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. 2010 Oct 26;22(10):3423–3438. doi: 10.1105/tpc.110.074781

The Cytoskeleton and the Peroxisomal-Targeted SNOWY COTYLEDON3 Protein Are Required for Chloroplast Development in Arabidopsis[W]

Verónica Albrecht a,1, Klára Šimková b, Chris Carrie c, Etienne Delannoy c, Estelle Giraud c, Jim Whelan c, Ian David Small c, Klaus Apel b,2, Murray R Badger a, Barry James Pogson a
PMCID: PMC2990128  PMID: 20978221

This report characterizes snowy cotyledon3, a mutant with disrupted chloroplast development that reveals a requirement for the cytoskeleton and peroxisomes in chloroplast biogenesis.


Here, we describe the snowy cotyledon3 (sco3-1) mutation, which impairs chloroplast and etioplast development in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. SCO3 is a member of a largely uncharacterized protein family unique to the plant kingdom. The sco3-1 mutation alters chloroplast morphology and development, reduces chlorophyll accumulation, impairs thylakoid formation and photosynthesis in seedlings, and results in photoinhibition under extreme CO2 concentrations in mature leaves. There are no readily apparent changes to chloroplast biology, such as transcription or assembly that explain the disruption to chloroplast biogenesis. Indeed, SCO3 is actually targeted to another organelle, specifically to the periphery of peroxisomes. However, impaired chloroplast development cannot be attributed to perturbed peroxisomal metabolic processes involving germination, fatty acid β-oxidation or photorespiration, though there are so far undescribed changes in low and high CO2 sensitivity in seedlings and young true leaves. Many of the chloroplasts are bilobed, and some have persistent membranous extensions that encircle other cellular components. Significantly, there are changes to the cytoskeleton in sco3-1, and microtubule inhibitors have similar effects on chloroplast biogenesis as sco3-1 does. The localization of SCO3 to the periphery of the peroxisomes was shown to be dependent on a functional microtubule cytoskeleton. Therefore, the microtubule and peroxisome-associated SCO3 protein is required for chloroplast development, and sco3-1, along with microtubule inhibitors, demonstrates an unexpected role for the cytoskeleton and peroxisomes in chloroplast biogenesis.


The development of a photosynthetically competent chloroplast requires the coordinated synthesis, targeting, and assembly of thousands of proteins, metabolites, and pigments. The functions of chloroplasts extend beyond photosynthesis to the biosynthesis of amino acids, hormones, lipids, sugars, and starch. Consequently, energy metabolism by the other two energy organelles, mitochondria and peroxisomes, are interdependent with some processes within the chloroplasts. This would suggest a requirement for coordinated biogenesis; yet research to date has focused on communication from plastids to the nucleus to coordinate gene expression, a process termed chloroplast retrograde signaling (Pogson et al., 2008). This has been presumed to be direct communication, not involving other cellular compartments such as the cytoskeleton or peroxisome. A new aspect to the discussion about chloroplast function arose recently with the inclusion of stromules, mobile and transitory chloroplast structures that have been shown to transmit proteins from one chloroplast to another and to encircle other organelles (Reski, 2009). Stromules are highly mobile, transient membranous extensions of plastids thought to function in interorganelle exchange of metabolites, but as they are transient and rare in green tissues, studying them has proved difficult (Gunning, 2005; Natesan et al., 2005).

Disruptions of chloroplast function, such as impaired chloroplast protein import in mutations of the translocon of the outer and the inner envelope of chloroplasts, the TOC/TIC complex, like toc159, toc33, and toc34 (Asano et al., 2004; Gutensohn et al., 2004), lead to white or pale-green plants that often are not able to survive on soil. Other mutations involved in protein modification or integration into the membrane systems, such as CHAPERONIN 60 (schlepperless) and plastid peptidases (plsp1), result in embryo-lethal or albino mutant seedlings (Apuya et al., 2001; Inoue et al., 2005). Also, tight regulation of chloroplast protein biosynthesis and protein degradation, such as in the assembly of photosystem II (PSII), has been shown to be important for development of functional chloroplasts in the true leaves of the variegated2 (var2) mutant (Miura et al., 2007). These are just a few examples showing that the knockout of proteins required for chloroplast function results in severe phenotypes, such as embryo lethality, albinism, or pale-green plants.

Severe functional impairment or bleaching of chloroplasts normally results in a reduction in expression of nuclear genes required for photosynthesis (Surpin et al., 2002). This downregulation requires a retrograde signal from the chloroplast, which has been shown to be disrupted by genomes uncoupled (gun) mutations. GUN1 encodes a pentatricopeptide repeat protein, while other GUN genes encode enzymes or regulatory factors involved in tetrapyrrole biosynthesis, including GUN4 and GUN5 (Vinti et al., 2000; Koussevitzky et al., 2007).

A degree of complexity to consider is that chloroplast development differs between the embryonic leaves called cotyledons and so-called true leaves derived from the apical meristem. Chloroplast biogenesis in cotyledons is the result of coordinated synthesis of proteins, lipids, and metabolites commencing in a progenitor organelle called a proplastid, either directly forming a chloroplast or via the intermediate state called an etioplast (Lopez-Juez and Pyke, 2005). Proplastids are relatively small, undifferentiated, and of an irregular globular structure with vesicles. Proplastids differentiate in the dark to etioplasts, which contain a prominent lattice-like membranous structure called the prolamellar body, with prothylakoids extending from this structure into the plastid lumen (Gunning, 1965). Upon illumination, thylakoids and the photosynthetic apparatus are synthesized and assembled within a few hours (Lopez-Juez and Pyke, 2005). This rapid differentiation of the chloroplast upon illumination requires an immediate regulation of gene transcription, protein translation, and folding. It also demands a light-sensing mechanism that regulates gene transcription of chloroplast proteins. Indeed, phytochrome-mediated signaling has been shown to be involved not only in light sensing but also in mediating transcriptional regulation by direct interaction with the phytochrome-interacting transcription factors (PIFs) and, thus, also indirect modulation of chloroplast development (Somers et al., 1991). PIF1 regulates the transcription of chlorophyll biosynthesis genes (Moon et al., 2008), whereas PIF3 is involved in chloroplast development (Monte et al., 2004; Stephenson et al., 2009).

By contrast, the majority of the chloroplasts in apical meristem-derived leaves arise primarily through fission of fully or partially differentiated chloroplasts. Consequently, it was hypothesized that there would be different regulation of the two types of chloroplast development. Indeed, mutations that affect leaves and not cotyledons have been observed; for example, the abovementioned var2 mutant exhibits its variegated phenotype in the true leaves but not in cotyledons (Chen et al., 2000). Conversely, mutations have been identified that affect cotyledons but not true leaves. Other mutations lead either to delayed greening due to affected chloroplast gene transcription as in sigma factor6 (Ishizaki et al., 2005) or, in wco, to a complete block in chloroplast biogenesis in the cotyledon due to impaired mRNA maturation (Yamamoto et al., 2000). snowy cotyledon (sco) and cyo1 mutations were identified that disrupt chloroplast biogenesis in cotyledons but not leaves, resulting in chlorotic cotyledons and green true leaves (Albrecht et al., 2006, 2008; Shimada et al., 2007). The proteins mutated by sco1 and sco2/cyo1 are required for chloroplastic protein translation and folding, respectively, functions necessary for biogenesis.

