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. 2010 Nov 17;36(1):19–28. doi: 10.1159/000321712

Table 2.

Details of included studies

Source/condition Design Population/denominator Timescale Case ascertainment method Diagnostic method Outcome Potential bias/methodological limitations
Abhinav etal. (2007) [1] ALS Population-based study of incidence and prevalence South East London boroughs (Lambeth, South-wark, Lewisham, Bexley, Greenwich, Bromley), Brighton and Hove, East Sussex, and Kent; population of 2,890,482 based on 2001 census (excluding population under 15 years of age) Incidence between January 1, 2002, and June 30, 2006; prevalence on June 30,2006 SEALS registry used to identify cases since 1997; department general hospitals, neurology units checked; list of patients referred to healthcare professionals with suspected ALS assessed to ensure maximum ascertainment El Escorial criteria cases (suspected, possible, probable and definite); diagnosed by 2 consultant neurologists, and review of case notes to confirm diagnoses 138 incident cases during time period; 142 alive on point prevalence date; incidence of 1.06/100,000 person-years; prevalence of 4.91/100,000 Possibility of low levels of missed case ascertainment in elderly category where patients seen by geriatricians not covered by capture sources; however, ascertainment likely to be high due to multiple overlapping sources

Forbes etal. (2007) [2] ALS Population-based study of incidence Scotland; population estimated at 5,125,000 in mid-1994 Incidence from January 1,1989, to December 31, 1999 Cases identified from national register of MND since 1989; neuroreferrals, nurse specialist records, Scottish morbidity records and mortality coding checked to ensure maximum case ascertainment WFN criteria before 1994; El Escorial criteria after 1994; not specified which El Escorial categories included 1,226 incident cases; incidence of 2.4/100,000 person-years Estimated that 2.2% of patients went unobserved from the 2-source capture-recapture method; therefore, reported statistics possibly underestimated; inclusion of this estimate would increase incidence to 2.44/100,000 person-years

Johnston etal. (2006) [3] ALS Population-based study of incidence and prevalence London boroughs of Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham; population of approx. 615,040 based on Office for National Statistics Incidence from January 1,1997, to July 31, 2004; prevalence on July 31, 2004 Cases ascertained from the ALS ward and clinic, neurophysiology department and physiotherapy department at King's College Hospital; records from National Hospital, Queen Square, also assessed El Escorial criteria (suspected, possible, probable and definite cases); also assessed El Escorial definite and probable cases only, and the revised WFN criteria El Escorial criteria:
  • incidence of 1.20/100,000 person-years – prevalence of 4.06/100,000 definite/probable only:

  • incidence of 0.79/100,000 person-years – prevalence of 2.11/100,000 revised WFN criteria:

  • incidence of 1.07/100,000 person-years – prevalence of 3.74/100,000

Below-average proportion of elderly individuals in the population (5 vs. 7.6% national average) likely to result in lower incidence in population; however, this is a population trait rather than a methodological limitation

Mitchell etal. (1998) [4] ALS Population-based study of incidence Lancashire and South Cumbria; population of 1,473,153 based on 1991 census Incidence from January 1,1989, to December 31, 1993 Cases ascertained from clinical records at the Preston Department of Neurology and Neuro-physiology, and district general hospitals – these units cover the entire study catchment area; small numbers of patients living in study catchment ascertained from departments serving neighbouring catchments Detailed clinical assessment, full inpatient investigation including: EMG, nerve conduction, muscle biopsy, CT, myelography, CSF, immunoelectrophoresis, glucose tolerance and thyroid function; assessments made by at least 2 consultant neurologists before definitive diagnosis Incidence of 1.76/100,000 person-years Study did not use standardised diagnostic criteria as before El Escorial; however, extensive methods used in diagnosis; case ascertainment likely to be close to fully complete as study centres are English steering centres for European MND registry, which requires a 'true' population-based knowledge of all MND patients living in the catchment

James etal. (1994) [5] ALS Population-based study of prevalence South and Mid Glamorgan, and Gwent; population of 1,394,400 based on 1991 census Prevalence estimated on June 22,1992 Inpatient register at the department of neurology and GP registers within the catchment area WFN criteria (suspected, possible, probable and definite cases); WFN criteria definite and probable cases only also assessed Prevalence of 4.02/100,000 for all cases; prevalence of 2.73/100,000 for definite and probable cases at diagnosis None identified

ALS = Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; SEALS = South-East England Register for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; MND = motor neurone disease; GP = general practitioner; EMG = electromyography; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid.