1810011O10Rik | 69068 | 1.33E-03 | 2.95E-02 | 1.150 | RIKEN cDNA 1810011O10 gene (1810011O10Rik), mRNA [NM_026931] |
1810031K17Rik | 69171 | 1.08E-03 | 2.54E-02 | −1.688 | RIKEN cDNA 1810031K17 gene (1810031K17Rik), mRNA [NM_026977] |
Tmem110 | 69179 | 2.13E-03 | 4.00E-02 | −1.866 | transmembrane protein 110 (Tmem110), mRNA [NM_028839] |
Tmem121 | 69195 | 2.80E-04 | 9.87E-03 | −1.388 | transmembrane protein 121 (Tmem121), mRNA [NM_153776] |
Sat2 | 69215 | 4.78E-04 | 1.40E-02 | 2.710 | spermidine/spermine N1-acetyl transferase 2 (Sat2), mRNA [NM_026991] |
2610034M16Rik | 69239 | 3.72E-06 | 3.46E-04 | −2.185 | RIKEN cDNA 2610034M16 gene (2610034M16Rik), mRNA [NM_027001] |
1700008P20Rik | 69301 | 1.76E-04 | 7.13E-03 | 1.846 | RIKEN cDNA 1700008P20 gene (1700008P20Rik), non-coding RNA [NR_003638] |
1700007K09Rik | 69318 | 2.01E-03 | 3.85E-02 | 4.346 | RIKEN cDNA 1700007K09 gene (1700007K09Rik), mRNA [NM_027037] |
Glrx2 | 69367 | 2.25E-03 | 4.16E-02 | −0.984 | glutaredoxin 2 (thioltransferase) (Glrx2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001038592] |
1700023A16Rik | 69371 | 2.34E-04 | 8.71E-03 | 2.707 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700023A16 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK006257] |
1700024P04Rik | 69382 | 7.13E-05 | 3.55E-03 | −2.007 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700024P04 product:HISTONE H2B, full insert sequence. [AK006311] |
1700021K14Rik | 69398 | 4.91E-04 | 1.43E-02 | 1.167 | RIKEN cDNA 1700021K14 gene (1700021K14Rik), mRNA [NM_001122635] |
1700023F06Rik | 69441 | 6.70E-04 | 1.78E-02 | 1.165 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700023F06 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK006273] |
1700030C10Rik | 69513 | 1.17E-04 | 5.21E-03 | −1.808 | 3 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A630001I11 product:KIAA0400 PROTEIN homolog [Homo sapiens], full insert |
Esam | 69524 | 7.59E-06 | 5.94E-04 | 1.941 | endothelial cell-specific adhesion molecule (Esam), mRNA [NM_027102] |
Mrps9 | 69527 | 2.01E-04 | 7.84E-03 | −1.973 | 0 day neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A430067C05 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK138783] |
Hemk1 | 69536 | 1.43E-03 | 3.08E-02 | −1.842 | HemK methyltransferase family member 1 (Hemk1), mRNA [NM_133984] |
2300002D11Rik | 69539 | 7.48E-06 | 5.89E-04 | 1.736 | RIKEN cDNA 2300002D11 gene (2300002D11Rik), mRNA [NM_001081156] |
Klhdc2 | 69554 | 2.20E-03 | 4.08E-02 | −1.706 | 12 days embryo male wolffian duct includes surrounding region cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6720428K09 |
Mfsd3 | 69572 | 4.57E-04 | 1.36E-02 | −1.659 | major facilitator superfamily domain containing 3 (Mfsd3), mRNA [NM_027122] |
Gpx8 | 69590 | 3.98E-04 | 1.25E-02 | 1.635 | glutathione peroxidase 8 (putative) (Gpx8), mRNA [NM_027127] |
Clybl | 69634 | 2.82E-03 | 4.89E-02 | −2.139 | citrate lyase beta like (Clybl), mRNA [NM_029556] |
2310046K01Rik | 69698 | 1.22E-04 | 5.34E-03 | 1.845 | RIKEN cDNA 2310046K01 gene (2310046K01Rik), mRNA [NM_027172] |
1810065E05Rik | 69864 | 9.27E-04 | 2.27E-02 | −1.915 | RIKEN cDNA 1810065E05 gene (1810065E05Rik), mRNA [NM_027239] |
2810011L19Rik | 69952 | 3.28E-04 | 1.09E-02 | −2.085 | RIKEN cDNA 2810011L19 gene, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:6810678), partial cds [BC059025] |
1700026L06Rik | 69987 | 4.41E-04 | 1.33E-02 | −1.277 | RIKEN cDNA 1700026L06 gene (1700026L06Rik), mRNA [NM_027283] |
Trnt1 | 70047 | 1.37E-04 | 5.89E-03 | −2.775 | ES cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2410043H24 product:tRNA nucleotidyl transferase, CCA-adding, 1, full insert sequence. |
Nol7 | 70078 | 7.46E-05 | 3.69E-03 | −2.149 | nucleolar protein 7 (Nol7), mRNA [NM_023554] |
Mllt3 | 70122 | 3.80E-04 | 1.21E-02 | 1.946 | myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 3 (Mllt3), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_027326] |
3000004C01Rik | 70218 | 7.14E-07 | 9.06E-05 | −2.991 | RIKEN cDNA 3000004C01 gene (3000004C01Rik), mRNA [NM_197959] |
Ufsp1 | 70240 | 1.48E-03 | 3.14E-02 | 1.066 | UFM1-specific peptidase 1 (Ufsp1), mRNA [NM_027356] |
2510049J12Rik | 70291 | 1.55E-04 | 6.50E-03 | −2.147 | RIKEN cDNA 2510049J12 gene (2510049J12Rik), mRNA [NM_001101431] |
Ndufab1 | 70316 | 2.01E-03 | 3.85E-02 | −0.948 | NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1, alpha/beta subcomplex, 1 (Ndufab1), mRNA [NM_028177] |
2210416O15Rik | 70393 | 1.72E-03 | 3.47E-02 | −2.005 | adult male stomach cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2210416O15 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK008958] |
Wdr77 | 70465 | 1.61E-04 | 6.66E-03 | −2.775 | WD repeat domain 77 (Wdr77), mRNA [NM_027432] |
Bbx | 70508 | 1.33E-03 | 2.96E-02 | −2.618 | bobby sox homolog (Drosophila) (Bbx), mRNA [NM_027444] |
Btf3l4 | 70533 | 1.64E-03 | 3.36E-02 | 1.319 | basic transcription factor 3-like 4 (Btf3l4), mRNA [NM_027453] |
5730442P18Rik | 70559 | 3.16E-11 | 2.31E-08 | −3.034 | RIKEN cDNA 5730442P18 gene (5730442P18Rik), mRNA [NM_183288] |
5730469M10Rik | 70564 | 1.98E-05 | 1.28E-03 | 1.261 | RIKEN cDNA 5730469M10 gene (5730469M10Rik), mRNA [NM_027464] |
Ankrd24 | 70615 | 1.61E-03 | 3.32E-02 | 0.799 | ankyrin repeat domain 24 (Ankrd24), mRNA [NM_027480] |
5730575I04Rik | 70649 | 1.32E-03 | 2.95E-02 | −1.790 | 8 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5730575I04 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK017867] |
Tspan2 | 70747 | 1.09E-08 | 2.83E-06 | −2.807 | tetraspanin 2 (Tspan2), mRNA [NM_027533] |
Kynu | 70789 | 2.88E-13 | 7.72E-10 | −3.292 | kynureninase (L-kynurenine hydrolase) (Kynu), mRNA [NM_027552] |
Stox2 | 71069 | 1.28E-03 | 2.86E-02 | 1.680 | storkhead box 2 (Stox2), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_175162] |
Tssk4 | 71099 | 2.15E-04 | 8.16E-03 | 2.277 | testis-specific serine kinase 4 (Tssk4), mRNA [NM_027673] |
4933407L21Rik | 71141 | 3.07E-09 | 1.07E-06 | −3.087 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4933407L21 product:4933407L21RIK PROTEIN, full insert sequence. [AK016730] |
4933425L03Rik | 71169 | 2.87E-07 | 4.33E-05 | −2.586 | RIKEN cDNA 4933425L03 gene, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:67140 IMAGE:6822193), complete cds. [BC057020] |
1700112M01Rik | 71184 | 6.55E-05 | 3.31E-03 | −2.167 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4933411J23 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK016772] |
Otud1 | 71198 | 7.02E-08 | 1.45E-05 | −2.609 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4933428L19 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK016972] |
Pex1 | 71382 | 1.02E-03 | 2.44E-02 | 1.501 | 2 days pregnant adult female ovary cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E330005K07 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK087687] |
Chd6 | 71389 | 1.60E-05 | 1.08E-03 | −2.262 | chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 6 (Chd6), mRNA [NM_173368] |
Ankrd40 | 71452 | 7.89E-06 | 6.12E-04 | −2.639 | ankyrin repeat domain 40 (Ankrd40), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_027799] |
9030409G11Rik | 71529 | 2.82E-03 | 4.89E-02 | 1.761 | RIKEN cDNA 9030409G11 gene (9030409G11Rik), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_001109685] |
9030425E11Rik | 71566 | 3.10E-05 | 1.85E-03 | 1.625 | RIKEN cDNA 9030425E11 gene (9030425E11Rik), mRNA [NM_133733] |
Myo1e | 71602 | 3.50E-06 | 3.31E-04 | −2.165 | myosin IE (Myo1e), mRNA [NM_181072] |
Rarres2 | 71660 | 2.71E-09 | 9.75E-07 | 2.078 | retinoic acid receptor responder (tazarotene induced) 2 (Rarres2), mRNA [NM_027852] |
Acy3 | 71670 | 6.74E-06 | 5.49E-04 | 2.013 | aspartoacylase (aminoacylase) 3 (Acy3), mRNA [NM_027857] |
0610010F05Rik | 71675 | 8.34E-04 | 2.11E-02 | −1.817 | RIKEN cDNA 0610010F05 gene (0610010F05Rik), mRNA [NM_027860] |
Galnt14 | 71685 | 2.16E-03 | 4.03E-02 | −1.938 | UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosamine:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 14 (Galnt14), mRNA [NM_027864] |
Esm1 | 71690 | 5.83E-07 | 7.81E-05 | 2.021 | endothelial cell-specific molecule 1 (Esm1), mRNA [NM_023612] |
Cic | 71722 | 1.67E-07 | 2.90E-05 | −2.686 | capicua homolog (Drosophila), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4953397). [BC035474] |
Vps11 | 71732 | 9.07E-09 | 2.46E-06 | −2.882 | vacuolar protein sorting 11 (yeast) (Vps11), mRNA [NM_027889] |
Pdgfd | 71785 | 1.30E-04 | 5.62E-03 | −2.400 | adult male hippocampus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C630020I23 product:platelet-derived growth factor, D polypeptide, full insert sequence. [AK141551] |
Gtf2a1l | 71828 | 4.95E-11 | 3.35E-08 | −2.990 | general transcription factor IIA, 1-like (Gtf2a1l), mRNA [NM_023630] |
Nupl1 | 71844 | 2.08E-03 | 3.93E-02 | −2.079 | nucleoporin like 1 (Nupl1), mRNA [NM_170591] |
Serpinb12 | 71869 | 1.24E-03 | 2.82E-02 | −1.836 | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 12 (Serpinb12), mRNA [NM_027971] |
Noxo1 | 71893 | 2.70E-05 | 1.66E-03 | 1.589 | NADPH oxidase organizer 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:28618 IMAGE:4220018), complete cds. [BC019525] |
Rpap3 | 71919 | 1.73E-03 | 3.47E-02 | −1.453 | RNA polymerase II associated protein 3 (Rpap3), mRNA [NM_028003] |
Scand3 | 71970 | 2.15E-03 | 4.02E-02 | 1.622 | SCAN domain containing 3 (Scand3), mRNA [NM_183088] |
Prmt3 | 71974 | 4.14E-04 | 1.28E-02 | 1.259 | adult male hippocampus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C630002L24 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK049836] |
Tdrd12 | 71981 | 8.81E-05 | 4.22E-03 | −1.906 | tudor domain containing 12 (Tdrd12), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_028034] |
Cyb5r1 | 72017 | 6.88E-06 | 5.54E-04 | −2.250 | cytochrome b5 reductase 1 (Cyb5r1), mRNA [NM_028057] |
Tsc22d2 | 72033 | 1.39E-03 | 3.04E-02 | −1.798 | TSC22 domain family, member 2 (Tsc22d2), mRNA [NM_001081229] |
Zbed3 | 72114 | 2.73E-04 | 9.69E-03 | −1.908 | zinc finger, BED domain containing 3 (Zbed3), mRNA [NM_028106] |
Zfp157 | 72154 | 3.97E-07 | 5.70E-05 | −2.368 | mRNA for mszf12, partial cds. [AB010313] |
Mms19 | 72199 | 1.59E-03 | 3.31E-02 | −1.797 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4931409L11 product:MMS19 (MET18 S. cerevisiae)-like, full insert sequence [AK029840] |
1700001P01Rik | 72215 | 4.55E-05 | 2.53E-03 | 3.769 | RIKEN cDNA 1700001P01 gene (1700001P01Rik), mRNA [NM_028156] |
1700021J08Rik | 72235 | 1.15E-04 | 5.17E-03 | 2.403 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700021J08 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK006209] |
Cyth4 | 72318 | 1.75E-04 | 7.11E-03 | 1.481 | cytohesin 4 (Cyth4), mRNA [NM_028195] |