Here, we describe the isolation and the characterization of a chloroplast biogenesis mutation, sco3, which unlike the aforementioned examples, is not a mutation in a chloroplast protein involved in chloroplast gene transcription, mRNA maturation, or protein translation and folding. Instead, SCO3 is localized to the peroxisomes and implicates microtubules in chloroplast differentiation.


sco3-1 Compromises Chloroplast Biogenesis and Structure

The sco3-1 mutant was isolated from ethyl methanesulfonate–mutagenized Arabidopsis thaliana seeds as described for sco1 (Albrecht et al., 2006). sco3-1 cotyledons contain 20 to 40% of the chlorophyll of wild-type Columbia (Col) cotyledons and were more photoinhibited as determined by measuring maximal photosynthetic efficiency (Figure 1A, Table 1). Though cotyledons are present in the embryo, no differences in the chlorophyll content in developing sco3-1 embryos compared with the wild type could be observed (see Supplemental Figure 1 online). In addition, precociously germinated seedlings exhibit normal green cotyledons (see Supplemental Figure 1 online), an observation also made in the characterization of the sco2 mutant (Albrecht et al., 2008). As described for other sco mutants, the true leaves of sco3-1 were green and photosynthetically similar to the wild type (Table 1). Other than the chlorotic cotyledons and a consequential slight delay in growth, there were no obvious morphological or visible developmental defects in leaves, flowers, and roots.

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Phenotype of sco3-1.

(A) Phenotype of 14-d-old sco3-1 seedlings compared with Col.

(B) and (C) TEMs of etioplasts (B) and chloroplasts (C) in cotyledons of Col and sco3-1.

(D) Cross sections of chloroplast membranous extensions in sco3-1 (indicated by an arrow). Note the mitochondrial (m) and peroxisomal (p) structures within these plastids and the engulfment of a mitochondrion in the top image. S, stromule; cw, cell wall. Bars = 1 μm.

Table 1.

Comparison of sco3-1 to Col

Chlorophyll Content
(mg Chlorophyll/mg Fresh Weight)
Photosynthetic Efficiency (Fv/Fm)
Growth under High CO2 F2 Outcross Segregation
Line Cotyledon Leaves Cotyledon Leaves Plants Pale:green
Col 0.78 ± 0.01 0.65 ± 0.01 0.65 ± 0.04 0.66 ± 0.02 Green
sco3-1 0.23 ± 0.09 0.69 ± 0.08 0.59 ± 0.03 0.61 ± 0.04 Small, pale 154:726
sco3-1 + SCO3 0.64 ± 0.25 0.67 ± 0.11 n.a. n.a. Green 57:266
sco3-1 + MSCO3-1 0.33 ± 0.12 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

Chlorophyll content, photosynthetic efficiency, growth under high CO2, and F2 outcross to wild-type segregation analysis for Col, sco3-1, and sco3-1 complemented with GFP:SCO3 and GFP:MSCO3-1, respectively. The mean and sd are shown for at least 3 × 30 mg samples for chlorophyll and 3 × 20 seedlings for Fv/Fm analysis. n.a., not analyzed.

The effect of the sco3-1 mutation on chloroplast and etioplast differentiation was investigated by ultrastructural analyses of etioplasts of seedlings germinated for 4 d in the dark and chloroplasts of 10-d-old seedlings germinated in the light. In wild-type dark-grown seedlings, the etioplasts contained the prolamellar body and prothylakoids. Neither were they observed in sco3-1; rather, the sco3-1 plastid resembled an undifferentiated proplastid (Figure 1B). A key component of the prolamellar body is the chlorophyll precursor, protochlorophyllide (pchlide), bound to its enzyme, pchlide oxidoreductase. A 77K low-temperature fluorescence measurement at an excitation wavelength of 420 nm results in pchlide fluorescence at 630 nm. We could not detect any fluorescence for pchlide in the sco3-1 mutant (see Supplemental Figure 2 online).

Chloroplasts in light-grown wild-type seedlings have a characteristic structure, including stacked granal thylakoids and starch granules (Figure 1C). In 14-d-old sco3-1 seedlings the majority of the cotyledon plastids were aberrant, although in some cells there were plastids of wild-type appearance. The aberrant plastids varied in the degree of differentiation and shape (for example, see Figures 1C and 1D) with most resembling an undifferentiated plastid. However, the size and number of plastids per sco3-1 cell were similar to those found in Col. Therefore, sco3-1 inhibits plastid differentiation of both etioplasts and chloroplasts but not plastid enlargement or division.

sco3-1 Does Not Alter Expression of Chloroplast-Encoded Genes and Modifies a Small Set of Nuclear-Encoded Genes

The impairment of plastid differentiation could indicate that SCO3 is required for plastid transcription; thus, a change to the expression of plastid-encoded or nuclear-encoded genes required for plastid transcription might be expected. However, there were no changes in the plastid transcriptome for any of the genes tested by RT-PCR (Figure 2A). Indeed, a global quantitative RT-PCR analysis of the entire plastid transcriptome in 4-d-old seedlings did not reveal any significant changes in expression of the plastid genome (Figure 2B; see Supplemental Figure 3 online).

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Transcript Analyses of Plastid-Encoded and Nuclear-Encoded Genes.

(A) RT-PCR analysis of transcripts of plastid genes dependent on nuclear-encoded (NEP) or plastid-encoded (PEP) polymerase as well as of nuclear-encoded genes regulated by retrograde signaling in 4-d-old seedlings (4d) and from cotyledons (cot) and true leaves (TL) of 14-d-old seedlings of sco3-1 and Col. “0” is the negative control with no cDNA added to the reaction.

(B) Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of the plastid-encoded genes of 4-d-old seedlings of sco3-1 compared with Col. Analysis was performed with three independent replicates.

(C) RT-PCR analysis of nuclear-encoded genes regulated by retrograde signaling in 4-d-old seedlings of sco3, sco3 phyB, and phyB compared with Col.

(D) Comparison of transcript levels of LHCB1.5 and LHCB2.3 compared with Col (WT). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.005; compared with wild type/compared with sco3-1. Error bars indicate the sd. Analysis was performed in triplicates.

(E) Predicted subcellular localization of down- and upregulated genes in sco3-1 compared with Col from the microarray analysis. Numbers in brackets indicate the number of photosynthesis-related genes.

As outlined, extensive bleaching of the plastid typically resulted in a repression of nuclear-encoded genes, such as the light-harvesting protein LHCB1.2. Both sco1 and sco2 exhibit the expected reduction of the expression of the light-harvesting protein LHCB1.2, reflecting the bleaching of the cotyledon’s plastids (Albrecht et al., 2006, 2008). In another mutant, gun1, LHCB1.2 expression is maintained even though chloroplast biogenesis is severely perturbed by the application of chemicals such as norflurazon or inhibitors of chloroplast translation (Koussevitzky et al., 2007). sco3-1 shows a wild-type downregulation of gene expression in response to norflurazon treatment (see Supplemental Figure 4 online), but we did not observe any downregulation of LHCB1.2 or PORB in untreated pale sco3-1 seedlings, which is in contrast with sco1 and sco2 (Figures 2A and 2C). When we undertook a gene expression array using Affymetrix gene chips (ATH1), the same observation was made; that is, genes normally downregulated when chloroplast biogenesis is perturbed (e.g., LHCB1.2, PORB, and rbcS) were not altered in sco3-1 (see Supplemental Data Set 1 online). The array was performed in triplicate on 4-d-old sco3-1 and wild-type seedlings. Statistical analysis and false discovery correction were undertaken, and four genes were experimentally validated by RT-PCR (Figures 2A to 2D). Since the RT-PCR analysis showed a similarity in retrograde signaling with the gun mutants (Figures 2C and 2D), we performed a comparison of the identified up- or downregulated genes in sco3-1 with array data from the gun1-9 and gun5 mutants using Genevestigator. The set of down- and upregulated genes of untreated sco3-1 are similarly altered in expression in gun1-9 and gun5 treated with norflurazon (see Supplemental Figures 5A and 5B online), indicating that the bleached sco3-1 mutant is responding at the gene expression level similar to treated gun mutants. This indicates either that sco3-1 is disrupting the signaling from the chloroplasts to the nucleus similar to what has been observed in the gun mutants or that there is a sufficient number of functional chloroplasts able to elicit wild-type levels of nuclear gene expression (see Discussion).

