The authors wishes to retract their manuscript entitled "Characterisation of 7q32 deletion of splenic marginal zone lymphoma demonstrates frequent miR-182 somatic mutations in a wide range of lymphoma subtypes” by Alan James Watkins, Rifat Hamoudi, Hongxiang Liu, Jianzhong Zhang, Laurence de Leval, Peter Isaacson, Andrew Wotherspoon, and Ming-Qing Du published by Haematologica on November 11, 2010 as doi:10.3324/haematol.2010.029181, after realising that the miR-182mutation (rs76481776) could also occur as a SNP. The authors concerns that the current discussion on miR-182 mutation in lymphoma may be misleading and would like to review their data and revise the discussion.
This article must therefore be considered as retracted.
Haematologica Production Office