Plxdc1 | 72324 | 1.92E-03 | 3.74E-02 | −0.885 | plexin domain containing 1 (Plxdc1), mRNA [NM_028199] |
Palld | 72333 | 2.06E-08 | 4.92E-06 | 1.825 | 13 days embryo lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D430036A13 product:ACTIN-ASSOCIATED PROTEIN PALLADIN (FRAGMENT) homolog [], full insert sequence. [AK052489] |
Kcnmb2 | 72413 | 4.76E-04 | 1.40E-02 | 2.076 | potassium large conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily M, beta member 2 (Kcnmb2), mRNA [NM_028231] |
Rnf219 | 72486 | 5.00E-06 | 4.35E-04 | −2.221 | adult male corpora quadrigemina cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B230113H14 product:hypothetical RING finger containing protein, full |
Atxn7l2 | 72522 | 2.89E-03 | 4.98E-02 | 0.779 | ataxin 7-like 2 (Atxn7l2), mRNA [NM_175183] |
Utp14a | 72554 | 1.53E-09 | 6.25E-07 | −2.701 | UTP14, U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein, homolog A (yeast) (Utp14a), mRNA [NM_028276] |
Uaca | 72565 | 2.11E-03 | 3.96E-02 | 2.696 | uveal autoantigen with coiled-coil domains and ankyrin repeats (Uaca), mRNA [NM_028283] |
Anks3 | 72615 | 4.54E-13 | 9.95E-10 | −3.499 | ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 3 (Anks3), mRNA [NM_028301] |
B3gat3 | 72727 | 9.71E-04 | 2.34E-02 | −2.738 | beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 3 (glucuronosyltransferase I) (B3gat3), mRNA [NM_024256] |
Prdm4 | 72843 | 5.88E-06 | 4.92E-04 | −2.153 | PR domain containing 4 (Prdm4), mRNA [NM_181650] |
Hepacam | 72927 | 4.96E-04 | 1.44E-02 | −2.700 | hepatocyte cell adhesion molecule (Hepacam), mRNA [NM_175189] |
Insig2 | 72999 | 1.86E-06 | 2.04E-04 | 1.532 | insulin induced gene 2 (Insig2), mRNA [NM_133748] |
Slc22a23 | 73102 | 2.42E-03 | 4.39E-02 | 0.881 | solute carrier family 22, member 23 (Slc22a23), mRNA [NM_001033167] |
3110021N24Rik | 73133 | 4.78E-05 | 2.63E-03 | 2.537 | 10 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2610002D03 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK011275] |
Pear1 | 73182 | 5.35E-07 | 7.37E-05 | −2.592 | 3 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A630081A16 product:similar to MEGF12 [], full insert sequence. [AK042308] |
Setd7 | 73251 | 1.46E-06 | 1.65E-04 | −2.456 | SET domain containing (lysine methyltransferase) 7 (Setd7), mRNA [NM_080793] |
1700026J12Rik | 73255 | 1.34E-03 | 2.96E-02 | 2.491 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700026J12 product:hypothetical INTEGRIN CD47 PRECURSOR |
1700055N04Rik | 73458 | 3.29E-04 | 1.09E-02 | −1.657 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700055N04 product:hypothetical Aldehyde reductase (dehydrogenase), ALDH structure containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK006803] |
Rnf38 | 73469 | 5.44E-07 | 7.45E-05 | −2.863 | ring finger protein 38 (Rnf38), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_175201] |
1700080E11Rik | 73532 | 5.36E-04 | 1.52E-02 | 1.915 | RIKEN cDNA 1700080E11 gene (1700080E11Rik), mRNA [NM_028562] |
1700106N22Rik | 73582 | 4.44E-04 | 1.33E-02 | −1.886 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700106N22 product:similar to CDNA: FLJ23451 FIS, CLONE |
Trp53tg5 | 73603 | 1.12E-03 | 2.62E-02 | −3.237 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700126L10 product:weakly similar to CLG01 (DJ453C12.5) |
Tex19.1 | 73679 | 3.48E-06 | 3.31E-04 | −2.445 | testis expressed gene 19.1 (Tex19.1), mRNA [NM_028602] |
2410089E03Rik | 73692 | 8.39E-05 | 4.04E-03 | −3.153 | RIKEN cDNA 2410089E03 gene, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:6824838), complete cds. [BC058107] |
Zfp383 | 73729 | 9.81E-05 | 4.57E-03 | −2.494 | zinc finger protein 383, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:6813023) [BC064456] |
Whrn | 73750 | 5.55E-15 | 4.34E-11 | −3.864 | adult male hypothalamus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A230098N07 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK039124] |
Lyrm1 | 73919 | 1.03E-05 | 7.67E-04 | −2.223 | LYR motif containing 1 (Lyrm1), mRNA [NM_029610] |
Rftn2 | 74013 | 2.58E-04 | 9.35E-03 | 2.115 | raftlin family member 2 (Rftn2), mRNA [NM_028713] |
Pex26 | 74043 | 1.58E-07 | 2.76E-05 | −2.620 | peroxisomal biogenesis factor 26 (Pex26), mRNA [NM_028730] |
Arpp21 | 74100 | 1.29E-08 | 3.24E-06 | −2.619 | cyclic AMP-regulated phosphoprotein, 21 (Arpp21), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_033264] |
Iqwd1 | 74106 | 9.40E-04 | 2.28E-02 | −2.125 | adult male lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1200006M05 product:similar to PC326 PROTEIN [Homo sapiens], full insert sequence. [AK004618] |
Acoxl | 74121 | 1.11E-08 | 2.85E-06 | −3.573 | acyl-Coenzyme A oxidase-like (Acoxl), mRNA [NM_028765] |
Syvn1 | 74126 | 2.47E-05 | 1.54E-03 | −2.419 | synovial apoptosis inhibitor 1, synoviolin (Syvn1), mRNA [NM_028769] |
Robo4 | 74144 | 1.83E-09 | 7.12E-07 | 1.963 | roundabout homolog 4 (Drosophila) (Robo4), mRNA [NM_028783] |
Nfx1 | 74164 | 3.62E-04 | 1.17E-02 | −1.898 | nuclear transcription factor, X-box binding 1 (Nfx1), mRNA [NM_023739] |
Prei4 | 74182 | 2.77E-04 | 9.81E-03 | 0.878 | adult male tongue cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2310004G06 product:weakly similar to KIAA1434 PROTEIN (FRAGMENT) [Homo sapiens], full insert sequence. [AK009137] |
1200009I06Rik | 74190 | 8.66E-08 | 1.67E-05 | 1.558 | RIKEN cDNA 1200009I06 gene (1200009I06Rik), mRNA [NM_028807] |
Klrg2 | 74253 | 1.80E-03 | 3.58E-02 | 1.432 | killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily G, member 2 (Klrg2), mRNA [NM_001033171] |
Wdr33 | 74320 | 3.43E-07 | 5.07E-05 | −2.457 | WD repeat domain 33 (Wdr33), mRNA [NM_028866] |
Ranbp10 | 74334 | 8.99E-05 | 4.29E-03 | 1.212 | RAN binding protein 10 (Ranbp10), mRNA [NM_145824] |
4931428F04Rik | 74356 | 1.77E-07 | 3.03E-05 | −2.400 | RIKEN cDNA 4931428F04 gene (4931428F04Rik), mRNA [NM_028888] |
4932417H02Rik | 74370 | 1.19E-03 | 2.75E-02 | −1.693 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4932417H02 product:hypothetical ARM repeat structure containing protein, full insert sequence. |
Ubap2l | 74383 | 7.07E-04 | 1.85E-02 | −1.115 | ubiquitin associated protein 2-like (Ubap2l), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_153489] |
Zfp819 | 74400 | 2.26E-03 | 4.17E-02 | 0.725 | zinc finger protein 819 (Zfp819), mRNA [NM_028913] |
Exoc3l2 | 74463 | 9.49E-04 | 2.30E-02 | 1.063 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4933417E01 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK016842] |
Samd4 | 74480 | 1.68E-03 | 3.41E-02 | −1.669 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700111L17 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK018954] |
8430428J23Rik | 74534 | 6.69E-04 | 1.78E-02 | 1.205 | 16 days embryo lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:8430428J23 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK018447] |
Elovl7 | 74559 | 4.90E-06 | 4.28E-04 | −2.557 | adult female vagina cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:9930019E07 product:Weakly similar to elongation of very long chain fatty acids protein 1, full insert sequence [AK137668] |
Glb1l | 74577 | 1.68E-03 | 3.41E-02 | 1.091 | galactosidase, beta 1-like, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:28635 IMAGE:4222994), complete cds. [BC021773] |
Mrpl47 | 74600 | 1.25E-03 | 2.85E-02 | 1.129 | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L47, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4954230), partial cds [BC029173] |
Trim14 | 74735 | 3.07E-04 | 1.05E-02 | −2.572 | tripartite motif-containing 14 (Trim14), mRNA [NM_029077] |
Usp38 | 74841 | 1.11E-04 | 5.04E-03 | −2.570 | ubiquitin specific peptidase 38 (Usp38), mRNA [NM_027554] |
Zcchc13 | 75064 | 1.32E-03 | 2.95E-02 | 2.009 | zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 13 (Zcchc13), mRNA [NM_029158] |
Sv2c | 75209 | 3.49E-06 | 3.31E-04 | −2.198 | adult male medulla oblongata cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6330582C22 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK078154] |
Rnf121 | 75212 | 1.02E-04 | 4.69E-03 | −2.080 | activated spleen cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:F830010E14 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK089714] |
4930534B04Rik | 75216 | 4.04E-07 | 5.76E-05 | −3.037 | RIKEN cDNA 4930534B04 gene (4930534B04Rik), mRNA [NM_181815] |
3200002M19Rik | 75430 | 2.91E-05 | 1.76E-03 | −2.424 | adult male medulla oblongata cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6330414C15 product:hypothetical Aspartic acid-rich region containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK018169] |
1700001C19Rik | 75462 | 1.74E-10 | 1.02E-07 | −3.010 | RIKEN cDNA 1700001C19 gene (1700001C19Rik), mRNA [NM_029296] |
Zbtb4 | 75580 | 1.69E-03 | 3.42E-02 | 1.000 | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 4 (Zbtb4), mRNA [NM_029348] |
2310035P21Rik | 75683 | 3.01E-04 | 1.04E-02 | −1.815 | adult male tongue cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2310035P21 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK009643] |
Anks6 | 75691 | 1.72E-05 | 1.15E-03 | −2.580 | 12 days embryo male wolffian duct includes surrounding region cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6720486H14 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK032990] |
4933415A04Rik | 75727 | 4.80E-04 | 1.41E-02 | 2.099 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4933415A04 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK016814] |
Mpp7 | 75739 | 5.98E-05 | 3.06E-03 | −2.180 | 0 day neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C230053G20 product:Similar to membrane protein, palmitoylated 3 (MAGUK p55 subfamily member 3) homolog [Homo sapiens], |
Them4 | 75778 | 1.07E-03 | 2.51E-02 | −2.039 | thioesterase superfamily member 4 (Them4), mRNA [NM_029431] |
5830417I10Rik | 76022 | 5.62E-08 | 1.21E-05 | −3.566 | 0 day neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C230095N02 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK049055] |
Arhgap15 | 76117 | 1.89E-03 | 3.69E-02 | −1.887 | Rho GTPase activating protein 15 (Arhgap15), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_153820] |
6230409E13Rik | 76132 | 6.66E-04 | 1.77E-02 | −2.800 | RIKEN cDNA 6230409E13 gene (6230409E13Rik), mRNA [NM_175234] |
Jakmip2 | 76217 | 3.59E-05 | 2.08E-03 | −2.244 | 12 days embryo eyeball cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D230008E15 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK051838] |
6530402F18Rik | 76220 | 1.34E-03 | 2.97E-02 | 2.028 | 10 days neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6530402F18 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK018312] |
Grhpr | 76238 | 2.27E-04 | 8.49E-03 | 0.807 | glyoxylate reductase/hydroxypyruvate reductase (Grhpr), mRNA [NM_080289] |