Using MapMan to catalog the identified genes, no consistent changes in genes associated with photosynthesis or primary or secondary metabolism could be seen (Figure 2E; see Supplemental Figure 6 online). Analysis of the predicted localization of differentially regulated genes in sco3-1 showed a surprisingly low number of genes encoding chloroplast-localized proteins being downregulated in the mutant (15 genes), with three of them involved in photosynthesis and five in Leu or Trp biosynthesis (Figure 2E; see Supplemental Figures 5C and 6 online). On the other hand, >40% of the downregulated genes encode proteins localized to the membrane/endomembrane system involved in transport or carbohydrate or lipid metabolism (see Supplemental Data Set 1 online). Only five transcription factors are downregulated in sco3-1, one of them being GLK1, which has been shown to be involved in the transcription of photosynthesis genes (Waters et al., 2009). However, just four of the 154 genes predicted to be GLK1 regulated are affected in sco3-1. Eighteen of the 80 genes upregulated in sco3-1 encode chloroplast-targeted proteins, although most of them are of unknown function (Figure 2E; see Supplemental Figure 5D online). Interestingly, 68 of 80 genes (85%) upregulated in sco3-1 have low or undetectable levels of expression in all three Col biological replicates (Figure 2E; see Supplemental Figure 7 online). Similarly, 92 of 123 (75%) of those downregulated compared with Col are undetectable in all three sco3-1 biological replicates.

The development of the seedling and formation of the chloroplasts is stimulated by light acting via phytochrome-mediated pathways. Indeed, PhyB and its interacting transcription factors, such as PIF3, are crucial in the regulation of genes encoding chloroplast proteins such as the LHCBs (Monte et al., 2004; Castillon et al., 2007). To determine if the impairment of chloroplast biogenesis in sco3-1 is related to phytochrome signaling, we generated sco3-1 phyB and sco3-1 phyA double mutants. The transcripts examined did not change in sco3-1 phyA, and two of the four genes were unchanged in the sco3-1 phyB double mutants (Figures 2C and 2D). Thus, sco3-1 does not disrupt the expression of plastid- or nuclear-encoded genes required for plastid gene transcription and translation. Furthermore, sco3-1 does not result in the expected repression of LHCB1.2 gene expression despite extensive bleaching of the plastid.

SCO3 Encodes a Protein of Unknown Function Unique to Vascular Plants

The sco3-1 mutation was identified by map-based cloning to be a point mutation in the gene At3g19570, 22 bp after the start of translation (Figure 3A; see Supplemental Figure 8 online). The point mutation leads to an amino acid change from Gly to Glu (G8E). Insertional mutant populations were screened for lesions in At3g19570, and three more sco3 alleles (SALK_130239, sco3-4; SALK_065781, sco3-2; and SALK_09815, sco3-3) were identified. However, all three knockouts of SCO3 cause an early embryo-lethal phenotype (Figure 3B). Crosses of homozygous sco3-1 with heterozygous SALK_120239 resulted in aborted embryos in the F1 progeny, thereby confirming the allelism of sco3-1 and sco3-4. Eight independent transgenic sco3-1 lines containing a wild-type copy of At3g19570 (SCO3) developed green cotyledons, confirming sco3-1 as a lesion in At3g19570 (Figure 3C, Table 1). Furthermore, chlorophyll content in these complemented mutant lines almost reached the wild-type level (Table 1). This is in contrast with the sco3-1 seedlings transformed with the cDNA of SCO3 containing the sco3-1 (Msco3-1) mutation, which was not able to complement the pale cotyledon phenotype (Figure 4D, Table 1). Segregation analysis of green seedlings in the T2 generation of sco3-1 mutant seedlings containing the SCO3 wild-type transgene further confirmed that the mutation in At3g19570 is responsible for the pale cotyledon phenotype.

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Characterization of the SCO3 Gene.

(A) Structure of the SCO3 gene. The mutation in sco3-1 is marked with a star. The positions of the T-DNA insertion lines from SALK are indicated.

(B) Embryo-lethal phenotype of the sco3 T-DNA insertion mutant (shown for SALK_120239). Embryo development stopped at a very early developmental stage (see arrow for an early aborted embryo).

(C) Complementation analysis of the sco3 mutant with the SCO3 cDNA using the GFP:SCO3 construct.

(D) RT-PCR analysis of SCO3 transcripts in the sco3-1 mutant and in Col in 4-d-old seedlings grown on MS media without (−NF) or with norflurazon (+NF) using 18S rRNA as loading control.

(E) Domain structure of the SCO3 protein. The star marks the position of the mutation in sco3-1. pred. PTS, predicted peroxisome targeting sequence.

(F) Transcript abundance of SCO3 and SCO3-sv2 in different plant organs and developmental stages.

Note that 25 cycles were used for the RT-PCR for the 18SrRNA control and 50 cycles for SCO3 in (D) and (F). y, young; sen., senecescent; 0, negative control without DNA added into the reaction; gDNA, genomic DNA control for specificity for cDNA.

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Localization of the SCO3 Protein.

(A) and (B) Localization studies were performed using N-terminal GFP fusions with the complete SCO3 (A) or mutated SCO3 (Msco3-1). RFP:SRL is used to visualize peroxisomes using peroxisome-targeted RFP (B). Insets in (A) and (B) magnify the GFP signal on peroxisomes.

(C) Localization of GFP:SCO3 to the periphery of peroxisomes in a heterologous system, onion (see Supplemental Movie 1 online).

(D) Complementation analyses, as determined by chlorophyll content in cotyledons using different wild-type (WT) SCO3 cDNA constructs with an N-terminal GFP (green box) and with or without the PTS (orange box) and N-terminal GFP fused to SCO3 cDNA containing the sco3-1 mutation (star).

The SCO3 gene, At3g19570, encodes a protein of unknown function consisting of 644 amino acids. Computational analyses predicted a myristoylation site, a SON-like domain, and a large, conserved domain of unknown function (DUF566, MIPS Arabidopsis thaliana database; Figure 3E). SON proteins are known from humans to be involved in the negative regulation of hepatitis B (Oswald et al., 2001). The sco3-1 mutation, G8E, is located in a predicted myristoylation site with Gly being the amino acid required for the lipid modification (Sorek et al., 2009). Eight other proteins in Arabidopsis were identified as containing the DUF566 domain, as were proteins from other plant species such as rice (Oryza sativa), grape (Vitis vinifera), and banana (Musa spp), as well as the moss Physcomitrella patens (see Supplemental Table 1 online). Phylogenetic analysis of the proteins from the different plant species showed a clear separate clustering of the proteins from Physcomitrella, indicating that these proteins differ from those in vascular plants (see Supplemental Figure 9 online). An alignment of the Arabidopsis proteins showed that toward the C terminus, most of them exhibited a highly conserved QWRF amino acid sequence that is also present in the proteins of the other plant species (see Supplemental Figure 10 online), but this domain is not found in animal SON proteins. Thus, we named these proteins as QWRF proteins and SCO3 as QWRF1 (see Supplemental Table 1 online). Half of these proteins are predicted to be localized to chloroplasts. To date, one member of the QWRF family, QWRF5, has been studied, and it was shown to be a microtubule-associated protein that when knocked out by the endosperm defective1 mutation is embryo lethal (Pignocchi et al., 2009).

