Transactional analysis is part of a comprehensive system of individual and social psychiatry. It offers an indigenous approach to group therapy by making maximum therapeutic use of the tmsactions which continually lake place between those present. These transactions are analyzed into exteropsychic, neopsychic and archaeopsychic components, called colloquially Parent, Adult and Child, respectively. These components manifest themselves as complete ego states which reproduce the ego states of parental figures or are autonomous, or are revivals of fixated archaic ego states from childhood.
Patients are instructed in the principles of structural and transactional analysis through the use of the clinical material in the group proceedings. They can then proceed to the more advanced phases of game analysis and script analysis with the therapeutic goal of attaining social control. They are then able to conduct their relationships with others in an autonomous way at their own options, and are no longer victims of unconscious, uncontrolled compulsions to exploit or be exploited.
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