Ndfip2 | 76273 | 1.62E-03 | 3.33E-02 | 1.525 | 10, 11 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2810436B12 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK013250] |
Prss23 | 76453 | 1.49E-04 | 6.29E-03 | 2.396 | protease, serine, 23 (Prss23), mRNA [NM_029614] |
Ly6k | 76486 | 1.46E-04 | 6.19E-03 | −2.344 | lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus K (Ly6k), mRNA [NM_029627] |
Mib2 | 76580 | 2.10E-04 | 8.07E-03 | 0.999 | mindbomb homolog 2 (Drosophila) (Mib2), mRNA [NM_145124] |
Ipo11 | 76582 | 1.18E-04 | 5.24E-03 | −2.030 | importin 11 (Ipo11), mRNA [NM_029665] |
Srxn1 | 76650 | 2.10E-04 | 8.07E-03 | −1.880 | sulfiredoxin 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Srxn1), mRNA [NM_029688] |
Ttc18 | 76670 | 1.01E-03 | 2.43E-02 | 2.778 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4921518C22 product:hypothetical TPR repeat containing protein, full insert sequence [AK029536] |
Clasp1 | 76707 | 1.63E-03 | 3.35E-02 | −1.807 | CLIP associating protein 1 (Clasp1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001081276] |
Rab36 | 76877 | 1.86E-06 | 2.04E-04 | −2.260 | RAB36, member RAS oncogene family (Rab36), mRNA [NM_029781] |
Fam81a | 76886 | 2.55E-03 | 4.58E-02 | 1.977 | family with sequence similarity 81, member A (Fam81a), mRNA [NM_029784] |
Adck4 | 76889 | 1.99E-03 | 3.83E-02 | 1.398 | aarF domain containing kinase 4 (Adck4), mRNA [NM_133770] |
Ifi27 | 76933 | 2.53E-04 | 9.20E-03 | −1.343 | interferon, alpha-inducible protein 27 (Ifi27), mRNA [NM_029803] |
Psapl1 | 76943 | 1.02E-03 | 2.45E-02 | −2.247 | prosaposin-like 1 (Psapl1), mRNA [NM_175249] |
Mpped2 | 77015 | 1.75E-04 | 7.11E-03 | −1.947 | metallophosphoesterase domain containing 2 (Mpped2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001143683] |
4931408D14Rik | 77059 | 2.10E-04 | 8.07E-03 | −2.758 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4931408D14 product:weakly similar to 2900054E04RIK PROTEIN (FRAGMENT) [], full insert sequence [AK016444] |
9430040K09Rik | 77280 | 4.54E-11 | 3.22E-08 | −3.769 | 0 day neonate kidney cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D630032C06 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK142550] |
Fam162b | 77296 | 8.91E-08 | 1.69E-05 | −2.649 | family with sequence similarity 162, member B (Fam162b), mRNA [NM_029894] |
Ppp4r1l | 77310 | 3.57E-06 | 3.36E-04 | −2.166 | 0 day neonate head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4831403I15 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK029171] |
C030014I23Rik | 77381 | 1.38E-03 | 3.02E-02 | 2.342 | adult male corpus striatum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C030014I23 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK021081] |
Rbm35b | 77411 | 2.13E-03 | 4.00E-02 | −2.334 | 17 days pregnant adult female amnion cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:I920028B02 product:Hypothetical RNA-binding domain (Fragment), full insert sequence. [AK168488] |
9230112J17Rik | 77749 | 4.49E-04 | 1.35E-02 | 1.423 | adult male hypothalamus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A230052I24 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK038653] |
Lrrc42 | 77809 | 2.60E-04 | 9.40E-03 | −2.107 | leucine rich repeat containing 42 (Lrrc42), mRNA [NM_029985] |
9430065F17Rik | 77857 | 2.67E-04 | 9.57E-03 | 2.713 | 0 day neonate eyeball cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E130110G22 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK021377] |
Lbh | 77889 | 2.04E-06 | 2.17E-04 | −2.603 | limb-bud and heart (Lbh), mRNA [NM_029999] |
Yipf6 | 77929 | 1.86E-04 | 7.41E-03 | −2.379 | Yip1 domain family, member 6 (Yipf6), mRNA [NM_207633] |
Nuak1 | 77976 | 2.09E-07 | 3.48E-05 | −2.336 | NUAK family, SNF1-like kinase, 1 (Nuak1), mRNA [NM_001004363] |
Prr15 | 78004 | 6.77E-06 | 5.49E-04 | 1.652 | proline rich 15 (Prr15), mRNA [NM_030024] |
4930430O22Rik | 78154 | 2.35E-03 | 4.30E-02 | 2.034 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4930430O22 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK019590] |
Ng23 | 78376 | 1.16E-03 | 2.70E-02 | −1.912 | Ng23 protein (Ng23), mRNA [NM_023893] |
C330024D12Rik | 78444 | 2.11E-04 | 8.08E-03 | 2.236 | ES cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C330024D12 product:hypothetical Pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase (pyroglutamate aminopeptidase) structure containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK021221] |
1700065I16Rik | 78462 | 7.51E-05 | 3.70E-03 | 2.257 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1700065I16 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK018879] |
Htra3 | 78558 | 1.70E-07 | 2.93E-05 | 3.423 | HtrA serine peptidase 3 (Htra3), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_030127] |
A330105O20Rik | 78590 | 2.07E-06 | 2.18E-04 | −2.416 | adult male spinal cord cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A330105O20 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK020736] |
Nrip3 | 78593 | 2.47E-05 | 1.54E-03 | −2.168 | nuclear receptor interacting protein 3 (Nrip3), mRNA [NM_020610] |
Tnrc4 | 78784 | 6.92E-04 | 1.82E-02 | 1.671 | trinucleotide repeat containing 4 (Tnrc4), mRNA [NM_172434] |
5830407P18Rik | 78818 | 1.56E-05 | 1.06E-03 | −2.627 | 6 days neonate head cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5430437C10 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK017401] |
Pus7l | 78895 | 1.73E-03 | 3.47E-02 | 2.537 | 0 day neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A430080N03 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK040257] |
Spnb4 | 80297 | 9.53E-04 | 2.31E-02 | 1.513 | spectrin beta 4 (Spnb4), mRNA [NM_032610] |
Rhoj | 80837 | 1.05E-04 | 4.82E-03 | 1.337 | ras homolog gene family, member J (Rhoj), mRNA [NM_023275] |
Ghdc | 80860 | 9.62E-07 | 1.15E-04 | −2.146 | GH3 domain containing (Ghdc), mRNA [NM_031871] |
Ifitm2 | 80876 | 2.62E-03 | 4.69E-02 | −0.833 | interferon induced transmembrane protein 2 (Ifitm2), mRNA [NM_030694] |
Kank3 | 80880 | 4.68E-07 | 6.52E-05 | 1.446 | KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 3 (Kank3), mRNA [NM_030697] |
Ntng1 | 80883 | 8.22E-09 | 2.30E-06 | −2.563 | PREDICTED: hypothetical protein LOC100046244 (LOC100046244), mRNA [XM_001475857] |
Ankrd17 | 81702 | 3.50E-04 | 1.14E-02 | 1.169 | 13 days embryo male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6030410M12 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK031350] |
Tlr9 | 81897 | 3.82E-04 | 1.22E-02 | 1.040 | toll-like receptor 9 (Tlr9), mRNA [NM_031178] |
Glis2 | 83396 | 3.68E-04 | 1.18E-02 | 2.944 | GLIS family zinc finger 2 (Glis2), mRNA [NM_031184] |
Gimap3 | 83408 | 6.76E-09 | 1.99E-06 | −2.875 | GTPase, IMAP family member 3 (Gimap3), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_031247] |
Tdrd1 | 83561 | 6.71E-09 | 1.99E-06 | −2.520 | tudor domain containing 1 (Tdrd1), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_001002241] |
Bicc1 | 83675 | 4.43E-06 | 3.94E-04 | 1.789 | bicaudal C homolog 1 (Drosophila) (Bicc1), mRNA [NM_031397] |
Kremen1 | 84035 | 5.87E-05 | 3.02E-03 | 2.719 | kringle containing transmembrane protein 1 (Kremen1), mRNA [NM_032396] |
Plvap | 84094 | 1.55E-07 | 2.73E-05 | 1.874 | plasmalemma vesicle associated protein (Plvap), mRNA [NM_032398] |
Zfp192 | 93681 | 1.98E-08 | 4.77E-06 | −3.066 | zinc finger protein 192 (Zfp192), mRNA [NM_139141] |
Narg2 | 93697 | 7.75E-05 | 3.80E-03 | −2.803 | NMDA receptor-regulated gene 2 (Narg2), mRNA [NM_145618] |
Rnf111 | 93836 | 1.56E-03 | 3.26E-02 | 1.142 | ring finger 111 (Rnf111), mRNA [NM_033604] |
Vangl2 | 93840 | 1.49E-03 | 3.16E-02 | −1.881 | vang-like 2 (van gogh, Drosophila) (Vangl2), mRNA [NM_033509] |
Wwtr1 | 97064 | 5.34E-05 | 2.85E-03 | 1.979 | WW domain containing transcription regulator 1 (Wwtr1), mRNA [NM_133784] |
B3gnt9 | 97440 | 7.84E-08 | 1.56E-05 | −2.592 | UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 9 (B3gnt9), mRNA [NM_178879] |
Wdr42a | 98193 | 1.98E-03 | 3.81E-02 | −1.651 | WD repeat domain 42A (Wdr42a), mRNA [NM_153555] |
1190005F20Rik | 98685 | 1.38E-03 | 3.03E-02 | −2.010 | RIKEN cDNA 1190005F20 gene (1190005F20Rik), mRNA [NM_026876] |
Obsl1 | 98733 | 1.71E-04 | 7.01E-03 | −2.110 | obscurin-like 1 (Obsl1), mRNA [NM_178884] |
Cul4a | 99375 | 2.77E-04 | 9.79E-03 | −1.788 | cullin 4A (Cul4a), mRNA [NM_146207] |
9630041G16Rik | 100223 | 2.59E-04 | 9.37E-03 | −2.754 | 16 days neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:9630041G16 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK079356] |
Smpdl3b | 100340 | 1.97E-05 | 1.28E-03 | 3.004 | sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase, acid-like 3B (Smpdl3b), mRNA [NM_133888] |
1110008J03Rik | 100764 | 4.19E-08 | 9.27E-06 | −2.477 | RIKEN cDNA 1110008J03 gene (1110008J03Rik), mRNA [NM_029096] |
Ttll3 | 101100 | 7.09E-09 | 2.06E-06 | −2.780 | tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 3, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:3597662), complete cds. [BC006830] |
Fbxl14 | 101358 | 2.08E-03 | 3.93E-02 | 1.066 | F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 14 (Fbxl14), mRNA [NM_133940] |
Adamts9 | 101401 | 1.13E-03 | 2.65E-02 | −1.803 | 10 day old male pancreas cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:1810011L16 product:similar to ADAMTS-9 PRECURSOR (EC 3.4.24.-)( |
Dhx32 | 101437 | 3.06E-04 | 1.04E-02 | 1.036 | DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 32 (Dhx32), mRNA [NM_133941] |
Wtip | 101543 | 5.86E-07 | 7.81E-05 | 1.849 | WT1-interacting protein (Wtip), mRNA [NM_207212] |
Agpat6 | 102247 | 2.01E-06 | 2.15E-04 | −3.231 | 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 6 (lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase, zeta) (Agpat6), mRNA [NM_018743] |
Slc6a8 | 102857 | 1.74E-05 | 1.16E-03 | 1.704 | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, creatine), member 8 (Slc6a8), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_133987] |
Pls3 | 102866 | 4.73E-04 | 1.39E-02 | 1.230 | plastin 3 (T-isoform) (Pls3), mRNA [NM_145629] |
B630019K06Rik | 102941 | 9.04E-05 | 4.30E-03 | −2.668 | RIKEN cDNA B630019K06 gene (B630019K06Rik), mRNA [NM_175327] |
Upb1 | 103149 | 8.13E-04 | 2.07E-02 | −0.884 | ureidopropionase, beta (Upb1), mRNA [NM_133995] |
Chchd10 | 103172 | 2.10E-03 | 3.96E-02 | −0.632 | coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 10 (Chchd10), mRNA [NM_175329] |
4932439E07Rik | 103405 | 1.17E-03 | 2.71E-02 | −1.802 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4932439E07 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK077051] |
Mgat4b | 103534 | 2.64E-03 | 4.70E-02 | −1.702 | mannoside acetylglucosaminyltransferase 4, isoenzyme B (Mgat4b), mRNA [NM_145926] |