SCO3 mRNA is detectable at low levels after 50 cycles of PCR in young developing tissues, such as seedlings, roots, flowers, and buds as well as young siliques and to a lesser extent in mature green tissues (Figure 3F). In the database, SCO3 has a predicted second splice variant for the mRNA, which would result in altered splicing of the penultimate exon and the following intron. However, no mRNA could be detected using primers specific for this splice variant (Figure 3F). Furthermore, this predicted second splice variant of SCO3 is not represented in published ESTs (The Arabidopsis Information Resource and SALK). Thus, only one splice variant of SCO3 appears to be present in Arabidopsis. SCO3 mRNA is induced by the chloroplast-bleaching herbicide norflurazon in both sco3-1 and wild-type seedlings (Figure 3D).

Localization of SCO3 to Peroxisomes Is Necessary for Its Function

The localization of SCO3 had not been experimentally determined, and the targeting prediction programs at SUBA (Heazlewood et al., 2007) gave inconclusive or conflicting results. Therefore, to determine the subcellular location of SCO3, a series of green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion constructs were generated and transiently expressed in biolistically transformed cell culture. Interestingly, GFP:SCO3 showed a small punctuate fluorescence pattern that predominantly colocalized with peroxisomes (Figure 4A) with just a small subset of the GFP:SCO3 fluorescence not being associated with the peroxisomal targeted red fluorescent protein (RFP):SRL (containing the peroxisome targeting sequence 1 motif). Indeed, SCO3 contains the C-terminal PTS1 peroxisomal targeting domain, SRL (Reumann, 2004). Whereas GFP:SCO3 was unequivocally localized to the peroxisomes, it was not distributed throughout the organelle; rather, the GFP fluorescence appeared at discrete smaller spots, potentially associated with the surface of peroxisomes. The peripheral localization of GFP:SCO3 could also be observed in a heterologous system using transformed onion cells (Figure 4C). Here, the localization at the surface of the peroxisomes was more obvious when observed together with the movement of the peroxisomes. The GFP fluorescence of SCO3 moved as the organelle turned around its axis (see Supplemental Movie 1online). Furthermore, some of the GFP-labeled SCO3 proteins appeared to transiently dissociate from the peroxisome but rapidly return to the peroxisome surface. However, whether this dissociation reflects in vivo movement or a possible artifact from using two channels of the confocal microscope is unclear. Peroxisomes, like chloroplasts and mitochondria, have membranous extensions (Sinclair et al., 2009). It would be interesting to investigate if SCO3 might be involved in the formation of these membranous extensions, called peroxules. SCO3 is likely to be the only member of the QWRF family with a peroxisomal location as none of the others contain the peroxisomal targeting sequence. A mutated version of SCO3 lacking the peroxisome targeting sequence at the C terminus, GFP:SCO3ΔSRL, was not able to complement the sco3-1 mutant phenotype (Figure 4D). The mutation in sco3-1 affects a putative myristoylation site, and the posttranslational addition of a lipid, myristate, targets proteins to membranes. Therefore, we tested targeting with mutated SCO3 (Figures 4B and 5C). The results showed that the SCO3 mutation does not affect localization of the protein to the peroxisome (Figure 4D).

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

The SCO3 Protein Is Not Localized to the Chloroplast.

(A) In vitro import analysis of radioactively labeled SCO3 and mutated SCO3 (SCO3mut) into isolated Arabidopsis chloroplasts. pSSU, the precursor of the small subunit of Rubisco was used as a positive control and the mitochondrial-targeted pAOX (alternative oxidase) as a negative control for chloroplast import of proteins. Copper chloride is inhibiting chloroplast protein import, whereas thermolysin degrades all not-imported proteins in the solution.

(B) Localization studies were performed using the first 100 amino acids of SCO3 or mutated SCO3 (m100AA, with the sco3-1 mutation) fused to C-terminal GFP. SSU:RFP was coexpressed to visualize chloroplasts.

(C) Complementation analyses showing the complementing GFP:SCO3 and using additional SCO3 constructs with a C-terminal GFP (green box, in which the PTS is not accessible) to unmask the putative chloroplast transit peptide and with the fusion of the chloroplast targeting sequence (Chl cTP) of rcbS (SSUcTP; dark-green box), respectively.

Some prediction programs indicated that SCO3 could be chloroplast targeted, although the scores were relatively low. However, in vitro import assays performed with radioactive-labeled SCO3 protein did not show any import of SCO3 into isolated Arabidopsis chloroplasts (Figure 5A). As recommended by Millar et al. (2009), multiple lines of evidence should be obtained for targeting. As already stated, the GFP:SCO3 fusion did not colocalize with chloroplasts but rather with the peroxisome (Figures 4 and 5B). To test if the putative chloroplast transit peptide was functional, a SCO3:GFP fusion protein was created but did not result in any detectable GFP fluorescence (it would not go to the peroxisome as the C-terminal GFP would mask the PTS). Constructs containing just the first 100 amino acids of wild-type or mutated SCO3, fused N-terminally to GFP, resulted in a diffuse fluorescence signal that did not indicate any discrete location consistent with a plastid localization (Figures 5B and 5C).

To test further if transgenically targeting SCO3 to the chloroplast could complement the sco3-1 phenotype, we transformed sco3-1 with SCO3:GFP and a construct comprising the chloroplast transit peptide of the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) fused to SCO3, SSUcTP:SCO3:GFP. Neither construct resulted in complementation of the mutant phenotype in sco3-1 (Figure 5C). Thus, only the wild-type version of SCO3, with an accessible peroxisome targeting signal, is able to complement the mutant phenotype.

sco3-1 Does Not Alter Germination or Peroxisomal Fatty Acid β-Oxidation

Peroxisome functions include the mobilization of storage compounds during germination, fatty acid β-oxidation, and photorespiration, the latter involving chloroplasts and mitochondria (Foyer et al., 2009). Mutants affected in the mobilization of storage compounds are not able to germinate without exogenous application of sucrose. Since the sco3-1 mutant is able to germinate without sucrose in soil or media, the mutant is not affected in this process. One method to analyze fatty acid β-oxidation is to apply indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), which is converted through β-oxidation to auxin, which then affects root growth and hypocotyl elongation in etiolated seedlings. However, etiolated IBA-treated sco3-1 seedlings were indistinguishable from the IBA-treated wild type (Figure 6A), indicating no impairment to fatty acid β-oxidation in sco3-1.

Figure 6.

Figure 6.

Analysis of Peroxisomal Function.

(A) Analysis of β-oxidation processes using IBA, which is β-oxidized in peroxisomes to auxin. Hypocotyl length of etiolated seedlings at different concentrations of IBA was measured and is expressed as the percentage of the hypocotyl length of seedlings of the same genotype grown without IBA application. The error bars define the sd of three independent replicates. WT, wild type.

(B) Effects on photorespiration and photoinhibition. Seedlings of Col (black box) and sco3-1 (white box) were grown for 7 d under high CO2 (hCO2, 0.6%) or at ambient CO2 concentration (air) and, after measuring the activity of PSII (Fv/Fm), were transferred for 24 h to altered CO2 concentrations (0 CO2, air, or hCO2). Fv/Fm was measured again.

(C) Phenotype of plants grown for 5 weeks either at ambient CO2 (air) or under high CO2 (hCO2).

The sco3-1 Mutant Does Not Affect Photorespiration but Does Exhibit Low-CO2 Sensitive Photoinhibition

Alterations in photorespiratory function can be analyzed by examining the growth and physiology of plants at high and low CO2 (Figures 6B and 6C). Typical photorespiration mutants are not able to grow normally under air CO2 levels but can be rescued by growth under high CO2. sco3-1 grows in air, so it is not a typical photorespiratory mutant (Schumann et al., 2007; Foyer et al., 2009).

sco3-1 seedlings showed a reduced maximal PSII efficiency, Fv/Fm, under high CO2 growth conditions. This was apparent not only in cotyledons of 7-d-old seedlings (Fv/Fm of 0.42 ± 0.14 for sco3-1) but also in the true leaves of 14-d-old plants (Fv/Fm of 0.49 ± 0.08 for sco3-1; Figure 6B). After transfer to zero CO2, both 7- and 14-d-old seedlings showed a dramatic reduction of the Fv/Fm values (from 0.49 to 0.15 ± 0.1 for both) in the mutant seedlings, whereas wild-type seedlings exhibited only a slight reduction in PSII efficiency. On the other hand, if mutant seedlings were transferred to ambient CO2 concentrations, a recovery of PSII efficiency was observed. When the same experiment was performed with seedlings grown under ambient CO2, transfer to zero CO2 for 24 h caused only a slight reduction in Fv/Fm. Consistent with this, there is a clear growth phenotype in mature sco3-1 plants grown under high CO2, whereas sco3-1 plants grown in air are indistinguishable from the wild type at maturity (Figure 6C). Rosette leaves of sco3-1 plants grown in high CO2 conditions are pale green and rounded, and the whole rosette is smaller compared with the wild type (Figure 6C). The unifying explanation for what appears to be both a low CO2 and high CO2 phenotype in sco3-1 is not obvious from our experiments but may be related to the peroxisome metabolism at different stages of development. Taken together, the sco3-1 mutation affects not only chloroplast biogenesis in seedlings but also chloroplast function in cotyledons and mature leaves under altered CO2 conditions.

Cytoskeleton Inhibitors Phenocopy sco3-1 Plastid Morphology

Since the aforementioned peroxisomal functions in sco3-1 are similar to those in wild-type plants, other aspects of cellular function were examined. Confocal microscopy revealed a reduction in chlorophyll fluorescence in most of the plastids of sco3-1 cotyledons (Figure 7A). GFP-labeled plastids in sco3-1 that lacked or had reduced chlorophyll fluorescence were comparable in size and could import GFP (cf. image to top right inset in Figure 7A), supporting the hypothesis that the plastids that have failed to differentiate could still import GFP. Furthermore, immunoblot analysis on total protein extracted from 4-d-old seedlings did not show any unprocessed LHCB2 protein (see Supplemental Figure 11 online).

Figure 7.

Figure 7.

Chloroplasts and the Cytoskeleton.

(A) Analysis of chloroplast development in cotyledons under the confocal microscope. Chloroplasts are visible due to the autofluorescence of chlorophyll. In sco3-1, many plastids resemble bilobed chloroplasts (indicated by an arrow), which is magnified in the bottom right insets. In Col, no such structure could be observed. Top right insets show cpTP:GFP to visualize plastids without chlorophyll autofluorescence (chlorophyll autofluoroescence is visualized by the red color). Bars = 50 μm.

(B) Effect of cytoskeleton inhibitors APM (microtubule inhibitor) and CD (actin inhibitor) on chloroplast biogenesis in seedlings grown for 3 d on MS media before being transferred to inhibitor-containing media for an additional 2 d. Chloroplasts were visualized under the same magnification using chlorophyll autofluorescence with confocal laser scanning microscopy. The inset in APM-treated Col seedlings shows an example of bilobed chloroplasts in Col. Arrows indicate the bilobed plastids.

(C) Visualization of the actin cytoskeleton using Talin:GFP in transient transformation of seedlings of sco3-1 and Col. Two examples for each line are shown. Arrows indicate the fine structure missing in sco3-1 but present in Col, respectively. cp, chloroplast; n, nucleus.

Interestingly, we also observed bilobed plastids in sco3-1 (Figure 7A, bottom right inset). Bilobed plastids could be considered as being arrested or affected in chloroplast division. However, chloroplast division mutants typically have larger and fewer plastids, without a bilobed structure (Glynn et al., 2007). Analyzing the confocal micrographs, only 14% of the 163 cells analyzed in sco3-1 resemble normal cells containing a wild-type number of functional chloroplasts, whereas 24% of the cells contained a mixed population of functional and abnormal plastids, 36% had solely abnormal plastids, and in 25% of the cells, we were not able to detect any functional chloroplasts at all. The observed number of functional chloroplasts can account for the considerable (although compared with the wild type, dramatically reduced) Fv/Fm values measured in sco3-1. Even a leaf under stress, such as drought, and that will not recover when rewatered, can have an Fv/Fm of ~0.3 (Woo et al., 2008).

We tested cytoskeleton inhibitors to determine if they could result in bilobed plastids (Kwok and Hanson, 2003). Inhibition of the cytoskeleton with either amiprophosmethyl (APM) for microtubules or cytochalasin D (CD) for microfilaments resulted in more of the smaller plastids and bilobed plastids in sco3-1 (Figure 7B). More importantly, treatment of Col with APM resulted in very similar plastid morphology and chlorophyll fluorescence to that observed in untreated sco3-1. Furthermore, treating seedlings with APM under a range of conditions resulted in a reduction of chlorophyll accumulation to 60 to 70% of wild-type levels (Figure 8, Table 2). The effect of CD treatment (leading to 80% of chlorophyll accumulation compared with untreated wild type) was more subtle (Table 2). Treatment of cells containing GFP:SCO3 with APM resulted in a complete loss of the GFP:SCO3 signal and affected peroxisome morphology (Figure 8).

Figure 8.

Figure 8.

Model for the sco3-1 Phenotype.

Despite the pale cotyledon phenotype in sco3-1, the SCO3 protein (shown as a GFP fusion) is not localized to the chloroplast (cf. the GFP signal to the red signal of chloroplast-localized SSU:RFP in the left image) but to the periphery of peroxisomes (cf. GFP to the peroxisomal RFP:SRL in the middle image). This peripheral localization on peroxisomes of SCO3 is disrupted when the microtubule cytoskeleton assembly is inhibited by APM (+APM, right image). Application of this inhibitor also results in reduced chlorophyll content as well as impaired chloroplast biogenesis and bilobed chloroplasts in the wild type that resemble those in untreated sco3-1 (refer to Figure 7B). This demonstrates a requirement for the cytoskeleton and SCO3 in chloroplast and peroxisome biogenesis and morphology.

Table 2.

Comparison of Chlorophyll Content of 5-d-Old Col Seedlings Treated with Actin (CD) or Tubulin (APM) Inhibitors

Inh. Germ. 3 d Light → 2 d Inh. 3 d Dark→ 2 d Inh.
CD 81.7 ± 11 86.7 ± 11 70.5 ± 19
APM 64.9 ± 4 74.3 ± 15 56.0 ± 2

Chlorophyll content was measured in seedlings germinated for 5 d directly on inhibitor-containing media (Germ.) or for 3 d in normal MS media in the light or in the dark before being transferred to inhibitor-containing media and compared to untreated Col seedlings grown under the same growth conditions. The mean and sd are shown for two independent experiments with measurements taken from three independent samples. Inh., inhibitor applied to the sample.