AI449309 | 103727 | 1.99E-04 | 7.80E-03 | 2.026 | UI-M-BH1-amc-g-06-0-UI.r1 NIH_BMAP_M_S2 cDNA clone UI-M-BH1-amc-g-06-0-UI 5′. [BE647330] |
Cyp27a1 | 104086 | 1.63E-06 | 1.81E-04 | −2.754 | cytochrome P450, family 27, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 (Cyp27a1), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_024264] |
Adcy4 | 104110 | 1.18E-04 | 5.23E-03 | 1.278 | adenylate cyclase 4 (Adcy4), mRNA [NM_080435] |
Cdc42ep1 | 104445 | 3.19E-04 | 1.07E-02 | 1.392 | CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 1 (Cdc42ep1), mRNA [NM_027219] |
Ccdc117 | 104479 | 2.39E-05 | 1.50E-03 | −3.019 | coiled-coil domain containing 117 (Ccdc117), mRNA [NM_134033] |
Iars | 105148 | 7.81E-06 | 6.09E-04 | −2.055 | isoleucine-tRNA synthetase (Iars), mRNA [NM_172015] |
Nhlrc1 | 105193 | 5.06E-04 | 1.46E-02 | −2.158 | NHL repeat containing 1 (Nhlrc1), mRNA [NM_175340] |
Golm1 | 105348 | 1.64E-03 | 3.36E-02 | 0.650 | golgi membrane protein 1 (Golm1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_027307] |
Fam149b | 105428 | 1.97E-03 | 3.80E-02 | 2.419 | family with sequence similarity 149, member B (Fam149b), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001024512] |
Slain1 | 105439 | 3.28E-06 | 3.16E-04 | −2.149 | SLAIN motif family, member 1 (Slain1), mRNA [NM_198014] |
Dock9 | 105445 | 1.40E-06 | 1.59E-04 | −2.391 | dedicator of cytokinesis 9 (Dock9), transcript variant 3, mRNA [NM_001128307] |
Mmrn2 | 105450 | 1.06E-05 | 7.82E-04 | 1.356 | multimerin 2 (Mmrn2), mRNA [NM_153127] |
Ppif | 105675 | 2.20E-04 | 8.32E-03 | −2.063 | peptidylprolyl isomerase F (cyclophilin F) (Ppif), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_134084] |
Slc38a1 | 105727 | 2.22E-05 | 1.41E-03 | −2.425 | solute carrier family 38, member 1 (Slc38a1), mRNA [NM_134086] |
Zc3h7a | 106205 | 1.80E-03 | 3.58E-02 | −1.452 | zinc finger CCCH type containing 7 A (Zc3h7a), mRNA [NM_145931] |
Eaf2 | 106389 | 1.81E-03 | 3.59E-02 | −1.350 | ELL associated factor 2 (Eaf2), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_134111] |
Ift140 | 106633 | 4.80E-05 | 2.64E-03 | 3.301 | intraflagellar transport 140 homolog (Chlamydomonas) (Ift140), mRNA [NM_134126] |
Ttbk1 | 106763 | 1.97E-04 | 7.77E-03 | 1.619 | PREDICTED: tau tubulin kinase 1 (Ttbk1), mRNA [XM_001480065] |
Kctd1 | 106931 | 2.71E-03 | 4.78E-02 | −1.877 | 10 days neonate olfactory brain cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E530017G24 product:weakly similar to CDNA FLJ14995 FIS, CLONE |
Arap3 | 106952 | 2.09E-04 | 8.06E-03 | 1.329 | 0 day neonate lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E030006K04 product:PHOSPHOINOSITIDE-BINDING PROTEINS homolog [Homo sapiens], full insert sequence. [AK053122] |
Unc5b | 107449 | 3.21E-05 | 1.91E-03 | −2.291 | unc-5 homolog B (C. elegans) (Unc5b), mRNA [NM_029770] |
Tm6sf2 | 107770 | 1.45E-03 | 3.10E-02 | 1.881 | transmembrane 6 superfamily member 2, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:37441 IMAGE:4982620), complete cds. [BC024498] |
Bfsp2 | 107993 | 1.13E-05 | 8.23E-04 | −1.585 | beaded filament structural protein 2, phakinin (Bfsp2), mRNA [NM_001002896] |
Ap1s2 | 108012 | 1.92E-05 | 1.26E-03 | −2.496 | adaptor-related protein complex 1, sigma 2 subunit (Ap1s2), mRNA [NM_026887] |
Lin7a | 108030 | 7.98E-05 | 3.89E-03 | −1.894 | lin-7 homolog A (C. elegans) (Lin7a), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001039354] |
Ltbp4 | 108075 | 1.20E-03 | 2.76E-02 | 1.243 | latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 4 (Ltbp4), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_175641] |
4933403F05Rik | 108654 | 7.90E-05 | 3.86E-03 | −1.847 | RIKEN cDNA 4933403F05 gene (4933403F05Rik), mRNA [NM_153794] |
Foxp1 | 108655 | 1.69E-03 | 3.42E-02 | −2.089 | adult male medulla oblongata cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6330416B21 product:forkhead box P1, full insert sequence. [AK031837] |
Mex3b | 108797 | 5.59E-05 | 2.93E-03 | 2.225 | premature mRNA for mKIAA2009 protein [AK173330] |
Jmjd1c | 108829 | 2.84E-03 | 4.92E-02 | −1.932 | mRNA for mKIAA1380 protein. [AK173162] |
Cdca2 | 108912 | 6.87E-07 | 8.81E-05 | 2.241 | 13 days embryo forelimb cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5930403H17 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK031083] |
Obfc2a | 109019 | 2.71E-03 | 4.78E-02 | −1.830 | 3 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A630084H02 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK042351] |
Prkcdbp | 109042 | 2.09E-05 | 1.34E-03 | 1.250 | protein kinase C, delta binding protein (Prkcdbp), mRNA [NM_028444] |
Ints5 | 109077 | 6.78E-07 | 8.74E-05 | −2.485 | integrator complex subunit 5 (Ints5), mRNA [NM_176843] |
Kif24 | 109242 | 6.43E-06 | 5.29E-04 | −2.541 | kinesin family member 24 (Kif24), mRNA [NM_024241] |
Tspan9 | 109246 | 1.41E-07 | 2.52E-05 | 1.777 | tetraspanin 9 (Tspan9), mRNA [NM_175414] |
Itga1 | 109700 | 1.96E-03 | 3.78E-02 | −1.882 | integrin alpha 1 (Itga1), mRNA [NM_001033228] |
Hba-a2 | 110257 | 6.30E-09 | 1.90E-06 | 1.684 | Mouse alpha-globin mRNA. [M10466] |
Bcr | 110279 | 3.93E-13 | 9.48E-10 | −3.362 | breakpoint cluster region (Bcr), mRNA [NM_001081412] |
Acat2 | 110460 | 1.67E-04 | 6.86E-03 | 1.334 | acetyl-Coenzyme A acetyltransferase 2 (Acat2), mRNA [NM_009338] |
Fntb | 110606 | 1.26E-04 | 5.49E-03 | −2.799 | farnesyltransferase, CAAX box, beta (Fntb), mRNA [NM_145927] |
Igh | 111507 | 1.44E-05 | 1.00E-03 | 2.909 | Mouse IgMk rearranged heavy-chain mRNA variable region (V-D-J) anti-DNA autoantibody [M20831] |
V1rb8 | 113856 | 2.73E-03 | 4.79E-02 | 2.201 | vomeronasal 1 receptor, B8 (V1rb8), mRNA [NM_053229] |
Aipl1 | 114230 | 1.14E-03 | 2.65E-02 | 2.603 | aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein-like 1 (Aipl1), mRNA [NM_053245] |
Dcun1d1 | 114893 | 2.30E-03 | 4.23E-02 | −1.706 | RP42 mRNA, complete cds [AF198092] |
Prelp | 116847 | 6.11E-07 | 8.05E-05 | 1.541 | proline arginine-rich end leucine-rich repeat (Prelp), mRNA [NM_054077] |
Slc2a9 | 117591 | 3.54E-05 | 2.06E-03 | −2.032 | solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 9 (Slc2a9), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001012363] |
Man2a2 | 140481 | 2.58E-05 | 1.60E-03 | −2.642 | mannosidase 2, alpha 2 (Man2a2), mRNA [NM_172903] |
Ppp1r3a | 140491 | 2.17E-03 | 4.05E-02 | 1.954 | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 3A (Ppp1r3a), mRNA [NM_080464] |
Eri3 | 140546 | 2.01E-09 | 7.57E-07 | −2.620 | exoribonuclease 3 (Eri3), mRNA [NM_080469] |
Sesn1 | 140742 | 2.93E-12 | 3.07E-09 | −3.161 | sestrin 1 (Sesn1), mRNA [NM_001013370] |
Lnx2 | 140887 | 4.38E-04 | 1.32E-02 | −1.965 | ligand of numb-protein X 2 (Lnx2), mRNA [NM_080795] |
Slc2a10 | 170441 | 2.86E-03 | 4.95E-02 | 2.644 | solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 10 (Slc2a10), mRNA [NM_130451] |
Grin3b | 170483 | 7.68E-09 | 2.18E-06 | −3.830 | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA3B (Grin3b), mRNA [NM_130455] |
Tmem37 | 170706 | 5.64E-04 | 1.57E-02 | 0.901 | transmembrane protein 37 (Tmem37), mRNA [NM_019432] |
Rac3 | 170758 | 8.45E-04 | 2.12E-02 | 1.255 | RAS-related C3 botulinum substrate 3 (Rac3), mRNA [NM_133223] |
Ripply3 | 170765 | 4.26E-04 | 1.30E-02 | 1.480 | ripply3 homolog (zebrafish) (Ripply3), mRNA [NM_133229] |
AY036118 | 170798 | 1.42E-03 | 3.07E-02 | 1.891 | ETS-related transcription factor ERF (Erf1) mRNA, complete cds. [AY036118] |
Usp33 | 170822 | 4.17E-04 | 1.28E-02 | −1.996 | 10 days neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B930083N20 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK047530] |
Zfp617 | 170938 | 9.29E-04 | 2.27E-02 | −2.422 | zinc finger protein 617 (Zfp617), mRNA [NM_133358] |
V1rh7 | 171250 | 3.10E-05 | 1.85E-03 | 2.842 | vomeronasal 1 receptor, H7 (V1rh7), mRNA [NM_134216] |
Creld1 | 171508 | 1.98E-03 | 3.81E-02 | −2.567 | cysteine-rich with EGF-like domains 1 (Creld1), mRNA [NM_133930] |
Stab1 | 192187 | 1.16E-04 | 5.20E-03 | 1.579 | stabilin 1 (Stab1), mRNA [NM_138672] |
Stab2 | 192188 | 5.94E-05 | 3.05E-03 | 1.441 | stabilin 2 (Stab2), mRNA [NM_138673] |
Tmlhe | 192289 | 4.41E-04 | 1.33E-02 | −1.874 | trimethyllysine hydroxylase, epsilon (Tmlhe), mRNA [NM_138758] |
Zfp286 | 192651 | 2.32E-12 | 2.66E-09 | −3.237 | zinc finger protein 286 (Zfp286), mRNA [NM_138949] |
Wdr81 | 192652 | 6.22E-04 | 1.68E-02 | 0.703 | PREDICTED: WD repeat domain 81 (Wdr81), mRNA [XM_001002633] |
Pcdhg@ | 192682 | 1.21E-04 | 5.32E-03 | −1.883 | 10 days neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B930087D19 product:protocadherin gamma subfamily B, 2, |
Itgb4 | 192897 | 1.42E-03 | 3.07E-02 | 1.166 | integrin beta 4 (Itgb4), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001005608] |
BC049762 | 193286 | 2.42E-03 | 4.39E-02 | 1.775 | cDNA sequence BC049762 (BC049762), mRNA [NM_177567] |
Fam65b | 193385 | 1.20E-03 | 2.77E-02 | −1.054 | family with sequence similarity 65, member B (Fam65b), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001080381] |
Rbms3 | 207181 | 1.59E-04 | 6.61E-03 | −2.147 | RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein (Rbms3), mRNA [NM_178660] |
Zbtb7c | 207259 | 6.10E-05 | 3.10E-03 | 1.232 | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7C (Zbtb7c), mRNA [NM_145356] |
Kctd12b | 207474 | 1.47E-03 | 3.14E-02 | 1.240 | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 12b (Kctd12b), mRNA [NM_175429] |
BC004728 | 207818 | 6.78E-05 | 3.40E-03 | 1.412 | cDNA sequence BC004728 (BC004728), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_174992] |
Aph1b | 208117 | 1.90E-03 | 3.71E-02 | −1.372 | anterior pharynx defective 1b homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1b), mRNA [NM_177583] |
Eif4g1 | 208643 | 8.34E-07 | 1.03E-04 | −2.326 | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4, gamma 1 (Eif4g1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_145941] |
Cblb | 208650 | 2.12E-04 | 8.08E-03 | −1.928 | 9.5 days embryo parthenogenote cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B130018P07 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK045005] |
Aqp12 | 208760 | 2.55E-03 | 4.58E-02 | 2.415 | aquaporin 12 (Aqp12), mRNA [NM_177587] |
Cpeb3 | 208922 | 3.18E-04 | 1.07E-02 | −1.977 | cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3 (Cpeb3), mRNA [NM_198300] |
Npb | 208990 | 7.79E-04 | 2.00E-02 | −1.856 | neuropeptide B (Npb), mRNA [NM_153288] |
EG211331 | 211331 | 2.76E-03 | 4.83E-02 | −0.722 | BY724721 RIKEN full-length enriched, adult male aorta and vein cDNA clone A530011I23 5′. [BY724721] |
Arfgef1 | 211673 | 1.26E-03 | 2.85E-02 | −1.920 | ADP-ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide-exchange factor 1(brefeldin A-inhibited) (Arfgef1), mRNA [NM_001102430] |