Not only do sco3-1 plastids resemble enlarged proplastids, some of them also have membranous extensions that in some ways, but not others, resemble retracted or looped stromules encompassing cytoplasm (Figure 1D). Stromules have been implicated in plastid–cytoskeleton interactions (Kwok and Hanson, 2003). A further indication for a role related to microtubules can be implied by the stringent analysis of coexpressed genes under different plant developmental stages and plant organs. Using databases, such as AttedII (, 8% of the genes coexpressed with SCO3 are associated with the cytoskeleton, and one of them, TUBULIN7, is also downregulated in sco3-1. For reference, AttedII also shows that SCO2 coexpressed genes were largely related to chloroplast transcription and translation, but none were cytoskeleton related. Furthermore, some cytoskeleton-associated genes are downregulated in sco3-1, but none are differentially regulated in the gun mutants.

It has already been demonstrated that the actin cytoskeleton is involved in several aspects of chloroplast biology, such as the relocation of the chloroplasts in response to shade/high light (Kadota et al., 2009), inheritance of organelles during plant cell division (Sheahan et al., 2004), and chloroplast protein import (Jouhet and Gray, 2009). To determine if there were changes to the structure of the cytoskeleton in sco3-1, we undertook transient transformation of Col and sco3-1 cotyledons with talin:GFP for visualizing the actin filaments (Figure 7C) (Hardham et al., 2008). In transformed Col cells, a complex network that included fine structure was repeatedly observed. However, whereas sco3-1 had a similar coarse structure, we never observed the fine actin filaments that were apparent in Col (Figure 7C). Thus, sco3-1 appears to alter the cytoskeleton, and disrupting the cytoskeleton impairs GFP:SCO3 targeting to the peroxisome.


A Peroxisomal Protein Is Required for Plastid Development

SCO3 is required for chloroplast and etioplast biogenesis in seedlings. In its absence, most plastids fail to differentiate, many lack chlorophyll and thylakoids, and a lot of the plastids are bilobed and have permanent membranous extensions that encapsulate other cytosolic components. Some do differentiate and are phenotypically wild-type: This could reflect the observation that sco3-1 is not a knockout mutation. Although on the transcriptional level untreated sco3-1 resembles a norflurazon-treated gun mutant, it should be noted that norflurazon treatment does suppress LHCB mRNA. The presence of LHCB mRNA in untreated sco3-1, though, could be explained by the presence of sufficient viable chloroplasts in sco3-1 cells to elicit nuclear gene expression of LHCB. Alternatively, sco3-1 may partially alter GUN-like signaling and, given that sco3-1 differs from sco2 and sco1, which have similar levels of chlorophyll, both alternatives are valid hypotheses at this stage. Furthermore, chloroplast division appears to occur normally in sco3-1 since it does not resemble chloroplast division mutants, which exhibit enlarged and few chloroplasts per cell (Marrison et al., 1999; Glynn et al., 2007).

None of the factors that typically perturb chloroplast biogenesis can explain the sco3-1 mutant phenotype. First, disruption to phytochrome-mediated signaling is not a primary cause, as both dark-grown and light-grown plastids were altered and double mutants did not reveal a clear role for SCO3 in phytochrome-mediated signaling, although there are secondary interactions. Second, transcriptome analyses showed that changes in the mRNA abundance of chloroplast-encoded or nuclear-encoded genes are not the primary cause of the sco3-1 phenotype. Third, sco3-1 plastids can import GFP and LHCB, indicating a functional import apparatus, although we cannot rule out that protein import is slowed down or inhibited for a specific protein. Fourth, the plastids that do differentiate are photosynthetically competent, indicating no complete loss of any component required for assembly and function of the photosynthetic apparatus. Furthermore, all aspects of photosynthesis are unaffected in mature leaves, except for photoinhibition under extreme CO2 concentrations.

SCO3 Reveals a Role for Peroxisomes and Microtubules in Chloroplast Development

Chloroplast biogenesis is part of photomorphogenesis, which also includes morphological and physiological changes to the seedling (Chory, 1991). To date, there have been no reports of a peroxisomal protein being required for chloroplast biogenesis and only one report of a peroxisomal protein, PEX2, being implicated in photomorphogenesis (Hu et al., 2002). In that case, de-etiolated 1, which exhibits morphological aspects of photomorphogenesis in the dark, can be complemented by a dominant second site mutation in PEX2 (Hu et al., 2002). The question is how can a mutation in the peroxisomal-targeted SCO3 protein impair chloroplast biogenesis? The unexpected peroxisomal location of SCO3 led us to investigate peroxisomal metabolism. However, there were no changes to germination, fatty acid β-oxidation, or photorespiration. However, there were changes in photoinhibition in response to altered CO2 and that may suggest a role for SCO3 in peroxisomal photorespiration and thus warrants further investigation. However, this change could not be the cause of impaired chloroplast biogenesis.

Given that there are no changes in chloroplast transcription or peroxisome metabolism that could account for the disruption to chloroplast biogenesis, other alternatives should be considered. This could include disruptions to protein targeting, import, and assembly; organelle division; or interactions mediated by other cellular compartments, such as the cytoskeleton. Chloroplast-targeted GFP was imported into sco3-1 plastids, suggesting a functional import apparatus, although more subtle changes cannot be discounted at this stage. There is, however, evidence that changes to the cytoskeleton can explain many attributes of the sco3-1 phenotype.

The chloroplast membrane extensions observed in sco3-1 might be hypothesized to be an indirect result of the block in plastid development (Gunning, 2005; Natesan et al., 2005); however, they have not been described for any other similar chloroplast biogenesis mutants. Formation of stromule-like structures has been described for alpine plants such as Oxyria digyna or in other species depending on light intensity or temperature (Buchner et al., 2007; Holzinger et al., 2007; Lütz and Engel, 2007). Furthermore, in Arabidopsis, engulfment of other organelles such as mitochondria has also been observed in the vtc2 mutant exhibiting low concentrations of vitamin C (Olmos et al., 2006). Alternatively, the presence of persistent chloroplast membrane extensions could reflect a disruption to organelle interactions with the cytoskeleton. Indeed, it has been shown that stromule morphology and movement does depend on microfilaments and microtubules and that myosin IX is involved in the movement of the stromules (Kwok and Hanson, 2003; Natesan et al., 2005, 2009). On the other hand, the double-membrane structures containing different organelles observed in sco3-1 (Figure 1D, bottom panels) might also be interpreted as autophagosomes that target affected organelles to the vacuole. Autophagosomes have been shown to occur in plants during senescence as well as in seedlings under abiotic stress (Ketelaar et al., 2004; Ishida et al., 2008; Slavikova et al., 2008).

Most significantly, many of the phenotypes of sco3-1, namely, less chlorophyll, variable degrees of plastid biogenesis, and bilobed plastids, can be phenocopied by applying a microtubule inhibitor to wild-type Col. Furthermore, the sco3-1 mutation perturbs the fine structure of the actin filaments and alters expression of microtubule-associated genes. So apparently, sco3-1 results in changes to the cytoskeleton that impairs chloroplast biogenesis. Indeed, we could observe a link between the microtubule cytoskeleton and the peroxisomal localization of SCO3, which is lost when the assembly of microtubulin is inhibited. How can this observation explain the pale cotyledon phenotype in sco3-1? One hypothesis is that, although the import of proteins into the chloroplasts of sco3-1 is functional (Figure 7), there might be a delay or impairment of the delivery of one or more specific plastid proteins to the organelle due to perturbation to the actin fine structure of the cytoskeleton (Figure 7). Indeed, it has been shown recently that TOC159, a major subunit of the chloroplast protein import complex involved in the import of photosynthesis proteins, directly interacts with actin (Bauer et al., 2000; Jouhet and Gray, 2009). Furthermore, there is a lot of evidence for interactions between actin and microtubule cytoskeleton via linking proteins (Petrásek and Schwarzerová, 2009). Another hypothesis is that the cytoskeleton is required not only for transport of proteins but also for transport of metabolites. More than one-third of the downregulated genes in sco3-1 are involved in different metabolism pathways (lipids or carbohydrates) or are transporters. Metabolite transport deficiency has been shown to result in pale mesophyll cells as in the loss of the phosphoenolpyrovate/phosphate translocater PPT1 (Streatfield et al., 1999). Furthermore, the increased photoinhibition under extreme CO2 conditions might indicate perturbed metabolite flux between the organelles. It may be that stromules participate in this interorganelle exchange of metabolites and/or proteins as they have been shown to alter protein exchange between plastids (Reski, 2009).

The finding that SCO3 is localized to the periphery of the peroxisome and not to chloroplasts, together with the observation that inhibiting the assembly of the microtubule cytoskeleton results in a loss of SCO3 localization, led us to assume that SCO3 is a microtubule-associated peroxisomal protein (Figure 8). Furthermore, the phenocopying of the sco3-1 mutation with cytoskeleton inhibitors demonstrates that interactions between the plastid, cytoskeleton, and peroxisome are necessary for chloroplast and peroxisome biogenesis, morphology in cotyledons, and photosynthetic efficiency under altered CO2 conditions in mature plants (Figure 8). The fact that knockouts of the SCO3 protein, which is unique to the plant kingdom, are lethal demonstrates that these and/or other functions of SCO3 are essential for the plant cell. Further insight into the function of SCO3 will be the subject of future research on the communication and the interaction between chloroplasts, peroxisomes, and the cytoskeleton. In conclusion, a previously uncharacterized protein, SCO3, is required for chloroplast biogenesis in seedlings, and the sco3-1 mutation and microtubule inhibitors reveal a requirement for the cytoskeleton and peroxisomes in chloroplast biogenesis.


Plant Material and Growth Conditions

A screen on 75,000 pooled ethyl methylsulfonate–mutagenized seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana (ecotype Landsberg erecta) was performed in the M2 generation to search for mutants exhibiting pale cotyledons, but green true leaves (Albrecht et al., 2006) . To identify the sco3-1 mutation, a map-based cloning approach was used in the F2 generation of a crossing with the Col ecotype. Since the phenotype of sco3-1 is more pronounced in the Col background, further analyses have been performed with homozygous seedlings several times backcrossed into Col ecotype. Plants were grown under long-day conditions at 21°C on soil, or surface-sterilized seeds were plated on Murashige and Skoog (MS) media (Sigma-Aldrich) without sucrose. Transcript analyses with gene-specific primers on reverse-transcribed total RNA as well as pigment analysis from plant material harvested at the indicated time points have been performed as described (Albrecht et al., 2008).

Chloroplast Analyses

Chlorophyll measurement of embryos and seedlings was performed as described (Albrecht et al., 2008). Seven- and ten-day-old seedlings were used for chloroplast analysis under confocal laser scanning microscope (Leica) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis, respectively. For fixation and visualization of the ultrastructure of chloroplasts, cotyledons were incubated for 2 h in vacuum in primary fixation buffer (8.5 mL 0.1 M cacodylate buffer, 4% formaldehyde, and 0.5 mL glutaraldehyde). Following a washing step with cacodylate buffer (0.1 M, three times), the samples were incubated 1.5 h in 1% osmium-tetraoxide. After submitting the samples to a dehydration series in ascending concentration of ethanol, they were incubated in increasing concentrations of Epon Araldite. Finally, the samples were fixed in this resin at 65°C. Thin-layer cuttings were transferred on copper grids and stained 20 min with 5 to 6% uranium acetate and after washing with distilled water 15 min lead citrate. The washed and dried samples were analyzed using a TEM7100 Leica microscope.

The 77K Low Temperature Fluorescence measurements were performed as described (Albrecht et al., 2008) except that three 4 day old etiolated seedlings were used per measurement.

Generation of SCO3 Constructs

The cDNA of the identified SCO3 gene was cloned into the pENTR2B vector using primers containing SalI and NotI restriction sites for in-frame cloning, respectively (see Supplemental Table 2 online). The correct insertion of the SCO3 cDNA into the vector was verified by sequencing. Subsequently, this construct was used for cloning SCO3 cDNA into the Gateway plant binary pMDC43 containing the 35S promoter (Curtis and Grossniklaus, 2003) for complementation analysis (GFP:SCO3). sco3-1 mutant plants were transformed as described (Albrecht et al., 2008). In the same way, the cDNA of Msco3-1 also was amplified and cloned into pMDC43 (GFP:Msco3-1) using mRNA of sco3-1 as basis for cDNA synthesis. To verify that only the peroxisome-targeted SCO3 protein can complement sco3-1, SCO3-specific primers deleting the PTS1 at the C terminus were used to clone SCO3ΔSRL into the pENTR2B vector, with subsequent procedures of cloning into pMDC43 vector (GFP:SCO3ΔSRL) as described above (for primer information, see Supplemental Table 2 online). For localization analysis and targeting of SCO3 to the chloroplast, the SCO3 cDNA was cloned into the pCAMBIA1302 vector ( either without (SCO3:GFP) or with the chloroplast transit peptide of Rubisco small subunit (SSUcTP:SCO3:GFP). For the SSUcTP:SCO3:GFP construct, the nucleotides encoding the first 60 amino acids of Rubisco small subunit were amplified, ligated to the SCO3 cDNA, and the whole construct amplified with SSUcTP-NcoI-F and SCO3-NcoI-R. After digestion with NcoI, the fragment was cloned into pCAMBIA1302 and sequenced for control. The sequence-controlled construct was transformed into sco3-1 mutant plants (for primer information, see Supplemental Table 2 online). Transformed plants were selected with the corresponding herbicide hygromycin. Localization studies and chloroplast import of the SCO3 protein were performed as described using vectors with either GFP fused to the whole SCO3 cDNA or the region encoding the first 100 amino acids of SCO3. These constructs were used to transform Arabidopsis cell culture or onion cells using a biolistic transformation protocol. Transformed cells were checked for GFP localization using confocal microscopy. The controls for localization, such as SSU:RFP and RFP:PTS1, have been described elsewhere (Carrie et al., 2009).

Identification and Characterization of T-DNA Insertion Lines

T-DNA express ( was used to identify T-DNA insertion mutants of SCO3, and seeds of SALK lines were ordered from the ABRC (SALK_130239, sco3-4; SALK_065781, sco3-2; and SALK_09815, sco3-3). Plants of these T-DNA insertion lines were analyzed for the presence of the T-TNA using gene-specific primers as well as LB2 for the T-DNA insertion (for primer information, see Supplemental Table 2 online). The PCR products were sequenced to verify the insertion. To create the double mutant sco3-1 phyB, the phyB-9 mutant was used (Reed et al., 1993).