2810046L04Rik | 212127 | 7.76E-04 | 1.99E-02 | −1.776 | RIKEN cDNA 2810046L04 gene (2810046L04Rik), mRNA [NM_173382] |
Zswim4 | 212168 | 1.42E-03 | 3.07E-02 | −1.715 | zinc finger, SWIM domain containing 4 (Zswim4), mRNA [NM_172503] |
A530054K11Rik | 212281 | 5.75E-04 | 1.59E-02 | −2.587 | RIKEN cDNA A530054K11 gene (A530054K11Rik), mRNA [NM_183146] |
2700007P21Rik | 212772 | 1.33E-03 | 2.95E-02 | 1.037 | RIKEN cDNA 2700007P21 gene (2700007P21Rik), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_001025102] |
Kctd7 | 212919 | 1.45E-04 | 6.19E-03 | −1.940 | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 7 (Kctd7), mRNA [NM_172509] |
Nudt18 | 213484 | 2.03E-03 | 3.86E-02 | −1.874 | nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 18 (Nudt18), mRNA [NM_153136] |
Efcab4a | 213573 | 6.05E-05 | 3.08E-03 | 1.469 | EF-hand calcium binding domain 4A (Efcab4a), mRNA [NM_001025103] |
Tmem82 | 213989 | 1.57E-04 | 6.57E-03 | 2.430 | transmembrane protein 82 (Tmem82), mRNA [NM_145987] |
Crygn | 214301 | 6.94E-04 | 1.82E-02 | 1.918 | crystallin, gamma N (Crygn), mRNA [NM_153076] |
2700050L05Rik | 214764 | 4.94E-04 | 1.44E-02 | −1.935 | RIKEN cDNA 2700050L05 gene (2700050L05Rik), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_145995] |
Zfp609 | 214812 | 1.41E-03 | 3.07E-02 | 2.737 | zinc finger protein 609 (Zfp609), mRNA [NM_172536] |
Cecr5 | 214932 | 2.20E-03 | 4.08E-02 | −1.640 | cat eye syndrome chromosome region, candidate 5 homolog (human) (Cecr5), mRNA [NM_144815] |
Vezt | 215008 | 1.37E-06 | 1.57E-04 | −2.304 | vezatin, adherens junctions transmembrane protein (Vezt), mRNA [NM_172538] |
Rhbdd2 | 215160 | 2.84E-04 | 9.92E-03 | −2.025 | rhomboid domain containing 2 (Rhbdd2), mRNA [NM_146002] |
Traf3ip3 | 215243 | 1.03E-03 | 2.46E-02 | 0.859 | TRAF3 interacting protein 3 (Traf3ip3), mRNA [NM_153137] |
Il1f9 | 215257 | 6.87E-04 | 1.81E-02 | −2.010 | interleukin 1 family, member 9 (Il1f9), mRNA [NM_153511] |
Slc36a3 | 215332 | 2.38E-03 | 4.34E-02 | −1.759 | solute carrier family 36 (proton/amino acid symporter), member 3 (Slc36a3), mRNA [NM_172258] |
Fcgbp | 215384 | 1.38E-03 | 3.03E-02 | 2.111 | Fc fragment of IgG binding protein (Fcgbp), mRNA [NM_001122603] |
Rassf2 | 215653 | 2.74E-03 | 4.81E-02 | 1.096 | Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 2 (Rassf2), mRNA [NM_175445] |
Mfsd6l | 215723 | 1.22E-03 | 2.80E-02 | 1.296 | major facilitator superfamily domain containing 6-like (Mfsd6l), mRNA [NM_146004] |
Pdxk | 216134 | 2.10E-03 | 3.96E-02 | −1.863 | pyridoxal (pyridoxine, vitamin B6) kinase (Pdxk), mRNA [NM_172134] |
Shc2 | 216148 | 6.72E-04 | 1.78E-02 | 1.062 | src homology 2 domain-containing transforming protein C2 (Shc2), mRNA [NM_001024539] |
Gls2 | 216456 | 5.31E-05 | 2.84E-03 | 1.499 | glutaminase 2 (liver, mitochondrial) (Gls2), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_001033264] |
Chd3 | 216848 | 3.38E-05 | 1.98E-03 | −2.090 | chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 3 (Chd3), mRNA [NM_146019] |
Unc45b | 217012 | 1.53E-05 | 1.05E-03 | 1.787 | unc-45 homolog B (C. elegans) (Unc45b), mRNA [NM_178680] |
Heatr6 | 217026 | 2.46E-04 | 9.04E-03 | −1.257 | HEAT repeat containing 6 (Heatr6), mRNA [NM_145432] |
Myo15b | 217328 | 9.87E-07 | 1.18E-04 | −3.731 | mRNA for mKIAA1783 protein [AK173262] |
6030408C04Rik | 217558 | 1.34E-03 | 2.96E-02 | −1.732 | RIKEN cDNA 6030408C04 gene (6030408C04Rik), mRNA [NM_001015099] |
Gm527 | 217648 | 4.21E-04 | 1.29E-02 | −1.824 | gene model 527, (NCBI) (Gm527), mRNA [NM_001025605] |
4933426M11Rik | 217684 | 2.11E-11 | 1.70E-08 | −3.272 | RIKEN cDNA 4933426M11 gene (4933426M11Rik), mRNA [NM_178682] |
Mlh3 | 217716 | 2.95E-08 | 6.71E-06 | −2.639 | mutL homolog 3 (E coli) (Mlh3), mRNA [NM_175337] |
2310044G17Rik | 217732 | 2.68E-04 | 9.57E-03 | −1.804 | RIKEN cDNA 2310044G17 gene (2310044G17Rik), mRNA [NM_173735] |
BC002230 | 217827 | 2.47E-07 | 4.00E-05 | −2.259 | PREDICTED: cDNA sequence BC002230, transcript variant 1 (BC002230), mRNA [XM_484171] |
Mylip | 218203 | 1.92E-03 | 3.74E-02 | 1.142 | myosin regulatory light chain interacting protein (Mylip), mRNA [NM_153789] |
Ankrd34b | 218440 | 1.95E-03 | 3.77E-02 | −1.794 | ankyrin repeat domain 34B (Ankrd34b), mRNA [NM_175455] |
BC025446 | 223631 | 8.36E-04 | 2.11E-02 | −1.880 | cDNA sequence BC025446, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:29251 IMAGE:5053382), complete cds [BC025446] |
Zc3h3 | 223642 | 1.25E-05 | 8.89E-04 | −2.162 | zinc finger CCCH type containing 3 (Zc3h3), mRNA [NM_172121] |
Nrbp2 | 223649 | 1.78E-05 | 1.18E-03 | 2.222 | nuclear receptor binding protein 2, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:6419290) [BC068117] |
5031439G07Rik | 223739 | 1.81E-03 | 3.59E-02 | 1.149 | RIKEN cDNA 5031439G07 gene (5031439G07Rik), mRNA [NM_001033273] |
Rnd1 | 223881 | 9.66E-05 | 4.52E-03 | −2.043 | 0 day neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A430040J04 product:similar to RHO-RELATED GTP-BINDING PROTEIN RHO6 (RND1) [Homo sapiens], full insert |
Atf7 | 223922 | 2.35E-03 | 4.30E-02 | −1.881 | NOD-derived CD11c +ve dendritic cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:F630037N13 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK170250] |
Dirc2 | 224132 | 2.02E-03 | 3.85E-02 | 0.919 | disrupted in renal carcinoma 2 (human) (Dirc2), mRNA [NM_153550] |
Ktelc1 | 224143 | 6.72E-08 | 1.41E-05 | −2.445 | KTEL (Lys-Tyr-Glu-Leu) containing 1 (Ktelc1), mRNA [NM_172380] |
Cldnd1 | 224250 | 4.05E-04 | 1.26E-02 | −1.487 | claudin domain containing 1 (Cldnd1), mRNA [NM_171826] |
Acat3 | 224530 | 3.19E-04 | 1.07E-02 | 1.697 | acetyl-Coenzyme A acetyltransferase 3 (Acat3), mRNA [NM_153151] |
D17Wsu92e | 224647 | 1.35E-03 | 2.98E-02 | −1.796 | DNA segment, Chr 17, Wayne State University 92, expressed (D17Wsu92e), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001044719] |
Gpr116 | 224792 | 2.86E-03 | 4.95E-02 | 1.142 | G protein-coupled receptor 116 (Gpr116), mRNA [NM_001081178] |
Sfrs7 | 225027 | 1.21E-03 | 2.77E-02 | −3.114 | splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 7 (Sfrs7), mRNA [NM_146083] |
Lims2 | 225341 | 2.54E-04 | 9.23E-03 | 1.670 | LIM and senescent cell antigen like domains 2 (Lims2), mRNA [NM_144862] |
Cep120 | 225523 | 4.43E-10 | 2.14E-07 | −2.589 | centrosomal protein 120 (Cep120), mRNA [NM_178686] |
Slmo1 | 225655 | 2.03E-03 | 3.86E-02 | 1.223 | 10 days neonate cortex cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A830096K14 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK044163] |
BC021614 | 225884 | 1.90E-05 | 1.25E-03 | −2.316 | cDNA sequence BC021614 (BC021614), mRNA [NM_144869] |
Myof | 226101 | 7.89E-04 | 2.02E-02 | 1.103 | myoferlin (Myof), mRNA [NM_001099634] |
Taf5 | 226182 | 1.94E-05 | 1.27E-03 | −2.385 | TAF5 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor (Taf5), mRNA [NM_177342] |
Ahctf1 | 226747 | 5.06E-05 | 2.74E-03 | −2.007 | AT hook containing transcription factor 1 (Ahctf1), mRNA [NM_026375] |
Gm106 | 226866 | 2.65E-03 | 4.71E-02 | −3.280 | gene model 106, (NCBI) (Gm106), mRNA [NM_001033288] |
Plcl1 | 227120 | 1.38E-08 | 3.43E-06 | −2.791 | 0 day neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C230017K02 product:similar to CDNA FLJ13484 FIS, CLONE PLACE1003888, |
Usp40 | 227334 | 1.61E-03 | 3.32E-02 | 2.934 | ubiquitin specific peptidase 40 (Usp40), mRNA [NM_001033291] |
Phyhd1 | 227696 | 2.37E-04 | 8.78E-03 | 1.053 | phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase domain containing 1 (Phyhd1), mRNA [NM_172267] |
Ccdc148 | 227933 | 1.28E-03 | 2.87E-02 | −1.759 | 0 day neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A430070N18 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK040157] |
Tnks1bp1 | 228140 | 1.01E-03 | 2.43E-02 | −1.445 | tankyrase 1 binding protein 1 (Tnks1bp1), mRNA [NM_001081260] |
Vps18 | 228545 | 3.20E-06 | 3.12E-04 | −2.287 | vacuolar protein sorting 18 (yeast) (Vps18), mRNA [NM_172269] |
Prkcbp1 | 228880 | 2.47E-04 | 9.05E-03 | −1.266 | protein kinase C binding protein 1 (Prkcbp1), mRNA [NM_027230] |
Tm4sf4 | 229302 | 3.49E-04 | 1.14E-02 | 1.976 | transmembrane 4 superfamily member 4 (Tm4sf4), mRNA [NM_145539] |
D930015E06Rik | 229473 | 2.63E-07 | 4.14E-05 | −3.074 | 2 days neonate thymus thymic cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E430020C19 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK153996] |
Fhdc1 | 229474 | 2.67E-07 | 4.17E-05 | 2.153 | FH2 domain containing 1 (Fhdc1), mRNA [NM_001033301] |
Isg20l2 | 229504 | 5.51E-05 | 2.91E-03 | 1.368 | interferon stimulated exonuclease gene 20-like 2 (Isg20l2), mRNA [NM_177663] |
Smg5 | 229512 | 1.56E-03 | 3.26E-02 | −1.717 | Smg-5 homolog, nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor (C. elegans), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:118167 IMAGE:30734268), complete cds. [BC100408] |
Adamtsl4 | 229595 | 5.52E-04 | 1.55E-02 | 2.833 | ADAMTS-like 4 (Adamtsl4), mRNA [NM_144899] |
Vangl1 | 229658 | 9.53E-05 | 4.49E-03 | 1.492 | vang-like 1 (van gogh, Drosophila), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:3669388), partial cds [BC024687] |
Ak5 | 229949 | 2.65E-06 | 2.72E-04 | −2.728 | adenylate kinase 5 (Ak5), mRNA [NM_001081277] |
Ddx58 | 230073 | 6.61E-04 | 1.77E-02 | −1.294 | DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 58 (Ddx58), mRNA [NM_172689] |
Galnt12 | 230145 | 1.06E-03 | 2.51E-02 | −2.672 | UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosamine:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 12 (Galnt12), mRNA [NM_172693] |
Aldob | 230163 | 6.53E-06 | 5.36E-04 | 1.361 | aldolase B, fructose-bisphosphate (Aldob), mRNA [NM_144903] |
E130308A19Rik | 230259 | 1.89E-03 | 3.69E-02 | −1.055 | RIKEN cDNA E130308A19 gene (E130308A19Rik), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_153158] |
Atpaf1 | 230649 | 2.40E-04 | 8.84E-03 | 1.130 | adult male medulla oblongata cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6330547J17 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK032020] |
Fam176b | 230752 | 3.01E-05 | 1.81E-03 | 1.051 | family with sequence similarity 176, member B (Fam176b), mRNA [NM_172145] |
Fam167b | 230766 | 1.67E-03 | 3.39E-02 | 1.240 | family with sequence similarity 167, member B (Fam167b), mRNA [NM_182783] |
Iqcc | 230767 | 1.48E-03 | 3.14E-02 | −2.346 | IQ motif containing C (Iqcc), mRNA [NM_198026] |
Fam76a | 230789 | 2.12E-03 | 3.98E-02 | 0.735 | 16 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A130052N11 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK037828] |
Nppa | 230899 | 8.20E-04 | 2.09E-02 | 1.169 | natriuretic peptide precursor type A (Nppa), mRNA [NM_008725] |
Plekhn1 | 231002 | 4.32E-04 | 1.31E-02 | 1.482 | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family N member 1 (Plekhn1), mRNA [NM_001008233] |
Mll3 | 231051 | 1.10E-03 | 2.58E-02 | −1.853 | 15 days embryo male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:8030497B12 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK033339] |
Agbl5 | 231093 | 4.59E-04 | 1.36E-02 | 1.854 | ATP/GTP binding protein-like 5 (Agbl5), transcript variant 5, mRNA [NM_174849] |
Sh3tc1 | 231147 | 1.39E-04 | 5.95E-03 | 0.857 | SH3 domain and tetratricopeptide repeats 1 (Sh3tc1), mRNA [NM_194344] |
Guf1 | 231279 | 1.55E-04 | 6.50E-03 | −1.957 | GUF1 GTPase homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Guf1), mRNA [NM_172711] |
Paqr3 | 231474 | 1.89E-03 | 3.69E-02 | −2.167 | adult male pituitary gland cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5330440B03 product:Bmp2-inducible kinase, full insert sequence. [AK030634] |
Fbxo21 | 231670 | 3.06E-04 | 1.04E-02 | −1.891 | F-box protein 21 (Fbxo21), mRNA [NM_145564] |
Cyp26b1 | 232174 | 5.36E-05 | 2.85E-03 | −2.028 | cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 (Cyp26b1), mRNA [NM_175475] |
Ankrd26 | 232339 | 1.06E-04 | 4.86E-03 | −2.387 | ankyrin repeat domain 26 (Ankrd26), mRNA [NM_001081112] |
Wnk1 | 232341 | 2.48E-03 | 4.48E-02 | −1.841 | adult male olfactory brain cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6430573H23 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK032505] |
Gprc5a | 232431 | 6.42E-04 | 1.73E-02 | 1.300 | G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member A (Gprc5a), mRNA [NM_181444] |
Lrfn3 | 233067 | 4.41E-04 | 1.33E-02 | 1.992 | leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 3 (Lrfn3), mRNA [NM_175478] |
Tbc1d17 | 233204 | 2.37E-03 | 4.33E-02 | 1.940 | 2 days pregnant adult female ovary cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E330015O10 product:interleukin-four induced gene 1, full insert sequence [AK087754] |
Lrrk1 | 233328 | 1.16E-03 | 2.69E-02 | −1.374 | leucine-rich repeat kinase 1 (Lrrk1), mRNA [NM_146191] |
Frag1 | 233575 | 2.34E-03 | 4.30E-02 | −1.004 | FGF receptor activating protein 1 (Frag1), mRNA [NM_145583] |
Palb2 | 233826 | 7.33E-05 | 3.63E-03 | −1.870 | 10 days neonate skin cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4732427B05 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK028653] |
Fbxl19 | 233902 | 4.18E-04 | 1.28E-02 | 1.323 | F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 19 (Fbxl19), mRNA [NM_172748] |
Adprhl1 | 234072 | 1.27E-06 | 1.46E-04 | 2.058 | ADP-ribosylhydrolase like 1 (Adprhl1), mRNA [NM_172750] |
Whsc1l1 | 234135 | 2.44E-07 | 3.98E-05 | −3.044 | Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1-like 1 (human) (Whsc1l1), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001081269] |
Fgl1 | 234199 | 2.04E-03 | 3.88E-02 | 1.783 | 2 days neonate thymus thymic cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C920030L09 product:hypothetical Fibrinogen beta and gamma chains C-terminal globular domain containing protein, full insert sequence [AK083397] |
Neil3 | 234258 | 5.84E-04 | 1.61E-02 | 0.894 | 3 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A630055A13 product:similar to CDNA FLJ10858 FIS, CLONE NT2RP4001555 [Homo sapiens], full insert |
Gpm6a | 234267 | 2.22E-16 | 5.35E-12 | −4.293 | membrane glycoprotein M6=major CNS myelin protein PLP/DM20 homolog {clone M6a} [mice, brain, mRNA, 1272 nt]. [S65735] |
Ushbp1 | 234395 | 2.71E-07 | 4.17E-05 | 3.551 | Usher syndrome 1C binding protein 1 (Ushbp1), mRNA [NM_181418] |
BC015286 | 234669 | 4.00E-04 | 1.26E-02 | 2.910 | cDNA sequence BC015286 (BC015286), mRNA [NM_198171] |
Tat | 234724 | 5.88E-06 | 4.92E-04 | −2.401 | tyrosine aminotransferase (Tat), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, mRNA [NM_146214] |
Rfwd3 | 234736 | 3.76E-04 | 1.20E-02 | −1.715 | adult male corpora quadrigemina cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:B230214I19 product:hypothetical Peptidase S9A, prolyl oligopeptidase, N-terminal beta-propeller domain containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK045601] |
Slc38a8 | 234788 | 1.60E-03 | 3.31E-02 | −3.660 | solute carrier family 38, member 8 (Slc38a8), mRNA [NM_001009950] |
Mthfsd | 234814 | 9.15E-04 | 2.25E-02 | −2.716 | methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase domain containing (Mthfsd), mRNA [NM_172761] |
Fam38a | 234839 | 3.26E-04 | 1.09E-02 | 2.035 | premature mRNA for mKIAA0233 protein [AK129095] |
Rnf214 | 235315 | 2.36E-04 | 8.78E-03 | −1.916 | ring finger protein 214 (Rnf214), mRNA [NM_178709] |
Dlat | 235339 | 7.73E-04 | 1.99E-02 | −1.138 | dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase (E2 component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex) (Dlat), mRNA [NM_145614] |
Atp2c1 | 235574 | 1.11E-05 | 8.11E-04 | −2.194 | ATPase, Ca++-sequestering (Atp2c1), mRNA [NM_175025] |
Als2cl | 235633 | 1.82E-03 | 3.59E-02 | −1.754 | ALS2 C-terminal like (Als2cl), mRNA [NM_146228] |
Zfp445 | 235682 | 4.03E-06 | 3.64E-04 | −2.554 | zinc finger protein 445 (Zfp445), mRNA [NM_173364] |
Alms1 | 236266 | 3.07E-06 | 3.03E-04 | −2.449 | Alstrom syndrome 1 homolog (human) (Alms1), mRNA [NM_145223] |
Usp11 | 236733 | 1.24E-03 | 2.83E-02 | 1.007 | ubiquitin specific peptidase 11 (Usp11), mRNA [NM_145628] |
Stac3 | 237611 | 1.73E-03 | 3.47E-02 | 0.965 | SH3 and cysteine rich domain 3 (Stac3), mRNA [NM_177707] |
Smcr8 | 237782 | 7.24E-05 | 3.59E-03 | −1.965 | Smith-Magenis syndrome chromosome region, candidate 8 homolog (human) (Smcr8), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_175491] |
Usp32 | 237898 | 2.89E-06 | 2.88E-04 | 2.081 | adult male hippocampus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2900074J03 product:UBIQUITIN SPECIFIC PROTEASE homolog |
Cdr2l | 237988 | 8.56E-04 | 2.14E-02 | 1.057 | cerebellar degeneration-related protein 2-like (Cdr2l), mRNA [NM_001080929] |
Mtr | 238505 | 7.07E-06 | 5.65E-04 | −1.966 | 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase (Mtr), mRNA [NM_001081128] |
Phf20l1 | 239510 | 1.03E-03 | 2.46E-02 | −1.694 | PHD finger protein 20-like 1, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4019308), complete cds. [BC052212] |
Slc4a9 | 240215 | 2.73E-04 | 9.69E-03 | 1.610 | solute carrier family 4, sodium bicarbonate cotransporter, member 9 (Slc4a9), mRNA [NM_172830] |
Ythdc2 | 240255 | 4.59E-04 | 1.36E-02 | −2.222 | PREDICTED: YTH domain containing 2 (Ythdc2), mRNA [XM_140310] |
Ccdc85b | 240514 | 2.99E-04 | 1.03E-02 | 1.040 | coiled-coil domain containing 85B (Ccdc85b), mRNA [NM_198616] |
9930021J03Rik | 240613 | 6.54E-04 | 1.75E-02 | −2.563 | RIKEN cDNA 9930021J03 gene (9930021J03Rik), mRNA [NM_172836] |
EG240921 | 240921 | 2.63E-03 | 4.69E-02 | −2.535 | PREDICTED: predicted gene, EG240921 (EG240921), mRNA [XM_136331] |
Ypel4 | 241525 | 1.49E-03 | 3.15E-02 | 2.783 | 10 days neonate cortex cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A830009I03 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK043577] |
Fermt1 | 241639 | 6.44E-15 | 4.34E-11 | −3.683 | adult male colon cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:9030204L13 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK033436] |
Bank1 | 242248 | 5.13E-04 | 1.47E-02 | −1.533 | B-cell scaffold protein with ankyrin repeats 1 (Bank1), mRNA [NM_001033350] |
Lingo2 | 242384 | 1.24E-05 | 8.85E-04 | −2.324 | leucine rich repeat and Ig domain containing 2 (Lingo2), mRNA [NM_175516] |
Zfp462 | 242466 | 8.30E-04 | 2.10E-02 | −1.659 | zinc finger protein 462 (Zfp462), mRNA [NM_172867] |
Atg4c | 242557 | 2.82E-04 | 9.90E-03 | −1.949 | autophagy-related 4C (yeast) (Atg4c), mRNA [NM_175029] |
Adc | 242669 | 1.66E-04 | 6.80E-03 | 3.573 | arginine decarboxylase (Adc), mRNA [NM_172875] |
9530096D07Rik | 242681 | 4.26E-09 | 1.40E-06 | −2.641 | adult male urinary bladder cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:9530096D07 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK035722] |
Rsbn1l | 242860 | 1.26E-03 | 2.85E-02 | 1.086 | BB635789 RIKEN full-length enriched, 0 day neonate thymus cDNA clone A430085L23 5′, mRNA sequence [BB635789] |
H1fx | 243529 | 1.37E-03 | 3.01E-02 | 1.004 | AGENCOURT_10129125 NIH_MGC_134 cDNA clone IMAGE:6506165 5′, mRNA sequence [BU511373] |
Plxna4 | 243743 | 1.55E-03 | 3.25E-02 | 2.533 | plexin A4 (Plxna4), mRNA [NM_175750] |
Gp6 | 243816 | 1.20E-03 | 2.76E-02 | 1.934 | PREDICTED: glycoprotein 6 (platelet) (Gp6), mRNA [XM_145298] |
Gm505 | 244666 | 2.75E-03 | 4.82E-02 | −1.537 | 16 days embryo lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:8430404H04 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK033361] |
Fam70a | 245386 | 9.63E-05 | 4.52E-03 | −1.909 | family with sequence similarity 70, member A (Fam70a), mRNA [NM_172930] |
Cd207 | 246278 | 9.13E-09 | 2.46E-06 | 4.169 | CD207 antigen (Cd207), mRNA [NM_144943] |
Lgi2 | 246316 | 2.63E-07 | 4.14E-05 | −2.579 | mRNA for mKIAA1916 protein. [AK122570] |
Oas3 | 246727 | 2.52E-03 | 4.53E-02 | −1.615 | 2′-5′ oligoadenylate synthetase 3 (Oas3), mRNA [NM_145226] |
Olfr95 | 258506 | 2.42E-03 | 4.39E-02 | −1.483 | olfactory receptor 95 (Olfr95), mRNA [NM_146513] |
Olfr1368 | 258527 | 1.93E-03 | 3.75E-02 | 0.280 | olfactory receptor 1368 (Olfr1368), mRNA [NM_146534] |
Olfr700 | 258593 | 1.22E-03 | 2.78E-02 | −3.203 | olfactory receptor 700 (Olfr700), mRNA [NM_146600] |
Olfr611 | 258722 | 1.70E-05 | 1.14E-03 | −2.220 | olfactory receptor 611 (Olfr611), mRNA [NM_146727] |
Cadm4 | 260299 | 4.74E-07 | 6.57E-05 | 2.590 | cell adhesion molecule 4 (Cadm4), mRNA [NM_153112] |
Acsf2 | 264895 | 2.13E-04 | 8.09E-03 | −1.980 | acyl-CoA synthetase family member 2 (Acsf2), mRNA [NM_153807] |
Irak4 | 266632 | 8.40E-04 | 2.12E-02 | −1.728 | interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 (Irak4), mRNA [NM_029926] |
Cpne1 | 266692 | 1.20E-04 | 5.28E-03 | −2.215 | copine I (Cpne1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_170588] |
Zbtb24 | 268294 | 2.09E-05 | 1.34E-03 | −2.024 | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 24 (Zbtb24), mRNA [NM_153398] |
Rapgefl1 | 268480 | 1.41E-03 | 3.07E-02 | −2.556 | Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF)-like 1 (Rapgefl1), mRNA [NM_001080925] |
4930503L19Rik | 269033 | 2.00E-03 | 3.84E-02 | −1.539 | RIKEN cDNA 4930503L19 gene (4930503L19Rik), mRNA [NM_172967] |
C030048B08Rik | 269623 | 4.03E-05 | 2.27E-03 | −2.225 | RIKEN cDNA C030048B08 gene (C030048B08Rik), mRNA [NM_172991] |
Mphosph9 | 269702 | 7.23E-05 | 3.59E-03 | −2.049 | M-phase phosphoprotein 9 (Mphosph9), mRNA [NM_001081323] |
Zfp384 | 269800 | 3.78E-05 | 2.17E-03 | 1.722 | zinc finger protein 384 (Zfp384), mRNA [NM_175557] |