Identification of the QWRF Protein Family

Using the SCO3 amino acid sequence, a BLASTX analysis was performed at the National Center for Biotechnology Information ( to identify other proteins similar to SCO3. A ClustalW analysis ( was conducted using the provided amino acid sequences at the accessions listed in Supplemental Figure 3 online.

Gene Expression Analysis

Total mRNA of sco3-1 and Col was isolated, DNase treated, and reverse transcribed, and RT-PCR analysis was performed as described and compared with the 18SrRNA expression (Albrecht et al., 2006). Transcript profiling of the plastid transcriptome was performed using the same primers for the quantitative PCR approach as described (Delannoy et al., 2009). The Norflurazon treatment of sco3-1 was performed as described for the gun mutants (Koussevitzky et al., 2007). For transcriptome analysis using GeneChip Arabidopsis Genome ATH1 arrays, mRNA of 4-d-old seedlings of sco3-1 and Col were isolated and prepared as described (Cazzonelli et al., 2009). The obtained CEL files were further analyzed in GeneSpring GX10 (Agilent) using first GC-RMA for raw intensity data normalization. Scatterplots showed a high correlation for all three replicates per plant line of between 0.986 and 0.996 for Col samples and 0.987 and 0.994 for sco3-1 samples. The log-transformed data were subsequently analyzed for differential expression of genes between sco3-1 and Col using the unpaired t test with an asymptotic P value computation, a permutation of 100, and a multiple testing correction using Benjamin Hochberg false discovery rate (level used of 0.05). Genes with a differential expression of more than twofold were selected and further analyzed. A hierarchical analysis of the obtained genes was performed. The examination of present/absent genes was performed in a similar way using MAS5 for raw intensity data normalization on a baseline to media of samples. Genes with a differential expression more than twofold were further analyzed. Identified genes were subsequently introduced for analysis into the MapMan databases ( to search for changed metabolic pathways or processes. The same genes were also submitted into the Genevestigator databases ( and compared with expression data from gun1-9, gun5, and Col treated with Norflurazon (Koussevitzky et al., 2007). The accession number of the array data obtained for sco3-1/wild type is Albrecht_SCO3 and is in the publically available database of ArrayExpress (

Protein Analysis

Total protein was extracted from 4-d-old seedlings as described (Albrecht et al., 2006). Then, 15 μg of protein was separated on SDS gels and either stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue for loading controls or used for immunoblot analysis with LHCB2 primary antibody (Agrisera) and goat-anti-chicken secondary antibody (Pierce). Fluorescence was detected using the SuperSignal West Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate from ThermoScience.

β-Oxidation Analysis

Since the root growth in sco3-1 is quite heterogeneous, the hypocotyl lengths of 4-d-old etiolated seedlings grown on MS media without sucrose but containing 0, 5, 10, 15, or 20 μM IBA (Sigma) were measured and compared with the hypocotyl lengths at 0 μM IBA (which were calculated as 100%). IBA gets β-oxidized in the peroxisomes to the plant hormone auxin, resulting in reduced hypocotyl growth (Poupart et al., 2005).

Photorespiration Analysis

It has recently been shown that impaired photorespiration may be readily detected in mutants by the fact that when plants are exposed to low CO2 in the light there is rapid net damage to PSII leading to a decline in the dark adapted Fv/Fm chlorophyll fluorescence parameter associated with PSII function (Takahashi et al., 2007). To examine this in sco3-1 mutants, seedlings were grown for 7 and 14 d under high CO2 concentrations (0.6% CO2), transferred for 24 h to 0% CO2 or to air (ambient CO2) in continuous light, and dark adapted Fv/Fm measured with a chlorophyll fluorescence imaging device (PAM; Waltz) both before and after the transfer.

Plants of sco3-1 and Col were grown under high CO2 (0.6%) at short-day conditions at moderate light of 150 μm/s m2 to compare growth of mature plants.

Cytoskeleton Inhibitor Application

To investigate if the cytoskeleton is required for chloroplast development, we used inhibitors for actin (CD) and microtubules (APM). MS media containing either 40 μM CD for actin inhibition or 10 μM APM for microtubule inhibition were used. Surface-sterilized seeds were either plated directly on the inhibitor-containing MS plates for 5 d or on normal MS media for 3-d-old seedling grown on MS media either in the dark or under light before being transferred on inhibitor-containing MS plates and further exposed to light for two more days.

Transient Seedling Transformation

Transient seedling transformation was performed using 5 mL agrobacteria pelleted and resuspended in 10 mL infiltration media on 4-d-old seedlings. After 10-min incubation, the seedlings were washed three times with infiltration media. Transformed cells expressing GFP-fused talin for visualizing actin were analyzed 3 d later under the confocal laser scanning microscope (Leica) (Takemoto et al., 2003).

Phylogenetic Analysis

For the phylogenetic analysis, the program Mega4.0.2 was used. The protein sequences have been downloaded from the National Center for Biotechnology Information ( or Uniprot ( and aligned using the ClustalW method in Mega 4 (pairwise alignment: gap opening penalty 10, gap extension penalty 0.1; multiple alignment: gap opening penalty 10, gap extension penalty 0.2, protein weight matrix using Gonnet). The residue-specific and hydrophilic penalties were ON, whereas the End Gap separation and the Use negative separation was OFF. Gap separation distance used was 4, and the delay divergence cutoff was at 30. This checked alignment (available as Supplemental Data Set 2 online) was then used for a bootstrap test (1000 replicates, seed = 86,477) for phylogeny using the neighbor-joining method (Poisson correction, a complete deletion of the gaps). Shown is the bootstrap consensus tree in Supplemental Figure 9 online.

Accession Numbers

Sequence data from this article can be found in the Arabidopsis Genome Initiative or GenBank/EMBL databases under the following accession numbers: SCO3/QWRF1, At3g19570; QWRF2, At1g49890; QWRF3, At2g20815; QWRF4, At2g24070; QWRF5/EDE1, At2g44190; QWRF6, At3g60000; QWRF7, At4g25190; QWRF8, At4g30710; and QWRF9, At5g43160. Furthermore, the protein data used for the QWRF protein family analysis are of the following proteins of other plant species: A7NU78, A7QL53, A7PFN8, A5AUO2, H5ASP7, A7QAR3, Q6K675, Q69P50, Q9AV13, Q75ID9, Q94HE4, Q339L2, Q6EN70, Q339L1, Q8H2N8, Q8W5H2, Q339L3, Q1EPE9, A9SPE9, A9TVI0, A9U2E5, and A9TVC6. Genes used for transcript analysis are as follows: LHCB1.2, At1g29920; LHCB1.5, At2g34420; LHCB2.4, AT3G27690; PORB, At4g27440; and rbcS/SSU, At1g67090. The accession number of the array data obtained for sco3-1/wild type is Albrecht_SCO3 in the publically available database of ArrayExpress (

Supplemental Data

The following materials are available in the online version of this article.

Supplementary Material

Supplemental Data


We thank Lily Shen from the electron microscopy unit, Australian National University Canberra, who helped with preparation of TEM samples, and Dierk Wanke and Joachim Kilian (Zentrum für Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen Tubingen), who helped with coregulated gene expression analyses. We also thank Brian Gunning for the help in interpreting the TEM pictures. The talin:GFP construct was generously provided by Adrienne Hardham and the cpTP:GFP by Spencer Whitney, Australian National University Canberra. This project received support from the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology (CE0561495).


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