Tspan12 | 269831 | 8.51E-06 | 6.56E-04 | 1.852 | tetraspanin 12 (Tspan12), mRNA [NM_173007] |
AW121567 | 270028 | 9.38E-07 | 1.13E-04 | −2.428 | expressed sequence AW121567 (AW121567), mRNA [NM_173446] |
Pcnxl2 | 270109 | 1.32E-05 | 9.28E-04 | −2.313 | pecanex-like 2 (Drosophila) (Pcnxl2), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_175561] |
Myo9a | 270163 | 2.87E-03 | 4.95E-02 | −1.890 | 10 days neonate skin cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4732465J09 product:MYOSIN-IXA homolog [Homo sapiens], full insert sequence. [AK028873] |
Pfkfb4 | 270198 | 8.29E-04 | 2.10E-02 | 0.646 | 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase 4 (Pfkfb4), mRNA [NM_173019] |
Zbtb11 | 271377 | 3.16E-10 | 1.66E-07 | −2.796 | PREDICTED: zinc finger and BTB domain containing 11 (Zbtb11), mRNA [XM_001481121] |
Shc4 | 271849 | 1.00E-04 | 4.64E-03 | 1.811 | SHC (Src homology 2 domain containing) family, member 4 (Shc4), mRNA [NM_199022] |
A630047E20Rik | 271981 | 1.33E-09 | 5.63E-07 | −2.789 | RIKEN cDNA A630047E20 gene (A630047E20Rik), mRNA [NM_173032] |
Tbcel | 272589 | 1.81E-04 | 7.28E-03 | 1.068 | tubulin folding cofactor E-like (Tbcel), mRNA [NM_173038] |
C530036F05Rik | 319355 | 2.62E-04 | 9.44E-03 | 1.982 | 12 days embryo spinal cord cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C530036F05 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK083039] |
C920008N22Rik | 319366 | 4.42E-05 | 2.47E-03 | −2.276 | 2 days neonate thymus thymic cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C920008N22 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence |
D230002A01Rik | 319388 | 1.05E-03 | 2.49E-02 | −2.131 | 12 days embryo eyeball cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D230002A01 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK084136] |
Itga11 | 319480 | 2.65E-03 | 4.71E-02 | 1.922 | integrin alpha 11 (Itga11), mRNA [NM_176922] |
Nrcam | 319504 | 1.81E-03 | 3.59E-02 | 1.922 | neuron-glia-CAM-related cell adhesion molecule (Nrcam), mRNA [NM_176930] |
Fam113a | 319513 | 1.76E-12 | 2.36E-09 | −3.539 | family with sequence similarity 113, member A (Fam113a), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_178762] |
A430010J10Rik | 319665 | 4.09E-04 | 1.27E-02 | −1.767 | 2 days neonate thymus thymic cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C920008P08 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK083337] |
Mpzl3 | 319742 | 3.72E-05 | 2.14E-03 | −1.969 | myelin protein zero-like 3 (Mpzl3), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_176993] |
Zcchc7 | 319885 | 2.10E-03 | 3.96E-02 | −2.209 | zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 7 (Zcchc7), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_177027] |
Fstl4 | 320027 | 9.59E-05 | 4.51E-03 | −1.936 | follistatin-like 4 (Fstl4), mRNA [NM_177059] |
Zdhhc17 | 320150 | 2.07E-05 | 1.33E-03 | 1.952 | zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 17 (Zdhhc17), mRNA [NM_172554] |
Lrrc58 | 320184 | 1.55E-03 | 3.25E-02 | −2.047 | leucine rich repeat containing 58 (Lrrc58), mRNA [NM_177093] |
Tmem91 | 320208 | 5.13E-04 | 1.47E-02 | 1.808 | transmembrane protein 91 (Tmem91), mRNA [NM_177102] |
2-Mar | 320253 | 1.38E-07 | 2.50E-05 | −2.534 | membrane-associated ring finger (C3HC4) 3 (March3), mRNA [NM_177115] |
A930041I02Rik | 320271 | 1.36E-03 | 2.99E-02 | −1.940 | RIKEN cDNA A930041I02 gene (A930041I02Rik), mRNA [NM_178778] |
A430035B10Rik | 320312 | 1.47E-03 | 3.13E-02 | 1.380 | adult male spinal cord cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A330071G13 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK039608] |
Fry | 320365 | 2.13E-03 | 3.99E-02 | −2.489 | mRNA for mKIAA4143 protein. [AK220506] |
A430057L12Rik | 320372 | 3.11E-04 | 1.05E-02 | 1.276 | adult male medulla oblongata cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:6330442C03 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK078093] |
D930030O05Rik | 320387 | 7.09E-04 | 1.86E-02 | −1.726 | 9 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D030028K24 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence [AK083489] |
Klri2 | 320407 | 5.85E-06 | 4.92E-04 | −2.543 | killer cell lectin-like receptor family I member 2 (Klri2), mRNA [NM_177155] |
Heatr5a | 320487 | 6.06E-04 | 1.65E-02 | −2.692 | HEAT repeat containing 5A (Heatr5a), mRNA [NM_177171] |
9830001H06Rik | 320706 | 2.78E-04 | 9.82E-03 | 1.732 | PREDICTED: RIKEN cDNA 9830001H06 gene (9830001H06Rik), mRNA [XM_283804] |
Tmem117 | 320709 | 2.64E-03 | 4.71E-02 | 2.992 | transmembrane protein 117 (Tmem117), mRNA [NM_178789] |
Ipo8 | 320727 | 5.82E-04 | 1.61E-02 | −1.907 | importin 8 (Ipo8), mRNA [NM_001081113] |
B230217O12Rik | 320879 | 1.03E-05 | 7.67E-04 | −2.257 | 9 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D030014C21 product:unclassifiable, full insert sequence. [AK050742] |
Wscd2 | 320916 | 6.37E-07 | 8.35E-05 | −2.403 | WSC domain containing 2 (Wscd2), mRNA [NM_177292] |
Tmem26 | 327766 | 8.38E-04 | 2.11E-02 | −2.968 | transmembrane protein 26 (Tmem26), mRNA [NM_177794] |
Ppfia2 | 327814 | 7.30E-04 | 1.90E-02 | 3.180 | adult male pituitary gland cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5330438O12 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK030621] |
Slc39a9 | 328133 | 2.23E-04 | 8.37E-03 | −2.916 | solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 9, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:30536025), partial cds. [BC072655] |
Mast4 | 328329 | 1.43E-04 | 6.13E-03 | 3.192 | bone marrow stroma cell CRL-2028 SR-4987 cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:G431004F08 product:CDNA FLJ33039 FIS, CLONE |
Apol11b | 328563 | 2.16E-03 | 4.03E-02 | −2.068 | apolipoprotein L 11b (Apol11b), mRNA [NM_001143686] |
D430006K04 | 328861 | 4.68E-04 | 1.38E-02 | −1.693 | 13 days embryo lung cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D430006K04 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK084893] |
AI847670 | 330050 | 2.71E-06 | 2.76E-04 | −2.226 | expressed sequence AI847670 (AI847670), mRNA [NM_177869] |
BC038925 | 330216 | 5.47E-04 | 1.55E-02 | −1.217 | cDNA sequence BC038925 (BC038925), mRNA [NM_177878] |
Fbxo41 | 330369 | 1.05E-03 | 2.49E-02 | −2.155 | F-box protein 41 (Fbxo41), mRNA [NM_001001160] |
Lphn1 | 330814 | 3.58E-04 | 1.16E-02 | −1.744 | latrophilin 1 (Lphn1), mRNA [NM_181039] |
Slc7a6 | 330836 | 8.91E-08 | 1.69E-05 | −2.887 | solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system), member 6 (Slc7a6), mRNA [NM_178798] |
Hcn4 | 330953 | 1.73E-03 | 3.47E-02 | 1.331 | hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated K+ 4 (Hcn4), mRNA [NM_001081192] |
Cntln | 338349 | 5.69E-04 | 1.58E-02 | −1.781 | centlein, centrosomal protein (Cntln), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_175275] |
Ust | 338362 | 2.35E-04 | 8.73E-03 | 3.231 | uronyl-2-sulfotransferase (Ust), mRNA [NM_177387] |
A730011L01Rik | 338371 | 2.71E-03 | 4.78E-02 | 0.894 | RIKEN cDNA A730011L01 gene (A730011L01Rik), mRNA [NM_177394] |
Egfl7 | 353156 | 8.57E-04 | 2.14E-02 | 0.852 | EGF-like domain 7 (Egfl7), transcript variant a, mRNA [NM_178444] |
Muc6 | 353328 | 4.20E-04 | 1.29E-02 | 2.038 | mucin 6, gastric (Muc6), mRNA [NM_181729] |
Trim46 | 360213 | 1.61E-04 | 6.66E-03 | 1.624 | tripartite motif-containing 46 (Trim46), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_183037] |
Txlnb | 378431 | 1.97E-10 | 1.13E-07 | −2.984 | taxilin beta (Txlnb), mRNA [NM_138628] |
Fastkd5 | 380601 | 1.22E-05 | 8.73E-04 | −2.045 | FAST kinase domains 5 (Fastkd5), mRNA [NM_198176] |
Intu | 380614 | 5.14E-05 | 2.77E-03 | 1.574 | inturned planar cell polarity effector homolog (Drosophila) (Intu), mRNA [NM_175515] |
Ccnjl | 380694 | 2.00E-04 | 7.82E-03 | 1.728 | cyclin J-like (Ccnjl), mRNA [NM_001045530] |
AI324046 | 380795 | 2.43E-06 | 2.54E-04 | −3.425 | mRNA for mFLJ00385 protein [AK131185] |
Fam82a1 | 381110 | 9.71E-09 | 2.54E-06 | −3.138 | family with sequence similarity 82, member A1 (Fam82a1), mRNA [NM_201361] |
Tmem151a | 381199 | 4.11E-04 | 1.27E-02 | 1.545 | transmembrane protein 151A (Tmem151a), mRNA [NM_001001885] |
Als2cr4 | 381259 | 1.11E-11 | 1.03E-08 | −4.077 | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2 (juvenile) chromosome region, candidate 4 (Als2cr4), transcript variant 2, mRNA [NM_001037812] |
Tbc1d2 | 381605 | 8.32E-04 | 2.11E-02 | 1.313 | 3 days neonate thymus cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:A630005A06 product:hypothetical Pleckstrin homology (PH) domain containing protein, full insert sequence. [AK041359] |
Ssbp1 | 381760 | 1.50E-03 | 3.16E-02 | −1.967 | single-stranded DNA binding protein 1 (Ssbp1), transcript variant 1, mRNA [NM_212468] |
4922501C03Rik | 382090 | 1.58E-05 | 1.07E-03 | 1.922 | RIKEN cDNA 4922501C03 gene (4922501C03Rik), mRNA [NM_199316] |
A830080D01Rik | 382252 | 2.45E-06 | 2.55E-04 | −2.163 | RIKEN cDNA A830080D01 gene (A830080D01Rik), mRNA [NM_001033472] |
Wdr51b | 382406 | 1.70E-04 | 6.94E-03 | 3.480 | WD repeat domain 51B (Wdr51b), mRNA [NM_027740] |
383196 | 383196 | 5.86E-04 | 1.61E-02 | 2.761 | Immunoglobulin Kappa light chain V gene segment [Source:IMGT/GENE-DB |
384261 | 384261 | 6.35E-05 | 3.22E-03 | −2.032 | PREDICTED: hypothetical LOC384261 (LOC384261), mRNA [XM_986220] |
Map4k5 | 399510 | 1.61E-04 | 6.66E-03 | 0.973 | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5 (Map4k5), mRNA [NM_201519] |
Plcxd1 | 403178 | 4.69E-09 | 1.47E-06 | −2.870 | phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, X domain containing 1 (Plcxd1), mRNA [NM_207279] |
Iqgap3 | 404710 | 2.57E-03 | 4.60E-02 | −0.984 | IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 3 (Iqgap3), mRNA [NM_001033484] |
Bex4 | 406217 | 3.30E-04 | 1.09E-02 | 1.058 | brain expressed gene 4 (Bex4), mRNA [NM_212457] |
Specc1 | 432572 | 5.08E-04 | 1.47E-02 | 1.547 | sperm antigen with calponin homology and coiled-coil domains 1 (Specc1), mRNA [NM_001029936] |
EG434025 | 434025 | 6.75E-05 | 3.40E-03 | −1.959 | anti-DNA antibody light chain variable region mRNA, partial cds [U88675] |
Gpr62 | 436090 | 2.73E-06 | 2.77E-04 | 3.407 | BY714829 RIKEN full-length enriched, adult male testis cDNA clone 4930431J04 5′. [BY714829] |
Ccin | 442829 | 3.78E-06 | 3.47E-04 | 1.933 | calicin (Ccin), mRNA [NM_001002787] |
Cep170 | 545389 | 1.92E-03 | 3.73E-02 | −2.016 | centrosomal protein 170 (Cep170), mRNA [NM_001099637] |
Zfp551 | 619331 | 7.16E-08 | 1.46E-05 | −2.737 | zinc fingr protein 551 (Zfp551), mRNA [NM_001033820] |
Igk-V21-4 | 626347 | 6.92E-07 | 8.83E-05 | −4.867 | immunoglobulin kappa chain variable 21 (V21)-4, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:118186 IMAGE:4989625), complete cds. [BC108385] |
631105 | 631105 | 1.03E-03 | 2.46E-02 | 2.795 | PREDICTED: similar to fimbriae-associated protein Fap1, transcript variant 1 (LOC631105), mRNA [XM_904722] |
ENSMUSG00000052790 | 632737 | 2.42E-03 | 4.39E-02 | 3.745 | PREDICTED: predicted gene, EG666638 (EG666638), mRNA [XM_985112] |
Sbpl | 638345 | 3.48E-04 | 1.14E-02 | 3.104 | spermine binding protein-like (Sbpl), mRNA [NM_001077421] |
LOC639988 | 639988 | 2.03E-06 | 2.17E-04 | −1.829 | PREDICTED: similar to immunoglobulin gamma-chain (LOC639988), mRNA [XM_916675] |
LOC640979 | 640979 | 5.83E-07 | 7.81E-05 | −2.284 | Immunoglobulin heavy chain V gene segment [Source:IMGT/GENE-DB |
EG665317 | 665317 | 1.07E-05 | 7.87E-04 | −2.330 | PREDICTED: predicted gene, EG665317, transcript variant 1 (EG665317), mRNA [XM_979163] |
Hmcn2 | 665700 | 7.71E-04 | 1.99E-02 | 2.569 | 9 days embryo whole body cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:D030068H01 product:inferred: hemicentin {Homo sapiens}, |
EG665756 | 665756 | 8.97E-04 | 2.21E-02 | 1.872 | PREDICTED: predicted gene, EG665756 (EG665756), mRNA [XM_979235] |
EG668139 | 668139 | 5.74E-04 | 1.59E-02 | −0.958 | PREDICTED: predicted gene, EG668139 (EG668139), misc RNA [XR_001627] |
Zfp507 | 668501 | 2.14E-05 | 1.36E-03 | 3.010 | zinc finger protein 507 (Zfp507), mRNA [NM_177739] |
RP23-212C14.7 | 670533 | 1.49E-03 | 3.15E-02 | 1.272 | keratin associated protein 9 family member (LOC670533), mRNA [NM_001101613] |
4732444A12Rik | 100015211 | 3.11E-10 | 1.66E-07 | −3.284 | 21 days neonate cerebellum cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:G630051C23 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence [AK144387] |
ENSMUSG00000073540 | 100038553 | 4.41E-10 | 2.14E-07 | −3.215 | predicted gene, ENSMUSG00000073540, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:14005 IMAGE:3660311), complete cds. [BC022177] |
100042757 | 100042757 | 1.89E-04 | 7.54E-03 | 2.379 | PREDICTED: hypothetical protein LOC100046917 (LOC100046917), mRNA [XM_001477379] |
100043468 | 100043468 | 5.09E-04 | 1.47E-02 | −1.967 | predicted gene, 100043468 (100043468), mRNA [NM_001142957] |
LOC100047628 | 100047628 | 4.28E-04 | 1.30E-02 | −2.270 | Immunoglobulin Kappa light chain V gene segment [Source:IMGT/GENE-DB |
LOC100048021 | 100048021 | 3.95E-04 | 1.25E-02 | 0.731 | PREDICTED: similar to Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-12 subunit (G alpha-12) (LOC100048021), mRNA [XM_001479354] |
ENSMUSG00000051562 | 100126228 | 7.57E-06 | 5.94E-04 | 1.253 | adult male testis cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:4933429E06 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. [AK016980] |
Table S2.
Annotation Cluster 1 | Enrichment Score: 6.410687762258607 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0007275∼multicellular organismal development | 204 | 9.74E-11 | 1.520 |
Biological Process | GO:0032502∼developmental process | 217 | 1.54E-10 | 1.486 |
Biological Process | GO:0048856∼anatomical structure development | 176 | 2.88E-09 | 1.523 |
Biological Process | GO:0048731∼system development | 164 | 1.50E-08 | 1.520 |
Biological Process | GO:0048513∼organ development | 135 | 3.59E-07 | 1.525 |
Biological Process | GO:0009653∼anatomical structure morphogenesis | 96 | 2.30E-06 | 1.619 |
Biological Process | GO:0030154∼cell differentiation | 119 | 5.04E-05 | 1.425 |
Biological Process | GO:0048869∼cellular developmental process | 123 | 5.46E-05 | 1.412 |
Biological Process | GO:0032501∼multicellular organismal process | 245 | 1.37E-01 | 1.063 |
Annotation Cluster 2 | Enrichment Score: 4.409348996268908 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0001568∼blood vessel development | 32 | 6.00E-06 | 2.463 |
Biological Process | GO:0001944∼vasculature development | 32 | 9.81E-06 | 2.404 |
Biological Process | GO:0048514∼blood vessel morphogenesis | 27 | 1.83E-05 | 2.561 |
Biological Process | GO:0001525∼angiogenesis | 20 | 7.68E-05 | 2.825 |
Annotation Cluster 3 | Enrichment Score: 3.8059194810335697 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0009790∼embryonic development | 63 | 1.35E-05 | 1.766 |
Biological Process | GO:0043009∼chordate embryonic development | 45 | 1.39E-05 | 2.008 |
Biological Process | GO:0048598∼embryonic morphogenesis | 40 | 1.80E-05 | 2.093 |
Biological Process | GO:0048568∼embryonic organ development | 27 | 4.84E-04 | 2.104 |
Biological Process | GO:0001701∼in utero embryonic development | 27 | 2.17E-03 | 1.899 |
Biological Process | GO:0009887∼organ morphogenesis | 43 | 3.66E-02 | 1.360 |
Annotation Cluster 4 | Enrichment Score: 2.6233303269471335 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0048598∼embryonic morphogenesis | 40 | 1.80E-05 | 2.093 |
Biological Process | GO:0035113∼embryonic appendage morphogenesis | 14 | 1.83E-03 | 2.711 |
Biological Process | GO:0030326∼embryonic limb morphogenesis | 14 | 1.83E-03 | 2.711 |
Biological Process | GO:0035108∼limb morphogenesis | 14 | 8.02E-03 | 2.287 |
Biological Process | GO:0035107∼appendage morphogenesis | 14 | 8.02E-03 | 2.287 |
Biological Process | GO:0060173∼limb development | 14 | 1.06E-02 | 2.210 |
Biological Process | GO:0048736∼appendage development | 14 | 1.06E-02 | 2.210 |
Annotation Cluster 5 | Enrichment Score: 2.5479907939308135 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0001822∼kidney development | 17 | 1.61E-04 | 2.984 |
Biological Process | GO:0001655∼urogenital system development | 18 | 1.93E-03 | 2.316 |
Biological Process | GO:0001657∼ureteric bud development | 8 | 6.18E-03 | 3.578 |
Biological Process | GO:0001656∼metanephros development | 8 | 3.33E-02 | 2.591 |
Annotation Cluster 6 | Enrichment Score: 2.512425848615364 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0048598∼embryonic morphogenesis | 40 | 1.80E-05 | 2.093 |
Biological Process | GO:0048568∼embryonic organ development | 27 | 4.84E-04 | 2.104 |
Biological Process | GO:0043583∼ear development | 14 | 3.42E-03 | 2.529 |
Biological Process | GO:0048562∼embryonic organ morphogenesis | 18 | 5.35E-03 | 2.100 |
Biological Process | GO:0042471∼ear morphogenesis | 11 | 6.76E-03 | 2.719 |
Biological Process | GO:0048839∼inner ear development | 12 | 6.81E-03 | 2.561 |
Biological Process | GO:0042472∼inner ear morphogenesis | 10 | 8.71E-03 | 2.803 |
Biological Process | GO:0007423∼sensory organ development | 24 | 1.05E-02 | 1.754 |
Biological Process | GO:0009887∼organ morphogenesis | 43 | 3.66E-02 | 1.360 |
Annotation Cluster 7 | Enrichment Score: 2.432221052606057 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0007155∼cell adhesion | 48 | 1.35E-03 | 1.607 |
Biological Process | GO:0022610∼biological adhesion | 48 | 1.40E-03 | 1.604 |
Biological Process | GO:0016337∼cell-cell adhesion | 21 | 2.68E-02 | 1.671 |
Annotation Cluster 8 | Enrichment Score: 2.3347226255726903 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0035295∼tube development | 31 | 7.20E-05 | 2.206 |
Biological Process | GO:0001569∼patterning of blood vessels | 6 | 7.66E-03 | 4.696 |
Biological Process | GO:0035239∼tube morphogenesis | 18 | 9.63E-03 | 1.977 |
Biological Process | GO:0001763∼morphogenesis of a branching structure | 14 | 1.55E-02 | 2.104 |
Biological Process | GO:0048754∼branching morphogenesis of a tube | 11 | 2.57E-02 | 2.222 |
Annotation Cluster 9 | Enrichment Score: 2.2522030394510346 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0007420∼brain development | 29 | 1.53E-03 | 1.891 |
Biological Process | GO:0007399∼nervous system development | 64 | 4.83E-03 | 1.408 |
Biological Process | GO:0007417∼central nervous system development | 32 | 8.12E-03 | 1.629 |
Biological Process | GO:0030900∼forebrain development | 17 | 1.63E-02 | 1.912 |
Annotation Cluster 10 | Enrichment Score: 2.0995523296663214 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0019216∼regulation of lipid metabolic process | 10 | 3.31E-03 | 3.239 |
Biological Process | GO:0019218∼regulation of steroid metabolic process | 6 | 5.18E-03 | 5.123 |
Biological Process | GO:0050810∼regulation of steroid biosynthetic process | 5 | 8.64E-03 | 5.870 |
Biological Process | GO:0046890∼regulation of lipid biosynthetic process | 5 | 2.70E-02 | 4.269 |
Annotation Cluster 11 | Enrichment Score: 2.0748660760971993 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | P-value | Fold Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0035295∼tube development | 31 | 7.20E-05 | 2.206 |
Biological Process | GO:0030324∼lung development | 13 | 1.48E-02 | 2.200 |
Biological Process | GO:0030323∼respiratory tube development | 13 | 1.69E-02 | 2.161 |
Biological Process | GO:0060541∼respiratory system development | 13 | 3.23E-02 | 1.969 |
Biological Process | GO:0008543∼fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway | 5 | 7.26E-02 | 3.131 |
Annotation Cluster 12 | Enrichment Score: 1.8887932893479804 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | -value | old Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0001558∼regulation of cell growth | 15 | 3.39E-04 | 3.063 |
Biological Process | GO:0045792∼negative regulation of cell size | 9 | 6.52E-03 | 3.190 |
Biological Process | GO:0030308∼negative regulation of cell growth | 8 | 1.15E-02 | 3.197 |
Biological Process | GO:0045926∼negative regulation of growth | 9 | 3.42E-02 | 2.381 |
Biological Process | GO:0008361∼regulation of cell size | 11 | 6.13E-02 | 1.913 |
Biological Process | GO:0032535∼regulation of cellular component size | 14 | 8.76E-02 | 1.633 |
Annotation Cluster 13 | Enrichment Score: 1.8348372706488445 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | -value | old Enrichment |
GOTERM_MF_ALL | GO:008034∼lipoprotein binding | 6 | 4.64E-03 | 5.239 |
GOTERM_MF_ALL | GO:005041∼low-density lipoprotein receptor activity | 4 | 1.06E-02 | 8.150 |
GOTERM_MF_ALL | GO:030169∼low-density lipoprotein binding | 4 | 3.06E-02 | 5.642 |
GOTERM_MF_ALL | GO:030228∼lipoprotein receptor activity | 4 | 3.06E-02 | 5.642 |
Annotation Cluster 14 | Enrichment Score: 1.830345700823631 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | -value | old Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0007389∼pattern specification process | 28 | 2.54E-03 | 1.852 |
Biological Process | GO:0003002∼regionalization | 20 | 1.98E-02 | 1.755 |
Biological Process | GO:0009952∼anterior/posterior pattern formation | 14 | 6.41E-02 | 1.719 |
Annotation Cluster 15 | Enrichment Score: 1.5577264652830227 | |||
Category | Term | Number of Genes | -value | old Enrichment |
Biological Process | GO:0001501∼skeletal system development | 26 | 9.88E-03 | 1.714 |
Biological Process | GO:0060348∼bone development | 13 | 2.30E-02 | 2.069 |
Biological Process | GO:0001503∼ossification | 12 | 2.52E-02 | 2.126 |
Biological Process | GO:0001649∼osteoblast differentiation | 6 | 1.03E-01 | 2.398 |